HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/23/2022 WS 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD WORK SESSION MEETING -------------------------------------------------- Southold, New York August 23 , 2022 9 : 00 A. M . B E F 0 R E : SCOTT A . RUSSELL, SUPERVISOR LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN SARAH E . NAPPA, COUNCILWOMAN August 23, 2022 Work Session 2 CEA DIDRIKSEN SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Okay . I am going to invite anybody that would like to address the Town Board, please feel free? MR . KEITH NEILSON : Thank you . I am Keith Neilson from Docko Incorporated representing, Mr . Didriksen the poster that I have prepared here is a copy of the site plan that we prepared for the Tidal Wetlands Permit . It ' s a duplicate of the application documents . These are the drawings that we prepared and submitted to Robert Corwin Engineers and Department of State of Environmental Conservation . Mr . Didriksen owns this parcel of land, and what is included in your photographs of the holding dock . And as near as we can tell from this dock, from the characteristics , this has to be the approximate location of the old ( inaudible ) . This depression or carved out area in the stone is not a natural feature . The stone looks more of a uniform feature from here . This August 23, 2022 Work Session 3 indicates more of the historic shoreline . So much erosion has occurred in the area . And it ' s really the only place on the site that we could put in a dock for recreational boating . We will match the tidal wetlands vegetation in the area . We match the field grass in this area . Extensive boulders . And there is no grass over here . Boulders here . Property line is over here . So what we have done is put together a dock profile that gets out to navigable water . We are not in the navigation way . No one is going to be boating in here . And we have put this here . And the only area that could fit . And in order to get piles driven in such a way that they can stand in seasonal sea conditions , is to drive them in 20 feet . And this dock meets all of the standards of Corwin Engineers and the Department of State, as well as , regulations , except for the 200 feet of the removable . The amount of effort that would be required to install these piles August 23, 2022 Work Session 4 and to put them out manually, would so badly disrupt the bottom sediments , that it would be completely unnecessary out of that degradation to do all of that work . Better approach -- and eventually, it would leave the soils and sediments unstable to a point where they cannot really hold the dock in significant weather conditions . So our approach is to take the last two piles , drive them down 20 feet . That gives them a 20 ton varying capacity . If any of you have seen any of the docks that we have designed over the years in Fishers Island, you know how tough it will be . It meets the width requirements of the State . Full approval of the Trustees . There is no boating over on this side because of the proximity of the eel grass . That ' s it, in 25 words or less . The pile here shows how high we are keeping the dock . On Page 4 of our application narrative, the balances that we have struck in preparing this design . And most of the August 23, 2022 Work Session 5 conditions I have already raised are summarized in those two paragraphs . It seems that when the regulations were written, it required 200 feet be removable . Just because of the way it was written in the regulations . It seems to reference some of the poor moderate sea condition exposures . That the regulation may not have foreseen the conditions on Fishers Island . And we design these docks so that they ' re high enough to be above almost all normal sea states and low enough, in high energy conditions . The wave energy will be predominantly over the structure . That is why we dropped down to this elevation . Most of the wave energy will be above this structure . So the bulk of the resistance will be below the waves . So this dock is designed to survive here for a long time . And I believe that I have demonstrated a history through the map . On Page 5 , Paragraph C . There are two paragraphs on the bottom. I have indicated again why we have -- how we August 23, 2022 Work Session 6 have balanced the resource impacts and considerations , and establishing for reasonable boating and access . And the most important thing is , in trying to make this dock removable according to the regulations , we would do more damage to the environment . And make this viability of a dock less . I would be happy to answer any questions . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : At the meeting of the Trustees , did anybody speak in opposition? MR . KEITH NEILSON : I don ' t recall anyone speaking in opposition . There were two comments about ( inaudible ) that is on the south side here . And in the motion ( inaudible ) . There are no objections . And we have designed it to meet all of their requirements . There is no floating dock . It ' s high . It has the free flow decking . We have physically avoided all of the eel grass we found out there . Most of it . This property goes about 300 feet that way . Most of the eel grass is in front of the August 23, 2022 Work Session 7 beach . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Has it received DEC approval yet? MR . KEITH NEILSON : It has not received DEC approval yet . We have Department of State . Corwin Engineers is on the verge of issuing their permit . We are working with the DEC . And also in our discussions , they have not voiced any objections . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Is that typical we will approve something before the DEC? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Yes . DEC is a matter of -- like, we pay attention to what the DEC wants , but it ' s not -- it ' s not -- we don ' t have to get the DEC . It ' s very rare for the Trustees to say we have to get DEC . Sometimes it happens . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Can I just ask, the old deck, is that ultimately from age it disappeared or was that from an event? MR . KEITH NEILSON : Not really August 23, 2022 Work Session 8 sure . When we went out with a surveyor, we were looking for ( inaudible ) and we didn ' t see it . Sometimes we can see pile stones . We didn ' t . From the photographs , the piling and equipment back in the day was no where near adequate . It was probably washed away . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I don ' t have any questions . You answered them all . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Actually, this other photograph of this parcel to the west , what is the significance? MR . KEITH NEILSON : To the west , it ' s about 35 feet longer than this . And there have been instances where we have designed longer decks on Fishers Island . But notably we are pretty good with keeping it close to shore and minimizing . This one really -- there is not really a lot to do to minimize this . If you get any closer, you won ' t be able to put in a boat . So we are 35 feet shorter than the one to the west . August 23, 2022 Work Session 9 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Motion to close the hearing . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Second . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in favor? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . (Whereupon, the, Public Hearing concluded at this time . ) August 23, 2022 Work Session 10 C E R T I F I C A T I O N I , JESSICA DILALLO, a Court Reporter and Notary Public, for and within the State of New York, do hereby certify : THAT the above and foregoing contains a true and correct transcription of the Meeting held on August 23 , 2022 , via videoconference , and were transcribed by me . I further certify that I am not related to any of the parties to this action by blood or by marriage and that I am in no way interested in the outcome of this matter . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day of September, 2022 . Jessica DiLallo