HomeMy WebLinkAbout693 r '1 LEGAL' NOTICES l'IOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of SouthaM. Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be helll by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of SOuthold, at the Town Office, Main Road, SOuthold. New York, on July 9, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:40 P. M. (E.D;S.T'>, upon applica- tion of Edward Ford, SOuth Harbor Road, Southold, New York, for recog- nition of access in accordance with the State of NeW! York Town Law, sec- tion 280A.Locatlon of property: east side SOuth Harbor Rood, SOuthold, New York, bounded north by W. C. Chapek, and others, south by land of. E. Ford, west by South Harbor Road. 7:40 P. M. (E.D.E.T.), upon applica- tion. of Land and Sea. Motor Sales, Inc.. Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in a.c~ cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot for the sale of used cars. Location of property: south west side Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New, York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Bay Avenue, south byE. W. Wilsberg, west by E. W. Wilsberg. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica. tion of FredrIck and Rosemary Gagen, 711 Front street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance! with the Zoning Ordinance, Article' III, Bection 300, Subsection 11, and Article X, Bection 1007, Subsection (b), for permission to change a tourist sign to a real estate sign, and for perm is. sion to change the use of the premises. Location of property: south side Front Street, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Front Street, east by Ernest F. Richter, south by O. Goldin, west by i C. Magoey. 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of J. Richard Hobnes, Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance wUh the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of Benjamin Jazombek. Location of prop. erty: south side Sound Avenu-e, west of Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York, .bounded north by Sound Avenue, east by Charles Jazombek, south and west by Barbara Jazombek. 8:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.>, upon applica- tion of J. Richard Holmes, Mill Road,: Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a, directional sign on the property of James Norris. Location of property: north west side Sound A venue and Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, NeWi York, bounded north by W. Chudiak, east by Cox Neck Road, south by Sound Avenue, west by Hallock-Chudiak. 9:00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica. tion of J. C. P. Contracting Corpora- tion, 958 Church Street, Baldwin, New York, for a variance in accordance with Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Bectlon 300, for permission to Install temporary contractors yard for state highway im- provement work. Location of property: north side Ackerly Pond Lane, South- old, New, York, bounded north and east by land of W.C. Bolenlns, south by Ackerly Pond Lane, west by land of W. C. Bolenius. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications' should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: June 25, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t sse I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffalk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island T raveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..................(~..!..t...'l,-:..... weeks . Ie' th ") -'J- .co" successive Y, comm nClng on e ..........~.../....~......;.."...... '~," it day of ...........:...~.: . .<;../:..;;.......' 1.9...'P... . fl" , f It.'. . /; . , ( .c fel {- " I, I ....................................................,....................,/...... , i Sworn to before me this .................... ... day of ...........C..(.".~J..l..........., 19..::-"...' ( . . . , ,/. J ... ... .\.......:... :--.--. f... fM;~.. ..... t..<.-.." ..~._:,;(:j..'"", ~_................. Notary P~blic , / ADEl! PAYNIl Not'!ry Public, State of New Yorl Residing in Suffolk County No. ,2.30'1000 - Commission b:piru March 30. 19! 6 ~ ._-~-.~------- ---------rr----- I- i ~. fto'rK:1: l~ot1Cfl: 01'fI..1I19 I"UZsuant .t" liIMt,lCM 267 of t:,e 'r~ lAW u. thtll prtW1a.t.'.'lfIfI of t.h~ JII.-udlki $:I.1/I.11din9 ll~!)J:d'-fteQ. oftll.. 't'0WtI of 8OUtnolQ.i SuffoUc COWl!;Y. 11I_ \"QXk. pub1k h....i.n9. willM hOl'lc :Dy tl'.<IIi Jion1ft'\l i>oard Qtl\,j)plHI1. of t.hAt "i"Olim of Southold. at t,,,. ~'OIIm I Offs..ee. _1ft !'toad.. i><Nthold.__ :i.IIk. Oft JUly 9. 1"". on the foU<llWUl9 appeab, 1.)1) P.~. (f..C.S.T.). upGI! ap.pl,tc:atioo of l';4Ir.u'd r0.-4. $out" ilalr1:Jo.r :Il'llNad. SCMlt."lOld. IlIw YeJ.-k. f. ~1t.iorl of .~.. 1ft ..or..... wit.1;. tn. suteof ~." YorK 'i'_1'I lAW. 1kIlCt.1ofl 280A. t.ocaU.OIl ~ pnlpCtrtyt ..at ai_ SOIlt.tl ;i&rilo.w:' Roa4. $outi:<old.. .NeW ~&I1t. boWrId1t4 bort.h by Ill. c. Chllpdl,. ana OU....8. IIOIltf> 'by 1_a Qf E. 1"01:4. __t. lily I$OQth BUM# II_<&, 7,.~ ~.M. (~.U.S.7.). upoa appl1oatioa of Land aad $0& ~~O't0l' Sal... 1nc:.. i""'UI a0a4.. z,gt.t1tudt. N_ 'lI'OI'lt. fa&'. 8plM:ial exeepU.OI'l. 111 aecw'--. w11:;:h the Z_Jag Or~. .!U'U.c1e IV. 1lect.t.en 400. Stab..cu._ t. to. pemd...1_ U) .....Ul1 . pa:dl1ft~lot fol' Ute M1e of .... CU'a. LOCation of ~rt.y, .lINt-1t -.at a1_ 1-~.1ft l\0a4. ... ":fA"""", l'9ltU.t.uck. .... YOI'k. ~ ..-f;.h 1ty MIlU 11.084, ...t 'by hy 1\"__. .ou'l:.h 'by :!II.W. lif.,laM.rt. ",..t. 'by 1':.W. 1f11stle:r9. l f'; .f I 0 "" '" i it c.. )< II: i i '" : 6 I " . t I !OJ ,. .. '" i :it' .... ... : I 1 I .. I I ~ I l:f ft .. i n , i f<' .. Do. " ~ ! I fII' ;'t t'I' i ~ ft i 1 i I i i I It' i i J! ti i ... ft t'I' . l i I . ~ .. I i .. - .. .. .. ,. l; - ~ . I ... lit ... cot ... i '< Q 0 ... &' )[:, Q . i ... ... ~ UI ("; t .. .... .., ... C' j't .. 0 r:; 0 '8 . I: . III ... S .., ,,".,. "" ... 0 ~ i .. '\11 = 'I ..... I t' 't' ~ I ,~ .. I ... . ... .. I ... . ! "Ii i . . m I .. )l 1 .. ~ I i . ;;;; ! i li'I lIIl . " .... i I lIIl . ; i . t I -- fII' I I - I ,. I .. -. i ~ ... lJ!!f . ." 0 ~ .. , ,., ,. I,l. . "< "' .. ft i .... . I .. 'tJ I I a I .. til . I . i ... t; I . . i i l ... . .. l ft I '" I'!' i ll! ll! f! i . ~ . - i ... , ,.. ft ; "'i , ft I . '" ft --l I ft .. i \of i ~ ~' ,., .. c =- . .. I .. c .... . " I ~ . '"' ... .... I ... ... .... .. . = ... of . I ... ;; i .. "" I ... g. I .. . .. '" . I i ... = ~ ... '" I , ., I t . t i .. t i '" . I f I i : ... I i r .. .. r .. . ! ... lot i ... I ~ I .. ~ I ... 1 . .. I i t>i .. i t ... ft I I I .. I 'I ... t .. .. i 0 i e . I i "" .I . .. "' I .i i . .. 1 c Q i " :l>' i I i .. ... .. J I lit ! ~ I ! Ii ... ~ I i . II ij .. ft . fl .. i r ... .. . I i i )0 i i a .. ,.. i r I I I I I r 0< f . "" I ("J .. I i I i i =' ! I ;- . 0 0 I. ; is , 0 "' I .. "' .... .. I .. - I .. 1 i .. "' .. I 'It ... JlI I i of t'l ti . i .. .t .. . c.. I 0 ... i . I i .. "" ft ! i .. 1 . ,. t ,. ... .. . . ::> t ... t I Ii ~ !l <IS ~ , n i I ~ E ., I ft ft E ... .t "" .. ... f:i i ... l- i .. f ,. ~ ~ i .. ... .. .. :; t 0 .. r ~ ,., I ft f.l, .. . 0 - x I .. .. ... I ... , . I . I lIIl ft .. ("" .. Co I't .. r I I i I j3. I g Ii 0 ?1- M '"' ;'t ... .. ... ... :>' .. ... ... ,., . .. .. -.!:, .__,.,_.e h .'~_ 'T-- ~l lIloUee ,.,. -1- , t~OQ il'.t4.(J;:.D.l>i,".I.'~ .."U.cat..... of J.c.P. cOIluaet:.1Ilj; CNpoI:atJ.on. Me chuxeh lilue4lt., lJ&l4lfu, .... YOIrIt. 1cK. v_..nn~ _.AM...... Mtiele 11.1. $eOU_ )00. few "...".11181011 " uat.aU t.......q ctlDU'ae..... JIlZ'. for .UM ,i hl___y ~ tIUD"~. Loli:a1:...... of ,.......t.1', ftOrt.l't .1_ AGIt...ly lI'Oftd ....... SOlIl\'.ho.l4. .. Y;N1c, ...... aoctA and ..., by 1aa4 ., i4.C. MIa"'.. ....t.h Jia.y ACIt.lIl'1y I'OIIUl ~. ...t. Jia.y leRd ofW.C. ..leal.... Aay ~.OD dd...1ag to be ......4 0Iltl't. un. appUcaU.ou I ! am.l. appeal' at. the ".... ... pI... ...... a..1Iu4- Mftl>l JlIIM 2S, 1..... ay.GIn' of t.he lllCIUthOl. Tc:MIl !SOU. .f A,ppIIal. ,. . * ILKMm 1!I'UJiL1Ii~1 0MIt.~. Jt..'L Y 2, 1 J6.4 . ll.D I'QltNi\RD UVD (1) IIJ'FmAVl"l'1t1 or MlB.LJeA'UQRII 'to 'n'l!: 8Q01) '" APPBAUl, ~ ""'KIt ~ .' _Dl )lOAD, sour HOUJ. dW "I"OflK. . . . C';op.le8 JaUe4 to t:M laU_1wI _ .Nne 2..11641 "'..... 1'el:4 LaII4 ... ... MOt<< '-"1n. XM. A'f1'B1 ItObert c. BGba n- l"Z'.Cb'1ck .ill 1II."lrTl'''P'' .:.... J. .~ 1:lOlM. .1.c...c:~U9 cazp. "'T'nh l\lMLCY N. 1'1.~* '1"ht! LOftCI lal&4 'l"r...l......~t.uek ..tchllt'", . . * FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ........ . .... Date ...... .... .. ..Tl,U),~ ...25.......... 19..6.lt To .J.~..r;.~ .l?~. .Qc;>ntr!i~t:l,:qg..O'9:r.P...... ......... . Ba~dwln,. ...L.I.. ... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ..........J.une....25............. 19.61+.. use as temporary contractors yard for permit toDllGtJaJlXX............ ......... at the premises located at .....ElS .Acker.ly. P.9nd..Lane,.(B.Qwer.y: .LaneJ........ Street Southold, N. Y. Map ...... ..XXX... .. ..Block ..... ......x:.ct .' Lot ... ...xxx.x .. .... ... ........ is y""""~1l7ittnr:rmY disapproved on the followir!;' ground, ..this. is.. .&n..'.'.A'!...dlstrlct ...r.e.queste.d..usa. not allowed............. ~ --- C"-A (/~ Le.A./v ..... ...... .. .B~.;idi;;g i~~!l~ct~;..\................ '~~ 1/:;- 6V TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK A""" "OM D'm'DN 0' '""D'NG 'N$emD' :~~s- mr TO THE ZONING BOARD OF r~EALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Lt { 1, (We).J.!.~: Y....~ ~A::?:.~ ..~.".:1........ q.~..: f.... of ..9. .?:.~..... c.h.!-!.~. ~... ...?... ~.':. .:.. ......... .............. Nome of Appellont Street ond Number .................~..~\~~.~.~..................................... ............ ~.~....'1.-:..4.....HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State :::,;:~,:: :~:'::'~::ACS"OM.TH'..D'C'S'O~A~;D ~.'~~~~;'N~';";~~O~ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO a..e,..1. c? C"ev,l/Mf.':',; (J~..f" . ...~;,~..fti:"~'I~;;'i"'"'''''''''''' of ""'~~ff~~d~N:~:~;.b..... ....?.f:~.~~L.iPl~:/J.~.,.~.y...St~.~~.......'(}.-::. "- ('f..) PERMIT TO USE -r"'M.'Po~.A(l,1 etl~TI2-Ae..TO/2..S VA.\2...D Faa. STine ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY f{l('"HWAy I /II\. ?RoVJ.o<Go-l-If J () (3 ( ) 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .~~..!3.9.~t;,.'!;-:.'t....~.~.":(,f.':....................'.'A.~.'..'p".~.~..T... Street Use District on Zoning Map .......tp.....~.....~.........................,K.6..~....... Map No. Lot No. So u Tho L 0 IV -y, 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Al2- T LIr See. rl 0 rJ ...:3 C 0 13Lvr;.. 7-bw~ c 12-0INAIIICL:- 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for ('/J A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of occess (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was mode in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (~ A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) I is requested for the reason that tJ e t~ : s 0 P_~_(.cj cJ(~~,,<;;.,. .cc- 'Y:rclec1 . o'^ koc!t 1::..:;- 'v, fo -;10 -e w.je-:a! "",J """C, sl(J~ ;/;1.,-,-,<; / ~<V ~_,(. rle ...v S<J"'1-L. Yo-I:. ;t,(j Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT ApPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- -1" b v'>:," c.<; ~ t- "'J cL s fr- 'c ( p ~'" ? (-(.7 /s o.""~C<) o.v.,J. "',,-/ e,,~,,'1/' ...."''"v'"' t'", ~( , .1 t.. ... ~f,-n-l-!,j':'~ T 0 ('" - .- '1 (!'-, 'f-{., <i' .'1 <: "c. > Q . \' .. ~,,'I-( o.)Vo.".L'i4'S L 'l-L f~<'f"~/7 ().LA ~( uJ', If L It' ~I ,,,, 0. 'S(~/.)je sary HARDSHIP because ","v,,:lD6ft <'1 ~e 7.,;~} -O+-W"i -rt..:, (1'0 cA.;V\ 1<; ~w~r ....."'e\ 0~.'1 <; t' /f' ~ c,~i \ vv, f -, v") ~ " n c(. I,~. <--, 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this praperty and in this use district because " II ere -" ~ I ~.... 5 Y>J.' < t- he ~,,-.I;eJ ~" .J..le L;:.'(I.HL>CCLf ;v1ctf,:., ,e'l('"v(O+t~''\) d-""~6'J~ USliC ,,-t ""6..Q~~h.8.-\ .e*-<. ...",J +-<1 ~.(.( "'1'-'y"';' b.e .'V,ro,>la,''''4 3. The Variance wauld observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THl=: CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because ~ <; G... 4- <!. "V'< ~'<'> - <\ - 1 l') e (J.- Cl J '(J'VJ ~,p ~lVH' ''v\'(<'ld-s; fJLffr'D,'(fi'.'<.L(7 0... (! !^Co~!; y-ie s{-e..ei -C.~<!',"" "'- '-1.""'\,~"Vl.f~/MI~f bo~,~"s" prt'fi\I'.fit.t I ~ .-/16 c..~, l?", .0<] ~ ( cJ J ~ '1 !(,/!,) Ill! o,lAJ wJI Io~ w~-j LL))/ I~ t'1 ;ry h.. 1'- ~e tle- 6.(3.1 j i) VI (' hJ . -J.e.? Cc....+--<LcJ~i (lJ".-p. ~::~~F o:~ ss ...........Y:4~~(J;..Sig~~t~;...Y2!~... Sworn ta this .................e?~~......... day OL......................~........... 19~.r/ II;~ I lto u....~. ..........~.~~....... Notary Pu'f i'ilOKEN JUDITH '\ I "'eW York. \" Sta eO" Notary pub IC, 3 SuHolk CountY ti ~ No 52_034490., March 30t 19 COlT1~"ssiO\1 Expires