HomeMy WebLinkAbout9262-z FOE~ NO. 2 TO~N OF $OUT9OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N9 9262 Z Permission is hereby granted to: Co]~a:te..J~e~!~;~l..~:ozq~ ...................................... ............... .~o.....~x~...~, ~ ................................. .................... ~~....~,~, ..... ~.~.~_~ ........ to ~ila ~e.v. ~.i~.~.~...lm~,:r,,~i~.i.(...F.,..i.,L.~o:~.}. ..... (..~:r~,,~..~..~lana~ ~1 ............... ~bl~et..~..atat~..e.~...e~t... . _ . . ~$..,~ .~ ................................................................... at premises located at ~L/.~..~i~..;l~&~ ........................................................................................... ................................................ .O~a~o~..:;~ _,' . ........................................................................... ~r~ont to o~,,co~,o~ do~ed ............... ~,,t...:....?~i:: ............... . ?.~,..~ o~, oppro~ed ~y the Building Inspector. Fee ~'~. ,. 0.0 ............. NO. 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION T~K..e....n~...y.....G..i...a..r...5:.i..n...~..?~...E...g..r..:.?...~.-..]..1.....s.~.~.~? A/C Colegate Des±~n Corp (owner or authorized agent of owner) ........ ~.t..~..2..~....(..m...a..i...n.....R..d.....).....G.?~.e..9*n.~..~..r...t..~....L..~ I., N .Y. (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of: 7,0ni~l~ Oz'ctinaz~ce Zoning Ord,nance Si§n.,..~ ..~.e_n_9.~..a..1....~.e..~.u...1..a.~.ions Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances'or Regulations ............................................ at premises hereinafter described in that .... .d..e...c..`~.?...8...~..i...v..e.~.b..a'~.~7~e.~.f.~...a.~;..s.~.h..[].~.~`~.~.~.~.~]~g (state character of violation) (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation)Town o£ Southolc YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply w~th the law and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith on or before the ........ ~.J.~.~...~.~..~ ................................. day of ............... 9..c...t..°...b..e..r.. ...................... , 19...~.~.. The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at $.~.~...~..1g....~.~.~....(~,mJ.L..~..'k,.9.~.fk)....g.[.~.~.~.P.Q~'.~...County of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the apphcable previsions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both Building Inspector FOI~M NO. $ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION T~..e...~....~..~.G.~.~.~.~.~..~...g.~.~...~...~.-..1...1.~..~.~.`.~..~.e A/C Colegate Design goz'p (owner or authorized agent of owner) s ma n eengor, i · .t .z. (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of. Zoning Ordinance Zoning Oral,nonce Sign.. s Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances'ar Regulations ............................................ at premises hereinafter described in that d. eeor&tive b nner lsgs h ve been strung (state character of violation) over the b~rkinH ~rea , , (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation)Tm~ of Solttholr YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply w,th the law and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith on or before the ........ .(.~.~..)....~.W..q~,.:[~.$~ ................................. day of ............... .O..O...~..o...~..e.~ ...................... , 19..~.. The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are s~tuated at ~/..~..~..~...~..~..~.~.~.~.(.~...-..14~.~.~..~..~g.~`e.~.e..~.~..~.~.~C~unty of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the cond~t,ons aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. ~ntlemen ~ ./ . ~v~ ever~g ~retty we11 coverod~ however - ~ pl-nt~ngs ~ ':the '~t ~ ~g ~ea sh~ld no2 be all,ed over ~0e high f~r ground ~aign shg. uld have ,fula four' feet or more ~e~en sig~,.-an~ ground .level. ',T~e park~.~£ area"should be deepened ~y at least 10 feet for ~elSvePy t~_~k length ~ adeq~te t~n~g.~a for ~ars ~ the sp~,~s prodded. ~les a~a to' pa~g r~tio ~f ral~a~r should ~ ~sed ~ our c~blned roof paved~a~ at & ra~11~ shoed ~ e~Ked by~ o~ ~gineer. ~ p:er~a~o~ in t~s area is very poo~, ~.se ~verslze po~LSt be p~ided. Paved access to the ~a~' bf the ~sh~v~ ~ ~ovi~eA ~ cas~ 9f e~ergeney~ prefferably where there .~ ~ Dept _approval shoed ~ se~ed ~ .Brought %~[S ~ees too ~ar~ there ~y ~ ~eed for additional leaching ~Uo to soil eo~tions'. ....... t~lie wa !s ava~able from ~i~nport Village syste=, el~etr~b il~o~'~m O~npo~t viilage in this ~,.$~e '~uld~ ~e ~ addition,, to their submission.. JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRAL~ S. COYLE HENRY E. RAZOR, FREDERICK E. ~RDON J~ES WALL Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1958 July 25, 1977 Mr. John Amato Colgate Design Corporation 90 Mill Road Freeport, New York 11520 Dear Mr. Amato: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held July 18, 1977. RESOLVED to approve the amended drawing of Colgate Design Corporation dated March l, 1976 and ~mended February 4, 1977 to include brick veneer on the complete exterior of the sidewalls of the building. Yours truly, Southold Town Planning Board Copy to Building Inspector H.F. NECKER A.I.A. A R C H I T E C T 275 MARKET STREET · SADDLE BROOK, NEW JERSEY 07662 · TEL. (201) 843-2666 June 27, 1977 Frank and John Amato Cornell Design 90 Mill Road Freeport, New York 11520 Re: 7-Eleven Store Main Rd. near 9th St. Greenport~ Suffolk Cty., N.Y. Gentlemen: I have inspected the foundations and footings for the above noted project. I find them to be acceptable and ready for work to proceed. Very truly yours., H. F. Necker~ '~.~I.A. HFN:lj cc: Mr. Bruce McConnell STATE OF NEW YORK - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Permit Fee Ins. Fee $ 2,50 Total Received $. :2.50 Check o, M.O. No. 9973 k~ab, l~ty Insurance Pol,cy # Explrmg D~sab~hty Beneht Coverage Pol,cy # Permittee C~D,P~_Ar- D~,SZG~ CO~O~TI~ Address City HIGHWAY WORK PER,lIT SH No. 1719 Est. Compl. Date Perm,t No. X 77- State Deposit Rec. for $ Check or M.O. # Dated Chargeable to Bond n3 .J:L or 1,000 - Indef. 73 _~-~A6~q ~:~ or Undertaking on F,le Workmen s Compensation Pohcy # Exp,rmg Under the provisions of the Highway Law permission Is hereby granted to the perm~ttee to t'~. ~n ~]'te gout'h gide o£ ~in Road (Rte. 25~ a~roxf~tel~ 425' w/0 Ninth Strut, ~0~ t0 i~ m the county of ~0~ as set forth and represented In the~attached applmcahon, at the parhcular location or area, or over the routes as stated theremn, ffrequired, and pursuant to the cond~tmons andregulatmons, whether generalor special, and me,hods of performing work, ff any; all of which are set forth ~n the apphcat~on and form part of this permit. Dated at ~~ , N.Y. Commissioner of Transp~tatmon / IMPORTANT ~/ I THIS PERMIT, WITH APPLICATION AND DRAWING (OR COPIES THEREOF) ATTACHED, SHALLI I CO ,AC O WOrX ,S I NOTICE - It ~s absolutely necessary that the p~rmittee notify l~ R_ 't']3~]De_~_a', ~ DOT Dm~{L~ ,~t Engineer, whose address ~s'l~lets. Merci. ~_. ~ ]~La~ppa~geo ~ Tel. No. ~ before work is started and upon ~ts complehon. The ~ssumg authority reserves the r~ght to suspend or revoke th~s perm~t~ at its dlscrehon without a hearing or the necessity of showmg cause~ either before or durmg the operahons authorized, The Pe~m~ttee w~ll cause an approved copy of the app[icatton to be and remain attached hereto until all work under the permit ,s sahsfactordy com- pleted, m accordance w,th the terms of the attached apphcat~on. PERM 33c (12/70) STATE OF NEW YORK - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT APPLICATION FOR NON-UTILITY WORK Application is hereby made for a highway work permit Highway Permit No. I _1 1- Requested durahon from 19 thru 2- Protective L~ab~l~ty Insurance covered by Pohcy No. 3. Workmen's Compensahon Insurance Policy No 4. D~sabihty Benehts Coverage Pohcy No. X:L520 Effective Date ENTER NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS IN THIS SPACE PREPARE 3 COPIES 77 $ 1 ~i $1,000 #73 8-14619 BaA 19_ , to apply to the operahon(s) checked below: ; expires on 19 exp*r~ng Check Type Permit Show Ins. fee In Total Amount Guarant, of Operahon Fee Amt. or PERM- of Fee and/ Deposit Am 17 pr Under- or Insurance and/or Bo taking on file [] 4. Single lob - Permit Issued for each lob ~-~a. Driveway or roadway [] Private N C [] Commercial $ 50 [] Subdivision Street ;100 ~-~ Temporary access road or street $ 10 E~b. Improvement [] Private N C [] Commercial $ 10 Check add~tlonal descr~phon below: [~lnstalJ s~dewaJk~ curb, pawng, stabilized shoulder,dramage, etc. E~ Grade, seed, ~mprove land contour, clear land of brush, etc. E~ Resurface ex~shng roadway or driveway [~ ~, sceJlaneous [] c. Tree Work [] Private N C [~ Commercial {not required for prumng ~f $ lO utility has annual maintenance permit) Check add,hanoi description below: ] Prunmg, applying chemicals to stumps, eta. L--ld' M,scellaneous Construchon ~ Beautifying R OW -(for Clwc Groups only) N C [--~ Temporary signs, banners, Christmas decorations $ 10 [~ Traffic control signals $100 [~ Warning and entrance s~gns $ 10 ~'~ M~sceilaneou s n--~ 5. One permit issuance which remains ~n effect indefmltely and $ 10 requires conhnuous msurance for encroachments caused by D at acqulsttlon of property. ~6. Compulsory permit required when work performed at the request of Department. [] a. But ldmgs (w~th~n State h~ghway r~ght-of..way) on State lands when not covered by contract specifications of the Department ' .... ~[~.~DemoJl tlo.~ -- [~ M o_...v, ng ............. N C ~ b. Improvement t .... t Department standards N C - --2'~'~ -- -2-~ ~C~ -- ~ -- TOTAL PAID Work ma7 be d ..... bed br,efly as follows~ OIPe~ ~e mOUt~ ~ide 0£ llain l~aad (~te. 25) et~rb, o~e 30' c~b ~t, c~ic~ate side~a~k, (~phalt sbouider- 2~." Biz~ler Top) internal dra_~.~ge, etc. LOCATION ( J~ [-~ I ...... l J State Highway No.I and stat ..... the T .... ~ SO~Zd ,s f, led show,ng work to be performed at: between stahon co~.ty of Suffolk Acceptance of the requested permit sublects the perm~ttee-lp the re~tr~c)~9~egulahons.~d obhgahons stated on th,s apphcat,on and on the perm,t. App .... I recommended 19 By~t Eng,~eer ~t~IL '~ [LL i ~ /~L'~ '% . 'J / Region No. Approved 19 By Regional Traffic Engineer. JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK $ COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E GORDON JAMES WALL Southold, N.Y. 11971 October 4, 1977 TELEPHONE Mr. John Amato Colgate Design Corporation 90 Mill Road Freeport, New York 11520 Dear Mr. Amato: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 3, 1977. RESOLVED that inspection has been made of the premises of Colgate Design Corporation at Greenport. The premises conform with the site plan approved by the PlannLug Board. Yours truly, Muriel~Brush~ Secretary Southold To~n Planning Board Copy to Building Inspector NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler, Commissioner Region 10 Office' New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 Building Department Gentlemen: We have no objection to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the located at the above noted site. Sincerely yours, HARRY R. Regional Permit Engineer Region 10 HRT:IM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Inspector's Office Town Clerk Building Southold, N, ¥. 765-2660 THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS ak BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY  -- 85 JOHN STREET. NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 Oa,e September 26, 1977 "PPhe"Ei°n'~°'°'~-me 926732 N 357707 THIS CERTIFIES THAT only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named or~ the above application nt~mber in the premises of 7-1I Store, s/side Route 25, App. 430' w/o Ninth Street, Greenpor~ L.I. in theyol~o,~in~ lee.tie,, k~ ~,.,.ent~L~ l~ ~'~. [] ~nd fl. outside Section Block Lot w.sexa,ninedon September 22, 1977 ond found to be ln compliance witb the requirements of thls Board, FIXTURE .... FIXTURES . .RANGES. ;OOKING DECKS OVE--*NS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS OUTLETS RECEPTACLES SWITCHES NCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT ,, MERCyAC~R, ,RY AMT K W .... A~T K W AMT [ W AM]' ' I( W AMT H P 2~ 23 t2 9 15 '~RYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS !SPECIALREC'PT TIM'~CLOCK~ I' 8ELL UNIT HEATER$ ~4ULTI.OI~TLET '"DIMMERS ' ' ' ~ - ' I ~ TR SI "J SYSTEMS AMt' I( W OIL H P GAS : H P AMT NO A W G : AMT, A/~P /*,MT j AMPS AN i AMT H P J NO OF FEET AM,?_ WATTS .... SERVICE DISCONNECT NO, OF ' ,- -'~ ' ,. S[ L, _.E~ R ~.--:-V '-- .- J2 ' -, C_ ,i E .2. 200, ,.CB" ' ....'.. '.x '.' 1 500mcm 1 500mc~ oo OTHER APPARATUS ' ~Special' receptacles: 1-30amps., 1-20amps. "Elec.room heaters: 1-.65kw Motors: 9 fr.hp Panelboard/s: !-4cir. 100amps! l-4.5kw Hot water heater 2-20kw Electric Furnace 2-4 Ton A.C. Units . '.' ' DiGasso Electric, 27 Layton St., Freeport, L.I. 11520 Lic. 1512E This cerhficate must not be altered ,n an), manner~ return fo the office of the Board ~f incorrect, Inspectors may be ~dentlfied by SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES R~verhead, New York Building Permit No TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY IN INK Health Services Department Plan No. Apphcation for Approval of Commercial Sewage Disposal System TO: The Suffolk County Department of Health Servmces Date /!,1/~ ¥ ~ ~-~ Application for approval of commercial sewage disposal system is hereby requested. Location: (Name, smde of street, name and distance to nearest intersectmng street) Hamlet ~--/~ ~r~ ~' Village ~ Applicant's Signature . ~ ~ Title (Builder - Owner) ~dre~ ~o ~ ~P ~dd~s ~.~, Tale. No. ~/~-~7~ ~/~ Ready for inspection FOR USE OF HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ONLY Inspected by ~. ~' ~\\_~r ~___'~ DaI~ ?- Installation satisfactory - Yes I~/~' ; No Based on the information stated hereon by the applicant and other reformation made available, it is the option of this Department that this system with proper maintenance can be expected to function satisfactorily and is not likely to cause a nuisance, provided designed sewage flow is not exceeded. Structural features are not included. Date SEP 2 Chief of General Engineering Service! SCHD - S-13 P T( $1 JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S COYLE HENRY E RAYNOR, /Ir. FREDERICK E GORDON JAMES WALL Southold, N.Y. 11971 May 25, 1977 TELEPHONE 765-1313 Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held May 23, 1977. RESOLVED to grant site plan approval to the plan of Colgate Design Corporation for property looated at Greenport, said map revised May 23, 1977, and to be signed upon receipt of Suffolk County Health Dept. approval. I enclose copy of plan indioating the Suffolk County Dept. of Health approval. Yours truly, Enclosure D,sapproved a/c~ ......................................... ~~ ~~~~:~ _ a ~s app ication,~ust be completely filled in by ~ewriter o~ in ink and submiffed in triplicate to the Buildi[ Inspector, with 3 sets'of plans, accurate plot plan to ~ale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing I~atson of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets, areas, and giving a detaJl~ description of layout ofprope~ must be drawn on the diagram which ,s pa~ of th~s applicatio. c. The work covered by this a~hcation may not be commenced before issuance of Buitdmg Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will ~ssue a Budding Permit to the apphcant Such perm shall be kept on the premises ~ailable for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be ~cupied or used in whole or in part for any pu~ose whatever until a Ce~ificate of ~cupan, shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the msuance of a Building Permit pursuant to t} Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein describe The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildings for necessary inspections. .................. ($ignatureGY'r'applicant, or name, if a corporation) (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or buflde .............. ...0... .....:..: ................................................................................................................... Name of owner of premises .~--oc.,....~-~..~..~..~.. ,ZJ)~-,-~r~'~'¢ ."~/ c/~)'~ ' . ......................................................... If applicant is a,goxpct(~e,jj~gnature of duly,m~thorized officer. (Nam.~Snd brio of corporate officer) Builder's License No ..................................................... Plumber's L.cense No....~....~...,~....~.....'~,.. .... .....~,..~....6.'..'~....~.Wx'~4t-aJ/J 0 Electrician's License No Other Zrode's License No ............................................... 7~4tx: ZJ-o /aaa - 4Z~ -/- Z_ ('?~ x o/z.) , 1 Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No...n ...................... :~ .......... Lot No ...................... Street and Number ..SL)~/(..~.,.../~...~....~.. ........ ...........~ ~.: .................... Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construchon' a Exisiting use and occuponcy .......... ..~'.~....~....~....~...~.. ....... --..L....~.....~...~.: ............................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ............. ~.,.~..~..~..~....~.~ ............. .../~,..'.,~.,..; .................................................... 3. Nature of work (check which apphcable) New Budding ................. Addtt~on ................. Alterahon ............ Repmr .............. Removal ............. Demohhor ........ Other Work ............................................. 4 Estimated Cost ................................................. Fee O'"(~ - (to be pa~d on fihng this apphcahon) 5 If dwelling, number of dwelling umts .................... Number of dwelling umts on each floor If garage, number of cars ' ' . ................................................................................................ 6 If business, commercial or m~xed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use .....~.....~...~.../. ..... 7 Dimensions of ex~stmg structures, ~f any' Front ... ~ ' Rear ............. ~ ................. Depth ~. ........ Hmght ............ ~ ........... Number of Stones ....................................................................................................... D~mens~ons of same structure w~th alterahons or oddmons Front ' Rear Depth ........ ~ ................ Hmght .... ~. .................. Number of Storms ........................... 8 D,mens,ons of~ent,re new construct,on' Front .............. .G?...,~.. .............. Rear ........... ...~....~.. ........ Depth ..... ...4-.....dc". Height ................../~ Number of Stories .............. 9 S,ze of lot Front .......... /..?../.L..~...~...'. ............... Rear Depth ../...~.-.~./....~......~'..~. 10. Date of Purchase ................................................ Name of Former Owner . ../~.../..~..../~'...~..~...~.~........4[..~;./...~....~....~. .... 11. Zone or use distnct in which premises are s~tuated .......... /V'/~. 12 Does proposed construchon violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulahon .......... ..Azl..I...C2....: .............................. 13 Wdl lot be regraded .... Y....~. '. ......... Will excess fill be removed from premises. (,s<:k. Yes ( ) No 14 Name of Owner of prem~ses . c~,~,~/-F'~ .~-~/~rA' (°,c~-,~ Address ¢'~'/~*~' ~o/~e~,~z/-toh,,,,~ No.,~Y~.-~/~'~- ............................................. ~..~:.~i;&Z~.4F- ~.. · ~ ~ .......................... Name of Architect .~.: ,~...~!~.~'~....~.: ./.'...~ · . .............. Address hd~.~.,~.~..~f~.. Phone No. Nome of Contractor ~c~-'..~T.4.re~ ~...~'~.~/.~4/C~c~,~ AH~I~///'~ ~ ~'~'~-)'Ph,,,~ ~. ............................... ;i:/,'~I, ....... No. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and d~shnctly all buddings, whether ex~stmg or proposed, and ~n&cote all set-back dimensions flor property hnes G~ve street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and ind~cat whether interior or corner lot STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ..................... fSS ............ .~....~....~...~..I.~.~........~)....; .... ~..4~....~...~.,,'~... 'being duly sworn, deposes and soys that he ,s the appl,car (Name of ,ndiwdual s~gnmg contracf) above named He ,s the ................ ..~...~.~. .~.... ./~.....,~......~......,,~.1~..~ ...... ..~J~.. .,¢'~.../.~.... .~.......,~,,~ ......... C~..~....~.'....). .......................... (Contractor, agent, corporate ofhcer, etc ) of sa~d owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the sa,d work and to make and th,s application, that all stol'ements contained m thru appl~cohon are true to the best of h~s knowledge and belief, an that the work w,II be performed m the manner set forth m the apphcation filed therewith Sworn to before me th~s ...... ,,, Notary Pubhc, . ...... ~...~....~...._~.....C:..'. .................. County .. K. MARKETof New York (S~,~ re or applicant) JOAN r-'~ ~ . NstarY Publ,c, State /~/~-~-)./~, ~ ~/~ ~.- No. 30-4642618 /y~ ~ -~/~¢~..~ Qualified in Nassau CounW~ ~/ Term Expires March 30, 19-~ \ /7 /3 ~'~'~' N 78°34¢ O0"W i IO.0 '~'. = NICHOLAS ALIANO VACANT LAND 3.- '~4' ~o,~.:~-,.,,,, ~, o,~'. ~ , 1 122.00' TYPICAL TEST .HOLE SURFACE LEGEND ON SITE DATA AREA OF SITE- ,~..~ ACRES- AREA OF BUILDING PERCENT OF LOT OCCUPANCY AREA OF ASPHALT PAVING AREA OF AREA OF AREA OF AREA OF PARKING CONCRETE PLANTING SEEDED AREA NATURAL STATE REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED LOADING SPACES REQUIRED LOADING SPACES PROVIDED 'USE --OF BUILDING ZONING OF PARCEL z .k'z,..4S.~ 'v ED BY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~"'~' N 78°34~00#W N/F NICHOLAS ALIaNO VACANT LAND TYPICAL PRECAST LEACHING CATCH BASIN ESTIMATE OF ON SITE QUANTITIES CONCRETE CURB a~o LINFT CONCRETE WALK ~o LIN. FT. ASPHALT PAVING ~z~ SQ. YD. STANDARD FLOCKHART CASTING LEACHING CATCH BASINS ~ / RING ,DOME5 & GRATE' z PROV.  Lk / RING ,DOMESCOVER 4 PROV & ID DOME /~" R. C. P. ~o LIN, FT. LEACHING CESSPOOLS 3 PROV. CHAIN LINK FENCE ~ LIN. FT. I TREES ,~TREE:5 SH RUBS I-. ,o.,,,. ,~ - DRAINAGE CRITERIA tO0~o RUNOFF AREA ,SQ. FT. ~ 2 = 4ae3 CU. FT I0¢:'J°~ RUNOFF A E ~,ooo; SQ. FT. × Ol ,"- .6 ~: ~o CU. FI n'TEr":~ 6URBS,PA¥1NGAND DRa~nAGeTO BI CONSTRUCTED CAPACITY REQUIRED /,¢;J CU. FT IN AGCORDaNCE W~n PLANNING BOARD SPEGIFICA~ONS CAPACITY PROVIDED /,.aC CU. FT TYPICAL ~RECAST TYPICAL 9~.GALLON SEPTIC TANK OVERFLOW CESSP~L NO SCAL~ NO ~A~ aCAST IRON LIDITO BE ~ ~ 2'~" BANK RUN MIX BINDER COURSE TERIA ,,.,.. SEWAG, E,. C, RI /~.o '~, 122.00' --- CAPACITY REQUIRED (,'¢'"'"'"'-'"'") ~Oo CAPACITY PROVIDED LEACHING-SIDE,WALL AREA REQU{RED LEAC.~ S~ WAU_ AREA 300 cn.~,FI; UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY I 33~SQ.FT ^ VIOLATION OF~CTIO~ 7~09 OF THE NEW YORK STATE LAND LOCATED ,,, .~. ,.~.~. .ATE ..D..o. THE PRO,OSED ARRANGEMENTS FOR SEWAGE DISPOSALAND WATER GREENPORT SUPPLY WERE APRROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND APFLIC ATIONS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ~FFOLKCOU~X DEPART- ~WN ~ SOUTHOLD C~NTY ~F ~FF~ MENT OF HEALT~ SURVE~ F~ , T.,. *PR.O.*L ,s GRANTED ~ =.O,T~. ~.AT T., ffo%.[. ..... __ _. ....... .. ,FACILITIES ARE INSTALLED, IN CONmRM[T~ WITH THE PL - " ~L~/b Ub31bl~ ~U~E I APPROVAL 'IS N~ AUTHORIZED TOBE USED AS PAR~ OF ANY I I. I -,~""~'=~ ,,~ ' ,;, ' I ~ ~'~'~ ~ I ..... 7-' I ,. } -, ¢* F,¢.Pe, i APPROVED AS NOTED DATE, FEE, NOTIFY BUILD[NG DEPARTf4[HT AT 76B,2660 9~4 to 4PM FOR REQUIR,, ED INSPEC'IIC'HS: ~H.'F.I N E C K E r A. I.A. ~, h,l,Y, **~,~ ' p~HN~ MARKET STREET SADDLE BROOK N'EW JERSEY 07662 FJ~ / il -? I , b (I APPROVED AS NOTED DATE: FEE:~~-~ BY: HOTIEy BUIL~)IBIG DEPARTMENT' AT 765.2660 9AM to 4PM FOR REQUIR. ?:H.F. NECKER A.I.A. MARKET r. SADDLE BROOK NEW JERSEY 0766Z ................. ~?~u ~ ~o :~ /'k,~' , ~ . ,'. 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