HomeMy WebLinkAbout704~CONWA¥~ z~_~JEROME .~_~._ Chestnut Road Southold, New York Aug. 20, 1964 Page 1 GRANTED permission to erect a building with insufficient setback on property S/S Chestnut Roadt So~thold, New York. " NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant t.o Section 267. of t.he Town Lay!" and the provisions of the amcnd- ed Building Z,one Ordinance of the T1:J'wn of Southq;ld, Suffolk Counlty. New York. public hearings will bf' hdn by the Zoning BOard of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold. Nc\\ York, on August 20, 1964, on the fol- lowing appeals; : "' ~i "",,,,-,,", "'J . .----..,.~~~ . ~ -. I' .'."1 ~ ~~:l'" pplica- Con-- New jl hest~ ! ~ for a . variance in accordance with the Zoning I Ordinance, Article ill, Section 304, for permission to erect a building with insufficient setback. Location of prop- erty: south side Chestnut Road, South- ,I old, New. York, bounded north by Chestnut Road, east by H. M. Conway, ' south by H: M. Conway, west by H.I ConwaY-F. Moffet. 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon a-pplica-: tion of Rosalie W. Lahmann, Railroad & McKay Avenues, Huntington Station, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permiSSion to locate a garage in the front yard area. Location of prop- erty: south west side Knollwood Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by H. Whalen-Knollwood Lane east and south by J. Delehanty, w~st by creek. I 8:00 P. M. (E.n.S.T'), upon applica- tion of Cora Glover, Main Road, I Southold, New York, for a variance in I accordance with the Zoning On:lin- i anee, Article III, Section 303, Article X, Section 1000A, for permiSSion to' divide and set off lot with insufficient frontage and area. Location of prop. I erty: s,outh side North Sea Drive., I Southold, New, York, bounded north' by North Sea Drive, east and south by other land of Cora Glover, west by Jose DePaz. I 8:30 P. M. (E.n.S.T.), upon applica- ; tion of The North Fork Baptist Church, Route 27A, Mattituck, New York, for recognition of access in accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of prop- erty: north wrest side Middle Road (CR 27A), and south east of private right-of-way, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private right-of-way, east by W. A. Kaiser, south by Middle Road (CR 27A), west by J. J. Haas. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: August 6, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn. soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice af which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...G;r.-;:!L?:-...(.),,/..... week! I -, ell successively, commencing on the ........... .....~).................... day of .......C:t.",L<'.-.:.~r~...;'........, 1 ;ft...y: '''... . . / /. ./ / ,; . / i {L(' ('- /,/ . / / / 'I ,."" I" f l I I ..............................v..~............/..."...._.............. ..... j . /-/ Sworn to before me thiS ......:....."...... /,.. - '.' . ",<' . .......c../'...e-Lf........' 19..kY (1- - ( .... day of " (. L' p I:. / ~ . ,', /. /~-~. .~- .......... ...i;:...{... ..<i.. .-t...... ....(.-<>A.:F.,..L........ Notary Public I :( x . (;..--) i I I I l J I ~ It"I_ -It.... "'C ....;:; Ul i i i I ; i i : ~ , I ri i I : t Ill~firil~ .1il~I';t J i I f J << I I ~ :' i I i I" l'fl! Illt11.: J I i Ii! I of" 1iflii ~ ( I r r i ~ ~ .. ~ Iii 5 I ~ ~ I'" t-~a il:[~ail~ ~ J ~ ~ i I. ." $;''' n . I. i= In''' r~Glft:ri"l~ ~n II! ~ i ~ I,. 2 .. i:'" "'C " ~ " .. I · I .. iii:il~t ~ i : I ! l J I ill:lll: I " I; I I I .frl::"I~J Iii "P . 0 N . 0 1J~lfil'" ... ~ f i i I f ! i I n I I (ri.lt.1 i"O"C I ! i i l ; .I:JII ~ ~ i = " f I .. : i i f i i : i t i t> I ~ f i ...... I It ,. r I · .... · f fJ It f 0 j : ; i I f I f I ~ I ; I i ~ 1 ~ I i I I , . ~ \ ....... ~11 J- .... -2- ."". ..00 P... €S.n.s.'!'.). .... .....U...... 0' c::.... .~. Main It.... IOutho14. ... ... .... ftlr'--n 1ft HI U ...... with tbe lIalIa1ll9 Or",."""._. ArtJe1e :IU. .eet.... )0). ~1.e.1. x. seou.n lOOOA. foz ........... \0 4t.1Ae and ..... off let: with __lIte...t fnIItUp and..... LooaU_ o~ ""1 InrI aaut.h .1Ae IIWtlb sea D...1..., l..tihoJ... ..., ~. It...de4 DCW'tb Illy "'U- $. 1>&'1.... .... Del ....At. Illy ftIIw 1..... of c.... G1wQ. -.t Illy Joe. I1TJlie. 8110 P.... (B.O.I.'I'.). ~ QPlieaUce Of.... IIOZ'tb 1'U'k 8al*1et C:hunb. It.. 27A. _"it... ... YW:IIIk. ..... n....lt..... Of lICCIieaII 1n &"Ull--_ wlt.ll tM !!Jute of ... ~ .,..,. Law. s..uc. .GA. :t.oeau. of ...,any, DCW'tb -.t .14e "t...u. .oa4 (CJl 27.\). u4 aaut.h ...t of ...1ftte ...i9bt..........r. ,.,u . ...~. IIDlIIllI.. DOJ.'tb JIy ,..1ftta "'i.9bt..."""-F. ..., JIy 1f..\. ICe........ Mat.ll JIy M14G. ...4 (CIt 27A). ....t ..,. J. J. .... Aar ~ ...u...... \0 1M Mud _ tbe IIJII'ft QP11c:a'1OR. .....1. .PlIU at the tiM ..... p1aee IIJI.... ....11..... ~"'I A....t 6. 11... ar t *' ., t.lla ''''14 'l'Wft ..... of 'II' 'Ile . . . PS.BAn fVN,IIN <*I:a, AUCIW,. U. U......, l'<lIlIWUl) l'l\IB (5) AJ'I'JJaVI'l'IS OF ,.,..JeA'f1Ql YO ....... lMM.IU> or lnBALl, 'l'<lIInr OI"I'XX, MAD ItCllU). lJOV'I'JIJOLD. 111M Yatk. cop1eia _Ue4 \0 tM 1011__ .. Aupft 7. 1IMI .... ..... 1111... ~tt1tec1k waw " GOt....... IIUU"" .d C:~... ./0 J. ('_Y. h. ...aU. lif. t...'" m. c.... 01..... 'l'Itoe ..... I'CIIdt 8QtUt C~_ .'lJ..~~ ~ AIJIIIAIl M' ~ _.al!.~ - .. F ? CL<-.!? f:y-:, </2 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. 1u1 ~ r, I:: Ie; (,.'t DATE .l:7.{.A..I1.."".~....\...... TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. G .'"]:>- d r- AlI C.Oi'U.LJi'l1 - c 1, (We) .... - .Qj"u::5.l'Y.\.ID:t....u1. :':-....f)"'l>,C..&.....of ...................r.t\fl.lI.).........L.................................. Name of Appellant Street and Number ................ .~.9..~.D:\O.\'-" iJ.......................................... ............ Municipality ..........N...~I..........HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................. DATED ......4'!v.'\...:3..:...!!l6.t........... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO GO.,>.D.5. m.lm. .-:B.\-'.4\:t..CP..'().~.L.J;:r-r....... .'%,....;r.. CO" L01~ LI Name of Applicant far permit of (. ) ( ) ~__. i. /~ L~ 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ..C.l:l.E:S.I.N.U.T:.....~Qf.\D..................::B::...D.0.t~.!~:r............ Street Use District on Zoning Map ..... .D:l.f.l!.O......~r.,......................... ..~Q.\J.T:\'.\(;>..,.,.o................. ....N...~.L.................... Street ond Number Municipolity State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY .. W.E?' :r:.h('\N. D................... .(.u.Nt.l~~D..).......... Map No. Lot No. 50WlTI-\C>\..D 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) _Brl. 11/ S'EC 304 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for DO A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Lows Art. 16 See. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such eppeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and wos made in Appeal No. ...............................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinonce ( ) is requested for the reoson that 'DUE: HOUSE A+ /1'+'" Ow nt2l:s 0AC:K REG U 1-...fiT10N 13~/. o tiHe: do-us e TC' REVEESlrlG Tl-IG. ~t...I~N D~IHE ReQL/EST, wG 1(.. INCH b:S i)u~ , VIOL.AT12.D jI-1E 5t:1- 1V A )'0(; ON THE' FKonl' >> Form ZBl (Continue on other side) r----.. Iq ! ,,- REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- saryHARDSHIPbecause 11 LU6L'l--O ;r~~U.Il~Y KEQUIIZt US TO ,')'l C> U G 1I-1l'" HOUSE BACK. ll,. 'f\C HE'S "10 CIYVY\!>k'l lLltm DiGSe, GAC'l(. iCUh\V)(:',il-liS 2RRot:.. l-0"s I/Ol .tCO'''D U,'IDL lIil" It01.Xil=- lU."IS nl':=-I"l"l..~ CO~"!)kEIFD,AND I~I THis POI fiT il l~?C'l?~,O IncuRIL COn SIOE1(~,-E e-x.,PENsl; TrJ """()\) E \ r 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because IN h.f.\'-{IV\<) DO, T1-I E. l-\ousE A-I\D RGUERSlV\G, 'TCie OLA.V\ iT \'V)1.5TAKE' uJ",S VY\~D(; 1~5 Tb WI; \CH coe 1/\0 oJ:. 11-1 E' 130 l.h.ol VlG W 1\5 TO f3F \-....AIO our f-RDW\. :I:N OOLV\G THis WE UIO/..f\f"'E'K) TIlE Sf', BAC.lc... RUI-I fIb I)V I b I VI C.H<=5. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because I1-lERE ARt=' HDU~ES kDCl1lC ()toj CHESTNOi 'i?d. wl-llCH "JX:, NOT I-tAu/? THE RI:T('~\)IR.F-O ""5P, gACK. ONi=" !iOVSF Bel r'\(~ ~ (' .. tRo\"-\ THE P w PEiC"t"y klN~ ,~C> (..., THE' 01l-lER BE'.''\<;' APPk'r!l. /<,.. f/?ET rm>l .11-\ to PeDPF*Tlj Li ~,t= . ?'OTl-f ot '11-10 St: tK( 'i)L'" s BIi':E C>N 'tHE' Sfl/1Jl= SI/)E" Or T7-1t:-- f4 f'LJ THE Hov~,c::- IN C~U0~nO\.j STATE OF NEW /ORK ) ~s O,(~.J!....:f(.....~d..@1..fI.?;..(!-!.p).... COUNTY OF .->>L.<ff<' ~ Ie (/ Signature -71. ~. Sworn to this .............'::j......:~.................. day Of............?f:.c..~k~r............. 19 64-j' ./ . .) ...~ . . /. ILL-- r '~';;':9f'~\.~'~'~';~"p~~i~""""''''''';r:~:':'. . NOTARY P 110. snZ33 Term ExPMes 1,;"r";:1 ___, l k . . 3. Nature of work (check which applicoble): New Building..........~Addition . ..................Alterotion .................... Repair ....................Removal ............... ...Demolition............ ........Other Work (Describe) .................... Estimated Cost... I:. .t,);faI.(l.,..~... ........ .................... Fee ...~/.4..f.ir!.. ...... ........ ...... ........ .... .... ................................. (to be paid on filing this opplication) If dwelling, number of dwelling units. .../...................Number of dwelling units on each floor........I.................. If garage, number of cars. .....h.ad&..~.......... ........ ..................... ............. ............................................................ If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify noture and extent of each type of use.............................. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ....... .....H............. Rear. Height ....................... ....Number of Stones .... . Depth ............................ .............................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions. Front Rear ........ Depth .......... Height . Number ot StorIes 8 Front ..1(::l '" .. / , /).?'. Depth ~.(../,..w. ..........Name of Former Owner f.. , Depth ....V............... Dimensions of entire new ClJllst"-lJction , Height .....Ir Rear "'1--' .':~.. NlJ,.--"bcr of Stories 9 10. Size of lot Front Date af Purchase! ';,z. Rear 11. Zone or use dlstrKt In #tJlch premises are situated ....... 12 13. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ...~ Name of Owner 01 premlseve.~.il1lE....(.k71.'!./'" ...Address .A~.'h(:..."-'.k..............Phone NO.I......... Name of Architect Name of Controctor.G.<'~.ff~o.t..~J..d.~lln!J.r-.ddress~"Jt:rZima.a.J.r;:Idl....Phone Add ress ....Phone NO. ........ NO~..~.~. ~'t Lt PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly 011 buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-bock dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or COrner lot r I O-Oc e,c, \1(><.',,> , , r~ .~('. \ }. I I I 1~_-'y-'" r,~ ~-~--- t\:.."r-,o t r'f'C._J?~:.r<t't __ &...1 (lE _ _. C#~.':>n"t..'r ,i?(), STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ) S S ) d/,~.<:({l) (~"~/-11.ll!:tq. (Name of Individual SIgning application) above named. He IS theCC:N.r.;e<".t'"...e1~... .... .... being dul~ ;worn, deposes and says that he is the oppkant (Contractor, agent. corporate officer, etc.) QT Suld owner Or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or hove performed the said work and to make and tilt;' thiS Q()plicatlon that 011 statements contained in this appli cation ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and .hot the work will be performed in the manner set fort h in the application filed t~....ewith --; swor~ l~ befOre~~ t:;S)/>r;t';_l: 1 ~~{t'NOTA'Y ,~::~,~~~i~~tu~~~=)<-( A - FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No.... ....... .............. .............................. Date.. ..... .. A\l.Kl,l~:t....3.... 19.9.':1-.. To .G.old.$Il1:l...tb Build.ing. .&..Construetion Ine AlA Jerome Conway Jr Southold ................. ...,..... .... ... ............. ................ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ........ ........29........May............ 19.64.. for permit to construct .......dwe.lling .... at the premises located at .............Chestnut. road Street Southold, N.Y. Map............~...... ........B1oek .......~.... ....Lot. ...~.............................is ~disapproved on the folIowinv ground' .......$etbaell:..ot...bu:l..lding . ..i.s. .not... as... on.. .applica t1on,.... ..Insu,:fie1ent. ..se.tback.. Lf t--------- ......~~.............. Building Inspector )C.t August 21, 1964 Mr. Alfred H. Goldsmith Goldsmith Building & Const, Co. Southold, New York Dear Mr. Goldsmith: In reference to your appeal #704 to the Board of Appeals, this is to advise you that the Board approved your application for a variance on property located south side Chestnut Road, Southold, New York. The formal form of approval on this variance will be sent within two weeks. Very truly yours, Barbara L. Carroza, Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals