HomeMy WebLinkAbout719END. GQL~ &__.C_0_UNTRY CJ~B $71~ /23_ NorthRoad Oct. ~22, 1964 Greenport, New York Page GRANTED permission to operate a golf course and facilities incidental thereto, on property N/S North Road, Greenport, New York, subject to following condition's set on bac~ LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the' Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Seuthold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New~ York, on October 22, 1964, on the following appeals: tion of Robert Hyatt, Southold, New York, a/c W. K. Vanderbeck, Minehaha Blvd., Southold, New York, for a var- lance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 7 and Section 309, for per- mission to build a private detached , gaxage with insuificient side yard. Location of property: north west cornet Minehaha Blvd., Southold, New, York, bounded north by J. Lohn, east by Minehaha Blvd., south by Minehaha Blvd., west by J. Lohn. tion of Tryac Truck and Equipment Company, Youngs Avenue, and .Middle Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (c), for permission to erect an on the premises sign. Location of property: north east corner of Youngs Avenue and Middle Road, bounded ' north by Gagen, east by Gagen sou_th l by Middle Road, west by ¥oungs tAvenue. 8:00 P. 1~ (,E,.. D. S. T.), upon applica- tion of Island s End Golf and Country Club, Inc., North Road, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, I Article III, Section 300, Subsection 5 I (as s~aended), for permission to operate a golf course and golf iacilities. Loca- arian of property: North side North Road, Greenport, New, York, bounded, north by Long Islan~i Sound, east Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time /md place above specified. DATED: October 8, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Bo~rd cf Appeals. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ~.,c.,.~c.,,.::,....l...,,L~:...~.~/ee~;,s successively, commencing on the ............... ./.....,?. ......... ] ..... day of ........ (....(.,:':..(..::~lZ¢.~ ' : ....... :...., ] 9..c.S!. (.~. ..................... .............. , '~ c ~'~ Sworn to before me this / '(: .......... , .............. day of ........... Notary PubHc / NOTICE OF HEARI/fO Pursuant to Secti~ 267 of the Town Law end the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Tc~n of ~outl~ld, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the zoning Board of Appeals of theTo~n of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Boad, S~uthold, New York, on O~tober 22, 1964, on the folding appeals~ 7~30 P.M. (B.D.$.T.), Southold, SOuthold, upon application of Robert Hyatt, New York, a/oW. Ko Vanderbeck, Mlnehaha Blvd., New York, for a variance tn accordance with the Zonlng Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 7 and Section 309, for permission to bullda p~tvate d~tached garage with insufficient side yard. Location of property~ north west co. = Mtnehaha Blvd., Southold, New York, bounded north by J. isbn, east by Mlnahaha Blvd., south by Mlnehaha Blvd., west by J. Lohn. 7~45 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of Tryac Truck and Kquip~ent Co~y~ Youngs Avenue, and Middle Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance wlth the Zoning Ordinance, A~ticle IV, Sectlon 408, Subsection (c), for permlss~n to erect an on the premises sign. halation of property~ north east corner of Youngs Avenue end Middle Road, bounded north by Gagen, east by Gagen, sou.~h by Middle Road, west by Youngs Avenue. Legal Notice Page -2- 8~00 P,M. (E.D.S.T.), u~x~n application of Island's Golf and Country club, Inc., North Road, GreenpOrt, Ne~e york, for a special exception in accorchmce with the Zoning Ordinance,I Article ~II, Section 300, Subsection 5 (as amended), fo= permission to operate a golf course and golf facilities. Location of property~ North side Iorth york, bounded north by Long Island Sound, east generally by L.V. Brown-W.C. Bro~n~rasnpOrt Water Distr~ct-]~ Francla¢o~ south by North Ro~d (route 25), west by W.F. and J.T. Haneman and others. Any person cles~ring to be heard on the above applicat~ons should appear at the thne a~d place a~ove specified. DATED= October 8, 1964, By Order of the Southold To~n Board of Appeals. · * * P~-~B PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 15, 1964, AND FOP~AitD FOUI~ AFFIDAVITS 0~ ~ATIO~ TO THE BOA~D MA~N ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW Y0~K Copies mailed to the foll~wing on October 1~, 19645 The Long Island TraValer-Mattitu~k Watchman Robert Hyatt a/cW.K. Vanderbe~k Tryac TruCk And Squllx~ent ¢o. island's End Golf & Country clu~ (4] ~ OFF'fCB, TO THE ZONING BO~RD OF APPE~J-~, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We)Iala~d...ts....C~aJ-f.. &....Ca.nz~hEy._Clt:b. oE:nc .......................... E.a~.:.t.h....J~.~L ...................................................... Name St~et and Number Munic~pality ~ate ~eDeby apply ~o THE ZOArIA~ BOARD OF APPEALS f~r a S~ EXC~N ~ ~ wi~ the z~G ~-~ ~ 111 ~N 300 S~N 5,~s amended July 7,1964,effective July 27,1964 T~{E SPECIAL EXCE~T~O~ IS P~EQUES~D ~EUAUSE Golf course 8nd ~olf club facilltles,to~eth r with baP ~nd restaurant ss ancillary facilities thereto. Ancillary f~cilities mentioned above are for use of the golfers. COUNTY OF Suffolk ) Sworn to ~his ....... ~..~..h_ ........ day of ,O...q..t.9..b.,,.e.,l~. .................. 19.~..~ ......... Notary P~blic ~V. ttALSEY p, ACICETT NOTAt~¥ PUBLIC, State of New York Suffolk County No. ~mndssion Expires Mar0h FORA{ ZB2 May 13, 196~ Island,s End Golf & Country Club Ine Greenport, N.Y. Gentlemen: It has been brought to my attention that you intend to operate a restaurant, beach facilities~ and golf course open to the general public. Please be advised that you cannot do this in your present location and zone. Such an operation can be only conducted in a "B" business or "C" industrial zone. The Town Bo2rd meets next Tuesday~ M~y 19th and will receive applications for change of zone at that time. Until you have secured a business zoned location you may not solicit patronage from the general public. Yours truly Building Inspector October 13, 1964 Chauncey R. Hulse, Secretary Island's End Golf & Country Club North Road Greenport0 New York Dear Mr. Hulse= In reference to your appeal, number 719, to the Board of Appeals ~or a special exception, please supply the Board with a survey of the property and a layout of plans for the golf course and its facilities. Very truly yours, Barbara L. Carroza, Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals FOI~M NO. ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION TO . . (owner or authorized agent- of owner) SS of owner or authorized agent of e'wner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of: Zoning Ordinance Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations .......... ,. ............................... at premises hereina ted sc ibed in t at ........ ..-.. ................ ~ ....... ~ .................................. . . (stat,~,o ract~r~h of VJOJatJon) ~r~.(~ .. ~....~~.. ~.~. ~.... ~ ~..(~.~ .~g....~.. , ~c~ /~0 ~ ~. /~-/~/ in violation of (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to c.omply with the law and to remed~the. conditions above merit?ned forthwith in or before the ...../...~..~/..'~..~.~.../..~......~./..~.....~..../~...~....~ ............................ The premises to which this ORDER TO REM EDY VIOLATION refers ore situated at ~ ...~.....'~.../"~'~'- .~...~z..~.~.~./~ C"ounty of Suffo k, .......................................................................... New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Building Inspector to ~e ~o. XXo~tn~ ~ 2.t8 ~mJ:)XXcet~Xon :~n t~m o:ff£:LcJJX nMpmper, mhd not,ce Co ~ applicant. Southold ~own Board o£ [~als -7- O~tober 22, 1964 T~ CHAZR. MANt Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this applicat~on? ~L~o Ernest Rictor and Mr. Louis I(omerak were present to ~eak in favor of this application. Through discussion it was determined that the g&lf Course is open to the public and they may obtain season tickets by buying 10 shares of sto~k. Perso~ls paying green fees may also use the course. The original investors ~n this corporaticm had bonds. These bo~ds holders have co,vetted each $500°00 of bonds into 15 shares of stock. The treasurer of the club may issue stock, and there are 50°000 shares of stock thai; may be issued. There is presently about 230 stockholders, 100 of which are holders of season tickets. The fisca.l year for the corporation runs from May 1st to April 30th. .% practice area is planned away from the highway. There is a house on the property which .ts occu.p4~ed by the greens- keeper. A beach area will be opened to people who are stock- hol~ers and those ~ay~ng green fees and guest. Zt is expected that these ~eople will have stickers for their cars to use the 'beach. it is ~oss~ble that a lifeguard will be employed. There will be parking area at the beach. The club has lockers available and sho~ees are plannedo There is also a bar and snack bar, and a pro-shop where golf equipment is available. These facilities are only to be available to stockholders and those l~Ying green fees. The applicants do not plan to expand the snack bar to a restaurant. It was established that there is adequate parklng facilities available in front and in back of the club house° T~E C~S. XRMAN= Zs there anyone ~resent who wishes to speak against th~s applicat~on? (There was no response° ) After investigation and inspection the ~oard f~nds that ~slandes End Golf and Country Club w~sh to operate a golf course ~nd uses incidentLal thereto. The creation of th~s recreational facility will, in the ~oard~s opin~on, provide a much need additional amusement area for a rap~d~ly growing ~opulat ~on. guesc. ?h&s ~v~lcula~l~ a~l~es ~o ~o ba~ and ~nack ba~. Island's End Golf And Country Club, Inc, G,REENPORT, NEW YORK 1974 ANNUAL REPORT NORTH FORK'S LEISURE AND RECREATION PLAYGROUND 16th HOLE A GOLFERS' PARADISE & OUR 700 ft. PRIVATE BEACH This Picturesque 16th, Par 3, was featured in color on the Front Page of the New York News Magazine on June 24, 19'/3, of the toughest public and private golf holes in the metropolitan area. Described as A GOLFER'S IMPOSSIBLE DREAM. "Only a sadist would design a hole like this one. 175 yards long. If you slice, you land in the Long Island Sound. If you hook, you're in the woods. There is a very deep gully in front of the green with a bridge going over it. On windy days you can hit one out into the drink and watch as it comes sailing back." What more can we add except bring your friends out to play the course and admire this phenomenon. To Our Stockholders: We would like to reflect the 1974 year as a Bad Dream. It started with the gasoline scare, a month's delay in receiving our liquor license, personnel changes, unfavorable weekend weather which is our prime income time, once lost can never be made up, coupled with inflation, recession, depres- sion, conservation, energy, etc. (take your choice) we are stuck with all o.f them; these in turn have changed the habits of many golfers. We are a Leisure and Recreation Business and after seeing this History being made, viewing general business as a whole, and finally analyzing our own accomplishments, we feel no need to take a back seat to anyone. Having grown accustomed to reporting improved and retained earnings during each of the past five years, it is somewhat difficult to state that the retained earnings for the past year are a- bout equal to those of 1968. Many business analysts expect the economy to continue its tailspin and 1975 Corporate Profit to fall. At this time, we are cautiously optimistic about this year and are confi- dent of improved earnings in the years after that. Fortunately, we had the foresight years ago to eliminate all funded indebtedness and have not borrowed money for many years. We are the envy of many golf clubs and businesses for our healthy Equity Capital position. DIVIDENDS. After having increased dividends for seven consecutive years, it was deemed to con- X~erve and pay 55 cents a share, the same as in 1973. Your Club is a highly seasonable business. It has been our practice over the years to invest any excess cash in interest bearing deposits. The interest de- rived from this source during the past year was approximately 72% of the dividend 'paid. GOLF FEES. In the face of known increased operating costs this year, your Directors feel it pru- dent not to increase our Golfing Fees for the fourth consecutive year. They are Seasonal Golf Privi- leges, 10 shares or more stockholder, Prime $235, Secondary $135, each additional $110. Non-stock- holder, Prime $370, Secondary $165, each additional $110. The Public Green Fees also remain unchanged. Instead we shall concentrate on attracting more players, mid-week group golf parties, conven- tions, and the public at all times, to use our expanding facilities so as to make this possible. We understand that 5% of the golfers are experts, the other 95% of golfers play for recreation and aren't always in the best of shape, but strive to improve. To these we extend our cordial invitation. The Early Bird Golfer will find coffee on' an Honor Systfm !n ~he Pro-Shop from 7 A.M. till the Restaurant opens. RESERVED STARTING TIMES are being offered this season for a very nominal fee by the day, week, month or season to all golfers whether they be seasonal or green fee players. Last year we ex- perimented with starting time, which was well received and at the same time gave us an opportunity to eliminate some of the bugs. Please phone the Pro-Shop (516) 477-9870 or better yet stop in and ob- tain the details first hand. ELECTRIC CARTS may be rented for 9 or 18 holes. Ask about our Special Seasonal Rates. Hand Carts are rented by the day. The 60 Electric Carts are serviced by our Trained Mechanics who take great pride in their work and is reflected by the fact that there were less than six breakdowns on the course during the past full season. At the end of the season all carts were thoroughly re-conditioned and except for new batteries are all set to roll. In view of this and the unsettled times, we have deferred our policy to purchase a certain percentage of new carts at this time. DRIVING RANGE - PUTTING GREEN. Many golfers overlook the fact that a warm up similar to other sports, would greatly improve their game. So Start Right - Warm Up - Drive out a bucket of balls, purchased at the pro shop and Putt a Little before play. After play, Correct the Bad Ones with a bucket of balls and chip a few from the sand trap. There are 10 acres set aside just for you to improve on your game. GOLF GIFT CERTIFICATES for any occasion or reason you can name, Birthdays, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Anniversaries, Christmas, Friendship, etc. are available at the pro shop. They look like checks, are transferable, good any day for a round of golf, or can be applied to purchase of merchan- dise. Cost only $7.00 with either gold gift box or envelope included. An ideal gift which is sure to please. The patronage of you and your friends is appreciated. THE AIR CONDITIONED CONVENTION-MEET- ING LIGHT ROOM is available for small groups of 20 or more. It is ideal for budget minded day-time busi- ness meetings, seminars, press conferences, and trade · shows, with emphasis on shirt-sleeve work. Golfers can ·~get in an early round, non-golfers can sun bathe, swim, fish or stroll on our 700 foot private Sound Beach or just relax on the sun deck overlooking the golf course. The group gathers for light luncheon in our Dining Room before getting down to the serious business. The usual coffee breaks can be had directly in this room or the sun deck. With the meeting over by 5 P.M. it is time to visit our cocktail lounge, followed by a delicious repast, everyone living on Long Island can be home by 9 P.M. NO NEED FOR EXPENSIVE OVERNIGHT MEETINGS. Early spring and fall through November are the best times. PLEASE REFER TO THE FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS REPORT. First, we must face the fact that 1973 was exceptional, the economy was like there would be no tomorrow and the weather was good to us. So let us compare income of 1974 with 1972. We find that all Golfing Income (Green Fees, Season Privileges, Driving Range and Cart Rentals) are all up. However as stated above, many golfers found it necessary to reduce their fringe benefits (Other Income) in our Restaurant which showed a substantial drop in net income and the Pro-Shop a loss. Steps have been taken in an endeavor to correct these. GOLF PROFESSIONAL JOHN A. PICGOZZI, resident P.G.A. pro- fessional and assistant director of the famed Doral Country Club, Miami, Florida, home of the Doral Open and other Pro-Am Cham- pionship Tournaments, for the past five years, rejoins us for the sea- son. He was the golf professional and manager of Island's End from 1965 to 1970. In the initial stage of our Club, he played a very impor- tant part in its organization and planning. Johnnie will operate the Pro-Shop Concession and the Office. He will carry a full line of the best of merchandise and quickly fill special needs; in addition offer equipment repairs and maintenance. A well- qualified Professional Golf Instructor, he will be available for golf les- sons by appointment. In addition he has many ideas planned for your John A. Piccozzi enjoyment and to improve your game. Make it a must to purchase all P.G.A. Professional your golfing needs at the Pro-Shop. AIR CONDITIONED, GLASS ENCLOSED DINING ROOM AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE, open to the general ~ublic as well as golfers, with its paradisical view of the 0th fairway stretching to where the challenging 16th ~ole appears to reach the sky adds to one's relaxation while partaking of refreshments. MASTER STEWARD RAYMOND LA RIVIERE of Soutbold, comes to the Club bringing his friendly atmosphere and many years of CULINARY ART and VERSATILE experience. Formerly of Mitchell's Greenport, and recently co-owner of Raymond's Southold, he is in charge of the Restaurant, 19th Hole Bar, and Convention- Meeting Room. Ray is well-known locally and looks to renewing old acquaintenances and greeting new. He extends a hearty invitation to you, your friends, The Public and all golfers to gather here for lun- cheon and favorite refreshments. Discover why Island's End refresh- ments are the best known and most spoken of in the Golf Circuit. Re- Raymond La Riviere servations are recommended for groups of 10 or more so that your Master Steward repasts may be prepared and served exactly as you like them. We are deeply grateful to the loyalty of our Stockholders, Board of Directors, Friends and Golfers and the skilled, dedicated and productive efforts of the Greens Superintendent and All Employees. We again enlist all of your cooperation in making this the Best Golf Club in the years ahead. SINCERELY YOURS, Eugene Mazzaferro, President Louis Komarek, Public Relations Open To And Invi+)ng The Public, 18 Holes, 6,834 Yard, Scenic Par 72 Champlonshlp Course 60 Elecfl'ic Call's, 100 Hand Carls, Res{'auranf, Convenf|on-Meef|n9 Room,, Pro-Shop, DHvlng Range ISLAND'S END GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB, Inc. "NORTH FORK'S FASTEST OROW, INC~ RECREATION CENTER" Route 25 ~,.,, _ .,. Phone No,~h Road Ea,~ sreenporL, New York s~6 4?7.9870 FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 12/31/74 12/31/73 12/31/72 12/31/71 12/31/70 A~SETS Cash $ 63,306. $ 64,671. $ 56,364. $ 33,285. $ 23,076. Inventories 13,647. 5,300. 5,000. 4,758. 9,442. Prepaid Expenses 11,778. 10,911. 9,334. 8,474. 8,603. *Golf Course & Club House 274,685. 277,690. 265,546. 271,589. 251,400. *Machinery-Equipment 50,743. 43,599. 39,727. 28,743. 35,016. Land 15,245. 15,245. 15,245. 15,245. 15,245. $429,404. $417,416. $391,216. $362,094. $342,782. LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 11,653. $ 6,139. $ 7,679. $ 6,018. $ 5,472. Mortgages Payable 0 -0- -0- ~)- 0 Reserve for Income Tax -0- 5,987. 3,334. ~) ~)- Common Stock 33,170. 33,170. 33,685. 33,685. 33,660. Capital Surplus 253,872. 253,872. 258,965. 258,965. 261,517. Retained Earnings 130,709. 118,248. 87,553. 63,426. 42,133. $429,404. $417,416. $391,216. $362,094. $342,782. STATEMENTS OF INCOME INCOME Green Fees $ 87,361. $ 91,212. $ 85,675. $ 76,038. $ 63,849. Season Privileges 31,313. 33,255. 27,984. 29,030. 30,375. Driving Range 3,699. 3,004. 2,920. 2,018. 1,719. *Cart Rental * 36,831. * 38,104. 29,933. 24,267. 22,427. Other Income 358. 10,549. 8,209. 2,340. 9,090. Total Receipts $159,562. $176,124. $154,721. $133,693. $127,460. EXPENSES Grounds Maintenance $ 51,038. $ 57,721. $ 49,717. $ 43,943. $ 38,662. House & General 66,703. 55,903. 52,449. 51,600. 49,124. Depreciation-Amortization 25,717. 22,175. 20,251. 16,858. 16,932. Reserve for Income Tax -0- 5,987. 3,334. ~:)- -0 Dividends Paid 3,643. 3,643. 3,364. 4- 0 Total Expenses $147,101. $145,429. $129,115. $112,401. $104,718. Retained Earnings Number of Shares Depreciation Per Share Retained Earnings Per Share Dividend Per Share 12,461. $ 30,695. $ 25,606. $ 21,292. $ 22,742. 6,634 6,634 6,737 6,737 6,732 3.88 3.34 3.00 2.50 2.51 1.88 4.61 3.80 3.17 3.38 .55 .55 .50 .45 .40 *Net after deducting Amortization, Depreciation or Cart Maintenance. · \ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Jto,.o~ $OUTHOLD J ~c,,o~.o Properly Tax Service Agency ....... o~_ .... 035 I SLANO'$ END C_~OLF ,~ COUI'-JTP-.Y CLUI5 ~ INC. U