HomeMy WebLinkAboutWilson/Ryckman - 1405 Village Ln Mariella Ostroski, Chairperson our Uni94 Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair �,��°' eA/ 54375 Route 25 Allan Wexler `°00 �,. �'d� PO Box 1179 Fabiola Santana ° TWO Southold NY 11971 CUTH00 Tara Cubie ° U 'Aw, }� ' Telephone: (631)765-1809 Jeri Woodhouse a,' o kimf@southoldtownny.gov Kim E. Fuentes,Coordinator N°9, I RFSERVATI�N Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness August 25, 2022 RESOLUTION # RE: 1405 Village Lane, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-25.-3-1 Owner: Pamela Wilson and Thomas Ryckman RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 1405 Village Lane, Orient,NY is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks, and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 56-7 (b) of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code)of the Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit,and, WHEREAS, the applicants' architect, Hideaki Ariizumi, submitted a proposal showing additional fence covering a mini-split Air Conditioning Unit alongside the accessory garage that was previously approved by this Commission on January 4, 2021 WHEREAS, the architect and the applicant presented commissioners with an outline of the project during a pre-submission conference on July 28, 2022, WHEREAS, an additional pre-submission conference was held on August 25, 2022, where the applicants and their architect submitted final drawings of the scope of work and outlined the project for the commission; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposed work detailed in the above referenced application and depicted on architectural plans prepared by Hideaki Ariizumi, R.A., dated August 3, 2022 meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A) of the Southold Town Code and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, subject to approvals by all involved agencies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commission. Certificate of Appropriateness, HPC, Ryckman-Wilson, SCTM No. 1000-25-3-1 Page 2 Motion made by Commissioner Cubie Motion seconded by: Commissioner Wexler VOTES: AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Cubie and Woodhouse. (Commissioner Santana absent) (5-0) RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commission. Signed: Kim E.Fuentes Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission Date: August 25,2022 i -� � .z Fue-ntes; as-3 zz. .Kim a� From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 12:32 PM To: Nunemaker,Amanda;Verity, Mike Subject: HPC - Rykeman -Wilson - Required Fence at 1405 Village Lane, Orient, NY Hi, The HPC Members have reviewed the installed fence located at 1405 Village Lane, Orient. The fence conforms with the C of A #, and the Commission has approved same. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kiln,f(a Aoutholdtownnygov �►�5�� ��IC6��l1�N Location: 54375 Main Road S 2 Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: Pamela Wilson<pamela622@mac.com> Sent:Wednesday,September 14, 2022 8:48 AM To:,Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Hideaki Ariizumi<hideaki@studioabarchitects.com> Subject: Required Fence at 1405 Village Lane, Orient, NY Dear Kim, The required fence has been built around the compressor unit outside the garage building at 1405 Village Lane, Orient, NY. I have attached two photos of the completed work. Please let me know if any other documentation is required for approval by the HPC committee. Thank you for your help, Pamela Wilson 1 rR. Tr z R1'- i�4 iP' S }➢I I��*I ley, a' oy x s � �g, P L� it :1 H - :..,+ram ✓ x@ ',u 8 r NO t 9a; r t .. . __. *C 1 $` WV ' . C .,. ,Clk............ 3''aMaaC a. 1"W � era ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 4 e- V Fuentes, Kim From: Pamela Wilson <pamela622@mac.com> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 10:40 AM To: Fuentes, Kim Subject: Re: HPC Pamela Wilson residence - 1405 Village Lane Thank you Kim, I will attend and the architect will also try to attend. On Aug 25, 2022, at 10:27 AM, Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.nV.us>wrote: Hi Pamela, I don't believe my email was a demand for you to attend, but only advice that it would benefit you. In my experience with the HPC, conferences that are set up in advance are valuable, since it gives the applicant an opportunity to request advice and direction from the Commission. If you have any difficulties attending, I would be happy to convey to you the Commission's comments, and if the Commission is satisfied with the plans that your design professional submitted, they will motion for a vote to amend the Certificate and direct me to issue a decision in writing. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kimEd)southoldtoL4n ,o�v Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: Pamela Wilson <pamela622@mac.com> Sent:Thursday,August 25, 2022 9:58 AM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Re: HPC Pamela Wilson residence- 1405 Village Lane Dear Kim, 1 Thank you for this very last minute alert. I understand that the zoning board has much to deal with but I don't think it is fair to receive notice of a meeting I have to attend just a few hours before it takes place. I am trying in every way I canto accommodate their demands but this as well as the many costs involved makes it extremely difficult. Thank you, Pamela On Aug 25, 2022, at 9:36 AM, Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us>wrote: Pam, My apologies for delay in response. The Work Session begins at 3 PM today. Your design professional should attend and I believe it would beneficial for the homeowner to attend. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim a soufholdtovvnny.,�ovv Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: Pamela Wilson <pamela622@mac.com> Sent: Monday,August 22, 2022 7:59 AM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us> Subject: Fwd: amendment drawings for Pamela Wilson residence Dear Ms. Fuentes, Hideaki Ariizumi submitted the drawings below as requested by the HPC. Will they review these drawings at the next meeting and decide whether to approve them at that time? Should I attend the next meeting and, if so, could you let me know the time and date? I am the owner of the property where the renovation is taking place. Thank you, Pamela Wilson Begin forwarded message: 2 � b From: "Hideaki Ariizumi" <hidea ki@studioa barchitects.com> Subject: RE: amendment drawings for Pamela Wilson residence Date:August 3, 2022 at 1:22:46 PM EDT To: "Kim Fuentes" <kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us> Cc: <pamela622@mac.com>, "Glynis Berry" <glynis@studioabarchitects.com> Hi Kim, Please find attached drawing for Pamela Wilson residence to finalize the HPC final certificate. Let me know if you need more information on the drawing. If this is acceptable, I will submit 3-copies of this. Thank you, Hideaki Ariizumi,AIA Studio a/b architects 631 323 1426 631 591 2402 hideaki@studioabarchitects.com ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 3 r Av Fuentes, Kim From: Pamela Wilson <pamela622@mac.com> Sent: Ttige-5d9y;J_u1 1.2,;2022 2:48 PM To: Fuentes, Kim Subject: 1405 Village Lane Attachments: 21-030 Tl'�l%hsori�Rycfcman 3nco.rast p__.daf Dear Kim, I have attached pictures of the doors that were built instead of the electric garage door. They are similar in appearance. I have also attached two pictures of the unit on the side of the building. This attaches to the air conditioning/heating unit inside. This unit was on the original plan and was approved. I have attached a PDF of the plans that were approved. On page three you can see the AC unit as approved. The unit is blocked by a bush and cannot be readily seen from the street. It is behind the garage building. Please let me know if I can send more information. Thank you, Pamela ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 sit V � fie. ��• �, t � �"i'� ,r'' e � "rp .^�. ti �t m t '}F - o 71 !11 e �. #. 7 7 ............. o...... as v � a .01 u a` k� w tu ¢,� ,'i '�.t-�• 'S .#�' �'�4 <� 'I��* t fes. .+!.e 4 � •; _ . Y \, �3 R K j 12 S 'qs`4 r1j v, 3 s'v3 da y S tte�. oil Y, Ij WA I.. be AM a �•4 `py 4 •! ;.�i, i .� , / :-lel ,,If ..�,`* - '� ` j f , P'r•' jig may,' ,illo NKA �i '�M '�i 4 t:� �t)� �.. .1 - � Y�..f.- ��yy.. h _�• r' � .-lam •t J t• � ��. tyT �_4 ...Y I y f.�� �Jwf.'.r - !�• \ � S''v�.' 1v.. `ti..i:._ t.�},�� i 1<.' ^r�i, ` �y}� .. mak..; ' •� -�+�" si ♦fit,-`3. �I�" `:{ as fi _ .' 3;y � �• . ^l' �', •'r" +'� iw\i f.r r j � .r• .? 4 j/t.: �(4. � � t�r �'�F�f.� �• ,�1 S� �¢ t�'.Tr• t � .-r l M'ttr,�JMy"l�lY.�•� .. �ix -Y> -�. � a`r�?-•t �. _ _ .+rr ;,•w•rf 'i•. ,��s,'. ,. tC r' T ,.��� ' x ,_ L. ` �`� - y,• .�: .�'%; t?�`;� 1„ iL�tl �}I�v � 1 ��• � �• _�^'�� i•� ��.'i �. .��tc' +, , .v'�� ,fir •- ii ,'`�'-.(•i?��''• �. •�, , �b_ ` K • A Z "t�l •Gw �. - � ,�.�. .>•` -a a �� - r� J✓'� 'dam f-� �- ' �. J ,,�', •1 a " • nA �. n .41 ML AL f 4 'Ow 4 =k - •+ms t -..r,, ate• lot } "� l , �• �.•4, ' 1 APF 1 .S l tt Edward Webb,Chairperson � Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair �1Q1 ��� 54375 Route 25 Robert Harper PO Box 1,179 Joseph McCarthy Southold,NY, 11971 Mariella Ostroski Fax(631)765-9502 Fabiola Santana Telephone:(631)765-1802 Tracey Dwyer,Administrative Assistant www.southoldtownny.gov Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission January 4,2021 RESOLUTION#01-04-21-1 Certificate of Appropriateness RE: 1405 Village Lane,Orient,NY;SCTM#1000-25.-3-1 ' Owner: Forstmann(Wilson/Ryckmann) RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 1405 Village Lane,Orient,NY is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks, and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 56-7(b)of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code) of the Town of Southold,all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, and, WHEREAS, the applicants architect Hideaki Ariizumi submitted a proposal for alterations to an existing accessory garage. WHEREAS, the proposal included exterior alterations to an existing accessory garage with the addition of an outdoor shower to the same accessory garage.New clapboard siding to match the exposure and style of the existing house siding will be used as well as roof cedar shingles. This project will also include the addition of three ; sky lights. WHEREAS, the architect presented commissioners with an outline of the project during a pre- submission conference on October,2020, and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 4,2021,where the applicants and their architect submitted final drawings of the scope of work and outlined the project for the commission,and,. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposed work detailed in the above referenced application meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8(A) of the Southold Town Code and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness. MOVER: Commissioner Harper SECONDER: Commissioner Surchin AYES: Surchin,Harper,McCarthy, Ostroski and Santana. ABSTAIN: Chairman Webb RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commission. Signeck: Tracey L.Dwyer(,Application Coord for for the Historic Preservation Commission Date:January 5,2021 studio a/b architects 651 West Main Street, Riverhead, NY 11901 OUT-SIDE 631 591 2402 (FACE TO NORTH AND EAST) 631 3231426 FASCIA, EXISTING TOP RAIL MAHOAGANY 2X3 glynis@studioabarchitects.com REPLACE SECONDARY FASCIA mailing address: 1X2, REPAINTED, TYP. PO Box 444 B2 B1 Orient NY 11957 Al A2 FACE NEW CEDAR CLAPBOARD MAHOGANY 1X2 @3"O.C. SIDING, PAINTED, TAPER 45o TOP OF POST FROM 3 1/2 TO 2 1/2" EXPOSURE 4 1/2",OR CORNER AND END POST MATCH MAIN HOUSE,TYP. I 4X4 ACQ CORNER TRIM SIZE TO MATCH EXISTING PAINTED,TYP. LO v HINGED GARAGE DOOR, BOTTOM RAIL ASSEMBLY Owner: 3'-6" -- AS BUILT, DOUBLE PANEL3'-6" MAHOAGANY, DOOR PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING Pamela Wilson & EXISTING ELECTRIC VEHICLE Thomas A. Ryckman PROP.ADDITIONAL FENCE R CHARGE OUTLET PROP.ADDITIONAL FENCE Y U a Street, an ransisco, CA 94131 COVERING MINI-SPLIT AC COVERING MINI-SPLIT AC EXTERIOR + FINISHED GRADE EXTERIOR UNIT EXISTING WOOD FENCE UNIT - + 0 Garage Floor - I - --- • ,, � •= ', — — — — — Site: _ h Tax Map14' #: INSTALLED MINI-SPLIT SYSTEM —i 11000-25-3-1 EXISTING FOUNDATION AC EXTERIOR UNIT rt WALL (41"+/ HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE) —i = site street address: STUCCO PARGED BEHIND THE FENCE _ I 1405 Village Lane, Orient NY 11957 TYP. 2 North Elevation withprop. Fence n East Elevation with porp. Fence n Fence Detail 1/411 = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0" 1" = 1'-0" No. Description Date r 5i 1 t . 2lV 5. N.O.F. 1325 VILLAGE LANE ORIENT LLCi � \ sf! r"i +h�iw m •a`'e.':.,.' " w sem_`r. EXISTING FENCE EXISTING E�ARC (2)SHRUB A IQ <\ H RD STREET � ��'�� i2 ORCHA �. a �' �,y �'.4 EXISTING '-: +► .` Mk ,'_ :t `O N.O.F. TREE 16"DIA.PINE " s DONNA TERRY HPC.01 r APPROX. LOCATIONOF 2 EXISTING EXISTING SHRUB CESSPOOL r _ � Q2378� EXISTING (AS BUILT) CONC.CURB 14.4 / PROPOSED FENCE �- 116.26' _ �5 3.5'X 3.5'X 45"H --- _ _-------- 1.55 S 74' 53' 00 E ENC 5D� STYLE AND MATERIAL TO MATCH EXISTING �- w o0o E + EXCEPT: X. - -HEIGHT TO BE 45"+/-ABOVE GRADE , 11.24' 25.6 ( r TO COVER THE INSTALLED A/C UNIT(HEIGHT 41" IT z 0.4'N " LO ABOVE GRADE) cl� LU LL 0 8'E EXISTING INSTALLED MINI- - DO NOT USE CORNER AND END POST,TALLER AND j r PROJECT 2 STY Y FRAMED cO SCREEN SPLIT SYSTEM CROWNED. INSTEAD USE 4X4 ACQ BEHIND THE 1X2 c. a RESIDENCE N PORCH Q EXTERIOR UNIT FACE SLOTS, BELOW 2X3 TOP RAIL "'. Renovation to N.O.F. 123 EXISTING . FREDERICK M PEYSER III 10' 14 TREE 63.4' CD LL: E- Wi I s o n/R c k m a n JANIS M PEYSER LIVIN / _`�W d Lu PORCH Atz;