HomeMy WebLinkAbout739LQUN$ BE RRY E STATE S¢~thold, mew York Dec. 17, 196.4 Page 8 GRANTED p~rmission tO divide Prgperty~ located N/S Soundview .Avenue, New Yor. k NOTICE OF HEARINGP Pursuant to Section 267 of tht, ~'own Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Of- fice, Main Road, South old, New York, on December 17, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of Valentine W. Stype, Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Artidle TIt, Section 300. Subsection 11, for permission to erect an advertising sign on the property of Edna Andrews. Location of property: south side Main Road. Laurel, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Fleischmann-Kahn, south by Long Island Railroad, west by Chas. McNulty. I 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application : of John Haponic, Southold, New York, . a.ic Mario Franzone, Arshamomaque Avenue, Southold, New York, for a var- iance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to construct an addition to the existing dwelling w,ith insufficient side yards. Location of property: east: side Arshamomaque A venue, Beixedon Estates, Lot No. 13, Southold, Ne\\' York. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of Donald R. Gildersleeve, Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, Article X, Section 1000A, for permis- sion to reduce frontage of lot. Location of property: west side Wickham Ave- 'nue, Mattituck, New York, bounded I north by K A. Woodward, east by Wickham Avenue, south by Annie Tut- hill, west by John Keogr, I 8:15 P. M. (KS.TJ, upon application of Marjorie Douglass, King Street. I Orient, New York, for variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, 304, 307, and Article X, Section 1000A, for permis- sion to divide and sell property with insufficient frontage. Location of prop- erty: south side King street, Orient, New York, bounded north by King Street, east by other land of Marjorie Douglass, south by Robert Douglass, west by Nelson Douglass Estate. i , 8:45 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application I' I of Lefferts P. Edson, Esq., Southold, I I New York, a/c Lounsberry Estate" ! Southold, New York, for a variance in I I accordance wHh the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, Article X, Sec- tion lOOOA, for permission to divide property. Location of property: north side Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded north by Pobl-Louns- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK l ss: I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, say' that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLANC TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news paper printed at Southald, in Suffolk County; and thai the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has beer published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. man once each week for ...{!;..0L.,.......(IJ... week; successively, c.?mmencing on the .........,"/..C-:,...~~.S.......... day of ....~~...J:....c........../........, .l.9.c.;..<< ..mm.mmmi1J{f!/)c~.~............ C{ Sw~rn to before me this ........./::......... day of j\ J e:-. ~/.. .......I'-..~..~..............., 19..c./,. . ~ f. /~ : ';./" /.' /', ,/j" ;, , )/ .......(f....~, . ...".~ ,..C... ...L'-.':.f./..ck.o......... Notary Public ? ..' '.t' ,:'1 ::'1 19: c.) -> ... -- ~{. ' ." " " -'- J'~ ~..~ - .... ~ "'" " .., . . the above applications should appeal' at the time and place above speCified. DATED: DECEMBER 3, 1964, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS. ..~ ~. L.&GAL "'~~ li~'J(;" 01' -....DIU Pur8...nt to $eC'd.on 267 of the '1'OWn J;.aW gel the prOV1ll10lUII of the 1l.IIlended :$uUcl1n<;j, zOIIIe OJ:d.i.nIu\ce of ~e Town of SOUthoJ.d. Suffolk C'OIIftty. New 'l0l1t. publ1c D8lU'1ft9a w111 be w.ld by t.he 'i&oninq BC/IIarcl of Appeals of the TowP. of aMthoU., at the '1'QlIm Of:l!1ee, M.I.D Roacl, SMt:bolcl. \feW YOz'k, on J)eC:--,r 17. 1964. on tb. follCllWing apJIa18. 7.l0 P.M. fB.S.T. I, upon appU.C!aU.OI'l of... Valent1M ,... Stype, Main lloaa:. *tt1tuek. lIf8'WY'oek. for a apec1al exception 111 accoranee w1th i:he Z<lft1ftq OC'dinallee. Al'tkle 111. sec:t:lon JOO. SvbtlaCt.1on 11. for peI'll\1..1oD to el'eC!t lUl a4YertlllJ.a9 81gn CD the property od E.dna An4r..... l.OC!at1oD of property. eovth 81_ Ma1l1 Road. .t.al,lhl. !!f8W YoItlt. lilouftliad DOr'tb );)y Ma1l1 aoad. ...t. );)y I'le18C!bmam1-l<ahI1. sOlath by 1.On9 I8llUl4 1lA11road. w..t by Cha.. ~lty. ,,45 P.M. (1;.8.'1'.), UpOn appl1c:at1oD of John Dp-Ik, l!lO\lt,hold, N_ Y'OCk. a/c Mario Franson., lU'~ Aveaue. 5ovtlU>14, ._ 1t'01'k. for a variance 1n accordance with the z:ae1aq or4i.Danee, Art,kle 11.1. Section 107. foe pera.t.a.1on to CORaU'uCt lUl ad<UU.on to the ex18t1n9 ..11inq with iaeuff1c1ent 81_ yarde. J..oeaU.on of PJ.'OljlieJ.'ty' ....t sidie Arsh""lil'7..1I\le Aven.u.. BeK1don :U:a1:a~. Lot ~U. $outhold. N_ 'lock. !;Algal Not.i.ee "'gt>t -2- ~ ,j. i'h i)O ~,l(. (l~.!Vj:.l, UJ?On appllc:at1cm of OOftllld llt. Gllaer.l..... ~t:fickham A_I'.IU., l'IIl1:tituek, ~ YOrk. fori_ varlaPee in accor4luK:!. , with the "&ORin',} ox~. I\rUcle lU. Seetlon 30). IU:U,C:leX. $eet.lon 1000,\. for penu..ion to re4uce troftt:aqe of lot. LOC.t1on of pdpu'ty, .....1: side w1cltll:Ul"".nue. Matt1tuCk, K_ Yon. bouAdlJd nort:h by E.". ffoodwerd. 4III..1t by w1eltlYm Avenue, 80l11th vy l\rm1. 'luth111. westby JOhn l(.809I'. fhliP.M. (1:.8.'1'.). t1pQIn -Wl1cat1cm of Marjort.e 00U91.... K1nq lU~re.ft. Ori.nt. .... YOrk. for . VlU'1IInce 11.1 ac:col'danoe 'With t.he &on1ft9 OrdJJtanc:e. ut1cle III. sect10n 303. 304. 307. and Art1cle )4.. 8ec:U.on 1000,., for penat.s1on to 41,,1e1e and ..11 pt'op4tn:y with . '1ft.uff1c:1ent frontaq.. r.ocaUon of ~r'ty, south dele l';1n<; stftllt.. O&'1.nt. lIlew York. 'bouAded ftorth by KJ.nq street. ..at by other land of Marjor1. Douql..... aouth by tlObert ~l"., 'W..t by "leon DlN9b.s aatat.e. 8t45 P.M. (!'.8, 'l'. ). Upotl appl1catlon of r.-~_ P. lllaon. uq., Southall!, \If..... Yor'k. ale: I:.O\l.....ry aatat., SouthOld. .l'feWYodt. for.. Yar1anCe 1n .ccordanc:e 'With the zon1Dg OJ:cU.rumce, Articl. Ill. section 103. Art-lel<< X. Section 10001. Col' perm1a.1on t.o divide :p%OJIU'ty. l..OCation Qf propft'tYt ;.jnorth a1de 1\I000ft4vlew "veftue, 9ovthold. !'few YOI'k. .bCNI\ded DOr1:h by Johl-L0Uft8be1.'ry'. ..at by other land of t.wn~ry. south by 'OW'J4View AVeftue. ...t. by other lan<!! of l.ou"rry. l.G9al ~ot1(1E' .l<'a\i11! -.)- "nl' person dIIIa1rin,,,l:o j;)(jl l:ut.rd Oh the ~ applUatio:QG ahoul<1 appear at the time and pla.<:4i llIJoYe apeeU1ecL ilAftD, WliC__ ;), 1,*4, in:' OflalQl OF TaI1I SOU'!'JiIOW ~ 1iI0lUU) OF AJ'PI$AJ'..B .. . * PL&U& PU.8LIS.Ii 0IlICi:, DJllCJ!lMHIl la, 1164, AlID J'alW.UD lUX (6) AI'I'IMVITS .. I'UlU.ICA'1'lClll '1'0 'l'SJli ~p 07 APnALa. '1'O!if1l 0IT1CIl:, MAD _GAD, $OWHOU> , uw 1'ClIIU<. 11> . .. Copua ..iled to 'tile follow1ng on ~r 4, 1"4, Va18llt.1ne w. Illt.vp John It.ponte, ale: Mario PranlllQnlll DoIlald Jl. Gil4el'aleeve ~Joc1. DOu91a.a :t.effal't:a P. t48Gn. ilaq.. ale Lounabu'zy htaU The LOn-;J I.land ft...,eler-Ma1:titu<l'lt watchman SQlltGa laouLD l........ AT 'l'BB HI!:~ l.IQ C. E. LOUNDSBBRRY ESTATE DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and SLate of New York, bounded and described as follows I BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Sound View Avenue South 36052'10" West, a distance of 85 feet along the said northerly line of Sound View Ave- nue from an iror. pipe thereon marking the division point of land of the C. E. Loundsberry Estate and land now or formerly of Glover; RUNNING thence South 36052'10" West a distance of 80 feet along the said northerly line of Sound View Avenue to a point thereon; RUNNING thence North 57020'40" \-.est along other land of the C.E.Loundsberry Estate a distance of 307.48 feet to land now or formerly of Fohl; RUNNING thence North 25013' 10 t. East along the said land of Fapl and land of Loundsberry a distance of 90 feet to an iron pipe; RUNNING thence North 30050'10" East along land of Loundsberry a distance of 25 feet; RUNNING thence South 51018'30" East along other land of the C.E. Loundsberry Estate a distance of 327.61 feet to the northerly line of Sound View Avenue at the point of BEGINNING. Said parcel consists of .7064 acres. ~ ~o.--u#-- IJJ~'-Z\ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. ~ DATEj)~'~J ''1&>1 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Harry R. Howard Jr. as executor of the Last Will and Testament 1, .itJfJiJ C l..a.\JQ.~..E... .!"9.\.m.a"h.,,,r;J;,y... ..d.e.~d.. of . 2.~O.. .11p.io.n..~j(.",m,,~.................................... Nome of Appellant Street and Number of ...............~ ~.U P. f............ ......................................... ............ Municipality ...l!!~.~...~~.J?~......HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON ~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .............................. DATED .........=.Du?G.....~....l.c1..b.~....J~( WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO I. _ _ _ 0'4 ............0~~A;;P~fo;-~?.......... ) ( ) ( ~) of PERM IT TO ~.~i~~~t..~~d "N~;';;b~;"""""""""""" MC~i.~.i~~i ii;........ ........... .St~t~... ...~. "2C)' PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY jJ ;V\J., -~ - ,~ 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ..S.Qundv.iew..A:v.enue...........................E."'sidSp.tia~...... Southold New York as shown on th~tr.!'tttached Use District on Zoning Map survey c~py and as'described on separate sheet attached hereto. Map No. Lot No. 2. P'ROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III Section 303; Article X Section 1000 A. 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is mode herewith (or (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chop. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was mode in Appeal No. ........................ .......Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance , Article X Section 1000 A ( ) is requested far the reason that the Estate of Claude E. Lounsberry owns the one parcel of land as shown on the attached survey on which are located three dwellings or cottages. The Estate makes this appeal to permit the dis- posal of the center parcel of the three shown on the attached survey with a road frontage of less than 100 feet as required by Article III Section 303 of the Ordinance. The Estate does not, however, make a request in Form ZBl (Continue on other side) connection with the square footage requirement of that section since the area shown is more than sufficient for compliance. REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because this parcel of land with the three cottages located thereon was owned by the Lounsberry Estate prior to the adoption of the Southold Town Ordinance. It is now necessary for your petitioner to settle the Estate and in connection therewith to convey the central portion of the parcel which would not be possible with strict applica- tion of the Ordinance as now written. This would result in the Estate being unable to dispose of and separate the ownership of the three cottage sites. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because this parcel of land in single ownership and having a frontage of 250.27 feet on Soundview Avenue has three dwellings located thereon. .. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because no physical changes in either the land or the dwellings will take place whatever, only the ownership of the parcel would change. Therefore the character of the district would not be affected whatsoever. STATE OF NEW YORK ) } ss COUNTY OF Suffolk} , / IJ )/ /)'1/ hi" { I, (.../.{~l....:..~..;:;..<<........ Slgr~.r:e..' Sworn to this ...............2nd........................ day of... .............Dec.ernbeJ:................... 19 64. LEFPl'RTS PAINE ED50!'l NOTARY PuBLIC, State (J~ New Yo~ N0. 5:'_-;1"-; -':5 ;,df1,:' ,),~t'l 1.':r, t' !l,~',' ;, '" ! Xi.) October 31, 1964 Mr. Lefferts P. Fdson, Attorney Main St Southold, N. '[. Dear Sir; Received YOl1r letter and map of Lounsberry Est:<te, I ~ill take this up ~ith the Board informaly Thursday night and advise you of their opinion immediately thereafter. Yours truly ~ /" .. ((ft'7""-) ------- Building Inspector ( o Lv " C. E. LOUNDSBERRY ESTATE DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Sound View Avenue South 36052'10" West, a distance of 85 feet along the said northerly line of Sound View Ave- nue from an iron pipe thereon marking the division point of land of the C. E. Loundsberry Estate and land now or formerly of Glover; RUNNING thence South 36052'10" West a distance of 80 feet along the said northerly line of Sound View Avenue to a point thereon; RUNNING thence North 57020'40" West along other land of the C.E.Loundsberry Estate a distance of 307.48 feet to land now or formerly of pohl; RUNNING thence North 25013'10" East along the said land of Pohl and land of Loundsberry a distance of 90 feet to an iron pipe; RUNNING thence North 30050'10" East along land of Loundsberry a distance of 25 feet; RUNNING thence South 51018'30" East along other land of the C.E. Loundsberry Estate a distance of 327.61 feet to the northerly line of Sound View Avenue at the point of BEGINNING. Said parcel consists of .7064 acres. November 6, 1961+ Mr. Lefferts P. Edson, Attorney Main St Southo1d, N.Y. Dear Sir; Enclosed please find the map of Lounsberry Estate with division marked as the Bd/Appea1s feelit would be best, also app1ivation forms for the division of the p~'operty with reduced frontage requirements, Yours truly It;u ( , '-----." Building Inspector \ LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT LAw SOUTHOl.D, N. V. 11971 SOUTHOLC !5_2!500 October 30, 1964 Mr. Howard Terry Southold, New York Dear Howard: We enclose herein a new survey of a parcel of land on Soundview Avenue in the Lounsberry Estate. You will note that there are three existing cottages located within the parcel. Mr. Harry R. Howard, Jr. of 260 Union Avenue, Islip, New York, is the executor of the estate and has come to me in the matter. The estate would like to convey the westerly of the three parcels to a third party. The estate would then like to convey the two remaining parcels to two distributees of the estate who will become of age shortly. I thought it might be a good idea to ask you to present this problem to the board with a view of obtaining their suggestions for the partition prior to making formal application. I would greatly appreciate any opinion that you may have or think you may obtain from the board as to this problem. Sincerely, , , . , ) . ! /'-< < ) /' '/...... .//./ LPE/mhk Ene. Lefferts P. Edson FORM INIO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ........ . ..... Date ... .......December ..3...... 19.64-. To ..~~tr.e.;rt~.. E9.s.on...!VC. .<::;l.~~q..e...:L9unsberry Estate .Southold,. .N .Y......... ................ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ....... ... ....O.ct.ober......3.0..... 19...64-. for permit to ow..ix::JllXt ...d-iv:1de .p;r.em1.S6S'lt the premises located at ....N/s. ...S.ound..-View ..:A:ye............. ... ........................ Street Southoldl, N. Y. Map ......... ...:1OCX ... ..B1ock ....... XXX.... ,..'. Lot xxx . ..-.'..--............ ........ .,- ............ IS ~ disapproved on the foJlowinf" ground' .....insif.f,'.ic.ient...f;r.Gmtage ...... Ar.t...III.. sec.tion... JOJ.. &..il:r. t. .X...secti on. ..l.OOOA ............... 1/ ~ ...N~~~lL'~B~idi;;C1~~"'" .................. 0 (J1 iv ... ;'" 0 ," (/l0l .~ t::J .~ C ~ F" ! 6', C-'-,',--'" i <- Ut \ f\J 0 ~ '- <" " lrj 0 0 ...;, ,~. }:-. j\/ <' , 111 J'l O(Jl - NUl -lO (. IiI I ! _.. \II ~ ~ (Ii 0,\ ~ )> ~ (b ... {\ >- I' o - ,. t <;. ill - \,;) 6'> j:>. C Ul .....,..- Glr -< - ..... - It i) " -< ~b~~ ~~ ~ f- g t ~ . (! -~ ,:~. (). ...\.).c - -;' r \?'" -1 0 ;- (. f ': n ~ t fi '~ ~ {t~~ ~ ~ ~':"\U)' r. 0 ni " "<' c. - I r. . \~U ,J .- ~ W ", f 'Ji \J} .L Cal1o\ti.J1'1 O. 'oN N.S9" ">~ \44,(.;'1 ~'OA'30 \4(D o (i) W ~ (i\ ~ ^ .. (. .. !\ .. ___ \2'! 5 S'7~;:;o'40'E o --4 () 6' l>- '30"1'4e ';- ~ . ^ l1' ~ " .: (I ..; 1\ l/l ....-. " ~ ,. 55\" IS'30-e: o 6' o G' G f. , t\ " 55:,'::,'75"::, i.;. \ AA ,<;.e . . 3~'" c:. I --'~-,.--- ,Y.....' ~' ~"'- kc. s- _.-- \ r" .~ :1'50"" 335.34 'J. ~ o " "'-- .~ ~ - ,,- D, ~ . w ,. 0. ~ () ~ ~ .... <\ \) o ... III ... 9\'} 0\1\ ~ 6' -- '" I e 5>Z ~ '<' \)l " I..~ .- cr \710 It -\ o,~ "" U1-0 -<; -0 ~r o . (II \).. 1\\ 'G o . \.oJ Gic.veV' '. \ , n rlt r Ul 0 C ttl 0 c ~ C 7 N ~ < )> -I (j) J1I I < '0 0 z ill I'l 0 . IJ (fl )> r 11\ f'l tJ ,. () -< 0 ) "1 - Cl !Q tJ 10 ." r ,. " " 0 "\ - I- 0 0 f\ .. 7J 1;) 1:> '" 1 7 Z . ,_ I' -i 1) - U1 ~ -( -\ 0 -. r -, .. 0 't5 '" . . JI1 fil . " CD [1l + III (j) ( -I - [) -<; ~ ., 1,01 Pl c.3Bco-c