HomeMy WebLinkAbout6757-zTOWN OF SOIYrHOLD BUW.nlNG DEPART~O2NT Town Clerk'e Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy THIS CERTIFIES that the buildm~ located at 5mmdview Ave s ............................ Street Map No.XXXX(D°wd) Block No..~. ........ Lot No. xz Southold NoYo conforms substantially to the Application for Bui]dlng Permit heretofore filed in ~.hi~ o~ice dated .........J..u~.~ ..... 8...., 19.7.3. pursuant to which Building Permit No. 67. ~'~.Z.. dated .........J..u~V. ..... 2..6..., 19~3.., was issued, and conforms to all of the require. ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is Private ~e family dwelling The certificate is issued to Fred Sm-ace & Wife owners (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Dep~u-tment of Health Approval ...l~.a~... ?...~. 9..7.~...b.~r..R..,..V.i.l. 1..a .... UNDERWRITERS OF, RTIFICATE No. N...~ ~:!~0. ...... .1~. y....~.~....~ ~).7.~. ............. HOUSE 2qUMBER .............. Street .......................................... Bui]d,~g Inspector ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N~ Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF 'THE WORK AUTHORIZED) 6757 Z Date ............................. ~ ................. 19...~. Permission is hereby granted to: at premises located at ..... ~1~11111~..~9,~..~,~ .................................................................................... ...................................................... ~.~.t~eM.....~ ~.~ ......................................................................... pursuant to application dated ..........................~..l~L~t...~ ................ , 19.~3.., and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $.~1.~t~ .......... THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 85 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 THIS CE~IFIES THAT ~ed J. Suvaco. Soundview Ave., Ext., Southold~ L.I. inthefollowinglocation; ~ B~ement ~ lstrl. ~fld FI. outside s.~t~o. Bilk ~.~.~o. May 9~ 1~7~i andfoufldtobeincompliancewiththerequlrementsofthisBoard. RXTURE OUTLETS DRYERS RXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS ~ECEP~ACLES SW,TCHES ,NCANDE~E~i FLU~ESCENT i FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS IUNITHEATER SPECIALREC'P1 TIMECLOCRS BELL UHITHEATERS MULII-OUTLET 0 H.P. EXHAUST FANS AMT~ WATTS 2 600 SERVICE DISCONNECT NO. O~ I S E R V I METER X "1 3/0 ~T. ,,~.. ''~ ~U,'. ,~'~w ,~,~w ~3w ~.~,w o,o~%co.~, o~%c~0. .o.o, 1 200 CB Water heater~ 1-~.~ E!ectrle heaters~ C OF HI-LEG 2-3.01~, 1-2.0kw, 2-1.75kw, ~t-l.t{kwB 3-1.5kw, OF NEUTRAL 3/0 2-.879kw Main Road ,, OmlRAL East Marl6n, L.I. 11939 COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERtiFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. H.D.aererence No g-$oqq APPLICATION FOR APPROI~AL TO CONSTRUCT PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Dat- ~-~ /O/? ~ Approval to construct said systems is requested,pertinent data herewith: 1-Applicant .~.~X'A~, ~/~'~_- PhoneZ/7~l~ 6-Sub div Address ~/~ ~. ~L ~1..~ ~'w~,o.~ll.-~,,~ / ,~0 .,V'5, 7-Section 2-Detailed ~roperty locatioh' ~ ~ ~/o-~ ( 8-Lot No. Hamlet Town ~ ~/'~.,~ ~ 9-Private well? ~ 3-Public water supply name ' -Distance to nearest main / 4-Lot Size: Width ;~ ft. Length~%*/ ft. (also enter on center plot plan below:) 5-Dwelling: Single Family ;~'~ Two Family? ~F/Cellar? ~ /.Slab? ; ~ Crawl Space? /~ 10-Proposed system: Septic tank ~_~/Precas~t ~/_~Cesspools / /Shallow pools ~ /Othe~ / / Il-Septic tank inside dimensions: V~olume ~Gals.Length ft. Width f.t. Liquid depth ft. 12-Precast sections: ~_/Number~u~quare Ft. Cesspools: Block sizeL zncs. D ins. H ins. Total blocks below inlet: ~1 ~2 ~3 PLOT PLAN Capacity~_~Gals. Tank C In~ :ate No 'th The Undersigned CERTIFIES: "Construction of authorized installations will be in 2~_.Z accordance with the Suffolk County Health Departments' current Standards, Bulletins, and amendments thereto, covering Private ~age Disposal Systems". or ¢ uilderI FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. Based ~n the information ~resenteSherewith, it is the opinion of the Health Department, that an adequate and satisfactory Sewage Disposal System can be installed on this Plot. Oate 7//F/?? SignedC S-15 Data ?eet ~,. 0 ~'~ 2 · ' 6 ~ , 12 '' ~6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 't'~r~r-"/~ ;'"%.,/'-'~4~" ~, TOWN CLERK'S ~,,/ -' SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ^ppli¢ofi~ N~ .................. ~.. ......... Dimpproved o/¢ ....................................................... APPLICATION FOP, BUILDI~PERMIT~.~ ~~ Date .... ~ ................... , 19~..~. .... INSTRUCTIONS a. This appliepti,o~.~ must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Building Inspector, wi~ 3 sets of idem, accurm plot. plan to scale. Fee ___-ccerdi_ 'rig to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, an~ giving a detailed de~cription of layout of property must be drawn on diagram which is part'of this application. c. The work co,red by this epplicaticn may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit.* d. Upon Ipproval of this al)plication, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit.shall be kept on ~: the premises Ivltlal)le for inspection throughout the work. e. Ho building shall be occupied or u~cl in whole or in per~ for an*/porpme whetewr until a Certificate of Ooeupan~y sh~ll hev~ be~n~ granted by the Building InSpector. ' APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Deportment for the {.uan~ of e Building Permit pursuant to the ~ilding Zone~ Ordinance of the Town of ~outhold, ~ffoik ~ounty, New Yo~(, and other alN)liseble , . Lay4, Ordinances or Reguletiom, for th~ sealtmetlon ouil. dings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, .lt. herein described. The egldicant agree~ to comply with all lppliseble lewl, ordinances, building co4l, housing c~:b, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premise~ and in buildings ~ nece~aW intpectlom. } ~ ............. State whether applicant is owner, }___~e, agent, architect, engineer, ~eneml contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ............ ........................................................ : ................................................................................................ Name of owner of premises .... ~:'/~.~..~,~,g.,.....~.~.~....~..~.~...~.. ................................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. IName and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No .......................................................... Plumber's License No ............~..~..~/../~... ............................ Electrician's License No ........~.~.../Z'../~. ........................... Other Trede's License No ................................................... 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No .............................................. Lot No..., ........... Street and Number. ..~.Q.e.~.~....~#...~.. ............................................................. ~,~.~,g~.#......~'. ................... ........ y~-'~) Municipali~ 2. State existing use end occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy .....~..~.....~.. ....................................................................... ' ..... .................... b. ,ntended use and occupancy .... ~ .... ::; .................................. :; ............... ~ .,,.~t~ .~ 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building ....~... ............. Addition ..................... Alteration ............... Repair ......................... Removal ......................... Demolition ........................ Other Work .................................... z::3 ~" ' (Description) 4. Estimated Cost ....... ..zX~-.~..~....°....~,~,.~. ....... Fee ........... , ................... ~.....~. (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ...~..~..~...... Number of dwelling units on each floor ......................................... If garage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................ 6. If business, commercial or mixed occunancy,.specify nature and extent of each type of use ..................................... 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ..................... Rear ........................... Depth ................................... Height ........................................................... Number of Stories ............................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .......................... Rear ......................................... Depth ............................................. Height ......................................... Number of Stories ........................................ S. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front "..~.~..../..~...~.... Rear ..~..~....~.~....*. ......... Depth ~...~.~..~....~ ............. Height ........... ..~..~.....~. ........................... Number of Stories ......................................................................................... 9. Size of lot: Front ....... /.~..O ...................... Rear .......... ~.3...o.. ..................... Depth ..~r~.~./~.~...~../.~.~,~r~..~.~F~F..~..... 10. Date of Purchase ..~.~....~....~. ............. , ...... Name of Former Owner ............................................................................ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ........................... ~ ......................................................................... 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ............................................................ 13. Will lot be regradecl .......... ~,~t.g._. _ -., s-- ,.~ ................ Will excess fi!l be removed from premises: [~]~Yes [ ] No 14. Name of Owner of premises ...' ...~..ak~.~...lR....~.~.~v~.~.~....~.~.~ .............. .~..~.ff~,......~..a~...:~.~..~. ............ , _ o-- (Address), (P.h~ne No,) Name of Architect ......................~...~/a4.~.~....a~.4.~..~ ............. ~..~.~_e~. ........,.~f..~......~.~,~...-.Y~..~'...7.. ~ No.) ...... ....... ....... .............. ............... Name of Contractor (Phone No.) PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildtnl~, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set,beck dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate wheth- er interior or corner lot. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.} of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed there~Yl~h. ............. ~ ....... = .......... Y ....... /..::~.~t~.~.m.~w f~J...~. ..... ~ c-,, I _J ...... Notary Public ......................... ~" ~~ke,a.Matca .t~' Cz' dlm,~se ,,'Su//o,k Co,my ...... ~.~.~ ......................... .. ¢ JO..,~EPt--IINE ,.~0 U 'rT-IO L ~ AT ARNOLD ASSOCIATF. S- I I I I ,( .t ¥ OUr,J PA7'-i 0 N1 ,,~,_) ~ cz% ~'"" ON /~Z2./2 /*'4 ~4'=;~°" ~ I 'I ARNOLD A$SOCitATES I0~ F. 35~ ST,, IL ¥.~ ~ y. 'i I I , I 'o" L ~ ~-< Cpm) .,.¢, (J,m_Ld Jo~ ~o, 7° z ~ MA¸ ARNOLD .'ASSOCIATES /× h A / .\ J0/¢,*/,,"0, 707.~ ARNOLD ASSOCIATES / ~3_ .~.,..- - to,, -T ARNOLD ASSOCIAT£Sl