HomeMy WebLinkAbout690711 Front Street ~ly.9, 1964 Greenport, New York Page 7 GRANTED permission to change a ~ourist sign.to real estate sign, and permission to. change the use of property located on S/S Front Street, Greenport, New York. '~ LEGAL NOTICES NOT~CE OF HEARING pursuant to section 267 01 the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town i of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, ~ public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board 01 Appeals 01 the Town 01 Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold. New York, on July 9, 1964. on the following appeals: 7:40 P. M. (E.D.S.T'), upon applica- tion of Edward Ford, South Harbor Road. SOuthold, New York, for recog~ nitton of access in accordance with the State of Newl York Town Law, Sec- tion 280A. Location of property: east side SOuth Harbor Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by W. C. Chepek, and others, south by land 01 E. Ford, west by South Harbor Road. 7:40 P. M. (E.D.E.T'), upon applica- tion of Land and Sea Motor Sales, Inc., Main Road., Mattituck. New York, for a. special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordtnance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a. parking lot for the sale of used cars. Location of property: south west side Main Road Bnd Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New, York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Bay Avenue, south by E. W. Wilsberg, west by E. W. Wilsberg. 8:00 p, M. IE.D.S.T'), upon applica- tion ef l"redrick and Rosemary Gagen, 711 Front Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300. Subsection 11, and i Article X, Section 1007, Subsection (b), for permission to change a tourist sign I to a real estate sign, and for permis- ' sion to change the use of the premises. Location of property: south side Front ,~treet. Greenport, New York,bounded II north by Front Street, east by Ernest F. Richter, south by O. Goldin, west by C. Magoey. 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T'), upon applice.- tion of J. Richard Holmes, Milt Road. Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance w.1th the zon-I iog Ordinance, Article IrI, section 300, I Subsection 11. for permission to erect, a directional sign on the property of' Benjamin Jazombek. Loca.tion of prop. erty: south side SOund A venue, west of Cox Neck Road. Mattituck, New York, ,bounded north by Sound Avenue, east by Charles Jazombek, south and west by Barbara Jazombek. 8:30 P. M. {ED.S.TJ, upon applica-: tJon of J. Richard Holmes, Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special i exception in accordance with the Zon. ' ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of James Norris. Location of property: north west side Sound A venue and Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New, York. bounded north by W. Chudiak, east by Cox Neck Road, south by Sound Avenue, west by Hallock-Chudiak. 9:00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of J. C. P. Contracting Corpora- tion, 958 Church Street, Baldwin, New York, for a variance in accordance with Zoning Ordinance, Article In, Beetion I 300, for permission to install temporary I contractors yard for state highway im- provement work. Location of ,property: north side Ackerly Pond Lane, SOuth- old, New. York, bounded north and east by land of W. C. Bolenius, south by Ackerly Pond Lane, west by land of W. C. Bolenius. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: June 25, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss f C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- h k f D-- )~C k- man once eac wee or ........................../........r.-:~.. wee _ successively, commencing on the ..............2-;.,-:J:.'h-;-..(;(......... d f .."\.~ L " 19 C (/ ay 0 ..........i/~>~;.../:1ic./?..I/. ......................................L.............J..~........ /7:' / ... { ',' / ......';0........ Sworn to before me this day of ..... ........~. L.. /... (.~/.........., 19. ';;.. .'.~'. ........ .l~.. ~~...;... //....c..<~.... /~./:.;(. ./..r;:. r;.. ~,-............. Notary Public ' ",;~.. , ,,:' I,. ," ,-{: ~;. , , ~. 1I0'1'.u:l: l\1e>t1ete of ,t,eu:l.n9 pur..."t 1;" IlIflCt.ion 2" of t;;\i!l' 'J'OIIIm lAW aad the pr.ayi.etOllIl of tor,. ~_4 .I.a,l.llUmj a0ll6 OZ'~. 01 the 'l'OWI1 of Ihl'lUth014~ Slat'olk "_t.y, 11I_ l'Ql'k. pu);>l1c: 11....189. w111 M '1;.014 l:ty t.1\111 ,lO"d.n91*_l'd of -'ppteb of t.he '1'OWa of loot.ho14. at t~.. 1:'O!Im' Office, M.aUl Jl0a4, $outho1d. __ ro.. em J1ily 9, 1964, em the fo11....1n9 appaalat 7.);j P.M. (1..0.$.'1'.), \IjlOl11 ~plJ.cat1ol1 of Idwu" ,~tl. Sout." HiUI'MI' lflOe4, Sout.'1014, lll_ Yoa, for; Z'4Hl09ft1t.ton. of .aeae.. 111 eee~. wlt" the State ofNtI'lf V_lit 'i"CIWh l.Mf. sect.:a.- 280". LoclIlt1on of ps:.,..nYt ....t. 81c11t lMUt.h H~ fit_a. loutho1.d. Hew YlXk. ........ no.rt.h )Jy W. c. ChapU, and ot..hen, 1NUt.h 1Iy lana of ~. F_.. weet. llIy &otaUI !:cuJiMW __cl. 7,40 ~.M. (g.O.8.T.), upGQ appl1cat:1oI1 .f Laa4 and s.a liCot,OI' hl... lnc:.. 1Ui1n ._4. Mtt:U:.... tItI'lf YOiI'k, for; . apecial lIlJICep't.:.LOIl 1n acc:oI'daaee W.t.UI U.e Zaa.!a9 ~d1l!1AJlce, .1\ZUel. IV. SeeU_ 400. B...eU.OII. t. for; penU.1_ to iMtall a paftu<;J lot. to. Ul#t ..le .f u..a CU'lt. LOCaU.OIl of prope..ty, lIO\IIt.h...t. .i_ ....ia loe4 .... aay 11......_, ltYltUt1ilCk, *"' YGI'k, bolm4lt4 __ttl llIy MlU.ft floe4. ..... IIy ilay Avem.Ilil, .out.h by B.l'J. W".-I'Ci, -.t llIy *.W. W11a_...;. Le.,al lilOl;.""'~Jll .*'.-.,. -2- Ch M li'.~. (E. D. J. 'fi. ).... applkat.i.Oft 01 P'ft1~.iCIk aa. i'lOltefllllJ:Y ~n, 711 1'X1llDt: street., GPeJlPOJ:t,. ,... TOI:'k, ~ .. special ."p'f-L'* in UCH~-r:e v1t.h tbe 1IOa""" OJ:4~. ~tlcle HI. secU.. )QO, au-scUnA 11. aad Ante1. x. hCUoa 11)07. llI....et..um (It). .. JI'ftIllU..... to d'>.""" a ~18t .1p to .. Hal ..tat.. 8"'9ft, aad fee' ~.1_ t.o chaJl9lt the ... of t..':te ~_""'8. LOCIlaiOD.' tn.peE!.!" s...ti'l sl. J'X'_t ......1:.. GE...pGII't., If.. roark. boll... aorth by .runt. sueet.. east. l:Iy Itnseat F. JlJ.chter. lIOU~l I:ty o. aol41D~ . j ...t 1>>Y c. .Mg-r. .15 P.Rt. (:B.D.S.T.). ... 1QIPl1caU. of J. JUanar4 tJOl.-., MUl It_d, IUltt.1t.uok, ... 'ftCk. .... 8pecial ex- eept.J.oft UI acc...-...... wi.th ~ :1_1'" oriS1"""!___, UU..1. Ul. seeU_ 300, Sll'blleC:t..... 11. ,. peDl1PJ.ClIl tIJ tlnet. a .ua-ecUOiINlJ. sip .. tile ,......ny ., MIlJuJ,a Ja&..lIdIek. ~u._ .f p&'openYl .out.h side SOIIa4 A...., ..at of COIl Seck JlOIl4. Mtt.U1J:Ck. lhiIW YWJt, .Slllt"" RH~ I:ty S_4 ,a."...., east by Charl.. .1",1111I,11:. ...'tit ao4 ...t. by ~.. J"II.~~nk. 8.)i) ll'.M. QJ;. D. $. '1'. ). QIOII app11UU,OIlof J. 111ebUd ".l....I4Ul 11..-4. MIltU'tllClt. IlIeW rek. fOft .. special ex- cept.ion in accor_ace with ~ z_1Dt OJ:'u---.., A&'t,1ele HI. ......1OIl JOO. r...ct..1OIl 11. for JMlD.....~ u enet. .. .u...t1OQal 819R _ tll. J*OPSny .f ~ lIfOn'U. LOaUOIl of pcepenYi north .a' s1" 10UD4 ,,""_ anti CGK Beck ...4. Mt.Ut.uck. liIew YUk, 1I:IcNII". ..I'th by W. Cln.4t.~. ...t. by CGK ~ 1t0&4. aovt;b"by sOUIl4 "........ ..t. "by f.Uoc::lc- C RU4Ualt. ~l Metle#!! ,.". -1- 'ihOO l1'.I'4.. (R.D."".':.). lIpGft appl1AUOIll of J.(;.J>. coatS'aet.1Ri corpoJ:at.1oIiI. 9H ChuX'Cth iiUMt.. hJ._lD. !11ft '(Wk. for · YU1anee~ oa-4illanu. Axt:J.ole 1U. aeet.1oa 3CO. for: peS'lll1aa1Oft t.. iIl.ull .......uy ..uae...... yltt4 for lI1:at.e h~y .........". U Dt". LOCat.iO'Il.f plpeny! aort.tl 81d1t ACllCady 1'Oft" ...... souUo1.4. __ :lock. ,,".IIOI:t.h u4 eu, ay laDd of 'If.C. flOl....... ....t.n ay Mkedy POIl4 -. -.t. lty 1... .,w.e. BOlaR".... Ally ,....on 4u.u:1a9 to ... lla..&'d ClIft t1w alu!W appl.f.cttUoaa l ablN14 applar at ~ U._ aa4 plaCe ..... spMU1At4. M'fID$ .1... 21. 1964. ay OS..... 01 tiwI $OUtbOlcl 'lGWD BOUd of AppIAb * . * fI'LUS& PWL.1Sfl OK'Jt. .JlJLV 2. 11M. NID I'CItWAlU> llI'l1aI (7) i AJ'FWAV1'1'S OF I"UBLJCA'!l'lall TO 'n'.J' aoaN) or APRAUI. TClMf OFJ'1CB.r' MlUIlI aOAO, 80W aoIJ), IIIDi YOaK. . . . copUs .uJ,e4 t.o t1W feU__ _ JQDI ..196'61 r.dwu'cl J'oZ'cl IAIIil 8114 ... ~ ...... IIIC. A'r".. .-an C. ......''IF.. PH.'" ..4 IUiIIUIU':Z ........ J. IUchu:d lllOl... ;J.C...c_~ cozp. Atftt ~ w. f'1Mcik '!be 1.ClIR9 l.lulI n....l.a--MtU.UCk fttcNlan * . . FOBM NO.1 ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Examined ........................................, 19........ Application No. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit No. ................................ Disapproved a/ c ......... ........ ......... ................ .................... ........ ............. ..... ...... ......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. (Building Inspector) .~ APPLICATION FOR __ PERMIT June 15, 64 Date .. .........................................................., 19............ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southord, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code and regulations. ~gn~t....e.~i'appij*~~;t&~~~ 711 Front St. Greenport N.Y. ,................................................................................................ (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. owners .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Nome of owner of premises ..~;r.~.d~;r.i.c.k ..&:..Jf.a S.~.JM).:r.y... .({a..mp... ...... .... ........ ...... .... ..................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. .................... iN~;;';~' '~~d' 'titi~' ~f' ~~;P~~~t~' ~f'ii'~~~i"""""""""" 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ............................................ Lot No: ........4.......... Street and Number ..7.,+.;1;. ..f.;r;:Rn:li...~ :t.. .... '" .~r..~~.m~R.:r.:li...~.~.'!..:........................................................................... Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ..........'!'.R);l;rJ.!'1.t....I;J;R~!"!............................................................................................ Real Estate b. Intended use and occupancy ................................................................................................................................. 3. Nature of work (check which apf-..cable): New Building .................. Addi\._" .................. Alteration ...........~... Repair .................... Removal.................... Demolition.................... Other Work (Describe) B.ea.l...Es.tate...s.il 4. Estimated Cost . ................ ............. ............................ ..Fee ..... .... ..... ................ ....................... ..... ............. ................. (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ............................Number of dwelling units on each floor .......................... If gorage, number of cars ........................................................................................................................................., 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use .............................. 7. Dimensions of e1lsting structures, if any: Front .......................... Rear .......................... Depth ......~.R.':............." Height ........}.~.............. Number of Stories .............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ............................... Depth .............................. Height ..............................Number of Stories ........................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ........................... 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................ . , ',' IOO' I27' Size of lot: Front ...;r~.....Ji...6.....~~~............................ Depth ................................ Date of Purchase .........~~.........~.................................Name of Former Owner .!Y@r.y....fi;J..~!<);I;............................. Zone or use district in which premises are situated.....~.::~.~.~.~~.::~.~...~...!.:....................................................... Does proposed constr'i\ition viol.ate a.gy Itoning lay ordinance or regulation? ..................................................... Name of Owner of premfs;sd.~.~.~.~~~~.~...~.~.~~~..Address .:n.~...!.~~!?:~...~.~.~....~l?~.. Phone No?'!.'.:.7.~.~~.? Name of Architect ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. ................... Name of Contractor ....................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. ................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions frorr property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicatE whether interior or COrner lot. /00 R: --.,--,------ Garage House I ID . ~I r~ye- '.i:: way , ~i ('f,! ---J I i I I ..~-".~-_._---_. I~e I ~ I I ! , I , I L.....--.._..._ /00 ;'::-i: .._..._. _____..__....._- J Interior Lot Set Back-25 ft. Set Back-4 ft. for sign COUNTY OF ..:. ....:..~........} 5.5. T~. .... ........... ........ .............. .... ................being duly sworn, deposes and soys that he is the applicant (No individual signing R c n) above name. He is the ...................... ................................................................................................................................. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, ond is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make ond file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the opplication filed therewith. Sworn to Jl,fore me this ......./..{.';.,........ day of .. Notary Public, . . ....................................., 19(~ '7:.. I . /J ~~ l-:J ~ ...... ~~~~~n~t~.;~.~r:~~!!f1.~k.<- NOTARY prm.TC, Sht~ of New York lJ No. 52-CCCQ!C0 Suflolkkoujlty \ Term IxplIl" lJ:li'ch 30"(h....f.. TOWN 'OF SOU'l1R()LD, NlEW YORR. r~ /,CL.....eJ1< ~ APPLICATION NO. t 10 DATE 7.2.Zf?;...! !c.J....t.. 'i " 1 APPLICATION FOR SRElillAL EXOEPTlQN TO THE ZON:::NG BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (We) ~:r.~..90"?.:r.:.:!::g.;\f.Il,;.....!:I:g s.~.I,Il?;.:r.:Y......CJ:13.,.g,,<;J_~...........of .........Tf~.....:B.:E.<:l~.!.._.?.~T~.~.i..._...................-............................ Name S!jreet and Number ...............g.;r.:..~..gP.,l?.Q..:r:.:1i.......... .................................. ... ..... ................ .......................~.~.'M...r9..:r.:;\f...... .._...................................._.............. Municipality state Ire"eby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTlON in accordance. with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SEC'fION 300 SUlBSElCTION I I THE SPECIAL EXCEPTJiON IS REQUESTIilD BECAUSE We have been refused a permit for Real Est8te sign in replacement of a tourist sign therefore we request a change to a Real Estate sign. We also wish to change the use of th~ premises from a tourist home to a real estate office. ::=::'#~~ ss ~~~~~~:.:'Jt_&'=:j-f4~ tl.. . " Sworn to this _._...L!.......:::: day of.... ................................ 19....~..~. a~_4_._.....-N;:;;:;;.;;.-Pu;bii.............,.Rft:f""..ft.""'i"N.r:sTAI) t1'.#f!::::.._.;,,;.a. _;:/ CNOTAny I'FT:LTC, ~:;:tn,h' 'if Xew York NOTe~~Cri~~~;;sO M~~~~;0~~:?ty FORM ZB2