HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.26.22 SubmissionCenterline Communications LLC 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 August 26, 2022 BY HAND Town of Southold Building Department Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: DISH Wireless — Building Permit Application AT &T site NYNYCO2219A Premises: 7055 Main Road Mattituck, NY Section 122, Block 6, Lot 35.4 Ms. Lanza: 1' AUG 2 6 2022 �y.� BUILDIN(J �{r" Per our emails and phone conversations, we are submitting the documents we were advised we needed to provide. Per our conversation we are providing these to go in front of the board on September 12, 2022 to have the public hearing waived and the permit issued. We filed our permit with Section 6409. Under the 6409 Rules, the Town of Southold had sixty (60) days following the delivery of our initial submission to notify us that the submission was incomplete. The Shot Clock for this ran out on July 27, 2022. In light of our conversations and emails, we are agreeing to extend the Shot Clock until October 1, 2022 for the Town to issue our permit. Enclosed are the following documents we were advised to submit to the Town: 1) Site Plan Application Form 2) Redacted Leases 3) Check ( #1554) in the amount of $1000 for the site plan application fee Considering the foregoing, DISH respectfully requests that its proposed equipment upgrades be approved no later than October 1, 2022. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me. Thank you for your cooperation. Lorna Mund Site Acquisition Manager on Behalf of AT &T 631 - 258 -1287 Imund @clinellc.com � D Cl` ? •4 Cl n L C7 .� O c, 58 U p b C_. CD ' 1 r D r J , � I l 4r x l rwb CIO ;: o D e� it OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY To: Accounting From.- Planning Department Date: August 30, 2022 Re: Check 14- C6 0� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 - 765 -1938 www.southoldtownny.gov Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Dish Wireless Colocation at Laurel 122 -6 -35.4 1000.00 Stone Site Plan CENTERLINE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 750 W CENTER ST STE Sol W BRIDGEWATER, MA 02379 -1545 'AYE 10 THE ORDER OF n f r r fy OCKLANDTRUST is DAT zwwc 11R001S53n■ i :OLL3044781: 799 200 7 20 Check Date /No. 8/23/22 - #1553 Centerline Communications SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM Nite Plan N "m,�and Location Site Plan Name: �i 5 i l 5 Co;2212 :4 Application Date: Suffolk County Tax Map #1000 - Qa- 6 - �.a a Other SCTM #s Street Address: ­ 7o s A0--CQ &ad Distance to nearest intersection-_ /SS-4- Hamlet: _644A LILA Type of Site Plan: New Amended Residential Zoning District Owners /Agent Contact information Please list frame, mailing address, and phone irranber for the people below, 'roperty Owner Lewd 5-6e, . �C40. itreet lQs-S IA&tn Food •Tome Telephone State m , zip ilk-2_ �i Other -631= r Applicant (2SS LL G Street 9(pU _ b -e.ctj 1130 66,6' -wi,, J City trk 14- t -,00d State Co f c f Zip � O Il a Home Telephone ?l l 7 -9 5� Other Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Person (s)* Loa= Rui _ Street S 30 �2_ City L5ft"VA_ State Zip i { 159 Office Telephone 6' %/e _Otherl -PS ° /Z87 (!C *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Ptan Application Form 2-182010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New VModif cation of Existing Structure Agricultural Property total acreage or square N a footage: /sq. - _ Change of use g �� _ c. ft - Site Plan build -out acreage or square footage N /A, ac./sq. ft Ls_th e an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes No k explain : Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280 -9 Lot Recognition? Y N If "yes ", explain (and attach any necessary documentation title report, gubdivision approval, etc.) z FBuilding Department Notice of Disapproval Date: n application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes I/ No If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes j./ No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet ` 1EccJiCA Zin Show all uses proposed and existing Indicate which building will have which use If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area ner use List all existing property uses List all proposed property uses Other accessory uses: Existing lot coverage: &_./A % Proposed lot coverage: u ,4 a: Gross floor area of existing structure(s): �f sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s) I- Parking Space Data: # ofexistin # of - -- - Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: 4 Wetlands: Is this y within 500' of a wetland area? Yes Berth: Yes No Proposed landscape coverage; No I, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true_ Signature of Preparer Date: V 1a43 Site Plan Application Forni ? 18, 2010 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA SUPPLEMENT TO THE MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT THIS SUPPLEMENT TO THE MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT ( "SLA ") is entered into as of ( "Effective Date "), by and between K2 Towers 111, LLC ( "Lessor "), whose address is 57 E. Washington St., Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022, and DISH Wireless L.L.C. ( "Lessee "), whose address is 9601 South Meridian Blvd., Englewood, Colorado, 80112. Lessor and Lessee are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party ". BACKGROUND WHEREAS, Lessor, and Lessee have entered into that certain Master Lease Agreement dated February 19, 2021 (the "MLA "). Such MLA provides that Lessor and Lessee will enter into separate SLAs on a site -by -site basis, pursuant to which Lessor will lease to Lessee certain available space at a Leased Property. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows: Site Information. The Leased Property, as more particularly described in Section 6 hereof, means: a. Lessee Site ID: NYNYCO2219A b. Lessor Site ID: NY -3 Laurel Stone c. Address and/or location of the Site: 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 d. Site coordinates (NAD 83): i. Latitude: 40.978692 N ii. Longitude: 72.546892 W e. Antenna Space centerline height: 85' f. Ground Space dimensions: 5' x 7' (Length x Width) 2. Rent; Term. a. Rent. i. Commencing on the SLA Rent Commencement Date, the Basic Rent for this SLA shall be a monthly rental be paid and to escalate in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 4.1(A) of the MLA due to this being a stealth tower. ii. Basic Rent will increase in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit C to the MLA. iii. Additional Rent, if any, shall be paid in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 4 of the MLA, in the amount of Not Applicable. b. Term. The term of this SLA shall be as set forth in Section 3 of the MLA, unless set forth herein as follows: Not Applicable. HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA Non - Standard Terms. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the following conditions exist at the Site: (Check all that apply) ❑ Electrical utilities at the Site are unavailable. ❑ The Site is located, in whole or in part, on land which is owned, operated or controlled by a Governmental Authority (e.g. Bureau of Land Management or Bureau of Indian Affairs). ❑ The Structure on the Site is AM detuned. ❑ Tower Modifications are required prior to the commencement of Lessee's Installation at the Site. ❑ Ground Space at the Site is not included in the legal interest conveyed to Lessee pursuant to this SLA. ❑ Aesthetic restrictions imposed by Prime Lessor or Applicable Law apply to Lessee's Equipment. ❑ An access Easement for the Site is not included in the legal interest conveyed, in whole or in part, to Lessee pursuant to this SLA. 4. Special Provisions. Not Applicable 5. Unique Prime Agreement Terms. Not Applicable 6. Site Address and Legal Description of Site. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee leases from Lessor, as applicable, the Site, as more particularly described in Section 1 hereof, and which is comprised of the space on the Structure, Easements (including, without limitation, a right -of -way for access) and Ground Space on the Parcel at heights and locations as more particularly set forth on Schedule A -1 (Collocation Application), Schedule A -2 (Structure Elevation and Site Plan), and Schedule A4 (Legal Description of Parcel or Survey) (together, as applicable, the "Leased Property "), each of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. Frequencies. As of the Effective Date, Lessee's initial Installation will use those certain frequencies, in pre - approved transmit power, as set forth on Schedule A -1 (Collocation Application), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. MLA, Terms-, Inc= oration of Back ound• Prime A ement. This SLA is entered into pursuant to the MLA. All terms and conditions of the MLA are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof without the necessity of repeating such terms and conditions or attaching the MLA. By executing and delivering this SLA, the Parties hereby agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the MLA applicable to such Party, and to perform all covenants and agreements of such Party therein. Capitalized terms used in this SLA shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the MLA unless otherwise indicated herein. The background section set forth above is hereby incorporated into this SLA by this reference in its entirety. A true and correct copy of the Prime Agreement(s) (subject to redaction of economic, financial, and confidential terms) is set forth in Schedule A -3 (Redacted Prime Agreement), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 9. Order of precedence, Conflict. In the event of an inconsistency, conflict or discrepancy between, or among, (a) Section 1 of this SLA, (b) Schedule A -1 (Collocation Application), and/or (c) Schedule A -2 (Structure Elevation and Site Plan), Section 1 of this SLA shall govern. In the event of an inconsistency, conflict or discrepancy between (i) Schedule A -1 (Collocation Application), and (ii) Schedule A -2 (Structure Elevation and Site Plan), Schedule A -2 (Structure Elevation and Site Plan) shall control. In the event of an inconsistency, conflict or discrepancy between (x) the MLA, and (y) this SLA, the terms set forth in the MLA shall control. HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this SLA as of the Effective Date. LESSOR: K2 Towers III, LLC °DocuSigned by: By: F Name: Ryan D. Lepene 6/17/2022 Title: President LESSEE: DISH Wireless L.L.C. Doc uSigned by: EFQDAIAI�056:84V tV. 6 By: Name: Dave Mayo Title: EVP 6/21/2022 Ds 6/17/2022 E DocuSigned by: atC AA —4,,W-7, 3C5E2E78EA26474... 6/19/2022 cDS A J' "V .`I-CSrj. DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA SCHEDULE A -1 TO SLA COLLOCATION APPLICATION [Attached Hereafter] 3[sc DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA Collocation Application K2 Towers III, LLC 57 E Washington Street a Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 a Attn.: Greg Thompson 866 - 962 -0904 phone a 440 -528 -0334 fax a gthompson @k2towers.com K2 Site Name: NY -3 Laurel Stone K2 Site #: NY -3 Laurel Stone Tenant's Site Ref: Contact Name: Address: 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 Latitude: 40 58 43.291 32 48.811 Longitude: -72 Structure Type: Concealment Role Structure Height: 120 ft Tenant (Applicant): Dish Wireless LLC Type of Service: Installation of cell antennas and equipment on the ground Desired RAD Center Feet AGL : Contact Name: Jermaine Parker Site Ac Contact Name: Loma Mund Contact Email: Jennaine.parker@dish.com Site Ac Contact Email: lmund clinellc.com Contact Phone: 917- 945 -2065 Site Ac Contact Phone: 516 -557 -2398 FW- 65B -R3 RF Contact Name: Imad Memon Construction Contact Name: Walter Pas uino RF Contact Email: Imad.memon@dish.com Construction Contact Email: Walter. as uino ,dish.com RF Contact Phone: 303 - 706 -4019 Construction Contact Phone: 973 - 461 -0700 EXISTING EQUIPMENT /ANTENNA INFORMATION Please indicate (E) for Existing (and staying); (P) for Proposed; (R) for being Removed after each equipment model listed below. Examples: - Antenna Model: ABCXYZ-I23 (E) - RRH Model: RRH 1000A (R) RRH 1001B (P) HS9 Sector A Sector B Sector C Desired RAD Center Feet AGL : 85 85 85 Antenna Quantity 1 1 1 - Antenna Manufacturer Commsco a Commsco a Commsco e Antenna Model Attach Spec Sheet FW- 65B -R3 FW- 65B -R3 ) FW- 65B -R3 ) Weight (per antenna 43.8 lbs 43.8 lbs 43.8 lbs Antenna Dime_ nsions 71.97 "x11.81" 71.97 "x11.81" 71.97 "x11.81" ERP watts Antenna Gain Orientation / Azimuth 50 _ 170 290 Mechanical Tilt 0 0 0 Channels j Tower Mount Description / Dimensions M04 Mounting Bracket HPA- 33R- BUU -H4 -K 5 "72 "x8" M04 Mounting Bracket HPA- 33R- BUU -H4 -K 5 "x2 "x8" M04 Mounting Bracket HPA- 33R- BUU -H4 -K 5 "x2 "x8" Tower Mount Weight 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs Tower Mount Mounting Height 8" 8" 8" Transmit Frequency 0 -0, 2180 -2200, 1995- 2020, 632 -652 0 -0, 2180 -2200, 1995- 2020, 632 -652 0 -01 2180 -2200, 1995- 2020. 632 -652 Receive Frequency 1915- 1920,678 -698 1915- 1920,678 -698 1915- 1920,678 -698 Di lexer Quantity 2 at pole, 2 on ground 2 at Role, 2 on ground 2 at pole, 2 on ground Di lexer Manufacturer Commsco a Commsco a Commsco e Commscope Model (Attach Spec Sheet) CDX623T -DS -T E15V95P63/ CDX623T -DS -B E15V95P62 CDX623T -DS -T E15V95P63/ CDX623T -DS -B E15V95P62 CDX623T -DS -T E15V95P63/ CDX623T -DS -B E15V95P62 HS9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA un RRU Quantity 2 2 2 Weight (per Di lexer) 10.141 top 10.141 bottom 10.141 top 10.141 bottom 10.141 top 10.141 bottom Diplexer Dimensions 8.86" x 4.96" x 4.53" 8.86" x 4.96" x 4.53" 8.86" x 4.96" x 4.53" # of Coax Cables PER ANTENNA 4 4 4 Diameter of Coax Cables 7/8" 7/8" 7/8" RRU Quantity 2 2 2 RRU Fujitsu Dual Band TA08025- Fujitsu Dual Band TA08025- Fujitsu Dual Band TA08025- Manufacturer/ B604/ Fujitsu Tri Band B604/ Fujitsu Tri Band B604/ Fujitsu Tri Band Model TA08025 -B605 TA08025 -B605 TA08025 -B605 Weight (per 63.9/74.95 63.9/74.95 63.9/74.95 RRU) lbs. RRU 14.9 "x15.7 "x7.8 "/14.9 "x15.7" 14.9 "x15.7 "x7.8 "/14.9 "x15.7" 14.9 "x15.7 "x7.8 "/14.9 "x15.7" Dimensions x9" x9 x9 Distribution System N/A N/A N/A Quantity Manufacturer N/A N/A N/A Weight (per N/A N/A N/A ODU) lbs Dimensions per N/A N/A N/A ODU DC Power Cables — N/A N/A N/A quantity/size Fiber Runs — N/A N/A N/A uantity /size GROUND SPACE INFORMATION Cabinet or Shelter Manufacturer and Model Eners s Hex Cabinet 2000005996 Cabinet or Shelter Dimensions 73 "00 "x32" Total Ground Space Required for Foundation 5'x7' POWER INFORMATION Required Voltage and Total Amperage (if using AC Power Amps Landlord's shelter Other new equipment: SUMMARY OF PROPOSED INSTALL: Concealment pole: Three (3) panel antennas (one per sector) with strap mounts, six (6) diplexers (2 per sector), jumpers with cable clamps. Ground: One (1) Steel platform, one (1) ice bridge, one (1) PPC cabinet, one (1) equipment cabinet, one (1) power conduit, one (1) telco conduit, one (1) fiber box, six (6) RRU's (2 per sector), one (1) Over Voltage Protection Device, one (1) GPS unit, one (1) meter socket, six (6) diplexers. FINAL CONFIGURATION: Concealment pole: Three (3) panel antennas (one per sector) with strap mounts, six (6) diplexers (2 per sector), jumpers with cable clamps. Ground: One (1) Steel platform, one (1) ice bridge, one (1) PPC cabinet, one (1) equipment cabinet, one (1) power conduit, one (1) telco conduit, one (1) fiber box, six (6) RRU's (2 per sector), one (1) Over Voltage Protection Device, one (1) GPS unit, one (1) meter socket, six (6) diplexers. HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA SCHEDULE A -2 TO SLA STRUCTURE ELEVATION AND SITE PLAN [Attached Hereafter] HS6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA `9 , ! KEY MAP A SCALE: N.T.S. ;(Nj Hr�arH EXISTING 119' -6" UNIPOLE PROPOSED LESSEE ANTENNA SECTORS W/ 3- ANTENNAS TOT, PROPOSED LESSEE COAX CABLES TO ANTENNA SECTORS (TYP 12 COAX @ 7/8" GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL ANTENNA LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. RRH UNITS, DIPLEXERS, DISTRIBUTION BOXES, AND OTHER SMALL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ADDED TO EACH ANTENNA SECTOR AT FUTURE LOCATIONS DETERMINED BY LESSEE. 3. CABLE TRAYS, CONDUITS, AND OTHER CONNECTIONS NOT SHOWN ON THESE LEASE EXHIBITS SHALL BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED BY LESSEE AND WILL BE SHOWN ON THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. 4. EXACT LOCATION, LAYOUT, AND DETAILS OF ALL PROPOSED FEATURES TO BE DETERMINED AFTER STRUCTURAL REVIEW, DURING FINAL DESIGN, AND WILL BE SHOWN ON THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. 5. ANY EQUIPMENT OR OTHER UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY LESSEE UTILITY PROVIDERS TO SERVICE LESSEE INSTALLATION SHALL BE PERMITTED AT THE PROPERTY. ,sA, CLIENT: # RECORD �E °ti�c� t PROPOSED COMPOUND PLAN NORTH 32' 16 0' 32' 64' L� ' d. _.I SCALE: 1/32" = V -0" LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: # RECORD OF REVISIONS NEW SITE BUILD DWG. NO: NO. DATE DESCRIPTION Salient ARCHITECTS. LLC 325 N. 10th STREET LEWISBURG, PA 17837u% Z WIRELESS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESION.PROPEATY, `nom NLErtNTq!!LY- A 3/24/21 PRELIMINARY MGS MGS NYNYCO2219A 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 LE- 1 1 B 4/6/21 REVISED PER COMMENTS CwJ C 6128/21 REVISED PER COMMENTS CWJ T: (201) 567 -0032 F: (201) 567 -9556 ANY DUPLICATION OR USE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SALIENT ARCHITECTS, LLC r� L-.7 www.salientassociates.com ISSTRICTLYPROHISITED COMPOUND PLAN DoouSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA UTILI :Y SERVICE LEGEND* *UTILITY WALKS REQUIRED TO VERIFY FINAL LOCATION OF SERVICES AND ROUTING TO PROPOSED EQUIPMENT LOCATION. T TELCO: TAP FROM EXISTING SERVICE PROVIDER AND ROUTE TO LESSEE TELCO ENCLOSURE + EQUIPMENT; FINAL TAP LOCATION TO BE CONFIRMED BY UTILITY PROVIDER. E ELECTRICAL: TAP ELECTRICAL METER BANK, ROUTE TO LESSEE ELECTRICAL PANEL + DISCONNECT SWITCH; 200A, 1- PHASE, 120/240V; FINAL LOCATION TO BE CONFIRMED BY UTILITY PROVIDER / ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. G GROUNDING: INSTALL GROUNDING RODS W/ GROUND RING AND ROUTE TO LESSEE MASTER GROUND BAR; FINAL GROUND SERVICE LOCATION TO BE CONFIRMED BY ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. N PROPOSED LESSEE UTILITY CONDUITS RUN FROM SERVICE LOCATIONS TO EQUIPMENT (TYP) PROPOSED UTILITY LAYOUT PLAN SCALE: NORTH 8" 4' 0' 81 16' r r SCALE: 1 /8" =1' -0" LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT; RECORD OF REVISIONS NEW SITE BUILD DWG. NO: NO. DATE DESCRIPTION INIT. Salient ARCHITE=LLC 325 N. 10th STREET LEWISBURG, PA 17837 WIRELESS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN, PROPERTY, FOREXCLUSI�USSEeBYY"THET�C ENTON Y. A 3/24/21 PRELIMINARY MGS CWJ CWJ NYNYCO2219A 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 r n E 2 B 416/21 REVISED PER COMMENTS C 6/28/21 REVISED PER COMMENTS T: (201) 567 -0032 F: (201) 567 -9556 wwwsalientassociates.com ANY DUPUCATIONORUSEWRHOUTEXPRESS IC WRDTEN CONSENTTLY PROHi ARCHRECTS,LLC SSNTOFYPROHIARCH UTILITY LAYOUT PLAN F{SG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA TOP OF FIRE DEPARTMENT WHIP ANTENNA 1 19'_61Y +/- AGL TOP OF CONCEALMENT POLE 1001{ +1- AGL ----\ LESSEE RAD CENTER _ 85' -0" +1- AGL PROPOSEDLESSEE — ANTENNA SECTORS W/ 3- ANTENNAS TOTAL EXISTING - 119' -6" UNIPOLE PROPOSED LESSEE CABLE PATHWAY TO ANTENNA SECTORS (TYP) GRADE PROPOSED 4 ELEVATION 32' SCALE: 1/16" = P -0" LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: 0 RECORD OF REVISIONS NEW SITE BUILD DWG. NO: WO. DATE DESCRIPTION INIT. SaSalient Z%S A 3/24/21 i� PRELIMINARY MGS NYNYCO2219A ARCHITECTS, LLC 325 N. 10th STREET WI}�I,E+ THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN, PROPERTY. B 416121 REVISED PER COMMENTS CWJ 7055 MAIN ROAD C 6128121 REVISED PER COMMENTS CWJ AND COPYRIGHTOF SALIENTARCHTTECTS, LLC. LEWISBURG, PA 17837 FOR EXCLUSWE USE BYTHE TITLE CLIENT ONLY. T: (201) 567 -0032 F: (201) 567 -9556 1 ANY DUPLICATION OR USE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SALIENT ARCHITECTS, LLD www.salientassociates.com IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, MA I I I UCK, NY 11952 ELEVATION V [ G DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA PROPOSED LESSEE GPS ANTENNA PROPOSED LESSEE EQUIPMENT PLATFO (100 SQ. FT. LEASE A PROPOSED LESSEE POWER CABINET PROPOSED LESSEE CABLE PATHWAY TO ANTENNA SECTORS (TYP) ^ ^ ^^ ^SEDLESSEE :NT CABINET PROPOSED @EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 2' SCALE: 1/2" = 1' -0 , SCALE: 1/2" = P -0" SED LESSEE Y CONDUITS DM SERVICE ,TIONS (TYP) PROPOSED LESSEE AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT I/ 6 -RRH AND I -OVP TOTAL SED LESSEE TELCO BOX 111�' NORTH 4- LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT' !RECORDOFREVISIONS NEW SITE BUILD DWG. NO: p4O. DATE DESCRIPTION INIT. Salient �rjy A 3/24/21 PRELIMINARY MISS NYNYCO2219A ARCHITECTS, LC 10th WIRELESS B 4/6/21 REVISED PER COMMENTS CWJ 7055 MAIN ROAD C 6128121 REVISED PER COMMENTS CWJ 325 N. STREET LEWISBURG, PA 17837 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN. PROPERTY. AND FOR EXCLUSIVE USEBYTHC`iARCHITECTS, NTT`N�Y. _ MATTITUCK, NY 11952 T: (201) 567 -0032 F: (201) 567 -9556 www.salientassociates.com ANY DUPLICATION OR USE WITHOUT EXPRESS NR EN CONSENT OF SALIENT ARCHITECTS. 95TRITYPRpHIBTSFq. EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN SCj DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA SCHEDULE A -3 TO SLA REDACTED PRIME AGREEMENT [Attached Hereafter] -Ifsc DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 1 LEASE AGREEMENT 3 THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ( "LEASE "), dated as of the latter of the signature dates below (the "Effective Date "), is made as of 4 this 2 day of �"cLS.t , 20t2 by and between LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PLUS INC -, a New York corporation having 5 an address at 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 ( "lessor ") and ELITE TOWERS, LP, a Pennsylvania 6 limited partnership, having an address at 87 North Industry Court, Suite J, Deer Park, NY 11729 ( "LESSEE "). 7 WHEREAS, Lessor is the owner or holds the Leasehold interest in the property located (lease address] in New York 9 as more particularly described In Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part hereof (the "Site "); and 10 11 WHEREAS, Lessee will enter into an agreement (the "Subleases ") with wireless telecommunication providers, to 12 provide and secure broadband wireless service ( "Wireless Services "); and 13 14 WHEREAS, Lessee desires to have an exclusive Lease from Lessor of a certain portion of the Site in order to install 15 and construct certain communications facilities for Lessee's sole and exclusive use, as more particularly described herein. 16 17 1. OPTION TO LEASE: 18 19 A. Lessor grants to Lessee an option (the "Option ") to lease a certain portion of the Property containing 20 approximately 2,500 square feet including the air space above such room /cabinet/ground space as described on attached 21 Exhibit B, together with unrestricted access for Lessee's uses from the nearest public right -of -way along the Property to the 72 Premises as described on the attached Exhibit B. 73 24 B. During the Option period and any extension thereof, and during the term of this Agreement, Lessee and its agents, 25 engineers, surveyors and other representatives will have the right to enter upon the Property to inspect, examine, conduct 26 soil borings, drainage testing, material sampling, radio frequency testing and other geological or engineering tests or 27 studies of the Property (collectively, the "Tests "), to apply for and obtain licenses, permits, approvals, or other relief 2$ required of or deemed necessary or appropriate at Lessee's sole discretion for its use of the Premises and include, without 29 limitation, applications for zoning variances, zoning ordinances, amendments, special use permits, and construction permits 30 (collectively, the "Government Approvals "), initiate the ordering and /or scheduling of necessary utilities, and otherwise to 31 do those things on or off the Property that, in the opinion of Lessee, are necessary In Lessee's sole discretion to determine 32 the physical condition of the Property, the environmental history of the Property, Lessor's title to the Property and the 33 feasibility or suitability of the Property for Lessee's Permitted Use, all at Lessee's expense. Lessee will not be liable to 34 Lessor or any third party on account of any pre- existing defect or condition on or with respect to the Property, whether or 3 not such defect or condition is disclosed by Lessee's inspection. Lessee will restore the Property to its condition as it 36 existed at the commencement of the Option Term (as defined below), reasonable wear and tear and casualty not caused by 37 Lessee excepted. In addition, Lessee shall indemnify, defend and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all injury, 38 loss, damage or claims arising directly out of Lessee's Tests. 39 40 C. In consideration of Lessor granting Lessee the Option, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor the sum of within thirty (30) business days of the Effective Date. The Option will be for an initial term of two (2) years commencing on the Effective Date (the "Initial Option Term ") and may be renewed by Lessee for an additional two 43 (2) years upon written notification to Lessor and the payment of an additional 44 no later than ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of the Initial Option Term. 45 46 D. The Option may be sold, assigned or transferred at any time by Lessee to Lessee's parent company or member if 47 Lessee is a limited liability company or any affiliate or subsidiary of, or partner in, Lessee or its parent company or member, 48 or to any third party agreeing to be subject to the terms hereof. Otherwise, the Option may not be sold, assigned or 49 transferred without the written consent of Lessor, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 50 From and after the date the Option has been sold, assigned or transferred by Lessee to a third party agreeing to be subject 51 to the terms hereof, Lessee shall immediately be released from any and all liability under this Agreement, including the 52 payment of any rental or other sums due, without any further action. 53 Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 HSI3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA E. During the Initial Option Term and any extension thereof, Lessee may exercise the Option by notifying Lessor in writing. If Lessee exercises the Option then Lessor leases the Premises to the Lessee subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If Lessee does not exercise the Option during the Initial Option Term or any extension thereof, this Agreement will terminate and the parties will have no further liability to each other. F. If during the Initial Option Term or any extension thereof, or during the term of this Agreement if the Option is exercised, Lessor decides to subdivide, sell, or change the status of the zoning of the Premises, Property or any of Lessors contiguous, adjoining or surrounding property (the "Surrounding Property," which includes (without limitation) the remainder of the structure) or in the event of foreclosure, Lessor shall immediately notify Lessee in writing. Any sale of the Property shall be subject to Lessee's rights under this Agreement. Lessor agrees that during the Initial Option Term or any extension thereof, or during the Term of this Agreement if the Option is exercised, Lessor shall not initiate or consent to any change in the zoning of the Premises, Property or Surrounding Property or impose or consent to any other restriction that would prevent or limit Lessee from using the Premises for the uses intended by Lessee as hereinafter set forth in this Agreement. 2. LEASED SPACE AND PREMISES: Lessor shall lease, and hereby leases, to Lessee approximately 2500 square feet of space as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Leased Space ") within the property commonly known as 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 County, tax map parcel/ property identification number S1000- 125- 00- 01- 00 -019- 004 and S1000- 122- 00 -06 -00- 035 -004 and located in the Town of Southold with the legal description set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto ( "Premises "). Lessor also hereby grants to Lessee the right to survey the Leased Space at Lessee's cost. The survey will automatically replace Exhibit A and be made a part hereof. The Leased Space legal access and utility easement set forth in the survey will replace any parent parcel description set forth in Exhibit B as soon as it becomes available. In the event of any discrepancy between the description of the Leased Space contained herein and the survey, the survey will control. The Leased Space will be utilized to construct, support and operate a wireless communications facility, including a communications tower, antennas, cables, and related structures and improvements (collectively the "Structures "), including the uses as permitted and described in Section 7 of this Lease and for any other purpose with the Lessor's prior written consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 3. PERMITTED USE: A. The Leased Space may be used by Lessee solely for the transmission and reception of radio communication signals and for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of related facilities, including, without limitation, tower /monopole /flagpole and foundation, antennas, lines, microwave dishes, equipment shelters and /or cabinets and related equipment ( "Facilities "). B. Lessee, at Lessee's expense, may use any and all appropriate means of restricting access to the Leased Space, including, without limitation, the construction of a fence. C. Lessee must, at Lessee's sole expense, comply with all laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and directives of applicable Federal, State, County, and Municipal authorities or regulatory agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission ( "FCC "), relating to Lessee's use of the Leased Space as a communications facility, including the installation of required warning signage. D. Lessee and its agents, engineers, surveyors and other representatives will have the right to enter upon the Premises to inspect, examine, conduct soil borings, drainage testing, material sampling, radio frequency testing and other geological or engineering tests or studies of the Premises (collectively, the "Tests "), to apply for and obtain agreements, permits, approvals, or other relief required of or deemed necessary or appropriate at Lessee's sole discretion for its use of the Leased Space and include, without limitation, applications for zoning variances, zoning ordinances, amendments, special use permits, and construction permits (collectively, the "Government Approvals "), initiate the ordering and /or scheduling of necessary utilities, and otherwise to do those things on or off the Premises that, in the opinion of Lessee, are necessary in Lessee's sole discretion to determine the physical condition of the Premises, the Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 HS9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA environmental history of the Premises, Lessor's title to the Premises and the feasibility or suitability of the Leased Space for Lessee's Permitted Use, all at Lessee's expense_ Lessee will not be liable to Lessor or any third party on account of any pre- existing defect or condition on or with respect to the Premises, whether or not such defect or condition is disclosed by Lessee's inspection. Upon completion of the Tests, Lessee will restore the Premises to its condition as it existed at the commencement of the Tests, reasonable wear and" tear and casualty not caused by Lessee excepted. In addition, Lessee shall indemnify, defend and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all injury, loss, damage or claims arising directly out of Lessee's Tests. Neither Lessor, nor its successors or its assigns, will use or suffer or permit another person, corporation, company, or other entity to use the Premises or any adjacent parcel of land now or hereafter owned, leased or managed by Lessor, its successors or assigns, for the uses permitted herein or other uses similar thereto. TERM: A. The term of this Agreement shall be ten (10) years, commencing on the date of commercial operation of the Lessee's Site ( "Commencement Date "). 3, This Lease shall be automatically renewed for Eight (8) additional terms (each "Extension Terms ") of five (5) years each, unless Lessee provides Lessor with written notice of Lessee's intention not to renew this LEASE not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or the any Extension Term. C. If Lessee remains in possession of the Leased Space after the termination of this Lease, then Lessee will be deemed to be occupying the Leased Space on a month -to -month basis ( "Holdover Term "), subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease. E. The Initial Term, Extension Term, and Holdover Term are collectively referred to as the Term ( "Term "). 5. FEES: A. Lessee shall pay Lessor, a monthly Base rent of ( "Lease Fee ") whichever is greater. If the Initial Term initial term or any Renewal Term renewal term does not begin on the first day or end on the last day of a month, the Lease Fee for that partial month will be prorated by multiplying the monthly Lease Fee by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days of the partial month included in the Initial Term or Renewal Term and the denominator of which is the total number of days in the full calendar month. B. Beginning with second year of the Initial Term of the base rent, and each year thereafter, including throughout all Extension Terms and Holdover Terms, the Lease Fee shall be increased by- - over the previous year's Lease Fee. TERMINATION: A. Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease (i) upon not less than ninety (90) days' notice to Lessor, at any time; and (ii) upon not less than thirty (30) days' notice to Lessor, if (a) any Governmental Approval required for Lessee's use of the Leased Space is rejected or withdrawn (notwithstanding Lessee's diligent efforts to obtain and /or maintain such Governmental Approval), (b) Lessor shall default in any of its obligations hereunder, including, without limitation any obligation to maintain and repair the Premises or the Leased Space, (c) if any equipment installed on the Premises after the Commencement Date unreasonably interferes with Lessee's equipment installed on the Leased Space (d) Lessee determines that technical problems or radio interference problems from other antennas or from nearby radio transmitting Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 3-CsG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA facilities, which problems cannot reasonably be corrected, impair or restrict Lessee from using the Leased Space for Lessee's intended purpose; (e) Lessee determines that it does not have acceptable and legally enforceable means of ingress and egress to and from the Leased Space; (f) Lessor does not have legal or sufficient ownership of or title to the Leased Space or Premises or the authority to enter into this Lease; (g) utilities necessary for Lessee's contemplated use of the Leased Space are not available; (h) the Leased Space is damaged or destroyed to an extent which prohibits or materially interferes with Lessee's use of the Leased Space or Lessee's equipment and attachments thereto; (i) the Premises now or hereafter contains a Hazardous Material; (j) Lessee is unable to obtain a Subordination, Non - disturbance and Attornment Agreement; (k) a material default by Lessor occurs; (1) Lessor fails to perform any of the material covenants or provisions of this Lease or if any representation or warranty contained herein is found to be untrue; (m) the Leased Space is the subject of a condemnation proceeding or taking by a governmental authority, or quasi - governmental authority with the power of condemnation, or if the Leased Space is transferred in lieu of condemnation (rent will be abated during the period of condemnation or taking); (n) if Lessee determines, in its sole discretion, that it will be unable to use the site for any reason. In the event of termination by Lessee pursuant to this provision, Lessee will be relieved of all further liability hereunder. Any rental fees paid prior to the termination date will be retained by Lessor. In the event Lessor fails to perform its obligations under this Lease for any reason other than Lessee's breach, Lessee may pursue all remedies available at law and in equity. Lessor hereby acknowledges that Lessee will incur significant expenses in reliance on this Lease, and therefore agrees to pay Lessee for all consequential damages which Lessee will suffer as a result of Lessor's breach. ACCESS: A. Before the Commencement Date of this Lease, Lessee shall have access to the Site to conduct the Tests. B. In connection with the construction and installation of Lessee's Facilities Lessee shall have access to Lessor's electric power and telephone lines, together with any other necessary connecting appurtenances, as well as any easement necessary to connect the foregoing services to Lessee's Facilities. C. At all times during the Term of this Lease, Lessee shall have twenty -four (24) hour per day, seven (7) day per week access to the Site for the construction, installation, maintenance, replacement, modification, upgrade, operation, and removal of Lessee's Facilities as necessary or desirable to provide the Wireless Service. 8. CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION: A. Prior to the commencement of initial construction and any subsequent material alteration of the communications facilities, Lessee must submit to Lessor work plans, including any subsequent additions or revisions, (collectively, "Plans ") for Lessor's approval. Lessor must approve all such Plans by written response to Lessee within five (5) days following receipt of the Plans from the Lessee. If Lessor fails to provide a written response within five (5) days following receipt of the Plans from Lessee, the Plans shall be deemed accepted by Lessor. B. Lessee's construction, installation, maintenance, replacement, modification, upgrade, operation, and removal of communications facilities on the Leased Premises must meet or exceed standards for such work. C. Lessee shall install its own electrical utilities and meter at Lessee's expense, and may improve the present utilities on the Premises as may be necessary. Lessor agrees to use reasonable efforts in assisting Lessee to acquire necessary utility service. Lessee shall install separate meters for utilities used on the Leased Space by Lessee. Lessee shall have the right to install necessary conduits from the Leased Space to the point of connection within the Premises. Following installation of a separate meter Lessee shall receive monthly utility bills directly from utility provider. Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 9. INTERFERENCE: Lessor shall not, and shall not permit others, to install new equipment or make changes to existing equipment at the Site if such installations or changes will cause interference with Lessee's operations at the Site. In addition, Lessor agrees that all telecommunications agreements affecting the Site entered in after the Effective Date of this Lease, which authorize persons to engage in communications transmission activities in or about the Site, shall require that such activities be conducted in a manner which will avoid interference with the permitted use by Lessee from the Site. In the event any such interference occurs, Lessor shall cause such interference to be eliminated within twenty -four (24) hours after notice of such interference. In the event that any such interference does not cease within twenty -four (24) hours after Lessee gives Lessor notice of such interference, then such interference will be deemed to unreasonably interfere with Lessee's equipment installed on the Leased Space and Lessee will have the right, in addition to any other rights Lessee may have at law or in equity, for Lessor's material breach of this Lease, to elect to enjoin such interference or to terminate this Lease upon written notice to Lessor in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this Lease. 10. APPROVALS: Lessee shall obtain all Leases, permits, certificates and other approvals required by federal, state or local authorities for the foregoing uses and improvements to the Leased Space ( "Governmental Approvals "). Lessor agrees to cooperate with Lessee in Lessee's efforts to obtain the Governmental Approvals. Upon request from Lessor, Lessee shall provide Lessor with a complete list of any and all application(s) required for a Government Approval filed by Lessee or its agent, in connection with the occupancy and use of the Site as contemplated herein. 11. COVENANTS AND WARRANTIES: A. Lessor covenants and warrants that: (i) Lessee or any transferee permitted hereunder, upon the payment of the Lease Fee and performance of all the terms, covenants and conditions under this Lease, shall have, hold and enjoy the Leased Space during the Term or any renewal or extension hereof. Lessor will take no action that is not expressly permitted by this Lease Agreement that will interfere with Lessee's intended use of the Leased Space, nor will Lessor fail to take any action or perform any obligation necessary to fulfill Lessor's covenant to Lessee of quiet enjoyment in accordance herewith; (ii) no part of Lessee's Facilities constructed, installed, maintained, replaced, modified, upgraded, or operated on the Leased Space will become, or be considered as being affixed to or a part of, the Site, it being the specific intention of the Lessor that all improvements of every kind and nature constructed or installed on the Leased Space by Lessee will be and remain the property of the Lessee and may be removed by Lessee at any time on or before termination or expiration of this Lease. B. Lessee and Lessor warrant to each other that: (i) each has full right, power, and authority to enter into this Lease; (ii) this making of this Lease and the performance thereof will not violate any laws, ordinance, restrictive covenants, or other agreements under which such party is bound and does not require the consent or approval of any person or party; (iii) each party is qualified to do business in the State of New York; and (iv) all persons signing on behalf of each party were authorized to do so by appropriate action. 12. SUBORDINATION: If the Site is or becomes encumbered by a deed to secure a debt, mortgage, or other security interest, Lessor shall use all reasonable efforts to provide Lessee within 60 days a mutually - agreeable Subordination, Non - Disturbance and Attornment Agreement. 13. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole expense, keep and maintain the Leased Space in good condition, reasonable wear and tear and damage from the elements excepted. Lessor shall maintain and repair the Site and access thereto in good condition, subject to reasonable wear and tear and damage from the elements. If Lessee is unable to use the Leased Space because of required repairs on the Leased Space, then, in addition to any rights that Lessee may have pursuant to Paragraph 5 (A)(c) of this LEASE, Lessee may immediately and temporarily install on the Leased Space or an unused portion of the Site, Lessee's Facilities while Lessor makes repairs to the Leased Space. Lessee may temporarily install Lessee's Facilities on an unused portion of the Site designated by Lessee, subject to Lessor's consent, which may not be unreasonably withheld. Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 14. WAIVER OF LIENS: A. Lessee will not subject Lessor's interest in the Site to any mechanic's lien or any other lien whatsoever. If any mechanic's lien or other lien, charge or order for payment of money will be filed as a result of the act or omission of Lessee, Lessee will cause such lien, charge or order to be discharged or appropriately bonded or otherwise reasonably secured ( "Secured ") within thirty (30) days after notice from Lessor thereof. Lessee shall indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from all liabilities and costs to the extent resulting directly from Lessee's failure to timely secure same. B. Lessor will not subject Lessee's interest in the Lessee Facilities to any mechanic's lien or any other lien whatsoever. If any mechanic's lien, other lien, charge or order for payment of money will be filed as a result of the act or omission of Lessor, Lessor will cause such lien, charge or order to be discharged or appropriately bonded or otherwise reasonably secured ( "Secured ") within thirty (30) days after notice from Lessee thereof. Lessor shall indemnify and hold Lessee harmless from all liabilities and costs to the extent resulting directly from Lessor's failure to timely secure same. 15. TAXES: A. Lessee shall be solely responsible and shall timely pay all personal property taxes levied and assessed against it or its Facilities. Lessor shall pay all taxes assessed against the Site except in the event that an increase in the real property taxes of the Site is directly attributable to Lessee's Facilities only for so long as the Lease remains in effect. Lessee shall then pay that portion of the real property taxes. Lessor shall timely submit a copy of the tax bill and request for reimbursement to the Lessee. B. Lessor shall, within seven (7) days of receipt of notice of any increase in taxes, assessments, or other charges, send a copy of such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lessee. If Lessor fails to give Lessee such notice as set forth above, Lessor will be responsible for payment of any increases and Lessee shall have the option to pay the same and deduct such payment from Lease Fee or any other sums next due. At the request of either Lessee or Lessor, the other shall provide evidence of payment of taxes. 16. INDEMNIFICATION: A. Lessee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all injury, loss, damage or liability (or any claims in respect of the foregoing), costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs but excluding personal property taxes) arising directly from (i) the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the Facilities or (ii) Lessee's breach of any provision of this Lease Agreement, except to the extent attributable to the negligent or intentional act or omission of Lessor or any of its employees, agents or independent contractors. B. Lessor, agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Lessee harmless from and against any and all injury, loss, damage or liability (or any claims in respect of the foregoing), costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs but excluding real property or personal property taxes) arising directly out of (i) any act or omission of Lessor, or (ii) any breach by Lessor of any provision of this Lease Agreement, except to the extent attributable to the negligent or intentional act or omission of Lessee, its employees, agents or independent contractors. C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Lessee and Lessor each waive any claims that each may have against the other with respect to consequential, incidental, or special damages. Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 6 3-CSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 17. INSURANCE: A. Lessee must, during the Term of this Lease, at Lessee's sole expense, obtain and keep in -force the following insurance: (i) "All-risk" property insurance for an amount equal to ninety (90 %) percent of the replacement cost of Lessee's Facilities; (ii) commercial general liability insurance with a minimum limit of liability of one (1) million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit and three (3) million Dollars ($3,000,000) in aggregate, inclusive of any excess/ umbrella liability coverage, for bodily injury and /or property damage together with an endorsement for contractual liability, naming Lessor as additional insureds; and (iii) Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by law. B. Lessor must, during the Term of this Lease, at Lessors sole expense, obtain and keep in -force the following insurance: (i) "All-risk" property insurance for an amount equal to ninety (90%) percent of the replacement cost of Site (excluding the cost of Lessee's Facilities and Lessee's Equipment); and (ii) commercial general liability insurance with a minimum limit of liability of one (1) million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit and three (3) million Dollars ($3,000,000) in aggregate, inclusive of any excess/ umbrella liability coverage, for bodily injury and /or property damage together with an endorsement for contractual liability, naming Lessee as additional insureds. Lessor is required to provide notice to Lessee in the event any insurance coverage required herein is terminated or the amount of coverage is reduced below the amounts set forth herein at Lease thirty (30) days prior to the termination or reduction. C. All required insurance policies must be taken out with reputable national insurers that are licensed to do business in the State of New York. Any insurance required of Lessee may be provided by a blanket insurance policy covering the Leased Space and other locations of Lessee's, provided that such blanket insurance complies with all of the other requirements of this Lease with respect to the type and amount of insurance required and provided that the insurance carrier is required to provide notice to Lessor in the event that the blanket insurance coverage is terminated or the amount is reduced below the amounts set forth herein. D. The Lessee and Lessor will deliver to the other certificates of insurance as soon as practicable after the placing of the required insurance, but not later than the Commencement Date of this Lease. The Lessee and Lessor will also deliver to the other copies of their respective renewal certificates at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration thereof. 18. CASUALTY: Lessor will provide notice to Lessee of any casualty affecting the Site within forty -eight (48) hours of the casualty. If there is a casualty to the Leased Space, Lessee, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, may temporarily install Lessee's Facilities on an unused portion of the Site designated by Lessee, subject to Lessors consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, while Lessor makes repairs to the Leased Space. Upon completion of such repair or restoration, Lessee is entitled to reinstall Lessee's Facilities. In the event that such repairs or restoration will reasonably require more than sixty (60) days to complete, Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days prior written notice, in which event the Term shall be deemed to have terminated on the date of the casualty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Site is totally or substantially destroyed, Lessor may at its discretion, within sixty (60) days, notify Lessee of Lessors intent not to restore /rebuild the Site, in which event this Lease will be deemed to have been terminated on the date of the casualty. Upon termination of this Lease pursuant to this Paragraph 17, the Lease Fee shall be apportioned and any portion of the Lease Fee paid in advance for any period after such date shall be refunded by Lessor to Lessee. 19. CONDITIONS ON SURRENDER: On or before termination or expiration of this Lease Agreement, Lessee shall remove the Facilities and any alterations, additions or improvements installed in or about the Leased Space, and Lessee shall repair any damage caused by such removal, and shall otherwise surrender the Leased Space at the expiration of the term, as same may have been extended, or earlier termination thereof, in good condition, ordinary wear and tear and acts of God excepted. Lessee shall not be required to remove foundations more than two feet below grade. Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATUTUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 � 3-CSC� DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 20. ENVIRONMENTAL: A. Lessor represents and warrants that the Site is free of hazardous substances as of the date of this Lease, and, to the best of Lessor's knowledge, the Site has never been subject to any contamination or hazardous conditions resulting in any environmental investigation, inquiry, or remediation. B. Lessee agrees that it will be responsible for compliance with any and all environmental and industrial hygiene laws, including any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any governmental authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene condition or matters as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect, that are now or were related to its activity conducted in, or on the Leased Space. C. Lessee agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Lessor from and to assume all duties, responsibilities, and liabilities at is sole cost and expense, for all duties, responsibilities and liability (for payment of penalties, sanctions, forfeitures, losses, costs, or damages) and for responding to any action, notice, claim, order, summons, citation, directive, litigation, investigation or proceeding which is related to (i) failure to comply with any environmental or industrial hygiene law, including without limitation any regulations, guidelines, standards or policies of any governmental authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions or matters as may now or hereafter be in effect, or (ii) any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions that arise out of or are in any way related to the condition of the Leased Space or activities conducted by Lessee thereon, unless the environmental conditions are caused by the Lessor. D. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease. 21. DEFAULT: A. In the event either party shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Lease or shall default in any of its obligations under this Lease, the non - defaulting party may, at its option, terminate this Lease provided written notice of such default in accordance with the provisions of this Lease has been given and the defaulting party has failed to cure the same within fifteen (15) days with respect to the failure to pay any monies; or, with respect to the failure to perform or comply with any non - monetary obligations hereunder, the defaulting party has failed to cure within sixty (60) days or, in the event that the default is not capable of being cured within sixty (60) days, then commence to cure within sixty (60) days and has failed to diligently proceed to cure. No such failure to cure a material default, however, will be deemed to exist if Lessee has commenced to cure such default within said period and provided that such efforts are prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. Delay in curing a material default will be excused if due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Lessee. B. In addition, except in an emergency, Lessor will not cure any alleged default by Lessee until after the expiration of Lessee's time to cure such default as provided herein above and then only if Lessee has failed, during such period, to cure such default or perform such act. If Lessor shall cure the default of Lessee pursuant to the foregoing, then Lessor shall submit a bill for the actual cost of affecting such cure (together with creditable, supporting documentation) and same shall be paid promptly upon receipt. 22. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: A. Lessee shall have the right to assign this Lease or Sublease the Facilities, without the prior consent of Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with written notice of any such assignment. With prior notice to Lessor, Lessee may collaterally assign and grant a security interest in Lessee's Facilities from time to time in favor of any holder of indebtedness borrowed by Lessee ( "Lender "), whether now or hereafter existing. B. Lessor agrees to allow Lender the opportunity to remedy or cure any monetary default as provided for in the Agreement. Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 ti 'Jf_St� DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 425 426 427 23. TRANSFER BY LESSOR: Lessor shall have the right to freely transfer and assign all of its rights and obligations under 428 this Lease and in the Site as part of a transfer of the Site, and no further liability or obligation shall thereafter accrue against 429 Lessor under this Lease, provided that any such transferee shall have fully assumed and be liable for obligations under this 430 Lease. 431 432 24. TRANSFER WARRANTY: During the term of this Agreement, Lessor covenants and agrees that it will not grant, 433 create, or suffer any claim, lien, encumbrance, easement, restriction, or other charge or exception to title to the Leased 434 Space without the prior written consent of Lessee. Upon Lessee's prior written consent, Lessor may sell, lease, transfer, 435 grant a perpetual easement or otherwise convey all or any part of the Leased Space to a transferee and such transfer shall 436 be under and subject to this Agreement and all of Lessee's rights hereunder. It is agreed that in no event will Lessor allow 437 any sale, lease, transfer, or grant of easement that adversely affects Lessee's rights under this Agreement. In the event 438 Lessor receives a bona -fide offer from a third party to purchase Lessor's right, title and interest in the Lease Fees payable by 439 Lessee, or its successors and assigns, whether by creation of an easement or sale containing the Leased Space or otherwise, 440 Lessor shall first give Lessee the opportunity to match any such offer received. Lessee shall have 20 business days to 441 respond to notice of an offer and failure to respond within such time shall be deemed rejection of the offer. In the event 442 that Lessee notifies Lessor of its intent to match the offer, the price to be paid by Lessee shall be one hundred and two 443 percent (102%) of the offer price of which Lessor gave Lessee notice. 444 445 25. NOTICES: All documents, notices and demands required hereunder must be in writing and sent by (a) prepaid 446 overnight courier, (b) personal delivery, or (c) certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be deemed delivered three 447 (3) business days after mailing, or if given by overnight courier or personal delivery, on the date accepted or refused at the 448 address to which sent if addressed as follows (or to any other address that either party may designate in writing by like 449 notice to the other party): 450 451 If to Lessor: 452 453 With a copy to: 454 LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PLUS INC. 455 6865 MAIN RD 456 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 457 458 If to Lessee: 459 Elite Towers, L.P. 460 87 North Industry Court 461 Suite 1 462 Deer Park, NY 11729 463 464 With a copy to: 465 Elite Towers, LP 466 5 Great Valley Parkway 467 Suite 333 468 Malvern, PA 19355 469 470 26. CONDEMNATION: In the event of any actual or contemplated condemnation of the Leased Space or affecting the 471 Leased Space, Lessor must send written notice to Lessee within ten (10) days. In the event of any actual or contemplated 472 condemnation, Lessee may terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days written notice to Lessor if such condemnation 473 prevents Lessee's operations at the Facilities for more than forty five (45) days. Any such notice of termination shall cause 474 this Lease to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as 475 the expiration date of this Lease and the parties shall make an appropriate adjustment, as of such termination date, with 476 respect to payments due to the other under this Lease. 477 Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 Hs(3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 27. COORDINATION OF OPERATION: Lessor shall endeavor to give Lessee notice of any repairs, alterations, additions or improvements to be made with respect to the maintenance and operation affecting the Leased Space or of any planned shutdowns associated with the Property for scheduled or routine maintenance that may materially and adversely affect the operation of Lessee's communications facility (except in the case of emergency where advance written notice cannot reasonably be given, in which event, Lessor shall give Lessee telephonic notice at a number previously provided by Lessee to Lessor. 28. TITLE REPORT; RECORDING OF LEASE: Lessee shall have the right to order a title search of the Site at Lessee's sole cost and expense and Lessor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with any such search. Lessee shall have the right to record a memorandum of this Lease Agreement. 29. BROKERS: Lessee and Lessor each hereby represents to the other than it has not dealt with any real estate broker, finder or other agent in connection with the negotiation of this Lease or any agreements contemplated hereby. In the event a real estate broker, finder or other agent is used in connection with the negotiation of this Lease, then Lessor shall be obligated to pay all costs and fees in connection therewith. 30. PARTIES BOUND BY LEASE: This Lease shall extend to, and be binding upon, the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 31. GOVERNING LAW: This Lease and the performance hereunder shall he governed, interpreted and construed under the laws of the State of New York. 32. OBSTRUCTION: Lessee agrees that no portion of the sidewalks, entries, vestibules, halls, elevators, or ways of access to public utilities of the Property shall be obstructed by Lessee or used for any purpose other than for ingress and egress to and from the Leased Space. 33. ADVERTISEMENTS: Lessee shall not use the name of Lessor in any advertisement or in any other written or oral communication. Lessee shall not post or exhibit or allow to be posted or exhibited any advertisements, show bills, lithographs, posters, cards or flyers of any description on any part of the Leased Space without prior written approval of Lessor. 34. RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PARTIES: Nothing contained herein, nor any act of the parties shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture or association of any kind. The only relationship intended to be created by this Lease is that of Lessee and Lessor. Lessee shall in no way represent to others, either orally, in writing, or in advertisements or promotional material of any kind that there is any relationship other than Lessor and Lessee between the parties. 35. LEGAL FEES: If any party institutes a legal proceeding to enforce its rights arising under this Lease, the prevailing party in such legal proceeding as finally determined shall have the right to recover from the unsuccessful party the reasonably out -of- pocket costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements) that the prevailing party actually incurred in connection therewith. 36. MISCELLANEOUS: A. Amendment /Waiver: This Lease cannot be amended, modified or revised unless done in writing and signed by an authorized agent of the Lessor and an authorized agent of the Lessee. No provision may be waived except in a writing signed by both parties. B. Interpretation: Unless otherwise specified, the following rules of construction and interpretation apply: (i) captions are for convenience and reference only and in no way define or limit the construction of the terms and conditions hereof; (ii) use of the term "including" will be interpreted to mean "including but not limited to "; (iii) whenever a party's consent is required under this Agreement, except as otherwise stated in the Agreement or as same may be duplicative, such consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; (iv) exhibits are an integral part of the Agreement and are incorporated by Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 ;fl5[3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 531 reference. into this Agreement; (v) use of the terms "termination" or "expiration" are interchangeable; 532 and (vi) reference to a default will take into consideration any applicable notice, grace and cure periods. 533 534 C. Estoppel: Either party will, at any time upon twenty (20) business days prior written notice from the 535 other, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the other a statement in writing (i) certifying that this 536 Agreement is unmodified and in full force and effect (or, if modified, stating the nature of such 537 modification and certifying this Agreement, as so modified, is in full force and effect) and the date to 538 which the Lease Fee and other charges are paid in advance, if any, and (ii) acknowledging that there are 539 not, to such party's knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of the other party hereunder, or 540 specifying such defaults if any are claimed. Any such statement may be conclusively relied upon by any 541 prospective purchaser or encumbrance of the Leased Space or Premises. The requested party's failure to 542 deliver such a statement within such time will be conclusively relied upon by the requesting party that (i) 543 this Agreement is in full force and effect, without modification except as may be properly represented by 544 the requesting party, (ii) there are no uncured defaults in either party's performance, and (iii) no more 545 than one month's Lease Fee has been paid in advance. 546 547 D. No Electronic Signatures /No Option: The submission of this Agreement to any party for examination or 548 consideration does not constitute an offer, reservation of or option for the Premises based on the terms 549 set forth herein. This Agreement will become effective as a binding Agreement only upon the 550 handwritten legal execution, acknowledgment and delivery hereof by Lessor and Lessee. 551 552 37. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Lease and the exhibits attached hereto, all being a part hereof, constitute the entire 553 Lease of the parties hereto and will supersede all prior offers, negotiations and agreements with respect to the subject 554 matter of this Lease. 555 556 (Signatures follow on the next page) Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 I I .7 -CSC DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 557 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hand and sea[ as of the date first above written. 558 559 LESSOR: LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PLUS INC. 560 %f-Z�A 561 By: 562 Name: EDWARD R. SCHMIDT 563 Title: P r LS 564 Date: - 565 566 LESSEE: ELITE TOWERS, LP 567 By: CMET, LLC, its general partner 568 _ 569 By: y 570 Name: David U. Lee 571 Title: Managing Member 572 Date: ,t z,l ► ?i 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 :I•l5� `� DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CDO62C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 587 588 LESSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 589 590 STATE OF NEW YORK } 591 } SS.: 592 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 593 594 On the day of�l�L' 20��efore me, the undersigned, personally appeared EDWARD R. 595 SCHMIDT, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is 596 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her capacity, and that 597 by his /her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed 598 the instrument. 599 I 'r NvA N5aR61 1, 600 i 14 AWPUE`r! "•ST;TEOF h_W4YORK Notary Public: 601 Q, 01 i° "r5 My Commission Expires: I I If) i GUALIF0I;I:11JFF0 �C00 _ Y 602 VY COA!M!SSIO 4 EXPIRES OCTOBER 15, 20�� 603 604 LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 605 606 STATE OF 6M1 607 SS.: 608 COUNTY OF C 3,� ) 609 �� �`� 610 On the l.- day of I U r20 /%-efore me, the undersigned, personally appeared Davit! U. Lee 611 personally known to me or proved to rise on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is 612 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her capacity, and that 613 by his /her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed 614 the instrument. 615 - --= -" 616 213MMCNWEALTH OF FENNSYLVAN:- Notary Public: 617 NOTARIAL SEAL My Commission Expires: v 2 618 SUEANN COX- NOTARY PUBLIC% 619 East Whiteland Twp., Chester County: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 30.201 2, Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 3-LSC3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 620 EXHIBIT A 621 DESCRIPTION OF THE LEASED SPACE OR PREMISES 622 623 Drawing labeled LE -1 is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 624 625 The Leased Space or Premises is described and /or depicted as follows: 626 627 628 Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATrITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 9 , Pf4q2 \ r / »C�/ � ° eq ew22� �Qac- 0 u /(ƒ ) — &3 223 2 § § w 0/w 0 E / ƒ% /k ewf § d �'§ S U � 2 § > 9 �k � cq /0 a / : b d��U� DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 629 EXHIBIT B 630 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE 631 632 S1000- 125- 00- 01 -00 -019 -004 & 51000- 122- 00- 06 -00- 035 -004 on the tax map of Suffolk County, New York, more commonly 633 known as 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MAMTUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 634 635 The Site described and /or depicted as follows: 636 c1:6 ivl ivwo . Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Main Road where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now or formerly of Saland and from said point of beginning; Running thence along the northerly side of Main Road in a westerly direction the following two courses and distances: 1) South 52 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds west a distance of 34.31 feet; 2) South 52 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 116.50 feet; Running thence north 25 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 405.14 feet to the southerly side of land of Long j Island Railroad; J Running thence easterly along the southerly side of land of the Long Island Railroad, North 45 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds east a distance of 155.09 feet; Running,}e�nce south 26 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds east, a distaq� '4.5.37 feet to the point or place of beginning: 637 638 639 BEGINNING at a oc;n, on the southeasterly line of land of tre Long Island Railroad Company. vrhere it irtersects the eastery boundary line of Carl Besch, being about '200 feet easterly fro n, the point vmere said Long Island Railroad crosses the Mai- Road (Route 25): RUNNING THENCE along said land of Lora island Railroad Company, South degrees 43 miiutes 50 seco -ds East, 176.50 feet to the westerly line of a 50 foot vnde ron- exclus ve easement: THENCE South 37 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East, 439.35 feet to Main (State) Road along the westerly Itne of the non- exclusive easement; and THENCE along said rorhwes :erly line cf the Blain Road, hvo cocrses and distances, as Foh vvs, 1) South 52 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West, 105.28 feet; THENCE 2) South 51 degrees 55 msnutes 20 seconds West, 37,72 feet to land of Ritzer, formerly Kers-oveski; THENCE along said land cf Ritzer, three courses and distances, as follows; 1; Nortr 34 decrees 14 r- in utes 40 seconcs kNest, 1310 feet to an iron piae; THENCE 2) North 43 degrees 47 m'nutes 40 seconds West, 77. 0 feet to an iron pipe, THENCE 3) South 49 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds Wes,, 75.0 feet to !a-7d of Carl 3esch; Site Name: LAURELSTONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 t 7 LS DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA MEMORANDUM OF LEASE Preeared by: ELITE TOWERS, LP 87 N. Industry Ct., Ste. J Deer Park, NY 11729 Return to: ELITE TOWERS, LP 87 N. Industry CT., Ste. J Deer Park, NY 11729 Re: Site Name# LAUREL STONE; Site Address: 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY, 11952 State: NY County: Suffolk MEMORANDUM OF LEASE This MEMORANDUM OF LEASE is made as of this t day of AUq u ST , 20)Z by and between LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PLUS INC., New York corporation, having an address at 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952, 11779 ( "Lessor ") and ELITE TOWERS, LP, a Pennsylvania limited partnership, having an address at 87 North Industry Court, Suite J, Deer Park, NY 11729 ( "Lessee "). 1. The term of this Agreement shall be ten (10) years, commencing on the date of commercial operation of the Lessee's Site ( "Commencement Date "). 2. This Lease shall be automatically renewed for Eight (8) additional terms (each "Extension Terms ") of five (5) years each, unless Lessee provides Lessor with written notice of Lessee's intention not to renew this Lease not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or the any Extension Term. 3. The portion of the Site being Leased to Lessee (the "Leased Space or Premises ") is described in Exhibit A annexed hereto. 4. This Memorandum of Lease is not intended to amend or modify, and shall not be deemed or construed as amending or modifying, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of the Agreement, all of which are hereby ratified and affirmed. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Memorandum of Lease and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall control. The Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, subject to the provisions of the Agreement. 675 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hand and seal as of the date first above written. 676 677 678 LESSOR: LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PL 679 By: 680 681 Name: Title: EDWARD R. SCHMIDT ll C 1A LA htr 682 Date: 683 684 LESSEE: ELITE TOWERS, LP By: CMET, LLC, its general partner 685 By: 686 Name: David U. Lee 687 Title: Managing Member 688 Date: Cg %L /I-? 1 Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 16 3-CsG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CDO62C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 689 690 LESSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 691 692 STATE OF NEW YORK 693 } SS.: 694 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 695 n 696 On the c�s day of c •-I 20 !69 20 me, the undersigned, personally appeared EDWARD R. 697 SCHMIDT, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is 698 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her capacity, and that 699 by his /her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed 700 the instrument. 701 702 fiOiAR'f PIJB_ _ v < Notary Public: - 3 703 i' G - v My Commission Expires: 704 GU�':� =,:..� 1iJ r•:'a �,•+u• My COMfdiaS Oij Ek -rintS 13;,TMER 15, 20 705 706 LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 707 pp. l 708 STATE OF uMwS' it tk c �. ) 709 ) SS.: 710 COUNTY OF CkNQ S tr ) 711. 712 On the day of 20L before me, the undersigned, personally appeared David U. Lee. 713 personally known to me or proved to me 6n �the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is 714 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her capacity, and that 715 by his /her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of Bch 1he individual acted, executed 716 the instrument. 717 _T 718 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Notary Public: - 719 NOTARIAL SEAL My Commission Expires: 720 SUEANN COX- NOTARY PUBLIC 721 East Whiteland Twp., Chester County, MY COMMISSION WIRES DEC. 30, 2012 Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTrrUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA 722 EXHIBIT A 723 4 724 DESCRIPTION OF THE LEASED SPACE OR PREMISES 725 726 S1000- 125- 00- 01 -00- 019 -004 & S1000- 122- 00 -06 -00 -035 -004 on the tax map of Suffolk County, New York, more commonly 727 known as 6865 & 7055 MAIN RD MATTITLICK, NEW YORK, 11952 728 729 The Leased Space or Premises is described and /or depicted as follows: 730 G* LU.LA vwo . Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Main Road where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now or formerly of Saland and from said point of beginning; Running thence along the northerly side of Main Road in a westerly direction the following two courses and distances: 1) South 52 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds west a distance of 34.31 feet; 2) South 52 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 116.50 feet; Running thence north 25 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 405.14 feet to the southerly side of land of Long Island Railroad; Running thence easterly along th.e southerly side of land of the Long island Railroad, Borth 45 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds east a .distance of 155.09 feet; Runnirig,,`Y ence south 26 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds east. a dicta '423.37 feet to the point or place of beginning: 731 nckr., <<•: : BEGINNING at a port on the southeasterly line of land of the Lorg Island Raiiroad Company, where it it tersecls the easterly boundary line of Carl Besm, teing about 1200 feet easterly frcm the point where said Long Island Railroad crosses tie Mair• Road (Route 25); RUNNING THENCE along said land of Lorg Island Railroad Company, So:rth 44 degrees 43 minutes 50 seords Easl, 176,50 feet to the westerly line cf a 50 foot wide non-exclusive easement: 732 THENCE South 37 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East, 439.35 feet to Main (State) Road along the westerly line of the non - exclusive easement; and THENCE along said rorthwes:erly line of the Main Road, trio courses and distances, as foliowvs; 1) South 52 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West, 105.28 feet; THENCE 2) South 51 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West, 37.72 feet to :and of Ritter, formerly Kersrowski; THENCE along said land cf Ritzer, three courses and distances, as follows; 11 N -orti' 34 decrees 14 minutes 40 seconds West, 1310 fee: to an iroi pipe; THENCE 2) North 43 degrees 47 miutes 40 seconds West, 77.0 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE 3) South 49 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds Wes:, 75.0 feet to lard of Cafe 3asch; Site Name: LAUREL STONE Site Address: 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 HSG 18 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA District: 1000 Section: 122.00 Block: 06.00 Lot: 035.004 ASSIGNMENT ANTI ASSUMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE (LAUREL STONE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YO THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE (this "Assignment ") is made effective as of April 29 , 2022 ( "Effective Date "), by and between ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership a/k/a Elite Towers, LP ( "Assignor "), whose address is 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 333, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355, and K2 TOWERS III, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Assignee "), whose address is 57 East Washington Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022. BACKGROUND RECITALS: A. Assignor, as lessee, and Laurel Stone Supply Plus Inc., a New York corporation a/k/a Laurel Stone Supply Plus, Inc., as lessor, are parties to the Lease Agreement dated August 2, 2012, as amended by the First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated November 16, 2015, as amended by the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated July 13, 2016, as amended by the Third Amendment to Lease Agreement dated August 9, 2018, and as evidenced by the Memorandum of Lease dated July 29, 2020, and recorded June 14, 2021 in Liber 13108 at Page 484 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office (collectively, the "Real Property Lease "). B. Assignor has agreed to transfer and assign to Assignee all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease and Assignee has agreed to accept an assignment thereof. C. The Real Property Lease covers the real property more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. -1- 4868 - 9168 -4369 .1-[sG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA D. This Assignment is made pursuant to the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 28, 2021 by and between Assignor, as seller, and Assignee, as buyer, as amended ( collectively, the "Purchase Agreement "), and any capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Purchase Agreement. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00, the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Background Recitals are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee as of the Effective Date all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease, together with any amendments to the Real Property Lease. Assignee hereby accepts the aforesaid assignment and assumes and agrees to be bound by and timely perform, observe and discharge, from and after the Effective Date all of the Assignor's obligations under the Real Property Lease upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Real Property Lease, as may be further amended after the Effective Date. From and after the Effective Date, Assignee shall be for all purposes the lessee under the Real Property Lease. 3. Except as expressly set forth herein, the terms of the Real Property Lease shall remain in full force and effect, unaltered by this Assignment. 4. Except for the representations expressly made by Assignor in the Purchase Agreement, this Assignment is made without representation or warranty of any kind. Assignor hereby confirms that all of the representations made in the Purchase Agreement regarding the Real Property Lease continue to be true and correct in all material respects as of the Effective Date. Assignor and Assignee acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Assignment shall be deemed to contravene or supersede the terms of the Purchase Agreement. 5. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument. [Signatures appear on the following pages] -2- 4868- 9168 -4369 HSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment to be duly executed as of the date first above written. ASSIGNOR: ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership By: CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, its General Partner By: �:) szo, David U. Lee, Manager COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS COUNTY OF CHESTER On the day of April in the year 2022 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared David U. Lee, in his capacity as Manager of CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, the General Partner of ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Notary Seal KRISTA L CHEW - Notary Public Chester County My Commission Expires Jul 23. 2023 Commission Number 1235162 4868 - 9168-4369 %Iaty Public Print Name: t My Commission Expires: (SEAL) [Signatures continued on the following page] -3- 3 LSG DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8DB7- 59E2993DA4CA [Signatul°es continued from the previous page] ASSIGNEE: K2 TOWERS III. I_LC, a Delaware limited liability company 1.3v: ti� //0' Ryan D. Lepene. Co- President STATE OF 01 -410 ) SS COUNTY OF CLJYA140GA } On the a day of April. 2022, before me, the undersigned. personally appeared Ryan D. Lepene, in his capacity as Co- President of K2 TOWERS Ill. L-C, a Delaware limited liability company, personally known to me or proved to me on (lie basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument. the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted. executed the instrument. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: (SEAL) - `T - 1968- 9169430 HSCj .tr DIANE S. LEUNG Attorney Al Law Notary Public, State of Ohio 3N = My commission has no expiration dale Sec. 147.03 R.C. HSCj DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION S1000- 122- 00- 06 -00- 035 -004 on the tax map of Suffolk County, New York, more commonly known as 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952. The Leased Space or Premises is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEASE PARCEL ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly corner of the parcel herein described. Said point being the following courses from the intersection of the southeasterly line of land of Long Island Railroad Company where it intersects the easterly boundary line of land formerly of Carl Besch (said point being approximately 1200 feet easterly from the point where said line of Long Island Railroad Co. crosses the Main Road (Route 25) as follows; Easterly along said easterly line of land formerly of Carl Besch, South 37 degrees 59 minutes 19 seconds East, 63.17 feet to a point. Thence along a tie line, North 52 degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds East, 72.81 feet to the TRUE Point of Place of BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING the following courses: North 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West, 50.00 feet; thence, North 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds West, 50.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said parcel having an area of 2,500 Square Feet -5- 4868 - 9168 -4369 HS9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CD062C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8D87- 59E2993DA4CA SCHEDULE A -4 TO SLA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL AND /OR SURVEY [Attached Hereafter] 9-[sC3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 26CDO62C- 7BCE- 4D41- 8DB7- 59E2993DA4CA in Z LLJ LiJ J o� �E m J = O CO J J CD a LLJ Qy��OS2 m Z Z LLJ >JQ�WN C-.) CW9 m 3CDCC NI 3 3 c�D v% U a C$An w z it W O CL Q C3- Z m can w CO z � O Cn N l� =E c W 1- zZ O �? Z O w = t- V) o Cl. Z a z m W STN mo:N p ID o _ cn -CC _Z CC cc rn �JJ �J Z �I D w CD Q0 z w m can J � W z C/') O c V N ° NZ Lfl 00 ®W W Q w o Cl. Z N C/I cn CD CD Z_ STN _ cn -CC _Z 3 Q m ck� � C I m V N N p� m o CD � oo W W OO v vOO 0 F CM LLJ �W Z Z Q Z J a_m D Z LLJ � Z cU w n o C !�wW ON CY) �� 0:5 E z ¢ � L J E U U va cn P7 O N m y cn Ul HE N w `-' w O Z � � CC cc rn �JJ �J Z �I C/) m can z c V N ° w o d V N STN => 3 O c/) Z V N N C=7 c a� J z� v vOO 0 0 Z J U O � Z ° v C N t -0.y d �� 0:5 E L J E U U N m y cn N QU � N O fir• J Z A2 O - Z Z 3 CL Q aQ v U coi O v J c CC cc rn �JJ �J Z �I District: 1000 Section: 122.00 Block: 06.00 Lot: 035.004 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE LAUREL STONE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YO THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE (this "Assignment ") is made effective as of April 29 , 2022 ( "Effective Date "), by and between ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership a/k/a Elite Towers, LP ( "Assignor "), whose address is 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 333, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355, and K2 TOWERS III, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Assignee "), whose address is 57 East Washington Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022. BACKGROUND RECITALS: A. Assignor, as lessee, and Laurel Stone Supply Plus Inc., a New York corporation a/k/a Laurel Stone Supply Plus, Inc., as lessor, are parties to the Lease Agreement dated August 2, 2012, as amended by the First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated November 16, 2015, as amended by the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated July 13, 2016, as amended by the Third Amendment to Lease Agreement dated August 9, 2018, and as evidenced by the Memorandum of Lease dated July 29, 2020, and recorded June 14, 2021 in Liber 13108 at Page 484 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office (collectively, the "Real Propeqy Lease "). B. Assignor has agreed to transfer and assign to Assignee all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease and Assignee has agreed to accept an assignment thereof. C. The Real Property Lease covers the real property more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. - 1 - 4868- 9168 -4369 D. This Assignment is made pursuant to the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 28, 2021 by and between Assignor, as seller, and Assignee, as buyer, as amended (collectively, the "Purchase A eement "), and any capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Purchase Agreement. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00, the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Background Recitals are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee as of the Effective Date all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease, together with any amendments to the Real Property Lease. Assignee hereby accepts the aforesaid assignment and assumes and agrees to be bound by and timely perform, observe and discharge, from and after the Effective Date all of the Assignor's obligations under the Real Property Lease upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Real Property Lease, as may be further amended after the Effective Date. From and after the Effective Date, Assignee shall be for all purposes the lessee under the Real Property Lease. 3. Except as expressly'set forth herein, the terms of the Real Property Lease shall remain in full force and effect, unaltered by this Assignment. 4. Except for the representations expressly made by Assignor in the Purchase Agreement, this Assignment is made without representation or warranty of any kind. Assignor hereby confirms that all of the representations made in the Purchase Agreement regarding the Real Property Lease continue to be true and correct in all material respects as of the Effective Date. Assignor and Assignee acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Assignment shall be deemed to contravene or supersede the terms of the Purchase Agreement. 5. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument. [Signatures appear on the following pages] -2- 4868- 9168 -4369 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment to be duly executed as of the date first above written. ASSIGNOR: ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership By: CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, its General Partner By: �>,a -- David U. Lee, Manager COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS COUNTY OF CHESTER On the 7 day of April in the year 2022 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared David U. Lee, in his capacity as Manager of CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, the General Partner of ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Commonweaith of Pennsylvania - Notary Seal KRISTA L CHEW - Notary Public Chester County My Commission Expires Jul 23, 2023 Commission Number 1235162 4868 - 9168 -4369 o Public ' Print Name: My Commission Expires: � (SEAL) (Signatures continued on the following page] -3- [Signatures Continued from the previous page] ASSIGNEE: K2 TOWERS III. I_LC, a Delaware limited liability company Ryan D. I:epene. Co- President STATE OF 01-110 ) } SS COtJNTY OF CLJYAHOGA On the 19 day of April, 2022, before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Ryan D. Lepene, in his capacity, as Co- President of K2 TOW RS 111, L I-C, a Delaware limited liability company, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose nanle is subscribed to the within document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument. the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted. executed the instrument. L4,A --- !_ Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: LA =° �• DIANE S, I_EUNG Attorney At Law =* *= Notary Public, State of Ohio My commission has no expiration dale Sec. 147.03 R.C. 4 - 968- 9108 -4 360 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION S1000- 122- 00- 06 -00- 035 -004 on the tax map of Suffolk County, New York, more commonly known as 7055 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952. The Leased Space or Premises is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEASE PARCEL ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly corner of the parcel herein described. Said point being the following courses from the intersection of the southeasterly line of land of Long Island Railroad Company where it intersects the easterly boundary line of land formerly of Carl Besch (said point being approximately 1200 feet easterly from the point where said line of Long Island Railroad Co. crosses the Main Road (Route 25) as follows; Easterly along said easterly line of land formerly of Carl Besch, South 37 degrees 59 minutes 19 seconds East, 63.17 feet to a point. Thence along a tie line, North 52 degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds East, 72.81 feet to the TRUE Point of Place of BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING the following courses: North 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West, 50.00 feet; thence, North 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds West, 50.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said parcel having an area of 2,500 Square Feet -5- 4868 - 9168 -4369 District: 1000 Section: 122.00 Block: 06.00 Lot: 035.004 ASSIGNMENT AND ASS ON OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE (LAUREL STONE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YO THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY LEASE (this "Assignment ") is made effective as of April 29 , 2022 ( "Effective Date "), by and between ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership a/k/a Elite Towers, LP ("Assignor"), whose address is 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 333, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355, and K2 TOWERS III, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Assignee "), whose address is 57 East Washington Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022. BACKGROUND RECITALS: A. Assignor, as lessee, and Laurel Stone Supply Plus Inc., a New York corporation a/k/a Laurel Stone Supply Plus, Inc., as lessor, are parties to the Lease Agreement dated August 2, 2012, as amended by the First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated November 16, 2015, as amended by the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated July 13, 2016, as amended by the Third Amendment to Lease Agreement dated August 9, 2018, and as evidenced by the Memorandum of Lease dated July 29, 2020, and recorded June 14, 2021 in Liber 13108 at Page 484 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office (collectively, the "Real Property Lease "). B. Assignor has agreed to transfer and assign to Assignee all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease and Assignee has agreed to accept an assignment thereof. C. The Real Property Lease covers the real property more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. -1- 4868- 9168 -4369 D. This Assignment is made pursuant to the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 28, 2021 by and between Assignor, as seller, and Assignee, as buyer, as amended (collectively, the "Purchase A eernent "), and any capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Purchase Agreement. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00, the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Background Recitals are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee as of the Effective Date all of its right, title and interest in and to the Real Property Lease, together with any amendments to the Real Property Lease. Assignee hereby accepts the aforesaid assignment and assumes and agrees to be bound by and timely perform, observe and discharge, from and after the Effective Date all of the Assignor's obligations under the Real Property Lease upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Real Property Lease, as may be further amended after the Effective Date. From and after the Effective Date, Assignee shall be for all purposes the lessee under the Real Property Lease. 3. Except as expressly set forth herein, the terms of the Real Property Lease shall remain in full force and effect, unaltered by this Assignment. 4. Except for the representations expressly made by Assignor in the Purchase Agreement, this Assignment is made without representation or warranty of any kind. Assignor hereby confirms that all of the representations made in the Purchase Agreement regarding the Real Property Lease continue to be true and correct in all material respects as of the Effective Date. Assignor and Assignee acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Assignment shall be deemed to contravene or supersede the terms of the Purchase Agreement. 5. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument. [Signatures appear on the following pages] -2- 4868- 9168 -4369 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment to be duly executed as of the date first above written. ASSIGNOR: ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership By: CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, its General Partner By: Y David U. Lee, Manager COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS COUNTY OF CHESTER On the c0 day of April in the year 2022 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared David U. Lee, in his capacity as Manager of CMET, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability company, the General Partner of ELITE TOWERS, L.P., a Pennsylvania limited partnership, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Commonweaith of Pennsylvania - Notary Seal KRISTA L CHEW - Notary Public Chester County My Commission Expires Jul 23. 20Z3 Commission Number 1235162 4868 - 9168 -4369 . . A I A I u1j, ) %Wy Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: (SEAL) [Signatures continued on the following page] -3- [Signatures continued from the previorts page] ASSIGNEE: K2 TOWERS 1I1. LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Ryan D. I.epene, Co- President STATE OF OHIO ) SS COUNTY OF CUYAHOGA ) On the 0 1� day of April. 2022, before me. the undersigned. personally appeared Ryan D. Lepene, in his capacity as Co- President of K2 'l'OWI IZS 111, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. _ 5 Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: (ST AJ.) r DIANE S. LEUNG Attorney At Law �* * Notary Public, Stale of Ohio r ! *'•!" My commission has no expiration date Sec. 147.03 R.C. N711f 6t 114 4 .. 49090168 -430 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION S1000- 122- 00- 06 -00- 035 -004 on the tax map of Suffolk County, New York, more commonly known as 7055 MAIN RD MATTTTUCK, NEW YORK 11952. The Leased Space or Premises is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEASE PARCEL ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly comer of the parcel herein described. Said point being the following courses from the intersection of the southeasterly line of land of Long Island Railroad Company where it intersects the easterly boundary line of land formerly of Carl Besch (said point being approximately 1200 feet easterly from the point where said line of Long Island Railroad Co. crosses the Main Road (Route 25) as follows; Easterly along said easterly line of land formerly of Carl Besch, South 37 degrees 59 minutes 19 seconds East, 63.17 feet to a point. Thence along a tie line, North 52 degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds East, 72.81 feet to the TRUE Point of Place of BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING the following courses: North 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East, 50.00 feet; thence, South 39 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West, 50.00 feet; thence, North 50 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds West, 50.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said parcel having an area of 2,500 Square Feet -5- 4868 - 9168 -4369