HomeMy WebLinkAbout9809-z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, ~. Y. I197! TEL. 765-1802 July 24, 1979 Deputy Supervisor James Homan Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Sir: This letter is in regard to some inquiries by Mrs. Csajko about the building department and permits for additions to Jay and Mary Thomson at 3605 Bay Shore Road, Greenport, Lot 64 of Peconic Bay Estates. On June 27, 1978, building permit #9809Z was issued for a addition, and a certificate of occupancy was issued Sept. 1, 1978. Recently it came to our attention that this addition ex~ ceeded the permitted 20% lot coverage. This was not noticed at that time that the permit was issued. Another building permit application dated June 6, 1979, was filed in this office. Before the permit was reviewed or issued, an anonymous caller called to ask if a permit had been issued for the construction started. The application was disapproved as the building would exceed the 20% coverage permitted. The Zoning Board of A~peals held a hearing on this appeal, #2561, on July 5, 1979~ Their unapproved minutes(~nclosed) says that they granted permission for this second additzon with a total of 22.43% usage of the lot. The minutes mention the building department's fail- ure to disapprove the first addition which exceeded the 2~. Yours truly, GEORGE H. FISHER Sr. Building Inspector GHF:ec Enclosures · SOUTH~OWN BOARD OF APPEALS -10- July 5, 1979 //~PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2561 - Upon application of Jay and / Mary Thomson, 695 Bayshore Drive, Greenport,5~New York (George Ahl~rs as Agent), ~or a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct an addition to an existing house which would cause the usage of more than 20 percent of the building lot. Loca- tion of property: Bayshore Road, Greenport, New York, known as Lot No. 64, in Peconic Bay Estates, Greenport, New York. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, legal notice of hearing, affidavits attesting to its publication in the official newspapers of the Town and disapproval from the Building Inspector. The Chairman also read a letter from the Town Clerk that notification by certified mail had been made to: Ann Blitz and F. F. Csajko. Fee paid $15.00. GLADYS CSAJKO: Before you get started, would it be possible for me to obtain a copy of the application? THE SECRETARY: I can make you one. MR. DOUGLASS: There is a survey map attached with the small addi- tion drawn on it, and how much area it will cover. There is also a County Tax Map of the property attached. Is there anyone here wishing to speak for the application? MRS. CSAJKO: Excuse me, we have asked for a copy of the application. Could we have it? THE SECRETARY: I'm sorry I can't give it to you right now. Our photocopy machine is locked in the Town Clerk's Office, and I don't have a key for that part of the building. MR. DOUGLASS: It would have to be done during business hours° THE SECRETARY: room. I would glady do it for you if I could get into that MRS. CSAJKO: I'm sure you would. GEORGE AHLERS: I'm the builder. Mr. Hinderman when we first sub- mitted the papers made an error in the total square footage of the house. Actually the house only covers 22.43% of ~he plot. These are figures that I have gotten from Van Tuyl's office. Because the existing house does cover 2.43% more than it is supposed, we are asking for an additional .91% in the form of an addition on to the existing house. We are demolishing part of it, and then adding~on to it to give us the additional square foot- age. I do not think this small amount of added footage on to the house would change anything, be it the character of the neighborhood or anything else for Mr. and Mrs. Thomson. MR. DOUGLASS: Would you answer a couple of questions for us. When we were. at the house looking it over it appears that it is not going to protrude past the end of the house on the water end. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -11- July 5, 1979 MR. AHLERS: No, we will be still 6 or 7 feet behind the existing front line of the house. MR. DOUGLASS: Is it going to be one or two stories? MR.~.AHLERS: Two stories. MR. DOUGLASS: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak for this application. (there was no response). Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application. FRANK 'CSAJKO: I do not want to speak against the application, but against the procedure at this point. Can I be recognized? MR. DOUGLASS: You can speak against it now if you want. Once this hearing is closed you will not be able to speak against the application. FRANK CSAJKO: Can I speak against the procedure before the applica- tion is approved? MR. DOUGLASS: You can speak right now against it if you desire. FRANK CSAJKO: Can I speak on the questions? MR. DOUGLASS: Yes, you can. the record? MR. CASJKO: I would like to approved or disapproved. Do you want this on the record or off speak after the formal application is MR. DOUGLASS: That is right now. MR. CSAJKO: In other words you are going to hold it right now? MR. DOUGLASS: Sure. GLADYS CSAJKO: We don't want to speak for or against this.. We want to speak on a question. We want on the record that we are not for or against this. MR. DOUGLASS: Okay. MRS. CSAJOKO: But we do mot want anyone here thinking we are against this° MR. DOUGLASS: Okay, stand up and talk. MR. CSAJKO: Question No. 1. According to the Bulk and Parking Schedule the Town of Southold you cannot use more.th~n 20 percent of your plot. MR. DOUGLASS: That's right, not without a variance. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -12- July 5, 1979 MR. CSAJKO: Exactly what percent of the lot will be covered if this variance is granted? MR. DOUGLASS: 22.43 percent. MR. CSAJKO: You said 28 per cent before. MR. DOUGLASS: As Mr. Ahlers just pointed out after Van Tuyl went over the surveys there was an error in mathematics by the Building De- partment. MR. CSAJKO: Before I go any further how can you vote on a variance where you have an error with the Building Department. MR. DOUGLASS: We have our own figures too. We have our own adding machines. We will go by the Sur~ey of Van Tuyls. MR. CSAJKO: MR DOUGLASS: Then you do not go by the Building Department? He can just be so accurate. He is not a surveyor. MR. CSAJKO: Okay, what does Mr. Van Tuyl say? MR. DOUGLASS: Mr. Ahlers, would you care to give him that? MR. AHLERS: The existing house covers 2~43 percent more of the lot than is supposed to be used. ~hen Mr. Hindermann first say the survey, the front sidewalk appeared to be part of the house. Which is why he came up with such a large percentage of the Coverage by the existing house. The next day he called my office about it, and I went to Van Tuyl and had Rod knock out the numbers on the calculator and he was the one who came up with the existing coverage of 22.43. We are asking for approximately .91 percent additional coverage of the lot. MRS. CSAJKO: So what is your actual figure of usage of the lot now? How much over the 20 percent are you going to be? MR. AHLERS: It would be 3. something. MRS. CSAJKO: No, give me 20. something? MR. AHLERS: It would be 23.34 percent of the lot. MR. CSAJKO: That is down on the Building Department's records? MR. DOUGLASS: My figures. It is right here in front of me. In my records. MR. CSAJKO: Okay, now I have a couple of other questions at this point. There was a what do you call it before the building was added on making the building over-sized. Am I correct. MR. DOUGLASS: I don't know what a what do you call it is sir? SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -13- July 5, 1979 MR. CSAJKO: When did the existing building become over-sized? MR. DOUGLASS: Originally when it was buil~ prior to zoning. MR. CSAJKO: Oh no, I object. I object. Because I owned that building with my father-in-law, and I know exactly how big that building was. MR. AHLERS: I'm afraid that is a loaded question. Merely because you would not know the answer to it and he does. We put an addition on this house last for ~Lr. and Mrs. Thomson. It was not picked up by the Building Department at the time that what we requested was going to put the house over the percentage of usage allowed. In fact I do not think it would have been picked up this time except that these folks were performing a public service and advised the Building Department that what we proposed to do would indeed violate the Ordinance. MR. CSAJKO: You've got the floor George. (Mrs. Csajko clapping in the background). Now can I go on with my questions? Mr. Ahlers admits that the addition is illegal. Now, can I ask Mr. Ahlers a question? MR. DOUGLASS: Through the Chairman you can. MR. CSAJKO: Okay, Mr. Chairman. Was there a variance applied for for the other addition? MR. DOUGLASS: Evidently it was not considered over-sized when it was put on. MR. CSAJKO: Was there a variance applied for? MR. DOUGLASS: It was never picked up like Mr. Ahlers said. It was not picked~up as an over sized building. MR. CSAJKO: Well, who goofed? MR. DOUGLASS: It wasn't this department. MR. CSAJKO: I know it wasn't your department. I'll admit that. Now you are going on, you are asking for a variance to go over sized on something that is over sized to begin with. Am I right or wrong? MR. DOUGLASS: Well, sir, it appears to me what you are trying to do is pick departments in this Town apart. Just a minute sir. Not answering your direct reasoning to object to the project. I think you should back off the departments and get in line on exactly what the appeal is, and object to that if you desire. MR. CSAJKO: Can I make a request that we have a hearing on the variance for the first over-size and then go from there. MR. DOUGLASS: We have no authority on that whatsoever. never come before here. It has $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -14- July 5, 1979 MR. CSAJKO: It never came before this Board? There is no precedent then whatsoever? MR. DOUGLASS: I would not say so. I would have to check with legal counsel. MR. CSAJKO:~ Can we wait until legal counsel tells me if we can do it or not? MR. DOUGLASS: I can postpone it until then. MR. CSAJKO: I would appreciate a postponement.,until legal counsel can tell me whether we can go on with the second variance when the first variance was not approved. MR. DOUGLASS: There was no first variance. MR. CSAJKO: I know there wasn't a first variance. MR. DOUGLASS: Then how could it be approved? MR. CSAJKO: You just told me you have to have legal counsel. MR. DOUGLASS: I would check legal counsel before I would say you would have to go back on that, yes. MR. CSAJKO: I would like to make a motion at this point that you get legal counsel to see whether we have to have another hearing or if this can be approved tonight. I want to adjourn this hearing tonight and find out whether the first over-sized building was legal or not. Whether it needed a variance or not. MR. TUTHILL: I object to any postponement of this hearing. We are dealing with a specific question here and not with the past. MR. DOUGLASS: That's true. MR. CSAJKO: Excuse me .... MR. DOUGLASS: On the other thing, I think you would find you will have to go back ..... We are directly concerned with this appeal not with something that did not happen. I think you will have to go back to the Building Department and see if the Building Department wants to get in- volved with revoking the original Building Permit before anything else can be done. We can pass on this. MR. CSAJKO: about the past. structure? Can I ask one more question? I don't like the part Has there been a permit to tear down the existing MR. DOUGLASS: I wouldn't know. That has nothing to do with us, sir. line. There hasn't been any through here. You are totally getting off the MRS. CSAJKO: We're just trying to find out...we are just asking questions, that's all. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -15- July 5, 1979 MR. DOUGLASS: Mrs. Csajko... MRS. CSAJKO: Let's try and straighten this out. We personally have no objections whatsoever to the Thomson's putting this in. What we are bringing up right now is that an original building was put in which was over-sized and for some reason the Building Department did not pick it up and bring it to the attention of the Appeals Board. Now they are coming up with a second over-size, which is perfectly legitimate. We are making no objections whatsoever. Understand us, we are not objecting. We are trying to bring out if there is any communication between this Board and the Building Department? Is there any spot check to see what the Building Department is doing? Now you have a case of an over-sized building which was never picked up by the Building Department which should have been. MR. DOUGLASS: Let me answer that .... MRS. CSAJKO: Let me finish what I want to say Mr. Douglass. We have personal reasons and we discussed it and we did not do it in the hopes of keeping friendly relationships between neighbors. We could have when the first building was put in raised objections because we knew damn well that the building was over-sized? You know this contributed to my mother's death. The upset on this. MR. DOUGLASS: Well, this .... MRS. CSAJKO: Now, wait a minute. Please let me finish. What we are trying to bring up tonight is are you checking with the Building Department? Are there any other variances that are not being applied for because the Building Department is not passing them along to you. Now you gentlemen are being paid to act on variances. But you get them from the Building Department. I am not in any way holding you culpable. You have to work with the Building Department. Is there anyone from the Building Department who advises you? How much do you talk to them? Do you find out what is going on with the Building Department? MR. DOUGLASS: Let me answer that this way. We are not an enforce- ment agency. The Building Department is the enforcement agency. This is not us that checks on the Building Department, the Building Department checks on the variances that we issue. MRS. CSAJKO: In other word~-, you are not in any way checking that the Building Department is doing their job. MR. DOUGLASS: When we ride around we see if they have or not. MRS. CSAJKO: Well, you didn't know about this? MR. DOUGLASS: Why should I? MRS. CSAJKO; You just admitted yourself that you check on them. Now we are in now way opposed to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's application. The only reason we came down tonight was because we have seen what has happened next door where you have a case where the Building Department SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -16- July 5, 1979 did not report it at all. In the second case I doubt it very seriously that it would have been3reported except that we called, and they knew damn well that it was us calling, asking about this. I personally be- lieve, and there are no ' reporters here tonight, are there? Are there any reporters here? MR. DOUGLASS: I think there is someone writing here. MRS. CSAJKO: Is there? MRS. SHIRLEY BACHRACH: I'm from the League of Women Voters. MRS. CSAJKO: That is not a reporter. MR. DOUGLASS: This is going to be in the public record anyway. MRS. CSAJKO: I don't want it said I am doing this for publicity or anything like that, okay? What I am getting at is that this Board should make an attempt if nothing else to spot check what is going on in the Building Department. MR. DOUGLASS: I would suggest that you go back to the Building Department and discuss it with them, because it is not within our realm. MR. GRIGONIS: It is not our duty. MRS. CSAJKO: You are evading the issue, Mr. Douglass. MR. DOUGLASS: No, I'm not. what my realm of duty is. know what my orders are. I know MRS. CSAJKO: I know what your realm of duty is. You have a duty to the public also.. And the Building Department is not putting through things that should come here. You are negligent by not checking them out. Come on, everybody has to have a little bit of checking back and forth to see what the other guy is doing. They are not doing their jobs correctly. Are you going to do your job correctly? MR. DOUGLASS: We do. We go out on the road and check these applica- tions and we have held this session long enough and go ahead on this appeal. Is there anyone else who desires to be heard. Any other questions? MRS. CSAJKO: Wait a minute. I'm sorry Mr. Douglass... MR. DOUGLASS: What you are talking about M'am does not pertain to this appeal. MR. CSAJKO: I am making a formal request right now. That you hold a hearing on the first variance... If you have nothing to do with the Building Department that a hearing be held on the first variance. I was not informed through legal proceedings according to the Southold Town Law. Mr, what's his name, Thomson. He was supposed to inform me. Each neighbor is supposed to get a registered letter. I never received one. I would like this hearing postponed and a variance held on the first addition. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 16- July 5, 1979 MR. DOUGLASS: We cannot pos%pone it unless you ar~ going to put all your arguments against the proposal. MRS. CSAJKO: Okay, we will completely object as there has never been a variance hearing held on the first addition. Understand Mr. Douglass we are not fighting with our neighboring. We are bringing something up that is terribl~ important to this Town. MR. CSAJKO: I think Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, residents of the Town will appreciate what we are doing. MR. THOMSON: My name is Thomson, not Johnson. MR. DOUGLASS: Mr. Ahlers? MR. AHLERS: Mr. Chairman, won't your granting of the additional foot also cover the additional footage that the Building Department missed the first time. MR. DOUGLASS: No. Because all we can grant here tonight is the additional area. That's what you have asked for in this variance. MRS. CSAJKO: Now you are granting their additional area. What happens to the area they have already put in that has not been granted. MR. DOUGLASS: I think you should go back to the Building Department. I really do, M'am and see if they want to pursue it in any other manner. MR. CSAJKO: The Building Department has nothing to do with granting a variance. MR. DOUGLASS: The Building Department has to make their move before we are even involved. MR. GRIGONIS: There has to be a denial by the Building Department before an appeal can be made to ~his Board. That is the only way it comes to us. MRS. CSAJKO: We realize this. We are not picking on you guys. MR. GRIGONIS: You should have gone to the Building Department at that time if you thought that a violation was being committed. About 75 percent of the hearings we get arrive here that way. A neighbor or someone calls or comes in and tells the Building Department they think there is something wrong. MRS. CSAJKO: Then what is the Building Department doing? MR. CSAJKO: What are they doing? Just sitting on·~their asses? MR. DOUGLASS: Wait a minute, let's watch the language. MR. CSAJKO: I'm sorry. We have no objection to this at all. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -17- July 5, 1979 absolutely no objection. Give them the variance. What we are trying to bring before this board is that we feel the Building Department is derelict in bringing things to your attention. You can't work on it if the Building Department doesn't bring it to your attention. We are not fighting with you. MR. DOUGLASS: You've made your point. Now let us proceed with the appeal before us. MRS. CSAJKO: How can you give an approval on something on some- thing that has not been approved. MR. DOUGLASS: It has nothing to do with this appeal. We are approving this appeal, or disapproving it, whatever the Board desires. The houses all along that area, most of them, are close and tight. It was a narrow lot community way back when it started. In my opinion .... Does anyone else on the Board want to say anything before I go? MR. TUTHILL: I'm ready to make a motion. I make such a motion. MRS. CSAJO: We knew that already. It was a foregoing conclusion. MR. DOUGLASS: We will take up what you have brought up before us with the Building Department, and I suggest that you go back to the Building Department and discuss it with them, too. MRS. CSAJKO: Oh, I intend to. But I thought it was something that should be brought to your attention. In no way are we charging you people with dereliction of duty, but I feel that the Building Depart- ment is not doing their job and therefore you cannot do your job. MR. DOUGLASS: Well, we go out and inspect these properties before we have these hearings. The fact is we have very good pictures of the exact project that are on record in our files here, in mine, showing exactly what they want, showing the positioning of the house on the total property, and we do with everything that we are going to have before us. So we make our own judgment. The Building Department does not make our judgment, nor does any other department. We are totally inde- pendent, and we are not the enforcing agency. But we will go back to the Building Department and tell them they better get their calculators up. MRS. CSAJKO: That is exactly what I wanted you to say. MR. TUTHILL: I don't we have the time here to have an open forum here. MRS. CSAJKO: I beg your pardon. States of America. This happens to be the United MR. DOUGLASS: The appeal is closed. MR. TUTHILL: You should go to the Building Department, Mrs. Csajko, not to us. MR. DOUGLASS: Don't get into any discussion with her, the discussion is over. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -18- July 5, 1979 MRS. CSAJKO: The part of the discussion with us being refused to speak to this Board will be brought before the Town Board. Now... MR. DOUGLASS: Don't ...... MR. CSAJKO: MRS. CSAJKO: rant to the Town. the Town Board. MR. CSAJKO: Don't say "don't," Mr. Chairman. We mentioned this because we felt it was very impor- You want to cut us off, okay, we will bring it before I would like to say one more thing, Mr. Chairman. You have granted an over-sized addition to an already over-sized building. How much further do you go when they come back for another over-sized addition? I would like an answer? MR. DOUGLASS: We will have to wait to see if they ever do. MR. CSAJKO: I will make a bet they do. That's good government. MR. TUTHILL: Good night. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applioants are requesting permission to construct an addition to an existing house which would cause the usage of more than 20 percent of the building lot. The addition will be two stories in height and will occupy 2.43 percent of the lot than is allowed under the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would pro- duce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion of Mr. Tuthill, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED that Jay and Mary Thomson, 695 Bayshore Drive, Greenport, New York, be GRANTED permission to construct an addition to an existing house which would cause the usage of 22.43% of the lot. Location of property: Bayshore Road, Greenport, New York, known as Lot No. 64, in Peconic Bay Estates, Greenport, New York. Vote of the Board: Tuthill. pUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. Marion Ales, Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Lo- cation of property: Meadow Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded on the Ayes: Messrs: Douglass, Grigonis, Doyen and 2560 - Upon application of Victor and 1~0~ NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Ye 19.~. .... Permit No..~..~ ......... ~uil'din-g Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS a. Thi~ application must be completely filled in by typewriter or~ in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets~Of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. 'Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets oF areas, and giving[ a detdiled description of layout ofproperty must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work coveredby this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon oppr°Val of this application, the Building Inspector will issde o Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall, have b~en granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, and Other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildings for necessary inspections. GEORGE AHLERS, BUILDER~ INC~ (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) 250 Cox Lane ............. G u,J; c,bogu.¢. ~... ~ ~.'~..,Yo,~.k ....119.35 ...................... (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ................... .G.~nflmal_ .~.o.n.tnao.t o.r. ................................................................................................................................... Name of owner of premises .... ~..~.,¥...~ll~....~..G. T3C..~..~...O..t'[t..S. QTA .................................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ........................................................................................ George Ahler~, Pre~±dent (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No. 31 Plumber's License No ................................................. Electrician's License No ............................................. Other Trade's License No ............................................... M~~./... i. Location of land on which proposed work will be done ........................... Lot No ........... 6.Z,~. ......... Street and Number ..... ~..~c. Qt0J. f;...3~3.M..~sJ:;a.teE, ...................... ........................................... G~fl.~l~.O.~..~. ......... ~6r(j~(- Bayshore Road Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of ,propo%ed construction: J~. Intended use and occupancy ....... .c].,,#..e..,1..1...i.~ ...................................... ! ........... ~~~ ......... 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building.. ................. Addition X Alteration Repair .................. Removal .................. Demolition .................... Other Work ..................................................... (Description) 4. Estimated Cost .... .~. .]: .0. . ,. .~. .0. . .0. .: . .0. .0. ................................ Fee ............................................................................ , ............. (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ............................ Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................. 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each t~pe of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ...L~.,?.,r...6.~l.....+./..-. .... Rear /4.'I t 6" Depth /4.'1 Height .......... 18~ ....... Number of Stories ..QD.e. ........................................................................................................ ,6,, + ..... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ....LIz~ ............. /.:T ............ Rear Depth ......~.] ....... .+./ ......... Height ...18. ................... Number of Stories ..... .QZ~ ................... 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front .................................... Rear ............................ Depth ........................ Height .................... Number of Stories ..................................................................................................................... 0t 9. Size of lot: Front .......... ~. ............................................ Rear ........... ~....,.~.0. ................ Depth ...~,~.[ .................... 10. Date of Purchase ..~/.Z6/.7,8 ..................................... Name of Former Owner ........................................................ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ..... D.Q .............................................. 13. Will lot be regraded , ...... ,~, ,o. ................ Will excess fill be removed fram premises: ( ) Yes ( ) No 14. Name of Owner of premises .. ~.a.~......a~..~...~..a...z~...~.o..m..~g~,. Address .~.W,~..~,~)~?..6.~.. SI~ No. ...................... Name of Architect .............................................................. Address .~..13,~..~[~.. Phone No ....................... Name of Contractor Ge~;e..~,hler. s.,...Bu.~3~dar. ...... Address .CU.~C~Q~,I,I~.~....L~ Phone No. ,~.~./~...~.Q~,I)... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate oil set-back dimensions fram property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and Imilcole whether interior or corner Iol. £ STATE OF NEW ~ORJ~,_~ , ,//'-"~1 c S COUNTY OF ....... .~ ...../~,.....c~..~.!..... ), Georger~A:~ hlers .. ................................................................................................. oe.ng duly sworn, deposes and soys t~t he is the applicam (Name of individual signing contracf) above named. He is the ........... 9.~.~...~.~9.~[ ............................................................................................................................ (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to ~ke and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and thaz the work will be perfo~ed in the manner set fo~h in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this / I ..... ,9 ';;;;;";'i;';Z ..... ..................................... ~ (Signo e o app icont) ~ U~IC, Slate of New