HomeMy WebLinkAbout638 Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law, and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southald, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the I Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town I' of Southold, at the Town Oft'ice, Main Road, Southold, New York, on Thurs- day, March 19, 1964, on the following I appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.8.T.J, upon application of Thomas LiggiO, 46 somerset Drive, Great Neck, New: York, for a. variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article nI, Section 303 anti Article X. Section IOOOA, for permission to divide property into two separate lots with 50 ft. frontage and insufficient area. Location of property: east side Bay Shore Road, Greenport, New York, Lots 66 and 67 on map of Peconic Bay Estates, hounded north by Frank F. Csajko, east by Peconic Bay, south by James Rosati (Lots 68 & 69), and west by Bay Shore Road. 7:45 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of William and Doris Zeh, 8226 168 Street, Jamaica, New York, for recog- nition of access in accordance with State of NeWI York Town Law, Beetion 280A. Location of property: south side of private road, west of North Bay- view Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by private road, east by John H. Price, south and west by H. Schumacher. 8:00 P. M. (E.8.T.), upon application of Helen Henkel, Mayfatr Lane, Green- wich, Connecticut, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ill, Section 300, SUbsection 7, for permission to erect an acce.ssory building in the front yard area, 37 ft. from the front property line. Location of pt<)Jle1'tJ: north side private road known as Clay Point Road, Fishers, Island, New. York, bounded north by Fishers Island Sound, east by H. W. Bagley, soutb by private road kncnnl as Clay Point Road, and west by Mary HaInes. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Southampton Produce Distributors, Inc., Bridgehampton, New York, for a. speCial exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Bee.. tioD 1007, Subsection (e), for permis- sion to structurally alter a non-con- fanning business use in excess of 50% of the fair value of the building. Loca- tion of property: south side Sound Avenue, Mattltuck, New York, bounded ,north by Sound Avenue, east by Wll- !lam Unkelbach, south by WlUiam Unkelbech, and west by P. L. Prins. 8:30 P. M. (E.S.T'>, upon application of Lewis E. Raymond, Rocky Point Road, East Marton, Newl York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning ofdinance, Article X, Bee- tion 1007, Subsection (d), for permis- sion to reactivate a non-conforming ,use which has been discontinued for ! more than two years. Location of property: Private road, south $ide of Main Road, Orient, New York. bounded north by Joseph Andrade, east by William Karcher, south by private road, and west by William Karcher. 9:00 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of John Buckley, 2 Roxbury Road, Garden City. New York, for a. variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 300, Subsec- 'tion 7, for permission to erect a de- tached garage less than three feet from the side or rear line. Location of property: w,est side Rogers Roald, Southold, New York, Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Beixedon Estate, bounded north by Lot 5-Lena Roth, east by Rogers Road, south by Hippodrome Drive, and west by Lots 8 & 9--Edward L. Graham and Lena Roth. 9:30 P. M. (E.S.T'), upon application of A. B. Rosenberg, Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article nl, Section 300. Subsection 3A, for permiSSion to ex- pand and improve a. private marina. Location of property: southwest corner of Champlin Place and RObinson Road., Greenport, New York, bounded north by Champlin Place, east by Robinson Road, south by Helen Lyon, and west by Sterling Creek. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specifled. DATED: March 9, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of AppeaJo. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORI< } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- 1_ . 1- J , ! man once each week for ...............'..~..~................... wee<,s , , successively, commencing on the ..........."..:........................ . )) I d f /""/~'1. 19',(' ay 0 .............,..........;.(..J.........., ...~..... . /1' ! I / . .', ........................L....:......:........',!..~':...........'...>................. / Sworl1 to before me this .........6............. day of ',,'t i~ 19, - <.. .........,...;'..'....................., .w....... '( .' I , 'i. ,~( '" . , I ( i,' ../........,................................. .........,................N~U;;Y..Public J t:'~;r, r;o W.r:';~frf D_ f;URrJS S:J~I .; iCN' .\rk \1, C";Urlty 19(:j II LB~ HOl'lCB Notice of ...:dD9 Pul'auaat to 8_t1-. 261 of the 'l'OWIl Law and the prw1ll1mul I !; of the ~de4 BullcU.R'i ;&eme OX'dJ.Raace of the 'l'OWIl of SOUtho1cl. Ii : Suffolk coua~. H_ YOJrIt. pu1IIl1c h_..ibCJ. w111 be held _ the " ii s... BOard of A,flll.l. of the '1'OWIl of SOUt:hold. at the 'I'OWn Ii Office. 811'1 aO&d. Southold. __ YOz'k. _ 'l'Ilu..."y. Mal'eh It. , ,I 1964. 011 the follow1l'l9 appeal.. 7.30 '.K. (B.a.'I'.). upon appl1caU_ of 'l'bcMaa Lin1o. " 46 s-....t Dlri".. Q!reat Heck. N_ YOI:'k. foz: a valr1aftee in 'I Ii ac:lCC*dImee with the Z.1D9 Ol'dh~~ee. ut1cle III. aeeu.cm il 303 and AI't:.1ele X. S_UOIl 1000A. for peDll1..icm to 41v1_ Ii Ii ....,...t:.y lI'Ito wo "pelrau 10ta w1th 50 ft.. fnntap and 'I II in..ffic1ea'lt a!rea. Locat1a\ of ....peJ:ty. _t .1_ ..y Shore 'i !I "'d. Greea~. __ YOI'k. LoU 66 and 67 011 ... of ,'ecoa1e Bay Ilaut:aa. lIomaded aoI'th lfy l'J.'aDIt 1'. c.ajko. ...t _ Pee_ie Bay. .Ollth _ J.... ....t1 (LOta 68 " 69). and weet: _ Bay II lJhon Iloaa. il II aeh. 8226 168 au-t. JaMua. __ YOJ.'k. for :r:ecopiUon 0' il II II :i II !I tl ij !I II 7.45 P.K. (B.8.T.). upon app.U.catJ.cID .f Wll11aa and DOI'1lI acee.. in IlCCOI'dlIDce with state of __ BldI: '!'OWn Law. Seet:iAm a80A. I.GCILt:1OIl of pJropelrty. RUth .1de of p1r1vat. :road. ....t of M!OJ.'1:h "Y"'1IIw a.... aoutbold. II... YOz'l(. 1DcNDded aonll _ pJr1.-ate road. e_t lfy JoIm a. hue. aOllth .... ....t lfy H. SClh'-cbelr . Ii 1.00 P.M. (B.S.T.). upoa appUeat.J.cID of _lea Henle.l. ii II Mayfau LIme. GJ:eenw1eh. cormect.1eut.. folr a var1ance 11'1 aCCOZ'cI- II 'i &ace with the ZOIl1D9 Orcl1lUl1tee. ut:1cle IU. aeet:J.cID 300. 8WH1eet.icm 7. fOI' pa:a1llaiOll W e..-ct. aD aeee.iIOI'Y l:N1ld1ng' 1R the troDt yazd arM. 37 ft:. fJ:Olll the fJ.'ont pJrOpert.y 111'18, ,i Pag. :2 - Lepl Not.ice il LoeaUOD of pzoopez"tYI north aide private naCl u... aa Clay i! Point: Itoad. l!'1aheu Ida.d. 11_ Yerk. J:aoa.... ftorth 'Dy 11'1Del'a il !llalJmd lIIMm4. ...1; Ji>y H. w. ....1.y. ..lith Ji>y pr1vau 1'CN14 Jmown " 11.. Clay Point aoad. ud. weat: Ji>y MUy sa....... lill 15 P. M. (B. II. 'to ). \I.... app11clat:l_ of .outbllllpt.all ftO'" J ;1 D1at.r1llNcorS. 1ftC., .r1~, _.. YGI'k. for a special l~ i( ,i exc:ept1on 1a aeeorclanee wlth the ZOD1n9 orlliuM8, Aa't:1cle x. ! I! section 1007. 8...0Uon (.). for puIIl.i.s1oft _ at:l'\lCtually :: ilaltel' a ncm-c:on....1n9 liM&a1a... ... in ...... of S~ of t:be fair ;i II val_ 01 the 1N1l41n9. LoGat,1ClII of property. lIO\Ith.ide SODd. Ii II A...... Mllt.t.1t.l1Cllc, -.w YOrk. }acwul.. IlO&"th 1Iy ....d A......... ...t [1 il II 'bY lUlU.. UllkeUMlc:h. __h by W1111.. unuUMlc:h. ud weat: l:Iy ,1 i; P. L. ft:1na. if till 10 P.M. (1:. S. '1'.). upee appl1claUoa .f IA'lfU E. aayrllOftll. I ~ il 'I I Itocky POint: It_d. aa.t: Marion. N.. Yot'k. for a .pecial ~ptlC11l I i! " II , 'I Ii II il II Ii 11 I' II Pf'OJIU't.yt Private roaII. aouth at. .f Main It_d. 01'18_1:. -.w ii ,I York. bouIl_d Dorth 'bY ,,__ph ADcIr.... ...t 'bY Williaa :Kucller. I' il aouth Ji>y private nad. ... wut. l:Iy lUlU.. JQU.'CJlu. !' ia ac:cordlmae wlth the :&on1ng" 0JI41Iuuace. Al't.1cle X. Section 1007. I 8~lC11l (Cl). for pe:nal.aiClll _ r~lvate a ....-CDlilOD1a9 .e WhlCl1a hall lMtm cl1aGcmUftuect for Mrlt thu t.wo Y'lU'8. LGcat:1ClII of 9.00 P.M. (B.S.T.). QlIXl appl1eaUOD 01 Jabn Buclcley. !I 2 1t0JdMu:y "'d. Gar.. city. H.. yox5c:. for. \'U' 1..... 1a aecorcl- un w1t;h the zon1Dg OI'd.1naaee. Al't.J.ele III. 1leet:1clD 100. Sui>- 'I sect.1oft 7. for pena1aaioa - erect: a .t:.IIcM'Il ....98 le.. than II il '! thne f..t fro. the a1. or rear 11,... LoGaUoa of property, we.1: aL_ Rogera Road. soutMld. _..ron. LDte 6 lUld 7. BlocJc 4. JS_1e4on aaute.. l:Iouftded Dorth 'bY LOt 5 - LeM Itoth. ...t: I ii l:Iy Rover. ItGad. SOUth l:Iy H1ppo4%~1 I Drlv.. U1'Il we.t: l:Iy LOU 8 " 't i Pel 3 - Legal ItOUee B4ward 1.. a..... and t..eDIl Roth. lh 30 P.M. (a. s. '1'. ). upon appU.aat:iGn of A. B. JlOtlltnbeq. JlOClky Pol8t Roael. I:aat. Marton. Ill.. YO&'lt, for a apec:1al exeept::I.oR 111 accordance w1t:h t.he Z_ug or4.tnaace. Art:J.eJ.e III, Seet:1oIa 300. S..eeUoD 311. lor pe~a1eD Q ......,. ...4 iapz''''. a pr1vat:e MJ:laa. Lec:at.lcm of ~Z't.YI aotlt:bwaat: conMlZ' of CbIuIiPll8 Place ...cl a_l8... Jl0a4, ~n., III.. YO&'Jt, bouIl_d north by CII--.1.l8 Place, ..at: JDy aob1Da_ !lOa4, 8OUt:h lily HaJ.eft 1.yon. an4 waat: by surl1D9 Craalt. Ally .... aon MauJAg Q be beU'cl _ t:ha ~ appU.oat>>fta lIhoalcl ap,n.. at: the U.._ and plaee ~ apee1t:Led. SOUthoJ.4 '!'oWls BoaX'4 of AppIIIlJ... DADlh March 9, 11164. By orMr of the '* '* '* PLBASB PUJlUSH OMCB, MNlCH 12. 1964. ~ ~ BIGJII'l' (8) Al'J'UAVl" OF l'UBLlCHIOII 'J!) 'l'IlB IIOoQD OF APnALS. '1'OMIf OI'J'JeB, MAD aCliAD, SOtl'fHOLD, NDf YOIlK. '* '* '* CoP1aa ..,11_4 to the fo11owi.r19 _ .__ 10, 1964. fte lAa9 IaJ.and ftava1_r-MIltUQlcJt wat ~ ~.. IAffa&'U P. IIcIaClIl. ...., a/o ~a 1.19910 MUpry ....., ale WUu._ It l1OJ."1a aM H. Lee 1'aqUOD, a/e ..lea 1IMIk.1 i lIlpeaceZ' 'l'aJ:ry. .n.. a/e 8GU~- I''*' Pxoduae DutdlNtolfa, InC:f Lew1a 1:. a&i'-4U 4. Jr. Jdm hCtkl.y A. s. aoaanMr'1 SQMI- .......".0 ~BAa AT 'I'HIl -"'DlG TOWN OF SOUTH OLD. NEW YORK .oo~ Fils in duplicate, Feo ~ APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO.~Y DATE .lM.r.cll....7......J.9.G4 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Vl, (Wlt) .. J.ohD... Buc.lc le.y:.. ....... .......................... of ..2.. ...B.Q~.R1J.h.Y.. ..B.Q.9;~L.. ............... ..... .... .......... Nome of Appellant Street and Number ............. ...G:"r.dlO.n...c.i;t;y....... .......... ....................... ............ Municipality .......J~A1............HEREBY APPEAL TO State :::L~:~I:: BF~:R:E::I:P::L.~..~~~.~.~~.~.. ~~.~:~:~: ~:D ~~.~~::e.I.~~~~~~~/;; WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Name of Applicant for permit of ( ) ( ) bcxJ .. .G.. .n.9.~J?w.: Y...;<:\ R .'!.~,.~........Q i).... ~).~.n...Q 1. tY........... ~~: .X.:...................................... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY F'crni t to builcl r,;arave ,,d th less than 3ft sioe or n.ar setbElck 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .....li0gf.r."...R.o.aQ..............................~~tl\..~'....,~t$.L.................. Street Use District on Zoning Map .B."'?;:.:j,flQ.QD...E.$.:t.9.t.E';'.(i.~..........b.lR.C.K..~.,........lots 6 & 7, Mop No. Lot Na. Southold, N.Y. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi,nance.) Artjr:l", TTT, ,oer:tinn JOO, "1l0 7 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (lC) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New Yark Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request far a special permit ( ) request far a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ex) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) V' is requested far the reason that I would like to gain the additional space to the rear of my present garage in order to make more room for storage or ooats, etc. Form ZBl (Continue an other side) .. REASON FOR APPEAL Continued ~ - STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce procticol difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because the .paoe oannot po..lb17 be ll8ecl tor anJ otlber purpo.e, and ltq neighbor '0 the rear baa eJlllot17 the .... .paoe to the real' ot hi. sarllge. ~. The hardship created is-UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike _ in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because ot d1ttel'1ng a11gnM1lt ot dwel11nge 1n the are.. ~_ The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinonce and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because ot I'e..one eet torth a. abo.e. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ~ } ss COUNTYoOFN~ .......- .... Si9~~t~~~'''''''~'''L... ,. ...,..,.. Sworn to thl's ...... day of....---.. ......................................... 19 .... ..'IiI.Mf1\................................. ... ......~.u.LIo V. ./ tHARlIS I. STEINBUGlER, lR: Notary Public, Stat. of Now VOl~ No. 30.9172700 Q"llIfled in Nessau CountY 4- Term Expires Ma!tl\ 30, 195..: . _ NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Examined ........................................, 19........ Application No. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit No. ................................ Di sapproved a/c......................................................................... ..................... ...................'............................................'........................................................... , , ' .................................................................................................. (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date .......................Hil:r.r:h.....4.................., 19...9.~..... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink ond submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areos, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in pa rt for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all opplicable laws, ordinances, building cade and regulations. ~....i~Xii;,~t~~.;.~~~;p~;~ti~~i......... ....?......n.9.:;>P..m::y..J.'\Qfj.Q~...Qil.:r.R.';m~.;i.:t.Y......N.,.X................ (Address af applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ........ ....... .... ..... '" .... .p.'illler................... ............... ...... .... ........ ......... .......... ............................................................................... Name of owner of premises ......;J.ob.u..J;;u.c.l,J.ey.. ..... .................. ........................... .............................................................. If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. .................... iN~~~' '~~d' 'tjti~' ~f' ~~;P~;~t~' ~ffi'~~~i""""""'''''''' 1 L t. f I d h' h d k '11 b d M N' '10Y; pcnn "'st 'P1 4 La N' 6B,7. . aca Ion 0 an on w IC propose wor WI e one. ap o. ...,~,ri-......y..............,...."n-...... t o. ........, .......... Street and Number ... EQJ;;f;;:,.c;.3p.;;!.d.,. .... ,Sp.utb.old.,...;tT...y.................................................................................. Municipality 2. State existing use and occupal'cy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ...........dw.e.1J.ing...................................................................................................... b. I ntended use and occupancy..... .... .......~'......... ..... ..':'!.~.~l:...:}.r:.~!...€i~.::.~f:..!'!............................................................ ~. 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building ....~?0...... Addition .................. Alteration .................. Repair ....................Removal .................... Demolition.................... Other Work (Describe) ...................................... l.,(' Estimated Cost ...1,,100.... .... ..... ...... ...... .... .......... ...Fee . .......DQD.'?. ....... ......... .................. ..... ... .......:. .... ... ......... ..... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, numbler of dwelling units ............................Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ ~f garage, number of cars r.:.'.....-aDII..en...baU~...............................................:,......................~..................... 6. 7. If business, commercial or rnixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ................................ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ..l......pp'l'G-R.Rear ...l&l..iIIIf>l'G-Xpepth sat..tlp!>1'o-x." Height ..a... .apJlllOX... Number of Stories ............. "':';'" ....... .... ...... ...... ............................................................ ... Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions: Front .JO;.1'tl'''apPI''02!.Reor '20:-' fll......ppru. Depth aa..,t*.....appllOo1l:&;leight ..a..ft,.....pp~ber of Stories ................................... Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ~Q..t.'lf...."l'Oiiar a(hf!~"'appl'Oi>epth ..a&.,.r".....pp'1'O. Height.A~.........x.Number of Stories....................... Size of lot: Front ..............,. Rear .69&.............. Depth 1.00&.................. Date of Purchase .......,....1......1i4......................Name of Former Owner .GM.....Le.l.(.l"'.g~,.l::i........ Z d. t' t' h' h . 't t d ,,^'I "'oc 2. ^ar Orac. I en..) one or use IS nc In W Ie premises are $1 ua e ............t:\.............~~...~..J;\b .lI.,....................................................... Does proposed c,onstruction violate any zoning low, ordinance or regulation? ..."..~a...t~.If!!ol:..~........ Name of Owner of premises J.'Q.J;jD...P.JJQ)~Jf.'Y............Address ..g.J1Q~hMr.Y....fJ..9-......?::.:.: pRone -'N'l. P.I?-4&92.. Nome of Architect .Jo!:m.................................Address ...m..Rd......SOIl-t!1old.. Phone No. .................... , . Name of Contractor ..J.oM...Hap.Qmc.....................Address ....S.Quth.o.ld..................... Phone No. .................... 9. 10. 11. 12., 13. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly 011 buildings, whether existing or proposed, 0 property lines. Give street and block numbers or description accord in t whether interior or corner lot. .-/ (',' {.L.l.{~ if J!. I ' f J r~-I ,t::,~ 1 (JW j LiV~ ,~. (tr+ 1/1.- ~ . ~ ~Yt~ ~ ~1tTS~F 6t:E~..~~~~:...............J 5.5. .~.....z.ba.......~...........................................,...<........bejngduly -swor!'i dElposes a"d.soys that he is the applicant (Nami"ofTnd'f,.1fdual signing application) .- above named. He is the .........0IrMZ\............................................................................,....................................................... (C.~...I"'- ~~,. -.-...1. ..~....lW'HtIP........) ~'f:r~ll'~-,;I~~~, and is duly authorized to perform or hove performed the said work and to make and file this application; that 011 statements contained in this application ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. ,Sw~ before me this . ~.:;.~~d y f .~~#......... ..,.IlJIftUIJ;~.I..~rEl.~R.JR...-- ~ U/. ~ Public, Slale of New.Ypfll............................. ....................................... .\................. Notary Public ....... .. ..~...............KQ,.&Q;9~lMhty (Slg ture of applicant) , Qualified in Nassau Coun!...t Term Expires March 3D, 1....,- . ~ .... " .... \ ~ t, ~ \; ~ ~ ~ A\~~\)ROMc R~ A\. ~ ",...' \'\\)\))(, -, \\()\j>~- v - i i I N ("- . 0 \j Ie .-.,...- """,,,.~,. - G~{L Southold., ,,,. Y. March 18, 1964 Zoning !oard of Appeal, Town of Southold, Southold, New York. Re: Application of John !uckley Gentlemen: I am advised th~t the above named applicant seeks a variance to permit construotion of a larale directly on the property line. I object to the ~ranting of such permission and respectfully call YO~lr attention to the covenants and restrictions imposed upon real property situated in the area known as !eixedon ~states, which restrictions provide that except for existin~ foundations no buildinl shall be erected or permitted Within ten feet from any boundary line. ~lnce the Iranting of the varianoe would result in a violation of the restrictions, I respectfully request that the application be denied. Very truly YO'lrs, ~~~ LAW OFFICE \~ TELEPHONE OF ~ ~~ 2 Roxb~y Road, Garden City, N. Y. ~ Pi. 7 4692 JOHN J. BUCKLEY March 7, 1964. Mr. Howard Terry, Town Clerk's Office. Southold, N. Y. Dear Mr. Terry, Thank you for your kind and prompt attention to my request for zoning variance on my lot in Beixedon Estates. Herewith is application requested and hope you will find this in order. I also enclase check for ~5.00 covering fee. CO"'i"~ ~. FORM INIO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ........................ ...................................... Date .............H,u.I1.. ...!t,. ................. 19.6.It.. . (- tl . 'f ~ '.4 (. ~ ) " , '. f. " . To ...Jolm..Buoll:ley a..Wir........................... .........a...J\~~.J\9..."... ................................ .............Gu.4.n..Cl.t:r.. .....'..IL.. .................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .....................Ka:r.ob............... 19.6.It.. for permit to construct .h:t...Q.arag.............. at the premises located at .....lIf/S ..................... ....8.0&lItu...Ro..d................ ........................ Street Bouthold Map ~.l'-4.Qr.l..EIt... ........Block ....... ........'t...... ......... .... Lot ... ......'1........ .......... ............ is disapproved on the followinp- ground<: .......1n.u:t.:tio.1.nt.......tbaoll: ..tr'OIll..P.r.o.per.ty...l1ne.... ........... .................... ...............Art.UIt.....ot... 300...ub.....1...... .................................................... ........................................ .............. ..............-....,................,..................... ............."............................................................................... ........................................................................ ~),-,.A (( 7C'1/0 .......J~......................................7...................... Building Inspector MaJ'ch It, 19611- Mr'1I John lucl&:ley 2 Roxbury Road Garden City, 5.1'. Dear Mrs Buok1ey; In respons. to your telephone call this mornin" I am enclosing partialy oomp1eted application torms tor permit and and appeal to the Bd ot Appeals tor the garage setback in question. It you wish the Board to rev1ew your request fibr 11 reduction of the required setbaok, k1lldly till in all the spacesilial'kecl with red pencil on both sets of both app1ioations inoluding the drawing of the plot plan where required on the permit al)p11o&t~pn. The Board will meet early next week to receive aPRlleation. (prObably Monday PM or 'l'uesday AM) and lohedule hearing1i 'for the ev.niDl of Mar~h 19th. It you wish the review kindly have the forms baok ~o me by Monday morniDl. Yours truly (/ I- I, It, , \ 'B:~~~}ing Inspector \