HomeMy WebLinkAbout737 G~..L~_~LEEVE, DONALD R. 9737 DSC. 12, 196~ Wickham Avenue frontage of lot by New. Y~rk NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the '1 Law and the provisions of the Amended BUilding-Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Of- fice, Main Road, Southold, New York, on December 17, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.T'), upon application of Valentine W. Stype, Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special ex~ ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Articde III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect an advertising sign on the property of Edna Andrews. Location of property: south side Main Road, Laurel, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Fleischmann-Kahn, south by II Long Island Railroad, west by Chas.: McNulty. I i 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T'), upon application I of John Haponie, Southold, New York, 'aie Mario FranZone, Arshamomaque , Avenue, Southold, New York, for a var- ,iance in accordance with the Zoning : Ordinance, Article HI, Section 3m, for ! permission to construct an addition to the existing dwelling with insufficient side yards. Location of property: east side Arshamomaque A venue, Beixedon Estates, Lot No. 13, Southold. New York. 8:00 P. M. (KS.T.), upon application of Donald R. Gildersleeve, Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for n variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, Article X, Section l000A, for permis- sion to reduce frontage of lot. Location of property: west side Wickham A ve- nue, Mattituck, New York, bounded 'north by E. A. Woodward, east by Wickham A venue, south by Annie Tut- hill, west by John Keogr. 8:15 P. M. (KS.T.), upon application of Marjorie Douglass, King street. Orient, New York, for variance in ac- co"dance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, 3M, 307, and Article X . Sectian 1000A. for permis- 'sion to divide and sell property with' insufficient frontage. Location of prop- erty: south side King Street, Orient. I New York, bounded north by King , St.reet., east by other land of Marjorie : Dou~:lass, south by Robert Doug-l:1"". west by Nelson Douglass Estate. 08:4.5 P. M. iKS.T'), upon application of Lefferts P. Edson. Esq., Southolcl New York. fie LounsbelTY ESt8tp, Southold, Nf:'W York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning- Qrdinum:(' Article III, Section 303, i\l't.ie1e x, SC('- bon 1000A, for permil1sion t.n. div_;cJ~ propert.y. Location of property, north side Soundvie\\' Avenue, Southold, New York bounded north by Pohl-Louns- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss I C. Whitney Booth, J r" being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ......d:...J.,:.<...........j...... wee'9 {{ , successively, commencing on the .........../::~)~....,"~..........,. day of ........,,{!.,.,.,.I:.....t::...,,/..., 19..'...y. .m........mm.!rC{~lf:,12.m /. ,;,.:- / Sworn to before me this ...........:/........... day of / i' , .....I;c.'......,(.....,,:;~...., 19.:::'./ . j'L " // //. ,./' _ ' ,'. .... c'/i' ,: .. ...... {C-" .(. 0<. .G.. .J.. .... ../~. .~,. .C,/..c:..~. L,........ Notary Public ;1 Y'l;'~' , -il JCj' t. ~ . - -- . 00~ M~$i<;';l>:"'''' "1' .-;-, - .,~ 'I I. _' ! the above applications should appear I at the time and place above specified. , DATED: DECEMBER 3, 1964. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLl) TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS: .. '. .... -. .. ....... ... 1 lit. .. ...u. H7 ., 11M ..... .... ... .... ......... ., .. . ... "11.'.. __ ......nr .. .t .... ,.. of ........... ..a.a C......,.. .. __. ......_ -.-.... wW ... IlIIW .., .. I_a., ...... of a" I..e ., .... ..... ., tU1Ml4., .t. .... __ ot.... asa ..... .uUn." .. 'hiaItl. .... '. 17. 1..... . .... ..11.,1.119 .....u. I 7. M ..... CII. I. 'I. ). ... ...U....... ., ..... 'f'al,at.'" w. -.".. ..... ..... a,*I.... .. ftIdI. ... . ....W -.u- ... ""'11 II wUll .. ........ _'1.-111[ ITD, Mta.1e .ul. ....... MO. ......... 11. ... ....,..... tie ...... _ .It N""'" ....... . .... ".J''''' oil .... "....lJlitJ.. ............. ~lr.n1'l .... .A4It aia ..... ......-al. .. ftD. 11.. .. .... .., __ ..... .... .. "l.l'~l I .... ...... .. s.-. .lalu. "Urn" ..... IfF.... n J),.. i , , I I 7.41 .... (11...1'.). -- I11III1.......,,,... ......'..l... ~i - -. ..... -.. ....,-.... "" '. ...- ..."'.... - .. .. 'hiaItl. .... .....T~V" ... ....If~ .. wi... .. .... ....-n...1 AI'Ud. UI. ......... 101. .... .........ae. __ ......... _ .......... u .... ........ .....u.g witla ....,..... ....,.... ......... .f ,. 11I1J:i toy. 4IIlR a1" Alf"r'"1 r "'" ....... a.A 111 ........ ..... .11. ........1.. ... ...... i I II ii II 1Ift"'- .... ..2- ..to .... (L...".). ... ............ of IUlTI'. a. ~lU".. '.~. -- A~"Ijjl. ....l~... YtIIItk. ... . .....'111'-.'1 .sa .'.111' .~r n .f r4-1IJ.:l<:lt..t'. ..... .idIt ..,...~~ AvUUI. ............ .. 'NID. ........ su. Mtlela X. , ...._..1 , ! ! .... .. .... Gr."- - n. ....iOla IU. ...... 1..... .... ,..11I....... .. ..at.. 1liI...... ., !aft. "a.M. 81 w.., a.A.. lua..~. .... ., tfl."'_ ........ .... ., IllM~ ....'11. ..... '" ...... 1:11.... ..11 .... (S....... ). .... 8JVu..u. .. ....,.... ....~. Jl. ....... 0Ir~. .....-k. .... . .......r-.. ill l14uafII:J n .... .... ...... OIl u_ II. ...1.'0 lU. ...-.... JOJ. 1M. 101. ... Ar~). :It. ..... 1..... .... .......... .. ."ide ... ..11 ,..,..._ wi... .tu.,.......... ........ ....U..f JIIr.....y. ...... .idIt ..., ~. _~. ... .... 1"~1"1l ....... IIl.r .. .Ul...... ..... ., .... ".. .f .....1.1.e IIIIIJ'llU. ...... _ al!1l..., ....~. wn"" ..~.. Ilull"'- ...... .... .... (S.I. 't. ). ... ...U...t.a. .f Ll'~~ .. ..... Of ~ .. .... ale I.J Jt: In)' ...... IU~.. ... ..... .... . ....1117-. ill ....... -.Tt wi. t:Illa I_S", .......T11~. JUrU.ol. IIJ.. ......... 1.3. U'Ucla :1'. ......... 1..... .... J*ClI t....... - ........ "1111_. u...".....f .......... tmr ~ ..... .......... .lUUlIl1. .u.~.. .. .... ......1... ..,. JIeiIl1""a l-~.J.t. ..... ...., ... &...- .f I..IlI Alr'"U.r. ..... _ ell.Ila.rMlw ...... .... ...., ... 1M4 of U 1 " _Ir. II il , I I' Ii I I, ., .11 I I L"al IIOUOe ..... -3- AarI '''Ill "UUV .. ... Iam.lI. _ .... .nra ..-..'"., ....... .".... at ... liM ... plan diu.. ....:1.1..... __I 1111 . J. 1.... ay .Ulll .,... I.l.JI. _ "'. ..... au. ", u.,-,~ '1 " ji II . . . ~"',. ...1M.... II r: 10. 1..... .. ~ I IUIt ID el) AI'l'.... . J JI"""" '10 _ ... ", ""''U,",. ..... "'JlC1l. ...... Ilu..... .. -. . . . ~.... ..u.. .. t:Ilia ..Un.... _.. IT ... .. UN. YalaUM M. I.,.. ...... "'Jaio. ale ....10 ~_. II ,.,. a. .~ -J--- 1111"_" s...IJIIU .. ....a. ..... ..,. I. -1'"11la.;:,,. ...... 'IIbe z.-. X.1Ml1 ....lea .,t.i,... _t~~I/" FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ................ .. ........... Date ................. . . .Novemher......27..... 19..6lr. To ..Donald..R...Gilde.rslev.e................... .......... ..IHckharu....A.ve...... .............................. ....... Jvla t tituck .....-"f..L.. .. .................. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ......... ...... .November......27 19..64-. for permit to ~.....r.educ.e...lot...s.ize: the premises located at .......W/.S.....Wickham av.e,... b.e.tJ<J:een. .Pik.e..F t...&..L..I...R .9b;eet Map ......... XX:lCX........ ... ........Block ....... ..........;l<.xx. Mattituck ... . Lot ... ......;xxx....... ........ ... ............ is ~ disapproved on the followirw ground' ......in.sui';f1.c.i.mt...:f.;r.o;ntage ....aXld...ar."'a..:r.e.ro.aining. . ........... .......Jl.r.t...I.II...se.c. ..303&..,Art...X.. s-ac...1000A....... ;jt"r~^- ct 'UA "-, ~ .................... ................... .... n. .............,,,................ Building Inspector ~.~ /?'~-C<,-<:_ 01/_ I ~ / - .q"5' _'0:' TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO" 1;'/1 DATE~c??:'r~~.'::'q:~.j I Pc.'( TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. 1, (U) .n...ld..,R..lI1l4e.ral...... ..... ... .... .of ..q..W3.ttlrla.- ......D13.q................................. Name of Appellant Street and Number .... .......................a.tl~~~~~iity............ ..... q.. ... ...... ...... ..........~ra'fiq.......HEREBY APPEAL TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO, .."q""q'q..."q.q'q" DATED ~J,J.~"'.;..:J..:?.q:..~"cr.q"q...,,qqq WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO :iJ.~~.(:\.g,.l..J::.....I.2...G'.'.JqJ.R..~.~q\~ ~ ,,- Name of Applicant for permit -~ of ) ( ) (X) :;"'q., t '- ,.... si~'~~i'~~d' 'N~~b~;"'''''''''''''''''' q.. 'M~~';~'i~~iity"'''''''' ...q .....si~t~....................... PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY P.1'II1t to ..due. rroDtag. llJIi area of lot. 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .~~CJ.~IIIIII..~~~~~.A~.~~.1<a~~.~A~~.X'...............qq.q..q.... Street Use District on Zoning Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mop No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art-rrI 8.0.303"- A.rt i 8eo.l00OA 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (Stote of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art" 16 See. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ..."q.qqqqq..q.qq",qDated q....................................................q.............. REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ~ ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that 0....1'. Or adjoln1na propert., wlah to purchaa. teD f'eet of' the .outher~., DOMer of .,.-"'101:'. ThIa ten f'eet .aa orl&ln&11., part; of the land of the late lirs.Annie a.'l'uthill. She aold the atrlp to me for US'J aa a roae 8al"d.n. Ii., f'rontage on Wlekh_ ATenue ",aa 65 feet. Thia sale would onI., De a ..ttel" of 1"8duoln& .,. lot baole to Ita o1"1g1nal alze. .., home pl"opert., waa aoquired Feb.l.1949. Iira.TUthill'a propert., was bought b., Davld and Barbara 'l'uthill Jul., 13.1964. Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Con ti nued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because I will be 72 ,.ears of age on Dec.17.1964. Loold.Ja& 8bead.~ rea1l.e tlaat perhaps 1n ate" ,.ears I w1ll be ---,.. ~1. pIlJaIcaJ.l,. to taka care ot the ro.e carde. 011 thi. plot. 881.8 ot tbla .\N .Nould relie". me ot thi. care.. The prospectI"e b~!'II.Da1rJ.4 liIIIIl llaftara 'l'atbl11..0WD8rs ot the adjoining property on the _....would like to ha"e this garden tor their own use; 10..,. al.o ase4 IROre rOCM to place a garap OIl their lot. I "1111 be sat18t1ed with the original 65 teet frontage on Wickham A"enue. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because tbe sale ..oul.d not 1n an,. ..a,. etf_t an,. other propert,. 1n the neighborhood. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE bi~~li-tJ W~dS~.~nc1!'6e 1 t. or:! ginal size ot 65 teet frontage on W1cklaa ."enue.mak1ns no change whate"er 1n the appearanoe of .1 ther propert,.. . STATE OF NEW YORK ) -] , ) ss COUNTY OF#Y!idJ,!i. ) , .~ ' Sworn to this ...............:27..~!.................. day of.............rZG'-:.?:'.Sr.:e;:'h............... 19 G / ...J:..I)p.(,Irf..([!i..!..c{{u!:..{/~.'::::;......... Signature /" " C ' ,,- II. ~ ._' _ i C, _ _ c . ~,-.. .?-<-:.. .":-. I; ~.~~... ;'::.."' .c.t... .-.(;,;~~ :~:.................. Notary Public J.x b DONALD Q. GILDERSLEEVE MATTlTUCK, N. Y. NoY.27,196~. Zoaine Board of Appeals Tewa of Southold,N.Y. Geatlemen: Permission is respectfully requested to sell a strip of llillld approxi.atel,. 10 feet by 93 feet fro. the southerl,. border of my property on Wickham Ayenue, Mattituck,to Dayld and Bar.ara Tuthill,owners of the adjoin1ac propert,.. I attach a~pllcatlon form;al.o check in the amount of $5.00 for fll1nc tee. Ver,. truly your., /tlPrald R fly~ , 4--, - -2 --';-'0 . k.~A~ / v.~ . .u____ . -r";7 N ~/L-fr1 clA~. [;; I '~-<h t, ~ ~ -\ 1(, o ~ A:~YPC~;-h I&l ~ ~'-- I \ ~~~ t -<: "\ ; ",I ~ '~l 0() I \\'J~'J ~ ~~ I C' '0 \J ~ ~ ~ (");.\ ~\ ~! , '\ . . "'-, ~'" ~\" C) ~ D }j ~Ul ,\D 0~~ f ~... S ~ \ !~. ( .' ~. ~s'le~- ~ ~ 11'1