HomeMy WebLinkAbout706 NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Tow,J1 Law and the prOVisions of t.he amend- ed Building Zone Ordinance of the TD'''ll of Southold, Suffolk Caunttr, Ne,,- York, pUblic hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of APPeals of the Town of Southold, at the Tmvn I Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on August 20, 1964, on the fo]- Im'- e.? . , . , nut Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 304, for permission to erect a building with insufficient setback. Location of prop- erty: south side Chestnut Road, South- ' old, New, York, bounded north by, Chestnut Road, east by H. M. Conway, ' south by H. M. Conway, west by H./ ConwaY-F. Moffet. 7:45 P. M. (E.n.S.T.), upon applica- ~ tiOD of Rosalie W. Lahmann, Railroad & McKay A venues, Huntington Station, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permission to locate a garage in the front yard area. Location of prop~ erty: south west side KnoUwood Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by H. Whalen-Knollwood Lane, east and south by J. Delehanty, west by creek. I 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon appIica-' tion of Cora Glover, Main Road, I Southold, New York, for a variance in ' accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 303, Article X. Section lOOOA, for permission to' divide and set off lot with insufficient frontage and area. Location of prop- ' erty: s,outh side North Sea Drive, Southold, . New, York, .bounded north by :North Sea Drive, east and south by other land of Cora Glover, west by Jose DePaz. i 8:30 P. M. (E.n.S.T'), upon applica- tion of The North Fork Baptist Church, Route 27A, Mattituck, New York, for recognition of access in accortlance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of prop- erty: north west side Middle Road (CR 27A), and south east of private right-of-way, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private right-of-way, east by W. A. Kaiser, south by Middle Road (CR 27A), west by J. J. Haas. Any person desiring to be heard on the above apI)}lcations should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: August 6, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals ------ , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Sauthold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........t:.~.~C.(:.~..(.I/. weeks "', Ltc:- successively, commencing on the ..............)./......}.................. day of ......L.2.A~-.~7..........,~19.0;// .......................................".1..(..'(.0./~..!.(./).. Sworn to before me this _t''( />/ ........../....... .... day of .....(,~.f...(:~.(.::.;r.......' 19...C.y ./.. /~/'.) { ,,/~/ / /""-;,1 ( t l....t:(;:..(;::.:....... ....Lt:..'7f,~.L................ ......... .. .... Notary Public 'I v i\UfLE PAYNE NotarY' PtJ~)!lc. Stille 01 New York Res:r!lIi~ 111 ::iuliJJ)( County ~iu. 52-3DL/10UU {'(jrr)missinn rXDirf'.': Milrcll 30. l~_r (- ') U5GIlU. 5OI'.K:1: NO'trB or ".DIG Pur._~ to $ec~1oD 261 of the '1'aIwn LIlW ..4 the p&'Glf'u of tbe _CSe4 hll41n9 zone or,Unaac. of the 'J'OlIm of SOQthold Off1ae. Ma1ft aoad, 80uth014, .... YOdt, OftAU9\18~ 20, 1"', 8uUoJ.k C_~y. a... YOrlt, _l1Cl ......1n9. w111 _ held !ty the I I , , I I I i I , I , I 7J30 P.M. (B.D.B.T.), upoa app11ca~1oD of Go14llaltb z-tnv 8.... of Appea1a of the TolIm of SOUtbol4. at: tbe 'I"cwn on tbe IollCIIWutl &pII1.h: .1lUdJ.J19 ... CONIUuc:t1Clll. MaiD Su.et, SoutM14, .... nmc. a/c 01..... c...y, Jr., dauullt: !load. loutbo14. .... Yoz'Jt, fOJ: . yuia- 1ft llCCO&'4lmce w1t:h the z-1D9 ~411Mnce, An1Cll. 111, tllec't1on 304. ~ pellliad_ to .J:H1: a lNall41ng with 1uuflic1ent HtRcJt. LoCat.1ClII of .......ty, MilIth aide a..UIrt Road, .out:hol4, .... 'toft. 1IIoua_4 DO&'tb !ty CheatDut: aoa4. ...t:.!ty fi.M. conway, 8out:h by H.M. C...y. ....~ by ii. c....Y'-I'. .ffe't. 7,45 ".M. (B.D.S.T.), lIpclIn QIP11caUClD of ltOHU. w. ~, a.Una d It MeXay AftIl\llltl. llunt1atJt,cm lIIu't1oll, lJf... YOD, fOJ: . YU1Imce 1ft ~ w1t:h tbe lICl11l11a9 Ol.'4t.IIaace, Anicle III, 6ect;1on 300. SulMect:1on 7, f. pellliaa1_ to loeat:.. . PI'Il4)e 11'1 the fI.'ont J'lU'd ana. r..ocau_ of ,copeny. .outb ....t dele 1<BollWOOd ~,_tt1tuC1k, .... lQU, 'bounded nol.'tlh by h. Wbal_-lOlO1lw.. IAIMl. ...t and .outb by J. o.Jebanty. wnt by cnek. t.epl ~ice .... -2- 8,00 P.f(. (I:.tI. S. '1'. ). .,.. appl1caUOIl of CO&'a G1....1'. Ma1ft Itoad. """14. JIeW 18dl. loa' a ~j....... 1ft u......... with the ZOD1ftV Olr4Snuee. Artiel. In. S~~ 303. Art1cle x. s..t:1Gn lOOOA. for pen....ion to 41.1.. aIl4 .-t. off lo<t wlt.b 1DauffU':1ent ~ta.. ..'" .Z'ea. LooaU_ of ~t1Jntyl aout.b a1.. HoI'1:h 1:1.. Or1ft. S~14. New YOrk. lMMm..c1 ftO&'th by IlOrth Sea Orlft. ..., ..4 ....t.b by other 1_4 of Cora Gl.....r, ...., by Joae De.... I I I 8:30 P.M. (E.D.a.T.). upoa appU_t:~ of '1'IM 1I0Jrt:h PO%'k I aapt....t. ChU'Cll. aouu 27A. -"ituck. ..... York. 'or 1'eClClt1l1U1 of acceaa in aocerdluace wlt.b the suu of aew Yon TOWIl Law, SecuOll aOA. LooaUon of pnperty: I'lOZ'tb ...... ..... 1(1441. 80114 (CIl 27A). _4 aOllt.b ..t of pz-lyau rlpt-of__y. MatUt. , lIew TOft. ~"4 DOrth by prlyate d9ht.-o......y. eu' by v.A. h1Mr. aoutb by M1cl41e __4 (a 27A).....t by .1..1. .... Any ...-Mn 4edr1ll9 to _ 1Mlar4 on the aJ:M:we appllcaUou Gould aPJlMI' at the t.u. aIl4 place all.,. apecU1e.. I I I i ! i I i pI--," POB.LlSH OIlCZ, AUCR1$'f 13, 19....<PD P~ PIn (5) I AI'I'%MVlft or JItIBL.tcA'1'ICB TO '1'BZ BOAItJ) 011 APJIBaL8. '1"OWJ.f O1'I'lCB.1 DAIIaD, A....' 6. 19.... By '11Im .f t.be SOIIthold TClWft BOlU:'d of )1,ppeaJ.a . . . MAD aQlU), SOtI\'HOLD. aw YOa1<. topl.. .Ued t.o the 1011_189 OIl AlIIJWIt; 7. lK4t '!'he LOD9 lel... '1'~Z'......tt.1"" w..--.. 00161a1th 8u1141.,. ..4 C::0DIIU1Ict.1CM. a/e .:s. c.....y. Jr. ....1... w. td'~--- Cora Gl.....r '1'he aO&'th Pork Bapt....t Chunh -,... IaXJLl) AI--- At' 'JIHIR ~DII II 'i II I, FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ....... ... ........................ Date ....... .. . J.w...Y. ...3J....... 19.~.tr. To .Mi.s..!?.Co.:r.fAQ::Love.:r. ......... .~~nJ11;.... .J~ot1t.hoJ,.clL N. Y. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated... .. .... .......J\l;J,Y......3.9...... 19..6.lr.. for permit to ~..c1J:V:~.cl.E! &.:...!l~JJ,...?~fh?~re~~es located at ...S/S.. ..Nor.th...... ..Sea...Dr.ive..... .. ........................ Street Southo1d, N.Y. Map .......~. .. ..Block ..... ..JqqqC. ... . Lot. xxxxx . ....._.. . ......... ... .... ... ............ is ~ disapproved on the followinf' ground-. . ...sets..off... ano....a.iv.iR..es . ....lot...of. .~e.s.s.. .than. .100ft.. front. .and. .12. 50.Q. .sq.. .f.t.. .~re~.. . ....... .. ...... ...... .......Ar.t..JJJ...SeGt:1.Qn .303..&.:fl,r.t...4..Se.c;1;. ..lQ()Qa .......... ................ ~ -~ Cu. (~ Ll./1.A...A- ..... .. .... "B~'iidi~~ i~~p~ct~~t ................. 1<-1 r~;: It -:) -: c<yC' TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. c2; '" . ,-7 9&v DATE .t.i.~"'r'/."" 11>[, TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. 1, Ntki /. .~.Q:r;.".:G.l.Q:V.'.;.................. ........ .... ........... .of -.Mdn..Raad........................;............................... Nome of Appellant Street and Number ..................~.<?1o'.t\.1.Ql<!-.............................................. Municipality .....~l\W..XI!J:\C.....HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT N(/J/tD...a.e.t..of.f..u:J>IUr.~... DATED ..Iul}l..31...1964........"................ sized lot WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ....QI!!;!l..GJ.Q:.rl!:);............................................ Name of Appl icant for permit of ( ( ) (x) Main Road Southold New York ,................................................................................................ ................................ Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. Permit to divide and set off lot of less than 100 ft. front & 12,500 sq.ft. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ...$.I.e...No.r.th..Su..Drbe....................~~A'~J).t.$.t.ti.t;.L............... Street Use District. on. Zoning Mop Mop No. Lot No. Sauthald 2. PROVISION (5) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Sectian, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art IIT s~~ 1n~ __Ar~ Y ~Q~ lonOA 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith lor (x) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance ar Zoning Map A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal fflY (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ...."...................."....Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (x) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that I would then own property from Sound Ave.directly through to the Sound, without another's property dividing it. Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because due to the fact that I own lots on Sound Ave. and also on the north side of North Sea Drive, it would mean that I would have to drive along Sound Ave. and around to North Sea Drive in order to reach my beach lot, whereas for the sake of this requested piece of property I would have direct access to the beach. 2, The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicin'ty of this property ond in this use district because to my knowledge there is no one else in this particular situation as there are, very few parties owning property on both Sound Ave. and Nerth Sea Drive, and those that do already own property straight through, 3, The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinonce and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because no building would be erected on this property. It would remain exactly as it is now. t~~(L Efl,d'L '~ II (--7/ /ltU-;( W. lI1-71'7Jc-. ~::~:F O:EW YORK ! ss...........ff.lJsig~!i~~~.:g:!.f.~\..,.........,.. Sworn to this .................~............................ day Of.........~.................. 19 {, <I ~tf,;~m ............ ::;:~~ ~'~,~ '-1ur"... ilfJty '.",j o. ,I. 6'~- July 31, 1964 MIss. Cora Glover Main Road Southo1d, 1'i. Y. Dear Kt'S~, Glover; In reply to your letter of July 30th REI lot 40.69 X 66.l6ft to be transferred to you for aCCless to t:18 sound; Please be advised that it is U.legal to !let off, divide or sell a lot of le:'3 than 100ft front'1~e alld 12,500 !!!q ft of area or to leave a lot of' 1p.ss than 100 ft frontage and 12,5'00 sq 1't area. In the case of the map which you brought in some time ago I believe that th,;, Boare of' Appeals would bo able to help you settle this satl'fato~ily. F~c10s"please find an otflcial notice of disapproval 01' the proposed <11 vision together with the neces" ary forms to subrni t to the Board 01' App~als. I would advise that the appl1cntlon be signed by both yourself a'-o1 the :?Gll()j~ ot tho property. Th'" Bear (1 meets on th.. 6th of August to rpceiv"l applications and every two we~ks thprpaftcr. Yours truly I I I I I , I~ I C' ie' . \,L"~~~.~ _,;,)' , ; Y \J ,< I -\ _._~-' t,.c:,/ 'C,"'( Building In$pector July 30, 1964 Mr. Howard Terry .uildiag Inspector Southold, New York Dear Mr. Terry: Would you please advise me whether or not it is possible to have a lot 40.69 ft. by 66.16 ft. deeded to me in order to connect two pieces of property which I now own, therefore giving me access to the Sound. Very truly yours, 1 '&11{ &U,,- G. Cora Glover I! , " ~;.>- 'to ~'; r . . . -'.! ~ ':- '. ~ \ /1. \J.l .t. .\ V\~ ~ rh1f-\.J\\~(\ ]n-~G'~-- "Z~~1. "....;. ?9~'?~ .' .,'. \ \ \\\ ..' \ \ i \.. \J ... \:~ ~ ','\ \, ~ \ , " t., \0' "',\r. 'JI ~ ~C~v." \ \ \ , i\ .+ G ..- ~ 5 ('l\ -c ~ "\ . < ... ~.. .' .. '. -:3 (\~.3 1\ IJ __...._,,_.~................ t .. 1 , , \ \ \ ~ , \. \ \ \ \ hI" ~\\.l .,. I, i.l .\ ~ ~. , if: ! 1./ ;. \ \ - III .., . .. - . l! '\ ~. , T ('0 " \1), I ~\ \~ ' ", ./ ,. .. ~ , ,.... :.,. ,- vI \li \ , , . (~ . :\; ." ..... J , l.,Sl :.L ~l-(f'''' 3S ". ,..,','". .,. ,',-"'. .-' /VI'? 1(\ , ,,- t ~' ",' ;.\>' : ',:' .)'!ltU~IO <i!T\ ': t (:-1 ...... ~ -- .' ,/:;;'\':) L. ~i . I 'I i I . . '5' +\~~ 0 N I ./ .. ;. / "~ ,C:>>S: .'1'tl'''S .'- .::::> ( C;T\ '-" ,. '-4 .~ III - ,~" ~ :r'" . r ( 1 ~- .. ,'~.:-~\ ..~--,-- --. ---- ~'> . I ,. I " .....-...../1.. ,', .. - . <]. ~ :., ,- ~ - .'F ": i . I . 'i !1ol 1f . lot .. ,~' ~ '~; 'r F I ,'. ',': . ~1 \ . .~ i, {,:,;l~ ' , ,:~:~,-.~f;-;:._..:;:j~;if::{;',-t~-"-Jf-~~ ,~",.-f.,.:....i,.'i-i'.,-~,'"''''.!..}.i,<i \ -'t"J\-'.','S:-'''/'); " ' ,. ';y.~;,,>~,:.}.! . '~. ~t.". .;'.\)i~:i;. ",!.' ,:,.'" < C' ~C I' 7'" -'>:- )i ... t: ~lP'P .1 ___/O......~. / ,/ ,/