HomeMy WebLinkAbout663 DENIED permission to erect an addition on 'exis%ing,. dwelling wi_th_no.sid.e yard ..... N/S__Aq_ua= LEGAL NOTICES COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss NOTICE OF HEA~ING Pursuant to Section 267 of the..Town ! Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone ordinance of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York, public hearings will be held by the I Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town I of Southold. at the Town Office. Main Road, SOuthold, New York, on May 14, 1964, on the following appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of William and Regina. Victoria,: , Bayview Road, Southold, New York for I a special exception in accordance with I the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec- I tioD 408. for pennission to erect a di. rectional sign on the property of SOuth- old Bayview, Corporation, lessee, Joseph Polywoda, intersection of Bayview Road and Route 25. SOuthold, New York. known as Chevron Service Station. 7:45 P. M. {E.D.S.TJ, upon applIca- tion of William and Regina Victoria, BayView Road, Southold, New York for a special exeception in accordance witb the Zoning Ordinance. Article DI. sec- tion 300, SUbsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the prop- erty of H. B. Robinson. Location of property: north side Route 25, East Cutchogue, New, York, bounded north by Long Island Railroad, east by Stan- ley Rysko, south by Main Road, west by J. Brynda. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Charles King, Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, New York, ale Marc J. i Iglesias, Aquaview Avenue, East Mar- I ion, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to erect an addition on the eXisting dwelling wUh no side yard area. Loca- tion of property: north side Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, New York, bounded north hy Long Island Sound, east by Percy S. Rowe, south by Aqua- view Road, west by S. Van Sciver. 8:15 P. M. (E.D,S.T.) upon applica- tion of Sprague, Dwyer, Aspland, & Tobin, Attorneys at Law, 220 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York ale New York Telephone Company, Min- eola, New York and Village of Green- port, Greenport, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 6a. for permission to erect a telephone exchange building and ac- cessory uses on property of the Village of Greenport. Location of property: J north west corner Main Road, (Route 25), and Moore's Lane, bounded north by other land of Village of Greenport, east by Moore's Lane, south by Main Road, west by other land of Village of Greenport. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear I at the time and place above speCified. DATED: April 30, 1964, By Order of i the Southold Town Board of Appeals! C. Whitney Booth, Jr.. being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor. of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- /:'.. .- man once each week for ...............\~.../.'...~............. weeks ; i If successively, commencing on the ............./......................... day of ............lJ...~,:.:\y.......... 19.\r.)! )! y . ..... ..................... ~ .,.:.:.! .C....:.. !.: r'.!. .):~.. . (X!.... ; / , ( c.-, Sworn to before me this ", day of ! / . . . ..... 'r' .(~.L. .i.,::', ~/:........, .J 19.('-7 ) //' ('" //~ ,/,./"'/ ....(...L..:.(.... ..L'...Lr.:........;.:..(..f..7.c. ..1{,r..:....... Notary Public -- Ar!EL~ PAYNE' NO(:Hy f'U:'ilC. St;'l:t; of New Yort Re:i~(iill.: III Sui folk. County NI). ~?JU41000 Commission Expiri! March 30. 19~, " ----r--. l.BGAL IfO'flCIl Not.lce of He.rinq Pur.uant. to .ect.1on 267 of the 'l'OWn Law and th. prOV1.1on~ of th. Allended Bul1d1nq Zone Ordinan_ of t.he '!'OWn of SOI;Itbold : Suffolk Count.y.New YOrk. pubUc heuinqa w111 be held by fthe zoning 8OIl.rd of A....l. of th. '!'OWn of louthold. at. the '!'own Office. Main Road. Southo14. N_ York. on May 14. 1964. on the following appeaJ.al 7130 P.M. (B. D. S. '1'. ). upon appl1ca1:;1on of WUl1aJa and Jteqina V1ct;oria. sayv1_ aoad. SOI;Itho14. New York for a apec1al exc:.pt.1on 1n aec::ordance w1th the ZoaiDq Ordinance. Art.1c::l. IV, Sect.1on 408. for pel'lll1aa1on t.o .rect. a direct.10nal a1911 on the property of BOUt.hold sayvi_ Corporat.ion. 1...... Joe.ph Polywoda. iDurBec1:;1on of sayv1ew ltoa4 and Rout.. 25. South.14. New York. known .. ChevrOll lhIrv1c::e Stat.1on. 7145 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon app11cat.1on of W11l1aJa and Reqina V1c::t.oria. .ayv1ew Road. 8OUtho14. litew York for a apec1al exeept.1on 1n aecordance w1th the ZODiDg Or4iDaDCe. Art.icl. XII. lhIe1:.1on 300, S~et.1on 11. for pel'lll1a.10n t.o .rect a d1reeUonal 81gn on the property of H. B. RebiDeon. LoCat.1on of propert.YI north .1de aout.e 25. But. Cut.chogue. New York. boun_d north by Lon9 I.lan4 ..al1rea4. ...t: by stanley ayeko, eout.h by MaiD aeael. ".et. by J. Bzynda. 8100 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon appl1c::at.1on of Charl.. RiDq. Aquav1ew Avenu., But. Marion. If_ York. ale MarC J. Iql.e1aa. Aquav1ew Avenue, I:ut Marion. litew York. for a vu1an_ in accordance w1t.h t.h. ZOII1ng or<UrillDc:e. Art1cl. III. Sect1011 307, for pel'lll1ae1on to .r.ct; an acl41t1on 011 the ex1at.1nq " - ---] Pa'eJe, -2- L' ,1 Not.ice d'welll.n~1 ';;lith no $1d~ yard area. Location of propertYl north sidf! Aquavlew Avenue, Fast: Marion, New York, boundlll!d north by Lon'0 lsland Bound, ..a,lIt b.y Percy S. :Rowe, lIiIol.rth .by .Aquaview l<OlIIQ, I.BSt by S. Van Sc::1ver. 8;15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Sprague, ~wler, Aspland, & Tobin, Attorney. at Law, 220 Old Country Road, MineolA, New York ale New York Telephone COIIIpany, Mineola, New york and Village of Gre4llnport, Greenport, Ne'W York for a special excE>ption in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, SubdiviSion 6a, for perm.1.lIJ1ion to erect a telepbone exchange bu11din<;; and accessory uses on property of the Village of Greenport. Location of property. north west corn~r MAin Road, (Route 25), and Moore's Lane, hounded north by other land of Village of Green,ort, e~st. by Moore'. Lane, south by MAin Road, west by other land of Village of Greenport. Any person desiring to be heard on the above appl1"t1ons should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED; April 30, 1.964, By Order of the Southold '1'O'llln Board of Appeals .. .... .... .. PLEASE PUBLISH ONC.Il, MAY 7, 1964, AND FOR~D FIVE (5) AFFIDAVITS OF PtllllLlCATlON TO 'I'm: 80.lUlD OF A'PB.ALS, TOWN OFFICE', ! !CADI ROAD, Sotl'1'HOLD, NEW YORK. .... .. .. .... Coples mailed to the following on May 1, 1964, '1'h", LOV'iiI Island Traveler-MAttituck 'Aatchlll4n (,Iilli.am and Re':jina Victoria charles Kin;; sprague, Dwyer, Asplan4 & Tobin-ATTN. James J. Milligan S~QO IHotlI.D .\.PLU AT THE mtMDlG I , FOBM NO.1 TOWI-I OF SOUTH OLD BUILD'ING DEPARTMEI-IT TOWI-I CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, 1-1. Y. Examined ........................................, 19........ Application No. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit No. ................................ Disapproved of c ....................................................................................... ....... ......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. (Building Inspector) APPLICATIOI-I FOR BUILDII-IG PERMIT Date ...............mU.....2.9........................, 19..63..... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of propertymust be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue" Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available far inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whale or in po rt for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other "pplicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code and regulations. ChB:r..~~.~...~~.... .41.c;, ....M~ l.,.J&l.IUI1u.. .............. .... .... ..... (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) ...... .l!:.~II:t... Mu1on...,N. y........ .... .... ......... .......... ........ ....... (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ,...... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... ... '" .~&~~.~. ..Q.~.. .9.w.g~;r.............. ..... .................. .,. ..... ....... ..... ... ... ..... .... .... ..... ... .... ............... .... .... ....... Name of owner of premises ..H..J.....Ig~es.1aa................................................................................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. .................... (N~;';;~' .~~d..titi~.~f. ~~;p~;~t~' ~f'fi~~;i"""""'"'''''' 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ..~............................. Lot No: ....xxx....... Street and Number ..... .N/S..... iA:qu&V':I:ew" Aye...... ..Eas.t. .MalI.1oR,.. .N...Y; w................ ......... ...................... ....... , Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ........one...fam1ly....dlolell1ng............................................................................ b. Intended use and occupancy ...........llMle.....y.ith...an..add1.t1on................................................................ 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .................. Addition XXJCt Alteration .................. Repair .................... Remaval .................... Demalitian.................... Other Wark (Describe) ...................................... 4. Esti mated Cost ... .... .... .... .... ............ ...... ...... ...... ......... ..Fee .....5...00........ ....... ....................... ........ ......... .... ....... ..... .... (to be paid an filing this applicatian) 5. If dwelling, number af dwelling units .......~~~..............Number of dwelling units on each f1aor ............................ If garage, number af cars ........................................................................................................................................... 6. If business, cammercial ar mixed accupancy, specify nature and extent af each type af use ................................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front .......................... Rear .......................... Depth ............................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................... Dimensians of same structure with alterations ar additions: Frant ................................ Rear ................................ Depth .............................. Height ..............................Number of Staries ........................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ........5::tt...P/.H... Rear ..........St.t...P./.H Depth ......2!ttt...p/.... Height ............................ Number af Stories ........0................ 9. Size of lot: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ................................ 10. Date of Purchase ........................................................Name af Former Owner ........~.!.~.!.'-!I?!;I:.............................. 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated.............~.....~...~.t,,~................................................................. 12. Does proposed constructian violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? .............1.~~.................................. 13. Name of Owner of premises ....~!.;r.!Jl*~...~~~.......Address ......~.!.~~.~~................... Phone Na. .................... Name of Architect ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of Contractor ....................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. -5 't>s,te. J<.. I I ~<;) i \--" <;:;>~, \ .~ r; , "}'" v' '" VI))~. (~ <E 7l!~ At}..'.J 1>.. V \t. IJJ f-x"i:.. 2b'01J-r$F o~E~ij>llo.lk........J 5.5. ..................................~~~...~~.QI...........:.............................being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing application)' , above named. He is the . .... .... .......,C!!IJ\\1<. ..Qt.. .~e;r.... ...... .,. ..... ...... ...... ..................................................................... ........ (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc,) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application ore true to the best of h' knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application ed t rew' . ~ ? Sworn to before me this . . . .~ ~~;~~.~~~;~~:: ~ay of .....~.....~~.~~.&;~19.6l+.......... .........~........(s.ig~.......e ~~.:~~j(............................ Notary Public, State of New York No. 52.0344963, Suffolk County . Comm:ssion Expires March 30, 19 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK . r I~ft &~ :~:;~.~~?' APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZON I NG BOARD OF APPEA~ TOWN 0 F S~OLD, N.~. 1, (We) !/-:~~:~'~p;:~t...:J.~.::j""Of ........,/..':'.~St.;~~t~~.~~;;;b!t..~............. ..t.;,>!.!.L/!~~~!./f..~:.............................. ............ .........I!:::.L.......HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality StaTe". :::L~:A~I:: BF::R:E~:I:P::L.~..~~~.~.~.~.E.. ~.~.~I~:~:A~;D ~~.E~~;.~.~.~ WH"''' THE BU"D'(yZZ&:;r.:~;~Vmm of .....i~~.~~:(J:;~t..~~~7;~i~.i~it~~.::..~:.~s:r(.~~..:........~. / PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section Sub- section and paraJlffrF. fth~~.z~nIr(! nrdinan~.io'f ,.Qu~r. ~ 'l't '9'te the Ordinance.) , 3.V"!'YPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 .- 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... V REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( is reques~rthe reason tha.t ____ / J / I /' N /' ~ ~/;' j -1 ,i .- S ~ ,./ / 0'. / / Ve /1- C f, ~ Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because /)/rVC( -J- V )1 iI./....... /t' 1..... I fr, l (' ;; I:. - l- e! ,- /, r 7;< , '/" cl /1, / 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because L, f- /. (' " '1' i.. I ( JI- I ( (i, L, ,rl C:/~' ;-" ) 3 The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinonce and WOULD NOT CHANGE .!I::1I CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because ,"'/ -'-" I ' '.' /.J P r "'" , J JI/,.c! ///~~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ," / ~ d COUNTY O~? SS 'H'H..H.H.......H.....H....... HH'H.......................H.H..H.... Sworn to this ......HH.......~.~....'....H.. day Of..HH......U.~H..H......H........... 19~/ ..;Q p~d...~.'.~~;i~~~........ V~. , 'I' State of New Yo" N~~ary5;:~.~'};,~{963. SUffOlkh c30oun79 fo,~ Comm,S~IDn E.xplres Marc , k1. _~/.-y'i), l;l,iR, #~b,-3 - --OEV;E-D(3Iql~wr>, ") /Jai - - 2 -/:2. TOWN OF SOUTHoLD PROPERTY RECORD \.. . CARD OWNER STREET VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT ! : 'fV /), /) . FOR~ER OWNER /' A/V ('1/ RES.::) Ib SEAS. 3 DES ACREAGE ..!.- S r:it~ ( /1 .,;!!, (r)J. ~ H' ,-", r::r-:.Ji,. . " YPE OF BUILDING IND. I CB. I MISC. VL. FARM COMM. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ," I ; ,.t-- .3- 60 CD 7rJO (t!:>C) -.:;- Q 0 C" (") ') ;J. Ll 0 Q!i CJ 0 v".3/~- cS \" ~.? '" 0 1/ 3//7', / ( r BUILDING CONDITION , ?P <:> \:;}-/~> 0 J /0 D 6-/60 -/9t'L AGE NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE V..<5 : Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value , o d'>7 ~a.. Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland ---~'~---.J' Brushland . Hou~'~ -- , i I Total I Ln.. ... (J ~~~-.~' . - M:~/) m.'. ,<.')",' t i .>;,;:<< i t' ""'.""--1'''- .....".:~ , ... " " ,f ~ ...' , ) r/ . ! ~ j' ~! :.,~ .'~ J ~i ;::1 [ '~ I , ',- i , '''-I i I I i I I -I I ! , 1-.' i~,1 I I I -..; '"'" "" , "<I I'i::.- I , ,[. ..... 1 101""0 ~ ~, ~ I" ~ 0' oli o '< , I ,I " I I' , , I . 1 i , I i I I I i i L-! , ! ~ ;. . ;1~<: ' ;~~ " ""0 o ~ n ::r '" In " X ~ ~ , '" '" :J :J , ~ ~ 0' 0' , :J :J I m X ~ ~ OJ ~ a: o' (Q :J s: - " -., ...:tit" I I~' r~ Ix ........ .. I ~ ""'! < " . ~ C).. - I ~T I ,~ l-'\i~ ::. , - tD ! 1\rJ ~ :'t +;. -- f' ~\ \ . lD "- ( > I ." :J g- o ~ '" ~ ~ ~ :!: 0 '" ::r ., n -+ ~ ~ 0' ~ k. ~ :!) ,. :J \ in' ::r ..,. -"'J r- I. fl " ?- <\..g--:.. ~ f ~"\ ~ o ~ " "- -, " ;>::l ;>::l 0 0 0 0 3 3 ~ ~ '" - :J ~ 0. ~ ." ." 0- 0- 0 0 ~ ~ , . i , . ~ ~ ~ () , I~ I ~ I !~ , .J~ I I I IA \~ (' :!) ~ '" ""0 0- n '" r-l::, ~I I~ m lD:'" X 0 i 0 :-to tn it: < 3 I 5- < '" 0 o ::J ~ Vi" ..... g ~t,.'t, ; ~~&'t.:'i, "'-j. ':" ...- ," - , ~S- ".~... - , < ~ , , '. / ..... -' /. -'..-' ..-'.....................-. y' ".~'- ""0 o ~ n ::r -.l.b (" - t\.- i I , , , i , I ! I , I - $ . u. I I ).:, I !~,' '- ~, . K.~... ~~ ~ " i; "..: I. ,:,!c ,', ;1; , . , I.~i; J, '-~' , I " , , ""; J ~ V ~ I ~;;.J - / / , ...,. ~\~: -c i:,',:t!L .~. ._ [Y,;, , ~ ,:_:{~1:";:, ",~", },/':-;t{-;; ',"'.. _ , ,i~,; '"fr , .f" i \ , " ,,^ " WILLARD J. DAVIES M.D., F. A.C.P 290 HEMPSTEAD AVENUE ROCKVILLE CENTRE, L. I.,N. Y. lTay 11,lQ64. lIr. Terry, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. Dear T.Tr. Terry: I have recently le1nned tl1at Hr. Icarc Iglesias of Aqua Vim,! Ed., Hast Yarion has been served for a violation on his property as a result of a small ad0i ti on to his home. As one of his close neighbors and an interested citizen in any change in our community, I feel the,t this ma,y "rork a hardship and might be un,iust. I do believe that this merits some reconsideration. y, :.:lJD:S. t ~ 11. Aquavi,_ Ea.st JUr" Y. , IIy "'ear lIir. 'l'erry, In regards to th~ violation on the property of ~ neighb ,lUre Iglesias in Ea.st .arion, I wish to say in their behalf tha do not consider this slll&ll addition to their home a nuisance or 0 ensive in a.n::fWay. We find them always eager and willing to'maintain nd improve our community. IIy many thanks for your kind indulgence. ~~ tz-.-< ......-- , r ..... ...0... ~ t FORM No.5 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE sOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION Date ..........A.P.!?.'.h...L.7......19by TO .. .~!;;:.';';;~~t.h#'f:::/::;,:;~~~)....~j.. {l ...J;.. r <I .,A-!' ).!-:lJ....l.M.......:~..J..'0.'::-:.....0!..r:-::../../(/, ,IV: / (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violat ion of: Zoning Ordinance .......~:.................. Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations ............................. n at premises hereinafter described in that..~c;;;.d~..e~...~.'-..~.."!..-.~..bjJ (state character of violotion) ~....~"'~.:/f...'&f-~.l...~.~.~..~.~,~,.\......w..~.:f....(f'.~ ...~.R-.....t;zlt~!;..~..~:~JfrS;~7~3...................... In violation of...... .... ... ..... ........ .......:t......... ... ...... .... ......... ... ... ...... ...... .......... (state section or paragraph of app licable law, ordinance or regulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith in or before the .............~..7....~...............:........... , day of .......~cp...........19..b.7'. The premises to which this ORDER TO REM EDY VIOLATION refers are situated at ./,. ,/ C~f'vlv,~/. ;/'ft.....~,_..y.'...i.c..vJ.~7.~.<..............county of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions oforesaid a nd to comply with the opplicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine Dr imprisonment or both. ..~"';;;t;;;1i;:.o/.mm.m..m. ___ _ _ _ IIlOlII __ II .. .( > . ?7jOr/ '1;.;t1' t J /,>, ~ I - .. --- - 4 ~ C\ai~ ~ )~) ~ r'- ~~I f~\ 11)1 rftY'\ April 25', 1964 Miss Ingeborg Tallarek 119 Lexington Ave New York 16, N. Y. Dear Miss Tallarekj Thank you for your letter of April 22nd, REI propos~l of Mr. Iilesias to build on the rear of his house, Aqua View Ave" East Ji4arion. A build,or has b"'en in to see me about such an addi t-ion and his proposal comes within the permitted requirements of the ordinance. They have not yet submitted any drawings or plans or an application for a building permit. I have been a"sured that the addition on tho west side of the Iglesias housewill be removed this ....eek, I ....ill keep an eye on it. Yours truly I J J J f " , ''{" . ~---. , Building In~pector \ ,:-"-,, ,.'" f'i~, ,--' ;; ,:t.~' ,~- ':'A.l " '~ . ',",,',,' f"'" , ,IS: , _;Mi"_: '$'-" .~11> ~ ;'-"'"<", .1,,';' '" " .outbo14 .,.,.,.. aoucl of AWn1a -J- ...yU,lIN 1 Aftu 1Aft8~lpUan aa4 iDapecUala t:be loUd liUIt tba~ BU1ta. and ..,1Da V1ctoda w1llb to p1.ace a ~ a. _ tile pzop6d.)' 01 a. 8. lIObin8on. DOnIa 8ide ItOuta 25. aut CU'~iJ-", ... lOft. Jbr. IIObtft~ ... '1..... II""t_",- to p.1~ a a. OIl Ilia poperty. 011 the .191' ,,111 a,pfIU tbe tfO&'da -V1ct.oc1.a ..-.1 COttapa. Mat.ecl, BaJ'WiMr. 80uth014, U4 the .n.... to the ClOt.tagN". fte!lOU4 fi1a411 tbat tlau 81ga "U1 be __fiel.al to the t.rIW8l1l19 ~U.a JD nlaUClll to p1ac.. of 104t1ll9 1ft the 'fGWD of 1Outbol4.. .. ao.r4 I...,. tlaat the public ~ClIaY..l... and wel,... and JUu. ,,111 be ..4......4 a4 the lepUy utaJ)lf... 01' plftdU:a4, ... of the Mtr""utulol ~~rt.y aa4 a4Jo1ft1Ja9 ... 4.t.Ra'icU ,,111 aot be pe.,....~Uy 01' ...-tan*t-Uy JDJun4 ad the aputt of tM ~df~ ,,111 be ...ne4. .,j!, :t; ,,\ .~ .1 '~ ",". ~i~ 011 ~1ma I'I.r D. e111iap1e. ..c.... bF.. ....M, it 1a8 IlUOLVIm tIaa~ "111.... aa4 ..,1Da Vlctecl.a. ..J'Wuw.... 8outiIold, ... ron. be pute4 pma1aa~ .. place a ~J.oul 81ga CD the ~~ 01 II. .. IIGbI'u-,. located aoatiI .ide ItOuta 25, IIut Cutchogue. .... Yon. "J~ to tile fo1low1ll9 c-.UtJoaa. 1. '1M .. ehaU be .' . " 2. '!he a1ga IlhaU be place4 J .... f&oo. UJ' pz'OplU ty 1iDe. 3" '1M a. IlhaI1 be p1tle'M 3 .fHt; f&oo. powwS 1ftoel. .. 'JtwI aip lIhaU be eubJen to au xu1u a4 , ngulaUozw of IlCD confondJag .1gU. ,i-;;,; \ voe. of the IOllNt AJea. Mr. Gll11ap1e, MJ:. ..",~. ... 1IlI1ae. , . ~ ',' /, , i(~.;;: .\o,;-:;:~:<_..:., ';W'$"'~'i';lJI;l at /./) · · · '. ~~*}~i:0:,.' - - -<J ~.,~ ~h:'~k';'7r~". JtJBL.IC BIWlDlO. Appeal 80. 663 - ..00 1'.JI. (I. D. 8. '1'. ).... ' ;, appl1caUon of d:ua.rl.. JtJn9. Aqvay1ew A.-ue, ...~ IIU''''-. ..., ,,'I'DZ'k, a/c ,Hue: J. 191ed... AqIMlyUw A'Ieilue, BUt: IIU''''-, .... YOI'k. ., tOI' a "..,1anee 1ft ace_AIL. ~ "lth the zoa1ll9 OI"Ah--a, Artj~le In. aectioD 307. tOI' peD1aaSoll to enc~ ... ackU.Uon _ the exJ.aUD9 dweUlDg '11th JaG 8ide ru4 ana. r.ocaUon of plCOIlti ILYI ..u. 8ide AquaY1ew AY8U4t. ..._ MariGft. .... Yon. ~ MCtIa ~ I.Oa9 ltI1aD4 Bound, eaR by ..n:y s. !lOWe. IIOUth by AquaY1ew J.oa4, ~ by S. Va 8elver. ......14 $'.00. , .";'_.L;,;'~ ~'- ~J- :{1< ',e,.o"t-, I-f' . if-~-.- ( ',- J"~ ~ '" , - ~ } _ i-IJ~' The Chair-" opened the headn9 by na41n9 appUcaUon to~ a varUm'... legal not1c4t of hMr1ng. affidav1t. atteat.1n9 W its p;r.bli.cat1oD iD the otf1c:l6l aftIIIpape.r. U4 Dot.1ee W the app11c!aDt:. '!he JSoiIrd loake4 at. the p"*.... ~ the PZ'Cloparty 1n ....Uon. aod the CbaUman zeacl the followiD'g 1.Uen. A,r;c11 22. 1964. Dear Mr. 'l'el:&y' 1 undea-.tan4 that JU'. 191o.Jaa Whose property OD .'\qUa View AWDIM 111 But. Ma&ion ~de%. the Ea.t sJ.de ot ay propeny plana to ex~ tile blade of hlll bOWN. .mea tbu """,14 oba~ .y view on thlll .1dia of ay P&'Opert.y 1 .. way IIIUCb coa- ," cerned. becaue 1 feel t.bat. thu wou1.4 4epnc:HU tha value of Il,Y. JIZOPUt.Y cooaldeqJJly. '" 8outholli Town 8oaJ:d of Appeals -6- ....y 14. IttW " 1 VO\ald be _t; \J&"auful if rou ~4 lDfcma .. of _ny1:bl8q that; 1 caD 40 about th18 _t.teJ:. 8.t.Qcerey. .t./ 1b<1eboq 'fa1lueJt. CC\<, M.r. JOIteph 8nelleMuq U. Mr. lA.tel' A1Ml:UOA. April 25. 1964. Dear IU8tI ~. UMtnk you "- your lettel: of ApJ:11 22n4. IUh pz'~1 of Mr. 191..Jaa to bulld on the I'e8J: of b18 ~. Aqua View Aw.. a..t Haz .1on. A builder haa 1:Ieen in to aea lIS alxNt. auda AD addlUon an4 h1a pro~l COItle. w.ltbJ.h the pI%lLlued ""lUlremeots of the OS'rH"..",ce. '!bey have DO yet. au1llaitto4 any anw1llg8 or p.1ADlI or an appl1caDt.1on ~ a build.1Qg pGnu. t. 1 have been a.sured that. the _441UoQ an the ",..t; aide of the IgleS1a8 bOWIe w111 J>e :&'tIIIIOVe4 thlll week. I w111 keep ay eye on it. Yours tzuly. lal SOward h:ny. Buil4ln9 ID8pec;:tor. May 11. 1964. My Oeu' Jtt. Terry, 1D ngar4a W ~ v101at:1ca Oft the property o~ Illy ne1gbbor. JifaX'C 1llleas.a. 1n Eut: Mar1on. 1 w1ah to ..y lD theu behalf that. 1 do not con81der th1. 8mIlll add.lUoa to their home _ nuia.nce or olLen.lve 18 anyway. we Im4 t.heaa always eag~,.. And willlng to lII&1ntain an4 lapJ:OYe OQr ~Uy. My many tbanJca for you kind .lnc1ulgence. /81 Percy S. Rowe. ....y 11. 1964. Dear Mr. ~y. 1 have &'ec4lDtly learned that IV. MaJ:c 191..16. of Aqua View Road. Baat. HwrJ.an hu beeneerved for _ v1olat.loo on h1a property u _ reault: of a ...U a441UOD to .111 "",.0 cM)% 'f'iL..,""l , .,.,d.,l'>ii<.'" Sout:hQ1d Town Board of AppelIl. -7- " Mily I', 1964 (1 hCl'lllt. Aa one of h1a clotJ. ne1glUlon and an inUn.UeI c1taen U any cban'J. in our: C( I wU~. 1 feel. 'that hthu ..y WOJ:k a hardah1p and 1Il1\lbt. ;be UDJ _t.. 1 do believe that h18 _r1u .CIIIe nc:ooe1derat1CD. very .1Dcea'e1y, 1.1.,. J. Devlo.. fttI: CHADM.'H. U t.hea'a anyorMi ~lI4lOt who w1alh.. to ..,... .1.A !avoa' of ~ls app11C4U.on i .... C8I\PnS 1tDIG. 1 _lei 11lce t.o speak 1n vtavcn: of it.. n u . teIIporary 8l1ed. It can ;be apan 1n t;wo bola. AD4 _ put. up in wo~. It u OD.ly to _ ueed to .tore tool. 1Idl11e be u Jlulld1D9 an ad41t.1oD on the bou... ICben he U fuUhed bullc1iD9 the ad4lUon. tho lIheel ..111 ccme dawn. If you _ro QP t:ber., you wou.l.d s.. wbat. k1n4 of a place Jw k-.pe. '1'l& CHA1JIlMNl. It. 18 very attract.!".. i;> >'" .". ( fat. CSa_...", iUIIG. ... waut.8 the abed t.o keep the tool. 1n 80 that they an DOt .i.scat.tend aJ.1 ~r the yard. I'hue 18n'" _y pJ.ace 8lee to put ~ ahed. U c:.rta1nly woul.dD' t ..t. it. 1ft h1a b"ont: yud. '1'W!: Cl:iAIRMNf. All the lota an loo'i QaUOW lota in t. hJ.a HCUca. the lot adjacQnt U a lon;} narrow lot.. 011 the bluI18 of th18 r...ca!n9. the llbape of the lot doe. DOt .... lLke lID Wl1que ~1p. 8'1'AJIIZY CC8Wm, Eoo. I Would the applkant. settle ~ hav....., the abed ~rarlll/'? MIl. CHARLES lt1W: Yes, that 18 what. be wauta. 'l'aS CHAIRMAliI Is there anyone pre.ent. who w18he. to .peak ageLnat. th1a app1lcaUon" MUS :DIGU~G 'fALLAREK: 1 would lLk. to .peak ag.a1net. 1t.. ftae houac 101" bul1d \4wB J: Wll8 away. When 1 ca.. back lut rear th18 slll&ll house was built. 1 went to Jb". 191..188 and eaked b1l8e to move it. 'J.'he BOaI'd d18r:u..ed the lote in tha1: area, and boN JI1ea ftllank'. lot. 18 located u nlaUon to Mr. Igl..188'. lot.. (J MISS T~l Bow tar doe. be bave to 1Mt Ix.. ar paoperty line! TBB CUAJ1UWlI 'the auU<11ng ln8pect:oz 18 Sa poa1Uoa to nduc. the side yardo to 5 feet. and 7" feet.. Sout.hti4 TOWD 80Ud o~ '\p~lC4lla -8- by 14. 1964 (, au... 't&11.~ell lJhowe4 to the 8Ollr4 pJ.ct.u%ee ehe had t:aic_ of t.lie p~opeZ't.y q queauon. ~:t wre ~ phot.OIJ wbJ.C'b expoeed the 81taat:.t.on "Z'j/' well. '11\0 Doa%d 100lled at ~. lIDd 4J..acua8ecS t.t--.. C~1 t. thltre lIDVODe el_ Who wleMe 'te ~ .""'"*t thu aWl1c:auon" JUS8 T,AU,""Ulb 1 tIOU1d lilUt to Ny aqaus that. 1 .. ..ry lIUC'h' apt.ut. thu. lIDd 1: ~t. t;o l'la" lIlY r~tAI. 1'118 Cl:lAUlHJ\N1 qe ~ by QUOllt.1oas 7 1: th1nk the iIOIIr4 VOta14 ILlite t.o ..( lIOl'W ~U,oae. AIlT1'lt.'R W.1LL>>U<<a. 1Ddiaa IlleCll taJMI. "conlea Juat. how 1OD9 .1U. he l:l4I able to leave t.hl. bull\11n<;J "p,' "f bE <: hAJJl:HAJl. life w 111 C'OV'tI~ t.he t. ( MIS8 '1~.&..'<J 'the lettel' 1 wJ:ote to U. t'ltrry. ..... DOt; COIlCemtn'll 1.'18 .nall .r,eoJ. 1t 18 the add1t.1on WC,1C:h .I:le prop<c..4 to put. ClQ tbe Lou_. 1'l,J.a al:!<Ut.iOIl would o<:-,.tJ:l.lct; ay v1_. 'rhe:re we.a 80M <UaCldla1oa on tha layout. ot tl,. lot. an4 how Mr. 191..ia.'. a..w1tioa would affect Hi.aa '1'a1laz~'. v1_. . 'ii" ~; \'-;-",- L:--:':~ ~l p~-' ~.." ,,.' H'..~: T..n {i11l1ltMANI 1 bctle.lve t.hat 1:llU hardehlp 18 a ..Ix cnat.ed hardehlp. The a4d1t1oo 18 pract.ically Oft the nei~. SC0.p8rt.y, " perna.,. 1.. Tn. OllUltMAll, .U t.heJ:. anyth1n.J fw:t.h-. for 01: a'!iaiftat. t:h.ie appU.cat1oa l (There wa. no rea?Onee.) After inv..U,..auon and 1uapect1oa 'the ~d f1DcIa t.h8t Chal'lea ,(J,II,;]. a/c Hare 191..1&8 h&o bullt . ...11 abed on the aide of the ex1.t1n~ dwel11n~. w1~~ inaufficient .1~ yard area. '11Ie <i081'4 teels t.i:.at this 18 . ..If-cnated baz4eh1p. '1'be DolII'd Una tbet; the hax.an.ip 1. 110\ ,ua1que. due to 'the fa" that \he ottiel' lot. 10 the ana ar. al.o lon, _rrow 10te. De xeaeontog 10 the app11cat1cn 111 I1lOt 80\111'1. c' 'She BOh'd flo,. tilAt; atr1ct application Of the OJ:<UDa~ .1U. DOt. pJ'O'juc. Pl'act1c:al 41fttculU... OJ:' ~eur ~1p, the hU;dah1p created 1a not. wt1q". azuS ~d bet....red b<y aU ~OJ.4.I'U.. a!1i{8 1n tn. 1rlmeiUat.e Y1c1nUy Of U11. pcopefty _4 10 the .... \I8e 41.tI'1ct, &Ad u... Y&I'1ance doe. DOt. ......". Use .putt of the OI'iUnaDc. an.j w111 chAm~ t:he dluac~ of ~ cUaul.n. Soutllold 'J'OWU ;3OIU:d ot ....,.,..1>> -9- May la. 1964 c On motion '.f Mr, Gillispie. seconded by Mr. Berg-en. it: waa RESOLVED tbat ChaZ'l.. K1n'J. Aquevl_ Avenue. Baat ~1on. IIew .ozt;., ale: Hare: J. 19l...tae. Aqueview Avenue. S-t Hllr1oD. ... YOZ'k. ~ denied perrd..aion to erect an ad<::UUon on the exl8Url<; dwelling with DO Bide yazd u... It 18 further aBSOLVED that the ahed l:Ie taken down by midnight, May 29. 1964, on the property loc.-at:ed north aide Aquav1ew AvenuE!, aUt HaJ:1cn. New YOJ:I(. Vote of ~ BOard. Ayu, Mr. GllU,.pt... JU. Ber<jCHl. MI'. &al... * . . ( Pt:EL.LC llEAR.I1tG. Appeu NO. 664 - 8elS P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon applicat.1on ot Spz-ague. Dwyer. Upland. " 'l'Obin. AttonleYII at Law. 220 Old COUDtZ'y acad, M1n.ola. Hew 't'Orlc. a/c: Hew Ywk ftl.pbone COIllpaD/. M1neola. ~ ~lC and Villa.... of GXfleftpozot. GreenpGn:. uew 'lor". foz a apecJ.al except.ion 1ft ac:cOZ'cIaftce with the zon1ng ord1nance. Axtiele 1~1. 8ect1on 300. Sl.ltldJ.vl8icn Ia. for peZ1U8a1on to erect a telephOne ~han'ie J;.u11cUDq an" aCC'888OJ:y .... on property of the Vlll.~ of Greenport. LOc:at1on ot pzoptrtVI DOZ't.... west corner Ma1n ll4Mlel. (Route 25). anel MoOz'e'. I.ane. bounded nOJ:th by ot.her land: ot Village of GrlMnpQrt. ...t. by Moore'a Lane. sout.h by 11ll1n Road, _at 1:;;'1 other land of Vllla.;e ot Gz'eeoport. he pald .5. vO. MF... STJlNLB'i' CcmWDi. ESQ.. .1 daa' t th1nlt it. 18 Meaaaery tor you to read the applicatioo, 189&1 noU.ee, etc. right now. TfX CliAUMANI I \ODdorstand that ~ &Ill auppoee t:o do thl8. eo .1 quell. .L better. 'rhe chaUman reaa the application for . apecial except,1oft. lep1 not1ce of bear1n<J, aff1<lav1t atte.t1n<.l t:o ita publication in the off.1c1a1 newspapex. anc2 not.1ce to appllcant.. '!'HE CW,1JU.'AN. 111 thero anyone ~.ent WhO "'18.'1" t:o a~ 1n favor ot th1. applicatJ.oo.? C' MR. ~y coowm. l.SQ.. .1 repre.ent the V1l1a941 of <iZ'eenpoz't. The Vllla'l8 certa1nll needs th1a new inatallation. The Village 18 1ntere.ted in d1apoe1n'lJ of ita property an" 18 1ntenst.ed in ....1at1n'1 ~. Telephone company 1.n mak1n<l thl8 lnata1laUon. I'he .tat81llent. !rIllde 1n the application ue Uue 1ft every reapect:. '!'be only rea1dent in th1e area 18 tbe one on the north aut corner ot the rofain Road and MOOre'II Lane. 'ltle net of the ,,*o.,.rty 18 .\:%rounded by 1>ua1ne.a. J dDn't th1nlt anyone 18 go1Di to ClR'Cla. thu in8t.allat1on. Ingeborg Tallarek 119 Lexington Avenue New York 16, N.Y. Mr. Howard Terry Southold, L.I.N.Y. April 22, 1964 Dear JvT. ... erry, I understand that Hr. Iglesias whose property on Aqua View Avenue in East Marion borders the East side of my property plans to extend the back OC his house.Since this would obstruct my view on this siGe of my Droperty I am very much concerned, because I feel that this "70uld depreciote the value of my Dronerty considerably. I would be most grateful if you would inform me of anything that I can do about this matter. ,,- Sincere I,lL....- - f ' ~' "L'1"'-' C :::.A i ," I) / \.' \:: \.> .....\..::. '---"'-/l-l-"":)'1:....../ Ingeb rg Talltrek- I cc:~~. Joseph Snellenburg II Mr. Lester Albertson