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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrailer Permits JUDITH T. TO'WN [:LEGISTRAR OF 'VITAL STATISTICS Ag_ARRIAGE OJ~'FICER RECORDS NIA_N'AGEbfF. NT FREEDOM OF INFOPJC_ATION OFFICER Town I~Iall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, l~ew York 11971 Fax (516) 76~-I82S Telephone (~I6) 765-1800 OFFICE OF TlqrE, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTPtOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RE~OLUTION ~rAS ADOPTI=~ BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR ~IFW1-1NG HE~I D ON DEC:EMBER Z3. ~g96: ' RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the fol:[owin9 amended Policy Regarding Trailer Permits. effective immediately: POLICY REGARDING TRAILER PERMITS WHEREAS, Section 100-239.2 cf the South, cid Town Code au~cdzes the Town Board to issue pe,'Tnits for an at,~omobite trailer CF house car7, and WHEREAS, the proliferation cf these troffers is not encouracjed, and {s Re polio/ of the Town Board to issue such permits only ucon an adequate showing cf necessity and hardship, subject, to suc,h condftions retatincj to permit term and use as the Board ~hatl deem appropriate; now: bherefore, be it RESOLVED Lhat the Town Board hereby determines that the foilowing are approprTa[e reasons for ~ssuance of a traiier permit !. Use of the trailer by a watchman fn order to ensure the secu~ty of a sfte. 'Fnere should be no renu collected in association with su~n a use. T'ne ·, cT _, .~s~cr7 ~r ~ecunw violations cn sfte necessitate a watchman on site. 2. Use ¢ the trailer as tem~:crsp/housing durt.:nc~ the ccns"d"~cdcn cr rebuilding cf a residential · ~, = - ~uc,,,r_. ~.e pe.,,' snail only be issued fcr the serica necessary, to effe~ bhe recair. %'~e acciican~ shall oresent =,; =,-,-~ ' ouzicimc~ ce,,-m,,it and an esdma.:ec ccns~c,ficn sc,~ecu~ c. 3. Use of the traiIer has existed pdcr to the adopticn of the code in 1957. The applicant shall provide evidenc~ ,'.hat the traiier has been on-site and used since 1957 or eartier. 4. Use of the trailer for seasonal ~rm laborer housing. %ne p~it shail be issued for this limited purpose and will be discontinued if the need for housing decreases. The applicant shall provide e¥idenca of need, avaitabiiity of existing housing, and other reJevant information. 5. Use of the trailer for residential purposes, under a previoust¥ issued permit, a,ffer destruction of the trailer by an Act, of Ged, if the of the traiIer is consistent with the chara~er of ;;he neighborhood. The Town Board may impose other conditions on permits, as it deems nec.~=ssap/, based on the facts associated with the individual applications. Judith T. Terry Southoid To~n Clerk Dec~mber 2q.. 1996