HomeMy WebLinkAbout660 Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amend- ed Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Oo.unty. I New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on April 00, 1964, on the followJ.ng appeals : 7:30 P. M. (E.n.S.T.), upon appllca- tion of Walter Potocki, 252 Chestnut Avenue, East Meadow, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Artiole m, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permis- sion to place a double faced directional sign on property of C. W. Booth, south side Route 27A (North Road). opposite Kenney's Road in Southold. New York. 7:45 P. M. (E.n.S.T'), upon applica- tion of Wendell Tabor, Platt Road, Orient, New York. ale Russell Tabor & Sons, Piatt Roid, orient, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article X, Sec- tlon 1003A, for permission to renew, a farm labor camp permit granted June 6, 1963. Location of property: East side I Platt Road, Orient, New York, bounded north hy W. B. Karcher and V. T.. "Latham, east by R. W. Gillispie, south \1 by G. W. Hallock. west by Platt Road. 7 :50 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon apPlica-1 tion of Lloyd Terry, Main Road, Orient, New York, for a special exception in I accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1003A, for permis- sion to renew a farm labor camp per- mit granted May 23, 1963. Location of property: South side Main Road, Or- ient, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by S. Koroleski and R. & H. Latham, south by Long Beach Bay, west by MU>. E. W. Latham Eetates. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of Edw,ard L. Barnes, 303 East 65 street, New York 21, New York, ale Volney Righter and Wife, Fishers Island, New York for a variance in ac~ cordance rwith the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permission to build a private gar- age and guest quarters with insufficient setback for accessory building. Location of property: Block No. 39, Lot No.7, Fishers Island, New York, bounded. north by Fishers Island Sound, east by Edmond Carpenter, south ,by private road, west by Robert Leeson. 8:15 P. M. (E.n.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Fishers Island Farms, Inc.. Fishers Island, New. York, ale James H. Ackerman, Lake Wales, Florida, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article nI, section 300, Subsection 7, for permiSSion to in- stall a swimming pool in the side yard area. Location of property: South side East End Road, Fishers Island, New York, bounded north by private road, east by Suffolk County property. south by George E. Roosevelt, west by private road. 8:30 P. M. (KS.D.TJ, upon applica- tion of Conrad Russo, 185 N. Boston Avenue, N. Massapaqua, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 306, for permission to build on a lot with insufficient setback from the road. Location of property: Osprey Nest Hoad, Greenport, Map of Cleaves Point, Section 1, Lot No. 19. 8:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica~ tion of William Wickham, Mattltuck, Newl York, alc Martin Filla, Mattituck, New York for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 303, Article X, Section 1000A, for permi&sion to divide property set- ting aside a 50 ft. right-of-way. Loca- tion of property; Main Road, Matti- tuck, New York, bounded north by other land of Martin Filla., east by land of Martin Filla, south by Main Road, west by Bergen and other. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified, nA TEn: April 16, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of AnnPf.!,h: .~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK l ss I C. Whitney Booth, ) r., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at South old, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ................;;:.::../.....'.--.......,... weeks successively, commencing on the ..........._,;~......_,....::~.... day of ...... ( If' !,. ,.; _....~... ..'.C.. ..././....../., 1.9......... , , / ' .1 " , ,/ , I, , l I! i, /-/.1 :/ / L, Sworn to before me this ...... .......<~.t....l..........., 19.(,~../.. '-I I .... day of , / / . .~,J.'"..<;;-<t.....4,:.;i;;;y..p~~(.{/..~-k:,,(.:..... . '.I'i~ ') LlC'IAf.. Hot'.1;1 Notice of ..r109 ---- Pursuant to SecUon 267 of the '1'OWn Law and the .....,181ons of the AlMftded 81.11141oq Zone Or41nance of the '1'OWn of leuthold, Suffolk County. Ifew York. puJ>l1c h..r109s will be he14 by the Zon1ng Board of Appeals of the t'clwn of Southold, at the t'clwn Office. Main lload, Sout:hold, Hew York. on April 30. 1964, on the tollGW109 appeals. 7.30 P.M. (E.D.S.'l'.). upon appl1c:aUon of walter Potocki, 252 Cbest:nut: Avenue, aut Meadow, Hew YoJIk, fol' a speeial exception 1ft ac:cordaDc:e with the Zon1ng or41nanc4t, Art1c:le Ill, Sec:t:1on 300, Subsection 11. foI' pera1.s1on to place a 40Uble faced 41rec:t:ional s1gn on property of c. w. Booth, aouth aide Route 27A (lfOrth Road), OppotlU. Kenney's Road 1n SOUthold, lItew York. 7.45 P.M. (B.D.8.T.), upon appl1c:at1on of wendell Tabor, Platt Road, orient, lIIW York, a/e/Ru.s.ll '1'a);)or " Sona, Platt Road. Or1ellt. lIfew York, tor a speeial exception 1n aeeorclaru:. with the lIoninq Ord1nance, Artiel. X, 8ec:t:ion 1003A, for per- i ataal.on to renew a fam labor caJI,p pem1t qranted 3Une 6,1963. Loeat:1on of property. Baat aide Platt Road, Orient, ..", York, );)olmded north by W. B. Karcher and V. T. lAtham. .an by ll. W. GUU.pie. aouth by G.W. Hallook. weat: by PIaU Road. Legal Not.ice paS" -2- 7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.'1'. >. upon application of Lloyd '1'tIrry. Main Road. Orient. *""rol'k, for a Special exception in accordance with till Zoning orcUnance. Article x. Sect.ion 100311., for permi..ion to renew a farm lalHJr clllllp permit qrllnt.ed May 23. 1963. Locat10n of propertYI SOuth s148 Mil1n Road, Orient... New York, bounded north by Main Roa4. east by S. KOl'ole8lti and R. " N. Lathem. south by Long .each lIay, -.t by Mrs. B. w. Lath_ astat... 8, 00 P. M. (E. D. S. T. " upon appl1cat1oh of Edward L. aarn.., , 303 Illa.t 65 St.reet.ll New YOrk 21, .ew Yorlc, a/c Volney R1ghter and W1f., l'i.hers Island, New YOrk for a vaZ'iance 10 accordance with the Zoning Or41nance Article Ill, Section 300, SUb.secticn 7, for perm1.sion 'to bulld a pr1vat.e 9&1'a'1. and que.t quarters with 1nsufficient .etback for acce..ory bulld1nq. Locat1on of property. alock No. 39. Lot. NO.7, FUhers 1.1ud, New YOZlt, bounded north :by Fisners I81and Sound, ...t by EdItoru1 carpenter, .outh by pr1V1lt.e road, we.t by Robert Leeson. 811S P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of Pishers I.land l'a.l'lll8, In"., ":Laher. I.lane!, !few York, a/c J..s R. Ackerun, LaJte wale., Plorida, for a variance 1n accordance with the zon1ng Orcl1nance. Art.1cle III, Sect10n 300, Subsect.ion 7, tor permi..ion to 1nstall a .W>>IIIlJ.nq pool 1n the dde yard area. Locat1ol. of property. SOUth .:La aut End Road. Pi.her. 1.1and, H_ York, boun<iltd north by pr1vat.e react. east. by S~ffolk Coun~y property. .ou~h by George E. Rooaevelt. w..t by private. road. toe9.1 lfO't1c8 Pa9' -3- 8: 30 P. M. (E. D. ST.) , upon applicat:1on of Conrad 1\1,1880. le5 N. Boa'ton Av_ue. If. M..aapaqua. &_ Yos'll. for. varianc:. in ac:corclanc:e with the zoning OrdinDC:., ArUc:le III. S.ct:,ion 30~. for perm1e8ion t:o bul1d on a lot: with in8uft1C:1.at: a.tRek frOllll the road. LOc:&t:1on of propert:,YI oaprey H..t Road. Gre.aport, Map 0 f Cleave. POint:, Section 1, Lot Ho. 19. 8.45 P.M. (E...S.T.). upon application of W1111am Wi~.., Mat.t.ituek. Ill_ York, a/c Martin 1'111a, Mt.t1t.uek, H_YOrk for a variance in ac:c:orclanc:e w1th the Zonin9 Orelinanee Article Ill. Sec:t.ion 303. Art1c1e X. Sec:t1on lOOOA. for perm1eaion to divide property a.t.ting a.ide a 50ft. right-Of-way. Loc:aUon of propert:ys Main Road. Mat.t:ituek, 11_ York, !)oundec1 north lay other lAD4 of Martin 1'111a, eut. by lADd of Martin 1'11la. aouth :by M1n Road, _at: by .erqen and other. Any peraon dea1rinq t:o :be heard on the above applicat.ion. ahou14 appear at the U.. ADd place above apacified. DATED: Aprl1 16. 1964. By Or4e%' of the Southold '!'OWn BO&Z'4 of Appeala . ... ... . PLBASE PUBLISH OIICB. APRIL 23, 1964, AlII) .....ARJ) lIGHT (8) AJ'I'IDAVl'1'S OF POBLICATIC1f '1'0 'l'HB BOAIU) OF APnAldl. '1'OWIf OJ'I'ICa. MADt ROAD. SOUTHO.LD. 1llnf YOIU<. ... . ... ... . .~ q Legal _oUe. paq( -4- copi.. ..l1ed to the followiftcJ on Aprl1 20. 19641 The Loftg I.land '1'ra.eler-Matt1tuc1c.. Wa.-.'l walter P01:Odci wendell Tabor, a/e Ru..e11 '!'abol" .. Son. Lloyd '1'erry Edward L. aarne., a/e volney...... - legal notice sent t~ AZ'thu Lutzker Fiaber. Uland 'axu. Inc., ale J.... H. Ac:kerMn Conrad Ru.so wl111am Wil:lkhaal. a/e Hartin Pilla 'nMlrtwli! Atmm.n API'BM A.T '11IIII -"RDIG TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK y (Jd/ v'l) ~{if vij . APPEAL NO. '" Go. c~ DATE ...f..lL~.I.~.'l.... APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR - TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. 1, (W ....t.W.\~;u.{...:F.l.liU.................. ............. .of .. .... ..... ................................................................. Nome of Appellant Street and Number . .M..~1;.t. ~ :1;.~.C;:.;............ ..... ............ ............................ ....... ..... .. ~ ~~.. .x.9.~ ~.... :.HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ..................................................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Martin Filla ......................................................................... Name of Applicant for permit of ) ( ) (X) Mattituck New York .................................................................................................................................. Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY Permit to divide 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .....~a:i.n..JI,Qad.....Ma:li:!:;.i.t.)J,Q~.~..J1l:~......J.R.:r.l\:..................... Street Use District on Zoning Map Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (5) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III - Se~. 303 Article X - Sec. 1000A 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith {or (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 See. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has)~ been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that property and retain a Road and is farm. applicant wishes to sell the frontage on his frontage of 50 feet for access between Main Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practicol difficulties or unnecei- ~ sary HARDSHIP because applicant has contracted to sell most of his frontage to Josleph Neville and Anne Neville, his wife, but wishes to retain 50 feet on the westerly portion so that he may have a right of way to the remainder of his farm. If he were to retain a lot of 100 feet, 50 feet of which would be a right of way, he would be left with an undersized lot. On the other hand, he would not be able to retain 150 feet, 50 feet of which would be for a right of way, since that would not leave ample room for the lot being sold and he could not sell it under those circumstances. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because applicant's property is the only one in which a large farm is involved and to which he must hIve access. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the frontage :hi: being sold is 267 feet and the right of way would not interfere with it or neighboring properties and does not create any parcel with a frontage of less than 100 feet. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ..:l1/.Cf.d'~;z::;.......~~;................ ( Signature Sworn to this .......J9.~.Q,............................ day of..........4P~.:p,.................................. 19 64 / / . ..:!c:.:,,/.v..v.:w;.~.....:;.>_l-..l,.;.(.,....~ .."t....... !,!otary Public Ir; Martin S. 3025'[ /00.00' CD 50.58' . <t> ..., ~ u:o <t> (Jl :J IQ ~ N ..... 0 ~ 0 \Xl 00. !T1 0 5~0'~ ... :T <t> ..., '" I N (JI o 0_ ! N ~ (}1 50 sa' 8j N. 830 2500 W. ----- MAIN SURVEY FOR JOSEPH NEVI LLE a ANNE NEVI LLE MATTI TUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFF. CO., N. Y. GUARANTEED TO' INTER -COUNTY TITLE GUARANTY SCALE' I" = 40' llo MORTGAGE CO. JAN. 8,1964 FEB. 6,1964 MAR 16,1964 ~~3 PROFESS) GINE llo LAND SURVEY N.Y.S. IC.NO.1284!l RIVERHEAD, N.Y. Filla I~. "~W' \'// ~ I~ J I (. r.Ji.>!fl" <f7'r I , . , . \: - ~i: ': ~-:-:S-;----, ,;~ ., ROAD TITLE NO. S -161919 " /~ ot;. o 0 O.P O. "'" / I" .. ~ 1 - 267.57 - o ~ ~ -- oJ. -;0 o ...- ~ -(\ ~. -- -- " .A So ~. -- -- NOTE' . = MONUMENT