HomeMy WebLinkAbout5170 ��- • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ;II®�off®Q , • ���Off' � Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ���� - �� 53095 Main Road Lydia A.Tortora t P.O. Box 1179 George Horning P �� Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva ®Q��� ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando ---70z V," Telephone (631)765-1809 ''� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION io 90 e& MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 2002 IV Ay 2 2003 Appl. No. 5170 - FOTIOS and FOTINI KIKIRAS Property Location: 150 Windward Road, Orient; Parcel 1000-19-1-12.1. AuuE , ,; ,, SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 1.49-acre parcel has a frontage of feet along the north side of the Main Road in Orient. The property is improved with a one-story frame house set back 72+- feet from the road and 100+- feet from the west side property line. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's April 15, 2001 Notice of Disapproval, citing Section 100-33, in its denial of a building permit application for the location of an as-built accessory (auto shelter) structure in a front yard location, for the reason the code requires a rear yard location. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on September 19, 2002, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicants request approval of the front yard location of the "as built" 18' x 24' accessory structure as a temporary shelter for their automobile. The structure is located along the driveway 25 feet from the front property line and 85+- feet from the easterly side property line, as shown on the applicant's copy of a survey with sketch. The structure is 8 ft. high. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Applicants own a lot of 1.459 acres, improved with a one-story dwelling an attached garage. The applicants have applied for a variance to permit an "as built" accessory structure in the front yard until a permanent structure can be built. Applicants maintain that the temporary structure cannot be placed in the rear yard due to the windy conditions in Orient. a, Page 2—October 17,2002 • Appl.No.5170—F.and F.Kikiras 19-1-12.1 at Orient 2. The code does not allow accessory structures to be built in the front yard in the AC, R80, R120, R200, R400 zone districts. 3. Applicants maintain they do not have the financial resources to build a permanent structure at this time. 4. Neighbors of Mr. Kikiras did testify that the structure was an eyesore to them especially in the Winter when the leaves were gone. 5. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if the temporary structure is replaced by a permanent structure in the near future. There was indication of displeasure by neighbors in looking at the structure. The applicants indicated that the structure was needed to house two or more classic vehicles, but gave no indication other than financial reasons why a more permanent structure couldn't be built in a conforming location. 6. The benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. Accessory structures are allowed in restricted front yard locations under Section 100-33C for properties on the bay, sound or estuary. This property is not on the water, and there is a large rear yard available for a conforming location. 7. The relief requested by applicants is substantial, representing a 100% variance from the code requirement. 8. The difficulty has been self-created. There was a misunderstanding regarding the applicants' problem, however, the zoning code can be complied with if the structure were placed in a conforming location. 9. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that the proposed additions will have an adverse impact on physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Goehringer, seconded by Member Orlando, and duly carried, to GRANT a temporary location with the CONDITION that the variance for the "as built" structure will expire December 31, 2003, with ten (10) days to remove the structure. 0 • Page 3—October 17,2002 Appl.No.5170—F.and F.Kikiras 19-1-12.1 at Orient This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addr-.- -• in i ctio . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehr ger, Horning, . d Orlando. a, . •er Tortora. (Absent was Member Oliva.) T is Resolution „-s du y adop -1) irGoehringer–Appro d for _ ' pg — ��� �... • I,�• ® ISjFFQ`1° o I ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE 11 �t; Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS 147 Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER /�s � �� Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =-_�®� �®'ir Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �,rir southoldtown.northfork.net yes.. .� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: June 13, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5170 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5170—Mr &Mrs Kikiras -Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is a letter from the Kikiras', two letters from the Goranitis,notice of disapproval, ZBA questionnaire, an applicant transactional disclosure form, a survey, and plans. lb 410 • II NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002L at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as may be possible): 7:00 pm Appl. No. 5170 - FOTIOS and FOTINI KIKIRAS. This is a request for a Variance under Section 100-33, based on the Building Department's April 15, 2001 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built accessory (auto shelter) structure in a front yard location rather than a rear yard, at 150 Windward Road, Orient; Parcel 1000-19-1-12.1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desiring to be heard at the hearing, or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of this hearing. This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review at the Town Hall (between 8 and 3 p.m.) If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: August 30, 2002. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 oa (u, Zoos-F r /tell � a� �1`u--(� �' � ( , ;������ �� �`0��� �� ��,'�, / / l FORM NO. 3f� �;4 (I cl Acka_c.1 7L P/1-; -v �` OR 117 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL pp DATE April 15, 2001 TO: Fotios Kikiras 150 Windward Rd. Orient,NY 11957 Please take notice that your application dated October 4, 2001 For permit for an"as built" accessory structure at Location of property 150 Windward Rd., Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The accessory structure is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-33,which states, "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." The accessory structure is located in the front yard. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. w AC ' V S r`For Office Use Only: Fee$ '\ ` Assigned No. 5' d 15u.-- 6/702 9 TOWN OF S•UTHOLD, NEW YORK �c' 1 C5acoC �� 1�' � ,— ' APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR �' Pr us ' DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPE LED:=-m� --u.•..j. "...' ibt,, F1, TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 1 We !1M 1 Mies 1,60.,8 /fts ' 6figiMesx,' /A/6 ( ) Tglpelr,t� , of ,"--P0-4-1309( , 9i= ow r y' (Tel # 6t3 32-3 3)3('� ) HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATEJ� 1� :`:�/.fpY1/ cl WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED..0C.�.tt.'':.�/."'.J4.WFOR: ( ) Permit to Build ( ) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use (Vj Permit for As-Built ( ) Other: 1. Location of Property I5Q Wil\IP WQ124) i.bhNtIVT ?T1 I Zone District 1000 Section....lq...Block..l...Lot(s) 12:1 Current Owner.G%Ali ..N...... 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) Article ...3... Section 100- .33 Sub-Section 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: (.4 A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Article Section 100- ( ) Reversal or Other: 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal .(fi•a.)) (has not been made with respect to this property or with respect to this decision of the Bui -'• - -spector(Appeal # Year ) REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with applicant's signature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (62c1- 1Q---- 'C'Ai2--- (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to n,&r by properties, if granted, because: (2) The benefit sougni- by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: (3) The amount of relief rewr .sted is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or ' environmental conditions in w: e• neighborhood or district because: • (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ') No. 5- jd , � This is the MINIMUM that is r= pcessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of thu neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the com unity. Check this box if USE VARIANCE STANDARDS are co pleted and att. -d. V L I�%�/moi, • Sworn to before a this ( natu of Appellant • •ut•'•�•razed Agent) ?`day of .. 2009-, (Agent must submit A ori ation from Owner) 2Not ry Public ZBA A ;(''' 8/00I JOYCE M.WILKINS Notary Public,State of New York I No.4952246,Suffolk County Term Expires June 1Z, QOM i o _ �., z .,, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD . OWNER STREET /50 VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT a ----c-c; • -:. \, k ,..s .. . WI IndWard ed___ L e . '-‘ill''' 7)CSQ,_ , FORMER OWNER E 1 y ACR. W L TYPE OF BUILDING .� _. iyr,:..List " l.,.:...d _ LID r = t RES. j/0 SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value ' - ND I IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS I 0 0 9 a i MEM A. ,,, . ,y. -) z.._,- / 6 00 0 ILALMLLIP m 0 . IWf 6 10 8' .. . - '`5 T.rc,-k 0 --A \e..)e .!e -If<� III`! ,°r, a c.., ..a_.6) ,2 cp-e..) ..5-0-c, P4* WHIZ! 7 .7 - , 4r9 .' a 9e".. A r_,, Ye vt-t ttri-tokY --1-‘,M,Iii ' p rt 4' a 4-"‘ Pe 4P-)e- .. r . 0 V / ,/56 00 Lig e o 6 ! 00 7 /0 2 7( /4////79 601.0 43400o '"2-17. 2•11"6 ® FS/7LL0 L gP4/4 ®® AGE �� . :UILDI� CO � CONDITION a ® .. co_ 5 2v , "lvy f11 g.: �) I_ ilt1� �I I� (0-�"1 I �� � ti � 6, R. I 1�� 3�NORMAL (�n�ELOWREv 2/A 6 /� FARM Acre Value Per Valu n 2-\.00 ••11tDt a-4 87,gkcirk. 2/ co T;11-'s�e 1 11 T.1:.,�:'s 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER Z6 Z(47 Brushland ) FRONTAGE ON ROAD A ; p� I 4_71..e./._. House Plot DEPTH Ali- .270 J BULKHEAD Total DOCK (P nom, ik...- •••••. . MEMiiiiii iiiiiiiii...i fitsG,--;1002'6 ,0 4 / / .ifewg7f..."%z4;4#40 \ .4 COLOR 11111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '• / */ 11Y-4'. 2t-pl-tr(f- ,A , , ./ 7z4,4*•:-.4,tp4,„„Aol \' t.:., _ -' ..., ,/ ,,,,,fp-___„..40,.4. • ,-1;q: 'Xe-,1? 111IIII 11111111111111111111 v:•. 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'•: �. .:. -_,z ,__= _.._ ,:-. j 5, • -Gu_ranteas Indic:09d heison i shell rant - • rea In }�•e '1 G `/`t L�°' Vole, _ f / • oni�to the person for whom the surveil - - - yam.-.= _ ( • 7 - ki.repared,and on h!e behalf to the ',' k _.-_ _ ,- - . -__ _-. _ --• tit',,company.governmental agency and ! .. - --._.--__--_.. _.__.�.w _ -- - - lending institution listed hereon and - to me assignees of the lending insti- - - •ttf n.Guarantees are not transferabl ` • i .. ' • .... „ ' e, . .*-- to edditlonel institutions or subsequent o'M')ers. ,. 1.----..... .. 4 " _- - - .... .... .r-•-+.....mow.,...-•�"".'"b" ' r �- `e. I-, ., ,. _.` -i s•,'•� -d ___ ~�I ,•I. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A.Tortora Southold, NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando Tel. (631) 765-1809 James Dinizio, Jr. Fax 765-9064 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 12, 2004 To: Mr. and Mrs. James Goranitis 150 Windward Road Orient, NY 11957 Mr. and Mrs. F. Kikiras 150 Windward Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: ZBA Decision #5170 — Conditions of Variance (Kirkiras) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kikiras, and Mr. and Mrs. Goranitis: This 'is sent as a reminder that the temporary shelter was required under the Board's Resolution adopted October 17, 2002, to be removed not later than January 10, 2004. The shelter remains. Please make arrangements to conform to the Board's decision. Thank you. Very truly yours, Ruth D. Oliva Chairwoman End. (copy of 10/17/02 decision) Copy also mailed to: Mr. and Mrs. F. Kikiras 25-06 4th St. Astoria, NY 11103 •• II A� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK / .1/5/1C-U�� r91 ,��l gb 1tS4414:1 ROBERT U GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 9, 2003 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Kirkiras, Fotios and Fotini 5170 White, R and L 5214 Woodhouse, John and Jerilyn 5218 Sprint Spectrum LLP (Orient Congregational Church) 5224 Dickerson, Charlotte 5256* North Fork Bank 5277 Fishers Island Club 5290 Burns, Philip and Joyce 5297 Dinizio, Paul 5299 Chin,Nancy 5312 Kalogeras, George and Stella 5320 *Alternative relief appears warranted,particularly as set forth by the ZBA. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G.Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G 1CCHORNYIZONING\ZONING\WORKING\LD20031JUN\SD5170 JUN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H LEE DENNISON BLDG. -4T1-I FLOOR ■ P 0 BOX 61 00 ■ (5 I 6) 853-5 190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 I 6) 853-4044 /fir �e Water 0 �® �.,, 6106:\ Southold Town Hall APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS a, ,., �' - , . "k 53095 Main Road Ruth D. Oliva, Chainvoman ++ _., " x : i, d• Gerard P. Goehringertr4 .` r n ; P.O. Box 1179 -`-`� " Lydia A. Tortora Southold,NY 11971-0959 Tel. (631) 765-1809 Vincent Orlando : ^ . yj 4e ��s! James Dinizio,Jr. = �� A Fax (631)765-9064 soo http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 2004 Mr. Edward Forrester Code Enforcement Office Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: 19-1-12.1 (Kilciras Property) Dear Mr. Forrester: Your review and enforcement steps regarding the enclosed possible violation of ZBA conditions is requested. Thank you. Very truly yours, Ruth D. Oliva Enols. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS e� �®$�ff0`�C 0"1:0° ® Southold Town Hall Lydia A.Tortora, Chairwoman � c 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer ; _ ; P.O. Box 1179 George Horning V1412 .F�� Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva =�* �®��d ZBA Fax (631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando - ._ " �''� Telephone (631)765-1809 ,�� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 2, 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Fotios Kikiras 150 Windward Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: Appl. No. 5170 —Variance Determination Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kikiras: Enclosed please find a copy of the Board's determination granting a temporary variance regarding your application for the auto shelter structure. Please be sure to follow-up with the Building Department for the next step in the zoning review and application process. A building permit and possibly other agency approvals may be necessary. Please contact the Building Department directly for the final zoning reviews. Thank you. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure Extra Copy on 5/2/03 to: Building Department May 27, 2003 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P. O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. 5170 — Fotios and Fotini Kikiras Action Requested: "As-built" accessory structure in front yard. Within 500 feet of: ( X ) State or County Road ( ) Waterway (Bay, Sound or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, LAT:pq Lydia A. Tortora, Chairwoman Enc. Southold Zoning Board of Appeals .r ,s ) lb \,1., /„3 FORM NO. 3 6 ^� NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL "/ DATE: April 15, 2001 TO: Fotios Kikiras 150 Windward Rd. Orient,NY 11957 1 Please take notice that your application dated October 4, 2001 For permit for an "as built" accessory structure at Location of property 150 Windward Rd., Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The accessory structure is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-33, which states, "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." The accessory structure is located in the front yard. N 0 Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. r ° - 1' -•.•-•• —,..,.._•,-•• (!'r - i i .Y •—` - .;-.: - ;,Y. • 7:r-to=C.- �' tie »�.•. . r. , e �7 • ..' - • -311- ,. .:,,,._.„...,,,.......,.. •,......„? ,......„.,,,, ,y • • - • ,_ r : _ . • » , v '"V ' ., '��.: , ; " F • 7-i NY , 1 AIL? Fo• _ rios ; '/k l AS- .: y -. _ _ ,'• . '` ' �/ 9 = - ,;."-' Z" . \ .. • , .,, ,_ . : ;., ' s., _.„ • �c{i ... 1 �"bi '•erg, - -f..4-.1: - . T ' r •' - t r e r" ` . •' : . .. ,„ _ ' C' L‘,....„‘„i i ; - - . . . ,.... , . ' °":. • . 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So.:lon 7%�9of the New.York to e'4' .f s - �•• r#- :tit�-,f. +' r}L?,. • - c,�,rc rr re Ea;cation Law, _ l • U" �/�, COplt 6�fttis @llNQt►fi10!!Prdd b09T�fIQ s bi, u V lhs land survaycd8 irtke�seal os —? �^` _ . ____c'41: .- 1 : , _ .... . . . .. +d� / V _ _. _ eml, aed seal shaft noL 6a0anscdsreld r �'� 4�}v '' TM----:''. ,g,.._:,: Gi _ �,3�1 :`'�, �i_. . ,.,, . .. ,..„ } : „ � W. U Gn ratites9l tridre> hereon slsaff writ' :, y, L ` J �f . , , _ . . . .. . ,'oni t to tfia person for wham the survey` p' '/l• �° :. '" _. • " - . . .....‘. , __ . _ . _... . .. = fs�rcpared,and on his beheff to the - ," f - ` -it company,governmental agency and ^: _ lvr 91ng institution listed hereon and ' - r; ti; • - • __to itie assignees of the lending Insti. - - r.. • ' • - • --" ', ,`tu;[�n.Guarantees are not transferable - • - --• - - , ' r a '- = -_ - - - to ndditionel institutions or subsequent • ' - ' - ; " avv lets _ , I u ,>.r .,pP) Ab/ ,D\‘ )7D ,/ J., 1J„,_ aor 5 61141fl FAX COVER CHEET FAX NO. 631 765 1823 1st Oct. 2002 RE: KIKIRAS #5170 To whom it may concern. We are faxing through a copy of a letter that was delivered in person to the ZBA office earlier today. This copy has been altered to enlarge the font size so as to make it easier to read. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on: 631 323 3869. Thank-you. Kikiras family PAGES 1 OF 3 • ■ : ■ ■ ■ ■ TO 39dd OBOE ELIESZL8IL 617:8T Z90Z/ZZ/60 �U Mr. Chairman, Gerard Goehringer ZBA Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Tuesday 1st October, 2002 Mr & Mrs Kikiras 150 Windward Rd Orient Point, NY 11957 0 © RE: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE #5170 KIKIRAS Hg Dear Mr Chairman, Gerard Goehringer We are writing to you regarding our application to the ZBA for variance on an exist- ing temporary structure. Further to the hearing that took place on the 19th September, 2002 and the follow up phone call from the ZBA, we have been advised that we have been granted eleven months to relocate the temporary structure from its existing location. We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention certain details before the hearing on October 3rd. In order to relocate the structure to the side or rear of the house we would first need to repair the 2 antique cars so as to make them mobile. Then part of the land- scape would need to paved to give access to the rear of the house and then put down a concrete slabibase to rest the cars and structure. The only other solution that we have is to build something of a more permanent nature, i.e an extension to the garage or a separate garage in the back. All of these options posses a certain expense. To accomplish something of this nature would be impossible for the family within the 11 months allocated. Mr Chairman, we know that it may not seem as an overbearing expense to relocate the structure in the back but we would like at this time to disclose some information to you in confidence so as to provide a clearer picture as to the personal and eco- nomic hardship that we are currently facing. The family bought this house twenty years ago with a mortgage. At the present time • 30 30 d OSOS ELTE93L8TL 647:81 3003/33!60 Y the bank owns the house for the second time in twenty years. There are two mort- gages currently owing on the house totaling $75,000. To add to the economic hard- ship we are also facing a personal hardship, our fathers ill health. Several years ago hospitalization and treatment required that we mortgage the house. To add to the existing difficulties, next week our father has to be admitted into hospital again, his health has has been deteriorating and now he is loosing blood internally. As of yet we don't know how or why he is loosing blood, further testing and hospitalization is required to determine the cause and severity of his condition. Our parents are 58 & 66 yrs old and our mother is working to pay off the mortgage and we their children are doing everything we can to help. We, their children have been living out here permanently for the last 2 years and in that time we have managed to replace the roof. We repaired the bathroom. The old well had dried up several years ago, there was no water pressure at the house so we installed a new well to provide the house with water. The roof, bathroom, and well were changed in the last year, for the first time in 20yrs that the family has owned the house. Some of the problems that we are expecting to encounter in the coming year involve the burner/boiler and the cesspool. The burner is definitely on its way out, the last couple of years we have had it break down repeatedly and "Burt's Reliable" have pointed out to us that it would soon need replacing, it has deteriorated severely. We have been informed that we are looking at about $3,500 - $4,000 to replace the burner. The cesspool has started to back flow everynow and then and we are also aware that this needs to be replaced. Both the burner and the cesspool are the orig- inal units to the house when it was built (about 40yrs ago). Mr Chairman, we ask you to kindly reconsider the time allotted to us in order to relocate the temporary structure. We hope, that by sharing this personal information with you we are able to broaden your understanding of the difficulties that we face at the present time. There is no one who wants their house to look beautiful more than we do, however we are faced with difficult times right now and I am certain that they will pass. We are trying hard, all we are asking for is a little more time to get back on our feet as a family. Enclosed you will find two copies of the mortgages that are owing on the house. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on (631) 323 3869. Thank-you. Yours truly 0 Kikiras family encl.. CO 30Vd OBOE ELTE93L8TL 6V:8T Z00Z/ZZ/60 • 5 ®2 P . Y ) pi. l P- ✓ Mr.Chairman,Gerard Goehringer ZBA Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Tuesday 1st October,2002 Mr&Mrs Kikiras 150 Windward Rd Orient Point,NY 11957 RE:APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE#5170 KIKIRAS Dear Mr Chairman,Gerard Goehringer We are writing to you regarding our application to the ZBA for variance on an existing temporary structure. Further to the hearing that took place on the 19th September,2002 and the follow up phone call from the ZBA,we have been advised that we have been granted eleven months to relocate the temporary structure from its existing location We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention certain details before the hearing on October 3rd. In order to relocate the structure to the side or rear of the house we would first need to repair the 2 antique cars so as to make them mobile.Then part of the landscape would need to paved to give access to the rear of the house and then put down a concrete slab/base to rest the cars and structure.The only other solution that we have is to build something of a more permanent nature,i.e an extension to the garage or a separate garage in the back.All of these options posses a certain expense.To accomplish something of this nature would be impossible for the family within the 11 months allocated. Mr Chairman,we know that it may not seem as an overbearing expense to relocate the structure in the back but we would like at this time to disclose some information to you in confidence so as to provide a clearer picture as to the personal and economic hardship that we are currently facing. The family bought this house twenty years ago with a mortgage.At the present time the bank owns the house for the second time in twenty years.There are two mortgages currently owing on the house totaling$75,000. To add to the economic hardship we are also facing a personal hardship,our fathers ill health.Several years ago hospitalization and treatment required that we mortgage the house.To add to the existing difficulties,next week our father has to be admitted into hospital again,his health has has been deteriorating and now he is loosing blood internally. As of yet we don't know how or why he is loosing blood,further testing and hospitalization is required to determine the cause and severity of his condition. Our parents are 58&66 yrs old and our mother is working to pay off the mortgage and we their children are doing everything we can to help. We,their children have been living out here permanently for the last 2 years and in that time we have managed to replace the roof.We repaired the bathroom.The old well had dried up several years ago,there was no water pressure at the house so we installed a new well to provide the house with water.The roof,bathroom,and well were changed in the last year,for the first time in 20yrs that the family has owned the house. Some of the problems that we are expecting to encounter in the coming year involve the bumer/boiler and the cesspool.The burner is definitely on its way out,the last couple of years we have had it break down repeatedly and"Burt's Reliable"have pointed out to us that it would soon need replacing,it has deteriorated severely. We have been informed that we are looking at about$3,500-$4,000 to replace the burner.The cesspool has started to back flow every now and then and we are also aware that this needs to be replaced.Both the burner and the cesspool are the original units to the house when it was built(about 40yrs ago). Mr Chairman,we ask you to kindly reconsider the time allotted to us in order to relocate the temporary structure.We hope,that by sharing this personal information with you we are able to broaden your understanding of the difficulties that we face at the present time.There is no one who wants their house to look beautiful more than we do,however we are faced with difficult times right now and I am certain that they will pass We are trying hard,all we are asking for is a little more time to get back on our feet as a family Enclosed you will find 2 copies of the mortgages that are owing on the house.If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on(631)323 3869.Thank-you. Yours truly Kikiras family end.. • • ` MONTHLY MORTGAGE STATEMENT • _ Number 0241577 HSBC a.r''`a Statement D..te 06/19/2002 IDue Date._ 07/01/2002 -- Inti. PriPrint:, It Balance $35,510.90 Current In . I I . 7.750004 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Current Escrow 1. $1,090.53 Home: 516-323-3869 Escrow Overdr+..i. $.00 Work. 212-717-6623 Unapplied Funu.t4al.. $.00 Current P.ynl,.i A i $970.15 Delinquent P .... l $.00 FOTIOS KIKIRAS FOTINI KIKIRAS Unpaid Lace Char I. .r $.00 25-06 47TH ST APT3—A 6414 Unpt aid Other Fee,1 i $.00 ASTORIA NY 11103-1100 TOTALAMOUNTi' E: - $978.45 lurllrrrllrralill Ilserrllurillluallurlrlerirlurlarll Year to Date Pi incipal Paid. $2,809.61 Year to Date Taxes Paid $1,48a.24 Year to Date Interest Paid $1,430.81 *Please refer to M.,i. .ge Interest Stan.,::.,ti a:u:n ,January for IRS re' ting information. _ _J PROPERTY ADDRESS: 33-195 MS EtOH TRANSACTION ACTIVITY SINCE LAST STATEMENT Due Total Late Charges Other/Optional Uneppltud Date Date Description Received Interest Principal Escrow end Other Fees Products Funds 06-17 06-02 PAT $978.63 $231.98 $608.09 $338.38 { PAYMENT #0029415772 $978. 45 5032 01 46114 12:229:50 07/15:'2002 SHANK you Detach at perforation and return payment coupon with payment 0 Sovereign Bank. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS OPN-5029655611 X STATEMENT PERIOD FROM THROUGH 5-19-021 6-18-02 PAGE 1 OF 2 PHOTIOS KIKIRAS FOTINI KIKIRAS + 3 25-06 47TH ST ASTORIA, NY 11103-1100 YOU HAVE MANY GOALS--FULFILL THEM ALL BY USING YOUR SOVEREIGN BANK EQUITY LINE. CONSOLIDATE HIGH-RATE DEBT, EKE A DREAM VACATION OR PAY THOSE EDUCATION EXPENSES. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. WE CAN HELP WITH ALL YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS. CALL US TODAY AT 1-877-768-2265. AVAILABLE PAYMENT MINIMUM LINE AMOUNT CURRENT BALANCE CREDIT DUE DATE PAYMENT .00 40,234.85 .00 7-13-02 335.29 ACCOUNT/PAYMENT INFORMATION NAME PHOTIOS KIKIRAS INTEREST PAID THIS YEAR 1 ,015.93 BALANCE SUMMARY STATEMENT PERIOD 5-19-02 THROUGH 6-18-02 BEGINNING BALANCE 40,834.85 + ADVANCES .00 - PAYMENTS RECEIVED 600.00 + INSURANCE PREMIUMSfS) .00 ***FINANCE CHEIVED ARGE* **H -18-02 163.81 ENDING BALANCE 40,398.66 0 TRANSACTION ACTIVITY SINCE YOUR LAST STATEMENT "E --._�_,-----ROS+-IN6 EFFECTIVE -- DATE DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 5 6-14-02 6-14- 02 BEGINNING 600.Q0 40,234 .85 TO PRINCIPAL 439.8 TO **FINANCE CHARGE** 160 15 6-18-02 ENDING PRINCIPAL 40,234.85 Eg DIRECT SOVEREIGN BANK TELEPHONE: INQUIRIES TO: P.O. BOX 12646 MAILODE: 10-421-CN2 877-768-2265 READING PA 19612-2646 (1503;3250 . ilk - . • 4 ,. . i.. do "-F-3,.,,',,. ` y ppY a fid. !( J • c•4sy .! ''';,),'"""^ -rS ":.:'''''.:,..,..4.„::-...,17'....;.--1..*..j f� . � / S ...'-emsx`� . {� ?. ,t i ii .. ':"S i i6 l « J 49:447.1.,••...1:, 'i a• ♦' >- ` $ 4 t Ia4r I ,„."e-4... lii, I/ t. • nom_ Yom, . .,. - j- PPI ISG. Peter K ugeutakiS 590 Windward Road Orient, NY 11957 September 19th, 2002 RE: 150 WINDWARD ROAD Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in regard to the existing structure in question located on Mr &Mrs Kikiras' property. Being that I am unable to attend tonight's hearing I would like to state that I have no objection to its existence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 718 627 7780. Thank-you. Yours truly t9f) 1 'cl dEo :at ao ST alas Fouad George Maaiki 32300 Main Road Orient,NY 11957 P4) • ' )C V_ September 19,2002 To Whom It May Concern: I reside across the street from Mr. and Mrs.Kikiras of 150 Windward Lane/Main Road, Orient,New York. I have no objection to their temporary accessory structure (carport)located on their driveway. I may be reached at my home phone number 323-1294 for further information. Sincerely, po,w,12,01 -190.0,0k 21° Fouad George Maaiki Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 6th June 2002 Mr & Mrs.James D. & Maria E. Goranitis2- r-`1` do Mr &Mrs Fotios & Fotini Kikiras 150 Windward Road Orient Point, New York 11957 RE: ZBA Variance application, 150 Windward Road, Orient Point, NY 11957 (County Tax Map No.1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1) Dear Sir/ Madam, We are writing to you concerning our application of variance to the ZBA. We would like to submit a description of the covering"structure" that is situated on our blacktop driveway. It is a covering structure that is made of aluminum hollow pipes tied together with bolts to form a peak style/tent like covering.This metal structure is covered with a waterproof synthetic material to protect against the harsh weather elements (wind, rain, snow, salt, sun e.t.c). Dimensions: 18 ft across/wide 24 ft long 8 ft tall. (from ground to peak) Location: It is located on top of a blacktop driveway. By looking at the survey supplied it is in that section where there is an indentation in the driveway. You should be able to see a small section (square area) that is part of the driveway (slightly shaded and marked with an asterix on the survey). It is in this area that our cars are permanently parked and hence where the covering structure sits. Along with this brief description, we are attatching some literature on the covering structure where you will be better able to see what it looks like. We hope it is of some assistance to you. P N y f f' If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank-you. Yours truly, D 11 `` f � V ,,,,,,e_ 0 2a12- r James A. Goranitis Mrs Maria E. Kikiras Goranitis „ ,,t,..,-..,..cam.. '•”' !` ...a, •rot's :. %? i s - .�,.e :.:!^ .t",l,y',K;.•,✓i. i�i.' /.,. A>)-`:s �r .,.. `. f.--- e./-` ,-.., 01-/:-.44's1 /'-, .v'Y:�i , .. -4 _ais Ec ucl. ��:;. `aF;, ,-f%' -- 5��'%C ,... /� ,.N/�IIsHZP/Lr.:ri7.%<. ,.a3 S �,,� ''�"' .wy.: i,y v: "iSa � i:;:>, ,.tY��,/. > �'Y^:. •b-� ,y.:5 -..,.SY^b • • .�yy,` .(....G:-, .,.�,�. b,°7 Yo j4" .tt;: .d,. p. b>': ..t, " '; .. ..5;�;,�'� y-� j/s> .�: .. k'. " �.F>. „t-.., r\^:. :t"i � i?F �-� i�`: . /.1Q5SSsyo` '�i //t °k y wk _ •� _5 ' ,x: voy7',:,5.S9v, �. q,. oGa a: :off' k „ ?s r / , `. Y i ii% �✓. . 10. .f � 2 • � � 18 r � xY f b • t '' ��. �, ff i civ' �1p- f�.l !�[� tt a uLj rw. i vT iui2ecQria xi ften ion Customers *III- N-....oVia°..M:,,.: :• " /'},,Cs2r t.7„:,,..,:ii,-. ____3- 11111We would greatly appreciate a picture of your Cover-!t Shelter covering your car, truck, � boat, motorcycle, snowmobile, greenhouse, plane, R.V., pool, construction site, etc- and .. - - \ �— ''' '' AEI ■ especially something interesting and unique you feel is resourceful and useful that is - ..'-: - `'� lirz;, =. not on our current brochure. Here are Some examples of recent customer photos that a,;° we really love and currently use tit cra ?s` f t dill: v f If we use your PHOTO in our literatureEll E •-7 al ill: , ,...„..„— - • , N. or advertisingwe will first ask your :'�ill: `' `�"- ^' -: • ,` f •�. s. !� �.'r•!�i-J.PIL [f�f.:t ✓.✓__• i.:' �C�:'!Z IL =i•_�wc • t permission and the negative to the ► / r� ,: FiRr. ." IriOd, s 'all ii , photo(s) and then . or ,,g ' PAY YOU $50.00 . a • ,vwye;'{�¢� ga,r,eg,3vey,�.,'-jwx ,< a 3' �, _ a.Vim " ` Kr h�``4;•' '> is j; M.r ��,`"�> saa ;.ctt utr,o�-0-".'- .,� ;< y;•�':- !R ^�C'`,i rx :x;:'3.x<;%h?G�:Er,��Wit, JYa ,< afkg, a < ,eft tt? F�'w•' ' v s 3v �' fs'l E £ r k`: ;E �f p . i y, : :.A r'jC 0. '�G'i r � r <: � '.MSa,:Y Yv) 4 �,�`:. '¢ 'S'I�y .l�S <� 5 'C t'65'4:,'101.4:, t ;. .y `AYr � ,.r4• - 'i '; 6 :1 ». Lt a a N:.,} '�3. .,-''irag , , rS L �y Sal > .yc'E'<"'` :�" !v � pq. rs s�:`' - �p.a�.,.,,,4. r 'f Yt. . '' __ , 751 �* , ..... w Ess Roll-U Door Kit `^sf: ',;,-0,,, c+s�°�cx < � :n£'�f -.:9' g�2' YDS rj r R &$'*, s.: r5'a' "< M�'ti 'fix' J• ° � . . 9 '+74' •� r•'.�' '` o:4 ''.a, 'k ga, 34` � '•" _ ���'9<x � L � i.�T ■t+;r,�•'roY Via. } �v 3 Fir.41 ::„ —i� s" v 3�Ei`. gel k :y,i r. R !:-,,,,,c,,, <#t"<. —E hi? •,‘..44,,,,,.:: 4 < x'"``<' ° w' .. .} cr. Detall E -,,.''• t .:li " 'c�AA r ,gyCi3 x a L '•1 �- 0 ` �.k '� INSTRUCTIONS !, s , 3" S ya''< aS '3.'<S •- w r�> _ �-.r a. < < - ' ." }`. ted'+..• iS <, ^}'F NSA.$ '}r,.a,.e f! Yf pp�^�+ ail or C - �' ',- ''. 11 -.0,,,,,,, w•.,�, 1-98 fS ..xaY, 7- vs <+. V•„' I Fyal k Srqw I I. I 4,..¢ � k: ' .w SS I .w 4 o Cut Slit uey _ I i ° ''' t P Roe U and tie � i ': I ° °` rope a gk,,, Detail A •�<`•s �,,r„ r < t.4L Rope = I I ; V } 9 throughit a. _ I I f ,* f� Pulley o « I «: • Screw 71: . ° I I Cleat to ��• tS o i - p , ° I a Pipe yrYF`. :` A; aa". :. i through E<^ a Installing N °' a N = N �" _ Cover ands° Installing j• o 1. ° Y ° 2.. Roll—Up • Roll—Up Door I I -w Material Door on > on INSIDE - �' Detail D I _ I w� E OUTSIDE �— ' 1 I of Shelter - ``-- � _ .>� , ;�' o=' Detail B of Shelter �_ ' Detail C • Kit may be Installed on either Outside or Inside of your shelter KIT CONTANS: 1• Adjust the two pipes that slide into one another to the size of your door same position on the inside of the shelter on the door just above the welded in 2 f alleys between the zippers.Screw to secure,then fill the pipes with sand for weight and rope.You may hang pulley here.See Detail E insert black plugs provided and slide the pipe into the botom pocket on the door. 5. Pass that rope from the knot down under the door and back up to the pulley. - 1 Roll of Rope 2. Decide which side of the shelter to attached the cleat.Place it vertically and See Detail D.Do this for both sides -2 plugs screw it to pipe through material.This will also determine how long you cut the .. 6. On the side opposite to the cleat bring rope across the door to the other pulley 1 Cleat rope for the opposite side See Detail A.You need to provide enough rope so that and pass it through that pulley also. 3 Screws it may stretch across the door and also be able to bepulled to tie to cleat. , 7, You should now have two pieces of rope hanging on the same.side'of the shelter 2 Pipes in which one 3. FOR INSTALLATION OUTSIDE-11/2 feet in from zipper,Cut a slit in the . as the cleat' - - slides into the other Cover outside just above the welded in rope.See Detail B.Do this for both8. Start up the rolling process around the y t, --• � ,< 1 Scvew Bit zippers.Tie rope supplied in a knot around the welded in rope.Do this for both pipe and pull the ropes like you would a '- .=-:,;‹,-...-:- ...- READ DIRECTIONS slits you will have two separate ropes.You may also hang pulley here. window shade and secure to the cleat at ;r" ,. • ...> I 4. FOR INSTALLATION INSIDE-1 .1/2 feet in from zipper Cut a slit in the any height you desire. Y°K ,� '. •} `% ,{ , COMPLETELY I3EFORE Cover outside just above the welded in roe.See Detail B•Do this for both • -7•,,,,,.91,44., 4 • ' BEGINNING zippers.Tie rope supplied in a knot around the welded in rope.Do this for each .' slit.you will have two separate ropes.See Detail C.Now also cut a slit in the Enjoy your Cover-It Easy Roll-Up Door! s • 4 .., • -- DID YOU REMEMBER TO ORDER YOUR ,..g. Easy,Roll-Up-----Door-mi LTM weert'-'4„-Stat t -, ,,- ---,,,-,`-'''.."04,,,,, •,t,c '-',4-t„,. San* -!,,•:;,"?-r '" , ,t0.„4 * .{ ,% ,'' 4 14f; ZOC,..,,*,: :V:77,i ,('''t,i ) ,'`v- 13--1-1•!Isys„stfilsb,. , ta , , 4;4.--"ft---- - - ,'- ';'45;.17.-„,f 0 Stops in Any Position '44'.*.-• '‘z:`.:',.,f?ft— ,.. . ,,;,.„ .:._7 -... .,- ,'* as • -' ,•-.. tg-----\ •-.74,.•0•t-,, - • • ,, ,t44 ;,•-„,--,••••s4.,, -,,,A,.- ?„ ,. —",,,,-•--44,-,,,,,7,- 1 •aik,‘„sz 4 f...:-...•„,..,r,,,4-,•ri ' •::. tt.;•-'''ssis°-r'sr-'A'-'''' C***4'''' :s'stts„st;.,.:is,,ls,7.--,,--,,,viov.,,,, • •v, 4—L., ,iit . '',..77Z4, „7.,,,,77.7 ..... -,...A k-A ,i I,‘..i,..! ',v--- , 4 4' t(7last., . ss,-- sss -V1-31,14:' u•s.'- .. - s 444.1.4&fp , its- Y, -Oss`,,siss • Works on All Shelters If • Simple 10 Minute Installation OnlY • Locks in any Position • Door Rolls Inside or Outside $3999 and LOOKS GREAT! ------ . . _ ... . • . . Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/13/02 Receipt#: 10857 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $150.00 Check#: 10857 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Kikiras, Fotini P 0 Box 306 Orient, NY 11957 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:56727 j; ir_.c,c eL, , fo z 3;n Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 3rd June 2002 Mr &Mrs. Fotios & Fotini Kikiras 150 Windward Road Orient Point, New York 11957 RE: ZBA Variance application, 150 Windward Road, Orient Point, NY 11957 (County Tax Map No.1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1) Dear Sir/ Madam, We are writing to you concerning our application of variance to the ZBA. We as the owners of the property at 150 Windward Road, Orient Point, NY 11957 wish to make clear that our children Maria E. Kikiras Goranitis and James Dimitri Goranitis are currently permanently residing at the above mentioned address. CGc,- -i 5 )(? We herby give them authority to act as our agents regarding all matters concerning the application of variance to the ZBA.Thank-you. Yours truly, 64 fr - Mr Fotios Kikiras Mrs Fotini Kikiras Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 6th June 2002 40 Mr &Mrs.James D. & Maria E. Goranitis Q� do Mr &Mrs Fotios &Fotini Kikiras / 4, 150 Windward Road Orient Point, New York 11957 !V- RE: ZBA Variance application, 150 Windward Road, Orient Point, NY 11957 (County Tax Map No.1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1) Dear Sir/ Madam, We are writing to you concerning our application of variance to the ZBA. Below you will find a series of reasons for the requested area variance. (1)An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, ifgranted, because: We believe that there will be no undesirable changes to the character of the neighborhood or to any nearby properties because "the structure" is a tent like carport cover that sits on top of an already pre- existing blacktop driveway and its purpose is to cover and protect 2 automobiles that are parked on the driveway. Our drive way and hence this covering is situated some 90 feet from the nearest property line and over 100 feet from any neighboring household. It is also set back off the main road. (The exact location of the "structure" may be determined from the survey map that was submitted along with this application). The natural surroundings have not been in anyway altered.There are trees bushes and flowers that sur- round the driveway that have been there for 20 years. No landscaping was done, no trees were destroyed and none of the natural environment in the area was sacrificed. As a matter of fact our intentions, if the application of variance is granted, is to completely close off and surround it with more bushes and trees and vines. The covering sits on top of our driveway and its presence has in no way affected the natural surround- ings of the neighborhood. In fact it is not out of the usual to find such a covering in and around our neighborhood. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than the area variance, because: It would not be feasible for us to pursuit any other method at this point in time because the driveway i A is the only location where we are able to permanently park our cars. If we were to move everything to another location it would mean that additional concrete would have to be poured which not only adds to the economic hardship but also takes away from the natural beauty of the landscape. We would also like to stress that where the driveway is located now it is the most shielded area from the winter ele- ments. It would be unsuitable for the covering"structure" to be located in any other area due to the fact that around the back of the house and along the sides of the house there are wide open spaces that are exposed to severe winds, especially in the winter months and that would mean that the material that the covering is made off would certainly be torn to shreds.The only other way we could move everything would be to build a permanent structure like a shed and that would mean a loss or natural environment (trees, bushes, flowers, fruit trees, vegetable garden e.t.c) and also economic hardship. (3) The amount of relief requested in not substantial because: The amount of relief requested is not substantial because we have not altered or affected any of the natural surroundings or characteristics of the area. It is a temporary structure with no foundations that sits on top of our driveway to house and protect our cars that in the last two years that they have been exposed have really taken a beating by the weather. At this stage it would be financially impossible for us to build anything of a permanent nature on some other location of our land. It wouldn't make sense to steal some of the land to pour concrete and put up a covering for cars when we already have an area like this in existence. (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental condition in the neighborhood or district because: It will not have an adverse affect on the physical or environmental condition of the neighborhood because in putting up the covering on our driveway we have not in anyway altered the natural beauty of the land. We have not changed or altered he environment. It's just something to protect our cars that are parked on the driveway,which without this protection will certainly deteriorate. (5)Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? The weather and our location is a real problem for us and we can not see where else we can move everything without sacrificing some of the natural beauty of the land and at the same time burdening ourselves financially. We already have an existing driveway which is situated in a position that is shielded the most from the winter elements-(surrounded by tall trees on the east and west sides , our house to the north and the neighbors house to the south). The current location is most suitable. If you have any further questions or if we have unintentionally omitted any relevant information please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank-you. N � � Yours truly, 061 oz Mr James D. Goranitis Mrs Maria E. Kikiras Goranitis , r, v QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. ) P? Awn Q5 KIK Kits r 0wrl y0 X112% Fo'ffN1 yIIC1YZ S - ou, VR_ B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes (\,/ } No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there/any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes {s/} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? No 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map snhmitted with this application? 0/pc 3 . Is the property bulkhe ded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? On 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determinatibn of jurisdiction? NIA E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? M.(1 , (If not applicable, state "N.A. ") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? NID.JF If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at f-hic time concerning your premises? 1\1'0 If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? NO If yes, please explain where or submit copies • of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel HG N1 S. and proposed use HoM P 07- r9un - AM/ Au�• .r Signature and Date 3/87, 10/901k FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: April 15, 2001 TO: Fotios Kikiras 150 Windward Rd. Orient,NY 11957 Please take notice that your application dated October 4, 2001 For permit for an"as built" accessory structure at Location of property 150 Windward Rd., Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 19 Block 1 Lot 12.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The accessory structure is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-33, which states, "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120,R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." The accessory structure is located in the front yard. 4111111 Authorized Signa re Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. _ '..,.1.'' g�k'' •.tea» g 0 •°r" . . : , 4-- ti,,<if , -A.-) ..-I• 4.7 . �. , ,_-,--- �u> • y, `�,`nom r47 '/4'�",,,- : 'i rz r�` , ,, ,„4,- ..7, \ i,,,,----b .\\ . fs 2 ��^ _ yily\ • ( a i f!t „,„...-----17„v," 40 Iif `'i / ' ' \%\' I. ' \ t i .2 :, ' 1 i \ ; . . ON \ , - , 1 1 t , ,,..::. , ,., ._ , ,..I''' ',44',\ . , ' . fi F E .t4". ; i)t't •= J ! ^�.�,.�-tier 4`p eC iii°' i�'..4;7:r5; f ;' et p-/P?_ f F,•� a P."ad t. 'e ,,= 1 cc• t S I - . 'i„z... '�" '�'� _ rj pyp.F Sof"}rY' 6i.'&aP �•'ty"it-;:i''iod+"F S ,,,+tt"^�. --Foyov 3` , _ ' s t'+i 1 b ^ fir } 'day f`t✓F i-''' .5;,;(• • " ' y"�x `. , w f. k11" ��k . i cir,'a ,04.5„ 1� �. d ' ��^.,fi ^I}� t &�a f i oaf` },a i.rgF» J a /sem F kl E , ,i:4?P ;' st i12;4 ;t y-'Sr„ . � . •,.. f.::„--fr:4.,,6 .6' e lk X i , . ,.- . .14: i i =3; f f seg `'" a , 11H` t .� 2 E . L: s' l; n 4 ic ` E I ..•rt.ij--_ - , • �4,• {{' �'f I j`` �„if:,.k - - !_„ `,L�;f f°'**+".' `�`'7,4;k';�}...;.Ep ^J" '# f .'� ..:g:, t'� }'•�'r Ft."r'.r�P -' =Yt �I t'� `� .,;? } � �,��" i �1 • j yry _1 /ems ,� ,...#1 7 , �r ,44, , J � E i • , _.: '/ ""' rem, YI °w ,6 ✓ -•y1 t.! � `:, �^'fza� t & : !t' ,...),-*-141 )L #° / £ 1 f ��^� ,_- , . _y..__.,. , _,_ ", ir�4;r,ahc�nzeti aiteratiorF or•addition , , .ss# f c -' .'-Jf it s^aTJRfey[iS a iPi0i8t10n O t + ,�r .if ��^°' {f, r �' f f_ L�'} lass`. x c i 1. &coon 72f i.of the Piety York Stott) ,if e-4� f.;' ro 4-.sz,,.' r�ir, Pv l ' - ...._ --- f.,+e`",f ce'-`E ..____.� - Education LAW. _ .r,'.T'_ • CAI.?; Copleo cf this survey map r searing ' A , "_ the land survaYerlsirdori saai cc ` M A f .1 / C embossed seal shelf not i 'arttfiiaiati @ f es' dam{ C > ' a, 1 l �" I t®be a valid irti®.colt. :. Ale' � / --/.„..':).2r Gueranteesir`ldicatsdheisenthellOat =.. . r' t r `C�}' ` "`"" "' is to the persona for sham the the • ' is prepared,and on his behalf t®the title eamaa Y.governmental agency and - - - -- . ,__-._.„ ._ _:--- --- --,r- '-- "- _�."_-_. , !ending instittttio liistedhereonand , - - - ! to the assignees the lending Insti- tution.Guarantees are not transferable , • , ' to additional irlstitutione or suineguent - .,..,.,,.,....- ..-,...,---,..�..».— - . -- ......._....�._.... ,, ",... ..,..-..�...w.n.�.,..*�,..,--.. ,.0.,..,w.a.....»....�... .-. a'owners, <�,�+•w070.4: a.,., ----,.,..s:.,,m.,a;s.--;,,., '—ri>q.l.= , -1-- •.,,.A,,.,�-- . .— e*4.._.----"---.,.f.w,--•-we","„r".A-,m2--',-..'-'-'-w" _ :.J Y'9 p4 po%• TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING MIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT - ( ""- b'1 f Z' Do you nave or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sets of Building Plans TEL: 765-1802 Survey PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined 20 Contact: Approved ,20 y. Mail to: P 8- '50X __?OG Disapproved a/c �R(6V7 P7 (19.5- Phone: Q'.5- Phone: / 6'3/-325'- 3267 • Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT • DateOC r :AD/ )J INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or- areas, rareas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what-so-ever until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. r � (Si e of licant or name,if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder/ /416Y-4 Name of owner of premises -1 ',RA /ies (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: �� /.SCS w I t i) (EAR D • House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section /9 Block J' Lot J / Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) H 2. State existing use andoccupancy " remises and intended use and occupa of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupan b. Intended use and occupancy e>Qi2 S7df2if<1 6- 3. 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work Ateestr R6. (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (to be paidon filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Ai Height Numbe = ories 1) Dimensions of e',tire new con•� ction: Front b' -Rear r� Depth Afflif Height ' 16 Number of stiff 9. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: yesT 13. Will lot be re-graded Will excess fill be removed from premises: YES NO cL4�N of Qwier of premises ,I4VC ,rc,Q1f5 Address /1`0 uleivv0.44,0 Phone No. 637 ` 52 5. 3g61 Name of-4Architect Address Phone No Name,of-aittractor Address Phone No. 15. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED 16. Provide survey, to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) Ala (;Ritlitiait5ng duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name o dividual si ing contract)above named,_ _ _ ___ _ ._____ (S)He is the ACE Arr, (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this day of cyc_ft,..6...., 20 C> Notary Public :'a.. e of Applicant HELENE D.HORNE Notary Public,State of New York No.4951364 Oualified in Suffolk County • ------, F nirpc May 22, 00_3 1 . .• . !rte• ` •`\1 • • • a. / • �rJf APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORK The Town of Soubhold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees . The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAME: / ORCO , 1"I ! C (Last name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so , indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name. ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply . ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other ( If "Other, " name the activity. ) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO V If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant ) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling, parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation) B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) ; c) an officer, director , partner, or employee of the applicant! or D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSh IP Submitted this day of Signature Print name i Ni- o,� ,� 1° F4°9) e- y 03/15 �1 vqi Mr. &Mrs. Goranitis 150 Windward Rd. P.O. Box 306 Orient, NY 11957 A //41/61 January 15,2004 c zzyzi f Appeals Board Members Attn: Ruth D. Oliva Re: ZBA Dec.#5170—Conditions of Variance(Kikiras) Ms. Ruth D. Oliva, We are writing in regards to the letter dated,January 12,2004. We are in receipt of the reminder concerning the removal of the temporary shelter and we are making arrangements to have the shelter taken down. We are waiting for a break in the weather it has been very difficult with the extreme cold snap and the high winds. We want to assure you that we will conform to the Boards decision and the shelter will be taken down as soon as possible. We would like to take the opportunity to explain why the letter we had received, dated January 12th,2004 was the first and only correspondence we have received from the Board of Appeals since the hearing on October 17th,2002. It is in this particular letter that we were made aware of the Boards decision to have the shelter removed by January 10th, 2004. The Post office needs the P.O. Box 306 included with the physical address of 150 Windward Rd. In conclusion,any mail addressed to 150 Windward Rd. has not been received and forwarded back to the sender. For future reference,please include the P.O. Box 306 in sending any correspondence (this change has been previously requested with the Town Hall). Finally,we want to assure you that we are taking necessary steps in removing the temporary shelter. . Thank you. Yourf't ly, 104 --- Mr. :14 . Gorantis dl /6%' 4 _>, /\:( ) ,. V .6-Lae.,/ 9--/z--oz- y L"EGALNOTICE '---'="4--:- STATE OF NEW YORK) ;:.SOUTHOLD To,mt,4!f_ „, )SS: :.BOARD OFAPPEALS: "•,S • THURSDAY;SEPTEMBER 19, (;OBJ OF SUFFOLK] 2002 PUBLICIEARINGS Q J ,• NOTICE,,,is'HEREBY'GIVEN,,put-' I j&,9,t.i//✓'ice��/&29 " of Mattituck, in said suant to Section 267 of the`Town Law county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is and Chapter 100(Zoning),Code of the Town of Southoçl,the following public Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly Hearings.-will;,.+=be held 'by the ,i newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of `..-`'APPS LS a ;he $:.13P 1, 5 OF,,. Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, 'APi;'EALS-,-*,he 4:004,Hall Y53095,,. Main-Road,•'Soitthoid-.New.,Perk ' and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed -11971,-'on Thursday, September,19, L2002; att'theunes;noted?b,etow(o,as; hasbeen regularly published in said Newspaper tr ;.r copy, gy • ,soon"thereafter asj,,s i '' ,'4-'-''Y'''''' once each week for / weeks succes- :,.=57:00-- p.m::,'.,Ap0.- No:; 51.q -'.; FOTIOSi;and`;FOTINI_ KIKIRAS:r.,, sively, commencing on the .5� day .-.<' -isa`;request-for,a Varianceundei of —./07– 20400 Section'100;33:based on=,,1194 i111.0ing. , ",Department;$"Apcilr'15 2001;tNotice of„';, L� -Disapproval=''concerning.'an-as-built,'N; .r5-acces'sory'(auto•shelter)jsti'ucture;in=a' /1°-.°2-"cincipal Clerk '.,front;;Jyardlocation;rather tp-0,-;4';rears..,” ".2,,yard;;at150Windward:4R'oad,Orient;"'rq,' Parcel,1000-19-is12.1,,` F'`q-;,,,"=,;--4-;e, Sworn to before me this 5— '7:05=-p m:, Appl .No_ 5169, - r n/1 20�� NQR;PHEAtST.OVERSEAS,I-TRA - day of �/i F. DING'�CO`This::;is:a.request,•for'a , ' tVariaii,viider Sectibi 100-244�based4'' ,,on.the,3uilding, epartment's'Muy'8�'� ,_ �/3�'et CAJA-` _ '2002Noticeoflsapproval:.Applicant, LAURA E. BONDARCHUK is requesting'approval.of,.the�l'ocation, Notary Public, State of NewYork • ,of,;ann"as:built deck,'additio�i`,at;less-" No 01B06067958 p;than,.f 35/,,,feet..frotnj,the 'ear'=lot'line:" F, Qualified in Suffolk County , Location''of Property;.3570t-Kenney's My Commission Expires Dec.24,20k' ,Road;Southold;yParce141000-54--5-23; '''7:10`irp m -.Apel,' No.:517'5: - TI -.KAREN"'UI!- LINGRR ,,This wis wa `request.fo'rr"'a^` , Vanai ce'under S.ection`s.100-242A.and. •. � 100-244,,--based on„,the,,:Building,., 1' Dep"artment',sMay 16,�2002'Notice of_ Disapprov`al,yforrea_ne,W;,„'fr'ont.`porch E - i'""addition at less than'''50 feet_=from the',: - f `front-line;Thefexistingdwelling hasran,r existing-location:with a'nonconformin - •front yard-'setback: e.' =-,:;Locatiomn of "`;•Property:- 13370`�l`Oegon , od;` " 1 i,'iCciiguPazCel433-7s1t�;es�r�`,'"7201pp•;m 1iff.!:, o 5167 _r..., EJAN ' ENC.D -- I.,,,rppKELTisis'a'irequest"for,a--. ;. Vaane`uneSctio'l':10 -244B','_ r based,on;�the'BuildineDepartent's ' c +Q '�7r.May'=1'i�20040,i4ice;of ,ki'Pr`val: A licants ro ose`an additions to;the. - 9,V he-- i,,�.PP .,,, p P , ; _ eeiusting dwelling<at lessa'than,40'feet, :.r•from ttte'frontlot line,at'-95=Pine Tree:' ,Road;Catcli'guParceH00 103.'6= ;YF 5.4,-,A-2,:,-7-,<-1,1:,n,'',AeVi` :�s;s ; h: . �� 'r.730`r'rp:m:•:,r-'APP.I:, =�No,-`;15158��; ��----- ';- M'ARTE1Sft,,MANAGEMENT,',-INC. , by`A[etniosr MarinakisThis "'is°`a `•', reques[-fo .a,Variance`underSectioni;;L,' itgo0-30A3,and'100-30A4 basad on,tti`e . ";Building1;Department's'pri-2 ;2002`•^. 1,04Notice''o'.13,�tsap�iroval;';Applicantis '` proposing,;to1 cYonstruct,a'tennis.couitik ;ti-;)str'ucture (1),aeless`r[hanjfive'feet:from° . � y {2:5.% 4�1`ot-1 ne(s)-(-2)`i� a,yard-Qthef than ai sz,permitted„i'eac yard,;and(3)witiA a`l'ot ' -co`20erage;.,over tfii, ode liim ittation;of, %';'Lo'cation =Easi,Side of?Stars'• 1FRoad;•East"Marton;+;ParcelNos.-!22'4=, --•,, • , i28 and22=2.20combinedas one`;1gt)) ,, x `t,,i :-N4', wi t�+' ;'743i,�p;m�r�lpp1.�7.: =5�t63;. 'o-NATHANIFLANDwStiSA Iditlf, 1!f_ ,c ir , 1 ;�-Tliis,�isrva iecjuest'�forrVariancgs"��Sitdeu;=,'I u:°Section-•100''239 based-on�`the.Ap i1 18 7. $i,.2002'Nd ice'gof Disapproval;for;'pro-ns posed reconstruction of;;t'a>two story t-f,t'fesid'epcein:a,nonconforn ing£locationn5 6-r,r i's1-4h,1ii 7.5 ggt`fr`oiii,le.,bUlklieotI4 'u.S.- . . - M CERTIFIED .MAIL R Al2 '(Domestic Mail Only;No.'Insurance Coverage 'row.e. .-9l MASSAPE€UA,' NY- 11758 .-r-, ,:--- Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0944 Ln Certified Fee 2.30 tmar 11.1Return Receipt Fee Cc1Z m (Endorsement Required) 1.75 c✓< O Restricted Delivery Fee C erk: KWXM7S 1=1 (Endorsement Required) co O Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 ‘i9141/0P )\\ /ill m Lr7 Sent Toli &l zx / ru R y /EP3.4 ,)442‘.7/12.-,--------;;P------- .,-q Street,Apt.No, --X- -- = - .q or PO Box No. `5- NJ�DLi9tux/ .the_ O City,State,ZIP+4 O .PS.Form 3800,January • �> 2001 ' , ' - See Reverie for hnstruc 1.- . 'Ostia CERTIFIED MAIL RE ° _ (Domestic Mail Oily;No Insurance overage-.Provided— N ALORIENT,rNYL11957`- i a� E tom=- Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0944 Ln ,11 Certified Fee 2.30 IL ostmar Return Receipt Fee 1.7es �Here� rn (Endorsement Required) CO("/ CN-N\:9 CI Restricted Delivery Fee 'Jerk KWXMZS . OO (Endorsement Required) (�v-ii Total Postage&Fees 4.42 Q9/,1IOa' /� Ln Sent ToJ ru O.�l /I92 S VSA f � Street,Apt No; r- or PO Box No 1230 { Q in/ /J�C ,=, City,State,ZIP+4 L!.1 in. 7 /- OA &Al7 Y //45-. - PS Fon-11.386o,January 2001 .• See Reverse for Insthic Ka, .S.Post.I 'rare« irgA:umi.7►•iumat. i (Domestic Mai s n y: 'o nsurance overa•e 'rovl.e. 0 ALPHARETTA'f GAl 30022' G 1 L _ L. rs- .=- Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID' _ u-i 9F ,_,p Certified Fee ru 2.30 Postr c ��fi.0 Return Receipt Fee Hemp m (Endorsement Required) 1.75o Restricted Delivery Fee C -i Q (Endorsement Required) KUX a p Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 09 K 4 ��, r7q _ t-b6 fL Sent To /v/� //owAge m c -' 2 7 �tp^AQ /ln Y 7CL 7.6k1 •-1 or POB No q7 T 0 tniZ/r'/!J g�-(JI` L gNc City,State,Z/P+4 o / ?/ -'/E 77' i 360,2 PS Form 3800,Janus 2001 See Reverse for In t- nnx ALS. Postal Servi e , . — _ CERTIFIED MAIL RE :Al • .(Domesti&Mail Only;No Insurance Covera:•e Provide. 6 Fes; ; 1 rC 4 1 A U+ S I r,., s�nn�� i Ytd_ NYr�.,=____11911'? - Postage $ 0.37 UNIT IU: 0944 I,1 —p Certified Fee nil ?.30 Return ReFee m (Endorsement Required) 1.75 / , °O° eg� c�� 0 Restricted Delivery Feej 0 (Endorsement Required) �'- � � J 0ZP rn 0 Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 9 d](4 Z Sent To rt1 RA *fw pouznO -1\, ..____,, Street,Apt No, a 1 i�s �" or PO Box No. 9-0-(4 [5 ya ST 0 City,State,ZIP+4 / 0 13 06leL N 1 y /120' dC rL P$Form 3800';January'2001 ', ' ' 'See Reverse for Instructio aY (,) Mrd ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD.NEW YORK x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT M I' Mks. o rave-iis c-Jo Mie.s�(,e,s. K.t -'z,As OF (Name of Applicants) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000- - - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, MA-iA Q-10 '+T'S residing at 1s0 w►f,%w ° pi2.tEhi i,j)oc r r , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the it+� day of SEPT ' ' - , 2002, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in ClifikeNit2- , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant. property. (Sig ature) • Sworn to before me this • I( d- _ of , 200 > JOYCE M.WILKINS Notary Public,State of New York cOublic) No. Expires 4952246,Suffolk 12, O3 ry Term June�2., PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers • next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. MEMO FROM MEMO FROM BOARD MEMBERS: ‘Al f• , — , - . , BOARD MEMBERS: : ,, '..,.;,, P„..ii ,,,z,..,, Southold Town Hall t Southold Town Hall ;:. ; • ,:,.. ' .`', `..;..,: P.O.Box 1179 , t (- , ---:' , 4- ' P.O.B -1179 Darline J.Duffy BOARD OF ASSESSORS 53095 Main Road Darline J.Duffy BOARD OF ASSESSORS Scott A.Russell 53095 M •?4....., Robert I.Scott Jr. TOWN OF SOUP-JOLD Southold,New York 11971 Scott A.Russell TOWISFMSOVTOQLD Southold,New Yo -, ', • , : --. - , Fax(631)765-1356 Robert I.Scott Jr. '.:.. -.- ''!„--::,,..., • -, Fax(631)7 i-7,_,-.2 Telephone(631)765-1937 Telephone(631)765-1937 I ) ces'a r, c AL, 6(..)6e.04-,, 4- A AO I sAs i0 - ?3 93 s I' „../' 3 Z. 3 os-- A40,49,,, e0.4.0 0 le i e Air A),..,,y /i/. 9 s 7 r-------'----------------___ v / 9 - I- /2/, I/ / /14 ietzfeil( r re rt..5,g9 c44 ;/ b eirt if 10 co/9de° teloce C/CidIl '#WCAlieCCC° ere w /r- 270 Moi ss-A 6;,_.$0,6ro 0 4 C 4,K,C ec clt..),(0 AiLiy • 0/7S-8 A eilii9 cc279e.,., 4,., / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHECKLIST FOR NEW PROJECTS P✓ LABEL APPL# r 70 ✓ ASSESSORS CARD (7 COPIES) NAME k ✓ CTY. TAXMAP (7COPIES + 1) CTM # -/-/a./ INDEX CARD (ATTACH OLD) TOWN LrW --L-FST AL-PHK-1300K RESEARCH ALPHA COPY PRIORS I SIX COPIES INSPECTION PACKETS COMPLETE REF: UPDATED NEW INFORMATION OFFICE OF • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Email: Linda.Kowalski0,Town.Southold.nv.us or Paula.Quintieri(c�Town.Southold.nv.us (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-1823 or 9064 August 29, 2002 Re: Chapter 58— Public Notice for Thursday, September 19, 2002 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. 1) Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, with a copy of your survey or filed site map, showing the new construction area, or map with details of your request, by Saturday, September 7th to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. 2) When picking up the sign, a $30 check will be requested for each poster with metal stand(or $15 for poster only) as a deposit. Please post the Town's official completed poster no later than Thursday, September 12th. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement poster board, please contact us. 3) By September 12th, please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. (Also, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing, if possible.) If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing and return it when available. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 4) By September 19th, after the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your signed Affidavit of Posting to our office. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Enclosures Zoning Appeals Board and Staff P.S. Please be sure to pick up the poster between September 4'd and 11th, between 8-12, or 1:30-3:00. Thank you. Office of BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 (631) 765-9064 fax (alt. fax 765-1823) e. // , 200 To. Applicant Air,7i-fir 5. F id/e4/ 4S 8V V. •/r:' fi'-t. Goeon; i is Re: Appeal No. 6776 L3 a x 3 0 t. d RienT pit- /17s-7 ( ) Your application has been advertised for a public hearing. In the interim, please furnish the following document which was listed on the instruction sheet but inadvertently not included when the application was submitted to our department for processing: or ( ) The application is not signed and notarized and is enclosed for re-submission or ( ) Your application is not complete for the reasons noted below. Or ( The following documentation was missing in your submission of this application Information Requested (from Instruction Sheet) : ( ) Notice of Disapproval issued by the Building Inspector after review for this particular project map. ( ) Filing fee check in the amount of$ is due. ( ) An original map, or duplicate of the map to the map preparer's full scale, is necessary. 1! Setbacks to the property lines are necessary at the closest points from the subject uilding area. Please show on a map or similar diagram/04 co,vfi/m' 6/ -4ulef) f ( ) Copies of current deed and/or tax bill of the subject parcel ( ) Other , ; • Additional Information Requested:, e 4S ad s 1/e) - 1 ® ': COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY , FM Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature , item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. , / ■ Age t • Print your name and address on the reverse X `(1,<<i_'_ . _, . -d_, ' • • see so that we can return the card to you. B Received by(Printed Name) Erke ery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 6 I- D. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? • 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below. 0 No "e— f/O wi9R 0 ,yOE Y MI C/ sue- 4,-w 4.77 0 fAPlii e/�U L�/)„oiG /Ai 3. Service Type An Certified Mail 0 Express Mail A-21309 ^ O ❑ Registered E+3°Return Receipt for Merchandise 77a�/ / 2 2 0 Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2 Article Number - - _ (Transfer from service label) 7001 2 510 0003 2654 7450 j PS Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-0,1-'1-2509 UNITEDPSTATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail • 111111 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 411 • Sender: Please print yo r me, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Myo x 30 G 6 ,v7 J NY )/ 7 is::Uhii itIliiIlilL1,%illilIII nl