HomeMy WebLinkAboutBonati, Richard (2) h=- �SufFQ:�.�� Glean-(joldsmith,President �Ov wG� Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski W P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly o� • o�� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ! �� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: bill 2,,. 11t$0a Completed infield by: e•• �,eiDrgi Michael Macrina, Architect on behalf of RICHARD & GINA BONATI requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss a proposed 17'x17' two-story addition onto the existing dwelling with the first floor to be a sunroom and second floor to be a relocated bedroom; the addition will not add any load to the existing sanitary system since they are not adding any new bedrooms from what the current system is designed for. Located: 1315 Watersedge Way, Southold. SCTM# 1000-88-5-68 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: V// Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: )n oyaot -b TLA 05 Phi niA l:M NV- -h'TAih111 iv movt bacLq} lee�A 2'o Y b �3 ' Nod- a+n $\t4 vi byt WQU)4 �f. �00W Dow, Present Were: ✓ G. Goldsmithy N. Krwski ✓ E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly V E. Peeples eaER ealE IOKL .m•N.r.max wsT ZONING CALC U LAT I O N S: 0-1/2aF.YW.,Yui e•1xTl le—)rM"0.0.% lot area(lo bulkhead)=14,331 of(0.33 acres) axr saE wrudE oErxa Zone:R-40(non conforming l00 tc Yr. _ILD IxalanlBED a Setbacks:as per sect.280-124(8)for non conforming lots � '^■_ aroRo TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES Principal Build'mp V n DE 9LT 9pED,d.p COxaT1YCTI0x Rq n Pnaoae ro.DT Aa. M a c r i n a .4 vI�E a—oCREE EWALL I si AiFlluCTIaN. ` front=35 R ocam rxlo ao. nus XCA x014 ME aLr scReEx sNRu eE RETdavw aT[Ir , side(min.)-10 R NY.a•wro araal0 dEz Exuvxna Is caslETEo ax M STE. ce•Nn / °Ida(tote0=25 R SILT FENCE TO INE I.ST.09 rear=35 R SEE SILT iEN(x DETNL / / ♦ ' • A rc h i to Ct SECTION / �' , \ is Lot Coverage:(landward to bulkhead) sofas r�Fo.cE not, ��1., / ♦ \ 21 Main Street Ston Brook NY 11790 (NW. IR u., j // ♦ 20%max,lot%-2,8 .2 at y la•cc Yn �•�,rv�a Posh �.vrnncAL r� t♦ 14,331 sf x 20%=2,888.2 of max.allowed total lot coverage p�as Iv N10 aso EMBEDDING DETAIL ,/ / `♦ ��` tax. 631 686-6786 phone. 631 6866585 / �' LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS -} ANME MT STMIE TOWum landward to bulkhead web./ web. MacnMM°crina@MMArchlteNJA.com 1 MnaculA coon / �e `♦ C (area=14,331 SF) T, .pen. wmau>..h. .I. Y.and v. / m•.dec,N..nm.rty or te..tiwn«1. PREvxxllr I+vo i/ .. now / / �/+ ♦ I.IUM.t op .ndba.. Pr-1 d " b.. rot. 2023: Mtl,IIKt.P�M rot.r.rrvM, / Iw part a eW pa.m.Y e.rgraMaE f t�ef / / / '9 HOUSE 1,200 SF 282 SF 1,482 SF u.an„..d.m. r...t w--t -T- $ rRE a xnax eouo,Ny:r sNEs / ♦ ` PERSPECTIVE VIEW T /��/� (/ ♦ J-- 1 wrs mR¢To eE FxsTacO SE— wan:SEXL EITIIEa T an u "I IN IRI III S 2 RE-0.STEEL PokETS,Ox 2•.2•STW S \ , ` SHED 104 SF 104$F Drawing M S1.1us:rpltL wSn rM"s-on olid V"' neE Q 2•ika0a m 2. QOM ro tx F.S1Vrll S.i211E1r ro OatE11 7 YTO OROIMD. water Sa�rvi[e 11a At"' "'FEN¢W.TWa""E"F'RRr FFRLE:ROKM.E.I.1R ` r rid dao Yp 9EDTxxL e•NAx NEax arawc Easnxa geNce - _ _ _ /� FRONT DECK 61 SF 61 SF z ENoc T.o scnals a nTa ao.At,x. ''r: _-` -_` - _ / / \ &STEPS n1ER a-eE oNDayPFED a, R.-0.0.:FILTER x—I., // , ♦` Y.N1_ CIOs. aTNaIRMx nM1N m 4'-a• { ,aao wTAw noo,0rE„ aEr°'aoa. i1pP°a`m mux. FRONT VIEW / ' ♦\ / BBQ 24$F 24$F Issued for M 4 PIO.NCN1m Nrr:Qvrx4 .YINrp1GE.Q NaWP,m .//., I Silt Fence Detail �"` Hay Bale Detail O , Pew I ♦ REAR DECK 73 SF 73 SF Construction ^_•.o=�1- .,ot to.ur• pa/ / Ewlvewy \ Existing / &STEPS ' Sanaary 6ystem / Ex ♦ 1,000yya1.septlstank / SIDE DECK 39 SF 39 SF o� / +dee j Wood ding -(s)8'dia x 2'fa'-fi aching pools / Q� bong ♦ // D C &STEPS sVh�adOOe; o' , ` / F'� M y y�J BILCO DOOR 42 SF 42 SF Existing .d1.1 v4 _^��-^� ♦ .Q�\^ Det°s propane Existing r' Tf^ ¢ ♦ '/ y,`�• DECK ON 640 SF 640 SF 4/8122 Issued for Comoucuon tank , Two-Story -# , GRADE / Dwelling Orating d qg / �`� Iiia °, g ❑ gFIFIE-11.0 ted }� - * TOTALS 2,141 SF 324 SF 2,465 SF in un0 Pro ossaN '-o' / p 14.9% 2.3% 17.2% Existing Drywall(approx.location) Tido Story + Addition v 0 >' 031286 Q- Existing d1 FM=11.0 Q '9 _10 / ood Landing 9 / IwyrCNN l / proposed 8 ft dia.x 2R tell tlMrell ring Existing .'$� ^-t; -11'�J.: OF NE at BA Cook on Credit atmg� "yi xl ExB stirlg ;= `� MV so / / Flag Pd. dee" �(2 FLO D E E: No. Data Deaaripflon SITE PLAN LEGEND: Stepp Existing DryweN(approx.location) Project / WORK AREA IS WITHIN FEMA Indicates ---------- nes �T5 ' �a.na (1060sf)Limit of work area ZONErXr Indicates Setback --------- Proposed 1�l\ -0 O (no clearing to be done) Addition Hgh Iver .d 85 -0 , Indieates Farce er"'arkjPmied Listing Fence&Sal Fence Indcates Proposed Souduro L---LJ or ff:�_ For /y °{'erns Exlgtr p ry Proposed drywell Dw (°olid cover belay grade) ^ 'v Richard Proposed grate drywall FC @ Wb�b�tepe �0d�4ha STORM WATER (open pate to pees) �- RUN-OFF CALCULATIONS: Proposed pool bwkwsdryweR_, I,) & Gina g ADDITION ROOF RUN-OFF: V a p , e Bonatl ct U np 8 Silt Fence e Runoff Factor=1.0 1315 Watersedge Way •Rainfall=Z'(.17') T.G. Top of Grate a Addition Roof Area=282 sf Southold,NY TW Top of Well a Volume Required= (rainfall)(area)(runoff factor) �'11 O ����w BoBom of Wall 17'x 282 sf x 1.0=48 cu.R. u L v 'w�ct� I.E. Imart ElwaEon Proposed Site Plan a0rywellRequired= L.D. Leader Drop Town of Southold 2O, 8 R.dia.Drywall Ring=42.24 cu,R.per bot height 48 cu.R.142.24 cu.R per foot of height=1. rt. T.D. Top of Drywall Suffolk County .Prov tie Board of T Town —� THIS IS AN ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN (1)e rt tile.x 2ft tan dryweu ring ���(j In -c�—K—c�—t- BASED ON INFORMATION FROM A _ M.A.M.M.ecke north Indicates wear sentce SURVEY PREPARED BY: 14 MA.M.By Indcates Direction of Grating Pilch M.A.M. Nathan Taft Corwin 111 Land Surveyor Solid Cowr(Traffic Beaeg) Indicates Existing Spot Elevation ..139.0 zm ND. 1586 Main Road,Jamesport.NY 11947 Grade last revision dated:October 27.2020 VMS. 172=-1 4 z128 SDRJ5 I 24IndcatesProposed Spot Elevation d.67werPipeTraMcBear'g Dome Sheet Tltie Chad at Indicates Stacked Stone Retailing WWI per foot minimum 4 OOD psi Reinforced - - its Plan I I I 1 Indicate.Fxlsting Contours - 23 I Conc.Rings oyp) Wrapdrywenwnh T-0-min.Collar Indicates ProposedCorltours .---`23- -Zoning landscape fabricas a - Backfin w/Clean Sand&Grawl Indicates Proposed Landscape Drainage Sneering I 24"min. I Indicates Catch Bevin L.. J Sheet Number.: Ground Water Indicates Test Hale/Boring STH Typical Drywell Detail Units ofWork Area SP-1 r,ot to so-I.. Non-disWrtance buffer—j YSrOSs SURVEY OF PROPERTY ASITUATE y SOUTHOLD § TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • a- p:. SUlFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-88-05-68 4 SCALE 1"=20' 'so OCTOBER 27, 2020 vw+�y �s / AREA = 14,331 sq, ft. _��•. // �� �� f (TO HuucHEAO) 0.329 ac. Vol 'Ll !1 i SO. / (, 0� 'To, S� `ll- ss 9 {: 2 NOTES: i 4�R of Ff yOR d e� s �� ' n 1. LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS: LOT 55 REFER TO / ae, ?e MAP OF BAY HAVEN !FILE IN THE OFFICE OF ITHE`CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON JANUARY 22, 19591 AS FILE No. 2910 / .&Z r, Eo 2. ELEVATIONS ARE REFEREN x� CED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM / ti^ EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS;-m RFL— FIST FLOOR xm TH — Topp OF Dul1MEA0 i I j OR — BOTTOM OF BULKKEAD TTIV — TOP FL F WALL ftico E C E PREPARED N ACCORO&RCE WNN THe NINNUM 4^7�' c�8 .10. / o /n`% �.��`~• AS BATHHEE�t. FOR"S.RAND APPROVED ANNSATADSOMFFEED FOR JUL 2 8 2022 1ITILE suCH USE� nDer THE �G OF' eTE\ �5 t giP Ali y / �i x� G Z C '•. N 68.43, v ,� � / o v° i, � z�u-T,•o� z AQaD ss // Board of Trustees hwy eo 'h No. 50467 104 82 �u TOS=ON nov`aF nc"r E"w STATE E "°7 09 1. ! INathan Taft Corwin III WOES OF THIS SURVEY YAP NOT BEARMG ANI THE LO SURVEYOR'S,INKED SM OR I EUBOSSED SEAL SHiLLh'0T WNSa)Eta'D; Y TO BE A VAIRI TRUE LDPY. I ! Land Surveyor GERMGDONS ==ED HEREON SRA,L_RUN ,1P MY TO THE PERSON-FOR WHOM THE SURVEY{ ' +F Is PREPARED,AM ON X TO 7HE' ' Summcr To:Stanley J.haksen,Jr.LS. LTE D000 061mR �Eo D j; Joseph A.Ingegno'LS. TO THE ASSGHEES OF DIE IENONG NSD- ' TUWN.CO MaMMS ARE NOT TRUY4IIUAE� Title Surveys-Sub�nsioas- SRB P;on9 - Con51NC1;on La_muL ' PHONE(631)727-2090 Fax(631)727-1727 THE EKISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY i I OFFICES LOC47ED AT EWLIIG ADDRESS ' AND/OR EASEMEHLS OF RECORD,IF 1586 Main Rood P.O.eu 16 ANY,HOME ARE NOT GUARANTEED, I Jameaporl,New Yolk 11947 Jamesport,New York 11947 40-274 MICUAC LARCOITLCT,MACIZ�NA P.C. 21 Main Street, Stony Brook, NY 11790 P. 631 686-6SBS F. 631 686-6786 MMArchitectAIA.com Date: July 25, 2022 To: Town of Southold Board of Town Trustees 54375 Route 25, Southold,NY 11971 Re: Project Description as part of Pre-Application Letter of Intent for: 1315 Watersedge Way, Southold,NY 11971 SCTM# 1000—88—05 -68 Dear Members of the Board, I am respectfully requesting a pre-application site meeting for August 91h to discuss the addition of a proposed two-story framed addition(17'x17' footprint)to be located along the east side of the existing dwelling. The first floor will be for a sunroom and the second floor will be for a relocated bedroom. The existing bedroom will become a storage closet since it will get reduced in size to a non-habitable space. The proposed addition will be 2ft seaward of the existing house and maintain a 75ft distance to the bulkhead. All stormwater for the addition will be directed to a new drywell. This addition will not add any load to the existing sanitary system since we are not adding any bedrooms from what the system is designed for. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is (631) 335-3877. Since ely, i ael A. Macrina AIA gistered Architect p ECEIVE JUL 2 8 2022 Scuftldtmn Board of Trustees Board of Trust application AFFIDAVIT _. _BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. Signar of Property Owner Sign o roperty Owner SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF_ [ ,,200 . MICHAEL A.ESPOSITO Notary Public,State of New York U, Rc�g.No.U i ES5021 X43 Qualified in Suf oik county E;;c'sres 04104/20 Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, 1 C;1'1 U rd G n d 011'1 a Ban at owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- 6' - 05" &T-- in the town of 0L)A-"QNew York,hereby authorizes "i Cirl ac l M Ce.Cr16'16� to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s)from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property. 1A k Prope Owner's Signatur Pop rty Owner's Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS - - DAY OF J,4 , 20� MICNAELA.ESPOSITO Notary Public,State of New York Reg.No.01ES5021643 tart' blic Qualified in Suffolk county Ccmaiissicn Expires 04/04/20 L APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTA.TIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics urohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and,emalovees The nurnose of, this form is to provide inforinaiioti which can alert the town of oossible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: i CI°l�l�I Q•A ClC rl i1 Gf C,h IC .�. (Last name,fust name,ipiddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other"i name the activity.) Do you persoiiaily(or through your-company,spouse;sibling,parent;or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includmby blood,rgarriage,or business.interesL"Bus[ness interest?'means"a-business including a partnership,-in which the towti officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent(representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%c of the,shares of the corporate stock ofthe applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this �� day of To IY4 20-7 Signature Print Name _ Form TS 1 F James F.King,President ®��®F S0Urjy®l Town Hall Jill M.Doherty,Vice-President 53095 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Peggy A.Dickerson Southold,New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen Q • �O Telephone(631)765-1892 Bob Ghosio,Jr. O�yCOU Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #0279C Date: December 3, 2007 THIS CERTIFIES that the construction of a single-family dwelling; remove old sanitary system and replace with new; a 50' non-turf non-disturbance buffer-the removal of the shed and the jetty located on the west side of property and gutters and drywells on dwelling At 1315 Watersedge Way, Southold, New York Suffolk County Tax Map# 88-5-68 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 05/25/05 pursuant to which Trustees Permit#6164 Dated 07/20/05. Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the construction of a single-family dwelling• remove old sanitary system and replace with new; a 50' non-turf, non-disturbance buffer, the removal of the shed and the jetty located on the west side of property and butters and dn�wells on dwelling The certificate is issued to RICHARD E. BONATI owner of the aforesaid property. Authorized Signature a,4a aa0z nm ztw atom 11-z0a. w ^ rM1Cx 11HE INIb, ur+E zz----- ° �----- � /, +• ----Pa1 PCL Rp. -nm I : °i Para.Ro 2w nm - � a aaeEc,n g e « onoau sata1 �3a . _ anJzms noon _ •w it � r.a o N til / i ] _ ) ,2, +Q• 21N0 2,.m 2]JIU / w MAIN E cu �hIEW / 1 e� 'bwo :y '• r w RD `// ar 2IM my e I w lF iotwr°"i 0r �' real >ro ril �r M• ) r•'e,4 �F �M• NBA ^ aOUfxOrD 8 I=ll '+e+' 'by r� ° � � 5 '' «� txss +x• « u.n r4 '4xr v ql ,� ]a t 'x• n.i '' La a 51•£SEC.1q. it M ry4 � M pVtmAw6ts,�) t]b taJ « Qlme,21 lay � r 6 7 ♦ � a ^ la1/ ,a.P 13 3 ^ 31a x.10 �' t] 1111^ wpt C b M die u � Sr t aai "�y .. � ae 1JA • t ^ a',a3 .. _ LZ.42 tie um u ,aa MDr ALECK it4y L —�— u u rwicCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK © e Real 80VIarOln seci,oR RO l Properly Tax Service Agency i 088 P PROPERTY AUP