HomeMy WebLinkAbout649 { Law and the provMions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Sonthold, Suffolk County, New York, '~,.~ public hearings will be held by the I Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town ~f Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on April 16, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upen application of Tredwell Abrams, Sea Shell I, farina, Southold, Nev¢ York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning O~'dinance, Ariicte IV, Section 4~8, Subsection A, for permission to erect a third ground sign at the Sea ShellI Marina, south side Main Road, Green- port, New York. ' 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upen application of Frank Milowsk, Front Street, James- pert, New York, for recognition of ac-] cess in accordance w~th State of Newi York Town Law, Section 280A. ~ocation of property: private right of way, south ] side Main Road, (Route 25), Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private] road, east by Roy Sohlein, south by J. Boutcher Est, west by J. Bouteher Est. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T.), upen application of Ann DeMaria, 5 Weldon Road, Corn- mack, New York, for recognition of access in accordance with State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Looa-i tion of property: private road known as Park Place, east ~ide South IIarbor Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by M. Crane, east by I~. II. Ford, south by L. Ford, west by Park District. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of George W. Smith & Sons, Southold, New York, a/c Dai-Moy, 37 Mort Street, New York 13, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 300, Su,b- section 7, for permission to erect a pri- vate detached garage in the front yard area. Location of property: south side private right of way, Cedar Beach Park, Lot No. 117, Seuthold, New York. 8:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Edna Brown, East Marion, New York, a/c IIelen H. Lyons, 36 Ocean Drive, St. Augustine, Florida, for a variance in s~cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Sub- section A, for permission to sell a lot with 75 ft. frontage. Loc~tion of prop- erty: west side Robinson Ro~d, Green- pert, New York, bounded north by A. Resenberg, west by Robinson south by D. Bruckheimer and SterlingI creek, west by Sterling creek. 5:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application l of George Moore. 152 Flanders Road, Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article IV, Section 4~3, ubsection A, roi' permission to erect a directional sign on the property of Mary Phylko, south side Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded on the '~ ~ north by Sound Avenue, east by F. ~ Walgo, south by C. Price, west by II. R. Reeves & Sons. 9:00 P. M. (E.S.T,), upen application of Long Island Lighting Company, 175 B. Old Country Road, IIicksville, New York, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 6a, for permission to install an area protection generator on property of Long Island Lighting Company, north west side of Main Road, (Route 25), Greenport, (Arshamomaque), New York, bounded north by Stepnoski, east ~y S. Ciacia Est., south by Main Road, west by Drosses and Rempe. 9:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, IIiverhead, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of John G. Poliw~da, south west corner of North Road and Albertson Lane, Grcenport,I New York. 9:35 P. M. (E.S.T), upen applicati0n I of Constantine Kin~, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New York, for a Sl~cial ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IIL Sub,etlon 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the prope~.ty of Marie Cassidy, east of Flect Lumber Company, south side Main Road, Greonport, New York. 9:40 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon applicatinn of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, ! Rlverhead, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section ~00, Sub- section 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on property of Martin N'elson, south east corner of North Road, and Moore's Lane, Grecnport, , New York. 9:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application I of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New, York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, subsection C, for permission to paint COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, say.' that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLANE TRAVELER - MATI-ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southo]d, in Suffolk County; and thai the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has beer published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ................ /~]../.~...A. ........... week.' successively, commencing on the ~,. of ....... ~.../~.~..~Z ................/.,. 19..~...~... ' day / / ~/ z~ . .................................. l..: .. Swo? to before me this /t"s day o~ Notary~ Pub ~l~ Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town I~ and the prov~tons of the Amended Bulld~ng ~one O~dlnance of the Tram of Southold0 Suffolk County, H~w York. pub~4c hearings w~ll be hold by the ~ng Board of Appeals Of the ~O~ of s~d. a~ ~ Off,e. ~tn R~d. S~Old. N~ Y~. ~ April 16. ~4. ~ ~ S~t. ~ms~rt. H~ Yor~. for ~t~n of access ~at~ of p~y: ~u~ r~gh~ of va~. aou~ sA~ ~n X~d. (Rou~ 25). ~ttL~. H~ Y~k. ~d ~r~ by ~A~ ~d. mt ~ E~ S~leLn. s~ ~ ~. ~u~her Est. ~ot ~ 8~00 P.~f. (E.S.?.). upon application of Ann Mt~ of ~y= pr~va~ ~d k~ as ~rk Pike. ~. C~e, o~t ~ ~. ~. F~d. s~ ~ L. F~d, wot ~str~ct. 8=15 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of George W. Smith & Sons, Southold~ New York, a/c Dai-Moy~ 37 Mott Street, New York 13, New York, Ordinance, Article for a variance in accordance with ~-he Zoning III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permissi~ to erect a private detached garage in the front yard area. Location of property~ south side private right of wayt Cedar Beach Park, Lot %117, Southold, New York. 8530 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Edna Brown, East Marion, N~-w York, a/c Helen H. Lyons, 36 Ocean Drive, St. Sugustine, Florida, for a variance in accordance with the Zonin. Ordinance, ArtiO~w III, Seotion 300, subsection A, for permissi. to sell a lot with 75 ft. frontage. Location of property= west side Robinson Road, Greenport, New York, bounded north by A. Rosenberg, west by Robinson Road, south by D. Bruckheimer and Sterling Creek, west by Sterling Creek. 8:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of George Moore, 152 Flanders Road, Riverhead, New York, for a ~,pecial exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection A, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of Mary Phylko, south side Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded on the north by Sound Avenue, east by F. Walg~, south by C. Price, west by H. R. Reeves & Sons. 9z 00 p .S.T. ), upon appllcat. ~ . Long Island Lighting Company, 175 Eo Old Country Road, Hicksvtlle, New York, for a special exception /n accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 6a, for ~ermlssi~ to install an area protection generator on property of Long Island Lighting Compeny, north west side of Maln Road, (l~oute 25), Greenport, (Arshamomaque), New York, bounded north by Stepnoski, east by S. Cia¢la Est., south by Main Road, west by Drossos and Rempe. 9~30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon al~Plication of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 Subsection 11, for permission to erect a dt~ectional sign on the proper*~yof John G. Poliwada, southwest corner of North Road and Albertson Lane, Greenport, New York. 9,35 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of Marie Cassidy, east of Fleet Lumber Company, south side Main Road, Greenport, New York. 9,40 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of CO~latantine King, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on property of Martin Nelson, south east corner of North Road, and Moore's Lane, Greenport, New York. 9:45 p~M. '(E.S.T.), upon application of Constantine King, 69 Further Lane, Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the ZoningOrdinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection C, for permission to paint words "BOWl" and "Restaurant" on the southerly roof of King's Lanes, east side Moore's Lane, Greenport, New York. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the t/mae and place above spacified. DATED~ April 2, 1964, By Order for the Southold Town Board of Appeals. PLEASE ~ ONCE, APRIL 9, 1964, AND FORWARD TWELVE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OFFICE MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on April 6, 1964, The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman Tredwell Abrams Frank Mllowski R. G. Terry, Jr., Esq., a/c Ann DeMaria George W. Smith & Sons, a/c Dal-Moy Edna A. Brown, a/c Helen Lyons George Moore Long Island Lighting Company Cons~ntine King SOMEONE SHOULD aPJ~BA~ AT THB HEAR Examined .................... , 19 ~ ~ I~UI*HOLD IUII. DIH~ DIPAI~I'MmqlT TCW/H ~ OFFICE Sou'rI4OLD, N. Y. Applicatia~ No ............................. L~SQpD rove~ a/ c .............................................................................................. APPLICATIO~ FO~ BUILDINg PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Ir~ector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of I~ilding~ an premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of propertymust be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this clpplicatio,~ may not be commenoed before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will Issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall hove been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the constructio~ of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable lows, ordinances, building code and ulations. 'g pp ' ant, ~F'nome, if o corporation) (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ...................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ....................................... Lot No: .................... Street and Number .~.~.~j~.~.~.~.~.~..t~...~'.~).`~.....~'...'~..'...~.~..~..~...~.'(~....~..j?..~.-.~.~.3~4~ Municipality 2 State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ............ ~ .......................................................................................... b Intended use and occupancy ...... ~.~..?,~.~..It~L~,,~... ~ ...J.~.J~...~...~.. ................. 3 Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building ................ Addition ................. ;,m..~lte~,== Repair ............. Removal .................... Demolition .................... Other Work (Describe) 4. Estimatu,~l Cost I~JjJ~Jl~ ~j~l~Jr~t~l,~Jl ~J~l~4J (~o~ pa,d on filing this application) 5 If dwelling, number of dwelling units ....... ~ ...............Number of dwelling units ~ each flor .......... If garage, number of cars ..................... ~ .... . .... 6 If business, commercial or mixed ~cupancy, specify nature and extent of each ~ of use ..................... 7. Dimensions of ex~sting structures, if any: ~ronf .................. Rear ......................... ~th .................. H~ight ......... Number of Stones Dimensions of same ~tructure w~th ~iterotron,~ .,r additions Front Rear .................... ~pth ...... Height ~qumber of Stories ..................... 8. Dimensions of entlre ne~ construchcn Front S~.. ~....~7~ :9 Depth .................... ~ighl ...... Number g~ 5tor~es ........... 9. Size of Jot Front .J ~Jt ~0 Depti~ 10 Date of Purchase . ~..~j~ Name of Former ~,rer .~ ~"~i' '- Il Zone or use dist~ct ~r~ which premises a~e ,stt,~ted ~~ ........................... ~2~ ~es proposed constr,~ction violate any zom~qg iow ordinance or regulatJon~ :e~ .................................. ~00~ C~ ]] Nome of ~ner o~ Drem~es ~ Address ~--1- .~.~...~.. Nome o~ Contractor Address ............ Dhone No ....... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and marc :~ ~! et-back dimensions from property lines Give street and block numbers or descriphon according to deed, arid sh ~, ~treet names and indicate whether interior or corner lot ~,' · ~' edge and [*,el,~!' T~.,~'N OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. APPLICATION NO.(~ ~j''~ DATE .......... ~.~...l(~.. ~h~ ~(~l- Name Street and Number Municipality S~ate hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ITT SECTION _~00 SUBSECTION 6a THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE I We wish to install a,~area protection generator to improve service reliability for the North Fork area. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ~ Sworn to this .....:.~.....?~..~.... day of ........ ..6'~ ....... , 19...~..~f ~' Notary Public JUP~TH T BOKEN Conm~, ~u~ Ex~.,h;s rv1~rch 30, 1~ Signature iONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ;UFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of : LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY !or a Special Exception pursuant to : Article III, Section 300~ Subsection 6a : of the Zoning Ordinance : STATE OF NEW YORK ) : SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) WILLIAM J. BURNS, that I am the Manager of AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn deposes and says, the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department of the Long Island Lighting Company. I have been employed by the said Long Is]hand Lighting Company for sixteen years and have been manager of the above department !or sixteen years. I received my degree of Bachelor of ;ciences in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Institute of ~echnology in 1933, and I am a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers. In the performance of my duties, I am responsible for all mechanical and civil engineering performed by the Office of Engineering of the Long Island Lighting Company, including the planning, change of design and installation of power plant generating facilities of said Long Island Lighting Company. This affidavit is submitted in support of the application made by Long Island Lighting Company pursuant to the provisions of Article III, Section 300, Subsection 6a, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, as amended, for a Special Exception to permit the construction, operation and maintenance of a supplementary generating iiunit situated in an "A Residential District." The applicant '~is a contract vendee under a contract dated February 7, 1964, made between it and the present owner, Manor Grove Corp. Exhibit ~'A", a copy of said contract, is submitted herewith and made a part hereof. The site which is the subject of the present applica- tion consists of approximately six acres and is vacant and unimproved. It is located on the northerly side of Main Road, approximately 500 feet east of Chapel Lane. The property has a frontage of 416.50 feet on said Main Road. The above described property is shown on Exhibit "B", a Long Island Lighting Company Map and Plot Plan of the said pro- perty, submitted herewith and made a part hereof. The above described property is located in an area which is generally vacant land, sparsely settled, and devoted to commercial and farm uses. The adjoining properties to the east, west and south are each zoned "Business" for a distance of 200 feet deep from the line of Main Road. Beyond 200 feet those adjoining properties are zoned "A Residential.'!' The adjoining property to the north is situated in the "A Residential District" of the Town. Long Island Lighting Company, the applicant herein, is a gas and electric corporation within the meaning of the Public Service Law and Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York and as such supplies gas and electricit~ to the public in almost all of Nassau and Suffolk Counties and in the Rockaway Peninsula in the City of New York. It is subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commis- sion of the State of New York as to practically all of its operations, but particularly with regard to providing safe, adequate, dependable, and economical gas and electric service to its customers. It is under a statutory duty to supply such service to all within its franchise area who properly apply therefor, and for a failure to perform such duty the law imposes substantial penalties. The franchise area serviced by the applicant is one of the fastest growing areas in all of the United States. Studies show that the combined population of Nassau and Suffolk, which constitutes the greater part of applicant's franchise territory, has increased by more than one million people since 1950, and that such growth is more than in all the rest of New York State during this period. As a result of this rapid population growth in its franchise territory, applicant has been required to have available the necessary facilities to supply the continuing demand for electric and gas service and also to plan and prepare for the development and extension of its facilities to meet the demand which will result from future population increases. The records of the Long Island Lighting Company indicate that during the past several years that portion of the easte~y end of Long Island commonly known as the "North Fork" has been subjected to a number of prolonged electric service outages. The said company's studies show that these outages have generally been caused by hurricane winds and by severe ice and snow storms, which have caused damage to vital equipment at various points along the single tower and wood pole transmission line which services Long Island Lighting Company's entire "North Fork" franchise area. The electric power which presently supplies the area is generated at applicant's existing generating stations which are all located west of Riverhead. (The nearest such generating station is at Port Jefferson Harbor.) Such elec- tric power is then transmitted to the "North Fork" area along the transmission line referred to above which extends from Riverhead to Orient Point. The said transmission line is shown on a map marked Exhibit "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof. An inspection of this map shows clearly that when an outage ~ccurs at any point along said line the consumers who reside affected. east of the point of the damage will be -3- As a result of the foregoing conditions the Long Island Lighting Company has embarked upon a program to pro- tect the said ~North Fork'~ area and to minimize service interruptions during the emergency conditions created by hurricanes and by ice and snow storms. Said program contem- plates the early construction of a small generating unit to be located at Greenport. Also contemplated in the said pro- gram is the future construction of another small generating unit to be located at Mattituck when the service needs there are determined to require such construction. Exhibit "C~', attached hereto, shows the transmission line extending from Riverhead to Orient Point and also shows the location of the Greenport generating unit referred to above. In addition, · Exhibit "C" shows the supplementary generating program for the ~'South Fork'~, consisting of two existing units located at Southampton and East Hampton, and a proposed unit to be located at Montauk Point. These sites have been located at strategically selected points so that electric power may be generated in the immediate vicinity of those areas which are to be served by the construction of these supplementary units. The approximate total cost of equipment to be utilized by the Long Island Lighting Company in this program] excluding the Mattituck site, is $4,000,000. The Greenport generating unit which is the subject of the present application, will have an installed capacity of 15,000 Milowatts and will be an oil-fired, gas turbine type of unit. The plans which were submitted with the applicant's application show the details of the proposed unit which will consist of a gas turbine generator, a fuel tank, a transformer, and various switch gear and appurtenant~ equipment Exhibit "D~ consisting of a series of photo- graphs showing similar existing supplementary generating uni~ installation, is submitted herewith and made a part hereof. The total cost of this unit will be approximately $1,500,000 The constructionof the supplementary unit, scheduled to commence in June, 1964, will facilitate applicant in supplying reliablejadequate and economical electric power to the Greenport area during and following emergency conditions which may be created by hurricanes and ice and snow storms. The unit to be installed has been designed so that it will start automatically in the event of a transmission line outage. It also can be started from applicant's operating headquarters in Hicksville by remote control. As shown by Exhibit "B', the generating unit and its appurtenan~ facilities will be completely surrounded by a chain link fence 7 feet high with an additional 1 foot of F-shaped barbed wire. The said equipment will be set back approximately 500 feet from the northerly side of Main Road.i Sworn to before me t his/~-~ ~' , day o ~ 1964. I~OTAR¥ PUBLIC, STATE OF N~. 30-1~MSDIO QuMified in N'as,.-,, ~ - Te~ expires ~arch 30, 19~J William J. -5- CONSULT YOUR LAW, . BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS Ih~TRUMENT SHOULD BE USED' BY LAWYERS ONLy. THIS AGREF~VIENT, made the day o! nluet~n hundr~l and sixty-four BETWEEN Manor urove Corp.,a New York corporation having an office at 30-98 Crescent Street,Long Island City,~ew York, herinafter d~cn%ed as ~ seU*. add Long Island Lighting Company, a mew York corporation Having an office at 250 Old Country Roa~d, Mineola,aew York, hereinafter descn'bed as the purchaser. WflNESSETH, that the seller agrees to sell and convey', and the purchaser agrees to purchase, all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ' ~ ' '~ .... situate, lying ~nd being a~ Arshamomaque, Town of Southolfl,Oounty of Suffolk and State of mew York, and bound and described as follows:- n~"-~'~'z~ at a point on the northerly side of Main South Road (Route 25) where the same is intersected by the easterly side of land formerly of J.Fred Davis now or formerly of Drossos,which point of beginning is distant 847.84 feet westerly as measured along the northerly side of Main South Road (Route 25) from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Chapel Lane and the northerly side of Main South Road (Route 25); running thence worth 42 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds west 645.47 feet along land now or formerly of Drossos and Rempe to the land now or formerly of Stepnoski; running thence along said last mentioned land,morth 48 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds east 416.60 feet to the land now or formerly of Sam oiacia Estate; running then South 42 de~rees 56 minutes 50 seconds east along said last mentioned land,621.40 feet to the northerly side of Main South Road (Route 25); running thence along said Main South Road (Route 25) South 45 degrees 38 m/~utes 10 seconds west 416.50 feet to the point or place of beginning. This contract is subject to the purchaser obtaining consent from the authorities having jurisdiction to construct an 'auxiliary generating unit on the premises. The purchaser at its own expense will make diligent application to the proper authority where the property is situated for such permission. In the event the purchaser is unable to obts~n such permission prior to 90 days from the date of this contract and the purchaser so informs the seller's attorneys,Tedeschi & Tedeschi,30-98 Crescent Street,Long Island City 2,N.Y., of such fact by registered mail,then this contract shall be cancelled and all money deposited hereunder shall be returned to the said purchaser and upon such return both parties shall be released from sll the terms of this contract. (Said generating unit to include a diesel mot,or genera$or, oil storage tanks and appurtenant transmission facilities.) The purchaser has examined the premises or caused the same to be examined or waived the examination thereof and agrees to take the premises "as is",it being understood that the seller makes no represmntations or warranties with respect thereto. This sale includes all right, title and interest, if any. of the seller in and to any land lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue opened or proposed, in front of or adjoining said premises, to lhe center line thereof, and ail right, title and interest of the seller in and to any award made or to be made in lleu thereof and in and to any unpaid award for damage to s~id premises by reason of change of grade of any street; and the seller will execute and deliver to the purchaser, on dosing of tide, or thereafter, on demand, all proper instruments.for th~ ~nveyance of such title and the asslgmncot and collection of any such award. :,.;:, ~: ,,,~i!!,11. ~ The pric~/s Seventeen Thousand l~ve Hundred ($17,500.00) Dollars. payable as follows: One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($1,750.00) Dollars, or, the signing of this con,'act, by check subject to collection, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($15,750.00) Dollar,. h cnsh or gon~ cer~£ed ~ on ~e dellver~ of ~e deed a, hereinafter pro'deal; by t.~i.5 ~de ~u~ject tb a mortgage now a lien on sa~d prem~es in that amount, hea~n~interest at the .x rate of x per ceXnt per annum. ~ pMncipet ~Jng due and paya~[e x x .~ .. / De!lars,-t, by.~ pur~, aser or ~i~s ~g, ac~owl~g and delive~ng to ~e ~ller a bond or, at ~e option of ~e ~]1~, a note ~ by a ~rcha~ money mo~age on ~e a~ve p~s. in that ~o~t. payable ~ ~ ~e~er M~ ~te~t at ~e ra~ of ~ ~t ~y Mn~ or ~ ~ m~a~ ~ be ~' ~d ' dra~ on ~e s~da~ ~o~ of N~ rk Bo~ of Unde~~n; ~d ~ ~ ~a~ ~e a~omey for~e ~er at ~e ~se of ~e ~mha~r. who ~I ~ p~ge ~~d ~g i~d pay for ~d a~ to such ~ ~y ~d a~ ~venuest~my~n~. _ _ _ - ~ ' I~ such pur~a~ m~ mo~a~ ~ to ~ a su~r~ mor~age on ~mi~s it shall pm~de that it shall ~ sub~t ~ su~or~ate to ~e ]~n of ~ ~s~g mo~ga~ of ~ ~ any · e~f and to ~y mo~a~ or ~m~a~ mo~age w~ch may ~ placed ~e p~ in ]~eu ~e~of, ~ ~o any extensions ~e~f pm~d~ (a) ~at ~e h~t rate ~e~ shall not ~ ~eater ~an, ~ ~r ~nt ~r ~num and (b) · at, if ~e p&~l ~ount' ~emof shll ~ &e ~nt of p~ci~l o~g ~d ~p~ on said ~isfing mo~gage at the time of pla~g such new mortgage or ~nmlidated mo~age. ~e ex~ ~ ~id to ~e ~lder of such purchase money mo~gage in ~ucfion of &e p~Spal ~f. Such purch~ money m~age ~I aho pro~d&~at such payment to holder ~ereof shall not alter or ag~t ~e m~ar hstallmen~, if ~y, of ~ncipal ~yable ~e~nder and shall ~er ~ro~de ~at the holder ~ereof ~11. on d~and ~d ~thout ch~ge ~e~for, ~ecute. ac~owl~ge and deliver ~y a~ ment or a~men~ ~r to e~mate such su~dlna~on. If ~ere ~ a mor~e on ~ pm~s ~e ~ller a~ to deliver to the ~rch~r at ~e time of delive~ of ~e ~&~a proof certificate ~uted ~d acknowledged by ~ holder of su~ mor~age ~d in [o~ for re~rdlng. ~i~ng as to the~0unt of ~e unpaid p~l and intent ~ereon. date of ma~i~ ~f ~ rate of Mter~t thereon. ~d ~e seller shall pay S~d p~s~ a~ mid ~d ~e to ~ ~n~ sub~t to: I. ~n~g re~lafions ~d or~ of &e 8~. ~ or ~lage ~ wMch ~e p~ lle wMch am not ~olat~ ~sfing s~ctur~, e~cept as hePe[n pPov~ded. ~~ ~ller~ an~fo~r- o~-of-pm~for-~-e~fi~-of-any s~- or s~c~r~ on. ~d~ r a~ve ~y s~t ~ ~wee~ ~. 4.~bject ~ ~ state of facts ~ accurate ~ey may show pro~d~-g the s~e does not render title ~arketable. 5.Subject to covenants,restrictions,eassments,a~reements and reservations of record,if any affecting the same,pr~vinding same do not render title ~u~marketable. and provided same do not prohibit the use of the premises generating purposes. All notes or ~ of violations of law or m,,~c.~pal orJh.-*nces, orders or requirements noted in or issued by the Depart- merits of Housing and Buildings. Fire, Labor, Health. or other State or Municipal Department having jurlsdk:fion against or a~ecting the premises at the date hereof, shall be complied with by the seller and the premises shall be conveyed free of the same. and this provision of this contract shall sunrlve delivery of the deed hereunder. The seller shall furnish the purchaser with an authorization to make the necessa~ searches therefor. ment or ~entswhlc~are~r_m~,y~.l~_.ome payah]e in annual installments, of which the first installment is then a charge or lien, o.r has been .paid, then for the pur~-'/~f-thls~tract..~ll !he_,~p.~id installments of any such assessment, including those .w. hlch are to becom, e due and payable after the delivery of the dee~, s-Yh~l~-be-'deemed-to._hc_c~e_ and payable and --to-be-i~n~upon the prem,ses-affeeted thereby-a~l~shatl-be-pnid-and-dlseharged-byhbe~ellc~, upon hhe~el~=d~,m~--. The following are to be apportioned: " ~,1 R~,,t~ .~ ~.~v],~,, coll~¢h.~. ~x · . . /ax -or-renewal~oLthose-explrlne-Pti~.-l~.losin~(4) Taxes ~ if any, on the basis of the ~scal year for which assessed. (5) U, Lv.!e: charges,~o~~nd~_.- y.? (6) Fuel, if aa.~, ca:, ~( If the closing of the title shall occur before the tax rate is fixed, the apportionment of taxes shall be upon the basis of the tax rate for the next preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation. If there be a water meter on the premises, the seller shall furnish a reading to date not more than thirty days prior to the time herein set for closing title, and the unfixed meter charge and the unfixed sewer rent. if any. based thereon for the intervening time shall be apportioned on the basis of such last reading. The deed shall be the usual Bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor's ect deed in proper statutory short form for record and shall be duly executed, acknowledged, and have revenue st~mps in the proper amount al~ed thereto by the seller, at the seller's expense, so as to convey to the purchaser the fee simple of the said premises, free of all encumbrances, except ns berein stated, and shall also contain the covenant required by subdivision .5 of Section 13 of the llen Law. At the cltslag of the title the seller shall deliver to the purchaser a cerfifie~check to the order of the City Treasurer for the amount of the Real/Prnperty Transfer Tax impos~t by Title I of Chapter 46~of the Administrative Code of the City of New York and will als~ deliver to the ~urchaser the return required by the said statute and the regula~tlons issued pursuant to thc authority thereof, duly\signed and swo.~n to by the seller; the purchaser agrees to sign and swear to the said return and to cause the said check and the~aid return to be delivered to the City Register promptly after the closing of the rifle. ~ The seller shall give and the purchaser shall accept a title such as :g~glf'g~~~ b~j~~~ The Title Guarantee Company will apprnve and h~ure. All sums paid on account of this contract, and the reasonable expenses of the examination of the title to said premises and of the survey, if any. made in connection therewith are hereby mede liens thereon, but such liens shall not continue after de,fault by the purchaser under this Contract. A~I fixtures and articles of personal property attached or appurteun~t to or used in epnnection with said. pre.n~., a~?. repre- se?tgl to be owne&~by the seller, free from ail li~as and encumbras~tces except as bere~n stated, and ar4 included m this sale; w~thbut limiting the geoerality[of the foregoing, such fixtures an~l articles of personal property incl. fide plumbing; heating. li~htlng and cooking fixtures, air conditioning fi:~tures and units, ra[nges, refrigerators~ radio and teleqfisian aerials, bathroom atid~ kltchen~cabin~ts, mantels, door mirrors, ve~tian blinds, shad_&. ~reens. awning, storm windows, window boxes, storm doors, mall hexes. ~,s, eather vanes, flagpoles, pomps, shrubbery and outdoor statuary. The amount of any unpaid taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents which the seller is obligated to pay and discharge. with the interest and penalties thereon to a date not less than two business days after the date of closing title, mey at the option of the seller be allowed to the purchaser out of the balance of the purchase price, provided official bills therefor with interest and penalties thereon figured to said date are furnished by the seller at the closing. If at the date of closing title there may be any other liens or encumbrances which the seller is obligated to pay and discharge, the seller may use any portion of the balance of the purchase price to satisfy the same, provided the seller shall have delivered to the purchaser at the dosing of title instruments in recerdable form and sufficient to satisfy such liens and encumbrances of record, together with the cost of recording or filing said instruments. The purchaser, if request is made within a reasonable time prior to the date of closing of title, agrees to provide at the closing separate certified checks as requested, aggregating the amount of the balance of the purchase price, to facilitate the satisfaction of any such liens or encumbrances. The existence of any such taxes or other liens and encumbrances shall not be deemed objections to title if the seller shell comply with the foregoing requirements. If a search of the tide discloses judgments, bankruptcies or other returns against other persons having names the same as or similar to that of the seller, the seller will on request deliver to the purchaser au affidavit shewing that such judgments, hank- ruptcles or other returns are not against the seller. In the event that the seller is unable to convey title in accordance with the terms of this contract, the sole liability of the seller will be to refund to the purchaser the amount paid on account of the purchase price and to pay the net cost of examining the title, which cost is not to exceed the charges fixed by the New York Board of Title Underwriters, and the net cost of any survey made in connection therewith incurred by the purchaser, and upon such refund and payment being made ~ contract shall be considered canceled. The deed shall be delivered upon the receipt of said payments at the office of Te~eschi & Tede~¢hi 30-98 Crescent Street,Long Island City 2,~ff, o'cleck on or before May 6, 1964 · The par~es agree that Fra~k ~. Smith is the sole broker who brought about this sale and the seller agrees to pay the commission ~ ~ - · t_ __ ' ' Rs per separate agreement. It is understood and agreed that all understandings and agreements heretofore had between the parties hereto are merged in this contract, which alone fully and completely expresses their agreement, and that the same is entered into after full investigation. neither party relying upon any statement or representation, not embodied in this contract, made by the other. The purchaser has inspected the buildings standing on said premises and is thoroughly acquainted with their condition. This agreement may not be changed or terminated orally. The stipulations aforesaid are to apply to and bind the heirs, executors, admiuist~ators, successors and assigns of the respective parties. If two or more persons constitute either the seller or the purchaser, the word "seller" or the word "purchnser" shall be construed as if it read "sellers" or "purchasers" whenev~ the sense of this agreement so requires. IN V¥1-1-1~I'E,$~ WHEREOF, ~ agreement has been duly executed by the parties hereto. In present* of: M~ano)r~ vrove ~orp. Z~ng ~land Lightinff ~3ompanT' / HOW/,;,,D B. WAKEMAN j . SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT. NOTE: FIRE LOSSES. This form of contract contains uo express provision as to risk of loss by fire or other casualty before delivery of the deed, Uuiess e~.ress provision is made. ~ provisions of ...gectlon 240-a of the Real Prnperty Law will apply. This section also placns ri~ o~ line upuo purehnset if rifle or possession is transferred prior to dosing. CREDIT F ~NCIAL 3TATF_.MF_..NT A~ OF ~- DF. SIT Paid on signing Contract ......... Ist /~lortgage Int. from .................... Ca) ................ 2nd Mortgage lot. from .................... @ ................ Purchase Money Mortgage Security on Lease Rent from Purchase ,Price Taxes Taxes Water Rates ........................................ Sewer Rents Assessments Total Credit Water Rates Sewer Rents Fuel Total Debit Total Credit Balance Paid Closing of title under the within contract is hereby adjourned to 19 , at o'clock, at ; title to he closed and all adjustments to be made as of !9 Dated. 19 For value received, the within contract and all the right, title and interest of the purchaser thereunder are hereby assigned. transferred and set over unto and said assignee hereby assumes all obligations of the purchaser thereunder. Dated. 19 ~ ' Purctmser A~tlgnee o] P.rcha~er THE OBSERVANCE OF THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS WILL SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE AT THE CLOSING OF THIS -rrrLE Tho ~l:l! I:i~. should bring with him all insurance policies and duplicates, receipted bills for taxes, assessments and water rates, and any leases, deeds or.agreements ageetiog the property. When there is a water meter on the premises, he should order it read, and bring bills therefor to the closing. If there are mortgages on the property he should pro~luce receipts showing to what date the interest has been paid. and if the principal or rate of interest has been reduced, he should produce certificates of such reduction signed and acknowledged by the holders of the mortgages. He should furnish to the purchaser a full list of tenants, giving the names, rent paid by each, and date to which the rent has been I~aid. The PURCHASER should he prepared with cash or a certified check drawn to his own order. The check may be certified for an approximate amount and cash may he provided for the balance of the settlement. GREENPORT GENERATING STATION The Greenport generating station will be a ].5 mw rated General lectnc Company packaged gas turbine'operating with No. 2 fuel oil. The unit is very similar to the 15 mw rated GoEo gas turbine at LILCO~s Southampton generating site. Approval of the Southampton unit by the State of New York ~tJr Pollution Control Board was granted on April 22, 1963, and unit has coutinued to perform satisfactorily in conformity with the Board's rules. The Greenport unit will be operated unattended with remote control from Long Island Lighting Company,s central operating center at }{ick. sville, N. Y. The unit will be operated for peaking generation and emergency generation upon outage of transmission lines to th~ area. The average annual operating time is estimated to be 850 hours. The generating station is located on the northerly side of Main South Road (Route 25) Arshamomaque, Township of Southold in the County of Sl~ffolk. General arrangement locating the unit is shown on Long Island Lighting Company Drawing F-27333-0. The stack height is 33.5 feet above grade. The general area surroundin~ 7the ~unit is open, level land. General Electric Company Drawing 33E355 shows the location of the main component parts of the gas turbine and generator unit. The fuel fired will be No. 2 fuel oil with specification in general the same as that stated in the General Electric Company letter dated December 10, 1962 page 1 except that the actual fuel fired will have a sulphur connent of aboun .19% rather than the .30% stated in the letter. Approximate fuel requirements will be 11,400 lb/hr at 15 mw. The type of exhaust gas will be as page 2 of General Electric Company Attachments: stated for distillate oil on letter dated December 10, 1962. 1. Long Island Lighting Company Drawing F-27333-0. 2. General Electric Company letter dated December 10, 3. General Elecnric Company Drawing 733E355. 1962. RBH/emb .... ~4~-~'[-p~r~-~-'[]~-~iFtSFu~nl. corporntton0 muntclpa I~-'~ firm, aRency, etc~) 2. 3. Lo_n~i Island Lighting_Compa~ Vi.ce p re si~dent A. C~_. ~ Sugd .e_q " " 175~E_ast_QO1d Country_R__oad~ Hick~ville, New York c { ~Generating Station (Gas Turbine) ~--- Street adrlrens ~[ installation { ?. Main South Road IRoute 25) Town o~ Southold Suffo{~ A. C. Sugden 19636 175 East c]d Country Road~ Hicksville, New York ._ Estimated cost of the work_under thi, pro.l,ct ~ 1,063.000 Type b. Model or Oatalogue No. At operating conditions a. Discharge quantity (cfm) b. Pressure (Inches W.C.) 16. C, Temperatur~..~e.g~ F) ' 17. 18. Expected efficiency of removal September 1, 1964 Vice pres ~dent Title I)oce~er 10, 196~ com~stl~ of varimm f~l~. ~he fol~eh~ Information m prepmd ~o ~rovi~le ~Lt~her h~&t~ va~e: .79 ~wer ilm&ttn~ value: 91~ ~tu/~f xg,ooo · ~7 ~X.e~. 18.87 .67 (c ax.8 a .o~3)~'~ , C -0 · ual Oil · OlJ~9 3,6 ' ~.7 -~, 3.0 ' h~.o a.~ 7~.~ -7~.~ 76i) 7~.o :I0 O0 0 ~emm leas 6e~rall~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ceabus~or dee~n ~v~ a ¥~ Braad~number of 60 DRAFT ON NOTES ON PRESENTATION TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AT 9:00 P.M. APRIL 16, 1964 The Town Board of the Town of Southold recently enacted an amendment to the Building Zone Ordinance, which now authorizes the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a special exception to permit a Public Utility use in an area zoned "A" Residential. The amendment appears now in Subsection 6a of Section 300 of Article III of the Ordinance. It is pursuant to this Subsection 6a that this application is made tonight. The property which is the subject of this application consists of approximately 6 acres and is located 500 feet east of Chapel Lane, on the north side of Main Road. The Company has contracted to purchase this property from the Manor Grove Corporation, subject to obtaining approval of the Town authorities for construction and installation of an electric power generating facility. Because of the great distance between the eastern end of Long Island and the nearest steam generating plant in Port Jefferson, the electric transmission lines that supply power to the North and South Forks of Long Island are extremely vulnerable to damage and service interruptions during periods of snow and ice storms and hurricane winds. Between 1950 and 1962, there have been 12 cases of prolonged outages of one hour or more affecting the Greenport area. The total experienced service interruption time to our customers in this area resulting from these outages was approximately 50 hours. On March 20, 1958, a severe ice storm caused -2- numerous transmission line outages on the North Fork resulting in a 20 hour power failure to the Greenport area. MAP OF LONG ISLAND In 1962, LILCO instituted a study to determine the best possible way to improve continuity of service to our customers on eastern Long Island. Cost, efficiency, and feasibility considerations showed that the answer was to install small electric~ generators for area protection at various strategic locations on our system. As can be seen in Exhibit "C" (Map of Long Island)~ Greenport is well located for this purpose, situated as it is midway on the North Fork. In the event of an emergency power failure west of Greenport between Riverhead and Greenport, or a failure east of Greenport, a small generating unit will provide continuous emergency power until the line failure is corrected. The particular property site in question was chosen by the Company as the site of the generating unit, because of its close proximity to the Company's existing substation located west of Chapel Lane in Greenport. It is estimated that the total ~e cost of the project will be approximately $1,500,000J(Taking ~nto PHOTOS PLOT PLAN ZONING MAP Construction is scheduled to begin in June of this year and the estimated completion date is in August, 1964. The installation itself will consist of a gas turbine and generator, air intake structure, switchgear and a small separate utility building for storage. In addition, an oil tank, BO feet in diameter and 24 feet high will store fuel to operate the generator. The unit is designed to produce an summer-winter average output of 15,000 kilowatts. The installation's fence will be set back 450 feet from Main Road. The structures will be back a few feet further from the fence. Since this generator is designed to operate automatically or on electric impulse from Hicksville, and no service employees are needed at the site, there will be minimal increase of automobile traffic in the area. Of course, the unit will be serviced periodically by employees and oil deliveries but any traffic resulting will be negligible. The surrounding and adjoining area is zoned "A Residence" with the exception of a 200 foot strip of Business Zoning along Main Road on properties adjoining to the east, west and south. On the basis of the papers submitted in support of this application, it is respectfully requested that the Long Island Lighting Company be granted a special exception, pursuant to Article III, Section BOO, Subsection 6a of the Building Zone Ordinance, to permit the construction, operation and maintenance of a generating facility on the property 47' PLOT PLt~N N /c'E y EMERG EHC Y GENEI~f~ TIN G . U...N I T FOR A£EA PROTE£TIOIJ ~,~£EiVP OR T GENERA TINe HICKSVILLE, ~W YORK SCALE .4,,."/v~."~'z~ WO , A X X f X ~L~,| , ,,, 3( x X ol F~ ( ) z'-o" y. X DESCRIPTIO~ APPD LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 175 EAST OLD COUNTRy ROAD HICKSVlLLI=, NEW YORK wo ~%7G+ Cz Az ~z _ CZ. ~,E. CT I o~1 F- F' / ..~,0 T E.'5: ~.) P.E.~E_p. TO 3.) NO, DATE W. O, ~T LONG IS~ND LIGHTING COMPANY ~NGINE~ING D~P~T~NT 17S EAST OLD COUNTRY ROAD HICKS~ILLE, NEW YORK LONG I $ L A N D SOUND A TLANTIO OGE AN SOUTH~2~PTON GENF~ATING SITE EAST HAMPTON ~ERATING SITE GREENPORT g LONG S L A N D SOUND GENF~RAT ING SITE SOUTHAMPTON GENERATING SITE ATLANTIC OCEAN EAST HAMPTON GENERATING I SITE I MONTAUK POINT! GENERATING SITE