HomeMy WebLinkAboutZone Co, LLC RESOLUTION 2022-639 ADOPTED DOC ID: 18305 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2022-639 WAS ADOPTED AT THE ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 3, 2022: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal submitted by Zone Co. &Hardesty& Hanover received June 2, 2022, in response to the Southold Town Zoning Update Request for Proposals, and authorizes Supervisor Scott Russell to execute any and all contracts in accordance therewith, subject to review of the Town Attorney. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E. Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell ZO cO ++ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (", greement") is rnade, and entered into as of � �"m` , 2022 (`°C;ffecliv Date"") by and between the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N -W YORK, having an address of 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971, Attn: Heather Lanza, AICP, Town Planning Director (the "Town"), and ZONECO, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, having an address of 455 Delta Avenue, Suite #203, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, Attn: Sean S. Suder, Lead Principal (the "Conultarrt"), on the following terms and conditions: RECITALS A. Whereas, on May 11, 2022, the Town issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP"), incorporated by reference herein, seeking qualified consultants to perform a comprehensive update to the Town's Zoning Code and Zoning Map (Chapter 280 of the Town Code) (hereinafter, the "Project"). B. Whereas, Consultant provides zoning ordinance consulting services to communities across a wide spectrum of geographies, sizes, and types and has demonstrated the qualifications necessary and desired to complete the Project, and the Town has determined that it is in its best interest to retain Consultant for these specialized professional services. C. Whereas, the Town desires to retain Consultant to provide professional consulting services, and Consultant desires to render such professional consulting services to the Town, on the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Consultin Period. Consultant will commence work on the Services (defined below) on the Effective Date ("1-?ro t grnmencement"), and this Agreement shall be in effect for a term commencing on the Effective Date hereof and ending on the date of final completion of the Services (the "+ on u4ine!jod"). The Consulting Period may be extended upon the mutual agreement of the parties. 2. 0nSLJltnnq Services. During the Consulting Period, Consultant agrees to provide the scope of consulting services as requested in the RFP and in substantial accordance with Consultant's proposal in response thereto, as more fully set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Services"). Consultant Sean Suder will serve as the project manager for the Consultant. Heather Lanza, AICP will serve as project manager for the Town. The Town agrees to provide clear direction to O+4 Consultant in writing on all matters of the Project and to be responsive to Consultant's questions related to the Project and to provide adequate staffing and to devote a reasonable amount of staff time to the Project. A party may rely on the representations, approvals, and other actions of the project manager of the other party. Consultant may rely upon the accuracy and completeness of information provided to it in writing by the Town. Consultant may engage one or more sub-consultants to assist in performing any of the Services in Consultant's discretion and subject to the Town's consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant has selected Hardesty and Hanover, with an address of 1501 Broadway#601, New York, NY 10036, as a sub-consultant for this Project, and the Town consents to the same. Consultant shall contract separately with any sub-consultants and shall be responsible for directly managing them and their work on the Project. 3. rn ultip Fee,. During the Consulting Period, the Town shall pay Consultant a total consulting fee of One Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($183,500.00) (the "Consulting Fee"), payable to Consultant upon the Completion of each Task within the Scope of Services set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Town shall pay Consultant the Consulting Fee not later than thirty (30) days following the date of Consultant's written invoice therefor. The Consulting Fee shall include all of Consultant's expenses, and Consultant shall not receive reimbursement for any business or travel expenses unless separately pre- approved by the Town in writing. The Consulting Fee is for work performed and is not contingent. Failure to timely pay Consultant may excuse Consultant from further performance of the Services in Consultant's discretion. 4. Work Product. All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this Agreement are the property of the Town, although Consultant may retain physical possession of them. The parties shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this Agreement. 5. UnderstandN` cLoielatiornslijp. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that its status at all times shall be that of an independent contractor, and that it may not, at any time, act as a representative for or on behalf of the Town, for any purpose or transaction, and may not bind or otherwise obligate the Town in any manner whatsoever without first obtaining the written approval of the Town. In recognition of its status as an independent contractor, Consultant hereby waives any rights as an employee or deemed employee of the Town. Consultant shall pay directly all taxes associated with the compensation it receives under this Agreement. Further, although consultant is affiliated with the law firm of Suder, LLC, its principal place of business being located at 455 Delta Avenue, Suite #203, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, and although some of Consultant's employees and principals are attorneys who may be separately engaged to provide legal representation in a state where they are licensed to practice law, Consultant is not a law firm and does not provide legal representation or legal services. The Town understands, acknowledges, and agrees that engaging or otherwise contracting with Consultant or its principals or employees does not form an attorney-client relationship and, as such, the protections of the attorney-client relationship do not apply to the provision of the services, or any 2 ZONECO;: communication related thereto. If the Town desires to create an attorney-client relationship, it is encouraged to contact an attorney of its choosing. Additionally, Consultant is not a registered lobbyist and does not provide any lobbying (formal or informal), government affairs, media, public relations or other marketing, branding or communications services. 6. Insurance. During the performance of any and all Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain the following insurance in full force and effect: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum combined single limit of$1,000,000 for each occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. (b) Automobile Liability Insurance, including non-owned auto coverage, with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each person and $1,000,000 for each accident. (c) Professional Liability Insurance ("Errors and Omissions Insurance") with a minimum limit of$1,000,000 annual aggregate. (d) Worker's Compensation Insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Ohio Revised Code. 7. Compliance with Laws. Consultant shall comply with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including without limitation, those governing non- discrimination in employment and the protection of the environment. Where such statutes, ordinances, plans, or regulations of any public authority having any jurisdiction over the project are in conflict, Consultant shall proceed using its best judgment only after attempting to resolve any such conflict between the authorities and shall notify the Town in a timely manner of the conflict, the nature of the attempted resolution, and a planned course of action. The Town represents and warrants to Consultant that it has complied with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies regarding procurement for professional services for this Project and has the authority to enter into this Agreement. 8. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. This Agreement contains the parties' entire understanding and supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals, or agreements concerning the services described herein. This Agreement may only be modified by written instrument duly executed by both parties. The rights and interests under this Agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party. To the extent that any provision of this Agreement is finally adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be deleted or modified, as necessary, to make it enforceable, and the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the parties hereto. All communications required by this Agreement may be personally delivered or mailed to the other party at the address set forth above. The address and party may be changed by written notice given as provided in this paragraph. This Agreement shall be binding on each party's successors and assigns. 9. Additional Provisions. This Agreement contains, and the parties hereby agree to, the additional scope assumptions attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof. 3 C f< [Signature Page Follows.] 4 ZONECO.*It IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the last date below. CONSULTANT: ZONECO, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company By: Name. < JP Title: Dater TOWN: TOWN OF SO THOLD, NEW YORK By: ✓" Name: ek ` Title: ° Date: CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Certified Date; Fund/Code: ' By: — Town T-reasw Fer 5 ZONE "* EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Module 1: Project Kick-Off/Information Gathering/Diagnostic Duration: Months 0-3 Deliverable(s): None Total fee budget: $33,500 Module 1 Tasks: 1.1 Kick-off meeting (in-person) 1.2 Review of relevant documents provided by Town 1.3 Interview City staff re: current zoning code and processes 1.4 Draft diagnostic report for review 1.5 Delivery of final diagnostic report 1.6 Presentation of diagnostic report Module 2: Calibrate Duration: Months 4-8 Deliverables: Draft Calibration Table, Final Calibration Table Total fee budget: $50,000 Module 2 Tasks:, 2.1 Discussion of draft zones/districts 2.2 Delivery of zoning map mockup showing proposed zones/districts 2.3 Delivery of code section mockup showing proposed style/format/layout 2.4 Draft calibration table including all standards and uses 2.5 Presentation of mockups, calibrations to stakeholder committee (in-person) 2.6 Delivery of final calibration table Module 3: Codify Duration: Months 9-16 Deliverables: Administrative Draft Regulations, Public Review Draft Regulations; Final Draft of Regulations Total fee budget: $100,000 Module 3 Tasks: 3.1 Deliver administrative draft regulations 3.2 Meeting to receive feedback/comments on administrative draft 3.3 Deliver public review draft regulations 3.4 Public review meetings (Planning Commission) (in-persan) 3.5 Deliver adoption draft regulations 3.6 Public adoption hearings (Planning Commission and Town Council) (in-person) 6 C4+ Optional Add-On Services: +Additional In-Person Meeting (with prepared presentation): $5,500 +Additional In-Person Meeting (without prepared presentation): $4,250 + Additional Virtual Meeting (with prepared presentation): $1,750 + Additional Virtual Meeting (without prepared presentation): $1,000 ZONECO7 t+ EXHIBIT B SCOPE ASSUMPTIONS (a) Consultant is not responsible for identifying individual members of stakeholder, working groups and committees related to the Project. (b) Consultant is not responsible for coordination of any public meetings/stakeholder group meetings, including meeting times, locations, invitations, a/v equipment, or costs associated with those meetings. (c) Consultant is not responsible for any mailings, fees associated with mailings, and contact with the media regarding this project or the posting of any project information to any Project social media accounts. (d) Local approval of the deliverables will be carried out by Town and the Town will generate all formal documentation necessary for the adoption of the regulations. (e) Any additional meetings not expressly included in the Scope of Services will be performed in accordance with the additional services provisions in Exhibit A and by separate agreement between Consultant and the Town. (f) All documents will be created and delivered in Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign unless otherwise directed by the Town. (g) Consultant will not be responsible for revisions to any GIS shape files associated with the project. 8 ZONECO+# E'HIBIT C -11V , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1938 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: PROPOSAL NAME: Southold Town Zoning Update A copy of the detailed proposal request may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning May 11, 2022 OPENINGS (submit proposal by this time) PLACE: DATE: TIME: Town of Southold June 2, 2022 2:00 PM Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 All questions and requests for clarification about the RFP shall be directed in writing by email before 2:OOPM, May 20, 2022 to: CONTACT PERSON: Heather Lanza, Town Planning Director Town of Southold, 631-765-1938 Email address: HeatherL@southoldtownny.gov VENDORS MUST SUBMIT PROPOSALS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT THE FOLLOWING ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1) NAME & ADDRESS OF VENDOR 2) PROPOSAL NAME It is the vendor's responsibility to read the detailed Request for Proposals and provide a proposal that completely and accurately addresses each part of the document. Upon submission of the proposal, it is understood that the vendor has read, fully understands and will comply with all requirements. The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Date: May 11, 2022 Southold Town Zoning Update Introduction The Town of Southold is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to perform a comprehensive update to the Zoning Code and Zoning Map (Chapter 280 of the Southold Town Code). I. Purpose This Request for Proposals (RFP) is intended to provide guidelines for the submission of proposals to update the zoning for Southold Town. Proposals must reflect the ability to provide a full range of expertise in all areas required to develop a complete and comprehensive update of the zoning code and zoning map. Proposals must identify experience with public outreach, facilitation of public meetings, and the development of various types of codes and design guidelines Updates are necessary to bring the zoning code and map into compliance with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2020. In addition, updates are needed to incorporate zoning code best practices, make it easier to navigate, add graphic depictions of regulations, and eliminate inconsistencies. II. Background A. Current Zoning Code The existing zoning code for the Town was largely set in place in 1989, which was the last major update of the code and zoning map. It was done in response to a comprehensive plan update effort in the mid 1980's. The current zoning code can be found in ecode360 using this link: tett 1/eco(l 360.coji,i/S(.')0152?rieedHash true or on the home page of the Town's website: lit ` 1itt )s�. /NNww.southoldtownny.gov/ The current zoning code is a typical Euclidian code with an emphasis on land use separation and density control. This update to the zoning code is expected to make an in-depth analysis of the code and modernize it to fit the goals of the comprehensive plan. Concurrently the zoning map will need to be reviewed for consistency with the plan. 2 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 B. Southold Town Comprehensive Plan The Town recently completed a major update to its comprehensive plan in 2020,the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the plan can be found on the Southold Town Planning Department's web page: https://w ww.sputholdtowin . ov/123/Comprehensive-Plait III. Scope of Work The components to be included in the scope of work are as follow: A. Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. Review the vision statement, and the goals and objectives of all the chapters of the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan (dated February 2020) (Comprehensive Plan), to ensure the updated zoning code will be consistent with the Town's vision and the Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 3, Land Use & Zoning identifies areas of the zoning code and map that need to be addressed in Goal 2, Review and Update Zoning Town-Wide. Below is an outline of the objectives that provide a starting point for this zoning update: Objective 2.1 Review zoning for commercial and industrial districts Hamlet Centers 1. Strengthen the hamlet centers through innovative mixed-use zoning with consideration given to design standards. Note: this section contemplates hybrid form-based code or similar for hamlet centers 2. Provide for different levels of intensity for certain uses in the hamlet centers based on available infrastructure. ....each hamlet is unique in scale and supporting infrastructure... Note: although there are ten named hamlets in Southold Town, only eight have a defined hamlet center. Business Corridors Outside Hamlet Centers 1. Create a new zoning district for commercial and industrial uses along the major roads outside the hamlet centers. 2. Revisit the bulk schedule and parking requirements for commercial and industrial zoning districts. Transitional Zones — Evaluate, identify, and improve transitional zoning areas where necessary and feasible 1. Evaluate the uses allowed in transitional zoning districts (Limited Business, Residential Office) to determine whether they require any updates to ensure 3 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 they function as transition zones. Optionally, consider a new transitional zoning district. 2. Identify areas with transitions from commercial/industrial to residential that lack transitional zoning to determine whether it can be added. Marine Zones—Evaluate the uses and bulk schedule of the marine zoning districts (Marine I&Marine II) to ensure they continue to support the goals of the Town. Split-zoned Parcels Currently the Town Code provides little guidance on how to apply the bulk schedule in the case of split-zones. 1. Clarify the Town Code with respect to split-zoned parcels. 2. Consider re-zoning to reduce or eliminate split-zoned parcels where appropriate. Light Industrial Zones - ...consider revising these zoning districts, especially those close to hamlet centers, to accommodate new uses or mixed uses. Note: This list is not inclusive of all the considerations for this zoning update. For example, the Resort Residential Zoning District is not mentioned in the plan, however it too requires an update. Objective 2.2 Review zoning for residential districts Water Quality Note: See the Water Resources Section of Chapter 6, Natural Resources & Environment for more detail. Size of Future Homes Note: House size is currently being reviewed by the Town Board. Transient Rentals Agriculture Note: See Chapter 9,Agriculture for more detail. Commercial Uses in Residential Districts (pre-existing non-conforming uses) Objective 2.3 Review need for new zoning districts -New zoning districts may be created where existing zoning districts do not achieve the goals of the plan. 4 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 Chapters 4 through 12 of the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan are each more specific to a narrower topic and must be considered during the zoning update. B. Existing zoning code assessment. Produce an assessment of the existing code and other related sections of the Town Code for clarity,consistency within it and with other sections of the Town Code, as well as ease of use. Chapter 3 of the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan provides a starting place for this assessment with six objectives in Goal 1. Evaluate potential impacts as they relate to future transportation and traffic under a buildout scenario with the current zoning. The Town can provide relevant data, and this evaluation can be done as an expansion and update of the assessment done as part of Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Research and provide a menu of options for zoning and include successful examples from other places. D. Provide visual tools, including 3D visual simulations and modeling to demonstrate the visual and other impacts of existing and proposed code and zoning changes (both for Town officials and for the public). E. Conduct assessments comparing potential impacts of new zoning options on traffic, community character, quality of life and the environment. F. Citizens & Other Stakeholders (Public Involvement) Design and implement public outreach and engagement strategies including conducting public input meetings and collecting and assimilating public input into the work products. These strategies include, but are not limited to the following: a. Public information& education (online, website, Channel 22); b. Regular status reports to the public on the progress of the update to zoning; c. Public charrettes/public input meetings to review and provide input on specific work to update the zoning, including but not limited to the following: • Options for future zoning code and zoning map changes • Specific proposed zoning code and map changes; d. Online portal for gathering public input and to provide all relevant information under review& discussion; e. Focus groups for particular topics • Examples include but are not limited to business groups, senior citizens, families with children, and agriculture. f. Public hearings on specific proposals for Zoning Code and Zoning Map changes. 5 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 G. Draft the update to the code with the following overall goals a. New zoning must be consistent with the Town's vision and the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan; b. Design the code to be user-friendly—easy to understand, administer,and interpret; c. Update terminology used throughout the code; d. Improve overall organization; e. Incorporate diagrams, tables, and illustrations to clarify and enhance understanding of the code; and f. Use innovative zoning approaches where appropriate (e.g. the hamlet centers might benefit from a version of form-based code and/or design guidelines) H. Review the zoning map and make recommendations for updates needed to be consistent with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan, using GIS maps. I. Attend meetings as necessary with the Town Board and Town staff for direction, to provide updates on the progress of the project, and to review drafts of the work. These meetings will include at least one meeting to review the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to this project. J. Deliverables • Menu of options for new zoning • Powerpoint presentations, maps, visual aids as described above, and other educational materials for public information(website materials,charrettes,visuals for Channel 22) • Updated zoning code (Up to two drafts of any one section, and final drafts ready for public hearing) • Updated zoning map (Up to two drafts, and a final draft ready for public hearing) Note that the zoning code and zoning map update process may evolve and be done in sections rather than all at once. The Town is open to suggestions from the consultant on the most efficient and effective process. IV. Public Process Strategy & Public Outreach It is expected that the consultant will provide and manage a creative and interactive public participation process that is robust, diverse and equitable. This process shall include innovative means and methods that raise community awareness and engagement. Strong communication and presentation skills are required(see Item F. above for more details). V. Qualifications All statements of qualifications should include, at a minimum, the following information: 6 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 1. Project Team Composition. Provide a description of the team that will be assigned to the project including related work experience for all team members. Identify the capacity in which team members will be used and identify the Project Manager, who will be the point of contact during the update process. Any work intending to be subcontracted must be disclosed, including the name of the subcontractor(s) and specific tasks that will be subcontracted. 2. Firm Background. Provide a brief description of the firm including the range of professional services, office locations and staff size. This shall apply to all sub-consultants. 3. Firm Experience. Outline the experience of the firm and other credentials that illustrate qualifications to undertake this project. Provide at least three examples of zoning codes and zoning maps that your firm has completed within the last five years. In addition, provide at least one example that incorporates design standards and guidelines and visual aids such as graphics and tables. These should be from similar sized communities. These can be provided by a link to a specific webpage, electronically on a flash drive, or other method. 4. References. Provide a minimum of three references for services comparable to this project. Include a contact person, title, address, telephone number and email address. In addition, provide the time period when the services were rendered and a description of services rendered. VI. Submission Criteria For evaluation purposes,each proposal submission shall include,at a minimum,the following items listed below. 1. Letter of Interest. This brief letter will summarize the consultant's understanding of the scope of work. 2. Qualifications as stated in Section V. 3. Approach to the Project. Provide a description of the consultant's approach to accomplishing the project. This includes a proposed scope of work describing the approach to accomplishing the objectives stated in the RFP and identifying the methodology proposed. The consultant is encouraged to include suggestions or supplemental tasks which may enhance the project or streamline the scope of work and improve cost-effectiveness. Clearly articulate all assumptions regarding the date, information and the role that you expect from the Town. 4. Public Outreach and Communication. Provide a description of the proposed public input process. 7 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 5. Project Schedule. Provide an outline of an expected timeline and major milestones for the scope of work. 6. Project Budget. Provide a detailed outline of cost for completing the scope of work. This should include material costs and a not to exceed figure as well as all other costs that may be incurred for the delivery of services requested. 7. Any other information you would like to submit that you feel will assist us in the evaluation of your qualifications. 8. Please submit eight(8) hard copies of the proposal and one electronic copy. VII. Criteria for Consideration in Selection of Vendor • Level of experience with updating, reviewing and drafting land use codes for municipal governments • Level of experience evaluating the potential impacts of changes to zoning and land use on the environment, traffic, community character and quality of life • Level of experience working with Southold Town • Amount of time expected to complete the project • Location of vendor relative to Southold Town • Cost proposal VIII. General 1. The execution of a Professional Services Contract (example attached) will be required. 2. Deliverable documents to be provided as hard copies and digitally in Word format as well as PDF. T�or�r �yi,t����l'Pa•cal�cas�als: A proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to the date specified as the Submission Deadline. However,no Contractor(s) may withdraw or cancel a Proposal for a period of ninety (90) days following the Submission Deadline, nor shall the successful Contractor(s) withdraw, cancel, or modify the Proposal after having been notified that the Proposal has been accepted by the Town, except at the request of the Town or with the Town's written consent. Selection of Awardee andCoio� ,flimice Nvitth The intent of the Town is to select and contract with the most qualified Contractor(s) and provides the best overall value of work that responds to this RFP. The Town reserves the right to invite qualified Contractor(s) to an interview after the initial evaluation process is complete and the Town may alter the scoring of a qualified Contractor's proposal based on the interview. Contractors are responsible for all costs or expenses incurred to attend such interview. Notwithstanding the scoring criteria outlined above, the Town reserves the right to select a submission that, on its sole judgment, is consistent with and responsive to the policies, goals, and objectives of the Town and NYS DOS's programs irrespective of whether it is the lowest-priced proposal, if it is determined to be in the best interest of the citizens of Southold and State of New 8 RFP—Southold Town Planning Board Zoning Update-2022 York. All Contractor proposals are subject to an evaluation based on the qualifications, experience, services, costs, and the consistency with the requirements of this RFP as well as "best value." Best value means the basis for awarding contracts [for services] comes from proposals that "optimize quality, cost, and efficiency among responsive and responsible offerors" (State Finance Law, Article 11, § 163). The Town reserves the right to reject any/all proposals, and amend, modify as needed. Incomplete proposals that do not address all of the requested components should not be accepted for review and consideration. 6� The Town intends to enter into contract negotiations with the firm or firms selected who shall be required to enter into a written contract(hereinafter,the "Contract") with the Town in a form satisfactory to the Town Board. The Town reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the Contract(s) with the selected proposing Contractor(s), if any. These negotiations could include all aspects of services and cost. Neither the selection of a proposing Contractor(s) nor the negotiation of the Contract with such proposing Contractor(s) shall constitute a binding commitment on behalf of the Town to enter into a Contract with such proposing(s) Contractor(s), as any binding arrangement must be set forth in the Contract signed by both parties and is subject to all requisite approvals. Notice of Award: The Town shall inform the Awardee that they have been selected by means of a Notice of Award issued by the Town. Neither the selection of a respondent as the Awardee nor the issuance of a Notice of Award shall constitute a binding commitment on behalf of the Town to enter into any contract with the Awardee, as any binding arrangement must be set forth in definitive documentation negotiated between and signed by the Awardee and the Town. Encls: Sample Professional Contract 9 EXHIBIT SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING UPDATE PROPOSAL, Southold, New York ,Our team combines national zoning acumen with New York planning , design, and engineering experience. Furthermore, our team has on- the-ground n-th -ground planning experience throughout Long Island, Our marriage of law and planning ensures we are attentive to detail and local context. r y u u� We craft zoning and subdivision regulations that are innovative, user-friendly, design-forward, and � f help communities ties achieve desired r outcomes for the built environment. „qo , ry e Prepared by: Proposal valid ZONEcO ++ ZoneCo, LLC through: ++ Hardesty & Hanover 3 / 2 / 2023 n 1 C 0 N T E N "I"S 01. LETTER OF INTEREST 02. I yd"i' � MI'y l � ✓ OUR FIRMS AND PROJECT TEAM COMPOSITION ���� 03. �r TEAM EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES �t 04. rl APPROACH TO PROJECT � r 05. PUBLIC OUTREACH / i COMMUNICATION 06. PROJECT BUDGET AND SCHEDULE 9 ri�/r 07. N�iNZ 1 a COMPLETED CODE SAMPLES rh , r 2 ' Contact: Sean 3udm/ 455Delta Avenue, Suite 2U3 Cincinnati, OH45225 513.G84-7500 (o) aeuder@thezoneoo.com RE: SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING UPDATE The team ufZoneCo and Hardesty & Hanover("HH") is excited about the opportunity to provide consulting services for the Southold Town Zoning Update and we thank you for your time in reviewing our proposal. � ZoneCo'ocore service is modernizing and auditing zoning and subdivision codes. We aro unique in our marriage of law and planning,and our guiding vision is to make your zoning clear,consistent,usable,equitable, and defensible. ZoneCo often works in communities that are updating codes that are 40+years old that have been piecemeal amended multiple times,are challenging to administer,and have standards that do not reflect the community vision. We have experience in urban, suburban, and mm| contexts, and within villages and towns that developed around ehistoric core. ZoneCohas also worked with varying zoning approaches and most ofour codes are hybrid codes. Last year,ZoneCowas aco-winner ofthe National Driehaus Award for a form-based code,awarded bySmart Growth America and the Form-Based Code Institute. HH's Community Planning Group will contribute their expertise in analyzing and drafting zoning regulations for New York municipalities,developing zoning diagrams and illustrations, leading community engagement, and advising onthe SEQRprocess. Our team has confronted all of the specialized topics mentioned in the RFP and comprehensive plan, like utilizing form-based codes to create hamlet centers and facilitate desired redevelopment, taking a strategic approach to parking requirements, intentional design and landscape standards,and short-term rental policy. All ZonnCoprofeoniune|u have administered azoning code from the public sector, uoweunderstand the challenges of administering o zoning code and the problems that arise from inconsistency, conflicting provisions, poor definitions,or provisions that are not achieving desired outcomes. Our projects begin with o zoning ordinance diagnostic assessment and we are adept at assessing and prioritizing updates. Our projects utilize a three module approach (Diagnose, Calibrate, Codify)that ensures that we first diagnose issues and opportunities, carefully calibrate base regulations, and then thoughtfully and efficiently move forward with codifying the updates. Our process fosters collaboration throughout the process; our team is thoughtful about engagement. We are always innovating and analyzing how best to communicate and educate, garner feedback, and integrate community input into the code update process in a meaningful way. Our team has developed de-jargoning guides,visual dictionaries,as well as other educational tools around zoning. VVehope you will agree that our team has the right skills for this project. Please donot hesitate tureach out if you require any additional information. Sincerely, Sean S. 3udo[ Eoq,LEEDAP LeadPhnoipa|/Foundor ZonoCo *Important Notice Although some nfour professionals are also attorneys who may beseparately engaged xo provide legal representation in states where we are licensed to practice law,weare not a law firm and Zonecodoeu not provide legal representation or services and is not engaged in the practice of|a*in any jurisdiction.Engaging onneuo does not form an attorney-client relationship and,an such,the protections of the attorney-client relationship dvnot apply.|fyou wish x,create onauomey-u|iemre|ationohipyouareeno^umgedmcomautoounoe|ufynu, choosing, 3 ZONEcO ++ DESCRIPTION OF FIRM We craft clear, consistent, user-friendly, equitable, and defensible zoning codes that remove barriers and achieve desired outcomes. ZoneCo is a zoning code consulting firm focused, and brings together elements of based in the Midwest and our core focus is character-based, form-based, and Euclidean updating and auditing zoning codes, Our zoning, DPD is flexible and adaptable, and professionals have all held public positions, ensures that communities have all the tools and we understand the complexities of at their disposal to realize their vision. administering a zoning code. Public sector experience has also enabled us to effectively Our codes are user-friendly and graphically- facilitate and foster public engagement, Our rich; prioritize usability and streamlined work has spanned the Midwest and Eastern language. United States, and we are passionate ZoneCo professionals are thought leaders, about being part of positive change in the and have presented on zoning, planning, communities we serve, equity, placemaking, and economic We believe that zoning should facilitate a development issues at national and regional community's desired outcomes, not serve as conferences. a barrier to development and placemaking. Learn more about us at ZoneCo has developed a unique method www.thezoneco.com of code development called Development (Our offices are located in Cincinnati, Ohio and we Pattern Districting (DPD) that is outcome- have a staff of four) tr r honing Should Respect Existing and"Reflect De Development Patterns d Should Regulat.e Only " hat A t"ually Needs to Be Regulated and Focus o"N Dsied � t Outcomes, a tll g Should Be the Implementation bf`b Plan, not a Barrier to Achieving thu Vision S A I Zoning Should Promote EqUity and'the health of the Environment F ;a I �t 1' �I, ! COMMUNr"ry, PLANNING & � . v Hardesty & Hanover's Community Planning Group assists villages, towns, and cities envision and prepare for the future and identify the policies, programs, and infrastructure investments that will lead them on the path forward. Our work takes on a variety of forms,from leading ' a community visioning process and drafting a com- prehensive plan to formulating downtown revital- ization strategies and advising a planning board on zoning matters.We look for new and creative ways to approach our projects and tailor the process and product to the place. Responding to the challenges facing communities ' p 9 ( rr today requires strategizing across discipline and de- partmental boundaries and understanding a com- munity's unique needs,strengths,and priorities.We undertake substantive online and in-person public engagement that involves municipal boards and com- mittees, connects with local organizations and insti- • • tutions, and inspires participation from residents of all • • • walks of life. • •• We provide realistic implementation guidance for plans by prioritizing initiatives and dividing the most ® • • ambitious ones into smaller action items to be accom- plished over time. Hardesty&Hanover Hardesty&Hanover is a full-service infrastructure engineering firm with deep experience solving complex m A IT engineering challenges.Our mission is to deliver outstanding engineering solutions that improve the world's infrastructure, bring value to our clients, and enhance people's lives. �� STAFF SIZE: Firmwide:455,Community Planning Group: 5 OFFICE LOCATIONS: Melville, NY; New York City (HQ) + Nationwide f)< Ili,� ry tl Jay J/i�'m� riJl'a+riir v ij1� 5 TEAM COMPOSITION A clear benefit that our team can offer is the pairing of national zoning experience with in-depth knowledge of the planning and zoning context in Long Island communities. ZoneCo and HH professionals have teamed on several projects and the complementary skill sets of our team mean that we work seamlessly on code update projects, Below please find an organizational chart for our team, and a breakdown of tasks by team member. if NEW 6 ,,,vu deir@ thezuu�ac c o e onu S E A N S U D E R L E A D P R I N C I P A L 455 Delta Av(,icu:r;,S�Ae 333 A N D PROJ ECT MANAGER Iulr:uioreu:uii,014 ,5326 ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE As a city planner and lawyer ZoneCo who has worked in both the Lead Principal and Founder(2016- Present) private and public sectors, (Prior: Calfee Zoning, 2016-2020); Graydon Land Use Strategies, LLC, Sean combines his technical 2014-2016) Sean consults with communities of all sizes on crafting and practical knowledge and zoning regulations that are consistent, clear, usable and defensible. As an experience with innovative experienced private sector land use lawyer with extensive local government zoning methodologies. In his experience, Sean brings a unique perspective and experience to zoning role as the City of Cincinnati's codes. chief land use counsel, Sean served as lead counsel for City of Cincinnati the award-winning Cincinnati Chief Counsel,Land Use and Planning (2010-2014) form-based code and historic As Chief Counsel for Land Use and Planning for the City of Cincinnati,Sean preservation ordinances. He is a worked with a team of city staff, consultants, elected officials, and citizens national authority on innovative to develop legally defensible zoning and land use regulations that reduced zoning methods and practices, regulatory risk to property owners, increased certainty for the community, including Development Pattern and reduced litigation risk and expense for the city. Sean served as lead Districting (DPD), our widely- counsel for Cincinnati's Historic Preservation Code (Winner of the 2012 acclaimed intuitive zoning Cincinnati Preservation Award), Cincinnati Land Development Code,which approach. includes the City's first stream corridor protection overlay district, and Cincinnati Form-Based Code (Winner of CNU 22 FBC Award), all of which EDUCATION was funded by a 2010 HUD Sustainable Communities Challenge Grant. JURIS DOCTOR Adjunct Professor/Speaker/Author UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL Sean has served as an Adjunct Professor of Land Use Law at the University OFLAW of Cincinnati College of Law and has spoken at planning conferences across BACHELOR OF URBAN AND the country. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CREDENTIALS PROJECT MANAGER Sean served as project manager for the --- -- --•- - -••• •.. following comparable projects: Leadership in Energy and Reynoldsburg,OH: Zoning Gahanna, OH:Zoning Code Environmental Design Code Update Update Accredited Professional (LEEDOAP) Dormont, PA: Zoning Code Sidney, OH:Zoning Code Admitted to practice law in OH, Update Update KY, IN, and D.C. Bowling Green, OH: Gateway Germantown,TN:Zoning Code District/ Code Re-write Audit South Bend, IN:Zoning Code Avondale Estates,Ga: Zoning PROFESS 10 NAL • Peer Review Services Code Audit ASSOCIATIONS North Canton, OH: Main Street • Westerville,OH: Legal Counsel Districts Development and Full And Subsequently Retained As ► Congress for the New Urbanism Zoning Code Re-Write Project Manager ► Form-Based Code Institute • Vienna,VA:Zoning And Winchester/Winsted, CT: ► Heritage Ohio Subdivision Code Update Zoning Ordinance Update ► Urban Land Institute • Kent County, MD: Land Use • Litchfield,CT: Zoning ► American Planning Association Ordinance Update Ordinance Update 7 SARAH BROWN PRINCIPAL PLAN NEP ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE Sarah has more than 20 years of Hardesty& Hanover experience providing land use, Principal Planner(2019-Present) zoning, development assistance Providing consulting services on planning, zoning and development and environmental services matters including zoning ordinance amendments; subdivision, site plan, to various villages, cities, and special permit, and rezoning request reviews; environmental assessment towns in New York State. She form reviews, preparation and guidance on SEAR procedures for is an expert in understanding municipal clients in New York. the environmental process and is well versed in SEQRA and Frederick P. Clark&Associates its required documentation for Senior Planner(2005-2019) all types of projects, including Provided advisory consulting services on continuing planning, zoning permitting. and development matters including zoning ordinance amendments; subdivision, site plan, special permit, and rezoning request reviews; environmental assessment form reviews, preparation and guidance on SEAR procedures for municipal clients in New York. EDUCATION Precision Planning, Inc. Senior Planner(2005-2019) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, Prepared rezoning, special use permit, variance and development AGRONOMY& ENVIRONMENTAL I documents for private sector clients. Served as planning consultant to SCIENCE municipalities in Georgia. Provided planning, zoning and development DELAWARE VALLEY UNIVERSITY assistance including plan review, zoning interpretation, development of zoning maps, preparation of rezoning analyses, preparation of zoning overlay districts, preparation of zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan amendments, and grant writing. CREDENTIALS -- - - RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE American Institute of Certified __------ _.____ ---....._ ...._.___­­­­­­­­.­ Planners (AICP) PRINCIPAL PLANNER SARAH SERVED AS A PROJECT MANAGER FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: Village of Roslyn Harbor, NY,, . Town of New Castle, NY: Planning & Zoning Analysis Millwood Hamlet Center Village of Pleasantville, NY: Design Guidelines Marble Avenue Planning & Town of North Castle, NY: P R O F E S S 10 N A L Zoning Study Banksville Planning and ASSOCIATIONS Town of New Castle, NY: Zoning Study Millwood Hamlet Center . Village of Fishkill, NY: Special ► American Planning Association Design Guidelines Use Permit Study No, Westchester Planning Federation 8 JOCELYN G I BSO N S E N I OR P LAN N E P i N ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE Jocelyn has always been ZoneCo,Senior Consultant and Planner passionate about zoning as (2018-Present, Formerly called Calfee Zoning) a vehicle for bringing about Jocelyn brings both private and public sector experience in the areas of change in the built environment. urban planning and corporate real estate. Jocelyn is a perfect fit with As a City Planner in the public ZoneCo due to her passion for zoning as a way to bring long-range sector, she took special planning visions into reality. Her cross-section of urban planning with interest in Zoning Hearings real estate experience ensures that she is attentive to the needs of both and the every day development the community, its people and their quality of life, and also the needs of decisions that lead to profound businesses and institutions. change over time. She has both public and private sector code CBRE Group writing and planning experience, Senior Client Strategy&Consulting Analyst(2015-2018) supplemented by private sector In her role with CBRE,Jocelyn evaluated the real estate portfolios of large real estate experience. corporate clients in an effort to optimize their real estate expenditure across the globe. She helped clients visualize portfolios,expenditure and potential savings in unique and accessible ways. Jocelyn has worked EDUCATION with industrial, commercial and office real estate portfolios. She utilized mapping and analytics tools to evaluate locations, consolidations, an MASTERS OF COMMUNITY workspace planning. Herclients included several Fortune 500 companies. PLANNING UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI City of Cincinnati City Planner (2013-2015) BACHELOR OF ARTS, Jocelyn served as a City Planner with the City of Cincinnati during the INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS final stages of completion of the award-winning Comprehensive Plan,the UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI creation of the City's award-winning Form-Based Code, and the creation PROFESSIONAL of the City's Land Development Code. Jocelyn participated in all of these efforts, in addition to regular recommendations and presentations to the ASSOCIATIONS City Planning Commission and City Council. Jocelyn also gave zoning AND CIVIC recommendations to the City's Zoning Hearing Examiner. ENGAGEMENT RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE ► Board Member, Congress for SENIOR CONSULTANT JOCELYN SERVED AS A SENIOR the New Urbanism CONSULTANT FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: ► Chair, Midwest Chapter of the Congress for the New Bowling Green,OH: Gateway Westerville, OH: Code Re- Urbanism (2017-2021) District Development And Write ► American Planning Subsequently Retained For A Greenwood, IN Code Re-Write Association, Diversity, Equity Full Zoning Code Re-Write & Inclusion Committee, and City of Cincinnati Land Legislative Committee North Canton, OH: Main Street Development Code(while Districts Development in ► working President, City of North 9 � city government) ) College Hill Board of Zoning R Vienna,VA:Zoning And City of Cincinnati Form-Based Appeals Subdivision Code Update Code(while working in city ► Trustee, Camp Washington Kent County, MD: Land Use government) Community Council Ordinance Update ► Board Member, Camp Sidney, OH: Zoning Code Washington Community Board Update (CDC) 9 NEIL DESA yt PRINCIPAL PLANNER ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE Neil has managed and Hardesty& Hanover produced a wide range of policy Principal Planner(2021-Present) plans and technical guides, Managing or supporting planning, urban design, and transportation- including comprehensive focused assignments for municipalities, regional agencies, civic orgs., plans, Complete Streets special services districts. Topics include: master plans, comprehensive design guides, sustainability plans, redevelopment plans, building reuse studies, zoning (incl. form- plans, and conventional and based codes and sign regulations), traffic and parking studies, transit- form-based zoning codes. oriented development and station area plans, green infrastructure He is skilled at designing and strategies, economic development strategies, sustainability strategies, implementing public education and wayfinding/environmental graphic design. and involvement strategies appropriate to the historical, Emerge Community Planning&Strategy LLC social, cultural, and economic Director(2020-2021) contexts of residents. Promoted an independent,community-focused approach to the disciplines of city planning, design, and economic development that evolved over 17 years working with public sector clients across eight states. Led a project to revitalize commercial streets in Hattiesburg MS. EDUCATION ........ Nv5 __._. Senior Planner(2012-2019) MASTER OF CITY PLANNING Managed and/or participated in a wide range of planning and urban UNIVERSITY OFPENNSYVANIA design assignments for municipal governments, regional agencies, civic SCHOOL OF DESIGN organizations, business associations, and private clients. Topics ranged BACHELOR OF ARTS, from downtown,greyfields,and commercial corridor revitalization plans to GEOGRAPHY streetscape plans,design guidelines,and wayfinding plans. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE CREDENTIALS American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Stateof New Jersey ..................................... _ —_............ ........m.._ ....................... Professional Planner(PP) PRINCIPAL PLANNER NEIL SERVED AS A PROJECT MANAGER ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: City of Englewood, NJ:Zoning . Town of Pound Rldge, NY: PROFESSIONAL Code Update Comprehensive Plan Update ASSOCIATIONS Philadelphia, PA: Ridge Avenue * Village of Mamaroneck, NY: _ Design Guidelines& Rulebook Comprehensive Plan Update ► American Plannin.....Ass.....c g oiation a Kent County, MD. Land Use Princeton, NJ: Neighborhood Ordinance Update Character&Zoning Initiative No. New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association 10 NOLAN NICAISE URBAN & ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE Nolan is an urban planning, ZoneCo,Urban & Environmental Planner(2021-Present) environmental science, and Nolan combines real-world planning experience with a depth of knowledge policy professional. He about environmental policy. Additionally, Nolan has excellent composition, has worked as a planner, mapping,and long-range planning acumen. He has a range of experience scientist, environmental policy across the Midwest, including public sector experience, which means he specialist, higher education understands the complexity of administering a zoning code. program administrator, lecturer, consultant, research assistant, Planning and Development Services of Kenton County, Planner, and leader. (2020) He holds an MA degree in Urban Prior to joining ZoneCo, Nolan received public sector experience in and Environmental Policy and Kenton County, Kentucky. He was engaged in a variety of planning Planning from Tufts University activities for smaller municipalities within Kenton County,including zoning and a BS degree in Biology from administration, mapping, and long-range planning. the University of Dayton, where he focused on water science. Parsons Corporation Planner& Environmental Scientist,(2017-2019) Nolan evaluated environmental impacts of proposed pipeline construction EDUCATION projects, coordinate with local, state, and federal officials to determine environmental permitting requirements, prepare and submit permit applications to governmental agencies, and inspect construction sites to MA, URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ensure compliance. TUFTS UNIVERSITY He specialized in stormwater regulations and site design (stormwater BS, BIOLOGY, SUMMA CUM pollution prevention plans, as part of the National Pollutant Discharge LAUDE Elimination System),threatened and endangered species protections,and UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON dredge and fill activity permitting (Clean Water Act Section 404). Nolan Provided scientific monitoring support for environmental remediation sites,such as oil terminals and industrial landfills. He regularly coordinated P R O F E S S 10 N A L with state environmental protection agencies,state departments of natural ASSOCIATIONS resources, local soil and water conservation districts, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. ► Congress for the New Urbanism RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE ► Indiana Sustainability Development Network URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER NOLAN SERVED AS A ► Urban Land Institute PLANNER ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: Dormont, PA: Zoning Code Vienna, VA: Zoning And Update Subdivision Code Update Bowling Green, OH: Gateway Kent County, MD: Land Use District Development And Ordinance Update Subsequently Retained For A Marysville, OH:Zoning Code Full Zoning Code Re-Write Update North Canton, OH: Main Street Gahanna,OH:Zoning Code Districts Development And Update Subsequently Retained For A Full Zoning Code Re-Write 11 AYAKO M U I P �F ARCHITECTURAL & URBAN DESIGNER ABOUT PAST EXPERIENCE Ayako is an architectural/ Hardesty& Hanover urban designer who is skilled Principal Planner(2021-Present) at developing maps, conceptual Develops maps, conceptual diagrams, illustrations, photo simulation, diagrams, illustrations, photo and schematic designs for planning and engineering projects. Prepares simulations, and schematic diagrams for conventional and form-based zoning codes. designs for planning, urban design, architecture, and NV5 landscape architecture work— Senior Planner,(2012-2021) in addition to interdisciplinary Developed maps,conceptual diagrams,illustrations, photo simulation,and projects. She is adept at using schematic designs for planning and engineering projects. Supported the a range of programs—including firm's architecture group in building reuse feasibility studies and space AutoCAD, ArcMap, Adobe planning. Creative Suite, Rhino,SketchUp, and Lumion—to produce clear, Wallace Roberts&Todd (WRT)(2009-2012) appropriately-dimensioned, and Prepared design concepts, schematic designs, and preliminary compelling graphics. plans for streetscape improvements, parks, affordable housing and commercial development. Prepared community design policies, plans, E D U C AT I O N design guidelines and reports related to road improvements, landscape ­11111111-11........ improvements, commercial development, residential development and BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE, integrated community design. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE ARCHITECTURAL& URBAN DESIGNER AYAKO SERVED AS A DESIGNER ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: Kent County, MD: Land Use Dutchess County, NY: Ordinance Update Revitalizing Urban Centers- Village of Mamaroneck Beacon & Poughkeepsie NY: Moratorium Study Town of Needham, Redevelopment Scenarios MA: Chestnut Street Redevelopment Concepts 12 CMUD "ZoneCo took what we had in our heads, and transferred those thoughts and plans into a defensible, yet progressive document. Our experience with ZoneCo is one of pride in our local community, as we grow into one of the most forward thinking, and development friendly municipalities in the state! Our new zoning code will live long after I'm gone, still providing a framework for the built environment NIX of a more prosperous Reynoldsburg.' ANDREW BOWSHER Reynoldsburg, Ohio "I go to a lot of towns and states. I have never seen regulations that have really jumped out at me as clear and well-organized as what Sean has provided to us." PLANNING COMMISSIONER Winchester, Connecticut "This citywide code is an excellent model for any city - particularly legacy cities-seeking to use code reform to promote fiscally and environmentally sustainable urban regeneration, greater housing diversity, walkable neighborhoods, and stronger urban design. The code's helpful "how to use" guide, clean easy-to-read graphics, and logical layout make navigation easy for administrators, applicants, and citizens. The historic preservation provisions, bike and car parking standards, and clever treatment of cul-de-sacs are some of the many exemplary features..This new code will have a lasting and positive transformational impact on South Bend's future and provides many lessons for other cities considering a form-based code.' SMART GROWTH AMERICA / FBC INSTITUTE ZoneCo, Co-Winner of Driehaus Award, South Bend, IN 13 SOUTH BE ZONING ORDINANCE PEER REVIEW 1 W r- n i " PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW MUNICIPAL PROJECT Peer review services were ZoneCo was hired to provide MANAGER REFERENCE provided for the re-write of peer review services for the Michael Divita, AICP the Zoning Ordinance. South Bend, Indiana zoning Principal Planner ordinance re-write. South City of South Bend GEOGRAPHY Bend crafted a zoning code 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., that provides flexibility while Suite 1400S Northern Indiana achieving the desired urban South Bend, IN 46601 ZONECO REVIEWED form. The code is highly (574) 235-5843 visual, and ZoneCo helped mdivita@southbendin,gov THE FOLLOWING: to ensure that the code is • Signage Standards facilitating the community Project Staff., Sean Suder • Special Districts vision while checking for • Overlay Districts compliance with Indiana statutes. ZoneCo is part of • Standard Districts a team currently nominated • Form-Based Standards for a national award for • Mixed-Use Standards work on this project. • Building Standards • Parking Standards Floodplain Standards Z CO++ 14 HEMPSTEAD, NEWYORK NEW ZONING DISTRICT & REGS �t w � Axe�♦A.It(vrc% i w � ktUiaVnu s r�a�n�,tau�^�ro vu��^w�paiw�rrdrr��wa�wa�arrw � � o�r�r� co•iri r��.sen�ttn ms�aswa e aana oaaum � w"�i6 PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW principles. A master plan Create a new zoning Hardesty & Hanover was for the entire property district and regulations for retained by the Town of was created for a mixed- the area containing the Hempstead to create a use development that Nassau Veterans Memorial new zoning district and included residential, office, Coliseum and surrounding perform the SEQR review and entertainment uses. property. for the redevelopment thoughtful and exhaustive of the Nassau Coliseum evaluation of the desired GEOGRAPHY property and surrounding development patterns in Hempstead, New York - area. Hardesty & Hanover Olde Reynoldsburg. Long Island created the Mitchel Field MUNICIPAL PROJECT Mixed-Use District which MANAGER REFERENCE SKILLS AND preserved and protected TECHNIQUES the special character of Jack L. Libert, Chief of the greater Mitchel Field Staff • Zoning Analysis area, promoted the most Office of the Supervisor • Analysis of desirable and suitable Development Potential use of land in this area in • Drafting of Zoning accordance with a well- District Regulations considered plan, and SEQR provided an incentive for development of the area in a manner consistent with sound planning r c � 15 REYNOLDSBURG , OHIO ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE Districts and Zones IjI o i on= o PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW with robust form-based A modernized, streamlined, In 2018, Reynoldsburg, standards throughout and updated hybrid zoning Ohio retained ZoneCo which apply to building code. and OHM Advisors to re- frontage, open space, write the City's Planning and building typology. GEOGRAPHY and Zoning Code. Prior This code is an excellent to this, OHM Advisors example of effectively Columbus Metropolitan completed an updateof balancing streamlined Area the Comprehensive Plan regulations with form- which sets new goals for conscious standards. SKILLS AND the City for the next 10 to 20 TECHNIQUES MUNICIPAL PROJECT years. The land use goals • Full Code Diagnostic of the plan relate strongly MANAGER REFERENCE • Calibration of all to the East Main Street Andrew Bowsher Regulations and Corridor, strengthening Development Director Standards Olde Reynoldsburg, and 7232 East Main Street • Old Towne District Infill promoting economic Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Analysis diversity and economic (614) 322-6831 development. ABowsher@ • Development Pattern ci.reynoldsburg.oh.us Districting The calibration of the code's • Form-Based Coding regulations included a Project Staff,., Sean Suder, • Recommendations thoughtful and exhaustive Jocelyn Gibson and Considerations for evaluation of the desired Suburban Retrofit development patterns in • Presentations at all Olde Reynoldsburg, The Adoption Meetings code is a hybrid code, CZONEO++ 16 FISHKILL, NEWYORK ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE Exisfing Land Use MIRP k S W I f � r ,r rz o'er, V ( p P, m11 F q5 I � Yu PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW signage regulations to be Update zoning code and Hardesty & Hanover is consistent with recent subdivision regulations, the the consulting planner case law. Staff also make to the Village of Fishkill, suggestions for language GEOGRAPHY In addition to attending changes that make the Village of Fishkill, NY - Planning Board meetings zoning law easier to Mid-Hudson Valley and Zoning Board of understand or eliminate Appeals meetings and conflicting information SKILLS AND reviewing applications, with other sections of the TECHNIQUES services include periodic code. • Code updates updates to the existing MUNICIPAL PROJECT for clarity and/or zoning law. Staff have have MANAGER REFERENCE consistency analyzed and amended the special use permit use Hans Klingzahn • Zoning Analysis and requirements for all Chairman of the Planning • Creation of zoning zoning districts, updated Board regulations for new the bulk requirements uses, rezonings, and for the residential, updates commercial, and industrial • SEQR zoning districts, updated the permitted uses and definitions for the commercial and industrial district, and revised the dw''k &H o"' r U 17 D, ORMONT, ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE t' � � xmn aim ��^� �� �Y ^"� � ayv�� r� ✓. 1 i 10" ft' " , VISUAL URBAN DTC1"OVARY i PROJECT SCOPE Floodplain Standards includes active engagement A modern, streamlined, and Visual Urban Dictionary and education; the testing updated Zoning Ordinance, of new ideas and zoning with transit-oriented and PROJECT OVERVIEW concepts to determine the form-based elements. most appropriate content; The Borough of Dormont, and a user-friendly tool to Pennsylvania, has engaged guide growth. GEOGRAPHY the team of ZoneCo and Pittsburgh Metropolitan YARD & Company to MUNICIPAL PROJECT Area help modernize its zoning MANAGER REFERENCE ordinance. As one of SKILLS AND Pittsburgh's several transit- Benjamin Estell TECHNIQUES oriented inner ring suburbs, Borough Manager Dormont seeks to build on 1444 Hillsdale Avenue, • Transit-Oriented the momentum created Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Standards by recent regional transit- (412) 561-8900 • Full Code Diagnostic oriented development bestell@boro.dormont. • Calibration of planning efforts. The pa.us Development Standards team will craft a zoning and Regulations ordinance that not only Project Staff, Sean Suder, • Form-Based Standards allows for context sensitive Nolan Nicaise • Mixed-Use Standards infill development and adaptive reuse but enables • Design Standards the borough to capitalize CO++ Development Pattern on several light rail stations Districting and bus stops. The process 18 LLOYD HARBOR, NEWYORK ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE Development Potential Proposed Land lJse Plan Analysis V a�u i� l �%U � �'v�TM ✓�rw✓i`J 6//rr I/d lfOjj✓{PJ r 3 ✓i q ✓ n w � M 4WWA e� . ;ter_....., q;u¢"�hrhxikwUnTn PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW drafted new zoning and To update the zoning Hardesty& Hanover(H&H) subdivision regulations code and subdivision was retained by the Village that reduced the amount regulations to align with of Lloyd Harbor to prepare of development in areas recommendations of the an update to the Village's adjacent to sensitive Village's Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan. The environmental areas and Plan. land use goals of the plan drafted wetlands and steep discuss the importance slopes laws that eliminated GEOGRAPHY or greatly reduced of the preservation and Village of Lloyd Harbor, NY protection of the sensitive development potential in these areas, H&H also - Long Island environmental features such as wetlands and drafted all of the SEAR SKILLS AND steep slopes, minimizing documentation required for the code amendments. TECHNIQUES environmental impacts • Zoning Analysis and preserving open MUNICIPAL PROJECT • space through revisions to MANAGER REFERENCE Analysis of the zoning and subdivision Development Potential Laws. H&H reviewed SEQR the existing regulations Jean M. Thatcher, Mayor . with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and A-la-66V ' 19 BOWLING GREEN , OHIO GATEWAY DISTRICT AND FULL CODE RE-WRITE .................. l/ t r' "'z xa;?;`� ✓, r (Ili%�/% �� '"l��i�� r it ° gyri o'ij/i i%rtu �, v � •�i . Ij/ifs/��//���r��r %�fii�rfj�!%Ir%`ji, " ; " ... �. n' Y �,m..,.,,,,.. t;'.,,..,,,.,,..,..r , .,.,. y��%�j%�//�'f��Uf1�G IRr�`Y4 �1 L'� Y ��I✓/y�`.%��//I/��//I/i�r PROJECT SCOPE Pedestrian-Oriented oriented while creating an A new Development Standards attractive gateway for the Pattern District and • Design Standards City and the University. accompanying design • Document and Graphic ZoneCo created a highly and zoning standards for Design visual and streamlined a well-traveled Gateway document, consistent with between Downtown and PROJECT OVERVIEW City branding. ZoneCo the University in the City was subsequently retained of Bowling Green, Ohio. The team of ZoneCo to complete a full re- ZoneCo was subsequently and OHM Advisors was write of the Zoning Code, retained to write the full selected to create building, use, design and signage which is in the codification code, module. standards for the Gateway GEOGRAPHY District in Bowling Green. This district is located in MUNICIPAL PROJECT Toledo Metropolitan Area, between the charming, MANAGER REFERENCE Population walkable, and historic Heather Sayler Downtown and Bowling Planning Director SKILLS AND Green State University. 304 N. Church Street TECHNIQUES The corridor is currently Bowling Green, OH 43402 Calibration of comprised of disconnected (419) 354-6218 • Development commercial uses and the hsayler@bgohio,org Standards and goal is to connect these two Regulations walkable places and make Project Staff- Sean Suder, the new district human- Nolan Nicaise • Mixed-Use and scaled and pedestrian- CO++ 20 VIENNA, VIRGINIA ZONING & SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES ArLiele Ile Zones, Fstric , i e n sio €ai Standards PROJECT SCOPE PROJECT OVERVIEW administrator, and where ZoneCo was chosen to ZoneCo will clarify, regulations are currently re-write Vienna, Virginia's simplify, and reorganize lacking, like for parking subdivision and zoning its subdivision and standards and definitions ordinances as the lead zoning ordinances so the for all uses. consultant joined by regulations are logically Venable LLP, Nelson organized and easy to MUNICIPAL PROJECT Nygaard, and YARD & understand through the MANAGER REFERENCE Company. use of plain language, charts, tables, and David Levy, AICP GEOGRAPHY illustrations. Director of Planning & Zoning Washington D.C. In addition,the subdivision 127 Center St S Metropolitan Area and zoning ordinances Vienna, VA 22180 will be updated so (703) 255-6341 SKILLS AND they are in compliance david.levy@viennava.gov TECHNIQUES with State statutes, Land Use Assessment recent Supreme Court Project Staff- Sean Suder, • Calibration of decisions with regards Nolan Nicaise Development to sign regulations, and Standards and consistent with the Town's + Regulations Comprehensive Plan. • Transportation-Land The update will address Use Coordination areas where the Code Mixed-Use Standards is silent and zoning Design Standards determinations have been made over the years • Main Street Standards by the Town's zoning 21 ADDITIONAL PROJECTS DESIGN STANDARDS - CANFIELD, OH Canfield, Ohio was seeking to create design standards for two design districts within their City. The review of development applications in the design districts was occuring in the absence of overarching standards or guidelines, which made design review challenging. Although there is historic architecture in Canfield, architectural styles vary substantially. ZoneCo developed streamlined design standards that can guide redevelopment in a way that is respectful of existing form and styles found in Canfield, while still providing flexibility. ZONING CODE UPDATE - SIDNEY, OH The Sidney, Ohio zoning code update was recently completed and adopted in early 2022. The code guides new development and infill in a manner that is consistent with the desired character for the town. The character in Sidney's downtown is promoted through character- based standards. The code update removed inconsistencies, confusing organization, and dated regulations. Sidney's City Manager, Andrew Bowsher, worked with ZoneCo on the adoption of the Reynoldsburg, Ohio code (while he was Development Director there), and recently, for the Sidney code. ZONING ASSESSMENT-AVONDALE ESTATES, GA In 2017, ZoneCo (then Calfee Zoning) was selected to produce a Zoning Code Audit for the City of Avondale Estates Georgia. The project centered upon evaluating whether the zoning code and supplementary land use regulations advance the City's recently adopted Downtown Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan. ZoneCo designed a public engagement module to foster input from key internal and external stakeholders. The facilitation of walkability in downtown was a key objective for the assessment. The final product was a report that highlights policy solutions and best practices for the City to consider and implement in order to advance its development goals. ZONING ASSESSMENT- FLORENCE, KY ZoneCo was hired as part of a team led by Yard &Company to assess the zoning regulations governing the Main Street District in the City of Florence, Kentucky. It had been nearly thirty years since the Main Street District regulations were adopted. Utilizing the planning vision of the City's steering committee and core planning documents, ZoneCo reviewed each regulation governing the City's Main Street District to determine whether the provision (i) advanced the planning vision; (ii) had a neutral impact on the planning vision; or (iii) served as a barrier to the planning vision. The final diagnostic report incorporated summary conclusions and recommendations for overhauling the Main Street District regulations to ensure that the district develops as a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented destination in Northern Kentucky. The findings in the diagnostic report will serve as a foundation for codifying new zoning regulations that will govern the Florence Main Street District moving forward. ZONING CODE UPDATE - PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PEER REVIEW,AND SIGN ORDINANCE; WESTERVILLE, OH ZoneCo was engaged to provide special legal counsel to the project, being led by Lisa Wise Consulting (LWC). ZoneCo has undertaken a diagnostic of the existing Code and is leading the final stages of codification at the request of the City. 22 ADDITIONAL, PROJECTS ZONING ASSESSMENT- ORANGE TOWNSHIP, OH (ZONING CODE UPDATE ONGOING) In 2019, ZoneCo completed a diagnostic report for Orange Township, Ohio, Orange Township has seen substantial growth; recent development has almost exclusive occurred through the Planned Development process within their zoning code. The code is old, difficult to navigate, and creating administrative challenges. Their goals for walkability, a town center, and housing variety cannot be accommodated by the current zoning regulations. ZoneCo created a report that analyzed every section of the code, and provided a clear assessment of how the code is not achieving the community's vision. ZoneCo was subsequently retained to rewrite the full code. ZONING ASSESSMENT AND RE-WRITE OF COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS - WHITEHALL, OH (ZONING CODE UPDATE ONGOING) In 2019 ZoneCo completed a zoning diagnostic report in conjunction with the Whitehall Works Development Blueprint. The zoning diagnostic report benchmarked the City's current zoning code against the planning goals and objectives set forth in the City's plan. The diagnostic report also included recommendations regarding updates to the zoning code to advance the City's goals and objectives. ZoneCo and OHM Advisors was subsequently retained to re-write the zoning code. The commercial districts were updated and adopted in late 2021; the new districts accommodate improved flexibility and walkability within the districts. ZONING ASSESSMENT- GERMANTOWN, TN In 2015, Sean Suder (then Lead Principal of Graydon Land Use Strategies, LLC) was hired as part of a team to provide zoning consulting services to suburban Germantown, Tennessee (Memphis area). Sean provided a review of the current zoning resolution to determine how it may be promoting the city's desired development outcomes and in what instances it may be serving as a barrier to achieving its land use goals and objectives. ZONING CODE UPDATE - PLAIN CITY, OH In 2021-2022,ZoneCo and OHM Advisors were hired to complete an update of Plain Cioty's zoning code. The City is growing at a fast rate, and sought to develop a more granular development pattern in downtown and the traditional neighborhoods around it, Non-monotony and design standards were integrated into the residential areas while the industrial areas were adjusted to accommodate the evolving needs of employers in Plain City. 23 PROJECT APPROACH: SUMMARY r1550l 0;po' r y� rr lr rr vi rrT rr Dia ose Cali, e Codi 1; The first module of this Once changes to district Once the base regulations, project is Diagnose, composition have updated use tables, and The main objective is been finalized, we will administrative inventory to understand current move into calibrating have been revised, we planning practice and base regulations of the will draft the language of all of the dynamics Code, We will present the Code. At the close of administration, a Calibration Table that of the calibrate module, procedures, common lays out all proposed our designers will draft bottlenecks, and outdated regulation alongside graphics and visuals, regulations, existing regulations and The process of fleshing recommendations from We will compare and score the Comprehensive Plan out the base regulations in your current code against within a table format, advance of the codification goals from Southold's We will work with you to means that the team can Comprehensive Plan and prepare a draft map so focus on the document any other long-range that suggested changes style and readability, plans. Stakeholders/staff can be viewed alongside language consistency, the will be consulted for input. the map, efficacy of graphics as visual aids, and ensuring We will summarize our The Calibration module that revisions and findings into a Diagnostic creates efficiencies; feedback are effectively Report, This report helps when we begin to draft translated into the to orient the project, new language, the base document, provides insight into regulations will be hashed focus areas, and allows out and the team can A public review draft of us to create a prioritized focus on the document the code will provide the list of objectives for text, public an opportunity updates. We will outline to review and submit any suggested changes to We will create an comments/revisions prior zoning districts for review administrative inventory to producing a final draft at the end of this module, and assess how processes of the code. could be adjusted. OUR PROCESS ZoneCo employs a three-module approach for delivering code updates that is intuitive and streamlined, and the summary above provides an overview of this process. Public engagement will be prioritized throughout this process to ensure that we are attentive to community perspectives and feedback, particularly in the Calibrate and Codify modules. Our module-based approach encapsulates all of the items listed your RFP. Through our many zoning projects, this approach has maximized meaningful collaboration and project schedules. A full engagement outline can be found on page 27. 24 Project Initiation & Orientation (Month 1) b. Prioritized List of Changes and Updates, As we finalize the Diagnostic a. Kick-Off Meeting, We will initiate the Report, we will create a prioritized list of project with akick-off meeting. We changes and updates, We will begin to will review project goals, timeline, work approach, and the public outreach and uncover how zoning districts could be re-organized or updated, At the close engagement strategy. of this task, we will provide the Town b. Plan Review, We will begin with a robust with the deliverables listed below. planning document review, including Deliverables: the existing Code, Comprehensive Plan, and any relevant forms or documents. • Project website - repository for project We will review variance requests and updates, documents, and information decisions to understand where relief from the code is being sought, We Diagnostic Report accompanied by the will furthermore review development line-by-line scoring matrix patterns, corridors, district, and • Outline of zoning district changes and neighborhoods within the Town via map driving tour, • A draft table of contents which will c. Staff Feedback Form, We will create display how we intend to re-organize the a supplementary form that we will Code distribute to staff which compiles comments about where they feel there is A mock-up of the document design style most opportunity for change or revision. for review Module 1: Diagnose (Months 2-3) Module 2: Calibration (Months 3-6) a. Draft Diagnostic Report. At the close a. Base Regulations. In the previous tasks, of the previous task, we will have an we outlined zoning district changes understanding of current planning and created a prioritized list of updates practice in the Town and we will draft a for the Code. We will lay out base Diagnostic Report that outlines exactly regulations for the various sections of how the current Code compares with the Code, like districts and generally the Comprehensive Plan objectives. applicable regulations within a table We undertake a thorough line-by-line format which we call the "Calibration analysis that provides detailed notes for Table", every section within a matrix. The matrix b. Calibration Table, The Calibration scores the entire Code, and the findings module creates efficiencies; when we from this exercise are subsequently begin to draft new language, the base distilled and summarized within the regulations will be fleshed out and the Diagnostic Report. team can focus on the document text, 25 graphics, and readability. This also gives reviewed by staff, we will have the first the community the opportunity to be draft ready for the public forum. We will integrated into the process before there have graphics completed at this time. is a fully drafted document and prioritize We will work with staff to coordinate the their feedback. public forum to review the document. c. Review & Test, We will hold an internal We will create an inventory of feedback received during the forum and integrate review of the Calibration Table with staff it into the document and the map. The and then test the base regulations with draft Code should also be available residents and other stakeholders at a online along with a means for submitting public forum. comments electronically. d. Diagrams & Graphics. When the c. Final Draft A public review draft will calibration table is finalized, we will garner additional comments, after which create graphics that will make the Code we will produce a final draft of the Code. more readable and user-friendly. Deliverables: d. Adoption. Our team will be attend adoption meetings and record • Draft Calibration Table comments/feedback as the new code moves toward adoption. • Final Calibration Table Deliverables: Meetings: Draft Code Forum to review Base Regulations / Calibration Table Public Review Draft of Code Module 3: Codification (Months 7-16) Final Code a. Code Language. The previous modules Meetings: efficiently flow into the Codification • Forum to Review Draft Code Language Module, With the base regulations fleshed out, the team can focus on the Presentation of Draft Code language of the Code. We recommend • Presentation of Final Code (after all that as we undertake the drafting revisions from draft are made) process, that we deliver the new Code language in sections. We can work with Adoption Meetings with Town Officials you to prioritize section delivery. Some sections are intuitive to review together, Staff training/code review, or post- like districts (which includes permitted adoption services could be added as an uses) and special use standards, additional scope item b. First Draft & Public Review Draft. When all sections have been drafted and 26 f � r n Public Outreach & Engagement Strategy d. Develop/Update Web Site, The project should have a presence on the Web, We will work with the We will collaborate with the Town to design and Town to create a dedicated webpage - it will serve implement community outreach and engagement as a repository for project information, updates, for the code update. We will learn about the ways in deliverables, important dates, etc. We can provide which Southold's Town administration, institutions, Town staff to provide language and images for the and civic-focused organizations communicate with selected social media accounts upon request, their respective constituencies, and integrate those existing platforms where possible.These could include e. Planning Pop-Ups, Traditional public meetings websites, e-newsletters, blogs, social media, radio, are not well-suited for modern busy lifestyles, newspaper, and other methods,The following is the Our planning pop-ups bring the plan directly to general framework for how we will approach public and the community by participating in local events, stakeholder engagement in the Town. festivals, and gatherings. By "popping up" at places where residents and stakeholders a. Create Identity. One of the first decisions to make are already attending, we can educate and is how to name this project or process.The name engage with a diverse audience.These ongoing should be interesting and engaging. All outreach opportunities for public involvement feature materials should include the logo. informational tools, mapping exercises, and b. Key Community Groups. It is important that thematic activities, this project engage a variety of demographics, f. Appropriate Mix of Engagement Sessions, We will geographies, and citizenry, especially groups work with the Town to ensure that our format for that are frequently under-represented at public meetings works for the community. There will also meetings, Working with staff to develop a list of be an array of virtual engagement options. We will community groups to engage will position us to custom-tailor engagement to this community. better ensure that we've reached out to a diverse set of community members. All of the elements of the community outreach and engagement process will be organized into a matrix that c. Create an FAQ/De-Jargon Guide, Key to this describes each element, assigns responsibilities among process is that residents and other stakeholders the consultant/Town team and the Steering Committee, have the same baseline information and and sets a timeline for their deployment. As stated understanding of this initiative, its goals, in our project approach, our three-module approach potential outcomes, and make sure to build an ensures that engagement occurs at key points in the understanding of why zoning is important. Our project so that engagement and feedback is integrated team uses innovative visual and de-jargoning in a meaningful way, techniques to make sure that residents can easily absorb planning concepts, 7 PROJECT BUDGET & SCHEDULE The project approach provided on pages 25 and 26 assigns a duration to tasks within the three project modules, which is also summarized below. Meetings and deliverable due dates can vary within these modules, but the schedule below provides the framework for the project schedule. dick-Off MeetinQ Oncludes en a cniertt stary alc Months l $8000 In-Depth Document Review Months 1-2 $4,500 In ut from Staff/Stakeholders Months 2-3 6000 Diagnostic Report (Draft & Final Version) Months 2-3 $18,000 uo / Y r r Draft Calibration Table and Draft Ma Months 3-4 $27,000 Public Review of Calibration / Base Re ulations Months 4-5 $16,000 Final Calibration -fable Months 6 $81000 Consultant develo2oaRmeliminary sections of the draft code Consultant develops public review draft of code (graphics and visual aids included Consultant facilitates public engagement and integrates public Months 7-13 $68,000 feedback on the draft document and draft ma Consultant makes revisions and produces adoption draft of code and ma Public review process and public hearings with Village Months 13-16 Trustees and Village Planning Board and Staff Training $28,000 Sessions, /�'% r../// %� IIJ' �„ '�� i��r,���/��✓�!Ir,////M�„�,Jrpr'��a� ������l��i!`,�/i�r1''�� r,� l�i�l���/l�r/�1,� �� � '�rrn r� � �' M�r�'�) �,, ,/�,'�>`,�,J����,,,��,� 1�,��'� ��� ,,�����r��,111 r, �',���",,,,�u���/y, � � �,' ,,,� , , *The final terms agreed upon between the parties will be memorialized in a written agreement executed prior to the commencement of the project.All consultant expenses, including, but not limited to,travel expenses and document preparation and printing, are included in the agreed upon guaranteed maximum price, St�f'f fra-fining, cluided code orientation for staff/officials, or post-adoption services could be added as an additional scope item 28 WORK SAMPLES Please find the full .Ra.s.hu g,, OH ZoningCodehere: I- jquL')1q-r ggy-/-t - old—so irr dffgjgr.-. c o,d e?h t rn I-,[rue 9/0Z Please find the Southen Bions here (ZoneCo 11 d, IN Zonin Ike Subconsultant): hit, /Mocs.southbendin.ggy - DI-ink Browse, JAqL-­__/__.-..-___ ... aspx?dbid--0,,_0&s1.-a r-Lid,-291 &row=Mcr-=1. Please find the Qormont,.J 0 ment Code here: Mtpx'. bqL 03-Code Cook-5 ...6- 2.1.pdf Please find the Bowling Green, OH Gateway District here: o h i o.ori/w poor itentjLi_fDLQ2,QL 0 /Qrgwf -3 . g y- j ��-Cg'at Zonin .-District-2-3-2020. 1 df?x33100 Please find the full Sidnev,10H Zonigg Cq-de here: hitiz)sWcodelibrar an-fle - al.com/c desZsid.i-'ieyol-i/latest/sidii!pV c11 0-0- 0-47125 Please find the Litchfield, CT Zoning Regulations here (Completed by Sean Suder): s/vvh1if796/f/upjqgj scrivners errors se Please find the full Marysville, OH Zoning Code here: e lene n etW ry s yj I I e- - 7=gj(.i JL jg- ( Revised-as-of--'11'1 920 Please find the Winchester Winsted,_CT Zn Re trl.ations, here (Completed by Sean Suder): 1:1tt,r) �//wwwjownofwinches "er. -?fg -i ri tj 3 1/f/ Is i e s S ffijjq,�, ,qjL1afioits aj:j rqved 12 Q�-) :�Qj% f -p- 29