HomeMy WebLinkAbout624 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Bearing pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the p.rovisions of the Amended Building ZOne Or- dinance of the Town of SOuthold Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zon- Ing Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold at the Town Office I , Main Road, SOuthold, New 'Y'ork, -on Jan,.. U1ary 9, ,1964, on the fOlllOW-1 ing lappeallS: , 7:30 PM. (E.S.T.l, upon appli- cation of mwood L. Mantz and Alita L. Martz, 46-04 245 Street, Douglaston, New York, for recog- nition of ,aceess In Il.COOrdance with state of New York Town lJaw, Sec- Itlon 2BOA. Location Q! property: prl'Mte rlghJt-of-way ,known ,as uSunset Lane". sourbh side Bayview Road, Southold, New York. Plrop- erty bounded nor1lh by JIaIIld of D>ckerson, elIlSt by "cedar BelllCh Park", SOUtth by Little PieIc01li.c Bay, and west by lant of Mills ,and liand of TurMr. I 7:415 P.M. (E.s.T.l, upon a.ppll ! caMan of Andrew J. Qa.mpbell, 125 Front street, Greenport, NIeW, York, for a special exception in acCQtdance with the Zonlng Or- dlna.1lU, Articlie lV, Section 400,! Subilootlon 9, for permlsslon to use' the ,property as a public garage ,and car sales lot. Location of property: south side WMt Front street (Route 251 Otreenport, New "l1iork, bounded north by W1eSt Front street, east by Giovanelli ',and Schultz, and Robert :Brown, i south by Long IsIlla>d Railroad, and west ,by S. Van Sclver. Any person d~g to be heard on the above a.ppllcatlons should appear a.t the time and place above ,specified. DATI!lD: Decembler 19, 1963, By Order of the Southold Town : Board of Appea.\ll. 11027 I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 } ss: J f...f;."C",~.~!tcY<..J!:.+.\..j..:V.~_~.. n n'" being duly Sworn. says that nn .hJ~nn'.. is Printer and Publisher of the SID'FOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for nm(:J.L&... week4 :::C::Slve~~c:::e,:~:~~n"t~e~9~~(V~L~Tn~,l".~4~ , J~"~~'-"':'n~","'-"""''''=' Sworn to before me this ...]}.I,./L....... : ,..... .' G'.......... day of .. ..,& ':c~;2.."'cdr9'" 19~..2. r ) ;'l~~:;~ d~ ,,'. \'/1>': r t i:,~w York HHAI,y i'l l,\.\ U'lty (,il' t'." .." i) Connui~l,;ionE~;;,i,.'--..-;:L'( 30.196 L( r .,;. I'd, I TOWN OF SOUTHOID, NEW l"ORK APPLICATION FOR SPIDCIAL EXCiEPI'IiC)iN APPLICATION NO.(/,;(tj DATE ."~?i.;!}:/.2';...... TO 'rHE ZON:NG BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) .....!'.1.. ..'4':~~:J...,....<::.~Pl:>.~>l:J, .." ..""......."..."...."".".. of "........"J.G.5.....F!::9.nt.....s.k.e..e.:L........................."...............................".. Name street and Number Greenoort .......................................................................................... Municipality .............~9..!'....I(J.!:l,c.................".".. ............."....."......................"".......... State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance' wUh the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE J:Jl SECTION /-.{ ('I () SUlBSIDCTION 7 THE SPElCIALEXCEPTlON IS REQUES'rnD BECAUSE To<rm of Southold, New York It is my undf'xstanding that ~his form ZB2 must be submitted in making application for a exception of a business location. Having just purchased the property on West Front Street, Greenport, New York knovm as the E. E. Johnson building, it is my intention to utili7.e this property for the display and sale of new and used cars. Due to the fact there is a repair shop on one side of me and Hulse Service Garage across the street I was 1lllder the impression that this property was al- ready in the sa.me category. Upon talking to Miss Bokin, I found that an ap,olica- tion \"'1i:.':"5 in order. At a later date I intend to put up a garage in back of the present building for the re,:Je.ir and servicing of cars and trucks. STA'rn OF N~ YORK )) ss ..."..".".......U<k.~...~aeL...."".. OOUNTY OFOCt.~.fOII<-) S'f1/e ,/.Ii:.=:" Sworn to this ....""L..~... .......... day of ..".....t9"..~"CC,......, 19.. .6....:2... ......~....~.........".."........"...."...... Notary Public ELOISE BOWDEN Notlfty Public, Sta~r>lt New York Residing in S'J:10;1\ County No. 52-L':,G7800_ My Corrn::",;'Yl F"p'c~ :"~{lfrh 3(\. J:1 ~ FORM ZB2 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of southold, at the Town Office, Main Road. Southold, New York, on January 9, 1964. ii on the following appeals: i I) !! 7: 30 P.M. (E. S. T. ), upon application of Elwood L. Martz ii F I' and Alita L. Martz, 46-04 245 street, Douglaston, New York, for J " II !! recognition of access in accordance with state of New York Town il i: Law, Section 280A. Location of property: private right-of-way ii II known as "Sunset Lane". south side Bayview Road. Southold, New York. Property bounded north by land of Dickerson, east by )i II " "Cedar Beach park", south by Little peconic Bay, and west by land of Mills and land of Turner. 7:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Andrew J. campbell. 125 Front Street, GreenpoEt. New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to use the property as a publiC garage and car sales lot. Location of property: south side west Front Street (Route 25), Greenport, New York, bounded north by west Front street, east by Giovanelli and Schultz, and Robert Brown, south by Long Island Railroad, and west by S. Van Sciver. page 2 - Legal Notice Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place &Dove specified. DATED: December 19, 1963. By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE. DECEMBER 27. 1963. AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS. SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK. * * * Copies mailed to the fOllowing on December 20. 1963: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck watchman Schiffmacher & Roehfa: d. ale Elwood L. & Alita L. Martz Andrew J. campbell SOMl!:_q,m SHO~ AP~AR AT T.HE HE~ January 10, 1964 MIl. Andrew J. Campbell 125 Front Street Greenport, New York Dear Mr. Campbell: The hearing- upon your Appeal No. 624 for a special exception to use your property on the south side of west Front street, Greenport, as a public qarag-e and car sales lot has been recessed to 9:00 ?~., Thursday, January 23, 1964. It 18 the opinion of the Board tha t the operator of a public g-arag-e and car sales lot should be present at the hearing- as there are a number of questions the Board would like to aSK. Very truly yours, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals.