HomeMy WebLinkAbout689 . -. t:' M;TIUN 01' THF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS July 9, 196.; DATE ...................................... .~ppeaj ~:o. 6S ') Dated June 15, 1964 ACTION OF TEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF TUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Land & sea Motor Sales, Inc. Ma1n Road Matt1tuck, New York Tn Appellant "t a mectil'g of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, July 9, 1964 was considered and the action indicated below was taker. on your l Request for variance due to lack of access to property (J{) Reque:->t for a special exception under the Zoning Oldinance t ) Req ilCS ~ tor a variance to the Zoning Ordinance the appeal J. SPEGJAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it w,as determined that .a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Artide . .. ." ... .....,...... Section .....' Subsection .............................. paragraph .......................... of the ZOrLing Ordinance, and the decision of the BUilding Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon app11cat10n of Land and Sea Motor Sales, Inc., Main Road, Matt1tuck, New York, for a spec1al exceptiOIl in accordance with the Zoning Or<i1nance, Article XV, Section 400, Subaect10n 9, for pe:r:m1.aion to install a parking lot for the sale of used cars. Location of property: south weat s1de Main Road and Bay Avenue, Matt1tuck, New York, bounded north by Main Road, eaat by Bay Avenue, south by E.\f. W11sberg, ",eat by E.W. Wilsberg. * ** 2. V ARJANCE. BJ.' r.e,solution of the Board it was deh~rmined that (a) S~rict application of the Ordinanc,e (would) (would not) pr'llduce practical difficulties or unnec- essary hardship because SBE REVEllSE (iJ) The bard.sl1ip created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be sha~ed by all prope,rties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the sam'e use district because SEE REVERSE (e) ThE. var:3.IlCe (does) (does not) observe the s;Jlrit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the ,character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested VariallCe ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the pn:vious decisions of the Building In"pector ( ) be confirm,ed ( ) be reversed. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FORM ZB4 Barbara L. Carroza, Secretary After investigation and inspection the Board finds that RODert Bohnemann. President of Land and Sea Motor sa~e.. Inc.. request perm1ssion for a parking ~ot tor the d1sp~ay of used cars, boats and outboard motors. Mr. 8ohn8l1lllnn 40ea not p~an to do alot of repair work. and he does not plan to buy any wrecks. Therefore, this carhlot should be kept clean and orderly. This property is in a "13" Business Distr1ct, where used car lots are allowed by a special exception from the Board of ,'\ppeals. 1be Board finds that the pub11c convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or perm1t~ u~e of neighborhood property and adjoin1ng use district will not be permanently or subetantiallt injured and the spirit of the Ord1nance will be observed. '1'herefore, it was RESOLVED that Land and S.a Motor Sales, Inc.. Main Road, Mattituck, New york, be granted perm1s8ion to install a parking lot for the sale of used cars, on property locatell south west side Main Road and Bay Avenue. Mattituck, New York. subject to the follOWing condit1ons: 1. No major repair work shall be performed in the open. 2. No automobiles, or automobile parts, d1smantled or damaged veh1cles and similar articles shall be stored in the open and no parking of veh1cles other than those being serviced lIball be perm1 tted. 3. S1gns to be in accordance w1thcut1cle IV, Section 408, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. 4. The Corner of Bay Avenue and M81n Road shall be free fraTI all obstruction. \11 cars shall be parked 25 feet from Bay Avenue. and the Main Road. * * * LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to section 267 of the Town Law Qnd the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance, of the 'Town of SOuthold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by tile Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on July 9, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:40 P. M. <E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Edward Ford, South Harbor Road, Southold, New York, for recog- nition of access in accordance with the state of Newl York Town Law, Sec- tton 280A. Location of property: east side SOuth Harbor Road, SOuthold, New York, boundl!d north by W. C. Chapek, and others, south by land of E. Ford, west by South Harbor Road. 7:40 P. M. (E.D.E.T.), upon applica- tion of Land and Sea Motor Sales, Inc., Main Road. Mattituck, New York, for a special exception ip ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ! Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, 'for permission to install a parking lot for the sale of used cars. Location of property: south west side Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New, York, bounded. north by Main Road, east by Bay Avenue, south by E. W. Wilsberg, west by E. W. Wilsberg. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Fredrick and Rosemary Gagen, 711 Front Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 300, Subsection 11. and Article X, Section 1007, Subsectien (b), for permission to change a tourist sign to a real. ~t,a.te :s~\ and for permis- sion to change t'he use of the premises. Location of property: south side Front Street, -GreenIWrt, New York,bounded north by Front street,' east :by Ernest F. Richter, south by O. Goldin, west by C. Magoey. 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T')", upon apPllca-1 tion of J. Richard Holmes, Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance wtith the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article IN, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of Benjamin. Jazombek. Location of prop- erty: south side Sound Avenue, west of Cox Neck Road, Ma.ttituck, New York, bounded north by Sound Avenue, east by Charles Jazombek, south and west by Barbara Jazombek. 8:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T'), upon applica- tion of J. Richard Holmes, Mill Road" Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, f Subsection 11, for permission to erect I a directional sign on the property of 1 James Norris. Location of property: north west side Sound A venue and 1 Cox Neck Road, Matt1tuck, New, York, I bounded north by W. Chudiak, east i by Cox Neck- Road, south by Sound A venue, west by Hallock-Chudiak. 9:00 .P'M. (E.D.S.T'), upon applica- tion of J. C. P. Contracting Corpora- tion, 958 Church'Street, Baldwin, New York. for a variance in accordance with Zoning Oi'dinance, Article In, section 300. fbr p,erlnission to install temporary contractors yard for. state highway im- provement work. Location of ,property: north .side Ackerly Pond Lane, SOuth- old, New, York, bounded north and east by land of W. C. Bolenlus, south by Ackerly Pond Lane, west by land of W. C.Bolenius. Any 'person desiring to be heard on the - a:bove. applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: June 25, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l ss STATE OF NEW YORK f C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold,. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...................../."':::2..~. weeks . I . th ? "'7-- /J successIve y, commencing on e .............~......~........ :',\ r .. (. c/ day of ..............,J"-,.<"-'"'.........../, 19......1.. ............'/......../...llr../..C..:..\...</(j.. Sworn to before me this .........1...:..'..:... day of ....... .;. .~.:.:. .'... .(.'."'-'~'."."" 19~.. .::;.~<. ,'" / ..........'.... .':...:... ...... .c.. ;{...!.... ..i..... .l~.. ..t.(.... ;.. .(;............., Notary Public flUElE P.t.VNE Nui~r1t\ltJlic. St.ti 01 New Yo~ Re~I~I!l" 10 Suffolk County No. 52.30~IOOO ,(c. ~'.> Commission ExplJ6! March 30, 19. . QnTT..._,........... ........-- !I J..l1:W fKl'tla Not1c::e of ,>eU.1ng Pun1il&1'lt to 8ect.1011 261 of tae '.l'OWIl .t.aw _4 the proy1a.iona of the Amended I.Ill.11dingZone ord1mlnee, of tn. 'J:'0WIl of SOllt.hOld,i Suffolk COlmty, New York, public:: beu1n9It will 1M held by the zoni.n9 Board. of Appeala of the 'l'-. of SOlltho14, at, the Town' Off1ee, MAla Road. Southold, M_ Yode. on JUly 9. 1964, on the foll\Winq appeaUt 7:)0 P.M. (1':.0.$.'1'.), upon appl1c&t1orl of Edward Ford, SOllth <iarlMn itoa4. Southold, Mew Yode, for reeogn1t:10Cl of aCCle.. in a<<orolll-- w1tl~ the Stau of New York 'I'ClWJ:l 1.aW, Sec:t1oB :zeOA. LOcat1011 of property, ..at aide SOUt::l'1 HU110r Road, SOUtiiold, New Yon, bow:lde4 nos-th by w. C. Chapek, and othera, aOll'th by laa4 of E. Ford, _at :by SOUth HU:Dor Road. 7,40 P.M. (E.D.S.'t.), upon appU.cat.ion of Land and Sea MOtor sal... Inc:.. Main aoa4, Mat.t1t:uclc. New Yon, for a apec:J.al exception in aeeorclaac:e with the ZClDiIacJ OJ.'clJ.narlee. Art1c:le IV. Sect10a 400, iIIl1:beect1ClD 9, for p8:mtU.1CID to 11uIt:a11 a park1ag lot !os- the ..Ie of ued ca&'a. LOcation of pzopertyt aouth _at a14e MIlia Road aDd say Avenue, l'.IattUuek. New Yon, 1Do\mde4 .....t.h :by Ha.Ul Road. ...t. :by Bay Aven"., aouth by E.W. w11a:berg, 'We8t: :by B.W. w11..rg. LeCJ&l liIotie~ li'a9& -2- .hOG P.M. (E.D.S.T.).upcm app11eaUcm of Freckldt and JltOllemu:y oagen. 711 Front sueet.. GreeDport. __ YOZ'lt. for a special _pU.on 11:1 aceerdlmee with the zon.t.ftt1 or41Ntnc:e. ArHe1e .Ill. betion JOO, S\dNlect1Gln 11, and Art.icle X, $ec't1cm 1007, sub8ecUon 0.). for J1eJ:lll.tJlaiaR to ch8ll96 a toIaut. a1gn to a 1'_1 .atate 8118. and tor penauaion to ehan98 thfI de of tne i'r8llliPa. LOeat1Oft of property, south 81411 Frcmi; IIIU_t. GreeDpoZ't. lItew Yon. 1lIoIm&a4 north .y prcmt su.et. ...t by Brneat F. lUchuu:. IIOUt.h by o. GOlda, weat .y c. -'fOlly. ...15 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon app11caticm of.1. Richard I,olmea, JoiUl Itoad. Matt1t.uak. lfew YOO:. for . apecial ex- ception 11'1 ac:cor4luMe w1li'l the :l\oQ11'l9 OJ:~~.Ul<:e. Article UI. Sect,1on 300. Sub8ect,1cm 11. for peJ:Ja1aaion t.o erect a d1recUonal si.CjJJll on the property of aenJaaUa JUOIIlbek. 1.c'.lCat1oft of propertYI south sw. SO\Ia4 A...... _at of Cox Neck aoad. Matt,it.tIClc:. New YC*Jt. 'botm4e4 no:rt.h :by $O\l1'ld A...... eaa1: :by Charles JU.r';. south and ....t by lial'bara JuClllbek. 8:30 P.M. (E.O.8.T.). upon appl1eaUcm 'Of J. lll.1chard. a Holnle8. Mill Road. Mat,Utuck. ... YOZ'k. foI: a special ex- cept,1cm in ac:corcilaDce with the ZOI\11'l9 or411umce. Art.1c:la III. Sect,1Oft JOO. Subsect,1Oa 11. for pexIiIl1aalcm to erect a d1racU.cmal sign on the propert.y of J...s Morrta. LOCation of propertYI north weat a.1. SOlIIId A......_ and CCIIt Seck Road. MIIt.UtllCk. New York. bounded norli'l :by w. Chll41ak, ..at :by CCllt Nedc Road. aouth by S0ua4 A""ua, weat. by Ha11odc- Chud.1alt. ,. " 1.tI9al >>ot.t.ee ,.,.,. -3- 9tOO P.M. (E.D.SS.). tlpcm -.pu.eat.1oft of J.e.p. COIluactWag c,orpos:aU.Oft. 95Ail Church sueet.. aldw1D. 111- VOlrk. fot' a ver1aJtCe~ or.unuee. Art,1c.t. Ul. sect.1oft 100. for peftd._e1on t.o instAll t: 1 !J uuy c:onuac..... ps'Q lot' suu l\1tJhWay ~OVlllnt wot'k. t.oc:at.1on of p&'lilpenYt Mrth 81de AC:Jcerly POnd lAM. $0lI~014. Iife'W YeP:. :bowl... DU't.h and ...t: ~ lUd of W.C. ae.t.nJ...... alOQt.b ~ AoClutdy ,..4 --. weIIt: \)y land 01 W.C. 1101_1\18. Ally penon 4eaid.R, U be 'beU'd OIl t;he lIbClVlt app11c::aUoaa should appear at the U.. an4 plaCe Uon specified. DAo"1'Bl:h June 21. 1964. By or_r ., the aou~old '1'CMl BOU'd of AppN18 . * . PL1lUE PVBLum CllICB. JULY 2. 1964. UD :rcxuwm SBVIUil (7) Al'F1Dt.VI'l'S OF PUBLlCA'1'lOlf TO 'l'HE IlQUJ) OF APftALS. TOWN OIT1CJl. MUN ROAD. SOUl' flOU). IIIBW YClIlK. . . ... CopUs ..llea to the 'oUow1D9 on "lAM a.l9641 EdIlIard Ford Land. _do Sea MOt:Or ...-. IDe. A'l"l'lfl ...rt c. ~ 'ro.ide ...d a_rr~y '.JaveD J. a1chU'd t..- J.C. i'.contzaCUIat Corp. A'J"IlI. uery W. 1'11'-_ '1'be LOn9 IS1...d. ftave1ez-Mat.Ut,uck wato"'-r'" * . . ~ fYCod- J) .~. cD TOWN OF SOUTHOLID', NIEiW YORK APPLICATION F10R SPECITAL EXCIEPTI~ APPLICATION NO. t: 8 r DATE .::,;[-'ji.E./..~ /9&1/ TO THE ZON:NC:. B?-:ARD 0; APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. .cod,,!!:1 c jj<f~NE'1')I'I/V/'I' I, (we)PIlI1..:..~1..!\I.R.Y:~~.9jJlr.IY~...iitJ.I..-:~ 1"<,I,f /.n A IV 0 - - - Name ........................ .................................... ..a../..................ir.:::...(:!...: . /1111 1 J 1 v <-k. ..................$..L~'.T..f.I~/:;.. D . St,reet and Nu;':;J;;;; ....'...,.,.'..'........................ Muni~ip;;:i'ity'''''' ... ... . ........................IV.t.f..~ii~r9...&.k:..,................. l1ie.eby apply to THE ZONING BQ"-RD OF APPEALS f ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE if- or a SPECIAL E~CEPTLON in a.ccoa-dance with the SUlBSECTION 71!lf SECTION '" II 17 THE SPECIAL EXCmPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE ;;; e C"7'I-Ciuc~ ),'-f..uu?U4./,J .crt.....v~~f 1 ,4 rJ.&.._ r '4-~ c4vC~Zr..A ) {;-M1..C; J .~<1 .-e-~. i3..(/vU'JU->J4 (,4 Z;:...&..c... (~;r;;j nv 4~/ S<.u<d' r~ -nbV .f1.7~ 7It ~t"7 ::: (":",,,~, f {J;; ,l~< <'(-?;<au'. ~'d1/ -?J4<?4,w4/ ~4 F V..L-4<-H-t'j' ..1...'4-t.~.-. i3__r..uUx.<:4--.1 j~dt eu-- .4c-,.i>{:( .....v-<.a.F" ~~>",<' 77'7 .~(jl ~~ cC4;t;7~<-7 #<<er~ f,",ur-r<t; i~"LT<v~~<1 rM4/W< ..s<~~~ <</' tt{t~, .,.JI~" C~<A:~r.''/ j ~" ,,,"'7Y"I<671""'"'' 4e"- Ci) t: /I..c e<. (/,/.,;,..:<:,,1 I r -<../." c'~'>'VU 1U-:t:; ; .&--- , ;< ..:'..:' ---7?( }'/!1nn n ^ {J 17.n>.07 Ii ~'7N., / -"7 _~f"tL~ '7/ .5. . ..' -~/ ~/---- -----; '. - - (\ ~'f.t~~f~~..~~:.....~<-2. t7no CII"j . "'I~- ",_~ P#..A r- '/ "-C~-:~7 :.; ~; j STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF~ll--,,''Ii'.. , ) )ss ) Sworn t'O this j..- . ~............ ....::.............. day of . -,'" 19/ J . .. ._.......................~...... ...~....."I-.... I / ................................ ...-........... ....~ Notary PUblic '. ............................... NOTARY MILDRED e No PUBLic CHAP~ Of7JlTli . _ 52-0618 . Stale IAN sSlon E 100 of Ne xP1fes M. SUffOlk IV 'rork arCh 30 COUntY.: . 19--4;J- roRM ZB2