HomeMy WebLinkAbout686io~b .CLU~; INC June 25, 1964 Route 25 _ Page 27 Gre~npor%, New York GRANTED permissiQn to renew and re!ocat9 an_on premises directional sign, on premises located ~ Route 25, Greenport, New York, Subject to following: see on back. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended. Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NeWi York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office. Main lWad, Southold. New York, on June 25. I 1964, on the following appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon the amended application of R. G. Terry, Esq., Southold, New York, ale Char-, i lotte K. Glttlnger. 3 Forest Drive. I 'Springfield, NeWi Jersey. for a variance i and recognition of access in accordance : with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m, I Sections 303, 304, 307, 308, Article X, I Section lOOOa, and the State of New ~ York Town Law, Section 280A, for; permission to divide lots with insu! _ : ficient frontage, and for a.pproval ot: access. Location of property: north side Cedar Beach Road, bounded north by land of applicant, east 'by Bay. south by land of applicant. west .by land of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK f ss: .. , -~.....~.- .....- ~, . r Z' ";. ',.. " ' . .'''''. . , C. Whitney Booth, J r.t being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor. of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATT/TUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler.Mattituck Watch- ,. k man once each week for ................i.........:...l"......... wee s . ./ \ successively, commencing on the ........................................ day of ............\.'..4......,,(,........, 19...(,.... . . , / (' ." . ,,-- j J ' ( '.' (0 c.;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .', . . ~": . :: . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. .>....... 'Vll!l:~a...I!lc., Main Road, Peconfc, New York, for a -Sf;ee1a.1 exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, SUbsection 9, o for permission to Install a parking lot to sell used and new cars. Location of property: nOl"th side Route 25, Pe~ conic, New York, boWlded north by land now or formerly of A. Cierach, east by land noWi or ,formerly of A. Cierach, south by Main Road, west by other land of appl1c~nt. 7:45 P. M. (ED.S.T.). Upon appllca- tion of Henry J. Smith, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article lIT, Section 303, and Article X, I Section 1000a, for permission to divide lots with insufficient frontage. Loca- tion of property: west side C3l'r~' ! Ave- nue, Peconic, New York, bounded north , by -Long Island Railroad, east by Car- roll Avenue, south by J. O. Bell-Bedell, west by other land of applicant. 8:00 P. M. (ED.S.T.), upon apPllca- tion of Cecil Young, Main Road, Laurel, NeWi York, ale J. Myron Young, Main Road, Laurel, New York, for recogni_ tion of access in. accordance with the State of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of- f way north side Peconic Bay Blvd.. ; bounded north by Main Road-Hill, east ; by Albert Nolte, south by Peconic Bay : Blvd., west by H. Romanowski. 8:10 p, M. (E.D.8.TJ. upon applica- tion of Robert H. Preston, President, Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- tion 300., Subsection 11, for permiSSion to erect a directional sign on the prop- erty of Sterling Cemtery Association. Location of property: south east corner North Road, and Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York, bounded north by North Road, east by land of R. Preston, south by Sterling Creek, west by Manhasset Avenue. 8:30. P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of Richard F. Mullen, Mullen Motor Sales, Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ,ing Ordinance, Article In, Section 400, I Subsection 9, for permiSSion to install I a parking lot to sell neWi and used cars. Location of property: south west 'corner ,Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Cottage Place, south by M. Aksten, west by R. Swezey. 8 :45 P. M, (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of rrheodore SWitsavage, 46~46 Broadway, New, York City, New York. for a variance in accordance with the Section ',..- Sworn to before me this ................... " 0 ..............k...................19...'.(../. day of ( '.c:' (,- f.:'...(........I.~..~..(':'/.,.~.~.~................ ............... ..~. Notary Public : AI); f'AYI'H ,'! ~~"W Yurk [,IUIlty Nc,tMy r' ;': C:~, ' ~~ ' ,,"::'U Mdrch 3(', !!'J' ( (;w];'nj:;SfUI) : XiJJrfj~ ~ east side Marlene Lane. MattitucK., New York, bounded north by J. Mac- Lellan, east by District 9, south by other land of SWl1lia.vage. west by Marlene Lane. 9:00 P. M. (ED.S.T.), upon applica- tion of samuel Copln, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25. Green- port, New, York, for a spec18.1 exception in accordance rwith the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV. section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Location of prop- erty: south aide Route 25. Greenport, New York, bounded. north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by' Long Island Railroad. west by R. Brown. 9:10 P. M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon applica- tion of Samuel Copin, Vice President,: Fleet I.umlJer. Inc., Route 25, Green- I p:rt, Ne\v York, for a special exception in accordance wUh the Zoning. Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Location of prop- erty; south side Route 25, Oreenport, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad, west by R'I Brown, 9,15 P. M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon applica- '\ tien of Samuel Copin, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green~ port, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordin~ ance, Article IV, section 408, subsec~ tion b, for permission to erect an on premises "1all sign. Location of prapM erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by MaJn Road, east' by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad, west Iby R.. Brown. 9:30 P. M, (E.D.S.T'>, upon applica-' tion of New York Telephone Company, 140 West Street, New York City, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance wdth the Zoning Ordinance, Article ITI, Section 300, Subsection 6a, for permission to install a coastal har- bor radio-telephone receiving station on the property of Mattituck Park District, known as "Mattituck Veteran's Mem~ orial Park", Mattituck, New York. Lo- cation of property: south west side Peconic Bay Blvd., and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Bay Ave- nue, south ,by Bay, west by Allyn Realty Corp., and Right-of-way,and others. 9:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.) upon appli(',a-, tion of Shephard M. SCheinberg, Esq., 220 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, r;.'ew York, alc Josephine Hausner, 159 Woodhull Avenue, Riverhead, New YOj'koI" 'lie' , g 1.lJ , JnD'I.\~t ...__..._..................._.41\ - .__:-u.............. ,U.VUl riige ~~J . "~" ~i"~: ,:": . ~'" _ , .~.,~ . '. ~ for permission to ext~nd permission granted for the sale and service of motor vehicles, fann machinery, etc. Location of property: north east comer of RatIroad Avenue, and North Road Southold, New York, bounded north by J. Harris, east by F. Abrams, south by I North Road, west by Youngs Avenue, I 10:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applica- of S. T. Sage, Treasurer, Island's End Golf and Country Club, Inc., Route 25, Greenport, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning i Ordinance, Article In;, Section 300, I Subsection 11, for permission to renew; and relocate an on the premises identi~ f1eation sign granted June 25, 1962. Location at property: north side 'Route I 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by other land of applicant, east by Leroy Brown, south by Route 25, west by Warren Critchlow. 10:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon appllca- , tlon of Alfred Kne.skl, Middle Road, Mattituck, New York, alc pa.ullne Kneski, Middle Road, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance w.1th the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- tion 303, Article X, section 1000a, for permission to divide and build on a lot with insufficient frontage. Location of i property: south side Middle Road (CR' 27A) , Mattituck, New York, bounded ~ north by Middle Rood (CR 27A), easl: by J, Blasco, south by SOund Avenue i west by A. WaJgO, ' : Any person desiring to be heard on I' the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. i DATED: June 11, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appealf\' I . -- ----T- LJIlGAL .lf0TJ.CB ltot.1c:e of HIIlU'U'1 Pur.uant. ~ sect.1on 267 of the 'l'OW1\ Law u4 the pzov1ll1on. of the ~de4 Bullcltaq :&oM ~d1aanC., of the '1'(Ml of SOUtho14, Suffolk couat.y, Mew 'YOrk, pu1tlie hNJ:1Dcga w111 1M held 'by the ZOIlU9 BOU'd of Appeal. of the Town of 8OUtholl, at. the '1'OWI1 OffJ.ce, MaU Road. SOUthold, IIeW Y_le, OIl JUne 25, 1964, OIl the followill9 appeal., 7230 P.M. (B.D.8.T.), upon the ....de4 ~1cat.101l of I Il. G. Tan:3(, BIICI., southOld, ..., YoR, ale CharlOt.U x. G1t.t.1.DP~' 3 rOX1Ult. Dr1v.. spr1ncJnald, .... :ser.ay, fOIl' a VlU'1aaft ud l'ac:ognUt.1on ~ aen.. 11\ ac:eordanCe w1th the zon1.D9 Ol'cU"ance. Art.1ele III. sect.lou 303, 304, 307. 308, Art.iele X. seet.ilID 1000a. ..d the suU of .If.., YoU. '1'Olm Law. Sec:t.1on 280A. for pera1a.1on to 41v1de lOU w1th 1.Dauff1d,ent. fl'Oftt.aP, and fox &i9J'OYal of aeeea.. LOCat.1on of pl'openJ'a nol'th 81de Cedar Beach aoad, 'boun..d nol'th 'by lu4 of appl1cant., aut. by Bay. .000th by land .f appl1cant., weat. 'by laIl4 .f appl1cant.. 7a40P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon the .....d appU.ut.1on of serbeZt ". "ell.. :11'.. sOIlth01d, IIeW You, ale vall Brother.. Inc.. Ma1n Road, ,.con*, .., YoS'k. for a .pee1al ucept10n in aoeoI'4anee w1th the zon1ncg or411\aIlCe, Art.icle IV. S~t.ilID 400. 8ubaeCt1on 9. fOIl' pera1a.1on to 1nat.a1l a pld'Jc1.D9 lot t.o ..11 1.1..4 and new eare. LoCation of propenya 1lOI'th .1411 RoaU 21. Pecoa1e. M_ YOI'lt, boWl4lld nOl'th by lud now 01' fox.rly of A. ciench. ..at. by land now 01' ~rly of A. CUtrach. eouth by Ma1l\ Road. ",.et. by other laIld of app11cant.. -----1I~'-.-------.------~~--.----- 1- LeiJal lIotice 'age -2- 7~4S P.M. (2:.0.$.'1'. I, upon applicat.ion of Benry J. SlIl1th, PeconiC.Lane,tI:~~~k, for.. variance in aceorllanee with the zoning Ordinance, Azt.icle III. Sect.ion 303, and Art.icle x,Sect.ion 1000.. for per.i..ion to divide lot.. with in.uff1cien~ frOl'ltag-e. Location of propert.y: _at aide Carroll Avenue, Peconic, __ York. bounded north by LOI'lg Is1_d Railroad. _st by Carroll Avenue. South by .1.0. hll-sedell, we.t by other 1_4 of appl1c:lant. 8: 00 P.M. (E. n. s. '1'. ). upon appllcaU,Oft of Cecil Young. Nain Itoad. Laurel. 11_ York. ale J. Myron Young. Main Road. Laurel. __ York. for a variance in accordance with the state of 111_ 1/'o.l'k '1'oIm Law. Section 2.0A. for .pproval of .ee.... Location of propeny, aiqht-of_.y north .i48 Peconie Bay Blvd.. bounded north by Main Road-Hill, ea.t by Albert trolte, south by PttConic Bay Blvd., ve.t by Ii. R~n_.lti. 8110 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of RObert H. preaton, Pre.ident, Sterlinq Harbor Marina. Manha..et Avenue, Gre.port, lll'_ York, for a special exception in aeeor_nce with the Zoning ordinance. Article III. Section 300. 'ubIlect1on 11, for per.i..ion to erect a directional .iCJ1l on the propeny of sterling c....tery "'ssociatl~1I<r Location of property: south .ast eorner 1II0rth Road. and Manhaa.et Avenue. Greenport. N_ York. bOUnded north by North Road.,_at by land of Pre.ton. south by sterling Creek. w.st by MaDba...t Avenu.. --~ .r- x.e.,al lllot1ce Pa9. -3- 8.30 P. M. (B. D. S. '1.'. ), upon app1J.oaUOll of lliduu:d J'. Mullen, Mullen MOtor Sal... Malll Boad and Cott:ll98 Place. Sout:held. New York, tor a apecial exc.piton in accor4lmce with 'the zoninq or<Urumc:e, Anicle Ill. Sect.ion 400. BulHtect10n 9. for pezaiJtaiOll to inatall a new and ueed cu lot;. LOcat.ionof property. aouth ..at corner Main ao.d an4 Cottalie Place, aouthold. Mew Vork. .bounded north by Main aoad, ...t by Cott:ll98 "lace, aouth ay H. Alca~. _at by 11. .....-r. ..45 P. H. (B. D. S. '1'. ), upon appl1catiOll of 'l'heo4ol.'e 8Wlu..a9~' 46-46 aroa4way, Ifew York CU:y, Mew Vork, tor a val'1aDee in aceor"'ce with 'the ZOIliag ord1naDce, Art1cle III, Sect.iOll 303, Article X, Section 1000., for pezaiJtaton to build on a lot. with inauffic14mt. frontage. LocatiOll of ~ny. east 81de Marlene Lane, Matt,it.uclt, If_ Yorle, boundecl north by J. _ClAllu, e..t by Diatrict. 9. aouth ay other laRd of lJWit.aavqe, weat by Marlene Lane. 9. 00 P. M. (B. D. S. '1.'. ), upon appUeaUOll ef 8...e1 Copin, ...... Preaident., Fl..t LWIlter, Inc.. Route 25, Greenport, H_ ygrle, for a apecial exce~1Gn in aClClOl.'dlmce with the zOnill9 orcU.nance, Article IV, IIlectton 408, S.a.niOll B, for to erect u on pr_1aea wall ai-9ft. LoeatiOft of property. aouth ai-de Route 25, Green.-rt, __ yOJItt, bounded Dort:h by Malll aoad, east by M. C..sidy, aou'th by LoDt xaland 1talllfOllcl, weat. by a. Brown. 1- 1.811&1 NOtice ..age -4- 9110 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon appl1aa~ion 01 samuIl Cop1n. ViCl8 Pre.1Mn~. I'l..~ Lwllbe.r. 1ftc:.. llou~. 25. OxaJlllpon:. !IhN YOrk. for a .pec1al _ce~1on 1ft accor4llnee with tIMt ZOllUq Or411umc:e. Article Iv. See~10ll 408. .....eet:1on:b. for pel'llLUl.iOD to erect an em prem1aea wall aitn. Loca~iOD of property, aouth a1_ Rout:e 25, Greeapon:. Hew York. boun.4 north ',by Ma1ft ll0ll4. ..at ',by H. C...1dy. aouth ',by LoD9 X.l..4 Ralll'Ollcl. ...t ',by R. Browa. 9115 P. M. (B.D. 8. '1'. I. upon appl1aaUon of SaJlUel Copin, Vice Pr..Jdent, Pleet Lwa'ber. :1DCl.. Jtout:e 25, Greenport, IiifeW York. for a apee1&l exee~ion 1ft aCCOZ'aa- with the Zoning Or41nance. Artiele :IV, 8eet:1on 108, Su:bllee~1OD:b, for pel'llLUla1on to erect an on ~.a walle1tn. z.oc:.tion of pJ.'opert:YI eouth a1M ROIlt:e 25. Greenport:. !IhN YOrk. boun_ci north ',by Ma1n Road. east. ',by)t. C...~ . .euth ',by LoD9 Ialand Ralll'Olld, ....t. ',by It. llIrown. ~', (. . 1)130 P.M. (E.D. S. '1'. ). upon applJ.caU,on of Hew YOrk Telephone cClIQIIUly. 140 'If.at. st.reet.. M_ YOrk City. Mew York. for a apec1&l exception in aecor.... with the zoning ordinance. Al:t.1cle XU, Sect10n 300, SuNeet.1OD 6&. for penJ.a.ion to 1natall a COIl.tal bu':bor ndto-tele""" receiving at:aUon Oft the property of Ma~Ut.llck Park DJ.auJ.c1:. kDCllWP .. "Mat:Utuck Vet:eran · a MwIOZ'1&l Park". Matt1tuClk. M_ York, z.oc:.t.1on of property I aouth"t. a1_ peeonit: .llay 8lvd.. and say Avenue. Mat.t.1~uck. IiifeW York. taoun4ed north :by PeeOlllic Bay.alvd, ...t by :eay Avenue, aouth :by Bay, ....t: ',by Allyan a_lt:y corp.. lU4,Jht.-of-way. and other.. - n-- -r~ , Leqal Notice Page -5- 9.45 P. M. (E. D. S. '1". ). upon appl.1aUon of Sbepmut'ci M. Sche1nberq, Esq., 220 ROIUlOke Avenue, Rive.-bea4. New YOrk, a/c Joaeph.tae HQUner, 159 Woodhull "venue, 1t1verbead. Mew Yon. for a apllc1al exapU.cm in aceor<lance wUh the zcm.1.n9 or41nuce. Ar'Uele IV, Sect10a 400. Sllbaen.1oln 9. for PU'll\U'lon te pe."'aion to extend ptZ'lD18aion grante4 for the sale ... .enice of IIlOt.OJ: veblele, farm ach1nery. etc. LoeatiOll of propertYI nort:A eut: corner of .a11l'0811 Avenue, and lJorth Road, 1'I8IBIl~ W'5. Hen U, Mat. by P. Abr..., aouth by IIOrt:b Road, weat. by YolUl'i. AveR\W. 10.00 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon appllcatlcm of '.T.sowe, TJ:euureJ.', lalaft4 bel Golf ADd C~V:Y C10, lnc:., Route 25 GJ.'..npoJ:t, .ew YOn, for a apee1al ucept.ion in aeeoxd8m:e with the zoning Ordinance, Article lU. Section 300, luUectJ.on 11, for pe:rl'i\1a.1on 1:0 :renew and rel_te AD on the PJ.'llIRue. ideDlf1cation .i9n qftlllt.elll J\me 25, 1162. Loeat..1oln of PJ.'ope%ty. nort:A aide Route 25. Greenport, ..... YoJ:lt. bounded nozth by other land of applicant. ..at lJy lAroy Brown, aouth by Itoute 25, weat lJy wa~. 10115 P. M. (B. D. S. '1'. ), \IPOD app1.icaUon of Alfred Kfte8lt1, Mlddle Road. Mat.t1tucJt. 8ew YOrk. a/e Paul.t.De Kne8ltl, Middle Road. Mattit;QcJt. ..... Yo", for a variance in aeeor<lanee with the zoninq or4inanee, Article III, Section 303, Artiele x, Seetton 1000., for iIu1a1.a.t.on to cl1v1tle an4 lJu1l4 on a lot with 1n8uft1cieRt froratap. LOCaUon of property. aouth aide M1441e Il.oad (CR 27A), MatUtuck, liew York, ~ded no&'th lJy Middle Road (eR 27A). ...t by J. Bluco, aouth by Sound Avenue. _at by A. Walgo. I~-~~- I I I I I I I I i .- -T-. -T-- ! Letgal lIot:ice ?age -6- My person ..sir 1n9 to be beud OIl the Uoge appl1a;t1oDs ahould appear at the t"- and place...... specified. DATED 01_ 11, 1964, By Order of the Southo1d 'l'OWn EIOUd of AJlpeala * * * PLIlASJ: PUDLISH OIICJil, J'OIIB 18, 1964, AIm IPOJtJofAItD p~ Cuj) An'~VI'1'B ~ POBL.u::ATlOM 'l'O TBB BOMD OF APJU.LS, '1'QIftJ OI'PlCE, MAUl JlQAD, SOO'ftlQLD, JIBW YClIUC. * * * Copi.s _lled to 1:he foll_1D9 on June 16, 19641 '!'he Lon9 Ialud ftaYeler-Mllt.UbCk Wat.dP-.. JI.. G. 'l'elrXY, .... BeJ:Mn w. wells, JJ:., a/e Vail Brother., .Inc. BeUy J. Ia1th Cedl 1'OWl9 ale J. M1'J:- YauD9 acbut. B. Jlnat.oll ale St.eJ:l1D9 HU"boJ: Mal'ina lU...,...d P. Mullea. Mull_ Mfmn .al.. HUeld Laey ale '1'heo.... SW1tAY&p II.. .. Copill, J'leet. t.-...., 1IIc. iii.. YOZ'k '1'e1ephclDe ce.,aay, A'1''1'I'' A. c. aoehm ~"'Ari M. SCbeiUleq, ..... ale J...ph1oe Bou.ner 8.'1'. SOp, .Ialu4'a aacI GOlf _4 COUQtzy club. Alt.e4 KIluJc1, a/e Pall11M beak1 SCIMB- R.-JItI) AI9JU\Il AT 'I'D -IlRDIG I !I... i TOWN OF SOU'~jIJn, NEM' YORK APPLICATION roR SPElOLAL EXCEPTIQN APPLIGATION NO. bPI ~y 25 J 1964 DATE ..."....."............................. TO THE ZON:NG BOARD OF APPE;\LS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Island f s iiOnd Goli' & Country XU (We) ....9.;t.",p.~.;w.,."....... ......................................................of ...... Name ..............Route.....#.2;i................"................................................................. Sl,1'eE>t and Number Greenport ................................,...................................................................., ............................... Municipality ........".....H~~...I():rcI.<........"..............................................."................. state hereby apply to THE ZlONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accOl"dance wi,th the ZONING ORDIJ'ANCE ARTICLE:IT[' SECTION 300 SUBSECTION II THE SPJOC:IAL EXCEPTION IS REQUES'TIED BECAUSE sign is a directional one to a golf and country club which is an asset to the Town of Southold, its residents and vacationers. STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss OOUNTY OF SUFFOlK /7 /' /--~ 7k. -'~'.. .:...L.. .'...Dig;;f-:~~~.~E:.:!!'..t:~f..~:........ ~. :~:~;(ii:;z.:.~~:.."..........: 19........64-... . CORNELll\ C: KEO~~W 'Imolt NOTARY PUBLIC, State of No .,2.""93890 . '. .. t" .. ff lk CounlY . Qualified n ~u 0, 30 196tJ Te-r:l: E-P;:CS tvtJrcn . roRM ZB2 For "'".. 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION Date .........................Ha;r.........12...........19..6lt.. TO .Is.1and.!.s..End..l1olr..cl..C.ountr.y...Cl.ub Ine (owner or authorized agent of owner) .....Ha1n..Road.,...~..25'.,...Gr.eenp.or:tt..L.I., N. Y. (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violat ion of: Zoning Ordinance Other Applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulotior.s at premises hereinafter described in thot....per.m1t...;tGl'...grG\1M...slf/:.n..ha.s..exp11'ed......... (state characTer of violation) In.. .J.une.. .1963................... .sign. .lIlUst. .b.e.. r.emoy.ed................................................................ in violation of... .Art.. III.,... sec... .300,... Sub.. .U,... Bldld.1ng. . Zone .. ord.1nanc.e,.. .Town ot (state section or paragraph of opp licable law, ordinonce or regulation) Southold, N. Y. YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and to remedy the co~d;tions above mentioned forthwith in or before the .............22nd............................................. day of ............~.................................19..6lt...... The premises to which this ORDER TO REM EDY VIOLATION refers are situated at ~1s...J.l.~...a5:...(md.n..Rp:..d}..G:r.I'l~.np.Qr.t....County of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. .mHp"'i~;~i~,;:b;;:=t