HomeMy WebLinkAbout674 ;j.. . 1-, ,/ ,n 1",,'" ,'J' ....-L TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPLICA TLON FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIOiN " 'j i APPLICATION NO. ( /' / DATE~Y.....J,5,. 1961f TO 'rUE ZON:::NG BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) James..Brewington Narll( ....ofP.O.box....733........Ma.in ..Ro.~d..... stpcet and Number ....Cutchogue . Municipality ..... .....N...Y.. ......................... State hereby ~pply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDII'ANCE ARTICLE IV SECTION 400 SUBSECTION 9 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: I wish to sell used cars in connection with my service station located at South side of main road, east side of Eugene road, Cutchogue. This service station has been in this location for many years, and from time to time changed managment and operatiors, the station had been closed for some time before I took it over, We offer the usual services found in gasoline stations and have recently obtained a licence to sell cars from the state of New York. I am making the request as required under the zoning ordinance Article IV, section 400 subsection 9 as ammended, there is sufficient area on our lot to provide sapce for the few cars we may have at one time. STATE OF KEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffolk) f ~ I..<..:.,.<:.:-....~...~.~. ~-;:-:..~ ...d....,,,..,...,.~,., )d(..~..'.m:m..mm. Signa ture Sworn to this .....m....15..m.. day of...~ ..., 199.4.:......... ...........,:..'r..LA",,:.::.....;..,.. .;...::.~..........,;~;:..~~:.<::Lr..j.j .~-;:~;c;...,....'--" Notary >>Ublic FORM ZB2 NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and. the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, PUbllc hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Otrlce. Main Road, Southold, New, York, on June 11, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.Tol, upon applica- tion of Peter Sledjesld. Maln Road. Orient, New York, for a special excep- tion in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section lOO3A, for perm.iss1on to renew a farm labor camp permit granted May 23. 1963. L0- cation of property: south side Route 25, Orient, New York, bQunded north by Main Road. east by J. B. Droskoskl. south and west by J. Tuthill and J. Dyer. 7:40 P. M. (E.D.S.T.!. upon applica- tion of Elizabeth M. Connors, Matti- tuck, New York, for a: variance and recognition of access in accordance wJth the Zoning OnIlnance. Article nI. Bec- tlon 303, and Article X, SectlQl) lOOOA, and New York State Town Law, Section I 280A, fOf pefmission to divide lots with: insufficient frontage and for approval of access. Location of property; south side Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel, New York, bounded north by Peconic Bay "I Blvd., east by A. H. Patterson, south by other land of Connors, west by S. D. Piquet. 7:50 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applica- tion of Fred R. Wangelin, 2054 Stirrup Path, Seaford, New York, for a variw ance in accordance wjth the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to er~t a dwelling with in- , sufficient set1:>aclr. Location of prop- erty: north side Ole Jule Lane, Matti- tuck, New York, bounded north by ...~,.~~!i;~':<'f7k,0. 'tion of R. G. Terry, Esq., Southold, New York. ale Charlotte K. Glttlnger. 3 Forest Drive, Springfield, New Jersey, for a variance and recognition of ac- cess in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and New; York State Town Law, Section 280A, for permission to divide lots with insufficient frontage, and for approval of access. Location of property; north side, Cedar Beach Road, and east side Paradise Point Road, Southold, New York, bounded north ,by E. G. Wey- mouth, east by Bay. south by Cedar Beach Road, west by Paradise Point I Road. , 8:30 P. M. (E.n.s.TJ, upon applica-,' tion of Mae MacLeish, Bray Avenue'i Laurel, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning OrcUnance, Article In, Section 303, for permission to erect a building with insufficient frontage. Location of property: west side Bray Avenue, lot No. 100, Laurel, New; York, bounded north by other land ,of MacLeish, east by Bray Avenue, I south by T. T. Whittier, west by other land of MacLelsh. 8;(5 P. 1\(. (ED.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Herbert W. Wells, Jr., Southolid, New York, ale Vail Brothers, Inc., Main Road, Peconic, New York, for special exception in accordance wIt.l.l the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec- tion 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell new and used cars. Location of property; north east corner of Peeonic Lane and Route 25, Peconic, New York, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Cierach, east by land now, or formerly of S. Cierach, south by Main Road,! west by Peconic Lane. 9:00 P. M. (ED.S.T'). upon applica- tion of James Brewington, Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordonce with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Sub- section 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell used cars. Location of property: south east comer of Main Road and Eugene Road. CUtchogue. New York. bounded north by Main Road. east by M. Abatelll. south by O. Glover, west by Eugene Road. 9:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T'). upon applica- tion of J. Harry McGowan, 17 Aber- deen Street, Malverne, New, York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Sec- tion 1007, Subsection e, for permission to expand a non-conforming building. Locatic\ro ,,~ nrooerty; private ,.i!'O'ht_of_ .' ~""X""'.', ,'~'., .l....... ".. .;. ...t/ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss' I . C. Whitney Booth. Jr.. being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLANe TRAVELER. MATTITUCK WATCHMAN. a public news- paper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in said Long Island Tr~eler.Mottituck Watch. {/ / 1.- man once each week for ....... ......;.,.,;.'..C..:.""........',.:. wee~ '.' successively, commencing on the ................;:-;;.................... day of ......n.}'.r..!...[r...L/....., )9.~../. / / (. /J // / I' - ,~".. ,'/ ((( (... ,,,!//, ) ..............................y............)"..:............y............. c' Sworn to before me this ...........J......... day of ............{...~.(..,..'-....... 19..Ci;/. ., /- (. L// /,,/ I. /.{ /.( .' ,/ '-~__ L. .I....:... ~..L.. .... ....... ... ..\... "(f ...... ,............. ......... Notary Public / / ~V~LI: 'AF.; . t [:';'tJ y,,-v ~()t~ry h! ,,?--, Hes'::" ('-;: ,.t'l :k Corlrn',S:)ii f,~'Ji:ti' ryl;Hc:1 yi 19~~) '" 7150 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon appl1eaUQIl of r:r:ed R. lfaltlilel1n, 2054 Stirrup Path, Seafud, N_ Je:ll'..y, for a va:ll'1aace in lIIc:cordance with the zoning OJ:tUnance, Art1cle III, S.ct.1on 305. for per.1.aion to erect a aw.ll.1ng w1th inauff1c.1ent .etbeck. Location of property I DOJ:'th .1de Ole JUle LuHt, MattUuck, N_ York, bounded north by Ifuart Lan., .ast by Z19ftWD4 Pylko, south by 01. JUle Lan., _at by Ole Jule Lane. 1110 P.M. (B. D. S. T. ), upon app11cat1on of R. G. TerJ:'Y, i , Eaq. ~ I leuthold, If_ York. ale ChaJ:'lott. 1<. G.1tt.1nger, 3 .roreat Dr1ve Spr1D9f~. If_ J.rsey, foJ:' a var.1anc:e an4 J:'ec09ftU:1on of aeceas 1n aecordance w1th the Zon1n9 Or41nance. Art1cle III. Sect.1on 303, and __ Yult stau TowD Law, Sect.1on 280". for peJ:lll1s.10n t.o div1de lot. with 1Dsufficient fron~e, and for apprcwal of ace.... Locat.1on of propeJ:'tYI ftOJ:'th side CedeJ:' Beach Road. and aa.t. aide paracUs. Point Road, louthold. If_ York, bounded nOJ:'th by E. G.weYJlOUth. .ast by :say, .outh by Cedar Beach Road, "eat by Paradia. Point Road. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Mae MacLe1ah, Bray Avenue, Laurel. If_ York, for a variance 1n aecordance with the Zon1nq Ord1Dance, Art1cle III, Sect.1on 303, for peJ:lll1saion to erect a bu.1ld1D9 with 1nauff1c.t.ent frontage. Location of property: _.t aide aray Avenue. lot.. 100, Laurel N_ york, bounded nuth by other land of MaC!1A1ah, eaat by Bray Avenue, aouth by '1'. T. Whittier. weat by other land of HaCLeiah ~. ... uwu. IJO'l'ICil Notice of aeartng punuant to Section 267 of the Town Law anct the provi81ona of the "-nded .Buildtng Zone Ord1naace, of the Town of Southold,: SuffolJt County, N.", York, public bearing_ 101111 be held 1>y the Zone BOard of Appeal. of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Matn Road, Southold, lITew York. on June 11, 1964, U the following appeal.. 7.30 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon appl.t.cation of Peter Sledj.8lc1, Main Road, Orient, lIT_ YOrk, for a .pecial exception tn accord- ance with the zontng Ordinance. Art.icle X, Section 1003A. for peDIIU.ion to ren_ a faDII labor caap peDll1t 9rant8d May 23. 1963. Loeati01'l of property. .outh a14e Route 25. Orient, lIT_ York. bounded north 1>y Main Road, eaat 1>y J. B. Droakoski. aouth anct we.t 1>y J. '1'uth111 and J. Dy.r. ,.40 P.M. (Pl.D.S.T.), upon application of EUaa1>eth M. Connora. Matt1tuck. New York, for a variance and rec:09I'Iitlon of acce.. tn accordance with the Zontng Ordinance. Article III. Section 303. and Art.icle X, Sect..lon 1000A. and Iii_ York State Town Law. Sect.ion 280.11., for ptlI'III1..1on to divide lota with in.ufficient frontaqe and. for approval of ace.... Location of propert.y: .outh ai4e Peconic Bay Blvd.., Laurel. New York. bounded north 1>y Peconic Bay Blvd.., ea.t by A. H. Patteraon, .outh by other land of connor., _at 1>y 8. D. Piquet. ~ r . 8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T), upon applicatlon of aerbertW. Wells, Jr.. Southold, New York. ale Vail a:ro1:bere. inc.. Main aoad, Peconie, New York, for a speclal exeept10n 1n accordance with the Zoniftq Ordln.nee, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9. for penliesion to tn.tall ~,-.rk1n9 lot to sell new and ueed cars. Loe&tton of propert.y: north e.st comer of Peconie Lane. and. Route 25, ..coaie, New YOR, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. C iorach, east: by land now or fOZ'lMll'ly of S. cierac:h, south by Main "'4. _st by Pec:onic Lane. 9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T), upon application of Jame8 8rew1n9ton. Ma1n Road.. Cuu:hoque. New York. for a speclal exception in ac:cordanew wlth the Zoninq Ordiaanc:e, ArUcle IV. Section 400, Sub.octton 9, for pe1'lll18ston to 1natall a parldnq lot to sell I used cars. ~tion of propertys aouth ..at comer of Ma1n Roa4 and Euqene Road. Cut.c:hoque, New York . bounded north by Ma1n I Road, ..at by M. Abetelli, 80Uth by O. GIO\'er. west by Euqene Road. 9130 P.M. (E.D.S.'1'.). upon appllcat10n of J. Hal'ry Mc:GOwan 17 Aberdeen Street, Malveme, New York, for a special exception 1n accordance wlth the zon1ng OI'dlaanc:e, Artlcle X. SecUon 1007, Subsection e, for pe1'lll18alon to expand . Don-c:onfo1'lll1nq bulld1nq. Location of pl'opertYI prlvate ri9ht-of-way, south siele gec:onlc aay alvd.., Laurel , Hew York, boull4ecl north by J. connelly. eut by prlvate rt.d, 80uth by H. MCGowan. _st by J. McGowen. "~ ~ 'I Any person 4e.ir1n9 to be heard on the above applications should appear at: the time and place above specified. DllTDt. May 26, 1964, By order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals * *' *' PLEASE PV8LISfl Ol!fCE, JVNJi1 4, 1964, AND 1"0IlWAllJ) NDfE (9) AJ"l"IMVI'1'8 Of' PUBLICATION '1'0 THE BOAllD OF APPBALS. 'l'OIfN Of'PICE MAD ROAD, SotJ'1'HOLI), NBW YORK. *' *' *' copies 1II&11ed to the follow1n9 on .rune 1, 1964 Peter Sledje8ltl Elisabeth M. COImOI'S Herbert W. well., .rr. J'lUII8. Brew 1nqton J. Harry McGowan Pl'anlc H\1Ddley ale Pred. wanqelln R. G. Terry, .sq., ale Charlotte K. Glt:t:inger Mae MIlCLeiR The Lonq Uland. '1'raveler-Matt1tuc:Jt Watchman SQMBfWR IHOtlLD APnAR AT THI RllL'IlDJG MEMBER O~ NORTH BHOIUr MULTIPLE LI.TINO .ERVICE lANe '."AND II:EAI. ..TATE IIOAIlD NEW YOII:K STATE A.~CIATION 0" II:EAL .STAT. aoAIl:D. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 01" "EAL .STATE .0AIl:DS CjJh. cw. .Abatelli REALTORS . 196.84 NORTHERN BOULEVARD FLUSHINC, N. Y. LAND HOM.. P'ACTORIEa APARTMENT. GARAGE. INDU."RIAL .ITEa IN8URANCIE BAvSIDE 9.9000. APPRAlaALe June 8, 1964 Southold Town Building Zone Board Southold, Long Island re: Variance application of James Brewington covering property at northeast corner of Main and Eugene Roads, Cutchogue, N. Y. As a mature real estate appraiser, I believe that the purpose of the Building Code Ordinance is to conserve and enhance real estate values and when there is reasonable doubt that granting a variance may adversely effect adjoining properties, such an application should not be favorably con- sidered. Gentlemen: It is common knowledge that used car lots eventually degenerate into junk yards. The disturbing noises and obnoxious odors impair the health of the people in the/neighborhood which contradicts the very purpose for which the zoning laws were enacted. As the owner of the property adjoining to the north, the parcel for which Article 4, Section 400, SUDsection 9 is asked to be amended, for the reasons above mentioned, I respect- fully request that the contemplated variance should be denied. Very truly yours, rI qz;[-~~U~-.~~ PHILIP W. ABATELLI PWA/n EASTERN LoNG ISLAND OFFICE: MAIN ROAD, EAST CUTCHOGUE, L. I.. PECONIC 4.15111 June 8, 1964 Mr. It. A. MCCullum 4th Street Greenport, New Yorlc Dear Mr. MCCulluml We bave in our file an application from Jame. Brewington, who i. a tenant of your.. ae wishe. to put in a u.ed car lot at the qa. .tation on the .outheast corner of Main Road and Eugene Road, Cutchoque, New Yorlc. We would l1lce to have in writting whether or not you .pprove of Jame. Brewington putting in this u.ed car lot. MAy I pleaee hear from you by Thursday, June 11, 1964. \ \ Very truly your., Barbara L. Carro.a, secretary Southold Town Board of APpeal. ~ G)' ~/~~ CD <ll- .-- ~l~__ ....1 5 ...7;. ..... . t.j.T ; ,. ~=;..c. ., - .f ~ I -/c.....j - - 1 I I , '-' ilJ I' 1; ;-.1 >> . r t, t!"'l . I i ,t rt'l tJ J ~ ~ .1. j~.~. II II If pi ... I ~ I I I jK ... 1<1 ::0 I T .11 2~~ ~:\ '. h In r n " 2ll 29 :10 t -;- '. .....12 , I T -'1 - ft' 1 " lJ I, T :l4 j I 3S ~J6 f 1 t[ J7 I I I ~ I 1 I \~ ,(, 1 I I Hl 1 T L 1 I I :Q I I I ]1 32 :n :l4 35 .~ :17 J8 3'l 40