HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.8.22 CityScape ReportTown of Southold, New York
Telecommunications Site Review
Equipment Upgrade Application
2423 S. Orange Ave #317
Orlando, FL 32806
Tel: 877.438.2851 Fax: 877.220.4593
September 8, 2022
Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner
Town Hall Annex Building
53095 Route 25
Southold, New York 11971
PROVIDER/ID: Dish Wireless/NYNYC02219A
TOWER OWNER/ID: Elite Towers, LP
ADDRESS: 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, NY
LATITUDE: 40º 58’ 43.29” N LONGITUDE: 72º 32’ 48.81” W
SCTM#: 122-6-35.4
STRUCTURE: 110’ Unipole
Dear Mr. Cummings,
At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold (“Town”), CityScape Consultants, Inc.
(“CityScape”), in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town, has con sidered the
merits of the above-referenced application submitted by Centerline Communications, on behalf of Dish
Wireless (collectively “Applicant”) to collocate on an existing one hundred ten (110) foot concealed
unipole tower (120’- 6’ with appurtenances). The tower is located at 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, New
York, see Figure 1.
Support Structure & Equipment
AT&T Wireless also operates at this site and currently has antennas mounted at the one
hundred five (105) foot and ninety-five (95) foot elevations on the subject tower. Per the construction
drawings (CD’s)1 Dish Wireless proposes to install three (3) antennas at the eighty-five (85) foot
elevation, six (6) diplexers at the eighty-one (81) foot level along with twelve (12) coax cables. The
proposed antenna and diplexers will be mounted around the interior mast of the unipole and behind a
cover so they will not be visible from the outside of the tower. The proposed cables will also be routed
inside the pole, see Figures 2 and 3.
On the ground, inside the existing fenced in equipment compound, Dish proposes to install a
new 5’x7’ steel equipment platform, two (2) equipment cabinets, six (6) RRH’s, an “H-Frame” for
ancillary telco equipment, and a 7’ 9” ice bridge to route the cables to the tower.
Structural Analysis
The Applicant submitted a structural analysis report prepared by Vector Engineers, dated
October 12, 2021, based on ANSI/EIA/TIA-222-H, Risk Category III and Exposure Category C
1 CD’s prepared by Salient Architects, dated 2/23/22 ‘Issued for Permit Filing’ signed and sealed by a New York
registered Professional Engineer.
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Dish Wireless / NYNYC02219A
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criteria. The analysis concludes that, after the Applicant’s proposed modifications, the tower would be
at 56.3% of usage capacity (out of an allowable 105%). For this reason, it is determined that the
structure, with the proposed new collocation, will be structurally compliant for the proposed new
equipment, see Figure 4.
RF Exposure Safety
In order to comply with the Town’s Code Article XVII titled, Wireless Communication
Facilities, Section 280-70.K.(1) through (5) pertaining to radio emissions, the Applicant provided a
Radio Frequency – Electromagnetic Energy Maximum Permissible Exposure Study Report dated May
20, 2022, prepared by a Radio Frequency Design Engineer for Dish. The information provided within
the study is based on computer modeling and analytical methods in accordance with the FCC’s
Bulleting 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields as required by the Town’s Code. The report concludes the “site is compliant
with FCC Guidelines as designed”, see Figure 5.
CityScape verified this application to be an eligible facilities request and meets the definition
of a non-substantial change (“substantial change” being defined in 47 CFR §1.6100(b)(7) of the FCC
Rules). Therefore, this application qualifies for streamlined processing at staff level under 47 CFR
§1.6100(c) and CityScape recommends approval.
The Applicant is reminded that any planned equipment changes that differ from the
submitted Construction Drawings must be filed with the Town for review and approval.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information included herein is acc urate at
the time of this report. CityScape only works for public entities and has unbiased opinions. All reviews
are based on technical merit without prejudice per prevailing laws and codes. Regarding the structural
analysis reports, CityScape verified that the proposed appurtenances shown by Applicant’s
construction drawings were listed in the structural reports, but did not independently verify the
calculations, statements or the appropriateness of the analysis criteria contained therein. Town staff
should verify compliance with applicable building and fire codes prior to issuance of a permit for this
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Rabold
Project Manager
CityScape Consultants, Inc.
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Dish Wireless / NYNYC02219A
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Figure 1 – Site Location Map
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Figure 2 – Tower Elevation
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Figure 3 – Overhead and Side Views of Proposed Equipment Configuration
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Figure 4 – Structural Analysis Summary
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Figure 5 – RF Exposure Assessment Report