HomeMy WebLinkAbout7545-zFOKM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certi icnte Occupnncy THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at E/.8. A~.ah?.s..L. ~l.e ......... Street Map No...X~.. ........ Block No..~.~. ....... Lot No, ~J~...C~$eh.o.g~.e...N:.Y., ......... onforms substantially to the Apphcatmn for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office ~ 3 7~ 5610Z dated ...... ~e~t.. ~8 ..... , 19. ~. p~suant to which Building Permit No.. dated .......... SeptN~9. ~., 19~., was issued, and conforms to ~1 of the req~e: ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is Pri~ate. ,one. f~t~ .dwell~g. ~th. addi~i~n. &..~oy,~ .$w~g .~ool The certificate is issued to Frenk Best & ~ife ~ers (owner, lessee or ten~t) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ~ ~.~ ............................... UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. N2J.~2~TrH~r. ~...~ 97~. (P~. N~J.~?7~...~r 2( HOUSE NUMBER ..... ~.~ .... Street . ~U~.'.~ .~ .... .~9~9~ ........... 1~0wu NO. ~ TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N~ Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PEPJ~IT MUST BE KEPT ON THE P~'EMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE 'WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 7545 Z PermiSsion is hereby granted to: .. _ .................. ~...;/...~:~...~...,.....:.., .................... ........ : ........... ./.~......~.4.~ ~.'.~......i ,~... pursuant to application dated / ~ ...~'Z:P7~ -7 t ........................................................ , 19 ...... ~ and approved by the Building Inspector. F~ $__./....~.. ............. Building Inspector SUt? V£ Y FtTANCIS ~ BEST ~ CONSTANCE M ~EST CUTCHOGU£ TOWN OF SOUTHO~D SUFF C~, ~ ~ SCALE I "= ~0' FEB 2G, t~ 70 MA Y. B, I~70 THE NEW YORK BOARD 'OF FIRE 'UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY [--o ~ 85 JOHN STREET. NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 . · A. ,ica.o. No.o fi, ' ' o14778 only the elect~cal equipment ~ dezcribed below and introduced by t~ appllca~t ~amed o~ the abo~ application numb¢ in ~ prem~es of F,~ - ~ Alvahs Lane, ~:~t. 25 g~ 27A, CutchoKue, L.I. inthe/ollowlnglocation; ~ BasemeAt ~ lstFI. ~ 2nd FL o~tside Secti;. ~/o¢~ tot n 0 ~ V ' andfound to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FIXTURES OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS SWITCHES FLUORESCENT OTHER APPARATUS: ($~,"~ ~',~irl~' AMOUNT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ 3/~ / ~7 ~ /~ f /~ .~/ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMEN~ /~'~/C~, ~- / TOWH CLERk'S omcE ~UTHOLD, N. Y. Examined .................. Z2,~, lgZ~, Applic~tlon ~o. ,,Z:~,~,. ........ ................... Dis~pprovod o/c ......... . .. . t .................. ........ ............... .~ ' ~ , (Building InspectOr) -- ~ . / ~' ~,['"~ APPLICATION FOE BUILDING PEE~IT V ~ ,,' Date ~epi;embc'~' 1~. ' ~9; ........... '' 'r~)/I ' ' t... INSTRUCTIONS o. his qpplicotion must~pl~tel~ fillod in by t~pewriter o~ in ink ond ~u~mittod in triplic~to to tho Buildin0 Inspector, wi~h 3 sets of pl*ns~ occumte plot plan to ~le. Foe occordin~ to schedule. b. Plot plan showin~ loc*tion of lot ond of buildings on premisos, relationship to ~d~oinin~ premisos or public stroots oreas, ond ~ivin0 ~ detoilod doscdption o~ Ioyout o{proper~ must be drown on the dio0rom which is p~ o{ this *pplic*tion. c. The work covered by this opplicotion moy not be commenced before issuance of Buildin~ Permit. d. Upon ~pprova[ o{ this epplic~tion, ~he Cuildinfl Inspector wil~issue o Buildin~ ~ormi~ to tho opplicont. Such sh~ll be kept on the premises ovoiloble for inspection throughout the work. e. ~o buildin~ shoU be occupied or used in whole or in pert for ony purpose whotever until o Co~ificoto o~ sholl have been ~mnted by tho Buildin~ Inspector. APPUCATIO~ IS H[REBY ~A~[ to the BuildMo Department for the issuance of o Bud n~ Pormit pursuant to Buildin~ Zone Ordinance o{ tho Town of Southold, Suffolk Count~, New York, ond other ~pplicoblo k~ws, Ordinonco~ or Re~ulations~ {or the constru~ion o{ buildings oddltions or olterotions, or for romowl or demolit on~ os here n describod. The oppHcont ~rees to comply with oll opplkoble I~ws, ordinonces, bulldino codo, housin~ codo, and r~ul~tlon~, ~nd to odmit outhorizod inspectors on promis r ~nd in, buffdinOs for n~ess~ .. f-~/ '" (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) '~ ~ (Address of applicant) State whether ~er, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. .................................. ......................... ...................... Ifapplicon~:orporoto, si~~youthorizedofficer. 5} '~ > ~S~ / , GE~E AHLERS, Pres. ~. /z'~ ~ ~/~ ;[~ ~ ~d/' Builder's License INa. ' ~ ~¢ "~¢ ,g .? Plumber's License No ............................ ;~ "" h~ Other Trade s License No ............................................... ~.¢,. '~.. / q' d ,¢ ,¢ ....... -, m 1. Location o¢ land on which proposed work will be done ........................ Street and Number ~&~a]~ '¢~ LO,~9 Cutgho~t'te , ~ ..... ~. ". ........... ' ~cipah~ 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended of proposed construc~n: c. Exisiting use and occupancy ~,, ~l 1~o- I<, A~ ~, .~ ~. · ...... b. Intended use and occupancy . .~ eL~,.~.~...;,..~4.~m~.~,~.~..go~.~ ....................................................... 3. ' Na'tur'e of work (check which applicable): New Building.. ................. Addition .................. Alteration ................. Repair .................. Removal .................. Demolitior ..................... Other Work ....~.w$~t4..~t~...p~o.1 ................ (Description) 4. Estimated Cost ..............~..~.~.....d.,.O..?. .............................. Fee (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ............................ Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................ 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ................................ Depth .................... Height ........................ Number of Stories ................................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ....................................Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ................... , ................ Rear ............................ Depth ........................ Height .................... Number of Stories ..................................................................................................................... 9. Size of lot: Front ....1..~.8..,..1.~ ....................................... Rear ..... 1.,413.,.9.13. ....................... Depth ....1.35.,.0~ .............. 10. Date of Purchase ........................................................ Name of Former Owner ........................................................ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ....A .............................................................................................. 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation'. ....... .bJ.c~ ........................................... 13. Will lot be regraded .....~I.n .................. Will excess fill be removed from premises: ( ) Yes (×) No 14. Name of Owner of premises .~...~;.,....F..~,"Xm~.~...~.~.~..~ ............. Address .g,~t;.~b.~.~u.~ ......... Phone No ....................... Name of Architect .............................................................. Address ................................ Phone No ....................... ~ George Ah].ers Nome of Contractor .~.k~.~u.y...~£p...ka.~l.~.~...%n.e~ ...... Address .g.u~b. ogu~ ......... Phone No ....................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. S~ ATTACHED EE STA-FE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF l~u.f.£o. 1]c ............... ............. ..CT.e.o.~p...~h.l,e~.s .................................................... being duly swgrn, deposes and says that he is the applicam (Name of individual signing contract) above named. He is the ............. .~..¥!..:I,..1.d..9.~ ................................................................................................................................................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said Work and to make and file this application; thai all statements contained in this applicetion are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and thor the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith, Sworn to before me this ........................ day of ............................................ , 19 ........ Notary Public,. ................................................... County .................~..(~-.....~.~ ................................... ($kjnature of applicant)