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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/2022 Historic Preservation Commission pur Uniq ,.cl e y SO�IJTH,OLC Famed .� 1i07 ARFSER VATIpN Regular Meeting Minutes TOWN HALL MEETING ROOM (Via ZOOM Webinar) THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2022 at 3:00 PM Work Session: 3:00 P.M. Pre submission Conferences: 3:00 PM Peter and Irene Treiber—Amend Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark located at 405 Racketts Court, Orient. SCTM No. 1000-17-6-8. (Request for amendments) a) Anthony Portillo, representative, appeared before the Commission to describe changes to the design of the residence from the prior approved design, which includes NuCedar Argos Color Siding, Charcoal Metal Standing Seam Roofing and Anderson Series 400 Windows inside and out. b) A rendering of the residence which Vastly differed from the original design was presented to the Commission. c) The Commission and the applicant's representative discussed differences in window designs. The Commission recommended the Anderson A Series, Marvin Windows, or equivalent. d) Mr. Portillo will appear at next meeting on August 25, 2022 with samples, new elevations .with a material schedule. Pamela Wilson, Thomas Ryckman -Amend Certificate of Appropriateness-under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark located at 1405 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM No. 1000-25-3-1,. (Request for amendments) a) The applicant described the location of an air conditioning unit located alongside the residence. b) The Commission requested elevation plans depicting a fence design to obscure the view_ of the a/c unit and location matching current fencing. c) Once satisfied,-the Commission can-amend the Certificate of Appropriateness without requiring a public,hearing. Regular Meeting Called to Order: 3:36 pm Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Wexler, Commissioner Cubie, and Commissioner Woodhouse Also present: Coordinator, Kim E. Fuentes, Deputy Town Attorney Damon Hagan Quorum present: . Pledge of Allegiance: Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission July 28, 2022 Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve June 23, 2022 meeting minutes by Commissioner Surchin, seconded by Commissioner Cubie, AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, and Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. (6-0). Motion approved. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:35 P.M. 1) 3:36 P.M. - Flavin, Laura— Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170- 7(b) of Town Code at a registered landmark property, 50705 Main Road, Southold. Proposed additions and alterations to an Existing Single Family Dwelling. SCTM No. 1000- 70-1-7.1 a) The Commission informed Mr. Portillo that Series A Anderson windows or compatible is always the standard in design of historic buildings. b) The applicant's representative, Anthony Portillo, requested to adjourn this meeting and to appear the next hearing date of August 25, 2022, so that he can be more prepared. A motion was made to Adjourn the Public hearing to August 25, 2022 by Commissioner Woodhouse, seconded by Commissioner Wexler.Ayes: Ostroski, Surchin,Wexler, Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. 2) 3:40 P.M. - Becker, Kathleen, as Trustee Living Trust— Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property, 154 King Street, Orient. Proposed additions and alterations to an Existing Single Family Dwelling. SCTM No. 1000-26-2-3. a) Barbara Cohen, Representative, appeared before the Commission to describe submitted Architectural Plans prepared by Richard M. Mato, Architect, last revised June 20, 2022 depicting proposed alterations and additions to a single family dwelling. b) The applicant discussed the window and door schedules as presented during the pre- submission conference. A motion was made to Close the Public Hearing by Commissioner Wexler, Seconded by Commissioner Woodhouse. Ayes: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. A motion was made to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions and alterations by Commissioner Wexler, seconded by Commissioner Cubie with conditions. Ayes: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. Old Business: (3:59 P.M.) 1. Murphy Home Plaque —A plaque was given to Chairperson Ostroski to present to the recipient. 2. Updates on Asch property award in progress: No Updates. 3. Landmark Incentives: No.updates 4. Potential Awards Incentives: No Report 5. HPC Handbook. Revision currently in the process. The Deputy Town Attorney is in the process of drafting amendments to Chapter 170 of the Town Code as the Commission's governing document, and will present proposals. Revisions to the Handbook to follow. 2 Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission July 28, 2022 6. The commission discussed adding more members. New Business: None Meeting Adiourned: 4:09 P.M. Motion to exit the public meeting and enter into Executive Session was made by Commissioner Ostroski, seconded by Commissioner Surchin. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. Motion approved. (6-0) Executive Session concluded at 4:41 PM Next HPC work session and regular meeting, with Zoom access, scheduled for August 25, 2022 in the Town Hall in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 3:00 PM. 3