HomeMy WebLinkAbout749 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PIEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and 5he provisions of the Arnexaded Building Zone Or- dirrance of the Town of Sou~hold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be ~he~d by the Zon- '. lng Board of Appeals of the Town :of ,Southold, at the Town Office, i Main Road, SouthoId, New York, ion March 4, 1965, on the folk~v- lng appeals: 7:30 P;M. (E.S:T.), Upon alypli-~ cation of J. tie,bert Oassidy, Ho- bart R,o~d, Southotd, New York, for a special excel~tion in aecord- a~ce with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Seston 1003A, for per- mission to renew a labor camp permit ,on the l~reperty of I. P. Krupski, east side Bridge Lane, East Cutchogue, New York, bound- ed north by M. ~a~owski, east by 2~ C. Davids, south by P. Bede11, and west 5y Bridge Lane. 7:40 P.M. (~.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of Eugene Horton, Matti- tuck, New York, a/'c Mildred Reil- ly, N. Oakwood Drive, Laurel, New York, gar a variance in accord- ance with the Zoniag Ordinance, Article IH, Section 207, for per- missiaa to qreet an addition with insufficient sideyards. Loca- tion of property: west side of North Oakwood Drive, Laurel Park, Lot No. 34, Laurel, New York~ 8:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of ~arrie Evans, 53 Kings Park Road, Commack, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoniug Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 7, Article III, Section 307, for ,permission to erect ,an accessory building, and ~or permssian to build with insuf- ficient side yards. Location of property: north side Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Long Island Sound, east ~y Sidor, south by Sound View Avenue, west by chey. Ar~y person desiring to be l%eard on the a~bove a~plications should ~ppear at the time and place above specified. DATED:February 18, 1995 BY DER OF TILE' SOUTI-IOLD ·OWN t~OAP~D OF APPEJkLS ltF26 STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ..... '.._../. .................. [j. .................... ~ ............... [ ................... being duly Sworn, says that .... : .............. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ............................................ weeks successively commencing on the ......... : ........... . ......... ["7 ............ (: day of ....................................... 19 ............. ......... .~::~~ ................ Swor~ to before mc this ...... day of ...... :..: ................ ~: ......... .................. :..2.. ................................. ~ .......... ~ ........ .............. 30, 196~ NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Tow~ Law and the provisions of the Amend- ed Building Zone Ordinence of the q'own of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, public hestings will be held by the Zoning ~o~rd of Al~peal$ of the Town of Southold, at the 'row~ Office. Main Road, Southold, New York, on March 4, 1965 on the follow~ lng appeals: '/:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon gpplication of J. Herbert Cassidy, Hober~ Road. Southold, New York, fol ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, /~ction 10~3A for permission to renew a labnr camp permit on the property of L P. Krupskl, er~: west side of l~orth Oakwood COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA~-flTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy, has been published in said Long Island mraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for r ' weeks successively, commencing on the ............... ,.~...o.~ ................ day of ........ ,/,../ '.' ,// ............................... :..: .............. ~ ..,.-:.... Z ..~... A..:'. .......... / Sworn to before me this ......... :..','.: ......... doy of .............. :...~L ............,1 9.g.:..;? lqot~xy Publl~ / T0¥gN 'O:F SO~-I~T~O'LDr, N~IW YORK APPLIC,ATi~ON ~0!t% ~PEICIAL E~CEPTI~O~ APPLICATION NO. DATE~......./..~,. ~..../.f~'/ TO THE ZONIN~G BIOAI~D OF APPEALS, SO'UTH!OLD, N. Y. I, (~ J.. '~ - .............. Her. b.e~..t.....u a.s.sf~d..y. ...................................... ,of .............. Ho.bar...t.....E.~.~..d ................................................................................... Name St~r,eet and Numbe,~' ............................................ S~o. utko.!d ........................................................ Municipality S~,ate, hle~eby apply t.o T~ ZONING BO~I~D, O,F APPEALS fo,r a SPECIAL EXCEP'TZON in a~c,o~rdauce~ wi,th the ZON:I,N~G ,ORD:IlV~E ARTICLE: X SECTION 1003A SWB~CTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPT~ON,~REQUEST~D BECAUSE ~ I wish to renew my permit for the labor camp which I operate and is located on the Easterly side of Bridge Lane~ Cutchogue~ Necessary repairs have been made to the building so that it meets all requirements. We have had three previous permits from the Board of Appeals for this labor camp and it will be used for the same p~poses again in 196~. JUDITH T. 80KEN Public, State of New York ~')...-:.~na~ Sufkik County '~ cr'~ Ex~rss ~;;a:ch 30, 19~ FORM ZB2 ,Te?eph F. S~w~e~i RE~ Cass~Sy's Camp ~OUTHnLD TOWN PnLImE P~=r:ONIC, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Tovm of $o~tbo3d ~oard of Appeals ?¢si~ Street Dear Mr. Robert W Gi]]~spi% Jr. In ret-,ly to your letter dated Ma~ch 6,]965 requesting inFormat~ on on C_a~sidy_'s__ L__abo__r Cam~, ~ridge Lane, Cutchogu~% ~.Y,. ~r records for ]~s~ow no ea3_].s for police werr made from Cassid~'~ Labor Cam~. Our rec~-~rd~ for ]96h do show that numereovs csl]s were made from ROBER~ BOLLINGS CAMP , Bridge lane ~ Cuicho~%F.Y. requestfng Pol- - ice assistance to settle fights; nor~ payment of wage~;; remove drunk and 5isorder!y persons smd assau2ts . Very t~!y youra; Chief of Police SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERNE:AD, NEW YORK 119o~ PArk 7-4700 Dear Sir: Your attention is directed to recent Amendments to ARTICL~ VI of the Suffolk Sanitary Code. Effective September 1, 1964, no nerson shall permit the occupancy cf and no person shall occupy an~ building, dwelling or vehicle, as a place of habitation which does not comply with the following requirements: (a) Every duelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink in good working condition and ?roperly connected to a safe water supply and a se'~age dis-osal system acceptable to the Suffolk County Department of Health. (b) ~Very d~,~elling unit shall contain a room which affords privacy to a person ~ithin said room a~which is equipped ~lth a flush toilet and a lavatory basin in good working condition and properly connected to a safe water supply and a se~,~age disposal system acceptable to the Suffolk County Departmentof Health. Ce) ~very dwelling unit shall contain, within a room which affords privacy to a person in said room, a bathtub or shower in good working condi- tion, and properly connected to a safe water supply and sewage disposal system acceptable to the Suffolk County Department of Health. (d) EVery kitchen sink, lavatory basin and bathtub or sho,*er required under the provisions of sub-sections (a), (b), and (c) of Section 8 of this Code shall be nroperly connected ~ith both hot and cold water lines. (e) Every dwelling unit shall have supplied water heating facilities which are ~roperty installed, and maintained in safe and good working condi- tion, are properly connected ~th th~ hot water lines required under the -*ovisions of sub-section (d) of Section 8 of this Code and are capable of heating water to a temperature as to ~rmit an adequate amount of water to be dragon at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower at a temperature of not less than 120'F. (f) No orivies ~hall be constructed or continued in use, except by written oermission from the Suffolk County Department of Health. Your ~oooeration in complying ~th ar~ of the afore-mentioned regulations which may affect you x~ill be appreciated. VeE truly yours, P~ :bw ,~r Joseph ~w~cki Chief of Police Town of ~outhold Peconlc,~.I. 1965 ~Joples to: J herbert Cassidy Jrt L.h.~{lbertsonv Lo,rd of Health~ J ~ t~rupski~ ~eFge ~oyen Jr * Board of ~ppesls Public dearin~ Cassidy Labor Osmp...~j~ch ~. 1965 Renewal of Permit for one year. Location of csmp:Lr~dge Lane t tbs above hearin~ nine neerby residents ~ppeared to testify agslnst the renewal of this permit.'A~eir allegations concerned mlgr~;nts living in or visiting the above camp or neighboring house to ~e sou~ said to be occupied by the crew leader of the Caasidy camp. Complaints included n~erous requests for use of phone,dlst~bi~ the PeSce,intoxicstlon,sleepl~ the street,"peept~ ~oms",stesli~,s~d ~desirable ~ctivlties of several sorts alleged to occur in the crew leaders house.ln spite of prompt police action,there appears to be ~ sharp incre~se in troubles oce~rl~ in the Bridge i.~ne sre~ since the lsat report from the Chief of Police. ~e situstion adversely ~ffects the o~der,ss~ety,end welfare of the Tow~,the rights of residents, property valuation,ss well ss the lawful use of adjacent residential ~ress. oeordi~ly the heari~ w~s recessed for one month to await your ~itten report concerning mstters ~.lleged above and in f~i~e~e to ~11 interested p~rties. T~e Eo~rd of ~ppe~lm la charged with the t~sk of approving or disapprovi~ the location of f~ l~bor c~ps closer to the residence of others th~n to the operstor"a residence ~11 other labor camps in the To,.tn view of the total lack of suit~b!e lair camp sites,we have stro~ly s~gested to Csssi~y Jr that he ~ct i~edistely to eliminate the alleged unlawful activities of his crew leader...sctivites which aggravate the no~al difficulties in ~ labor c~p. ~lao,we a~geated Cassidy that he establish direct contact with end control of the migrants In his c~mp by frequent visits ~t various times and theft undesir~bles be eliminated.~emote control imposes s b~den on the whole ~ridge~ne ~re~.Al~o the physical plant is smid to be mccept~ble to the Eo~ of He~lth,this pe~issive ume of the property in the present operation appears to vlolmte basic concepts of the Zoni~ Ordinance, :fa await your report and will appreciate any lnfo~ation you ~C~n give u~'; ~ ,L ~ ~ ~/ %~u~s~Truly