HomeMy WebLinkAbout685 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF IlEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NeWi York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Bol>rd of Appeals of !be Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main :Road, Southold, New York, on June 25, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ. upon the amended application of R. G. Terry, Esq., Southold, New York, ale Char- lotte K. Gittinger. 3 Forest Drive, Springfield, NeWi Jersey. for a. variance and recognition of access in accordance ' with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IIII I Sections 303, 304, 307. 308, Article X, Section lOOOa, and the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A, for permission to divide lots with insuf- ficient frontage, and for approval of access. Location of property: north side Cedar Beach Road, bounded north by land of applicant, east by Bay, south f ~PP'Ii:ant. west by land of "". ':"s.~.: .c; " COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor. of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at South old, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the onnexed is 0 printed copy. has been published in soid Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- i ,.. man once each week for ....'.....'..~.....,,:........../....... . weels.s successively, commencing on the .......................,................ Wells, ' Jr., Vail Brothers. Ine., Main , ! New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Qrd1nan.ce, Article IV, section 400. SUbsect10n 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell used and new cars. Location of property: north side Route 2.. Pe- conic, New York, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Cierach, east by land noWi or formerly of A. Cierach, south by Main Road, west by other land of applicant. 7:46 P. M. (ED.B.T.). upon applica- j tiOD of Henry J. Smith. peconic Lane, I Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, I Section 10OOa, for permission to divide jlots with insufficient frontage, Loca- tion of propei't3"";wec8t side Cane.\ A ve- nue, Peconie, New YOl'1t;--~d.ed north by Long Island Railroad, east by ^CI"''L'. roll Avenue, south by J. O. Bell-Bedell, west by other land of applicant. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.>. upon applica- tion of CecU Young. Main Road. Laurel, Newl York, ale J. Myron Young, Main Road, Laurel, New York, tor recogni- tion of access in accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of ~ way north side Peconic Bay Blvd., bounded north by Main Road-Hill, east by Albert Nolte, south by Peconic Bay Blvd., west by H. Romanowski. 8:10 P. M. (E.;QB-.-T.), \19<)n a.pplica- tion of RObert H. Preston, President, I Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ITr, Sec- tion 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the prop- erty of Sterling Cemtery Association. Location of property: south east corner North Road, and Manhasset Avenue, ! Greenport, New York, bounded north by North Road, east by land of R. Preston, south by Sterling Creek, west by Manhasset Avenue. 8:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applic~- tion of Richard F. Mullen, Mullen Motor Sales, Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance ,with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell newl and. used cars. Location of property: south west corner Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Cottage Place, south by M. Aksten, west by R. Swezey. 8:4. P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applica- tion of rrheodore Switsavage, 46-46 Broadway, Newl York City, New York, for a variance in accordance with the zonln~~'I~'Io~ . 13~J .... n . . .Pet d f 1, .,'. , . ay 0 .............;....:......';.:.........:.., 19..,:....'. I '. / / l ,( (I (- J . ,/ ........................................................;-.................:....... / Sworn to before me this .. day of . ( ,/ ..........:t.I.~........\.L........, 19......1.. /. . / .. ...........:........:...:....:_,I....---...._/...L.~...-1" ,- ,,- Notary Public ..; ... ............... ,l'd~\El E p,W,,!E n,~:');\, 1':1 '<:;" c: r,'rw Yorl( .'}.'~;i ':';1:", C'IUllty I'i,' ji ':) -.s ,,.',!I, I~ 30, 1 ~",," n')",: kIIuf- - cation of property: east side Marlene Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by J. Mac- Lellan, east by District 9, south by other land of Swibsavage, west by Marlene Lane, 9:00 p, M, (ED,S,T,), upon applica- tion of Samuel CQpin, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green- port, NeWi York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Loca.tion of prop-: erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy. south by Long Island Railroad, west by R Brown. 9;10 P. M. (KD.S.T'>, upon apPlica-! tioD of SsmueI Copin, Vice President, f F12et I.umber, Inc., Route 25, Green-' P~l't, New York, for a special exception in accordance w,ith the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Location of prop- erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad, west by R. Brown. 9:15 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica~ tion of Samuel Copin, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green- port, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordin~ ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Location of prop~ erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by MaIn Road, east ,by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad:, west .by R. Brown. 9:30 P. M, (E.D,S,T'), upon applica- tion of New York Telephone Company, 140 West Street, New York City, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 6a, for permission to install a coastal har- bor radio-telephone receiving station on the property of Mattituck Park District, known as "Mattituck Veteran's Mem- orial Park", Mattituck, New York. Lo- cation of property: south west side Peconic Bay Blvd., and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Bay Ave- nue, south by Bay, west by Allyn Realty Corp., and Right-of~way, and others. 9:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.) upon a-pplica- tion of Shephard M. Scheinberg, Esq., 220 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York, ale Josephine Hausner, 159 w~ N#r!,'lf!:>~II.. N~W YQ.l;'.~~~""'I'" h lit II!'- Legal Notice (Continued from Page 11) c Article IV, Section 400, Su se'e it, for permission to extend permission granted for the sale and service of I motor vehicles, farm machinery, etc., I Location of property: north east comer 'of Railroad Avenue, and North Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by I J. Harris, east by F. Abrams, south by North Road, west by Youngs Avenue. I 10:00 p, M. (E,D.S,T,), upon applica- of S. T. Sage, Treasurer, Island's End Golf and Country Club, Inc., Route 25, Greenport, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the, Zoning Ordinance, Article In, Section 300, Subsection 11, for pennission to renew; and relocate an on the premises identi- fication sign granted June 25, 1962. Location of property: north side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by other land of applicant, east by Leroy Brown, south by Route 25, west by Warren CritcWow. 10:15 p, M, (E,D,S,TJ, upon applica- tion of Alfred Kneski, Middle Road, Mattituck, New York, ale Pauline Kneskl, Middle Road, Mattltuck, New York, for a variance in accordance w~th the Zoning Ordinance, Article TIr, Sec- tion 303, Article X, Section 10ooa., for permission to divide and build on a lot with insufficient frontage. Location of property: south side Middle Road (OR 27A) , Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Middle Road (OR 27A), east by J. Blasco, south by SOund A venue, west by A. WaJgo. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should ,a.ppear at the time and place above specified. DATED: June 11, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals I '-. LBGM. HO'r1c:E Notice of a.ar1aq Pursuant to section 267 of the 'l'own Law and the prov1a1ona of the AIIleIlded Bu.1ldli.nq Zone <ttd1nMce. of the Town of aouthou. suffolk Count.y. lIew York. publi.c heari.nc.;a will be held })y the zoni.n9 BOard of Appeals of the Town of 8C1\ttho~. at. the '!'own Offi.ce, Mai.n Itoad. aouthold, Hew YOrk, on June 25, 1964. on the followi.nq appealsl 7.30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon the ......dI appllcat.lon of It. Q. Terry, .sq.. Southold, N... Yoz'k, a/e Charlotte x. G1tt1n'ile~. 3 poreet Drlve. Spr.1n9flald, .... "'ereey, for a variaftce and recogntit:lon O!I acceae in accorclllnce wlth the Zoni.nq Or41nance, Ar1:1cle III, Sect.lcms 303, 304, 307, 301, Artlcle X, SecU.on 1000e, and the State of N... York Town lAW. S~on 280A, for pera.tas1on to c!i.vlde lots with i.nauffic1Amt. frontap, and for approval of access. LOeat.1on of propert.y. north side Cedar .each Itoad, bounded north 1ty land of applicant.. .ut. by Bay, south by land of applicant, west. })y land of applicant.. 7.40P.M. (E.O.S.T.), upon the ....ded app11aat,ion of Herbert w. wells, Jr., aouthold, Hew York. a/e Vall .Brothers, nK:., Main ftOad.. hC:on_ ... York, for a sJllK!1&l excapt.lcm in accordance with the Zoni.n9 Or41nanca, Art.icle IV, 8ect.1on 400, SUb8ect.ion 9, for peraiss10n t.o i.netall a pu:Jc1n9 lot to .ell used and new cus. Location of propert.y, north side Route 25, Pticon1c. .... York. boundied north by land now or foZMrly of A. C1erach, ..st.})y land now or formerly of A. c1e.rach, south by Mai.n koad, west })y other land of appllcant. Legal Notice page -2- 7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applicat10n of aenry J. Sm1th, peeonie,LaD.,A:~~k, for a variance 10 accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Art1cle III, Section 303, and Artiellll X,Section 1000a, for permi..1on to divide lota with 1o.ufficient frontage. Location of propert.y: _at a1de Carroll Avenue, Peconic, New York, bounded north by Long' I.land Railroad, ...t by Carroll Avenue, South by J.O. Bell-Sedell, weat by other land of applicant. 8.00 P. M. (E. D. S. '1'. ), upon .pp11cat.ion of C.cil Young, Ma10 Road, Laurel, H_ YOrk, ./c J. Myron YOun9, Main Road, Laurel. >>- York, for. variance in accordanc. with the stata of N_ York Town Law, Section 280A, for a~oval of .cc.... r...ocation of propert.y: Right-of_ay north aide Pecon1c Bay Blvd., bounded north by Main Road-lUll. ea.t by Albert >>olt.. 80uth by Peconic say Blvd.. _.t by H. ROIlIaIlOlNki. 8:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon app11cation of Robert H. pre.ton. Pre. 1dent , Sterlinq Harbor Marina. Maftha..et. Avenue. Gr..nport., >>ew Y'Ork, for. .pecial .xcept1on in accor4llnc. with the zoning Ordinance, Art.icle III. Sect.ion 300. Sub.ection 11. for peJ.'lll1a.ion to erect. a direct.ional .ilJll on the property of Sterling C8IllIttery A..ocialllb.. t.ocat.1on of property I .outh ea.t cornall.' Worth Road. and .Manhaa.at Avenue. Gre.nport. Haw York. bounded. north by North Roacl....t. by land of Pre.ton. .outh by sterling Creek. _.t by Manha..at. Av.nu.. LeCJlll 1l10tlce Page -3- 8.30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon appl1eation of RiChard F. Mulle.. Mullen MOtor sale.. Main Road and cottaqe Place. Soutbold. New vork.. for a apec1al exception in ac:c:or8Dce with the zon1ftq Ordinuce. Article III. Sect.ion 400. aubaect.ion t. for peD18aiOl'l i , to in.tall a .ew and uaed car lot. LOCation 01! propert.y. .outh _.t corrIer Hain Road ud Cottaqe Place. Southo14. aMI York. bounded north by Hain Road. ..at. by cottaqe place. .outh by M. 1\kapn. weat by R. "'lIIey. 8.45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon appl1ClaUon of '1'heOdore 8W1t....~. 46-46 Broadway. New Yol'k City. M_ Ywk. for a variance in accordance with the zon1ftq ordinance. Article III. Section 303. Article X. Section 1000.. for peraUaion to buiJ,d 01'1 a lot with 1n.ufficient frontalie. LOCation of ~rty. e..t aide Marlene Lane. Mattituc:k. R_ York. bounded north by J. MacLellan, ..at by Di.trict t. south by other land of 8Witaa~. _at by Marlane Lane. 9.00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon application of samuel copin. ,.... Preaident. 1I'leet LWlIber. Inc.. ROUP 25. Greenport. New Vfl'k. for a .pedal except10D 1ft aClClOrcJ.ance with the zlmin9 O%d1nance. Article IV. sect10D 408. Sub8ect.ion B. for to erect an on pr_1aea wall .ip. LoCation of property. aouth .ide Route 25. Gre_port. Mew york. 'I:Io\mdltc1 nOJ:th by Main aoad. ...t by M. c..alc1y. aouth by LODtj I.land RaUroad. _at by Il. Brown. T L89al Notice Page -4- ~:lO P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon appH_UCIIl of sa" Cop.in. Vlce Preeident. Fleet LUlIber. Ine.. Route 25. Greenport.. New York. for a speclal except.ion .in accordance with ~ ZCIIling Ordinance. Article Iv. Seet.iClll 408. sw.eet.1on 1>>. for pel'lll1..iOll t.o erect an on prea1a.. wall a19ft. Loc:at.1on of propert.y: south a1de Route 25, Greenport. lIew York. 1>>ounded north ))y Main !toad, _.t ))y M. Ca.e1dy. aouth))y Long Ialand Railroad. we.t 1>>y It. Brown. 9:15 P.M. (B.D. S. '1'. ). upon appl1cation of Suwel copin. V1ce Pr.aUlent.. Fleet. LuUer. Inc:.. Route 25. Greenport, New York, for . apeeial exception in aeeordaRee with the Zoning Orcl1nance, Article IV. Beeticm 108, Suuection):). for pexrd.ae1on to erect an on premie.a walle19ft. Loci:&tion of property: aouth a1de Route 25. oreeaport.. ... York. ))GUndeli north ))y Main Road. eut. ))y M. c.aalldy. eouth ))y Long I.land Ra11road. west by !t. Brown. ~; 9:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of sew York Telephone cOII\PIUly. 140 we.t Street. New York C1t.y. Mew York. <<or a epecial exception .in aceordaJlCll with the zonin9 Ord.inance. Art,1cle III. section 300. aubeect.ion 6a. for pexrd.asion t.o 1ne1:&ll a eoa81:&1 barbor radio-telephone r.ceiving 81:&tion on the property of Mattituc:Jr. Park Diatr1ct, known .s oMat.t1tuck. Veteran' e MelIOr ial Park.. Mattit.uc:Jr., __ York. Loci:&tion of pJ.'operty: aouth..t. ai48 MConlc by Blvd.. and Bay Avenue, Matt.it.uclc. New York. 1>>oun48d north 1>>y MCClltic: Bay.Blv4, _at by Bay Avenue. south ))y Bay. weat. by Allyan a..lty corp.. ~igbt-of_.y. and otheJ.'8. LeCjJal Notice page -5- 9,45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon appl1cat1on of SbePba~d H. Sc:he1nl:le~9. Esq., 220 Roanoke A"enue, aive~h..cl. __ YOrk. ale Josephine Housner. 1.59 Woodhull "".nue. a1".s:bead. 11I_ York. for a special except1en in accorclaru::e w1th the zen1ng Ordinaaee. Art1cle N. Sect.i.en 400, SuHect10n 9. for peJ:'1Ilua1on to pesa1..1_ to ex'tend permi.aion 91'aated for the a.l. ... a.rvi.ce of IIOtor "eh1cle. faD _c:h1raery. etc. LoCIatten of property: north ...t conaer of ..Uroad Avenue. and lIIort:h Road. ~ ~. Harri.. ...1: by P. AlJr.... .outh by IIOrth aoad. weat by Young- Avenue. 10:00 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upGD .pplicat1en of S.T.Soqe, Tr..surer. Island Bnd Golf lIftd COWltry' Cla, Inc.. Route 25 Greenport, lII_ York, for a apecial except1en in accordance with the zcm1ng' Ord.i.nanee, JU"t1cl. .III, Sect1cm 300, Subaee1:1on 11, for peui.sion to :renew lIftd r81_te lift on the premis.. idenificaUon sign qJ:'anted June 25. 1962. Location of property: naxth aiele Route 25, Greeport, S_ York, boun4ecl north by other land of appli.cllftt, .ast. by Leroy Brown. aouth by Route 2S. west by Warren. 10,15 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon applleatioD of Alfred Kneak1, M14dJ.. Road, Matt1tuck.lIew York. ale Pauline beak1, Mi4dJ.e Road. Matt1tuck. H_ YOrk, for a "ariance in ._rclaJlce with the Zoning OI'd1nance. Article III. 8eetten 303. Arti.cl. X. ..ct1en 1000.. for tllera1ssion to cU."i4e and build on a lot w1th 1naufflc:iel'lt. frontage. Locatten of propertYl south a1de Ml4dJ.. Road (CIt 27A), Matt.ituck. New York, bounded north by M,1d<lle Roa4 (CIt 27A), _st by J. sluco. south by SOWleS Avenue, west by A. WallJO. 1.89al Notice . "9'& -6- Any person dea1r1ng to be heard on tho above .ppl~tlcma should appear at: the t,1Dle and pJ.aee &llIove apec1t1e<l. UIl.'1'BD June 11, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of 1\ppMls * . * , PLBASB PtIDL:ISH OJJCE, .TWIlIl: 18, lK4, ARD J'CIRWAllD J'U'I'l'dUI (l~) i An"mA.VI'l'S 01' l!'U8LICA'.l'1:Oll '1'0 'J.'8B IOAJU) OJ' APP.U.LI, 1'OIfJIf OI'PICE, ; MAD IGlIW, SOl1.l'HQLD, IIBW YCllU<. * * * copte. ..l1ed to the follow1n9 OIl June 16, lK4c '!'he l'..On9 Island Tra..ler-Hat.Utuclt wat.chlllan R. G. Terry, Esq. Herart w. Wells, Jr., a/c Va.11 Brother., :Inc:. Henry J. au th Cec II Yo\m9 a/c J. Myll'on Youg aol:Mart H. Pr.... a/c 8terl1ra9 Hu'bor Mar1raa lH.C'....rd F. Mullen, Mu1111ft Motor sale. Harold Lacy a/c 'l.'he~ swn....._.,e ....... Cep.1n, Fleet :t->---r, Ine. Ifew Yodc '1'elephone C-..ny, ATTJih A. C. Roehm ~rd M. 8C1he1rabe~, Bsq., a/c J...pIl1rae Houaner s. 1'. ..,., Ialancl'. BIl4 GOlf and Country Club. Alfred Kneak1, a/c Palll1ne Kneak.1 SQMBClIIR 8.HOULD APPDIl. AI' '1"D RBA1l~ TOlWi -IF SOUTHOIJD, N!mV YORK 1>>-' it 0 J 'APPLICATION NOI b f's- DATE .J..Y.n.'i!.......?..~......l9 6 4 APPLICATION F10R SPElmAL EXCEPTION TO THE ZON:NG BOARD OF APPEALS, SQUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (We) ......,T..Q.;;?.~r..H.JJ:!.;.;. ....1:1.0 V$NJ:;;J1..........................................of ....15.2....y.f.Q.Q.q,h.)Jll.....f.\...Y.~l.l1J.S1..................................................... Name St;root and Number Riverhead -.....................................,................................................................,............ Municipality New York ........-........................................................ -.......................................-.................. state ilre.eby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF .APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTIDN In a.ccoroance w1th the ZON!ING ORDIr;Al<<)E ARTICLE IV SECTION 400 SUIBSfIDCTION 9 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTIID BiECAUSE: 1. Applicant is the owner of premises located at the northeasterly corner of Railroad Avenue and Middle Country Road in Southold, New York. On the premises are located three buildings: a concrete block show room, a steel storage build ing, and a 2-story frame dwelling house. A scaled drawing of said premises is attached hereto and made a part of this application. 2. For many years prior to the adoption of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, the said concrete block show room and steel storage buildings and the area adjacent thereto were used by the applicant and her predecessor in title, Fanning & Housner, for the sale and service of farm machinery and equipment. Due to the illness of applicant's husband, the latter retired from such business. 3. In May 1960, the above premises were leased from applicant and her husband, who were then the owners, to Crabtree-O'Keeffe Chpvrolet, Inc. for a term of one year commencing June 15, 1960. The lease provided that the premises be used for the sale and service of automobiles, trucks and other motor vehicles. It further provided that they 'I!ere subject to the granting of a Special Exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals. An application for such Special Exception was filed in May 1960, and after a public hearing thereon, the Zoning Board of AppealS granted the application and imposed, among other conditions; that no vehicle shall be parked closer than 25 feet from the southerly property line and that no vehicles shall be parked closer than 100 feet from the westerly property line. The tenant refused to take possess- ion of the premises because of the last mentioned conditions. Thereafter on June 24, 1960, an application was made through the Zoning Board of Appeals for a varianceo As a result of which on July 15, 1960, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted the variance with the provisions that: "No cars be parked, exhibited or stored for commercial purposes on the westerly side of the existing business building except on the unoccupied 28 foot sideyard of the (continued on attached sheet) '\ J L. . :=:;~;~~~ sa <..~......~~'~.......... Sworn to this .............~....~... day of ........l...L.l.!.1.~..............:.:........ 19?H~"_,,. ..""...""""...".....~....~........af,,.~..~...~?_..i:l.............. Notary Public r:!7,~ H. t\.:,::,~O NOT,'!;I':Y !'U8U:. ,';TAT!:: OF NEW VORl t:o. 52-50341:00 S:';FfOlK COUNTY to " l ~". r'J p'--"" ,',.. ~ . ." CC!.Ir..I;,~,ON .."F..,.... ..,;;..-.CH .;lG, 19 (p FORM ZB2 main building, and not closer than 10 feet to the existing dwellinG' and not closer than 10 feet to the Railroad Avenue property line, and that on Middle Road no cars shall be parked, exhibited or stored for commercial purposes closer than 5 feet from the property line of the front yard along the entire 244.85 feet of the prerr.ises. It This variance was granted for the duration of the above mentioned lease with Crabtree-O'Keeffe Chevrolet, Inc. Due to the delay in obtaining the foregoing variance, Crabtree-O'Keeffe Chevrolet, Inc. refused to take possession of the premises under the lease. A new tenant had to be found as a result thereof. 4. On or about March 29, 1961, a new lease 'lIas entered into between Fanning & Housner, as landlord, and Lockwood Grader Corp. covering said entire parcel for a term of three years, beginning April 15, 1961, the premises to be used for the sale and service of farm machinery. Thereafter, Fanning & Housner made two application to the Zoning Board of Appeals; (1) for a Special Exception under subsection 9 of section 400, Article IV of the Zoning Ordinance (Appeal No. 354) and (2) for a variance with respect to front yard requirements (Appeal No. 355). Both applications were granted after a public ~earing. Permiscion to operate the premises as a public garage and to exhibit and store motor v3hicles and farm machinery in front of the business building, as limited in said grant of the variance, was to continue "for the duration of the occupancy of-the premises by Lockwood Grader Corporation." 5. The lease witb Lrckwood Grader Corporation expired April 14, 1964. On March 28, 1964, applicant I as owner of the premises, leased the premises (exclusive of the residence) to Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co., Inc. for one year beginning July 1, 1964, the premises to be used for the sale and service of trucks, tractors and farm machinery. Due to the fact that the permits granted in Appeals No. 354 and 355 were limited for the duration of the occupancy of the premises by Lockwood Grader =orporation, this application is for Jer- mission to use the premises as a public garage and to exhibit motor vehicles and farm machinery in front of the building, as heretofore, by applicant's new tenant as well as by any other occupant (without naming the occupant) so as to avoid the necessity of renewing this type of application whenever a new occupant takes possession of the premises. 6. The premises here involved are located in a district zoned "B" Business District on the officia~ zoning map of the Town of Southold. 7. The use of said business buildings and the area adjacent thereto for the sale and service of trucks, tractors and farm machinery will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties, or of properties in adjacent use districts nor will it prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in this district, or those in adjacent use dis- tricts. The safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience or order of the Town of Southold will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location, and the use will be in harmony with and promote the general pur- poses and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The use of sald premises as a public garage for the sale and service of farm machinery and equipment will not be such as to create an undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on adjoining highways, nor will this use produce any sewage or refuse problem, or any obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot, nor will the operation cause any disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust, light, vibration or noise. The area is of sufficient size to permit adequate off-street parking of all vehicles incidental to the prospective use, and said use will not cause any over-crowding of land or undue concentration of population. The premises are well removed and are not unreasonably near any church, school, theatre, recreational area or other place of public assembly. WHEREFORE, It is respectfully requested that a Special Exception be granted immediately for the use of the premises for its intended purpose, as aforesaid. SCHEINBERG, WOLF, LAPHAM & DE PETRIS COUNSELORS AT LAw 220 ROANOKE AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX :599 ISIDORE SCHEINBERG SAUL. WOLF EDWIN S. LAPHAM EMIL y, DE PETRIS RIVERHEAD,NEWYORK SHEPARD M. SCHEINBERG June 5, 1964 Town of Southold Buildin6 Department Town Clerk's office Southold, New York Attention Mr. Howard M. Terry Building Inspector He: Josephine Housner Dear Mr. 'Terry: Enclosed please find two copies of Josephine Hausner's application for a Special Exception for your file. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, A~'."J~\ ,LL...,1-"Q Shepard M. SCheinberg I SMS:aml Ene. TELEPHONE PARR 't-&OO ~-- ""- JOSEPHINE HOUSNER, -'UTI' - D, NEW YORK ~. Taken June 8, 1964 --- ./ I I \ -- '-' J),'-' ~ -, oUt rj () .~ /l~ ~J"; 1 1 .) < ~~ <(~ , !l ~ i~ ~ 1 <0- 1'r . a ~\l -\ 1 > '! " ,1-0 ~~jc~ / t' ~c ::: r' - < - or ",. .. 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