HomeMy WebLinkAbout667 LEGAL NOTICES COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l ss STATE OF NEW YORK I , , NOTICE OF HEARING ! Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town \ " Law. and the provisions of the Amended I Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, 1 public hearings will be held by the I , Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town I of Southold, at the Town Office, Main I Road, SOuthold.. New York. on May 28, , 1964, on the follow,ing appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T'). upon applies.- I tiOD of Edna Brown, Main Road. East Marion New York, ale John A. LeBar.! Box 53: RD 1, Stroudsburg, pennsyl- \ . vania, for a. variance and recognition I , of access In accordance with the zoning: Ordinance, Article III, Bection 303,' Article X, section lOOOa. and the stat. ' of New York Town Law Section 280A. I for penn1ss1on to divide and set oft' a I lot with lnsulJlclent width. and for ap- \ proval of access. Location of property: 1 Right~of-way off west side Bay Avenue, East Marion, New York, bounded north I by Lake. ....t by L. Baltz. south by Ba.t,~ and west by Edwards. I 7:45' P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applica- tion of Joseph Mllcetlc. 31-57 33rd Street, Long Isla.nd City, New York, for . recognition of access in ac.cordaJ':lce with the state of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of-way _east side Boisseau Ave-l I nue .&nithold, New York, bounded : Ii<>i'ii> ,by E. C. MaI.r. .ast by G. Bar- i azac, south by right-of-way-Maier, west i by John Milcetich. I : 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon appllca- , I ; tiOD of stanley Corw~n, Esq., Green- I ,port, New York, ale Joseph Aveta, , Goldin Lane, SOuthold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the' Zoning ordinance, Article III, Sections I 303, 306, S07, 308, and Article X, Sec-' tion 1000a., for permission to change lot lines with insufficient side yard, frontage, and area. Location of prop- erty: Soundview Avenue and Goldin Lane, Lots No.6, 7, and 21, SOuthold. I New York, bounded north by SOund- I ,view, A venue, east by Goldin Lane. 1 isouth by lot No. 20. map of "Nathan Goldin", west by Levin. I Any person deSiring to be heard on the above application should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: May 14. 1964. By Ord.r of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...................~~~.../.....~;~.;-;. weeks successively, commencing on the .........../,,;:..(~t:.~.!~:........ day of .......2..A..(.\...y......"/'", 19(.y , //(L/(... 1/ II; I {(. L( -' /< -; '- ~ ................................,................../'k................./;...... ,I '; I Sworn to before me this .....""'...)....!....~ day af ..........j)(f.:.\......... 19.(Y ~) I . . i . j / / r'Ff' " /" T / -. . '1' ....... '.' ~ ..(...,..... ..\....;.... ...t...:.co i::C..... 7.. L..~....... -- . -. 'I LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisi.ons of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, suffolk County, New York. public h.arings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of SOl.lthold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on May 28, 1964, on the following appeals. 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.'. upon application of Edna Brown. Main Road, East Marion, New York, alc John A. LeBar, BOX 53. RD I, stroudsburg. pennsylvania, for a variance and recognition of access in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 303, Article X, Section 1000.., and the State of New York Town Law Section 280.1'., for permiSSion to divide and set off a lot with insufficient width. and for approval of access. Location of property: Right-of-way off west side Bay Avenue, East Marion, New York. bounded north by Lake, east by L. Baltz. south by Bat, and west by Edwards. 7:45 P.M. (E.D.ST.'. upon application of Joseph Mileetic, 31-57 33rd Street, Long Island City, New York, for recognition of access in accordance with the State of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of-way east side Boisseau Avenue. Southold. New York, bounded north by E.C. Maier. east by G. Baraaac. south by right-of-way-Maier. west by John Milcetich. II Legal Notiee Page -2- 8100 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of stanley corwin. Esq., Greenport, New York, ale J08eph Aveta. Goldin Lane, southold. New York. for a variance in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article Ill, Sections 303. 306, 307, 308, and Article X. Section 1000.. for permis8ion to chanqe lot lines with insufficient si&l yard, frontag'e, and are.. Loca- tion of propertYI soundview Avenue and Goldin Lane, LOts NO. 6. 7. and 21, southold, New York, boun&ld north by Soundview Avenue, ..stby Goldin Lane, south by lot,", 20, map of "Nathan GOldin". west by Levin. Any person d*siring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED 1 May 14, 1964, By Or&lr of the Southold Town Board of Appeals * * * PLEASE PUBLISH CliCK, MAY 21, 1964, AND FOIUfARD 1l'0'tJ'R (4) A'Il'FIDAVITS OF PUBLIC"\TION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OFFICE, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. * * * copies mailed to the followinq on May 15, 1964 The Long Xsland Traveler-Mattituck Watchman Edna .Brown JOs.ph Milcetic Stanley corwin, Esq. SOMBaIIlB SHOlJLD APPEAR AT THB HEARING ~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK -r fC~(')~ 0) APPEAL NO. (, C 1 DATE ...~-cl!f/el.... ~ APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. 1, (We) ...............!..<?f?~p.~.!.:..!:::v.l;l.t!l....... .... ....... .of ...g~~?i.~.~!'l.~E;................................................ Nome of Appellant Street and Number ................................. ...Q[.E?~!).P.!?r.L.. )1....x.. A....... ............ Municipality ................'O.OESHEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED .......1.11.~.....,..~....~~..':t........... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ......................J. ().s.epJ:..!.:...1\ ~~~?:........................... Nome of Appl icont for permit of ) ( ) (x) .Q~.~~h!!..~.<?-.m:,.. .~.<?\\t!:\9J-.\1,.. .N~.w .X.Qr.)}.......................... ................................... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY PERMIT TO CHANGE LOT LINES LOCATION OF THE PROPERTYS.!.S..8Qund. Yie.w..Av.e.nu.e.,..R.e.aiden.:ti.al.A....................... Street Use District on Zoning Map ...'.I.r.?:t.~a,!)...Q~Wi.I),'~..m.i)..P...m~.(U.n.S.\lf;(R~\<;C.R. Clk. 's office, #1106 Mop No. Lot No. 1. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) '3 c, ;- ~307A-- :1iD8 \ ~~1> -l- 1000' A (_~t.SC;~ 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is mode herewith far "(x) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 ~.~ - 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (~t) een made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for 0 variance NO PREVIOUS APPEAL and was mode in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 v(x) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that asi. tuation existed when the zoning ordinance went into effect that now makes it impossible to sell by lot number. Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce proctical difficulties or unneces- scry HARDSHIP because sale of the dwellings now on lots 6 and 7 as shown on the NathanGoldin Map would create violations of the side yard requirements. These reuqirements did not prevail when the existing structures were built. Thy were built before the ordinance was enacted and at the time of the enactment were hoth in sole ownership Ongether with other properties shown onthe Goldin map including lot 21 immediately adjacent on the soutn>. Division by existing lot line would also preclude lot 7 from having a garage erected on it in a logical place. Lot 7's owner could not get in his cellar conveniently. The garage on lot 21 presently encroaches om lot 6. '2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because <xgt~ of the oondition existing at the time the ordinance was enacted. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because no structural changes are contemplated. The existing structures have been lived in for years anld the map boundary lines are of no significance - they are like the equator. If there is any change at 13.1 it will be favorable. Heretofore the cottages have been rented. Sometimes the rentals were seasonal, occasionally for much,Shorter iitijJtil-itfffJijiif periods. The ownership contemplated by the pending sale will result in owner-occupancy. This application is made and executed by the undersig ned as attorney for the applicant. Stanley S. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Sworn to this .......................................1.2.ti1 day of.. ........................lVIlly,. 19 64 a..~4j;J6i;. CORtlf.UP- ~t3la 01 tleW" "'''tP-R'i p\.lB~\C:..> 9890-", ,,"" "I".... \" CoP""""'/ \",,)' . su1"7o"- . ~ " aI"lIad. ,,, .en 30. 'lu .,' ,,1"-" 1e(0l t.'.~'", L'" FORM INIO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ...... .......... ..... .................. Date ..... ... .Ma7....lJ........ 19.6lr.. To ~:\;~:rll~y..Cpr:w1n .Esq .A/C...Joseph Aveta ......... . .Qr.e.eAP.o.rti,...N.Y.. ................., ............... .... ........, ......... ................. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated. . ..May:....1J......... 19.64. for permit to"l>~ilt~ ..Change .lot..lin" the premises located at .....S,.Qund..Y.1.ew...Ave .~..q().l:4JA.t~.e...... ................ Street Southold Map ....,N...Goldin. .. ....Block .... . ......... .. . Lot .6.&.7. ....... ... ... .. .......... is J{.~1ll~ disapproved on the folIowin~ ground- ....1nsut.f.1c1.ent...a1de...y.ard, .:+.;r.9A:t;.~g~.4:..~.e~..3.07. &.3.Q3..... .......... ........ .. ..... ........... ................................................................. ......................... . ............ ..!/f1:0~i~ i;;~lm r "" ~. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ~ j lif-lfI.j /1iM- /.?"l- I-/~' OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST SUB, LOT LV i tJ ' .i;:: 'tz1. ~ M ft1?11Jo1 QUINJII d:. d,.(./ r _.# d",~.:-L~ ~<1.....u t,-> (.~?/ . FORMER,OWNER Qu' l"\r\ 4 10+ N E ACR, ;JQ' E: I> H .ptj /""''''R.. ." '-1'/ I tt~O ~.~ t~~~," S W TYPE OF BUILDING R{S, , SEAS. FARM COMM. CB, MISe. Mkt, Value VL J/I LAND IMP, TOTAL DATE REMARKS / / L fig .r . , /oC) ,/ /.2 ,,~t~_-( r:J -;!;J--..:.tj\ (',-t., ('...1 /.!. s-" . ,/ ..., ../. /~ 0 _. ,~. ~ .. 1/),-1//7/ I .... III if J JI1~ /~S,. <'.a J.~ IA)J J..f ... "7 r/~/?.3 :J3,..,~" 1~/8 /~q -L 1O~/{p O~D5-Duln~ ~l0-{. -It:, &U'II" - NIL:- I , , AGE . BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable . 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER /0 ' - /~ .' I). /~() ~ Brushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD House Plot DEPTH BULKHEAD Total DOCK -Qt"tr;.ol_l "':"'own :oarQ at ;',' ~a18 -5- ( ;,6 -UG%d ia.. u..at st.rict a;;lp11caticlft oj; the O.l'd'" ~ ce ull >,,%,O;juce ::ractical ,Cdtf1<:ulties or \1~'1 hUdSh1pr '~;'.fJ ,.r::"h;l.);I czeated U un1que UI.l would ~ lie ahU:ed f,):/ all _..\'Open1e8 alJXe .us t;.e ill!llledJ.ate v.t.C1nJ.t:y o.f ~L11 pzopeny an~ in t"o lJ8!tle u" 'iUst:.l'1c:tl and the VIlI'..,..- dOee O!.;eeZ'M t:ne ..J,Jir1.t. Ot tho ()rci1nance and wlll not. C:l:>.aw;e t."Ie C;)ll&"acuS' of !:llGJ1aUit:L "0;11/ >:1 ;notion ;,,{ 'ur. -;lll.1ap1e. secan....d 1J'{''i2:'.:ulGe. it."... !'UOLVlID ~1Alt. oJ_ph IIlUc:et.1c. 31-57 33..<1 :,t.X'eet...tA119 lIIlaDa -':'i.tV. ~leW 't'Ol:/('. De fJ~ nICOqD1Uoa of acces. C1nl.;pzopezt.y .l.v...ted r1,,1lt.-ot-..lia'l qat e1a "ole..au ;WeDlA. SOUt.l:lold. ... york. In''''Joct: to tone ap~o".l oi ,iOlII8r4 Tes"I'Y. :>u11d10<i1 .\.napec~. oto of t)iO -;081'''. ,-;r. ,.lllU91e. dr. ,0%",/_. --lr. 'u1se. and .1:. ::1.,01118. t,\i"e.) ( 7) CT.H- /3S-:-/ /'6' ,y,',' /7 . , , -:2 ' II) q I-p/o Ji./-. j 'ti;J.J.C ;;URJ..W>Js Appeal :;0. ~lj7 - ....;0 {I.H. (ii.'.D.$.'1'.). l.:li'ClQ a._ ",,11;;:atJ.on of $~1ey l.::~a. :'::801.. ...I'.enpW1:. New 'tori(. ale 3oaep.:l .Iweta. '_>ol<Un Lane. l>outl-..o.1.d. :-iflW {OZ'Jit. l:'OZ' a VlU:~--- ;;'0 a(;c:OZ'<""'~ w1t.'l t.ne ZGn.iA\j OZ'<i1nanc=e. .Ut:1c:le 1I:J:. 1~ J03~ 306. JiJ7. 3oe. aall Aa't.1el. x. secU.on 1000a. foe per-t..ioD to cn.n'-de lot 11Mtl w1t11 1naut~1c.teDt. a;l;;\e Y..I'd:. i~ODUl;;:!O. an4 area. cA:Cat:1on 01.: J;;:copezty: .:ounavU:w "'\<801.10 and \;.oldJ.n lARa. LOtIt \;0. 6. 1. an.! 2.1. 3OUtho.\d. :;ew 'lor'~. ;C\.l1\"~ ncut.b 't;.y :.CkoDdv1ew .\Venue. vaet ;'""1 '141111.D 1ADe. 8O~Ul ;;.'{ lot; D 20. map ot ~.lfatban -;old.ln". weet by Leva. ree pa1d ,,5.0;). ... ... ... '1'}S <:HA11\MlW. F1z'tR 1. M,ould 00taJ.n ~.nu.s.1C1O from the applicant. to add tne aect10fta tl:a1: tlG ci~' t inl::lude 112 the a9pll<:aUon h1malli. ,:TMa.t:l l.:a;llUNl COO. ~ ;.t 111 alrj,..;l1t. :1.t ha.:.::eea .:lcne. -,':t'-.e ('hair.aao open..... tllO beaJ:ln'1o,:! readJ.a'J aP;;l11rat1on 1:ox a var1anc:e. lO<;81 notice 01 hMI:.ln". atf1;av:U: atteat1nJ to its ~'uol1eat.1on .t.n t:l'le otUe1al newepape.l'. and notice to the apliJl.:&.c:.ant. ,\;E (; ...UnMlW.- 011 ;~A"j were the.e .lot.& Letore;' c'; . ;TNW,IN (. ClRW1U. :;:50., ~bo'( vary in au.. ,.,1\ei' ,,0 as 8Jll811 .s 30' x .co'. ';out-hold '1'QIWD ,;carl1 0:1 .' ppeals -t.l- ;;ay 28. l~ (, ;";;;;;; C?"I~l&'1 CaD :IOU ael1 t:h18 r>~ny7 :,'SAlU.EY c:ata.nf, hOG. J v..e .. _UiD9 lot. ."" 6 'lDQa: COD~. and they get W~ 10&' 2 yean. :",:~ C';\,~WhiOl.l 'cju&S'ent8e Wt:4ll' to&' two ~.. ',~_re 18 u.e ,>1.lIlI9 l1ouM;- ;;'1'AMLIil't t:OIIlItDl, te80.. OlD lot # 20 .... ;:.t:PQWI It ....1 U9l\t 1... an ...../ ~lI' U: ... c:Ilv.wN. aDd )'O\J .-& to divide 1t by ht.he .dUk 1... CID t;M .-pl 3".t'NIU!:'t' COIIlMDJ, ESO.. l... ,ill!: Cl":AUMIUJ. ~_ 18 the quaqe t_..' $".t'AULIn!' CCiIOfD, ESQ. '%tIat ill CID the aGUtb .1die of .Lot: .21. rhat 18 ... .h ~ lII. CID the gap. ( t,t;!: ,;llA~A:lI. IOU nav. .~,,*.iaaceli 16.Qoo equan feet: of' laDc1 f .'IlUUY i.;.auuJI. ..SO. I y... .',1\.t'1..SE. abat:1a t:he .::;urpoae of l.cav1QlJ i:b18 20 feet: 1ft :'WX. ' $"tAHLE'l Ccmf:m, ESQ.. lie WItt: to <,11". thU fellow . gaaoa;;e. ..-,. 'l;'Z;!l ('liAUMNiJ. 'A sure 'to put: the 'JU8g0 1ft the ~ ~ r' ...... W:t'AIllU'{ CC4UflH. LSO. ..:... 'Z1l1ll c.iU\UtHIUt. ~ ~' that l1In gom1 to buy lot: #6. an they :aovm;r ben ~ "}OOd. ':-;TJUlf.,l;Y CCIlW,U. ,l:.SO. I r= the 1il........I'. l.Jil. diJlCiEHa ~ th1hl( be baa Q1,,1Q&4 it. the A>eat ...y he eould. 'mz CH1\:uutLNI a there aay othet' q....t1On81' (.. {'I'ben wee QO napoa....) r I" ~ ~~. )I if to U i '. Irtin'O II!i~' Iii c Ii I~ Ii I 1i 8 . . Hill, il~"f! Ii H 'Ii ! 'I I i !a ~i lj. .'lii4~ - fit f t;: ~ II I I Iili I 'I "il Gr; f 1:2. ;iih s i'l I r;;. . ~5 i i ii If' ~ c, ;~ .( loiil ~ !~ I '<,. Iflai · "I'll! i tJ i1 I "'.. e" · i'i I:, a ... ii ; 1"1 . ~J c · . fllilf t "" Cl ,. · "s:i I Ii ... n E ;}',,< ~:'# )I i fa ~I ~ . 1 i . r1r lil!1 . I .. .. r h!fh - i ~ . . "I~ I 'l if . . H . . It Ii . . I " I '" li!s-j alii i ~ II :: E J I .., ... 1>"1: Ii . i :ili- I t: ~I It '" I '1 i,.. b' f " i Ii ii It ~ 'C I . . ilil I f'J I f it IA ii . it . . . . aii'Q. c ~ jf f f I;;l I I . I UI~ af .; 11 '11 ... i ill( f . il i s . . . ';; Q. too ~ hi' It !lr..!1 . It 0 It I I . '" . hJ- I ~. f fi.11 e is. f E i . . . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD . /IJ-t" - /.;1.1"'/-/7 -'I t/ OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. . LOT/~UHl.~. d.~ 1..4 / . I /. a.~ rJ., I~ / n~~ v /I O. ..../ . ,... ~")- 4..u.." -'^. h . 15'-~;;Z~",,/';. FORMER OWNER tI IN E ACR. s- ,t> (./ (Iv......p 11 ~ S W TYPE OF BUILDING REt' SEAS. VLJ// FARM COMM. CB. MISe. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS 100 /0 () 1/ Y~J/tS- /" U/ / A-If, 12//8'/t:~ ,..,- / . AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER I @..- IV Iyrl I tJ , - Brushland FRONT AGE ON ROAD House Plot DEPTH BULKHEAD Total DOCK 11 . 100d - If5 -J- OWNER {.I::-'/(.,2t/ ? I~ ;Lt'o/ FO~ER6wNER r JV' . / t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD . 4f~/ 7?Y () "'~ ~'(/.. A r./ VILLAGE . ~e4~rrC:/ E DIST, SUB. LOT :/i;:./df;; tC-cj' .3 STREET .r ,-:, __'') J.... ::'J. <~~~,f\.J /-, : (' , ~,- N l. ~ES, S W ACRe, </ I / Co- TYPE OF BUILDING /','",7: SEAS. LAND IMP. VL. .? // TOTAL FARM COMM. CB, MICS, Mkt. Value DATE REMARKS Ie. (;/ - /0 0 I ;;..h/I J. I l i/J,Y/o ,!",/, t,/ . Y S , j,y ...i- 1/7,/ /"';/ ..J,b"y- :l'1 /767 /."r{- ''''/.), 0'/ '} /' ~/ ~~~.?i /,..-" t.,? . AGE NEW FA~ BUILDING CONDITION NORMAL BELOW ABOVE Acre Value Per Acre Value Tillable House Plot FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD IV' Woodland Id Meadowland I"e Total DOCK - ~-.. "~ .~- -"~-" ~.,- -, "'~'~-' ~-"".' ........,.,. - - ~ ..- .-" ~ ~ -_. ,~_..".~ .. ......,,, .',.- "'--''"'---' "---"+,-. -- +~- - --+..- -.-..- -------------' ..- - , .. -- .. -, - l.rr . 10PERTV , - -7.}l ," .. . . ,. -.'..'-' , ImiJ.-i3S - /J/9. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECORD CARD vy OWNER STREET VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOY_ I J~t! kJ L~II otfIVP .4G..~.CpC~ - I~v/ , ~ ~ ""'-.t:t f I FORMER OWNER / N E A;~~~E b~""" 4-t/J-. , . ./ J~<~'. S W TYPE dF BUILDING \. '-/'oJ-<-j;;'?--'1 ~""/'V . ~ " . ~ES. SEAS. VL. 3/1 FARM COMM. I IND. I CB. I MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS !.j 1--~ X "- , 'f - , 0/ ht~ .)()() \ ,)f) n '" ;' -. / ;z/S-/C~ I -- -I ,:1 tJ, - /'. ...... ~a>-o -" - /. ? / I /J. _~.,.-,~ 2t>c~ - , ~. n ./; .... 4 ~ ~t,i\.A",. , ,J;-~ .!;,--a--J . i ;.J- ::;; j'- " , fl.-/I;/- I J..:rrrD " -t ~. f~~vr.....l~ " ..; (J t( ,-/J D", V ~- ~/ ~ /4k /9,1 7 j'. ' ..l. t.:> . II ..30-0 ,3 <>-Oi/ , t./;/.J/~~ HJ.O / -"\.-n. I D~ 9/6';-' B.,. ..=, '...... COND NEW NORMAL BELOW ., ABOVE ~/- .1 "ir''/ ./,/ ..L. .' #.~ tv t/ I ... ~-' /,,- ~: ..,J.- _",> , Value , . I Farm Acre Value Per Acre Tillable 1 \ Tillable 2 Tillable. 3 -- Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plat ; ~. Total~;f\:: , . FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL FileNo. ............... .................... Date ............. .. ........1)........... 196!t.. To Stanl.,,"Oor'ld.nB'8q . ...,O....;J08eph Ant. ......... Gr-eeftponi.'''",!';;, ........................... .................. ..........,......... ...................................... PLEASE TA,!{E NOTICE that your application dated ....... .....".......13............. 1961+.. for permit to ~~1Ii1iJ'lt "'Ohange 'lot.'l1n'" the premises located at ....BO\md...V.l."'..Av. ....Qo.ld:1ft...Labe........... ................... Street Southold Map .....I....Golct1lr ... .......Block ....... ............... ......... Lot .6...7.......... ........ .."........... is ~ disapproved on the folIowin7 ground-: ...lneutt1G1ent-..e14...yard, .hoot............. ......... ..3-07.....3-03-...... ................... ................................ .............. ........................,.........., ......... .............. ............ ..... 0' f .............,.................1........................................."..................... ,: , 'i ~~i~i;;~mm , I Sta.nley S. CONllin SamueL J. GLtckman CORWIN '& GLICKM2'\N ",rrORNEY8 "'ND COUN8ELLORS "'T UAW 443 Ma.i.n. Stt.eet GREENPORT, NEW YORK, 11944 :At"ea Code 516, GReenporl 7-0800 May 11, 1964 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector, Town of Southold Southold, N. Y. Dear Mr. Terry: Please consider this as an application under the zoning ordinance. I am not aware that there are any forms prescribed for the relief sought. Enclosed is a map of a section of the Nathan Goldin Subdivision Map (Suffolk County Clerk's Map No. ll06) showing Lots 6, 7 and 21. Superimposed by an amendment or revision dated April 29, 1964 is a proposed division of these lots varying from the lines shown on the filed map. On behalf of Joseph Aveta, the owner of the lots in question an application is made for a permit to change lot lines. As you know, these lands were in single ownership at the time of the adoption of the ordinance; improvements were erected thereon as part of a rental "colony" without regard to the map lot lines. We now wish to effect the sate of the dwellings on lots 6 and 7. Such, however, is the relation of the buildings to the existing map lot lines that con- veyance by Lot No. is not expedi ent. By way of making this application in duplicate, a copy of this letter is enclosed. Will you please indicate your decision on the copy and return to us at your convenience. - B Stanley S Action of the Building Inspector Date: Approved:_ Disapproved: Other action - , I +. 4 ~ I -=-71. I G...,..... \ 1.1 'n i' l'i II il' II j; l'lli i::::I I il'i i 11,1 i I i, : iii' i.,.!1 IH' }h II i ':"II! ~ Q , " " 'l Q ~ 'l " , dl !j H ill III I" ,II !J : !! ~ ,"I ;'II! 'I" i : ~ "il I," I :Ij 1:1' III I" Q " '" ~ ~ I ~~~w. i I ~;I~~ I I -~.H! ,11ii'1' I""" 'I;::ili I !W:I aHr , !' \ I ~~ .' i~ : Q ~ \1, ~ , \ . ~! ~in ;;~ Q " Q ~ . . " C I ~'." c .. ~!hn ~~ -.- . Ii LO ; ~ rt') .. ~ ~ ~ J i ~ 0; ~ ~llg Slln . ' dl i t I ~ V < o ~: 011 'i :t.~ )0 =:l ~ .) 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