HomeMy WebLinkAboutMKS Realty Glenn Goldsmith,President �� Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 001 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 27, 2022 Tom Wolpert Young & Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: MKS REALTY, LLC 1925 NORTH SEA DRIVE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Dear Mr. Wolpert: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Young &Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated November 18, 2021, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed applications be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 4 - Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion; 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. 2 a. NO DEVELOPMENT is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. b. Avoid hazards by siting structures to maximize the distance from Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. 1. THE ENTIRE PARCEL IS LOCATED IN THE COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA and the primary dune, a natural protective feature. No new development is permitted on a primary dune. 2. The entire structure is located within a VE El 13 flood zone. VE coastal areas are subject to high-velocity water including waves; defined by the one percent annual chance flood and wave effects three feet or greater. This means that the flood has a one percent chance of being met or exceeded in any given year. 3. The parcel and any development on the parcel will be adversely impacted by sea level rise over time. Policy 4.2 Protect and restore natural protective features; Maximize the protective capabilities of natural protective features by avoiding alteration or interference with shorelines in a natural condition; and WHEREAS, On October 17, 2007, a site visit of the area was conducted by representatives of the Trustees, the LWRP coordinator, and NYS DEC Environmental Specialist who collectively confirmed that the actions proposed on a neighboring parcel, more landward than the proposed actions herein, were entirely located seaward of the CEHA line and within a primary dune; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to NOT support the application, as the proposed setbacks are too close to the wetland boundary within the primary and secondary dune, and within a flood zone. They noted the environmentally sensitive area, and any development of the property would deplete the natural habitat. WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 17, 2022 and December 14, 2022, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 3 WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the structure, as applied for does not comply with the standards set forth in Southold Town Code Chapter 275-12A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the Town; B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation or the natural habitat thereof; E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage; H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity; I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town; and J. Adversely affect the aesthetic value of the wetland and adjacent areas; and WHEREAS, some of the proposed structure, as applied for, is located in a primary dune area with the proposed deck and proposed pool encroaching seaward of the proposed dwelling into an environmentally sensitive area valuable to the people of the Town of Southold, and as applied for does not comply with: 111-9 Issuance of Permit. A coastal erosion management permit will be issued only with a finding by the Administrator that the proposed regulated activity: A. Is reasonable and necessary, considering reasonable alternatives to the proposed activity and the extent to which the proposed activity requires a shoreline location; B. Is not likely to cause a measurable increase in erosion at the proposed site and at other locations. C. Prevents, if possible, or minimizes adverse effects on natural protective features and their functions and protective values, existing erosion protection structures and natural resources; and, 111-13. Dune Area A. In primary dune areas: (1) Excavating, grading or mining of primary dunes is prohibited; (2) Clean sand of a compatible type and size is the only material which may be deposited. Any deposition requires a coastal erosion management permit; (3) All depositions must be vegetatively stabilized using species tolerant of the conditions at the site and must be placed so as to increase the size of, or restore, a dune or dune area; (4) Active bird nesting and breeding areas must not be disturbed, unless such disturbance is pursuant to a specific wildlife management activity approved, in writing, by the Department, (5) Nonmajor additions to existing structures are allowed on primary dunes pursuant to a coastal erosion management permit and subject to permit conditions concerning the location, design and potential impacts of the structure on the primary dune; (6) Stone revetments or other erosion protection structures compatible with primary dunes will only be allowed at the waterward toe of primary dunes and must not interfere with the exchange of sand between primary dunes and their fronting beaches; and WHEREAS, the project, as applied for, is not permitted under Chapter 111 insofar as it is located in a primary dune area; and WHEREAS, at the Public Hearing on August 17, 2022, the owner of that neighboring parcel, Robert Bombara, of 1725 North Sea Drive, testified that the Trustees must follow precedence which established, in a prior application before Trustees, during the application process and appeal before the Southold Town Board, through testimony taken before the Board, the location of the primary dune in this particular area, and no structure shall be located seaward of the primary dune line; and 4 WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the request, as applied for, will have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, and, adversely weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that for foregoing reasons, and because the proposed action is located within the coastal erosion hazard area and in a primary dune area, and because the proposed action is not permitted in such areas pursuant to Chapters 275 and 111 of the Town Code, that the Trustees deem the proposed project to be impermissible under Chapter 275 and Chapter 111, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons, the Board of Trustees DENIES the Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit application of MKS REALTY, LLC to construct a two- story 3,053 sf footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10" x 11'9" ( 253.5 sf) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4" x 20'2" (191.7 sf) mezzanine level bedroom balcony & railing system; a privacy screen wall along the west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,484 sf raised deck with a 448 sf pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west, and a 3'6" stairs with railing to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; 513 sf of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 3,183 sf of stone blend driveway; 1,200 gallon underground propane tank, new I/A OWTS sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and four (4) 8.51 by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 480 cy of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (ie. A/C unit) to be located above the second- story structure; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by R. Shatarah Consulting Engineers, P.C., last dated October 11, 2022. This determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Very truly yours, A 71 -t�Ir�/ , ) I Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd MKS Realty LLC — Southold Exhibit 1 1925 North Sea Drive I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 D E C 1 Z 2022 Site photos taken 11/2/2022 by Land Us11 e Ecological Services,Inc. - Southold Town Board of Trustees AT 24 m VIA Pr r�, ��.. L tr �� •,s'�/iY 3^.da i � Y'�. .��� ;,,�� c� �h tom. ti yy r J & :- 1 1 w J' '43 i 4. ANIL ,xrt {— it :1' ytr� f.i ' h�yr 7 t iq 7 1tA� 4t" ism-�� x f�• t...,�r r k.. i ,x. ... - � r+ r.y 't MA D E C F � W E MKS Realty LLC — Southold Exhibit 1 1925 North Sea Drive I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 DEC 1 J! r202 Site photos taken 11/2/2022 by Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. Burd of Trustees 7.77 �, ,• s � " y;>n �`��,�._ ;���; �f ,� ,tib, .s ,t � 1� _ w_ .. _._ ._ - ..s.. _..- ._ ,..-.. .. :� ":.'�'.. .t'w� �L••:.':fir '��_. '� _;y. ..�+�ni:ti.Zt,`�.. lr lrF �r '� 11>rF(i( `A� Glenn Goldsmith President �p� Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski P.O. Box 1179 Liz Gillooly Qy Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �t Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: 121-7122 Completed in field by: C, Go1AS,,,A Young &Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two-story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10"x11'9" (253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4"x20'2" (191.7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,218.8sq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from ±7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5' long by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second-story structure. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Ty p of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ichapt.275 /Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland /Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative _Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: , Present Were: .// G. Goldsmith N. Kr pski E. Sepenoski / L. Gillooly 12 E. Peeples Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Tom Wolpert <TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 3:16 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick; Gillooly, Liz; Peeples, Elizabeth; Sepenoski, Eric; 'pcmoore@mooreattys.com'; 'Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com)'; Doug Adams; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold,T/O Southold, NY Attachments: SKM_C25822120616010.pdf Elizabeth, Attached is a copy of the shortened project description, for your use. Kindly advise us if this format is acceptable. Thank you for your assistance. Tom nn Tom Wolpert C � ll Young&Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 MC P022 UU 631.727.2303 1vwr" ora sugn¢crx�nt Southold Town losrd of Trustees From:Cantrell, Elizabeth [mailto:elizabethc@town.southold.ny.usj Sent:Tuesday, December 06, 2022 3:06 PM To:Tom Wolpert<TCW@youngengineering.com> Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn <glenn.goldsmith@town.southold.ny.us>; Krupski, Nick<nickk@southoldtownny.gov>; Gillooly, Liz <lizg@southoldtownny.gov>; Peeples, Elizabeth<elizabethp@southoldtownny.gov>; Sepenoski, Eric <erics@southoldtownny.gov>; 'pcmoore@mooreattys.com' <pcmoore@mooreattys.com>; 'Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com)' <elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com>; Doug Adams<DEA@youngengineering.com>; Doris Connolly <DAC@youngengineering.com> Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold,T/0 Southold, NY Thank you Tom, however, regarding the format of the project description the Board requires a format that matches what you see on the Trustees Legal Noticing/agendas. What was emailed we did receive on Dec. 2"d as well as in your email earlier today. Please have the description shortened to more fit with what the Board commonly requires when projects are revised. Thank you. Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email Az 1 From:Tom VVo|pert Sent:Tuesday, December 6, 20222:2SPM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn Krupski, Nick GiUomk\ Uz Peep|es, E|izabeth Sepenoski, Eric 'pcm000re@nnooreattys.conn' 'EdUca|zi ( ' Doug Adams Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,l7OSouthold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, Attached isacopy ofthe Project Narrative for MKS Realty, LLC dated December 6, 302Zprepared byLand Use Ecological Services, Inc. including the Description of Proposed Activities and Existing Dune Conditions prepared by Young /&Young,for your use. |fyou have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom Wolpert EC E � VE ,o Young 0cYoung 40OOstrander Avenue Riverhead,NYll9Ol 031.727.2303 D EC' 2022 Southold Town From:Cantrell, Elizabeth [ ] Sent: Monday, December OS, 2O33O:47AK8 To:Tom VVo|pe/t< \ Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn KrupsN, Nick GiUooky, Liz LizL,R,�gut�o1dtowrLr1y.? >; Peeples Elizabeth Sepenoshi, Ehc 'pcnmoona��n000reat�s.conn' 'E� L�a|zi � ' Dou8Adanos Doris Connolly � � Subject RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/O Southold, NY ; Good Morning Tom, On Friday a submission was made on behalf of MKS Realty with the request to be on the December 14, 2022 public hearing date. The proposed has been modified in several ways, as per the site plan last revised 10/11/22 and received on 12/2/22. When a proposed project is modified, a full revised project description is required to be submitted to the Board as the site plan now differs from the original legally noticed project. Please submit no later than end of day tomorrow(12/6/22) a revised written project description that includes the dimensions for each structure (e.g. entry steps, each deck, walkway to water, driveway, amount of ifill being added, etc.) Senior Office Assistant Town ofSouthold Board ofTruoteos 2 Office: 631-765-1892 From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, October 18 202213:39PM Tm: 7onnVVo|pert' Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn Kmpski, Nick GiUooly, Uz Peeples, Elizabeth Sepenoski, Eric ' EdLica|zi ( ) Doug Adams Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC u1Southold,T/OSouthold, NY Good Afternoon Tom, During the Board of Trustees Work Session held on 10/17/2022,the Board reviewed the revised plans last revised on 10/11/2022 and submitted on 10/17/2022 and have determined that at this time the Board is requesting revisions to the latest proposed plans. Given this request the application is postponed from the October 19, 2022 Public Hearing and will be rescheduled to the December 14, 2022 Public Hearing date (Field inspection date is December 7, 2022), if the following ixsubmitted: ? Revised written project description containing all proposed structures with dimensions for each (e.8. do not combine decking areas, please keep each patio/cleck/walkway separate), (a) changes made to date, and (b) those forthcoming asper below. ? The Board is requesting comments on the necessity of several concrete pads located beneath the structure on piles. ? The Board highly recommends pulling proposed pool landward within pier line. ? The Board is requesting more information/details about the fill beneath shed on West side of parcel, and if necessary revise onplans. ? Relocate dryweU#1and #Slandward ofproposed structure. ? DesiQnate |andsseawardof|ivin8structuretobea "Non'0sturbanceBufferArea^ onp|ans. ? The Board isrequesting anupdated re-vegetation plan. D E C E FEE�:I' / Senior Office Assistant . To*nofSoutbok{ � Board ofTrustees Office: 631-765-1892 Southold Town Board�roxi|� of Trustees | From:Tom VVo|pert Sent: Friday, October 7, 2O223:18PW1 To:Cantrell, Elizabeth< Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn ; Krupski, Nick ;Gi!!oo|y, Liz Peeples, Elizabeth 5epenoski, Ehc >; Ed Lica|zi / ) Doug Adams Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/OSouthold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, 3 Please be advised that we are in the process of revising the plans to further address the concerns of the Board and will be submitting the revised plans and revised project description as soon as possible. We understand that all proposed structures shown on the revised plans will need to be re-staked prior to the Board of Trustees field inspection. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom Wolpert nSout'hol'd Young&Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 631.727.2303Town or of Traalo From: Cantrell, Elizabeth [riiaallto:r%lJzabethc town. outholdl.n .0 ] Sent:Thursday,October 06, 2022 12:22 PM To:Tom Wolpert<'T t n en uLe > Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn <Lq.ie. nn. ollds rflthtown.soUtl'p,la Krupski, Nick<wiic( @.,o tgio1 tQynnyy>;Gillooly, Liz <li g�southoldtown_yamoy> Peeples, Elizabeth <ol'x beth _S0Uthodtownn . Qv>; Sepenoski, Eric _ <erics0southo8dto �nnY.v> Subject: MKS Realty, LLC Good Morning Tom, Regarding the revised plans received on October 4, 2022 for the application referenced above, the Board has reviewed the revised plans last revised 10/4/2022 and determined that the plans do not reflect an accurate pier line. As discussed during the August 9, 2022 and September 7, 2022 field inspections, and during the August 17, 2022 Public Hearings the proposed structures should be no further seaward than the existing living space area, not decking, pools or walkways/catwalks. The most seaward line of a living space area is where the pier line should be taken from. You/The property owner are welcome to submit revised plans at your convenience that depict what the Board of Trustees have requested,or you/the property owner are welcome to request in writing that the Board of Trustees move forward with the current set of plans and re-open the public hearing for a possible determination. If you/the property owner decide to submit revised plans based on the correct pier line,the project will need to be re-staked based on the revised plans for Board of Trustee review prior to field inspections. Sincerely, 0 r"/ ease(e Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email eliz b rl '4P,ob;d t cit )'K.1,�,�:: &.'n' 4 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Tom Wolpert <TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 3:16 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick; Gillooly, Liz; Peeples, Elizabeth; Sepenoski, Eric; 'pcmoore@mooreattys.com'; 'Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com)'; Doug Adams; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold, T/O Southold, NY Attachments: SKM_C25822120616010.pdf Elizabeth, Attached is a copy of the shortened project description,for your use. Kindly advise us if this format is acceptable. Thank you for your assistance. Tom Tom Wolpert 400 Ostrander Avenue E C E Young&Young Riverhead,NY 11901 631.727.2303 DEC Southold Town Board of Trustees From: Cantrell, Elizabeth [mailto:elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us] Sent:Tuesday, December 06, 2022 3:06 PM To:Tom Wolpert<TCW@youngengineering.com> Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn<glenn.goldsmith@town.southo Id.ny.us>; Krupski, Nick<nickk@southoldtownny.gov>; Gillooly, Liz <lizg@southoldtownny.gov>; Peeples, Elizabeth <elizabethp@southoldtownny.gov>; Sepenoski, Eric <erics@southoldtownny.gov>; 'pcmoore@ mooreattys.com'<pcmoore@mooreattys.com>; 'Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com)' <elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com>; Doug Adams<DEA@youngengineering.com>; Doris Connolly <DAC@youngengineering.com> Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold,T/O Southold, NY Thank you Tom, however, regarding the format of the project description the Board requires a format that matches what you see on the Trustees Legal Noticing/agendas. What was emailed we did receive on Dec. 2nd as well as in your email earlier today. Please have the description shortened to more fit with what the Board commonly requires when projects are revised. Thank you. Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email ��fl.zaI;e tbc(z�" cXu h 1c9: : ., 1 From:Tom VVo|pert Sent:Tuesday, December 6, 3O222:2SPM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn KrupsW Nick Gi|looly, Uz Peep|e� E|izabeth ; 5epenoski Eric < ; 'pcnnoore@mooneattyszom' ; 'Ed Lica|zi ' ; DougAdams ; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/OSouthold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, Attached is copy ofthe Project Narrative for MKS Realty, LLC dated December 6, 2022 prepared by Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. including the Description of Proposed Activities and Existing Dune Conditions prepared by Young &Young, for your use. If you have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom Wolpert Young&Young 400Ostrander Avenue � Riverhead,NYIl9O1 / 631.727.2303 DEC 2022 Southold Town L___�oard of Trustees From: Cantrell, Elizabeth [ Sent: Monday, December OS, 2OZ2Q:47AK8 To:Tom VVo|pert Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn< � Krupski, Nick� ; GiUoo|y, Liz ; Peeples, Elizabeth ; Sepenoski, Eric 'pcn000re@mooneattys.cono' 'EdLica|zi ( ' ; Doug Adams ; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty LLC atSouthold,l/O Southold, NY Good Morning Tom, On Friday a submission was made on behalf of MKS Realty with the request to be on the December 14, 2022 public hearing date. The proposed has been modified in several ways, as per the site plan last revised 10/11/22 and received on 12/2/22. When a proposed project is modified, a full revised project description is required to be submitted to the Board as the site plan now differs from the original legally noticed project. Please submit no later than end of day tomorrow(13/6/IJ) a revised written project description that includes the dimensions for each structure (e.g. entry steps' each deck' walkway to water, driveway, amount ofifiU being added, etc) Senior Office Assistant Town o[Sour6o}d Board ofTrustees 2 Office: 8]1-765 1892 From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, October 18, 203Z13:39PK4 To: 'TonoVVo|peML' Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn Krupski, Nick ;GiUooky, Liz —9 jgutho1dtovNnny.gov>; Peeples E|izobeth SepenoskiEric eat� EdUca|zi ( Doug Adams Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/OSouthold, NY Good Afternoon Tom, During the Board of Trustees Work Session held on 10/17/2022, the Board reviewed the revised plans last revised on 10/11/2022 and submitted on 10/17/2022 and have determined that at this time the Board is requesting revisions to the latest proposed plans. Given this request the application is postponed from the October 19, 2022 Public Hearing and will be rescheduled to the December 14, 2022 Public Hearing date (Field Inspection date is December 7, 2022), if the following issubmitted: ? Revised written project description containing all proposed structures with dimensions for each (e.g. do not combine decking areas, please keep each patio/deck/walkway separate), (a) changes made to date, and (b) those forthcoming asper below. ? The Board is requesting comments on the necessity of several concrete pads located beneath the structure on piles. ? The Board highly recommends pulling proposed pool landward within pier line. 7 The Board is requesting more information/details about the fill beneath shed on West side ofparcel, and if necessary revise onplans. ? Relocate drym/eU #1and #Slandward ofproposed structure. ? DesiQnate |andsseavxardof|ivingstructuretobea ^Non'Disturbance8ufferArea" onp|ans. ? The Board isrequesting anupdated re-vegetation plan. Senior Office Assistant Town ofSouthold Board of Trustees DEC 2022 {}86cc: 631'785'1892 Eouo& Southold Town Board of Trustees From:Tom VVo|pert Sent: Friday, October 7, 2O2Z3:10PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Gm|dsmith, Glenn< Krupski, Nick GiUoo|y, Liz Peeples, Elizabeth Sepenoski, Ehc « EdLica|zi ( Doug Adams Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/O Southold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, 3 Please be advised that we are in the process of revising the plans to further address the concerns of the Board and will be submitting the revised plans and revised project description as soon as possible. We understand that all proposed structures shown on the revised plans will need to be re-staked prior to the Board of Trustees field inspection. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom Wolpert 2 Young&Young E 400 Ostrander Avenue 631.727.2303 Y 11901 a Vm �^ Southold Town Board of Trustees From: Cantrell, Elizabeth [rra lto.elizabetiic @ town„. p2Lho1d.ny.us1 Sent:Thursday, October 06, 2022 12:22 PM To:Tom Wolpert<TCW2y LiLi en ineerin-tcom'r7> Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn<gienn. oidstr0i c to Ln >; Krupski, Nick<nickk 5) utholidtownny.gov>; Gillooly, Liz <lizgLtsoutlioldtowr:Liygov>; Peeples, Elizabeth < Ili a ethta SOL.i:holdtownn . ov�>;Sepenoski, Eric <er�cs(asoutholrj > Subject: MKS Realty, LLC Good Morning Tom, Regarding the revised plans received on October 4, 2022 for the application referenced above,the Board has reviewed the revised plans last revised 10/4/2022 and determined that the plans do not reflect an accurate pier line. As discussed during the August 9, 2022 and September 7, 2022 field inspections, and during the August 17, 2022 Public Hearings the proposed structures should be no further seaward than the existing living space area, not decking, pools or walkways/catwalks. The most seaward line of a living space area is where the pier line should be taken from. You/The property owner are welcome to submit revised plans at your convenience that depict what the Board of Trustees have requested, or you/the property owner are welcome to request in writing that the Board of Trustees move forward with the current set of plans and re-open the public hearing for a possible determination. If you/the property owner decide to submit revised plans based on the correct pier line,the project will need to be re-staked based on the revised plans for Board of Trustee review prior to field inspections. Sincerely, Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email c �g�ti:q....i_ �rd� ,;i..i_w. 4 M"I U: Revised December 6, 2022 �0ut1jold Ton Revised June 3, 2022 Board of Trustees November 12, 2021 ATTACHMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPLICATION prepared for MKS Realty, LLC at Southold, T/O Southold, New York Project Description For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two- story 3,053 sf footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10" x 11'9" ( 253.5 sf) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4" x 20'2" (191.7 sf) mezzanine level bedroom balcony & railing system; a privacy screen wall along the west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,484 sf raised deck with a 448 sf pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west, and a 3'6" stairs with railing to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; 513 sf of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 3,183 sf of stone blend driveway; 1,200 gallon underground propane tank, new I/A OWTS sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and four (4) 8.5'L by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 480 cy of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (ie. A/C unit) to be located above the second- story structure. Page 2 of 2 December 6, 2022 Lot Coverage Proposed Structure Area Percent Coverage Frame House & Garage 3,053 sf 5.2 % Raised Deck 1,484 sf 2.5 % Pool 448 sf 0.7 % Front Entry Stairs 513 sf 0.9 % Stone Blend Driveway 3,183 sf 5.4 % Tota 1 8,631 sf 14.7 % C D E yC 2022 Southold Town Board of Trustees Project Narrative f°rL� C� C� dE SKS ;fealty, LLC D �� � .0 Southold Town gourd of Trustoes _J at 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold SCTM #1000-54-4-20 December 6, 2022 Project Narrative Prepared B Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. 570 Expressway Drive South, Suite 2F, Medford,NY 11763 La Use Comact: Kelly Risotto, Senior Ecologist/GIS Manager Tel. (631) 727-2400 i,oN �.�,�-�:� �, Email. Lg isoagri us( Is, Description of Proposed Activities and Existing Dune Conditions Prepared By Young& Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead,NY 11901 Contact: Douglas Adams Tel. (631) 727-0144 Email I 1 r� �p ���geenTI&C rn U LS U h UV 6 11 IL! DEC ,,,,,,,, C 2022 S;Rhold Tow ar Project Purpose and Need Board of Trustees The purpose of this project is the development of the last existing vacant lot within the developed neighborhood north of North Sea Drive as a single family residence. The residence is proposed in line with or landward of the existing line of development. The site approximately 1.35 acres, and is zoned residential R-40. This use is compatible with current zoning as well as the existing character of the neighborhood. Descrintion of Proposed Activities, The property owner is applying for a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit from the Town of Southold for construction of a two-story 3,053 SF single family dwelling with attached garage; 21'10"x 11'9" (253.5 SF) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; 10'4" x 20'2" (191.7 SF) mezzanine level bedroom balcony with railing system;privacy screen wall along the west side;6'wide spiral staircase to ground; 1,484 SF raised deck on the north and east sides containing a 448 SF pool on the east side; 3'9" wide stairs with railings to grade on the north side; 3'6" stairs with railing to grade on the east side; 10' wide bar/grill area on the pool deck; 513 SF impervious front entry stairs on the south side;3,183 pervious stone blend driveway; 1,200 gal underground propane tank; innovative/alternative onsite wastewater treatment system (VA OWTS) containing (1) 500 gal wastewater treatment unit and (4) 8.5' L x 2' effective depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; and stormwater management system with (5) 10' diameter x 3' deep drywells for storage and treatment of runoff from 2 inch rainfall event. Approximately 480 CY of clean fill from excavated areas will be used for site grading. All mechanical equipment will be located above the second story structure. A breakdown of the size of each proposed structure is provided on the Survey/Site Plan, as well as in the table below. Proposed Structure Size(SF) %Lot Covera e Dwelling 3,053 5.2 Deck 1,484 2.5 Pool 448 0.8 Front Stairs/Landings 513 0.9 Gravel Driveway 3,183 5.4 TOTAL 8,681 14.7 The project has been designed to maximize setbacks to Long Island Sound(>213 feet), the beach (> 100 feet), the dune/beach ridge crest (> 30 feet), and the landward limit of the dune/beach ridge (> 2 feet). Structures are proposed on piles and elevated to meet current FEMA requirements for a VE El. 13 flood zone per map #36103C0154H (effective 9/25/2009). Structures will also be designed in accordance with standards set forth in ASCE/SEI 24-14, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, for construction in coastal high hazard areas. These standards have been adopted by NYS and the Town within their respective building codes. Wastewater will be treated with an UA OWTS proposed in the southwest corner of the site and sized in accordance with Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS)residential standards. This I/A OWTS will reduce nitrogen loading to groundwater and surface waters when compared with traditional sanitary systems, and is the preferred environmental alternative for development in sensitive areas. Stormwater from a 2 inch rainfall event will be treated and stored in drywells proposed throughout the site. Pool backwash water will also be treated and stored in a drywell specific to that purpose. Approximately 200 feet (width) of beach and dune habitat will be preserved with this project, through establishment of a variable width natural and undisturbed buffer seaward of development activities. The Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive,Southold 1/3 DEC 6 202-2 UU 130 d�hold yes buffer is 100-120 feet wide within the vegetated dune, and an additional 90-100 feet wide within the existing beach habitat. Areas of disturbance will be planted with native vegetation in accordance with the Native Planting Plan. Trees to be planted along the property edges include Eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and post oak (Quercus stellata). Shrubs to be planted include bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) and beach plum (Prunus maritima). Herbaceous species to be planted and seeded include American beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), coastal panicgrass (Panicum amarum), and seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens). All of these species are currently found within vegetated areas of the property. For protection of adjacent properties, natural areas, and Long Island Sound, areas of disturbance will be contained with a perimeter silt fence installed in accordance with NYSDEC and Town standards for fence height and embedment. Silt fence shall be installed prior to the start of any construction activities, shall be maintained for the duration of construction, and will be removed after final stabilization of the site is achieved. Existing EcologicalConditions The subject property is undeveloped and largely undisturbed. The northern third of the site is unvegetated beach habitat to the property boundary at mean high water. The central third of the site is a vegetated dune habitat with herbaceous species that include beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), beach pea (Lathyrus japonicas), coastal panicgrass (Panicum amarum), common reed(Phragmites australis, sparse), and salt hay(Spartina patens, sparse and in upland); a large patch of Rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa); and some bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) [Exhibit 1, Photos]. The southern third of the site contains patchy shrubs, including bayberry and beach plum (Prunus maritima); and patchy trees including Eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and post oak (Quercus stellata). Herbaceous vegetation in the southern third of the site is sparse, mainly coastal panicgrass. Along the road edge, non-native and invasive species such as black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellate) mix with post oak and eastern red-cedar. Little blue stem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is also present along the road edge. Existing Dune Conditions Site topography was utilized for mapping of dune features by the surveyor. The location of the crest of dune/beach ridge is indicated as coincident to the highest recorded elevations, moving landward from the beach area, prior to sloping downward. The location of the landward toe of the dune/beach ridge was developed from a combination of following the methodology of the Bombara(adjacent west) application, as well as the grades and vegetation spanning between the two adjacent developed properties. Beach and Dune Chan Over Time The shoreline along North Sea Drive is stable. Aerial photographs were utilized to digitize the dry beach in 1957, 1971, 1994, 2013 (post-Sandy), and 2020 (Exhibit 2, Aerial Timeline). As demonstrated by aerials going back 65 years, the beach is stable, with fluctuations of 5-15 feet between 1957 and 1994. The beach was at its nar owest in 2vi3, 1Vllowing SuperstWmn. Sandy in %J Muer 20112, and has accreted 40-65 feet in the vicinity of the subject property since 2013. Based on 2020 aerials and the site survey,the dry beach area is currently at its widest since 1957. In addition to dry shoreline, the general limit of dune vegetation was digitize from aerial photographs in 1957, 1971, 1994, 2013, and 2020 (Exhibit 3, Vegetated Dune Limit). The vegetated dune has actually Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive,Southold 2/3 1. ECA 6 2022 expanded seaward (i.e. north) 50-57 feet at the subject property since 1957. Si, ilar to t the vegetated dune is currently at its widest/most seaward since 1957. Board of Trustees Based on this analysis, the site at 1925 North Sea Drive is stable, with no significant coastal erosion occurring to the beach or dune in the past 65 years for which this analysis was performed.North Sea Drive has undergone residential development along its length during this time; residential development has not affected the beach and dune system, as evidenced by the analysis performed. Development of the subject property, preserving 23,100± SF of vegetated dune and the entire beach, is therefore not anticipated to negatively impact these protective features. Alternatives Considered Alternatives considered include No Action and construction of alternate structure design,sizes,and layout. No Action does not achieve the goal of the project to provide a single family residence for the owner, and was therefore dismissed. There have been several iterations of site layouts presented for this project, including alternative sizes and configurations of the various structures, locating the structures seaward, and proposing a catwalk and gazebo over the dune. Based on analysis and feedback received from the Town of Southold, the dwelling was reconfigured and relocated as far landward as possible to maximize wetland and dune setbacks and to maximize preservation of natural habitat. The catwalk and gazebo was also removed for protection of the existing natural dune. Potential Impacts and. Mitigation Measures Proposed to R duco Im acts Mitigation measures proposed with this project include preservation of an approximately 200-foot wide buffer as natural beach and dune habitat, planting of disturbed areas with native vegetation, installation of an I/A OWTS to reduce nitrogen loading to groundwater and surface waters, and installation of a stormwater management system to treat and store runoff prior to discharge to Long Island Sound. As a result of these changes to the project design and proposed mitigation and protection measures, there are no impacts anticipated to adjacent properties. Runoff will be contained onsite with the stormwater management system. Adjacent properties will be screened with native vegetation in accordance with the Native Planting Plan. Proposed development is in line with or landward of the line of development for the north side of North Sea Drive, including the adjacent properties. The Town of Southold has documented shorebird nesting between McCabe's Beach and Kenny's Beach, where this stretch includes the beach on and north of the site. Specifically, the Town has documented piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) nesting on this stretch of beach; plovers prefer to nest on the unvegetated beach landward of mean high water during the months of April—August. Due to the existing residential development along this stretch of North Sea Drive, the landward design of this residence proposed in line with or landward of the existing development and> 100 feet landward of their preferred beach habitat, and the proposed natural buffer, there are no impacts anticipated to nesting plovers or their preferred beach habitat. Development is proposed approximately 40 feet landward of the dune crest, and will impact existing vegetation on the back dune. However, imps its are minimized by projPCt design which maximizes preservation of natural areas and proposes native vegetation in areas of disturbance. As a result of these design and preservation features, impacts on the function of the dune as a protective feature are not anticipated. Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive,Southold 3/3 C U C 6 202 Southold Tbwn IRo rd of rusteas MKS Realty LLC—Southold Exhibit 1 1925 North Sea Drive I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 Site photos taken 11/2/2002 by Land Use Ecological Services,Inc. r J r, : i w ✓, .. � � hl � �" �p.�1 a w,. „J,/. "Url, r V°� i � ' G %✓��/','��1%J��9iu�, I 'NDN r" N N F 1 ' I E c E � WE 0 ! EC .w. 6 2022 So ig;ld To'M1t'1'71 Board of T"rustes MKS Realty LLC—Southold Exhibit 1 1925 North Sea Drive I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 Site photos taken 11/2/2002 by Land Use Ecological Services,Inc. rrr ,. ,r ,�..,. r r�,Nrvur„✓ it ri.t�im� /t!�//,/aa, ri„ <, , ./., ,.. ,.- ,..,,.,. / // i,/ //„ ,r.T r/.”/",:f//, � � �, y ,, " a � WOma k� I � ✓r n �f"rr m ECSC WE 2022 8olufhtld Town Board of Trustees MKS Realty LLC—Southold Exhibit 1 1925 North Sea Drive I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 Site photos taken 11/2/2002 by Land Use Ecological Services,Inc. r � l m✓��� �il�mm"+rmrW U� �r" ��r J °IWC✓ r�� ' 01 �Po � vrr,,. /I���� e ,�� ry r�P;.,� " r;, ,r: y � �� / ^��«`b m� � �'W ��"� � i i" it 1Nm>•. ..� "Ic 41 ,x:�i � ova ✓1 T4 a, r Y � m � rrm m t r";., t "'� a r k Vii. "�. �� �r sry`���'�� ✓„✓,J,r 1�''ii Vii.. w� � ��r��.k, � i iw,mtil�`� D1�`, � r,, .W�" !� "" '�'.fir,Y;,, � '.�1 ;m'm y�"iW' "%� +�� � s,i �� °"��,"`""m l� ''�,/ �iu; '�reN / ✓' �iJ%yi i '���.„""m' ��� IJ'w� r~�`"�1�� "fl ,;.�y i""aip ,H` i r „ ;. y, a �„D,. r �'""`.;A� ,n4mi�.��YrpS” rel r'�a°y„w,j�iyi�,, i"��v% r lir r�NnP � �%di�! J/ � p J J f/1 ✓; :"p �W rli„ "d„w' ," l!.. `"r u ✓�. i a�� p9i�r �� ,✓,;�°711""" ,,�' � �ti i y?N :i w 'py p ri vi,l e � 'rt" � � r ",�,;iu v -1� � lr�ar /� �i��'� "r�n 1' l J ✓"u�(� r'm , � -� "'�';1� '�N�. j r Avr�;,, w... .,�� ,d;s. ,ms, mi, Iii i✓ r r � G,1 r ,,e q I i r,� r'i "„ ,, mnri,f�F r �aiu�✓ + t; �, W�.,e r c o �(�%� r W�,✓�,� m � ,.ryi�. ,i ak„r.cr,,. ,uW6� �^�.�' ' r i v i u J my�l i her s if I �„ I �. � :,. .: „; /i�,'�, :.;w:v�,�`°��IW rtu,d�''M�,r �"m✓�>�,�����f;�ry�,:ro� ��� ✓,"�"*,��Ir��7�,,,� !����''."��,,;%� �� � i m Pw w.. M I r .� Y/�r N r SIT VIw» w r ,a P: ` ✓ ` i'" � r �, '„� NN ,4 s ” t ��✓�IIS���✓h r 9t'� 1 � err z,�4w✓ NW 4 r » ✓ /it G����«, t !� �. �✓ ✓; Ali !r°!9, ✓ f rt i CZ) CO aZa 75 of �� ^ ro"'�f'�..:.,/ I A/,p l,�uG �� „! �� !�l„//��� �r{, !�/f��/p/`IN��/J r� bac.ii i ;,% Yl(i�fji��� /� ''i`'�,/;✓�� Y ,� H � oiJl �. I Zdge of Dry Shoreline "1011 i "e, 1957 1957 �k W V� 1994 U >� 20 1 2l 04, i,`�i' Y7�il� i}'pix d'v6f +>�ll�id`JS f�1;Qd �r�'ulM''y .P�IJ� dluiioia�!1 �1�"�f „. 2020 1957 and 1971 aerials from USGS Earth Explorer. 1994,2013,and 2020 aerials From NYSG[SClearinghouse 2 1 in—150 ft Prepared By: Land Use Ecological Services,Inc„ Project DRY SHORELINE CHANGE 570 Expressway Drive South,Suite 2F For: MKS Realty,LLC Landti'se Medford,NY 11763 At: 1925 North Sea Dr,Southold,NY 0 50 100 200 SCTM 91000-54-4-20 It .. a" Date: 12/2/2022 Revised: Scale:As Noted Exhibit 2 "^ , �� «,rig �p 1 UIY r✓J 1 ��1,-,'w w y.m r c' f7f G lig "�urlu� � �N' V Otl,, SITE wry �i -77,77771'007 RROWIRROWW"WORWORM, 1100 M Ilk Ot moi cl k r r w+„� N raves t f I Y i' f�IfiV , 9 nf� t 'Asry ` I r _ �i,ei. 11� /@i' rw�r a.i➢,iP'iN, v ,w c rvr✓1 h„ ,.d,rric r...v L nr. �.e ,,, ,„ .,. FIIII.IMWYYYYiIY' °✓l / N� l(.� rJ 1 � i(///lir, r,,.,,;, Jrr�. O ° r f7 r %rr 1957 1971 vAr 1994 ono 2013 r� � k �� ��arw � r N� ` 64m1f ��r �1I �, 2020 1957 and 1971 aerials from USGS Earth Explorer. 1994,2013,and 2020 aerials from NYSGIS Cleannghouse. Prepared By: Land Use Ecological Services,Inc. Project VEGETATED DUNE LIMIT 570 Expressway Drive South,Suite 2F For. MKS Realty,LLC l in 9 a4'l 11' Lai SeMedford,NY 11763 At: 1925 North Sea Dr.,Southold,NY 0 51,1 100 200 SCTM #1000-54-4-20 11 u' Date: 12/2/2022 Revised: Scale:As Noted I Exhibit 3 Construction Design Management and Advisory Services 2100 Joshua's Path ` Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: (631) 675-6214 Fax: (631)675-0364 n E CE ry December 2, 2022 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell DEC - ? 2022 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single family Residence (20-00153) MKS REALTY, LLC. 1925 North Sea Drive At Southold, T/o Southold, NY SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Ms. Cantrell, In accordance with our resubmission, our team again has worked together to update the site plan based on comments from prior Board of Trustees reviews: • We are including the updated proposed site plan depicting changes in the elevations that will occur based on the development of the proposed new dwelling. • We have also included a re-vegetation plan that includes the installation of privacy screening and re-vegetation for all areas affected or disturbed during construction, prepared by Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. • We have clearly depicted on the survey, prepared by Young and Young, along with the additional design drawings prepared by Land Use Ecological Services, Inc., that all conforming plans provided for your review "will entirely establish and maintain as a Non-Disturbance Buffer area along with a proposed 4-Foot-Wide Access Path through the Non-Disturbance Buffer Area" We are again hopeful that the Board of Trustees will maintain our placement on the December Calendar as requested last month, so we may use that time during the hearing to confirm the new placement of the proposed dwelling and provide answers to any other questions the Board may have. We would hope that the Board will allow us to present our arguments with respect to this issue and hopefully reach a resolution at the December 14, 2022, board meeting. Therefore, we have followed the Board of Trustees recommendations and have enclosed one (1) full size set and three (3) reduced copies of the Architectural Drawing Al-1, last dated 12-01-2022, as well as the updated Survey from Young and Young, the Native Planting Plan NP-1 and Project Narrative from Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. for your use. (Hand delivered December 2nd, 2022) Very truly yours, Edward A. Licalzi, President LOT COVERAGE TEST HOLE 400 Ostrander Avenue,Riverh000,New York 11401 t.1.651.-T27.250-5 fox.651.T:2-7.0144 BY WbONAL"6EOSa7ENCE odmin@youngengincering.com PROPOSED DATE:11/20/20 r FRAME HOUSE A GARAGE 3,053 SF EL=5 56 1— — 00* ouq RAISED DECK =1,4845F PALE BROWN POOL =448 5F 'FINE TO Ho—rd W.Young,Lond Surveyor ARSE SAM FRONT ENTRY STAIRS =513 SF W/10% Thomas C,Yiolperl:,Professional Engineer W4 —E DRIVEWAY 3,183 5F &RAVEL Douglas E.Adams,Frofessionol Engineer (SW) � Robert 0.Tost,Architect j TOTAL 8,681 SF 14.7% 6W=165 42 Robert 51;rornskl,Architect WATERTPALE ,-41t BROWN Fr4E S SITE DATA Ua AREA=1.3530 ACRES OR 58,936 5Q.FT- lY 110 zo BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS BOUNDARY LINES SHOWN AS SCALED FROM FLOOD AP PANEL NO 36103CO154 H LAST DATED SEPT.25,2009. INSURANCE RATE M 4f 1) =NAVb(1988) VERTICAL ATUM +9 7 e DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER =4 FT HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER ELEVATION1.7 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS(DESIGN EQUIVALENT) =4 440 GAL 4 875 MINIMUM REQUIRED IIA OWT5 CAPACITY 500 GAL V- PROVIDED IIA OWTS CAPACITY & & ,sa 90 LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRED 300 SFSWA 8 2 7 LEACHING GALLEYS PROVIDED 318 SF5WA 431 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION +851 "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL J19 5e SYSTEM(s)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER My y y p!- DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL, +F155 pe 19 ,(�I;Q SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONOTTIONS.ALL FACTUTrFS,AS PROPOSED, e CONFORM To THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 3 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE-* 6. e, HOWARD W YOUNG,N-Y.S.L.S.NO.45893n op 4 V, THOMAS C WOLPEAT,NYS RE NO 61483 Z1 7 6 ?y 7.4 DOUGLAS E ADAMS,N.Y.S.P-E.NO 60897 �.f� , C 0 0 of�, P x 0 "' N, A.V - 'V 4F .1 cMF 'All SURVEYOR'S CE.RTIFICATION 10� WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE 07 t. WITH THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND sUAVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK + STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS AR 0. Ik 06_ ea HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.NO,45893 ALe 7 lopd SURVEY FOR 61. MKS REALTY, LLC. W,e 0% Q_ 44! A 0 at Southold,Town of Southold Suffolk County,New York 91EALTH DEPARTMENT USE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 1cr A 6- ..... . BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY TRIBUTARY I VOLUME REQUIR -0 dty 4' 9 DRIVEWAY:3,183 5F x 2J12 x 0.60 318 CF e�. 0 t " " ... . County Tax Map Dt-t 1000 5-- 54 E,a 04 20 ROOF:1,507 SF x 2/12 x 10 =251 CF TOTAL REQUIRED 569 CF FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NON.25,2020 MAP PREPARED JUN 25,2021 VOLUME PROVIDED ,0 USE LF#1 Record of Revisions DATE (3)10'DIAx3'DEEP bRYWELLS 616 CF REVISION 40 NQtA41- NOV 121,ZW: NOI A t4ML APP.�072C�22 -N "-A-TA TRIBUTARY 2 VOLUME ELWMb /-<, Ge.7 m..2022 ROOF:1,546 SF x 2/12 x LO 258 CF A10 DEC 2 2022 6-A NOV 30,2022 VOLUME PROVIDED USELF#2 (2)10'DIAx3'DEEP bRYWELLS 411 CFti� Southold Town Board of Trustees 30 0 15 30 Scale:V= 30' JOB NO,2020-0153 1 S­1 :IT, METER ,;rZ'VENTILATION PIPE C3fAHRER Volume(gal) INCOMING SERVICE 400 Ostrander Avenue,Riverhead,Nei York IIqOI SCUM r.E_� S&innertWon Dodbet 277 tel.651.12-7-2303 Fox.691.12.7.014-4 luuutmbic Ililmdlafi Chamba 279 V=ICATUD odminpyourgengineerine.com AmVe Cimuct i ftstkm ch"ibot 12'1 15 AMP BREAKER stmipe Chambre 63 r 0"� "�IR 1.177-PuW DisiTifwiDa amber 4 120Y AIC,10,6OHZ,15 AMP PONER SUPPLY /_DIStatII Taw V.1me 749 CYLINDER(OPTIONAL) #12-2 AWG WITH<51,10 IN I"FVC.CONDUIT Howard N,Young,Land Surveyor MAIN Thomas r.Nolpert,Professional Engineer 4'INLET Fi; OUTLET PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE Douglas E.Adams,Frol`e551onol Engineer PANEL PP/PE FiLLio Rale 32% .A, JA mble.%W4 41, Ing A Robert r-.Tast,Architect Ambic Media PP I Pt Filling Rate[57% HAIZOVqIRE Robert Strom5ki,Architect Blower 2A clim Y _M'N_SERVICE REA-R r1l CA11 F 1�-�A-..�- 15-H'. 5 A117 I AH A IR LFLLir'PUMP Tank FAP INLET WI I — A pipi.� PVC PPI PE T Access Covers PIMIC I CPA Irm Disinfectant(Optional) CbWm TaMes HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE RECIRCULATION -L-1 BAMA Ell f Wjj �,e�AIR INTAKE GROUND S-E RHOMBUS AIR BLOVIER FLOW OPENING(ITP-W 461 anNogn) BCONTROL PANEL PLAN VIEW 11'MANHOLE 111P 4'MANHOLE ELECTRICAL ONE—LINE DIAGRAM 31 ANHOLE 9111`1 CYLINDER(OPTIONAL) Z'UOW OPENING NOTES: DONTACT W-DIA kj I.CONCRETE 4.000 FSI 0 28 DAYS 2.REBAR TO BE A5TM A-615 GRADE 60 5.YIELDED HIRE FABRIC A5TM A-155 4.DESIGNED FOE AA5HTO HS-20 (tiff jt LOADING 5.TOP SLAB AND HALL ARE MONOLITHIC 6.THE 51VEHALL.AREA SHALL BE 4­ EQUAL TO THE FULL EXTERNAL HALL 10"DIA.PIPE KNOCKOUT TOP\11EY4 HEI&HT OFALLEYS THE PRECAST LEALEACHING& EC MEDIA (EACH StM DEC I I A11*1 ASSEMBLY fmmn � pt SECTION A-A VIEW SECTION B-B VIEW F===q emEm=V-1 "�' Southold 1. 4 1 1 FUJISLEAN USA CEN-5 J_EA�CHII,16 HOLE SIDE VIEW (TY-F) END VIEW LEACHING GALLEY NTS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FUJI e-LEAK INLET PIPE- "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL UPSTREAM F CONTROL PANEL MOUNTED NOTE: ALL CONDUITS SYSTEM(S)FOR TKS PROTECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME 00 UNDER My CLEAN-OUI HYE PRESSURE BETWEEN PANEL AND DMEMON.BASED UPON A CAREFLX.AND THORI 5-tUby OF THE SOIL, z TREATMENT TANK MUST BE SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL FACaXTIES.AS PROPOSED. < HOOD POSTS SEALED 70 PREVENT GAS CONFORM THE SUFFOLKCQUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES UI LU ALARM/CONTROL. -r AS OF THIS DATE." PANEL III BLOWER LEAKAGE INTO PANEL. _D CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFEc 9 US CONTROLLER'A" 1 MFG BY SJE RHOMBUS I_,_HEATHER FOR I HIFI COMMUNICATION Mu 5:1�;7AN7 BLOWER DEVICE; Q ENCLOSURE USE ALARM/CONTROL PANEL 1-101-#1041,040 CLEAN-01,T CONTROLLER"0"MFG BY o T_ S�JE RHOMBUS HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.LS.NO.45893n THOMAS a WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.NO.614B3 DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.NO 80897 A SWEEP MAY BE USED AM LINE TO _1L " 4"' _w�WYE AND OLEANOIJ7 C-LEA4 HT-5 2 STOFIN.GRADE SURVEY FOR FRAME HROUY SE INLET LATERAL TO FUJI CLEAN UNIT ON FILES 5A=AIR VENT CAP a TRIG PFLY MKS REALTY, LLC. MPG BY TUF-TITE SCALE: NTS 5U (4 BEDROOMS) ELECTR;CIAI/ TC BLOWER FFEL=18.50 rM'MiN FROM ANY FUJCLEAN DOOR OR WINDOW) SUPPLY ONTS SPLICE BOX P to sa ter CONTROL PANEL 4 BLOWER at Southold,Town of Southold 4"PVC e 41,FVC 9 4"FVr1& SCALE; NTS Suffolk County,New York 2,00%MIN. 1.00%MINI- 100%MIN- S I RISERS 6 COVERS NOTES BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY 2E WITH SAFETY 1_105 LOCKINC, MFS,BY TUF-71TE OR CA5`711,16 70 THE O^Te SHALL BE YorFL GEN-5 MANUFACTURED By APPROVED EQUAL GRADE FJJCLEAN USA, County T=Map 1000 s,, , 54 BI- 04 20 r--41c� 2.THE DES 6N ENG-WEER,FC-11CLEAN UeA P-_F­RES-=N7A71,'/=_ FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NOV.25,2020 IF" AND CCDHe REFRE�_E:N`7ATIVES SHA__O--_5ER,/E THE MAP PREPARE[) JUN 25,2021 N�_TALLATION OF T-i-0^7S AND LEAGFIN&SYSTEM. ---Mum cow-COVER TCA-SLAB P=,I��R To BACKFILL. IE=6.5q E'-INT AF--RC\/AL FRCM ALL 7+7RZ- Record of Revisions DATE HOLEVENT 5,THE SYSTEM START L;F WILL 3E COMPLETED UNDER THE REVISION E'OLEE 01. NOV-n.2021 L zR\A5iCN--A FLJCLFAN J5A DIRFt�7'3JF_� -7 NOIR(AFR.20.207.?.) RPA`27 22'2 V CONNECT 3"PVC REPREeENTA7,/E. 11 DATA OCT,14.LNU2 ENT LINE TO•ILN7 SEE DETAIL FOR NOV-_302w HOLE IN ON5T OY-ri­5 COMPONENTS FOUI INVERT- 4-AN F\=CU7=-Z,OFERA7,ON AND MAIN-ENANCE r_ON7RAGT ...... EETVC---N THE MAINTNANGE PROVIDER ANG FFCPER7T' PROVIDE CLEAN OUT AT OWNER"!UST BE 5LjE-MI---F[?TO THE CUFFO_<COUNTY 4'DIA.DISTRIBUTION BOX E�Fp - FACE OF BUILDING BOT EL=3.80 &4r— z- DEPARTMENT OF-iEAL7H S-_RVICFS-(5CDHS)PRIOR TO AP-FO,/AL OF 7+-[:1/A OH-S RES 5T RAT ON BY THE AIR LIKE TO BLOWER-' nI SI-PH5 IN AGr.CRDANr.E WITH ARTICLE IP OF THE SIJ==OLIK HIGHEST EXFECTED&H 21L-L7 .�.OJNTY SANITARY CODE 500 GAL.I/A ONT5 MDL.CENI_5 MFG.BY FU-ICLEAN MA 5,FINISHED F­LCCR ELE,/ATION(e;TG BE VERIFIED 13�THE PROVIDE END CAP LEVELING DEVICE SANITARY LEACHINO&ALLEY ARCH T.CT MPL05L-4 MF6 BY TUF-TrrE OR TOTAL OF(4)GALLEYS APPROVED EQUAL FOR ALL 5113 SF5KA JOB NO,2020-0153 DISTRIBUTION BOX OUTLET PIPES '/ DWG.2020_0153_bp ZONING INFORMATION PROPOSED PLOT PLAN SITE PLAN LEGEND ZONING CALCULATIONS L O Fol G I S L A N D S O U N PROPOSED BUILDING DISTRICT R-40 REQUIRED SECTION TOTAL PROVIDED LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. 280 ATCH 1:1 58936.00 ST CONFORMS TEST HOLE THE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE ® SILT FENCE LOCATION LOT WIDTH 150.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 20050 FT_ CONFORMS BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED R TAkAH LOT DEPTH 175.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 296.57 Ff. CONFORMS DATE:05111/06 BY US ON 1 11251�^O RPS FRONT YARD 50.00 Ff. 280 ATCH 3:1 38.90 Ff. NON-CONFORMS �-B� _O O LIMB LINE OF WORK 65pp JD+I[HO NFNPIKE AVERAGE FRONT YARD SETBACK 38.90 FT_ 38.90 Fr. CONFORMS SUITE IW STOSG.1-NY 11791 SIDE YARD 15.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 16.00 Ff. CONFORMS PALE BROWN G B TEL(510.9 111-4667 AGGREGATE SIDE YARD 35.00 Fr. 280 ATCH 3:1 53.83 Ff. CONFORMS copse 440 28159E 200,041 EA%:;N6 7Pa-5TH REAR YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 225.00 FT. CONFORMS _ SAND - _- RUDO PPH S WT A1Y PSL (SW) - __ -4 Nr■WJSL mm MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: Gw..1.65 4.9 LOT COVERAGE 2D%(11,767-20 S.F.) 280 ATCH 3:1 14%(8,180.9 FT-) CONFORMS WATER IN BUILDING HEIGHT 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 35.00 Ff CONFORMS PALE BROWN NUMBER OF STORIES 2112 280 ATCH 3:1 2 CONFORMS FINE TO - --- - ._. - COARSE SAND 0 FIRST FLOOR AREA: (`''� ' PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 2,4011 S.F. 1 T.O' U. BEACH `o � PROPOSED FRONT ENTRANCE IMPERVIOUS 4981 SF, _ (A) L 3 � - - PROPOSED GARAGE 591.6 S.F. - - - "'- " PROP.FIRST FLOOR EXT.DECK 1.284 9 S.F. 0 L_ 9 2) l PROP.POOL 448.0 S.F. 1 FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE ___�« C 't MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA: ZONE VE(EL-16 AS SCALED FROM FLOOD ---• - (A Q Ir 1` n�RJxs r �a PROPOSED MASTER BEDROOM 676.5 S.F. -•,y ) INSURANCE RATE MAP - _ I ra TE . 0 RK1411111D. SECOND FLOOR AREA: 2,2195 S F. - _ �• Z�YE(EL-13 --'................�_�. I O � (� IT 6 A+tAµlar or vzmr..]1J EDGE OF BEACH GRASS y- - 3 11 % �� COMPLETE FLOOR AREA TOTAL (D AW AMt NO 01117M W A 5,888.7 S.F. --'�'-_ �' L' _ 0 mei Nor N - F AW um m m rusa"k 0a N Amt of LOT COVERAGE-BREAKDOWN e{ `�~~��� - s1a■.0 sN uro-uo m A DWELLING(WOOD FRAME) 2,449.9 S.F. 1o' ' K how RAISED DECK 1,284.9 S F. r* G $ >' sN� POOL 448.0 S.F. ^ a �`b -f r`•'�•_-.-_-�� PROPOSED 4'WIDE PATH r* Y/ 0 �'°a ,.__'q• k VEGETATIONSITED THRU. OF MIN. FRONT ENTRY STEP SYSTEM 498.1 S.F. H1 �� •_ -'M1--�•- "-�- ----_-���` -�-- --�__- ~--�-' � (JF ENTIRE SUBJECT LOT IS ■ DRIVEWAY G - �-------.-- .__J' MAINTAINED AS D 3,500.0 S.F. 3 �� ✓_ MAINTAINED B A 7 � �, � xe�, C D 'NON-DISTURBANCE BUFFER' LOT COVERAGE TOTAL (14%)8,180-9 S.F 3�3 IT ® BEACH GRASS AREA WITH A PROPOSED 4' LOT AREA 58.936.00 S.F.. 3 __�-�v- ---��9 �.•t �. _ WIDE ACCESS PATH THRU P''--- -�� " __-J THE TION-DISTURBANCE Ib ' BUFFER"AS INDICATED. AMOUNT OF FILL REQUIRED 470.00 CYPOOL EQUIPMENT (FILL TO BE CLEAN BANK-RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FROM APPROVED UPLAND SITE) LOCATED UNDER DECK (GROUND LEVEL) - BUILDING AREA: 2,401.1 SF. - M,- f o FIRST FLOOR DASHED LINE OF ......�-- ___ � N MASTER SUITE FLOOR 678.5 SF. O.H.ABOVE. w�� e� ''•~'-9� -j`�- SECOND FLOOR 2,2195 S F. •} - �o LIMIT OF '� � �'�~~ �� m •'`�` �-- � �$ _ - RESIDENTIAL BACKUP p PROPOSED FILL - ,� y..Nr' `�a } GENERATOR LOCATED Z SCHEDULE FOR OPEN SPACE AS PER 280 ATTACHMENT 6 (APPRO)L 470 CY) 9 �¢s ""11°x"""'°" UNDER DECK i N Q SIZE OF LOT(<I5 AC) 58,936.00 1.35 AC CONFORMS -; t+� _ ^ _ LL F MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 20% 000.0 S.F. CONFORMS PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE W/BD. - J MINIMUM SET BACK 30 0000 FT CONFORMS `+ -- - - f f - ' ! - O O MINIMUM BUFFER 20 000.0 FF. CONFORMS OF TRUSTEES(DECK SPACE) c --- _ - m m m - ...... r^ _$y EXISTING BUFFER TO < UJ PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE WJBD. e - r ___--_ _ _o OF TRUSTEES(LMNG BPAG e - _ �., ---.+---'°7 . e :. {[1 e.a y f ' REMAIN. W o n o r (n FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL No. 36103CO154H LAST UPDATED: 9.252009 (SEC.275-2.A) /. - -'-rte E J NaA16ED DEc6 . f 1r ea___�_ ,- --- - Z o o o p (SEC.273-11.C.2.C.1.C) _ _! }e 1>a __d___- V �..I - �/ 0 a F E. W SUBJECT LOT: 1925 NORTH SEA ROAD,SOUTHOLD g - .. ~.• z -- --3-) PROPOSED POOL m f/) SECTION:54 BLOCK 04 LOT(S):227 --- ZONE VE(EL-13)T ` - a " x 31 PROVIDE ACCESS TO W r m r O ZONING:RESIDENCE'R-00'DISTRICT 1000 -- _�( �EL 112ti. ,n� POOL DRAIN FOR ¢1 o d NOTES I' �" MAINTENANCE. ?�z z z O • ALI.ZONING REFERENCES PER ZONING CODE OF THE LIJ a: 1/ BOUNDARYFLOOD 0 IL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ! is fa.w s r '` SCALED FROM FLOOLD E AS Z.000 1 ■ THE UNDISTURBED PORTION OF THE SITE SHALL BE -- 9 gip.,-` I 4 ry _ - INSURANCE RATE MAP PROJECT: MAINTAINED AS A UNDISTURBED BUFFER. ) ,1a.� O1^g 1 =a "'� ,p LJ SFT.DIA.x 4F7. REVISIONS 1. I, I � - 1 1 j 'r ( e DEEP SWIMMING POOL AVERAGE FRONT YARD - A a 0) (C '1.104, .o �•V ■ 8 '� p BACKWASH SYSTEM. #_ DATE REVISIONS SETBACK(EST.BY In z-1 ' I �� r � � A B r-r 9sAEvt67 ren.>WrevtWR ADJACENT HOMES) a z PROPOSED 1200 GAL. (� UNDERGROUND '" PROPANE TANK SCREENING/EASTERN RED CEDAR �.-_ i ■ +� _..^\ • "¢I 4 r••.2l_R6U670 B1,TRU61EE9 1,775'TO KENNEY'S ROAD ' r . - DRIVEWAY GRAVEL - =. r 1. __._.._..-------.-.----------_. ._..,.. _ -•- �� Dfi[H>=WAY _ ( EDGE OF OUSTING -t\L Sy��°241a01� Q (' a �_• 2a0. - �p �M M.GttiS PANCL RMLrkO ? �� - 16.75(PROP.D1Ycrrru0) (SIDE YARD SFTBACK) PAVEMENT .[+- ��- EDGE E EXISTING PAVEMENT EL:16.68(RAISED DECq-•� d 96.66(T.O.POGL COPING) �� q, y EDP +tom POSTING UNDERGROUND ;fWAT WNE �.�._ _. JJf--- -_�-•r-_. ..^ WATER MAIN NORTH SEA DRIVE PROJECT LIMITING FENCE 6 ISSUE HAYBALES ALONG LIMIT OF DATE COMMENT 6 III Y..J 1r WA),�me 12'TFIK.GUNRE POOL SHELL yJ PROPOSED SITE PLAN CLEARING,GRADING AND V-1 PaocRESSPRNT WALLSAND BASE FORMED t GROUND DISTURBANCE.SEE Mw■ORPPn 5 IN91DA CONCRETE 6TfM WALLi SCALE 1'=20'-O° .. W/VEAl1CAL6 HORIZONTAL 111'''::'777 /� �{,� 1NUZ1 WuDIT;RCOINYML� fO1MtDAT10ND 2 U �_� DETAIL#4/51-2. - l\\ 1 I1�5 •" ~"* ��COMPACTED STRUCTURAL G �I■.NL1 NPL,GRAD( .M. .i ll 4 '1 PILL(RCA) - _I (L ._I� 31 1 PROJECT No 21-350400 o E c - 2 2022 -•----• - :- IB..,.7A■elx GRADE} EL.: A. DATE: 05-DB-21, (ESL GRADEI I DRAWN BY: KJS ( !`} uNE wolcwCHECKED BY: IN .. ._.-._ PROPERLY LINE SCALE: AS SHOWN 2 POOL SECTION -VIEWING NORTH 50utwd TOM Al- SCALE 1/4•=V-0• ®d8rdRL1R1tlC 19 rGYGW,CIm lowq((rAv wnwrN TI I�LNr r■,wmrwx'rRof+m/tc wv m: f'NGU1■P rwirn>'ulra.e sAlNwcerL arrmva 01t it alrrm+iswDcnrnx 11uLr arwmcaRn.1'nl r [!rI■E GaLiR`1 ill WLL b Ia'PNLREiI ffiICMlG p1 AL!AS#LLti1f 1IrAr4G`IIP}Lk2A5 YJIr=•ob JSY • • • � 1 1 ► ► ► s • ■-"ijl �p■■■1 ■ !t•�'+• j�11 r�*y A i r■■t"Wjfw- ■�■I i °e■ e■+►■ r°a► ■ tip,, _.A•- -+Af•r-ar-+•ip■�• ■■ s i !r er ■ ■ia°►t a� 1 1 • ■►►■eV° r' [�j�,■_� ■+�p ■-a y��■ R■ �a ■ "'e. error COW� � %ir��• ■■ °ice °'�i ■ - L+�,�r■1■i�■+ry ■ ■it. "�■ t►■►�■A� L j TR• irlr�e r r i *AF0 i's, %Z ■ � � • • • -• - • . - • ■ ■it ■■ ■i�� !■ I yI//■,t■ ■■�,■ ■i i1�i! ■►■ I�p ■+p r� ■■ p■i■p•'-i!'�� rp„ r►V■ti�■; •pi+�'■,r°■■ �r ►.r■,�■i r ■■�'■■ •°►■■ ■�' ►I +•moi■""°+• • °*■■■■' `A�IS.'-°1�Md_y.r#rAa,•'ya�L�rttr,�!4y,*je.•:.1�dr+,�amrr�3 r"rai#..�wj.�lii,:.r+ri�Y.•R'.aArAi7ri tR■��■p■p�■q-�■ r��tvIFlip°A■■1°r'e■■*a■I�af N•iattuIrr•'a■l Veg#Eetation■to Re■■■mip■iai f�■ne■r■■p ■ — stc °e°°fir 8eaeh rass ■ �■°■■ ■i ■�� ■ i•q L■��Ai,�+�'TnMq��,���. ■•• �a � ':;� Ii ►' >"'�' � ► I i �' is_ �■ � • ■4 t � ■■ rj i i■ris� ■A, ■y,■i, ■■�►■■■■■A�y.■i ■■°■A�p'� '•�� _ • • or■ �`�►a°im • ► ►'r�■ rr■ t■�■ Beach pea i■ # ■rte■ii . - 1 1 ' '. • • -. -4 Opp°4,�, ■peYA►! Sii,A ■" I+��"R�*„rlij°��er■°r�■ y�►■it . • ■ i ■■ It �i°'M I ■i� F�'UgOSa r�5@ r.y, l � '..�.SAn• ■ r ■� r��■+gR„■'moi ■ a ■ ■i ■ ■■■ C*aastal anis r855 4�„p��i • M■°%i I • •". . • . " a■i°■�,,Aa�■er■°i ►"'e�aq a° ►ib■ I� is °iene.� +v�' •rte° >s .� .. °s■ ■i,• p°i■,si�rye ■_°i it °■ ia■ar■ ■ �r ■ Narthem hay erry. s s $ a, sr;■r■p I -, • _ - . - °�i°a�■ •s;�■�aAa °�� A—Ma-Ar"�Ma-Ar"� �� Baster�a redo y ar . :�:'r,, •,�•s r�■�+■ "�' • • • • • ..�.�� A ■rr° '�■ ■ate° a°i I■ Iv■ r�4► j Blaek c#�e ° °�� • • ■ ■■aa,iMfg, . . �� �.•,� ■�,�■,���ri i,, a P r, ■pry■� + ip■d • •• - • • - .. - • 11 • •• ��y■$'�■,'yiayi°i" -°■r°�ral'rr■�■■■ �,,rA� '�■►° r rr■" +iir eir • ■' ■ A�- ���, • - •. - • •- - IS °'�i / ■ ��'yi�, �0 d0 a?t+�'�■ ��•+ ■° •■R ■'►� l; t� .1•r - Ip ■ ' 6i•#. + �1' . • _ • • w 4 it-, ay'r $� �n� Ly •■M■r�1 iI�`� ��I� a Via. �t �� �� !p • __ ' / I ' i I • • • • 1 • ■+r!• ga►riar°a R. 7 *•IJyr#,� �° °�r� nr° or*�r'°•te°e ■y Slow to • • / ►■r'■■�r ■w°�'�. 'r� a ®G ■ ■ee CA„+►■■Tari ■�rp°rr °+■fir#■,� iu .,rig°°�+�,r ■■■i a° pi!� A. -,pill�p°° �a V ■ ■ I r■►■►i ■i°��■ i ra ■ ! A•■ ■y ? 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Project: NATIVE PLANTINGPLAN 570 Expressway Z-1 Drive South, S�uite 2F For: MKS Realty, LLC Medford. NY H 76') At: 1925 North Sea Dr., Southold, NY Use .,�.• ■ ■ . ■ • ' ■ SCTM 41000 1 �. 1 • - -• 01 -1 • ECQIQryICdl Scr+�sas, inc.. MKS Realty, LLC 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold I SCTM#1000-54-4-20 Project Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is the development of the last existing vacant lot within the developed neighborhood north of North Sea Drive as a single family residence. The residence is proposed in line with or landward of the existing line of development. The site approximately 1.35 acres, and is zoned residential R-40. This use is compatible with current zoning as well as the existing character of the neighborhood. Description of Proposed Activities The property owner is proposing a single family dwelling with accessory decks, pool, stairs/landings, innovative/alternative onsite wastewater treatment system(I/A OWTS), stormwater management system, and gravel driveway. A breakdown of the size of each proposed structure is provided on the Survey/Site Plan, as well as in the table below. ((� �J] E Proposed Structure Size(SF) Lot U E C E 0 V Covera e Dwelling 3,053 5.2 Deck 1,484 2.5 D F c — 2 2022 Pool 448 0.8 Front Stairs/Landings 513 0.9 Southold Town Gravel Driveway 3,183 5.4 Board of Trustees TOTAL 8,681 14.7 The project has been designed to maximize setbacks to Long Island Sound (> 213 feet),the beach(> 100 feet), the dune/beach ridge crest (> 30 feet), and the landward limit of the dune/beach ridge (> 2 feet). Structures are proposed on piles and elevated to meet current FEMA requirements for a VE El. 13 flood zone per map #36103C0154H (effective 9/25/2009). Structures will also be designed in accordance with standards set forth in ASCE/SEI 24-14, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, for construction in coastal high hazard areas. These standards have been adopted by NYS and the Town within their respective building codes. Wastewater will be treated with an I/A OWTS proposed in the southwest corner of the site and sized in accordance with Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) residential standards. This I/A OWTS will reduce nitrogen loading to groundwater and surface waters when compared with traditional sanitary systems, and is the preferred environmental alternative for development in sensitive areas. Stormwater from a 2 inch rainfall event will be treated and stored in drywells proposed throughout the site. Pool backwash water will also be treated and stored in a drywell specific to that purpose. Approximately 200 feet (width) of beach and dune habitat will be preserved with this project, through establishment of a variable width natural and undisturbed buffer seaward of development activities. The buffer is 100-120 feet wide within the vegetated dune, and an additional 90-100 feet wide within the existing beach habitat. Areas of disturbance will be planted with native vegetation in accordance with the Native Planting Plan. Trees to be planted along the property edges include Eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and post oak (Quercus stellata). Shrubs to be planted include bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) and beach plum (Prunus maritima). Herbaceous species to be planted and seeded include American beach grass Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold 1/3 (Ammophila breviligulata), coastal panicgrass (Panicum amarum), and seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens). All of these species are currently found within vegetated areas of the property. For protection of adjacent properties, natural areas, and Long Island Sound, areas of disturbance will be contained with a perimeter silt fence installed in accordance with NYSDEC and Town standards for fence height and embedment. Silt fence shall be installed prior to the start of any construction activities, shall be maintained for the duration of construction, and will be removed after final stabilization of the site is achieved. Existing Ecological Conditions The subject property is undeveloped and largely undisturbed. The northern third of the site is unvegetated beach habitat to the property boundary at mean high water. The central third of the site is a vegetated dune habitat with herbaceous species that include beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), beach pea (Lathyrus japonicas), coastal panicgrass (Panicum amarum), common reed(Phragmites australis, sparse), and salt hay(Spartina patens, sparse and in upland); a large patch of Rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa); and some bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) [Exhibit 1, Photos]. The southern third of the site contains patchy shrubs, including bayberry and beach plum (Prunus maritima); and patchy trees including Eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and post oak (Quercus stellata). Herbaceous vegetation in the southern third of the site is sparse, mainly coastal panicgrass. Along the road edge, non-native and invasive species such as black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellate) mix with post oak and eastern red-cedar. Little blue stem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is also present along the road edge. Existing Dune Conditions Site topography was utilized for mapping of dune features by the surveyor. The location of the crest of dune/beach ridge is indicated as coincident to the highest recorded elevations, moving landward from the beach area, prior to sloping downward. The location of the landward toe of the dune/beach ridge was developed from a combination of following the methodology of the Bombara(adjacent west) application, as well as the grades and vegetation spanning between the two adjacent developed properties. Beach and Dune Change Over Time The shoreline along North Sea Drive is stable. Aerial photographs were utilized to digitize the dry beach in 1957, 1971, 1994, 2013 (post-Sandy), and 2020 (Exhibit 2, Aerial Timeline). As demonstrated by aerials going back 65 years, the beach is stable, with fluctuations of 5-15 feet between 1957 and 1994. The beach was at its narrowest in 2013, following Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, and has accreted 40-65 feet in the vicinity of the subject property since 2013. Based on 2020 aerials and the site survey,the dry beach area is currently at its widest since 1957. In addition to dry shoreline, the general limit of dune vegetation was digitize from aerial photographs in 1957, 1971, 1994, 2013, and 2020 (Exhibit 3, Vegetated Dune Limit). The vegetated dune has actually expanded seaward (i.e. north) 50-57 feet at the subject property since 1957. Similar to the dry shoreline, the vegetated dune is currently at its widest/most seaward since 1957. Based on this analysis, the site at 1925 North Sea Drive is stable, with no significant coastal erosion occurring to the beach or dune in the past 65 years for which this analysis was performed.North Sea Drive has undergone residential development along its length during this time; residential development has not affected the beach and dune system, as evidenced by the analysis per t Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold DEC /3 2 2022 property, preserving 23,100± SF of vegetated dune and the entire beach, is therefore not anticipated to negatively impact these protective features. Alternatives Considered Alternatives considered include No Action and construction of alternate structure design,sizes,and layout. No Action does not achieve the goal of the project to provide a single family residence for the owner, and was therefore dismissed. There have been several iterations of site layouts presented for this project, including alternative sizes and configurations of the various structures, locating the structures seaward, and proposing a catwalk and gazebo over the dune. Based on analysis and feedback received from the Town of Southold, the dwelling was reconfigured and relocated as far landward as possible to maximize wetland and dune setbacks and to maximize preservation of natural habitat. The catwalk and gazebo was also removed for protection of the existing natural dune. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Proposed to Reduce Impacts Mitigation measures proposed with this project include preservation of an approximately 200-foot wide buffer as natural beach and dune habitat,planting of disturbed areas with native vegetation, installation of an I/A OWTS to reduce nitrogen loading to groundwater and surface waters, and installation of a stormwater management system to treat and store runoff prior to discharge to Long Island Sound. As a result of these changes to the project design and proposed mitigation and protection measures, there are no impacts anticipated to adjacent properties. Runoff will be contained onsite with the stormwater management system. Adjacent properties will be screened with native vegetation in accordance with the Native Planting Plan. Proposed development is in line with or landward of the line of development for the north side of North Sea Drive, including the adjacent properties. The Town of Southold has documented shorebird nesting between McCabe's Beach and Kenny's Beach, where this stretch includes the beach on and north of the site. Specifically, the Town has documented piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) nesting on this stretch of beach; plovers prefer to nest on the unvegetated beach landward of mean high water during the months of April—August. Due to the existing residential development along this stretch of North Sea Drive, the landward design of this residence proposed in line with or landward of the existing development and> 100 feet landward of their preferred beach habitat, and the proposed natural buffer, there are no impacts anticipated to nesting plovers or their preferred beach habitat. Development is proposed approximately 40 feet landward of the dune crest, and will impact existing vegetation on the back dune. However, impacts are minimized by project design, which maximizes preservation of natural areas and proposes native vegetation in areas of disturbance. As a result of these design and preservation features, impacts on the function of the dune as a protective feature are not anticipated. D EE P W E DEC - 2 2022 Southold Tarn Board of Trustees Project Narrative 12/2/2022 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold 3/3 • 111 1 �M1 •v ,Vv- ti wr P r. -�.' ' �h �•.����,-�: `*1 c's. '' s 1 c��w :� �,'. � i�s� � _ cg'�3.; �' ;n�+,�„yt�. 1x # F�,. •� � "� t ':'�+'r fi >_ «.S� s 3TC � b�.�,�, Ji� �.�K ; 2� r� n,. r .- �'rr'• ''.���'`Fvr�A�,� ,,�`n ...y+- - " �. _ ��� 4. ° wry TM ' _. i ' • -. � 111 � � 1 r • r, ��ni�P� ,i ;• „y, _ �=Y ,. -fes} ��i r�?�5;�'�5f." .. n. _.I.e ,, � � r"fit �.� 4 •,.;. �• ,� ,. � 1 � �; �.'. 4 '.gym &.e` � � ti';4. 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Project: DRY SHORELINE CHANGE -I- 1 in= 150 ft 570 Expressway Drive South, Suite 2F For: MKS Realty, LLC LandUse Medford, NY 11763 At: 1925 North Sea Dr., Southold, NY 0 50 100 200 SCTM #1000 - 54 - 4 - 20 ft �"'�" Date: 12/2/2022 1 Revised: Scale: As Noted Exhibit 2 5' r SITE a INV -�- �rr;' 'rte I • "1F •,�5 �'�� r��2.�:- k � T -Fay UO lift" r _ r--\ rp rf;� "i rp r—,"\ o DEC - P 2022 Board of Trustees Y_ Limit of Vegetated Dune 1957 t ` r W 1971 _ 1994 2013 2020 1957 and 1971 aerials from USGS Earth Explorer. 1994,2013,and 2020 aerials from�NYSGIS Clearinghouse.. Prepared By: Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. Project: VEGETATED DUNE LIMIT �/� 570 Expressway Drive South, Suite 2F For: MKS Realty, LLC 1 in= 150 ft LandUse At: 1925 North Sea Dr., Southold, NY Medford, NY 11763 0 50 100 200 SCTM #1000 - 54 - 4 - 20 ft60Date: 12/2/2022 1 Revised: Scale: As NotedI I Exhibit 3 JOSEPH J. BURRASCANO JR. DONA BURRASCANO Bog 987, Southold NY 11971 Page 1 of 3 22 2 E 15 October 18, 2022 R OUT' ,w I U Southold Town, Board of Trustees �, ,,,,, ,,, Southold Town Hall Annex ld 4375 Main Rd. Board S1 MISM, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 RE: Opposition to MKS building proposal, 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold Dear Trustees, The site plan of the proposed dwelling to be located at 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold, dated October 17, 2022, depicts structures that must not be built as they are in violation of Chapter 148, Town of Southold,Flood Damage Prevention. Specifically, section 148-2 states "...the Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider the danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others. If the proposed development may result in physical damage to any other property, no permit shall be issued." According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Flood Zone VE ("coastal high- hazard area")has "Potential for structural damage due to wave action, with the possibility of spread of debrisalong the beach into the water, and onto adjoining properties." Therefore according to the Trustees' own published rules, any structure proposed to be built in FEMA flood zone VE should not be permitted. I refer you to the Landscape Site Plan submitted on October 17, 2022 (reproduced below). It clearly shows that the following are sited in FEMA Flood Zone VE: At least half of the entire structure of the house, plus associated decking, stairs, drywells, swimming pool, swimming pool equipment, generator, walkways, vegetation and fill. I further refer you to a recent FEMA flood zone map of this area(inserted below). It is in agreement with the submitted landscape site plan and confirms that the bulk of the structures, including the house itself would be within flood zone VE. The argument that construction behind an ill-defined"pier line" should be allowed is irrelevant in light of the obvious and clearly stated violations of rules mentioned above. In addition, according to chapter 148-13, "The applicant shall provide at least the following information, where applicable." Subsection G goes on to state, "A technical analysis, by a licensed professional engineer, if required by the local administrator,which shows whether .............. JOSEPH J. BURRASCANO JR. DONA BURRASCANO Box 987, Southold NY 11971 Page 2 of 3 proposed development to be located in an area of special flood hazard may result in physical damage to any other property."This requirement is consistent with Trustee chapter 148, cited above, and the FEMA definition of Flood Hazard Zone VE. There is no record of this having been performed for this site. LONG ISLAND SOUND , " . LIZ—W3tlkCb IUN .✓^ w" I r A a NORTH SEA DRIVE " �';`,v�zwanrcnArAeaaawsnn,waw Applicant's Proposed Landscape Plan, dated October 17, 2022 Note the location of the boundary of flood zone VE R E C E El nSouthq1d'T0'wn �c�ara� st JOSEPH J. BURRASCANO JR. DONA BURRASCANO Bog 987, Southold NY 11971 Page 3 of 3 75,51, / /r y k / d� 1 A y Ny-Suffolk Map: FEMA Flood Zone Date rendered: 03/21/2022 https://www.propertyshark.com/mason/Maps/imagepage.html?map=ny_suffolk&x=0.6348499210110584 &y=0.41371774618220114&zoom=9&basema p=femaflood&tab=themes&xtile=-633&ytile=- 633&xpixel=0&ypixel=0 Note the property in question, outlined. The zone VE as depicted here is in agreement with that shown on the applicant's proposed landscape plan. By comparing the location of the boundary of zone VE to the adjoining properties it is clear that the applicant's proposed structures would be predominantly in flood zone VE. In light of the predictions that climate change will result in an increasing number of stronger storms, and in light of the recent catastrophic damage that resulted from hurricane Ian, construction in coastal flood hazard zones must be prohibited. The Trustee's rules are clear on this and need to be enforced,now more than ever. Thank you for your time and attention. C VE Sincerely EC z0 CT' 1 2022 p ��1. Bu�as � o Jr. Jose Southold'Tr wn Board of"Pl^u-tag . O N � 0 -0 O 7_ S Q O rt CA Z c t v CD tJD p � < p fD O tL i� F� -,i In O O S!1 Q x ti) z 0 0 � = m CD � = v D a � � O N x —I L. in p N z w N e r i�r,ra uh m cry �s c 6 � Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 12:39 PM To: 'Tom Wolpert' Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick; Gillooly, Liz; Peeples, Elizabeth; Sepenoski, Eric; pcmoore@mooreattys.com; Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com); Doug Adams; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold, T/O Southold, NY Good Afternoon Tom, During the Board of Trustees Work Session held on 10/17/2022, the Board reviewed the revised plans last revised on 10/11/2022 and submitted on 10/17/2022 and have determined that at this time the Board is requesting revisions to the latest proposed plans. Given this request the application is postponed from the October 19, 2022 Public Hearing and will be rescheduled to the December 14, 2022 Public Hearing date (Field Inspection date is December 7, 2022), if the following is submitted: Revised written project description containing all proposed structures with dimensions for each (e.g. do not combine decking areas, please keep each patio/deck/walkway separate), (a) changes made to date, and (b) those forthcoming as per below. The Board is requesting comments on the necessity of several concrete pads located beneath the structure on piles. The Board highly recommends pulling proposed pool landward within pier line. The Board is requesting more information/details about the fill beneath shed on West side of parcel, and if necessary revise on plans. Relocate drywell#1 and #5 landward of proposed structure. • Designate lands seaward of living structure to be a "Non-Disturbance Buffer Area" on plans. • The Board is requesting an updated re-vegetation plan. Senior Office Assistant -Fown, of Southold. Board. of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 ,mail: elizabetbc@sotttlxoldtowtiny.gov From:Tom Wolpert<TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 3:18 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn <glenn.goldsmith@town.southold.ny.us>; Krupski, Nick<nickk@southoldtownny.gov>; Gillooly, Liz <lizg@southoldtownny.gov>; Peeples, Elizabeth <elizabethp@southoldtownny.gov>; Sepenoski, Eric <erics@southoldtownny.gov>; pcmoore@mooreattys.com; Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com) <elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com>; Doug Adams<DEA@youngengineering.com>; Doris Connolly <DAC@youngengineering.com> Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold,T/O Southold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, Please be advised that we are in the process of revising the plans to further address the concerns of the Board and will be submitting the revised plans and revised project description as soon as possible. We understand that all proposed structures shown on the revised plans will need to be re-staked prior to the Board of Trustees field inspection. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom Wolpert Young&Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 tcw@vol sp ;Gta 'tt� ; ,t? ;b From: Cantrell, Elizabeth [rnailto:eliza t�"tLic a wrrd.soudthol 9w s : ] Sent:Thursday, October 06, 2022 12:22 PM To:Tom Wolpert<i C�W nun ern irn _f='LD caM> Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn <,gle o�nl'�ri[R ?town,sou,:llholci ny..l: >; Krupski, Nick<nickk southoldtownn y o >;Gillooly, Liz <!2g_!C gLa,l of towny., o >; Peeples, Elizabeth <efiza bethjLpsrt�ithgLcftcL n >; Sepenoski, Eric <arias@.scITnthol(toAu nt goy> Subject: MKS Realty, LLC Good Morning Tom, Regarding the revised plans received on October 4, 2022 for the application referenced above,the Board has reviewed the revised plans last revised 10/4/2022 and determined that the plans do not reflect an accurate pier line. As discussed during the August 9, 2022 and September 7, 2022 field inspections, and during the August 17, 2022 Public Hearings the proposed structures should be no further seaward than the existing living space area, not decking, pools or walkways/catwalks. The most seaward line of a living space area is where the pier line should be taken from. You/The property owner are welcome to submit revised plans at your convenience that depict what the Board of Trustees have requested,or you/the property owner are welcome to request in writing that the Board of Trustees move forward with the current set of plans and re-open the public hearing for a possible determination. If you/the property owner decide to submit revised plans based on the correct pier line, the project will need to be re-staked based on the revised plans for Board of Trustee review prior to field inspections. Sincerely, Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email k€ .nlglt r,r k rrwry � .y : 2 Construction Design Management and Advisory Services 2100 Joshua's Path Hauppauge, NY 11788 ° Phone: (631)675-6214 Fax: (631)675-0364 E I'MY October 17, 2022 FRO T 1 7 2022 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex BoardId t 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC. 1925 North Sea Drive At Southold, T/o Southold, NY (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Ms. Cantrell: In accordance with your email addressed to Tom Wolpert dated October 13, 2022, our team again has worked the entire weekend to revise and update site plan accordingly; • Despite the fact that the Cat-Walk's use in this condition was designed to protect potential erosion and/or disturbing the natural features to access the beach, as per the Board of Trustees request, it is now removed. • As per the direction from the Board of Trustee's Field Inspection on September 7'h 2022, it was made clear that the placement of the new dwelling would need to be placed landward of a "Pier Line" that is clearly not indicated in any part of your town code. The Definition of that term was indicated by your letter of October 6, 2022 which speaks specifically about locating the proposed dwelling using the your definition of a "Pier Line" relating to existing living space on adjacent lots, not decks or pools or walkways/Cat-walks. It is clear that the adjacent properties decks and in the case of the property to the west, the pool and deck would be considered by the boards definition also seaward of their definition of a "Pier Line". Again there seems to be inconsistences with respect to the use of a line that is not currently defined in the use or placement of a new dwelling. We would hope that the Board will allow us to present our arguments with respect to this issue and hopefully reach a resolution at the October 19, 2022 board meeting. • With respect to your concerns as to whether or not there is to be a proposed retaining wall for the proposed pool, is in question. We have provided a cross section of the pool area to clarify the proposed development along the easterly side yard. The pool is constructed of reinforced gunite that could be described as a retaining wall and therefore we have provided that information for clarity. It's been placed temporarily on the site plan for reference. We can further discuss this and provide additional information as needed. • We are including the plot plan that provides the existing topography and the updated proposed site plan depicting changes in the elevations that will occur based on the development of the proposed new dwelling. • We have also included a re-vegetation plan that includes the installation of privacy screening and re-vegetation for all areas affected or disturbed during construction. • We have clearly depicted on the site plan that "The site in its entirety will be established and maintained as a Non-Disturbance Buffer area along with a proposed 4-Foot-Wide Access Path through the Non-Disturbance Buffer Area" • We have clearly depicted that the Proposed Structure is constructed on Pile Foundations. We are again hopeful that the Board of Trustees will maintain our placement on the October Calendar as requested last month, so we may use that time during the hearing to confirm the new placement of the proposed dwelling and provide answers to any other questions the Board may have. Therefore, we have followed the Board of Trustees recommendations and have enclosed one (1) full size set and three (3) reduced copies of the Architectural Drawing Al-1 and L1-0 last dated October 17, 2022, for your use. (Hand delivered October 17, 2022) Very truly yours Edward A. Licalzi, President E T 1 7 2022 Southol!d Vio �Sqard 2LTnM, 21 Page ZONING INFORMATION PROPOSED PLOT PLAN ZONING CALCULATIONS SITE PLAN LEGEND I, L O NG ISLAND SOUND ,DISTRICT°R-40, REQUIRED SECTION TOTAL PROVIDED PROPOSED BUILDING LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. 280 ATCH 1:1 58,936,00 S.F. CONFORMS TEST HOLE THE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE LOT WIDTH 150.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 200.00 FT, CONFORMS BY MODONALD GEOSCIENCE HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED ® SILT FENCE LOCATION LOT DEPTH 175.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 296,.57 FT.. CONFORMS DATE:05/11/06 FRONT YARD 50.00 FT., 280 ATCH 3:1 38.56 FT. NON-CONFORMS BY US ON T I Me/20, AVERAGE FRONT YARD SETBACK 38,90 FT. 36.90 FT, CONFORMS EL=6.4s' O-a LIMIT LINE OF WORK SIDE YARD 15,.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 17.00 FT. CONFORMS PALE BROWN 050011A�GN0 w l 1rr AGGREGATE SIDE YARD 35.00 FL. 280 ATCH 3:1 54.83 FT,. CONFORMS FINE TO N40'28'59"E 11r1n COARSE 200.04' ' ` "r� REAR YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 225,AO FL CONFORMS SAND OWI MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: GW=1,65' 40 GE 20%(11,78Z20S,F.) 280 ATCH 3:1 15%(8,289��8FT.J CONFORMS LOT COVERAGE P FENS TO BROWN ---.._. ._ ,.._....,..°....,..„.. «..... .,.., .,....»......-.......,....,.... , WATER IN BUILDING HEIGHT 35.00 FT.. 260 ATCH 3:1 35.00 FT,. CONFORMS 3-^ NUMBER OF STORIES 21/2 280 ATCH 3:1 2 CONFORMS CS WDE ""'�^`^^•�..-.®„ ,Y,«. w m ,_,«,� 0 FIRST FLOOR AREA. 01 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 2,594,8 S,F, 11.0 01 � PROPOSED FRONT ENTRANCE IMPERVIOUS 573.8 S°F, PROPOSED GARAGE 538.3 S.F.. # `.._W_.„,,,.._.......__..._..»».,..«.,,.,,,.,.,_...,,,_.._..W,„,..,....._�.q�,. BEACH ro ` �.,.... PROP.FIRST FLOOR EXT,DECK 1,023.2 S.F. M cc FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA: Z "^ 0 r ,«AVE(EL-13) AS SCALED FROM P Dm-,., ...._.,�.....„ .,..,...,�...,...,........„..,,�.,..,,,,, .......�..,,, 0 tta RAs Nc RI rww a PROPOSED MASTER BEDROOM 772..0 ST, INSURANCE RATE SECOND FLOOR AREA: 2,101.8 S..F, ZONE ---»-, � 0 �A E(pApAl�. EDGE OF BEACH GRASS COMPLETE FLOOR AREA TOTAL 5,468.6 SF, ,, ,,„_ ED a EE .° .. AN LOT COVERAGE-BREAKDOWN ..,«...,«,.........W,,..,..-,_. ._. _.....m.°.. .„._._.._,»,.,, ....�.,�._...__...... .. ...m�.w........... 5% 0 167 fw%za 0 0 rE RDWELLING AISED DECK FRAME) 2,594.8 S,.F. (fl (D - 1,023.2 S.F. POOL 510.0 S i GAZEBO 127,9 S.F. .___..............._7.._��. x --------., .., v mE�e awl.At GAZEBO STORAGE 110.6 S,F, I+ ENTIRE SUBJECT LOT IS , CATWALK 203,6 S,F. «---,�. �� " �..,�.._..,°„_ �N IT- ESTABLISHED AND FRONT ENTRY STEP SYSTEM 573,8 S.,F_ -gyp __,., „••, _,- ,� „„°e_._. ,»„•,,.,,,,-...,,..,„,.____ - ..,�,_ -'^•--�� MAINTAINED ASA DRIVEWAY + 3,145,9 S.F. _ �� - --''" 'NON-DISTURBANCE BUFFER" 7 x x _ 0 3 = �, 4pJ AREA WITH A PROPOSED 4' LOT LOT COVERAGE TOTAL (15%)6,289.8 S..F.. 0 aa (D """h'' BEACH GRASS x� WIDE ACCESS PATH NCE �� �. \ � THE"NON-DISTURBANCE o , AREA 58,936.00 S.�F� -✓I' BUFFER'AS INDICATED. � � x AMOUNT OF FILL REQUIRED 470.,.00 �CY,. x as�+ (FILL TO BE CLEAN BANK-RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FROM APPROVED UPLAND SITE) s POOL EQUIPMENT x x s x x LOCATED UNDER DECK BUILDING AREA: R1 Yr a (GROUND LEVEL) FIRST FLOOR 2,594,.6 S.F ( BFT.DIA.x 4FT. $ DASHED LINE OF x MASTER SUITE FLOOR 772.5 S. O.H.ABOVE. x "" s x DEEP SWIMMING POOL F SECOND FLOOR 2,101,6 S.F„ (( x x '3 �� x BACKWASH SYSTEM. LIMIT OF RESIDENTIAL BACKUP SCHEDULE FOR OPEN SPACE AS PER 280 ATTACHMENT 6 PROPOSED FILL x u GENERATOR LOCATED o r MINIMUM USIZE OF LOFT BACK) 530936,00 000.035 AC CONFORMS S.F. CONFORMS APPROX.470 C x ��� ''�' x. x PROPOSED 2' 100 PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE W/BD. E..w 3 CL MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 20% 000.0 S. CONFORMS ( ) 8 ( INDIGENOUS SCREENING F w W '� MINIMUM BUFFER 20 000.0 FT. CONFORMS OF TRUSTEES DECK SPACE PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE W/BD. • ". _ -.' '"""" � o LU SEC.275-17 C.2.C.1.0 x _ �_.......,.,....«..,.... 9L. ..` «. 0^ - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL No. 36103CO154H LAST UPDATED: 9,25.2009 (S TRUSTEES(LIVING SPACE) -. ' s ..- ,fp x n 6s _. U Q 0 o N .... .� Jy tEN� •,+. .°`^ �w1 ...POOL • 0¢^x d ( ) ) � //� �o�/� oaoseD Pool - } SUBJECT LOT: 1925 NORTH SEA ROAD,SOUTHOLD „, .„, 'ter-'�^- /I /��// /�iD //i�ioi/// PR � im SECTION:54 BLOCK:04 LOT(S):227 """""" 'FNE VE'(.t..1S)"'^' x �� to -o x ZONING:RESIDENCE'R-40'DISTRICT 1000 °°°, ;, .„. i% / �� Oi �� ���- •---' PROVIDE ACCESS TO �N a O ,�_, x ._��� NOTES POOL DRAIN FOR OC a�'� 0_ i. /�G w �/ /i/ � � �� ������ �%% MAINTENANCE. L z • ALL ZONING REFERENCES PER ZONING CODE OFTHE 1 IGS %////j� � ���l�ii/ ��iii�ii '..Z °g'0 0 o CL 1 TOWN OF ''�'" .b,� iii��,,,��,: �.�/ / %.,.. .» ...�,..„..,..;,..... CON SCALEDFLOOD FROMFLYLINEAS THE UNDISTURBED LPORTION OF THE SITE SHALL BE I -----------. � � x � � W '� SCALED FROM FLOOD MAINTAINED AS A UNDISTURBED BUFFER. INSURANCE RATE MAP PROJECT: GRAmrnw D D Y m `» + 4 T" wAwx. AVERAGE FRONT YARD REVISIONS U) I \•" .,11.36 x It DATE REVISIONS ADJACENT HOMES) 'Y� m 1 LGz LGt t "« +7.3 d� - I71 "".,,'"""-"""."""""`PROPOSED 1200 GAL. 1126P EL'IS-P£Rb T' SCREENING/EASTERN ppC,M 1U,EIDyRyN' SETBACK ES I (1, / i7� PROPAINETANK UNDERGROUND $00 . -».•»••»- a.. ... � � .�' I �� _. PROPOSED Gi.„.1,V1 775 TO KENNEYS O C PANEL IWAING 16'-0' EDGE OF EXSTING 0. 0L � (SIDE YARD SCQ PAVEMENT EDGE OF EXISTING 76PROP. cNG) PAVEMENT EDP EL.:16. (RAISEDepE16.458(r.oRDOLDDPEdDI 10, EXISTING UNDERGROUND •.•.•.. I nre EUS t0 aKa. .... ....««..w.,.,_. ..e. .-•m.«.,«....�.�ms..._...®...®..�. .,-..«.-.....,«. ._®®......e._.�..�...�........,.. ° IWWATdLkE ATER AN � G FENCE 8 ISSUE 12-WALL TILE (, 1122'TTHK GUWAILLAI DN POOLSHSAS ELL �, ,„. PROPOSED SITE PLAN D N O R T N S A D R CLEARING,SRADIINAGNANDSEE &10121 t<a COMMENT ,. W/VER TICAL HORIZONTAL .. �.--......_.,..-,,,..ms.....,µ.«.....»:»«.,,......,.DETAIL#4/A1l-2.-......_....,.......««. SS PRINT DATE CO RAINED Ex" INSIDE 010"G ATA'STEM WALLS. 'p a G�arwtEwe� 1O -- FOUNDATION WOO PILE «. ,.,«,«,...».«..«-..».«...,.....«.....,...._._..®-_ FOUNDATION (A 'E "Iu �� GDMPACIED'�TR�4ACATD'RAI. EL.:6.E3(IX°ORAD.) FILL(ROA) N 1. ^, S) (IX.GRA „ tl PROJECT No 21-350-00'. w DATE. 05-08-21 ( LINE INDICATE- b CHECKED BY: -EL.:7.oe IDc.GRwD EL.:MID0 CT 0 td �, DRAWN BY: KJ! PROP.RIY LINE w it POOL SECTION -VIEWING NORTH I scALE: AssllowN �t� (I 0 SCALE o � Y�.o I�.+f� '�'7yAAA1 M15fIM.,,Twn vA'M.+°�u w"YI�d E5'L4tlMz9 n5 JUCMtiW".119 N,LItlp°fAKw'StlFFWSYP2&TWbG e4ry,w4Y;Cbm On GGaMw&FaMP,b9.^,4'4;1'GLtlS'IRPunON',ubbq.ary, EMd9,W:.RXJF"Xsp'reY'C ;'t tik6$bR"RCR�URLC,IR'p9"LwL'ZZP CMD FR WItM'IAaI,FA At tPd41 L'G�'.tlrv"AC1oN'Lr S%F d"xd"L'YA9ft LONG ISLAND SOUND TIE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATEDIBM BY US ON 11/25/20 mmumn ._ _ .. N40 --59"E 200.04' Paa�r ...___ -Paawl y ILI Al I 91l PZ Q tap BEACH W _ � r LANDWARD LIMITOFTIDA 8 WETLANDS AS DELINEATED 8Y1 m ZONE VE(EL-lb) US ON 11/25/20 ppm MO pE M pplp�WW II x nam�K O OETE �__ _ _.T_ mm AN�s ns®r s CEh 13 r I EDGE OF BEACH 6RAS5\ "`""°'° •` a�p 1,M . I� dl^ ppN w Ism piFTW .'11P" Y EX,MIXED VARIETY AMERICAN EXE,RDG+l75A ROBE BEACH GRASS I RUGOSA ROSE EX AMERICAN BEACH GRASS ' I ENTIRII SUBJECT LOT IS EX ORIENTAL BITTERSWEET/ ESTABLISHED AND BEACH PLUM MAINTAINED AS A "NON-DISTURBANCE BUFFER" AREA WITH A PROPOSED 4' EX.ORIENTAL BITTERSWEET/ WIDE ACCESS PATH THRU BEACH PLUM THE"NON-DISTURBANCE BUFFER"AS INDICATED. Z N a �o F J rx CONST.CLEARING O- Y a Ex MIXED VARIETY OF EASTERN V EX MIXED VARIETY SETBACK O Y L11 . ,RED CEDAR/BLACKCHERRY/ EASTERN RED N > ORIENTAL BITTERSWEET 'CEDAR 9 BEACH ,,.. N wpm Q PLUM ..... .,r..,. b Z F C� ._,�. . o w _...�. a PROPOSED AMERICAN BEACH �`' ✓" "' PROPOSED EA$TE P'RED w o GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS SCRESMNp ¢'o Z j EX.EASTERN RED CEDAR I ..Y �y " LLI y' Q J"" „, �, / V o m o y J SCREENINGS r CL ✓ �.If W-7°x E,; Q / _ ( LU mZ (D r Yd GEC pB1 C"- �,. I ,� " ZONE VE(EL 13) W F m Q O ,x ""n,.ww, „ua �n " u.o. ,.11 .,...,, ..,.w".w.�ma r..m, ..1" e".m.. .,y ,-wl a .w,",�. .�.. .ZONE AE(EL-12) �O�0> �53Z- cow WALL PROJECT: °sN"s ...._, I F7 +.. eY.!WS I �. Com. � „/ 6✓ / REVISIONS I EX.EASTERN RED CEDAR r�'fi �, / dG TE. REVISIONS I �y,✓.r _ _.. 1775' TO KENNEY'S ROAD " L A / ti ssTawa �..... _ _ EC� E0IfEll «7_, 7".5 � LANWATIM1�'E FEATURE AREA LINE AS PROPOSED AMERICAN BEAD«`r EOP PO:SCALED FROM COASTAL EROSION ry� � GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS �'1 LANWARD LIMIT OF NATURAL SUE NORTH SEA DRIVE HAZARD AREA MAP 0 C B 1 7 20 SCO DATE COMMENT m'YAfU'.'Y sbairxca�.m'4°3 B�ppletit' r 947JI .2vGBEorEp ereuau¢ms ._ - __ _. ._ . .. _. .. ... M�uM9 Vacant,_. - �...,_ _ .. , . _. .., ._.. ._ _ _.. ( ) (Vacant) , � (Dwelling with Board Of Trusteom Public Water r RRWECT No.......',1WWoo PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWus-oa N sr. s SCALE 7"=20'-O' CHECKED BY: .'.. SCALE: AS SHOWNi' NOTE PCR DCNfRACrOR -O ALL TRADES ARE REOUIREDTD REVIEWREFER DISE EFAMILIAR WITHTHEEIOF DRFW ADEOOFl FFOJECTMANUAL PACKAGEPRICETO BEGINNING ANYWORK ANYDISCSE REASDUE TO AL ACK OF­MSELOCRDINWE WRH T14= ENTIRE DOCUMENT SET WILL BE REPAIRED,RE%ACEO OR REINSTALLED AT THAT GXJIRPCT5CiE EXPENBE Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2022 9:05 AM To: 'Tom Wolpert' Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick; Gillooly, Liz; Peeples, Elizabeth; Sepenoski, Eric; pcmoore@mooreattys.com; Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com); Doug Adams; Doris Connolly Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC at Southold, T/O Southold, NY Attachments: 20221013082630.pdf Good Morning Tom, Yesterday the Board of Trustees performed their field inspections and reviewed the plans last revised and submitted to this office on October 11, 2022. Attached is the October 12, 2022 field inspection form. At this time the Board of Trustees are requesting revised plans be submitted for the following: Remove the proposed catwalk and gazebo from the project. 0 Relocate any proposed seaward side decking and proposed pool landward of the pier line depicted from dwelling to dwelling (living space line). Is there going to be a proposed retaining wall of any kind for the pool? If yes, please submit plans depicting all details of the retaining wall. Submit a topography plan depicting any changes to existing elevations that will occur for any addition of fill, regrading of existing property or fill from construction. Submit a re-vegetation plan for all disturbed areas. Clearly depict on the site plans the property in its entirety will be established and maintained as a Non- Disturbance Buffer area along with any proposed 4 foot wide access paths through the Non-Disturbance Buffer area. The proposed structure is to be constructed on a pile foundation. If you can submit the requested revised plans no later than Monday, October 17, 2022 at 1:00p.m.for the Board of Trustees Work Session,the Board will review the revised plans that night and determine if the project is ready to be added to the October 19, 2022 Public Hearing agenda. If you cannot submit the requested by that time,then the application will be postponed to the December 14, 2022 Public Hearing date at the earliest. Sincerely, 0ffice qfi qq i 0"T11 Of"Southold. olld. Boord (4,1['7i-11stc's r From:Tom Wolpert<TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 3:18 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Cc:Goldsmith, Glenn<glenn.goldsmith@town.southold.ny.us>; Krupski, Nick<nickk@southoldtownny.gov>; Gillooly, Liz <lizg@southoldtownny.gov>; Peeples, Elizabeth <elizabethp@southoldtownny.gov>; Sepenoski, Eric <erics@southoldtownny.gov>; pcmoore@mooreattys.com; Ed Licalzi (elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com) <elicalzi@cmagroupinc.com>; Doug Adams<DEA@youngengineering.com>; Doris Connolly 1 <DAC@yxounQen8neering.cwnx> Subject: RE: MKS Realty, LLC atSouthold,T/O Southold, NY Good Afternoon Elizabeth, Please beadvised that xveare inthe process ofrevising the plans tofurther address the concerns ofthe Board and will be submitting the revised plans and revised project description assoon aspossible. VVeunderstand that all proposed structures shown on the revised plans will need to be re-staked prior to the Board of Trustees field inspection. Thank you for your assistance. |fyou have any questions, please contact us. Tom Tom WoTned Youog8cYoung 400Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NYll9Vl 631.727.2303 From:Cantrell, Elizabeth [ Sent:Thursday, October O6, IO3212:J2PW1 To:Tom VVn|pert Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn � »; GiUoo|y, Liz ; Peeples, Elizabeth « � Sepenoski, Eric outhokitownrly y> Subject: MKS Realty, LLC Good Morning Tom, Regarding the revised plans received on October 4, 2022 for the application referenced above,the Board has reviewed the revised plans last revised 10/4/2022 and determined that the plans do not reflect an accurate pier line. As discussed during the August S, 2O22and September 7, 2O32 field inspections, and during the August 17, 2O2% Public Hearings the proposed structures should be no further seaward than the existing living space area, not decking, pools or walkways/catwalks. The most seaward line of a living space area is where the pier line should be taken from. You/The property owner are welcome to submit revised plans at your convenience that depict what the Board of Trustees have requested, or you/the property owner are welcome to request in writing that the Board of Trustees move forward with the current set of plans and re-open the public hearing for a possible determination. If you/the property owner decide to submit revised plans based on the correct pier line,the project will need to be re-staked based on the revised plans for Board mfTrustee review prior tofield inspections. Sincerely, Senior Office Assistant ToWDmfSmmtbsld Board ofTrustees Office- 631^765^1092 z Email I i n.ebez-I�����„y��wr4��.���„��ay��....r.I,:P,'.� 3 Glenn Goldsmith'President �Er, Town Hall Annex �",mow' a�'i A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President �� a 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski i ' ?"r P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly K t��� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: 10 ?�12. Completed in field by: 6. gM; Young &Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two-story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10"x11'9" (253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4"x20'2" (191.7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,218.8sq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from ±7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5' long by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second-story structure. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Tyof area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: °/ Chapt.275 `/Chapt. 111 other Type of Application. ✓ WetlandCoastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: CIA 9 1 m 0 , % e 6 .. P1e Q ak� Present Were: '� G. goldsmith N. Kr pski ',/E. Sepenoski ✓ L. Gillooly E. Peeples Construction Design Management and Advisory Services 2100 Joshua's Path Hauppauge, NY 11788 e Phone: (631)675-6214 Fax: (631)675-0364 October 10 2022 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC. 1925 North Sea Drive At Southold, T/o Southold, NY (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Ms. Cantrell: In accordance with the Board of Trustees Field Inspection on September 7th, 2022 and your later, your response letter dated October 6, 2022, we have worked the entire weekend to provide an alternative plan that should now hopefully satisfy your recent definition of both "Pier Lines" as described in our revised Site Plan dated October 11, 2022.. We are also hopeful that the Board of Trustees will maintain our placement on the October Calendar as re quested last month, so we may use that time during the hearing to confirm the new placement of the proposed dwelling and provide answers to any other questions the board may have. Therefore, we have followed the Board of Trustees recommendations and have enclosed one (1) full size set and three (3) reduced copies of the Architectural Drawing Al-1 last dated October 11, 2022, for your use. (Hand delivered October 11, 2022) Very truly yours, Edward A. Licalzi, President Encl. T 1 1 2022 01010Town RMS'of T ZONING INFORMATION PROPOSED PLOT PLAN SITE PLAN LEGEND ! ' � � ZONI •""...., . NG CALCULATIONS L O N.....,. G II S L A ND S O U N D //�(� N -BolCHEDu,b xs -.obrtiAlOsvacTs � ��� PROPOSED BUILDING ,��a.�.EW,z 0.00 FT.„ 280 ATCH 3:1 58,936.00200.00 FT. THE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE LOCATED ® SILT FENCE LOCATION LOT SIZE E THIO R 0001 S.P. 280 ATC TOTAL PRO IDED R L ��� LOT CONFORMS HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED ^Ea u1a,roC JRECH CONFORMS 5.00 FT.. 280 ATCH 3:1 296.57 Ff. CONFORMS BY US ON 11/28/20--, FRONT YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 38.58 FT. NON-CONFORMS LIMIT LINE OF WORK „ % SUR IW wbut AVERAGE FRONT YARD SETBACK 38.90 FT. 38.90 FT. CONFORMS SYOSSET,NY 11791 SIDE YARD 15.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 17,00 Ff. CONFORMS N40o28'59"E TEL:(516)731-4667 AGGREGATE SIDE YARD 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 54,83 Ff. CONFORMS `^ - ••• 200.04 Fax(516)796-2744 `""-"^-•«..-....••- RUOIXPHBiSCE-PC.COM REAR YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 225.00 FT. CONFORMS RUDOIPH 5,SHATAR FD�.CA:wI MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: ._. LOT COVERAGE m 20%(11,787,20 S.F.) 280 ATCH 3:1 16%(8,289.8FT.) CONFORMS m BUILDING HEIGHT 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 35.,00 FT, CONFORMS O "`-•--- �� _. . NUMBER OF STORIES 21/2 280 ATCH 3:1 2 CONFORMS cr z -•-"- FIRST FLOOR AREA: 0 V) PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 2,594.6 S.F, ,"., BEACH r.f PROPOSED FRONT ENTRANCE IMPERVIOUS 573.8 S.F.„ _ ..,..,,1.., L 7 PROPOSED GARAGE 538„3 S,�F.,. ➢ PROP.FIRST FLOOR EXT.DECK 1,023,2 S.F. O O "•"" d ' O FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE9•"'•"-..._. , .. AS SCALED FROM FLOOD - 2 0 O a •) ."."^ „+�� ONE VE rt O MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA: O �, ., ( EL-16) "., MAP w^",+ ,,FM�AN=DF PROPOSED MASTER BEDROOM 772.0 S.F. ONE VE EL-13 ..„„,.r ..;" ""•" "'-"'" It (' »`"'.., ,. "\ THE E.INFRNGEIIENT MRL 1E * INSURANCERATEW µ M EDGE OF BEACH GRAS'•-.. .. .....„ -1 ' R s A Maun0T1 FS" 7msz SECOND FLOOR AREA: 2,101.8 S.F. O '" ._.•..,«w..... w.»,„,„....,„, w w...,..w a Be 11E1P IaIIX LG1m1 1 .,„.„„ ......,.. •.,••.•.«. `✓ ARE ACM UNDER DIRECTION OF A ` us FOR ANY pum mm IwE um® 1AIOER A" N IN ANY DY. F 5,468.6 S.F. ER ro - ....•.,.` O COMPLETE FLOOR AREA TOTAL -^ """""'^° 4 ..„„, v AWINm+sIS ALTEREDsx MID .. ..,.7. .ro "vam•ALIERED of Palm 11T xs saumllE AND DATE OF SUCH '' cr LOT COVERAGE=BREAKDOWN ra .._..„ b '"" •"'�-. * OFTTHK 00"SWU BE� xmm10X __ _- (D DWELLING(WOOD FRAME) 2,594,5 &RO -• "'-�'-'"• 3.2 S,F POOL RAISED 1.5�0.0 S.F,S.F. rt -- -7...._. w GAZEBO 1279 m 204" ,,..„m --- - ,_m _.,.. »• GAZEBO STORAGE 110.6 S,F. CAT WALK 203.6 S.F. O "y h xo BEACH GRASS 'b -„ OPEN AIR GAZEBO(127.9 FRONT ENTRY STEP SYSTEM 573 8 S,F. ms ,,:w, S.F.)W/STAIRS TO GRADE DRIVEWAY + 3,145„9 S,F. 3 LOT COVERAGE TOTAL (15%)8,289.8 S.F.. •' AND STORAGE BELOW ' t" ,.-"� ._.� (NOWATER/SEWER) '..,._ __..:..._ .....,._.. LOT AREA 58,936.00 S.F. eo as CATWALK ABOVE GRADE O a\ ' x "••• (SEC.276-2A) AMOUNT OF FILL REQUIRED 470.00 CY, v x 1 xow CATWALK W/PILING (FILL TO BE CLEAN BANK-RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FROM APPROVED UPLAND SITE) "" °e6 ''sx s SUPPORTS DASHED LINE OFx; x as Q POOL EQUIPMENT N BUILDING AREA: O.H.ABOVE. x r 'o Q x LOCATED UNDER DECK t- FIRST FLOOR 2,594.8 S.F. 'x x " 8 x's - D (GROUND LEVEL) 772.5 S.F,SUITE FLOOR UIMIIT OF a s3 oo RESIDENTIAL BACKUP oJSECOND FLOOR 2,101.8 S.F. PROPOSED FILL 470 C W GENERATOR LOCATED m Z ow xo h) UNDER DECK i h Q SCHEDULE FOR OPEN SPACE AS PER 280 ATTACHMENT 6 PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE W/BD. _ SIZE OF LOT(<15 AC) 58,936.00 1.35 AC CONFORMS '.,� •6.5 PROPOSED 12' o u CL MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 20% 000.0 S.F„ CONFORMS OF TRUSTEES(DECK SPACE) _ •�'- 0 _ N INDIGENOUS SCREENING F m MINIMUM SET BACK 30 000.0 FT. CONFORMS - » Ul PIER LINE IN ACCORDANCE W/BD. a � -`���� _ MINIMUM BUFFER 20 000,„0 FT. CONFORMS �rtn _ � � (S TRUSTEES(LIVING aaPAC."E a"s" - .+ J, .."""". ( ) w SEC.278 2A (SEC.275-11.0.2.C.1.0) ,,.• x _ _---- U.I. Pool. w _:,....._�. Zm VE A3 '. ..�, '. x l� Ii I�� . .... x._....m PROPOSED POOL cn m f/) ( ) PROVIDE ACCESS TO W =,.< O _ J ,d FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL No, 36103CO154H LAST UPDATED: 9.25.2009 �� J �' +P"' 0:E o a a- 0_:-A" ')2) r �� 1 ''` os v POOL DRAIN FOR o o a tl - "' �- r . �. 1 N • MAINTENANCE. 2�z z z O Lij ------------.. �r„„ I✓ r FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE AS Z m y o 0 0- q s F11"�- �� �� SECTION:54 BLOCK904 LOT(S):227 ,, II I l�,T 16 'tiv,. ,..,.�,: '2'01`"1 SCALED FROM FLOOD ---- JECT-- DRAONG •- SUBJECT LOT: 1925 NORTH SEA ROAD,SOUTHOLD ';� " � 2F� 1.an 'ED" �- -,---�- -� •-��.-�-- PROJECT. _ ...,•„• P;�M1,, -" 'VVAL INSURANCE RATE MAP NNA�EE ZONING:RESIDENCE'R�0'DISTRICT 1000 Qom , ",' r' x,. w , "'�' SFT.DIA.x 4FT. v a" rw',)r•, '. REVISIONS (7 DEEP SWIMMING POOL ��. ..._..,_....„,„.._....-' w + BACKWASH NOTES ) G S Z »..... _..7136•- /. ., +7.3 sssPROPOSED s200�0AL. 11TE� REVISIONS ALL ZONING REFERENCES PER ZONING CODE OF THE SETBACK EST.BY ^"-�:.,,,, UNDERGROUND r uw.z� Twlry TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ADJACENT HOME j O - u'"' , ,y�EM1„ , THE UNDISTURBED PORTION OF THE SITE SHALL BE ( NaT9.1� !m G fir» PROPAN)ETANK MAINTAINED AS A UNDISTURBED BUFFER. „ •"• "„"" " » .. •... b- PRGPOSED GRA _ ». 1,775"'TO KEN„_ ._ O_ 5 _„ 00. _w_•____. -DRfVEWAM EDGE OF IXISTING +�„�,4 ' '"�' _ PAVEMENT "S"„¢. a }.. 4 EDGE OF EXISTING _ PROPOSED WATERPROOF• �'o ""� s �r� �? � e��"� -� PAVEMENT � r TEST HOLE _ BY McDONALD OEOSCIEE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ` I NEW RETAINING WALL. ,�i.._..„,,.. WATER MAIN _. . . . ._O ._T_. S._E ._A . _. _V__._._. ._. DATE:D5/11/06 EL=6.45' O.QY EE AL- • UE HAYS ES ALONG LIMIT COF COMMENT 3 1SmoDREssPRINr PALE BROWN PROPOSED SITE PLAN • CLEARING,GRADING AND FINE TOGROU COARSE SCALE 1 =20�-0....-._..a.. ,....®�...... ...A...�....._».. _._.�...„....._....._.,__.._. .„......,. .,_.__._..._,. .,.__....,..,.._.._........._._-_._,..._.. ._.._:..... ......_...,..... __._..�.......r,�.._,.� ,_.._............DETAIN#4A32 DISTURBANCE. I.vlarts�v1seDPE:RcomrneNr '. GW=1.65' 4.B' WATER IN -.- PALE BROWN FINE TO SAN �, • EE BY:D. 210-08-21. COARSE DRA Board 1W TDrr 1 SAND 5021 of Trustees 11.0' ( Y A3 SHOWN CHECKED B �. ....._........,,.....,.,, ........,.. SCALE AU TFIALE"A AIME RE'GRlMWVD TO REVIEW DEFER TO AND 6E FMIUARWTN TIE ENTIRE DRAWING SET AND PROJECT AUwUP1 - P R'4YM TD MCMUNMM6 Add'f WN ANY W=P'M IES DUE TD A LACK OF O 5.71%W Gd19R I-ONWITN TIE E 1'NROkNDDMAY4NT"AE"MM4I.L IE YTENAMRED,REN6A4:Ei'k MR N('JNSTMLFD AT THAT CGWI'NU4.D'P9AM"304,F FYAENSE Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 12:22 PM To: 'Tom Wolpert' Cc: Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick; Gillooly, Liz; Peeples, Elizabeth; Sepenoski, Eric Subject: MKS Realty, LLC Good Morning Tom, Regarding the revised plans received on October 4, 2022 for the application referenced above, the Board has reviewed the revised plans last revised 10/4/2022 and determined that the plans do not reflect an accurate pier line. As discussed during the August 9, 2022 and September 7, 2022 field inspections, and during the August 17, 2022 Public Hearings the proposed structures should be no further seaward than the existing living space area, not decking, pools or walkways/catwalks. The most seaward line of a living space area is where the pier line should be taken from. You/The property owner are welcome to submit revised plans at your convenience that depict what the Board of Trustees have requested,or you/the property owner are welcome to request in writing that the Board of Trustees move forward with the current set of plans and re-open the public hearing for a possible determination. If you/the property owner decide to submit revised plans based on the correct pier line,the project will need to be re-staked based on the revised plans for Board of Trustee review prior to field inspections. Sincerely, Co :.& Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny.gov 1 Construction Design Management and Advisory Services 2100 Joshuas Path Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: (631)675-6214 Fax: (631)675-0364 October 4, 2022 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC. 1925 North Sea Drive At Southold, T/o Southold, NY (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Ms. Cantrell: In accordance with the Board of Trustees Field Inspection on September 7t�', 2022, it was recommended by the President of the Board that if we relocate the proposed dwelling landward of the "pier line" the Board would find it favorable to approve our application of the newly proposed dwelling. Therefore, we have followed the Board of Trustees recommendations and have enclosed one (1)full size set and three (3) reduced copies of CMA Group Architectural Drawing A11-1 last dated October 4, 2022, for your use. (Hand delivered October 4, 2022) Very truly yours, Edward A. Licalzi, President Encl. DE C E IN E UD OCT -. 4,, 202.2 W Town soam of Tnstm ZONING INFORMATION I PROPOSED PLOT PLAN w.wW " _ __ ._. ,, ,_v..__.... ww..ww....._._._._� _v. ., .._ w.., , ww w LONG .1.�._��"".._. ._mM�_..�..w. ,.�, _��ww �_ww .�. _,����."� ___... �.���. �-�..._.. �,n ; .....wn . ... A D S 0 U D SITE PLAN"LEGEND P �... ZONING CALCULATIONS PROPOSED BUILDING . _.,.. .____.. C ." "" ., THE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE ED HIGH WATER MARK A9 LOCATED DISTRICT R-00 REQUIRED SECTION TOTAL PROVID" LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. 280 ATCH 1:1 58,936.00 S.F. CONFORMS BY US ON I I125/'2o O SILT FENCE LOCATION„�. LOT WIDTH 150.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 - 200.00 FT. CONFORMS �. esnvz�,� LOT DEPTH 175,00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 296.57 FT. CONFORMS LIMIT LINE OF WORK mipm FRONT YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 38.58 FT. NON-CONFORMS N40°28'58°E 1: son'10 SIDE YARD 15.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 17.00 FT. CONFORMS 200.04 Mtt rx'N1 AGGREGATE SIDE YARD 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 52.25 FT. CONFORMS ,! (N4 733-4 REAR YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 213.80 FT. CONFORMS '"'-- "'""'"'"-"`--^°° FAX IMI '94}-9T ....._. w................ ... ...._- --'--- --- uw 3 OOT COVERAGE ITTED DIMENSIONS, 20%(11,787.20 S.F.) 280 ATCH 3:1 15%(8,721.6 FT.) CONFORMS •- "- BUILDING HEIGHT 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 35.00 FT. CONFORMS """`"""' ""---• ------ m-TM NUMBER OF STORIES 21/2 280 ATCH 3:1 2 CONFORMS FIRST FLOOR AREA: BEACH Y0�g h PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 2,853,9 S,F. `- 47 k PROPPROPOSED GARAGE 538 0 S.F.F ------ - .. PROP.FIRST FSED OOOR EXT,NT ADECKNCE IMPERVIOUS 2 0 „3 S.. . 2 S.F. _ ------- q . O !FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE ."�� ID � w ZONE VE(EL-16) AS SCALED FROM F1 QQD " A INSURANCE RATE 14to � -------- �,",, MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA: (EL-13 mm ..._„ -,...,. „µ.. ZONE VE `.," �-�,•, ,._.. I SOW NO AM M vnamir OF IM 001191"IMIENDI NLL IE PROPOSED MASTER BEDROOM 1,073.0 S.F. EDGE OF BEACH GRAS'S..- `5�_ M. R m R am nm m m*ox INNO SECOND FLOOR AREA: 2.204.9 S.F. O """'-^--•-: .._..._..� .„w,_.......m VµN ,u. F U M "m atom no" mi N mnwc 6,131.8 S.F. '"-°^-,�.. xNr,wrrt�dl wr wY �"' .... __. r ) r uaeuaa m A A COMPLETE FLOOR AREA TOTAL � " °�, " �- O +m01E .,....,_ ,p� .,w".. ,� � neoneawv�Gu�r LOTCOVERAGE-BREAKDOWN .m. .,. .,. ..."w�. ° 6,� ^'ta..m_...._.� Ke -m-�,...M .__<._.. ....-,._.. C. mrae�mom No s ...,..__ .." ....., o DWELLING WOOD FRAME 2„853.9 S.F. :2A{L.„...,. 5 -1----"-- GAZEBO .._. x .mm-......... L ( ) 0 5� RAISED DECK 1„510.0 S.F. " � N POOL 510.0 S.F. W6- B GAZEBO 127.9 S.F. �� � GAZEBO FRONT ENTRY STEP SYSTEM 3,145.9 S.F. OM" `,m. x y,,,,,, ,. x EACH GRASS'0s "r 4 OPEN AIR GAZEBO CAT WALK 203.6 S.F. Q) .1 p DRIVEWAY -a '"r AND W/STA O TO GRADE - f� O „LLT �AI AND STORAGE BELOW 1 V (NO WATER/SEWER) LOT COVERAGE TOTAL (15%)8.721.6 S.F. Ir- 3 xa e CATWALK ABOVE GRADE �IrIS x ' s' x SEC.275-2.A LOT AREA 58,936.00 S.F. :yy (p @ '`.®l _ F,... mrA `^ ( ) CATWALK W/PILING -.. AMOUNT OF FILL REQUIRED 470.00 CY, elr yx � 'f�j� " , SUPPORTS _v (FILL TO BE CLEAN BANK-RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FROM APPROVED UPLAND SITE) DASHED LINE Or x POOL EQUIPMENT O.H.ABOVE. ' LOCATED UNDER DECK o " c BUILDING AREA: � .w FIRST FLOOR 2,653.9 S.F. D+ M� * x ,,..,.. i.. " "I xs� (GROUND LEVEL) �. RESIDENTIAL BACKUP o MASTER SUITE FLOOR 1,073.0 S.F. �6 x m GENERATOR LOCATED o SECOND FLOOR 2,204,9 S.F. LIMIT OF ''" o y x '...� / w. (A UNDER DECK > PROPOSED FILL "".,, x •-'"""""`'� rt 3 m Z (APPROX.470 CY) '$. « ,-,_,_.w«.. PROPOSED 12' SCHEDULE FOR OPEN SPACE AS PER 280 ATTACHMENT 6 c,o, -- -. '""'�' ` 1, INDIGENOUS SCREENING LL J SIZE OF LOT(<15 AC) 58,936,00 1.35 AC CONFORMS .y, 21 m MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 20% 000.0 S.F. CONFORMS PIER LINE ,.,,,..,,.� """" « MINIMUM SET BACK 30 000.0 FT. CONFORMS ACCORDANCE W I= TsRUSTEES ', MINIMUM BUFFER 20 000.0 FT. CONFORMS (SEC.275-2A) zec.z75-11.4. D WUW o m gr PROPOSED POOL o ° W2AN VE( t PROVIDE ACCESS TO oZ. Wotia5 O POOL DRAIN FOR FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL Na. 36103C0154H LAST UPDATED: 9.25.2009 -B'5 ([Al) MAINTENANCE. O: i 0 o FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE AS z 0 _ �� .. ' .5- it -"LL� / v 1 o' N SCALED FROM FLOOD W m 0 0�. ,...„..! �I 2�-�E°s- w.....„,. ry_, I,' «.,.. ,,, ....«. ar,.�.- s,.,., �... ;� .... �_ _ INSURANCE RATE MAP PROJECT: -- nahure SUBJECT LOT: 1925 NORTH SEA ROAD,SOUTHOLD a� �� xuMrrm ".3e x* 1 I OarA�wmz SECTION:54 BLOCK:04 LOT(S):227 D +,� # ,, '$ ZONING:RESIDENCE'R-40'DISTRICT 1000 � AVERAGE FRONT YARD .., _,. BFT.DIA,x 4FT. „. ,^ .".. SETBACK EST.BY Z 73 s 31 DEEP SWIMMING POOL REVISIONS M. NOTES ( fn "; � .,. b j� z " „, + a PROPOSED 200 GAL. 91ArEj REVISIONS ALL ZONING REFERENCES PER ZONING CODE OF THE ADJACENT HOMES „ ar. - a fn 3 BACKWASH _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �ji,Z FE �°z �°i ry- " .. . .,72x..,. •"�.,,......._ .,.-J,......, ._.. PRCMPA,NE TAN _.._........_._..�.m..., �.N 1 's4w THE UNDISTURBED PORTION OF THE SITE SHALL BE ro "� .._ _.7 '^ ^m m 7w e I EDGE OF EXI9TING� !-_.�w.Y a� ,775'TO KENNEY'S +47At7 x 00. O s u ` } �c _ MAINTAINED R EUNDISTURBEDBUFFER. 1..._�._...._._..__... .. Y .,ITT jS38�24 - -j S ............ ._..m,w.- ,.. . so j } PAVEMENT _. 4 STING s .......�.._..._........�...., ,._-._,.._."_,... �w„ ...._ WATER MAINDERGROUND TESTHOLE �����------------...._..-. _..�......_..�.._...._.....-.�.�._..._,�..............,.�,..«. o OJ LIMITING FENCE6 r PROJECT c e BY McDONE:0 /11 Joe ENCS N O R T V E A D R I V E ,.IgyggLE3 ALONG LIMIT OF ISSUE DATE:06/11!06 ING, � ELawS.aF1d' o.a PALE BROWN GROUND DISTURBANCE.SEE DATE COMMENT FINE TO .,. SITE PLAN .............._....,_.®.W..,.,......_...,..........,,_..n...,.....,,..m.....,._,......_,_.._.. ..®... .. .m,........,..m..._....._..,........,..__,,.-..w.,.. C�.._...®......._........._...,......-_,w,."....,.W.....DETAIL#4/A1..®?._.a.,�...,, COARSE .(. ., IS¢9iERu4s PROPOSED S ` (svv)D �+ r Gw=1.as„ a.e� PALE BROWN A 350-00 WATER IN � ' FRDJECT N° 2 I FINE TO �. �� „q COARSE t» r _ oiftho'ld!!TOWR SAND SW) 05-06-21 Board of T(asl B3 ( � I,,, ORAWN BY KJS V S !CHECKED BY (SCALE; AS SHOWN pI?, ....MtMQSSWA*AWW ,.,..�. A�1✓G.� �I�� h DTO REVIEW.REETRTO ANO EFAMIIJM WDH THEEMIRE DfNWIN SET AND ROJ-MANUAL SET OOCURNINC ANY W EMIRS ORKR DI DORRE OUE TO MACK OF GRO55-TRAOEGCCROINATION WITH THE MEM EPAIRED REPLACED RRHNstNlm ATTW1T GOMRAGfOR450.EExPEN$E n ,, , Nil i t g 51020 RUA7N ROAD SOZTq^HOLD NIy 11971 63107650330 �,...,, iii.., /vs k� 1 ATC1A C.NIOOPF(BST � �� �j 5 2022 I-Le, MOO, &mMaWTown Bawd atTtaas Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION i OCT 5 2022. (where the applicant is not the owner) Southold town Board of Trustees Tony Vournou,member of MKS Realty LLC, owners of premises 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold,NY 11971, (sctm: 1000-54.-2-20),residing at 77 Meadowbrook Rd., Syosset,New York, do hereby authorize our attorney, Patricia C. Moore,to apply for permit(s) and appear before the Southold Board of Town Trustees on our behalf. MKS Realty LLC: (owner's signature) By: Tony- ournou Sworn to be ore me this day of .2022 Notary P '-lic MANOLI KALAMOTOUSAKIS NOTARY PU611C-STATE OF NEW YORk No. 02KA621 3500 Qualified In Queens County MN commission Expires November 09,201 APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNER'S AGENT) The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics orolwibits conflicts of interest on the stat of Town officers and emnlovees. The purpose of t)MNonrr is to rarovude iatorrcuation_which can alert the Town of nossilale conflicts of int gjst and altow it t+ take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: VOURNOU,TONY,member of MKS REALTY LLC,and MOORE,PATRICIA (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance Special Exception .„ U"Other", name the activity: it tvSe— Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Trustees X Do you personally,(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES_ NO Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person:_ Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D(below)and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP­_ Submitted this 0/ day of 2022 MKS REAL.]YIXIC BY: oi Pat,irwa C,Mo",. .. ore AL ••!ter F rev � �• � f . fib i .{ 7 f a- ILI defy � ti F �A Y � Q r fr *• - 4. A LO w AUG 1 7 2722r Board of Trustees .A „ Southold Town ' F a Ir it .. Ip {`"� gg a-_ F .yxJ� - 'cif•'�,��•a�•• -...._ _ _ _ fid" -' � ear � -, .. � .�.,. � ,_. •. �� 'afl��. s w_ ` L � Lo 1 Q .i � 4 '.sari t 1r Glenn Goldsmith,President ' Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly ", " "' Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples " Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: � 1 1t - . Completed in field by: LEt Young & Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two-story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10°'x11'9" (253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4"x20'2" (191.7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,218.8sq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from ±7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5' long by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second-story structure. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: —V—Wetland V✓ Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation. Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc,: i a Present Were: ✓G. Goldsmith s N. Krupski ✓ E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly ✓E. Peeples MKS Realty,LLC 1925 North Sea Drive,Southold SCTMP: 1000-54-4-20 8/9/22 ME- 1 7 y, AL r' no no UO Wk IIS P * '�pY ,• '". ►r �� � �.� .- :MKS Realty,LLC ,1925 North Sea Drive,Southold 000 { r w t••r .,,9,/- -:9 r s a r r 1 �� �, •�� — - -t i s it w.• Fr r� k^ K. r T w ,,r• "—���s ' +� �-� • .r=te `�• s4 '� � r. r1�� ay o ,'�a rrr r - 1 4 �.•_ �� i. i fit"Yt'�..` < I Y..' y .ri r � r ' e� 't � •may /�.�{ •�'� } ��� •r .r _ ,.. .- ., ., • _ v•� S �` r� •�yam,+�, Y a• f •x k { � � 4i�,*I �^ .yqy;��}� "fit � rte. � +p 1 � s, �� 's� �..'� � y, ♦C►+� ..P 7 ,,.� ►h. �.. ' e. `ti' w 1` `,i.� .E yt,,�„Y`Y' � '`L • f, ,y. r . .s - -' C.'• ._,. M1�+ ^�S� ” ,�� .. s 5 3 - "'� mar. + v• 1•• r �' •✓�- - w' .� OFFICE LOCATION: �� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 • Telephone: 631 765-1938 enum LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, AICP LWRP Coordinator Date: August 9, 2022 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for MKS REALTY, LLC SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Young & Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two-story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10"x11'9" (253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4"x20'2" (191.7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,218.8sq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from ±7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non- pervious front entry stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5' long by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second- story structure. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposal is INCONSISTENT with LWRP Policies and with the LWRP. Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. a. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. b. Avoid hazards by siting structures to maximize the distance from Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. 1. The entire parcel is located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area VIII II � ,r /' f. t„ �P � I ell 17 Q� V EI C I u� � y r � � u✓� � i I,Y� I ( I �, �! J ism„ �r ul �.� - yin � ""Fed nol Ge m,., r o.��a�����.;�Q �_.�.����������_;�a �������r��;� " ��.��:�. � �r..���n �� � � :����� �� � ,u The purpose of Chapter 111, COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREAS is to regulate, in coastal areas, land use and development activities so as to minimize or prevent damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. In addition, the purpose of Chapter 111 is to regulate new construction or placement of structures in order to place them a safe distance from coastal hazard areas. § 111-4. Purpose. The Town of Southold hereby assumes the responsibility and authority to implement and administer a Coastal Erosion Management Program within its jurisdiction pursuant to Article 34 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. In addition, it is the purpose of this chapter to: B. Regulate, in coastal areas subject to coastal flooding and erosion, land use and development activities so as to minimize or prevent damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. C. Regulate new construction or placement of structures in order to place them a safe distance from areas of active erosion and the impact of coastal storms to ensure that these structures are not prematurely destroyed or damaged due to improper siting, as well as to prevent damage to natural protective features and other natural resources. 2. The entire structure is located within a VE EL 13 flood zone. VE coastal areas are subject to high-velocity water including waves; defined by the 1-percent annual chance flood and wave effects 3 feet or greater. This means that the flood has a 1% chance of being met or exceeded in any given year. , �,i�" , iij�✓ori i, � 9 � � rl 6/ ////i%/ � � i��uu... � .rc "a iry J fir, fl �d88 6 to / Ir%i�l, W°G r�9i /n1Jl i I/1 j l /h raJl�wwir ii I' iii r I�sd�!, u r y Day / i tywb«k J / / J, r %f�l+1fr'PUi�� k9 ylv. ri%1�Dw / :%i� A rn //iii✓ i > > i e r w i i E 3. The parcel and any development on the parcel will be adversely impacted by categories 1 through 4hurricanes. 4. The parcel will be adversely impacted by sea level rise over time. 4.2 Protect and restore natural protective features. Natural protective geologic features provide valuable protection and should be protected, restored and enhanced. Destruction or degradation of these features should be discouraged or prohibited. A. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. B. Maximize the protective capabilities of natural protective features by.- 1. y.1. avoiding alteration or interference with shorelines in a natural condition The proposed actions are located entirely within the coastal erosion hazard area and the primary dune, a natural protective feature. A primary dune is defined in § 111-6 Definitions as a natural protective feature. NATURAL PROTECTIVE FEATURE -- A nearshore area, beach, bluff, primary dune, secondary dune or marsh and their vegetation. PRIMARY DUNE-- The most waterward major dune where there are two or more parallel dunes within a coastal area. Where there is only one dune present, it is the "primary"one. Occasionally one or more relatively small dune formations exist waterward of the primary dune. These smaller formations will be considered to be part of the "primary dune"for the purposes of this chapter. The waterward limit of a primary dune is the landward limit of its fronting beach. The landward limit of the primary dune is 25 feet landward of its landward toe. A site visit of this area was conducted on October 17 2007. In attendance at the site visit among others were representatives of the Town of Southold Board of Trustees LWRP Coordinator Mark Ter and NYS DEC's Environment Program Specialist Robert McDonough, which confirmed that the proposed actions are entirely located seaward of the CEHA line and within a primary dune.This determination still applies, Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Honorable Lori Hulse, Attorney Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Caroline Yates <rcyates91 @gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 1:55 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Caroline Yates Subject: 1625 North Sea Drive Comments for the Board of Trustees Attachments: 1635 North Sea Drive Comments.pdf Good afternoon Ms.Cantrell, Would you please provide my comment letter to the Trustees in advance of this evening's meeting on the proposal to develop the property located at 1625 North Sea Drive in Southold. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. Your, Caroline Yates ATTENTION:This email came from an external source.Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 3340 Oaklawn Avenue Southold, New York 11971 August 17, 2022 Board of Trustees E Q Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road AUG 1 7 2022 PO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Southold n Honorable Trustees of the Town of Southold, Board of Tru to s I oppose the development of the undeveloped land at 1925 North Sea Drive in Southold. First, it is the only remaining undeveloped parcel of primary and secondary dune east of Peconic Dunes Camp in The Goldsmith's Inlet and Beach Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Once this piece of land has been developed, visitors to this area will have to go into Sound View Dunes County Park and walk a ways to get a natural view of Long Island Sound. In this way, development of the parcel closes out an era of natural beauty for this part of Southold Town. As development of the parcel appears imminent, the Town of Southold would be wise to consider purchasing this view way. A place that all of us have forever taken for granted is about to be taken away by a developer who is just "doing his job". Second, with regard to the development of a previously undeveloped parcel of land, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)Appendix A- Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats identifies the project site as falling within the Goldsmith Inlet and Beach Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. As such, a Habitat Impairment Test should be applied to this project as our Town has an approved local waterfront revitalization program. The proposed project would likely fail the habitat impairment test as it will remove the vegetation, disturb the soils , likely introduce invasive species, and probably introduce pesticides and rodenticides to the property; all of which will significantly impair the viability of the habitat of the ecosystem in the primary and secondary dune on the project site. Beyond the habitat impairment test: please consider the following.The entire site falls within the Coastal Erosion Zone. Sea level is expected to rise approximately 10 inches in the next 30 years. The project site will likely (should certainly) experience an increase in ground water elevation. The test hole data provided by McDonald Geoscience (dated 5/11/06) indicates that groundwater is found 4.8 feet below ground surface. That data was collected 16 years ago. A new test should be required as the depth to groundwater may be different in 2022. The geologist should also provide precipitation data for the months and days preceding the borehole test as well since the well drained sand in the primary and secondary dune can transmit groundwater in excess of 1 foot/day and water table elevations in this area are extremely sensitive to variations in rainfall. The proposed maximum height of the water table as 1.7 ft above msl probably needs to be revised to reflect current conditions and expected ground water elevation changes due to rising sea level. Groundwater flows from the site directly to Long Island Sound. Septic effluent will be discharging near the shoreline into the Sound and likely impact the water quality there. The propane tank proposed for the site is to be buried. While I could not find anything in the Town code pertaining to buried propane tanks in flood prone areas, buried tanks will float when flooded. Building a house in a known Coastal Erosion Zone where flood events may come from the shoreline as a result of storm events and increasing tides due to rising sea level and from the street side from rising groundwater elevations due to rising sea level should consider the benefits of above ground propane tanks over buried ones. The plans indicate wide spread habitat destruction on site to accommodate the needs of the house, septic system, buried tanks, gazebo and outdoor toilet and mechanical rooms. While the developer states that the fill will come from onsite sources, it is important to note that even with fill being from on-site sources, the habitat will be destroyed. The native seed bank will be disturbed. Disturbed land promotes the growth of invasive species. Unless the Trustees indicate otherwise in their permits, the developer may replace the ecosystem with non native plants as has been done at other recents new homes along the same Significant Habitat (see east side of Kenney's Beach parking lot house rebuilt in 2020-21). The destruction of the dune ecosystem at the proposed project site will also likely impact the beach habitat of the Least Terns and Piping Plovers which have made their nesting sites along the Goldsmith Inlet and Beach Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Appendix A of the Town's LWRP indicates that the ecosystem (Maritime dune and maritime freshwater interdunal swale communities) is rare in New York State. Known vulnerable species residing in the ecosystem or utilizing the ecosystem for its survival include the Piping Plover(Endangered), the Least Tern (Threatened) and the the Osprey(Special Concern). The replaceability of the area is Irreplaceable. Thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments for the record. Very truly yours, Caroline P. Yates EC E P IS AUG 17 2022 Sout old T wa --.Board of Trusl•ees Cantrell, Elizabeth From: LYNNE NORMANDIA <Inormandia@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 3:46 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Peggy Lauber Audubon Subject: Application: MKS Realty, 1925 North Sea Drive Hello Elizabeth,please place in the appropriate file for our Trustees? Thank you Lynne My Dear Trustees: This is to beg you to put your collective feet down and stop the new build on 1925 North Sea Drive before it's too late. The fact that it would be built in the flood zone should be of concern. The fact that developers will destroy the crest of natural dunes which buffer the area is of concern to all of us living nearby not to mention the Comprehensive Plan. These low dunes are home to a bird becoming so rare, it's about to be listed as endangered by the Migratory Species Act and protected by the Federal Government. Least Terns chose this beach this summer to make dozens of nests. They abandoned other nesting places on the East End to congregate here. Surprised, the DEC added fencing late in the season to alert passersby. This half mile stretch of sand and grass has become one of the last integral places for raising their chicks. The vast scope of the proposed house with pool and gazebo next to their breeding ground will most certainly disrupt the natural habitat needed by these threatened birds. Please take nature into account! Sincerely, Lynne Normandia 2100 Leeton Drive Cc. North Fork Audubon ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Richard Bird <Richardb26@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:56 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: 1925 North Sea Drive construction Elizabeth, please see that this letter gets in the appropriate file for MKS REALTY 1925 North Sea Drive Southold Dear Trustees: I am writing this letter in regards to the proposed construction on 1925 North Sea Drive. Once again we are faced with the complete destruction of a primary and secondary dune. The scale of this proposed project will destroy every bit of this last remaining open space on North Sea Drive. I urge the trustees to use every tool available to them to, at the least, scale this monstrosity back to a more fitting plan. When and if this ever does get built I also urge your board or building dept.to monitor this project almost on a daily basis. Least we find ourselves in the same situation as Southold Sunsets with numerous as builds and constant begging for forgiveness, all at a cost to taxpayers. With the attitude these days of"build what we want and pay the consequences,"the minuscule fines imposed are just the cost of doing business. Possibly it's time that a construction bond be required for such a project of this size and future projects such as this one. Sincerely Richard Bird Sent from my iPad ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Tom Wolpert <TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 3:16 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: MKS Realty LLC at Southold,T/O Southold, NY- Stake Locations for Trustees Inspection Attachments: SKM_C25822080314440.pdf Elizabeth, Attached is a copy of our field sketch depicting the locations of stakes set,for your use. Tom Tom Wolpert Young&Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 631.727.2303 tcw@youngengineering.com ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 89 ro Vt O S �x � S• d' �.�v '` ,FS �+� '� O cj6. ��s �x S a, • '9 d�Oy�`�6� O9j���OO •�g 2�S'�p � �9 ,�' S�xdo. S S• ��f� •�i+b�l,��d Pv� ��o x Spd �•S'Od.�ly !�2 �•(�( (chJ„' ,+; ooc O ,� � ru 2 O � s. d d y 0 4 O dl •.' 3Q 01, ti�yo,� �; ` .• Q. 12 ti P <7; mcg � < r rv, Rte; '0a, /�� � � •!!��\ �\�� cb ('"N ovs, �Ile- 00 °Od,'lJ 7p 00' 069 Glenn Goldsmith, President ' s Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski, Vice President a ,r Eric Sepenoski 54375 Route 25 Liz Gillooly , P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples :'" Telephone(631)765-1892 71 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: tQ) Completed in field by: E � Young & Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two-story 2,445sqft. footprint dwelling with garage, a proposed 2110"x11:1911 (25 .5sq,ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10"4""x20'2"" (191.7sgft) mezzanine level bedroom balcony" railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 5"wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1,218,8sq,ft, elevated deck with a 522s ,ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side" a '9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a "5" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10"wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seawardof pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 20 .Ssq.ft, elevated (ranging from 17,5' to 10" above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open, air gazebo with flat roof over, "5"wide stairs with railings to ground„ and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 56sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry stairs; ,proposed 4"095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system" i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six(5) 5,5" long by 2" effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection, new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated' areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second-story structure. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive" Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: °/ Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: 111, 11 ji ILL IJI ;51 1]1:11 11 Lt Present Were: V/a Goldsmith '"✓ , r ski E. Se enoski p L. Gillooly E. Pee les p (1 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCI.S SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EKISPNG STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NDT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY ONES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(7)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP l r BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEK SMALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)k CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS NLOT COVERAGE TEST HOLE 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 114101 tel, 631.727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE admin® oun en ineerin PROPOSED DATE:11/20/20 y g g gcom FRAME HOUSE 6L GARAGE = 2,445 SF EL=5.!56 0.0' RAISED DECK = 1,474 5F PALE BROWN i� POOL = 522 SF FINE TO COARSE SAND Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor STORAGE SHED = 100 SF W/10% E , FRONT ENTRY STAIRS =663 SF GRAVEL Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer DRIVEWAY =4,095 SF (SW) Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer Robert G. Tost Architect 00 TOTAL= 9,299 SF=15.8% O GW=1.55 a.z J �6, s / /' A WATER IN PALE Robert 5tromski, Architect O �� �' iF 4.60 BROWN FINE TO COARSE S �° ij �♦ (�� W/o° SITE DATA / // ® ; , ♦ P/z. GRAVEL •°"'l Q ppb ' f 4M /yj (SW) AREA = 1.3530 ACRES OR 58,936 SQ. FT. °`, ♦♦ �/j'o 11.0' *BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS BOUNDARY LINES SHOWN AS SCALED FROM FLOOD s®s ' x oo '! o �Q SJ• how \G6�c INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NO.36103CO154 H LAST DATED SEPT.25,2009. +9.77 �P/� �os oho ♦♦ �Q�` * VERTICAL DATUM =NAVD 1988 s° /i// // /!/ \� h9�'J�L o Pei,�o"/ 0006y \PnJ * DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (4 FT +8.59 /.1-5.05 ,/ , Gs /e, � \ HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER ELEVATION = 1.7 O� P`J� ,' �� '� s / ! /' �° /� c -�/ � T^�, s°tip ♦ / * NUMBER OF BEDROOMS(DESIGN EQUIVALENT) =4 P / V ��'•�' � s , / O /' Q ^J o♦'�P \ MINIMUM REQUIRED I/A OWTS CAPACITY =440 GAL +8.75 0, h� i o� ♦ * PROVIDED I/A OWTS CAPACITY =500 GAL �l. /' /' ` /, j Q°��°PC�i`G/ �, /' �/ 4C STP -- +3.90 f 1 � // �' ' s®s ' i� QQ �P�( 941 � , '' SP �'Q(.� -\♦i ♦� * LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRED =300 SFSWA +8 .27 / 2g �p0 * LEACHING GALLEYS PROVIDED = 318 SFSWA or a , / o +8.19 +9.37 / ,' / ♦ // ,/ /� ,� +8.95 q ;k<[. , P� / +9.34 ' 'i P ,, ® s' Sb6 c,Q�� P�ti° ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION �� !+ +8.51 , / J P� / ♦ Q O �>w�n / / , Q Q 4# / / / / ' / �A' `7`'�� / Q�c�,P� "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL / O �, s, / h / o ° , / / �P / \` /� s ♦�o yC ,,J b� SYSTEM(S)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY �A, "IV ° ! ' r ' (� ' �� �.9 a s,5�� ,' ,� ti Q, ° Q DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY Z3F-THE�SOIL, / O O ,� g ,saf +s,.5s ��r �, ^� �o ♦� > s - , o�� G P SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL FACILI S;,AS PRbP.OD � I/ '�, h �J %b• ♦^i �':. b ,_`� 7.21 a R , PQ�J !� / O ♦, ti b x s _ e O P CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT 1 EAC'H�ERVICES:.r, Q i `°' , ' ----- OQ ° �ti O fi"7.05 ai Qs �c �' / / O O t, i / / O�' 6' g 8• A LF f �' PQ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF S D. R, ° `r i / +3.04 QQ Q 7� ,� o• / +6.18 RO +6.33, /L O / P P ' P` i // �/ ,/ _` b �G +,a t2 r o 9y vP v�IA�O t fi Qj ®' i'/ / � <C.O \� + .36 \ °C5 A--�l y �g'/t G +8.37 S�� �+ 32 01 s/ i °h / 1 / / l Q �° �P,o lot ,� � ♦/I�1 °31/ °i/�, k, i,i'j//,%/j,/i,'////,/// ,/////'/ // �� / Q/0�Cn�Q„/.c/SL/�'',//'/o///////,,,/1/////l////r r/X/-tipo's`'o� QQ Q w3 L��t. ti •; �/ b 'ar//® a (1� +5.30 h 7l Ab +4 IPF440.20 ss +6.39/ � b1 ° % .55 7.59 .408 + ° +50, +6 .55 , /./C\/�♦�C���I\`�y�`�Qti1 HOW�+A,,`s'RdD.�W,.rY:a-Oe�.U*,.�N�Ga�,•N•.Y./S+.,L.S.�NO.45 O.458✓�93n Ix 7.68+ /h A25 THOMAS C.WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.N0.61483 7.7410DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.NO.80897\' ° +8.64 cg^s'w'?�c�..A�a®'ay��s:`r•AA.°.''.6.°..sGm.µtt.,":t• p'.�=,J`�,<rt✓,' • '.r tY y 1I _. ._._ 9.15 +5.52,_ Of °[� ° X5.98 0.00 ' /' / +7 81 //:,� ��(8• j �� �I 7.64 7:/7. ® 7 x i N ti �,, /• /C_ 9 " 561 � 7.56 cMF SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION�- N °� /' / / °� Q / t / / „ ? y9 6 .•.A / +5.4 +6.9 / / S /� . s x . - .� \ti , / ♦ WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 SURVEY WAS PREP41 D IN ACCOR�14�C Q° +8.86 /f ! tgOr "g6O/ORy i /r90D� ' FQ �. % ' , X8.10 / / O G\ o '% WITH THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND 5URVEYSAD'OPTED BY THE NEW YdFK vi QQ' O / / ) i�L` f/ �ti• r ) h 7.34 oN , d 1 r, �• 5, K sl y 1 / / \ STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND IAURVEVORS. �,C14 _ //' b al52 e��sr '�\ .o, � P xh• I� � ♦ vt '` !' }, K \ N +7.9 / ' 1 I ,�� / ,� , y s pQ c�,�5\P+S.s / �. / 1106P o '"JAG, +8. a 411 ��E'/� , 9 00Cy®� 5`� oQ .� 01 +8.45 /a h / O /� '� KQ7' v S°• I b �/ Q DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Bo ho 2 ,/ %�+4.40 / /\/qv,' ' �h 4) c�0 \ /Xb• a (�+ /4 HOWARD W.YOUNG, Y 5.L.S.N 5893 >� DRIVEWAY AREA 1 REQUIRED 'iJ o J`o„ X`+ 7.15 9'31 2,145 SF x 2/12 x 0.6 = 215 CF �?i,� qIgh9 P,,/ 7.9s 7.79 / 'o /�> cp v 0 g� ,�'� �v R " f �' PROVIDED ,o o,, y ' ) ;;/ j/ ti W � �R , !'� � 1 SURVEY FOR USE NEW DW#1: �i6 j P�� s.ss i ) ` 'i�/�\ TO h0 / �'/ / // `Ol` 2 10' DIA.x2' DEEP DRYWELLS = 274 CF c '8 • / �/ O h / �' Ja ��`` REALTY, ee `['� ,(2) `fjQ �0 6.87 ��5.11 X\ DRIVEWAY 5 3 MV ��^� I �° DRIVEWAY AREA 2 REQUIRED e�J Q�'q 1,533 SF x 2/12 x0.6 = 153 CF Q��'F F� ` .��\x� A o,�oRti �'EEy , N \ o PROVIDED 4P +5.43 S 5.43 55r- 5.56/"lo,, �' 7324 Qt Southold, Town of Southold N USE NEW DW#2 / , 10' DIA.x3' DEEP DRYWELL = 205 CF `�\\ ` q °v BF A /�'L / HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE Suffolk County, New York CO N ROOF AREA 1 REQUIRED Q C� 916 SF x 2/12 x 1.0 = 153 CF s ti QP J`o Rr/(L 1F 'WSF 5.s4 // ' BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY PROVIDED USE NEW DW#3 7.074 ,/ / / County Tax Mop District 1000 Section 54 Block 04 Lot 20 0 10' DIA.x3' DEEP DRYWELL = 205 CF �`�jP`` / 7.13/7.E4 FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NOV. 25,2020 ROOF AREA 2 REQUIRED / MAP PREPARED JUN.25,2021 740 SF x 2/12 x 1.0 = 123 CF QP / / Record of Revisions PROVIDED REVISION DATE USE NEW DW#4 �A ^ 8' DIA.x3' DEEP DRYWELL = 127 CF /�` / � NOIR#1 NOV.12 2021�// ' e�.r w NOIA APR.20,2022 APR.27,2022 a� ROOF AREA 3 REQUIRED / ' `O� ♦ o fo 7005Fx2/12x1.0 =117 CF ��/ O \ �T) aF= PROVIDED1� , / ♦ ( o 0 USE NEW DW#5 1/ ' - -5-0 8' DIA.x3' DEEP DRYWELL = 127 CF '� / \ -3 CIOrLu m ROOF AREA 4 REQUIRED Do ' / ' 30 0 15 30 60 90 0 906 SF x 2112 x 1.0 =151 CF 9 PROVIDED / s 0 i 3�' USE NEW DW#6 $CQIe: 1�� = 8' DIA.x4' DEEP DRYWELL = 169 CF / JOB NO.2020-0153 DWG.2020_0153_bp 1 OF 2 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EMSTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NCT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON MS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDINO INSTITUTIDN CIRTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEGUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W'),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. METER -1/2' VENTILATION PIPE CHAMBER Volume(gal) INCOMING SERVICE SCUM BAFFLE B Ql Sedimentation Chamber 277 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11401 --�"-10 n Anaerobic Filtration Chamber 278 DEDICATED tel. 631.'72?.2303 fax. 651.'72?.0144 -10 '-� -o U Aerobic Contact Filtration Chamber 127 15 AMP BREAKER admin�youngengineering.eom ECIRCULATION Storage Chamber 63 4�t _ AIR LIFT PUMP Disinfection Chamber 4 K DISINFECTION Total Volume 749 120V AG, 10, bOHZ, 15 AMP POWER SUPPLY !!ll !J © CYLINDER (OPTIONAL) MAIN #12-2 AWG WITH 6ND IN I" PVC CONDUIT Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 4' INLET PI ' OUTLET PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE Tyromas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer A 4 A Anaerobic Media PP/PE Filling Rate 32% PANEL Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer 4'-0 - ® Board'Type erobic Media PVC/PP/PE Filling Rate 16% Aerobic Media PP/PE FillingRate 57% Robert tr Talo, Architect Robert Stromski, Architect Blower 2.8 clip HARDWIRE FFLUENT Tank FRP INLET BAFF © AIR LIFT PUMP O i" � Piping PVC/PP/PE Access Covers Plastic/Cast Iron Disinfectant(optional) Chlorine Tablets - HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE RECIRCULATION PIPELOW BAFFLE _J /2' AIR INTAKE GROUND 5JE RHOMBUS AIR BLOWER °"" 0`"0" FLOW OPENING (TYP. (CLEANING OPENING) B CONTROL PLAN VIEW PANEL 4' MANHOLE 18' MANHOLE (TYP 18' MANHOLE (TY P 24' MANHOLE (TYP ISINFECTION ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM CYLINDER (OPTIONAL) LOW OPENING 12' OARD TYPE NOTES: CONTACT MEDIA WL I Ml 1tr _ I. CONCRETE 4,000 PSI ® 28 DAYS 2. REBAR TO BE ASTM A-615 GRADE " 60 ® ! 5. WELDED WIRE FABRIC A5TM A-185 4. DESIGNED FOE AA5HTO HS-20 ® LOADING 5'-5' T ® 5'-5' ECIRCULATION 5. TOP SLAB AND WALL ARE ASSEMBLY MONOLITHIC 7'-10" 4'-4 4'_3k © 4'-26' 8,6„ 6. THE SIDEWALL AREA SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE FULL EXTERNAL WALL �3 10 DIA. FIFE KNOCKOUT TOP VIEW© G-16HT OF THE PRECAST LEACHING(EACH SIDE) HWLsZ N EROBIC MEDIA -8" ERATION ASSEMBLY SECTION A-A VIEW SECTION B-B VIEW `° ® ®® 4'-1"--{ � 4'-g" FUJICLEAN U5A CEN-5 LEAGHIN6 HOLE LEA END VIEW LEACHING GALLEY NT5 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I FUJI GLEAN INLET PIPE "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL 10 UPSTREAM F- CONTROL PANEL MOUNTED NOTE: ALL CONDUITS SYSTEM(S)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY OI WYE II N BETWEEN PANEL AND DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY,-OFTHE•SOIL, GLEAN-OUT z ON 4x4 PRESSURE SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL FACILI�S,AS PROPOSED 1 z 0 TREATED WOOD POSTS TREATMENT TANK MUST BE W w ALARM/CONTROL SEALED TO PREVENT GAS CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT F'HEAL`TH SERVICES';',. ❑ -I_ PANEL MDL#10414'72 LEAKAGE INTO PANEL. " ®' N 0 "A" AIR BLOWER CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF 5 D irt.,';:,i�. l.iRjtt,, CONTROLLER 5N MFG BY 5JE RHOMBUS FOR WIFI COMMUNICATION IL w p INSULATED WEATHER DEVICE; o \ V SISTANT BLOWER o ^ (Atg v1\ ENCLOSURE USE ALARM/CONTROL N PANEL MDL#1045040 CONTROLLER G MFG BY GLEANOUT � II II- �' �• �«. c''R�..y. -�`..o a,�t. � 5JE RHOMBUS HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.NO.45893n �:`tG�;4.��,�.,• ��;';�' THOMAS C.WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.N0.61483 z DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P .N0.80897 �` "`'A•"n+c e'°{' '` A 5INEEP MAY BE USED z BETWEEN WYE AND CLEANOUT r�i AIR LINE TO FUJIGLEAN OWT5 F1= SURVEY FOR IN. GRAD 2 STORY INLET LATERAL TO FUJI CLEAN UNIT FRAME HOUSE SCALE: NTS TELECLLL TRIC SUPPLY MKS REALTY, LLC. ON PILES SWEET AIR VENT GAP ELECTRICAL TO BLOWER (4 BEDROOMS) MFG BY 7UF-71TE SUPPLY O FUJIGLEAN FFEL=16.75 (5' MIN FROM ANY OWTS SPLICE BOX DOOR OR WINDOW) CONTROL PANEL 4 BLOWER at Southold, Town of Southold 16' 5' 11' SCALE: NT5 Suffolk County, New York 4" PVC @ 4" PVC (P 4" PVC N 2.0090 MIN. 1.009c MIN. 1.0090 MIN. NOTES BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY C4 RISERS S COVERS _z WITH SAFETY LIDS LOGKIN6 I. THE OWT5 SHALL BE MODEL GEN-5 MANUFACTURED BY MFG BY TUF-TITE OR CASTING TO FUJIGLEAN USA. County Tax Mop District 1000 Section 54 Block 04 Lot 20 C3 APPROVED EQUAL GRADE 1- 2. THE DESIGN ENGINEER, FUJIGLEAN USA REPRESENTATIVE, FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NOV. 25,2020 EL=10. RIM=B.'7 RIM=8.5 EL-8 2 AND 5G1;IH5 REPRESENTATIVES SHALL OBSERVE THE MAP PREPARED JUN.25,2021 - INSTALLATION OF THE OWTS AND LEAGHIN6 SYSTEM. PRECAST APPROVAL FROM ALL THREE PRIOR TO BACKFILL. Record Of RZVISIOCIS ( GONG. COVER TOP 5LAB � - ----------AIR LINE-- -� IE=6.55 0 O 5. THE SYSTEM START UP WILL BE COMPLETED UNDER THE REVISION DATE �5 VENT DIRECT SUPERVISION OF A FUJIGLEAN USA NOIA#1 NOV.12,2021 HOLE IE=6.04 IE=5,44 REPRESENTATIVE. NOIA(APR.20,2022) APR.27,2022 IE=6.21 IE=5.48 IE=5.57 CONNECT 5" PVC `" 4. AN EXECUTED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT VENT LINE TO VENT SEE DETAIL FOR _4F BOT=5.70 BETWEEN THE MAINTENANCE PROVIDER AND PROPERTY HOLE IN OW5T OWTS COMPONENTS POURED INVERT I OWNER MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY PROVIDE GLEAN OUT AT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES (5GDH5) PRIOR TO FACE OF BUILDING 4' DIA. DISTRIBUTION BOX H16HE5T EXPECTED 6W EL=I.-7 APPROVAL OF THE I/A OWTS REGISTRATION BY THE a BOT EL 1.50 5CDH5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE I4 OF THE SUFFOLK m AIR LINE TO BLOWER PROVIDE END GAP LEVELING DEVICE (U555 LONG ISLAND DEPTH TO WATER VIEWER 2013 COUNTY SANITARY GODS. MDL#5L-4 MFG BY TUF-TITE OR INDICATES GROUND WATER AT ELEVATION 61) 5 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION(S) TO BE VERIFIED BY THE 500 GAL. I/A OWT5 APPROVED EQUAL FOR ALL SANITARY LEAGHIN6 GALLEY MDL. GEN-5 MFG. BY FUJIGLEAN USA DISTRIBUTION BOX OUTLET PIPES ARCHITECT. a TOTAL OF (b) GALLEYS 518 5F5WA JOB NO. 2020-0153 DWG. 2020_0153_bp 2 OF 2 DIRECTORY PLOT PLAN " CLIENT: PLOT PLAN LEGEND I 1 MR. &MRS.TONY VOURNOU SITUATED IN THE 77 SSET.NEW YO ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHHOLD 77 ME&F,NEW YORK 77791 BUILDABLE AREA ENGINEER SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK R SHATARAH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. RUDOLPH S.SHATARAH P.E. LONG I S LAND SOUND NON-BUILDABLE AREA 6500 JERICHO TURNPIKE 516 731-4687 R SLkQ .H covsuLTLNCF>,6nTrxs ec SYOSSEF,NY 11791 FAX 516 796-2744 NOTES: 6500 JE ICHO TURNPIKE • ALL INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM: ® SILT FENCE LOCATION SUITE tW LANDSCAPE DESIGNER U(516),31-468NY 1 SURVEY PREPARED BY TIE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE LIMIT LINE OF WORK TEL:(516)731-4687 CMA GROUP 631 675 6214 YOUNG&YOUNG HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED FAX(516)796-2744 2100 JOSHUAS PATH DATED:DEC.10,2020 BY US ON 11/25/20 TIE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE RUDOLPHORSCE-PC.COM S SHATARAH,P.E. HAUPPAUGE.NY 11788 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LOW WATER MARK AS LOCATED WWW.RSCE-PC.COM LAND SURVEYOR 400 OSTRANDER AVE.,RIVERHEAD NY 11901 _ f1140D28'S9"E BY US ON 11/25/20 200.04' F rle`w; YOUNG&YOUNG LAND SURVEYOR 631 727 2303 • FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL -----• - ------- _.______.___ ,�E.`„_ 400 OSTRANDER AVE. FAX 631 727 0144 -------------.-_ /r,- /� RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 NO.36103CD154H LAST UPDATED 9/25/2009 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER • VERTICAL DATUM=NAN DATUM(1988) � 3 CMA GROUP 631 675 6214Z 2100 JOSHUAS PATH FAX 631 675 0364 • ZONING USE DISTRICT=R-40 y HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788 0 • LOT AREA=58,936 S.F. 0 DRAWING LIST I_ BEACH o 1MIM PUM AK AN OF O 4 m Q� FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE Sam LLD THE PRWOBY M• A1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET tj 0 AS SCALED FROM FLOOD VU.B A1.1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN I N i INSURANCE MAPS IT 6 A MON OF SMODN 7=2 o Or TIE WW YORK SIRE LMEVON A1.2 PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DETAILS 20NE__,-yE(EL.1s) I I I mrsm v�w�ro A1.3 GENERAL NOTES A3 GENERAL NOTES ZONE CIF W O / ��NC SF AL CODE COMPLIANCE DETAILS v DMEIR 5 ATTM Is E Alum ao A A7.5 CODE COMPLIANCE EDGE OF BEACH GRASS �5- C DGNEEWAMN SHgL IW.FSDL AN By At.6 WINDOW&DOOR SCHEDULES a sF v SM A3.0 PROPOSED PILE FOUNDATION PLAN Q rQ I S �'---- 7t N TTERTHE N113MON SHNL BEOCW IND A SPE=DCMWIDN WBA A3,1 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN O •oe 'Ao �----� 'es L 3 A3.2 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN @ S A3.3 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN I S A3.4 PROPOSED OPEN AIR GAZEBO _` -- - _0 S 0 41 / T A4.0 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A 61 a (� O ti A4.OA PROPOSED ELEVATION -71 ~ , A4.1 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS O 0 � ' •o I I ,e (3 8 � O O S f A5.0 PROPOSED BUILDING SECTION 3 �O I I •�O t � ' A5.1 PROPOSED BUILDING SECTIONS A5.2 BUILDING SECTION DETAILS cr O 0017 I I O A5.3 ELEVATOR DETAILS fl) SIDE YARD MIN. T9 I I A6.0 FOUNDATION REFLECTED CEILING PLAN BEACH GRASS A6.1 FIRST FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN O •00. B I I J 01 A6.2 SECOND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN 'A I I IT A7.0 FOUNDATION POWER&COMMUNICATION PLAN SIDE YAR' MIN. (p A7.1 FIRST FLOOR POWER&COMMUNICATION PLAN (D 6 I I •a A7.2 SECOND FLOOR POWER&COMMUNICATION PLAN S1.0 PILE FOUNDATION STRUCTURAL PLAN AG 'yj �0 •O 9 A o S1.1 FIRST FLOOR STRUCTURAL PLAN S1.2 SECOND FLOOR STRUCTURAL PLAN I ��__--- •AJS Q \ rt O j s gm s w e I � •so � PROJECT LIMITING FENCE& I LL w J J' 0 HAYBALES ALONG LIMIT OF o 8Q ��i/ 50�-- 0 ? 'O e I I (() 00 CLEARING,GRADING AND I Q oOL O o /'tZ'�OQ O •� •o d I I N GROUND DISTURBANCE.SEE I LU y e TEST HOLE Qo C-� '� a 9 ; e ; I ;, DETAIL#4/A1-2. i V Q 0'n o N Qj BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE 0 8 •4'y I (p I W¢"=n DATE:06/17/06 @ OL 8 ? A I �� p w z < EL=6.45' 0.01 ��_ I ! o o o aI FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE 7 0I '6 W rrn N FPALE BROWN '0o FINE TO 6INSURANCE MAPS o=O •0yzCOARSE zr W3 z SAND o h(SW) ZONE VE(EL-13) 0POOL f ZUl W I GW=1.65' 4.6' ) i DRAWING ABBREVIATIONS ZONE AE(EL-12) 8j PROJECT: NAME WATER IN 2 STORY + S 00 _ _ _ _ I•S I j ' PALE BROWN FRAME •0 -- - `-_--�-- - - I. ( REVISIONS FINE TO A 61 'S S Y ! 2 STORY AWL AODTTIONLL IN. PEH(6) HOUSE .0 .� O I ALLOW. AUOWASLE Mo. 1F60 TGN COARSE .a A S + 0 Q I A9 I COC FRAME #DATE REVISIONS TIM. ALUImIW NORQ. HON60HTA SANG d '�� m W HOUSE 72BF12 ED PER 6URVEYO LH-.. BlD7(J2 fiEVLSf3)FFTiCOATA@fT5 AFT. ABOVE FVASH FLOOR HT. HEIGHTS S W tD W. BOARD WNW.SOL BARRIER JSTS. 'MMkNUFFACTURER ( � 17.0' �L' , a,mmmum0 s SAND, LOW BRUSH�tT9 OISTS ''o p BLL BEAM MIN MINMM i !y SCATTERED TREES i ! BTHRM. BATHROOM ML MIMIAI JOST o I CLO. CONTIG NOY. NOLOUL \J G CLOS CLOSET O.C. ON CONDI a@ @ F S S 11 L^ CONI. CONCRETE OP'G. OPENOO R CONC. CONCRETE PLYW0. PLYWOOD I S O 1 GA CORK CORRIDOR PROP. PROPOSED I . DILL MLBxvoN PTD. PANTED 1,775' TO KENNEY'S ROAD s ey a oA LL �1 1 DRAWING R0. ROUND -L----��'------- --------- -- ---J- - - ' -`- - - - --- - ---.._..__-- FA FAWN RLL ROOM .-__-_.-__--_-.._..-.-_-__--..- a". ELEVATION R.O. RDWH OPENING A S o L L Dw. DOSTO:G RED 0. REQUIRED y' S.,7t.�1�4 AA'Vf M-) �/Y l/Y IXT. DaMOR SR STEEL T v -7 -61 ttA 202 FAL FRESH AIR INTAKE ST.SR STATNSS STEEL A A A O AUG FIX FOUNDATION TV. TYPICAL FLPL FLOOR TWL THICK •jam •OQ .�� EOP 'A ; DATE CO MENT FT. FOGT/FEET U.OJL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 7T ISS 77 ; IANWARD LIMIT OF NATURAL B/+M2+ PROG SS PRINT FM MOMA•4. PROTECTIVE FEATURE AREA LINE v+4riz EDP COMMENTS FOOTM W/ WITH U L A 7t NORTH SEA DRIVE AS SCALED FROM COASTAL W.eo. GYPSUM BOARD V.T.R. VENT TO ROOF @ S EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP Southold Town Board of Trustees SYMBOLS LIST DE'0Il NUYfiER DOAL NUYBER --"- -------------- ------- PROJECT N0. 21J50-0D ��� DATE: 05.08-21 -X -_---- - I DRAWN BY: KJS DWS NUMBER DWG.NUMB RCHECKED BY; I t MUDDING SMMN/ELLYATGN sEC11DN DEfAL , IXSISTING PLOT PLAN SCALE: AS SHOWN SCALE 1•c 2OL0• NOTEFORCOMRACTUt { -O ALTRADES AREOBEGIEOTOREVIEW.NEFER TO ANO CIES UWfILIT KOFREOMW 6ETANDPROIECTAIANVA PACKAGE PMRTO BEOLNNINO ANY WORKANY DISCREPANLIE6 DUE TO A LACKOF C0.05SlIUDECOOROINATIINJ WRHTHE ENRRE DOCUMENT SET WRL OE REPAIRED.REPLACED OR RHNSTALLEO ATIHAT CONIMGTOR'6 SOLE EJ(PENBE ZONING INFORMATION PROPOSED PLOT PLAN ZONING CALCULATIONS L O N G I S L A N D S O U N D SITE PLAN LEGEND Igroup w,,��.NSW,,,oATTwNFx.,-•w�=�D,AEFORRF�IODRwoarA PROPOSED BUILDING DISTRICT R-40 REQUIRED SECTION TOTAL PROVIDED LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. 280 ATCH 1:1 58,936.00 S.F. CONFORMS THE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE LOT WIDTH 150.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 200.00 FT. CONFORMS HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED ® SILT FENCE LOCATION LOT DEPTH 175.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 296.57 FT. CONFORMS BY US ON 71/25/20 mNssint�.ATR,,A,R�APC H FRONT YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 67.83 FT. CONFORMS LIMIT LINE OF WORK 6500 J7LICH0 NRNPINE SIDE YARD 15.00 FT 280 ATCH 3:1 39.75 FT. CONFORMS SUITE IW AGGREGATE SIDE YARD 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 84.00 FT. CONFORMS N40D28'59"E TEL:(516)SY0SSE7731'4687 REAR YARD 50.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 186.75 FT. CONFORMS _ --_ 200.04 FAX(516)786-27H RUDOLPHORSCE-P000N ..-.--.---.------------�- RUDOLPH S SHATARAH.P.E MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: WWW'FtSCE-PC.COM LOT COVERAGE 20%(11,787.20 S.F.) 280 ATCH 3:1 16%(9,385.2 FT.) CONFORMS BUILDING HEIGHT 35.00 FT. 280 ATCH 3:1 35.00 FT. CONFORMS 3- NUMBER NUMBER OF STORIES 2 112 280 ATCH 3:1 2 CONFORMS '�:°.�•- `;�'��` FIRST FLOOR AREA: ° PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 2,231.7 S.F. O° BEACH " PROPOSED FRONT ENTRANCE IMPERVIOUS 662.8 S.F. ,'gip,• PROPOSED GARAGE 538.3 S.F. 0) w 4 PROP.FIRST FLOOR EXT.DECK 2,071.9 S.F. 0 a) FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE iv O MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA: ZONE VE(EL-16) AS SCALED FROM FLOOD 0 PROPOSED MASTER BEDROOM 655.7 S.F. INSURANCE RATE MAP IM Rus ARE AN P6TRRO L BE of ZONE VE _ SMVI E AM AfQ TIE PRaRRR OF (EL-13) -�_ PRoDOM 7¢MTrm ..................„...............,. R 6 A 1NIX R UTE ]7m2 SECOND FLOOR AREA: 1,924.2 S.F. EDGE F BEACH GRASS -`5� I THE rEr OI N,Ul l moH �1 w R7L AM(POISON,Dm[a TIEY 0 _ Lc /CIYC IP0p1 ppFDIGI W A &7m A PmlI N Pt D. F TD O `--- _-.--._,��--�_ ALTD7 NK RE11 N N!!NW. i ANP 4,811.6 S.F. DDmot a UTO, Temic xTmNc COMPLETE FLOOR AREA TOTAL �QANTu OF m Ly .ye s S�9 s �'- .- �_ " 012M 9WL ARM HIS 4N.M A WIXM'ALTERED BY FOULDIND BY HS SEWURE AND 09E Or SUCH OPEN AIR GAZEBO 0 ALTDLDDN AND A SUM DLY WMN LOT COVERAGE-BREA DO qq 0 M ALTIRM sll E mum DWELLING(WOOD FRAME 2,444.9 S.F. L/ q$ x 6 •rQ tb W/STAIRS TO GRADE _ M ) Aa RAISED DECK 1,218.8 S.F. AND STORAGE BELOW ea 7 x I (NO WATER/SEWER) POOL 521.6 S.F. •' I ' CATWALK ABOVE GAZEBO 127.9 S.F. O Q GAZEBO STORAGE 110.6 S.F. C B'o 8 'a I GRADE O \ CAT WALK 203.6 S.F. 3 G x x I x., 7 � , x e l x CATWALK W/PILING l FRONT ENTRY STEP SYSTEM 662.8 S.F. 0 ?oy, - _ 0 °r .s SUPPORTS y 0 I DRIVEWAY + 4,095.3 S.F. DASHED LINE OF -9 •Z BEACH GRASS I SECOND FLOOR 0 M m PROPOSED POOL R i LOT COVERAGE TOTAL (16%)9,385.2 S.F. BALCONY ABOVE 8 I m PROVIDE ACCESS TO O O LOT AREA 58,936.00 S.F. go mg ' x x + POOL DRAIN FOR x MAINTENANCE. m ~ DASHED LINE OF I I x < (� o .� s BFT.DIA.X 4FT. l `�� DEEP SWIMMING AMOUNT OF FILL REQUIRED 270.00 CY. O.H.ABOVE. ' � _--___-_-___ 9 _J \ � 3 (FILL TO BE CLEAN BANK-RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FROM APPROVED UPLAND SITE) �e e� - _ - - \ POOL BACKWASH f7 SPIRAL STAIR �- _ -Q 7 SYSTEM. FROM ABOVE. i� i - ---- °i Q) BUILDING AREA: i ;•.,T L•� ,�_ \ POOL EQUIPMENT Q N -r •? - x LOCATED UNDER DECK 0 FIRST FLOOR 2,231.7 S.F. rt (n i ens ! ��^^�•T I x GROUND LEVEL o MASTER SUITE FLOOR 655.7 S.F. �� \ (' i s ( ) x SECOND FLOOR 1,924.2 S.F. V `' _ a . x i y - ,Pa RESIDENTUIL BACKUP 0 ! o}m i x ; ------' _• I I N UNDER DECKLOCATED rt j Z m J _ eGENERATOR SCHEDULE FOR OPEN SPACE AS PER 280 ATTACHMENT 6 + 5 ' - ® •• •d - M'- 5 PROPOSED 1200 GAL. LL r SIZE OF LOT(<15 AC) 58,936.00 1.35 AC CONFORMS ter•' -••-•••-••••-•••••'•' -• - - .�- o O }78 6g MINIMUM OPEN SPACE 20% 000.0 S.F. CONFORMS m - - - ��: ,P I (O m UNDERGROUND I w MINIMUM SET BACK 30 000.0 FT. CONFORMS ' ' PROPANE TANK QW MINIMUM BUFFER 20 000.0 FT. CONFORMS LIMIT OF cr d c� 7 co - - ,NAt,,,;; .:,L•,;< -,; I RAISED DECK STEPS j LU y ~ PROPOSED FILL coNRL } ':` `:'t` - „+.,..,A' ¢•-,,,. ••`t, a I ( d v o wN a „g ) &RAILING TO GRADE j U o n o fA APPROX.890 C - ... ,re, Zo�=o v FD Loa Lae 9 .,..,. Ik: ....".'•. x PROPOSED 2-STORY W S cl xin a +8.7 y._ I.""•^a-_...",.•. FRAMED DWELLING 0 w Z P-E UJ ZONE VE(EL-13)`I s sx o x i I y m fA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE PANEL No. 36103CO154H LAST UPDATED: 9,25.2009 Loa Loa ---_Y1too 71.36 I on, I ': 8.DECK ON WOOD PILES. W roti a ZONE AE EL-12 + os ( '; (F.F.EL.:16.75) D:o LL D_ ( ) +8.5 6.2s w I y j o=oh O v �1 s' +7.5 +7.36 µi+74 s'Po FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE AS Z m y Fo o O_ I SUBJECT LOT: 1925 NORTH SEA ROAD,SOUTHOLD Is _ -� I G in CONC. SCALED FROM FLOOD SECTION:54 BLOCK:04 LOT(S):227 m s (9 'sa ALL INSURANCE RATE MAP ! PROJECT: DRE° ZONING:RESIDENCE'R-40'DISTRICT 1000 m '3 s ° •° c s>2 I x ; I NOTES I�il 9 N ! +75 +7.3 a� +6.2 v y +7 I. x'`P,r PROJECT LIMITING FENCE 8 REVISIONS • ALL ZONING REFERENCES PER ZONING CODE OF THE m -1 ! 6 ' .3 s a HAYBALES ALONG LIMIT OF #DATE REVISIONS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N Z 1 +7.3 ss CLEARING,GRADING AND rzan2 SED PER SURVEY c g GROUND DISTURBANCE.SEE &0=REvLsEDPaLcowAwm a THE UNDISTURBED PORTION OF THE SITE SHALL BE >m s ss 6O I MAINTAINED AS A UNDISTURBED BUFFER. < 3 s °^� +7.5 I y, DETAIL#4/A7-2. +6.g -6.8 $ 1 ss I 1 775'TO KENNEYS ROAD - e.......... .?;8.'_ .. 17.8.'.`.. d ....*7 46 + _a__. ........... _...k,_.._............_.._..._..._..._..........._.._..._..._.._.._..._..._. _ ? 00. 01 s A� EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT � +7.2 �o i EOP BTESTDHOLEE s-- ss v a'sa EXISTING UNDERGROUND -WATER MAIN - $ -- - ",s1. DATE:05/11/06EL=6.43' 0.01 N O R T H S E A D R I V E •� - _-- (yamISSUE PALE BROWN 'E-�- E COMMENT FINE TO ,� PROPOSED SITE PLAN 4� ��(///IF% p SCALE 1•=20'-O' LANDSCAPE BOULDERS 19 1 1 PROGRESSPRINT COARSE SAND Fa PLANTINGS fl2 EVIEEO PER COMM (S"Q - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - - - -------------------------- GW-1.65' 4.g' '<' WATER IN ({Jl 1 f()r1 _ rj 2O2 PALE BROWN I I IJ FINE TO I I COARSE P OJECT No. 21350-00 SAND ! ! -- DTE: 05-08-21 (SW) ! ! - Southold Town D WN BY: KJS 11'0' j i Board of Trustees: c ECKED BY: SCALE: AS SHOWN I OTE FORCONTRACT TRADESARE REQUIREDTO REVIEW.REFER TO ANDaE IESD EW THE ENTIREDRAWINGGET CANDPROJECTMPNUAL j QACNAOE PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK ANY DISCREPANCIES DUE TO A WCK OF CROSSTRADE COORDWATON WITN THEAl ENURE DOCUMEM SET WILL DE flEPNRED.flEFUCED OR REJNSTALIEDATTNAT CONTRACTORS SOLE ExPFNSE ` � 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 1�I 14-' • 8.-11. 8'-111" 4'- 6•-2}" 6'-0U" 12'-74" � 12'-7j" � 6'-C7j" 6'-2j" 16'-2}" I � I 7'-2- 16 e oa h CONCRETE FTG. R SHATARAH [ONSULY"O ENGLNFIAS.P.0 HEATER 6800,ERICHO TURNPIKE I I I I I I I I I I I III GINE,W I I A T TD1791 :Y(5516) --NY 14687 IEN. PROPOSED FAX(516)796-2744 UP POOL UP Pu No:2 POOL ROUP' RUll S.SRSCE- .-POM I 1006 I I RUDGLPH S SHATARAN,P.E iV P Nat WAWflSCE-PC.COM I III III 1 ALTER •� I PSE LAP I [• I GENERA RESIDENTIAL `. CONCRETE FTG I I GENERATOR GENERATOR e — — — — — — — - - — - 12•-8�5' 9'-0' 12•-0" UPPER LEVEL MASTER BRFAJ(AWAY W000 WALL PER I g •I BEDROOM BALDONY 6'DIA FEW TECHNICAL BUUEM 9. 8 1n SPIRAL STAIR TO GRACE FIGURE 1J&TABLE 1A DECK ABOVE I THESE RA6 AIR AN NSTkApR a SERVICE AID ARL INC PEMFORR'OF TIE DONEEILPINIRING"WILL BE � rt IS A MtlA1WX a SCMN 7219] Y'IIIL`\III+`\/y/IFV\/' R ti THE MEN YM SM EDUCUM POOL DECK w FON G PERSON,CMI THEY yl ABOVE I ARE POFE'�S9dML�BERM TO ALTER ANY IIEY N ANY W. E ANY UPS\ INGINECIR IS IDIOT 71E AUp2NN UNE OF BALL(#Tf ABOVE y SPIRAL SWR TO MASTER BFN a/»c TIE sm off NN XOMTION'ALTERED Dr.FOLLOWED W vJ BALWltt ABOVE OURRIE OF 811111XNC M SIM ATI)HIS SUL AND a AOI HS OF THE°NAT�OA 9WL a P SCREEN WALL EXTERIOR PRNAC'Y SCREEN WALL E —� _ — - - — — ��— ,�._ �, I IDR — -QQ -® — Q— — ,•--- — — • 11 i I I O m BATH UNE OF FOOTING I J ® > I PROPOSED m YEW®Y - I OROPDBED I I I I I ° - '-1 I_ If— W000 FRAMED STAIR n STORAGE ROOY p.O SUB RN.FULL UNE OF BALCONY ABOVE I O OMOE 1$ rI ® — UNE OF WASTER .O sd' i�EL(11.00'I 1 (4•CONE.SUB M RR) BEDROOM ABOVE I _ �2 TAR fNRA1:E _ Rup ,� Y}-CLOS. © (4-OM FWL M) ELEVATOR AWT O•HT.TALL GATE W/SELF OO'=� T I CLOSWG HARDWARE-O - — LINE OF O.H.GARAGE DOOR G.N.UNE OF CANTILEVER 3 m — O O O J — — — — — — — — -IELLVATDR) — E• -- BUOD NG ALiOVE Z Z II TI ow o IMM I, EOERgDY OF ABD I I SD ILII l ' O 02 ooo rr-L W¢(4' STAB M FUEL) aWi Z j f II..I II I DEYMDN A i I EL f1s.8B' UP FROM "E ALL 1W UTS 10 MA �Z=O SCREEND °MN STORM Z 7 Z Z o Q Lu O Z�fIIFO �a 1 -TiIITII EU 47 1 PROJECT: DRAWING z -Y NAME REVISIONS n #DATE REVISIONS WALL AND DOOR LEGEND: UNE OF RADNS WALL ABOVE 7RBR2 RAISED PER SURVEYO NEW 6'POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL-SEE 9D2lf2 ®F� �S GENERAL NOTES B DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 18'WIDE(5 PANEL)OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR WITH DOUBLE-WIDE ANOMM '::�•:i:• ALUMINUM(COLOR:NNIfE)MATH EQUAL PANEL SPACING&3•INSMATED NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION(ONE-HOUR FIRE RATED) GLASS-SOLAR BW WHT(CLASS:WHITE LAAINAIID)ARGON FD1ED(R-1.125) 2x4 WD.STUDS @ 1G O.C.W/2•SOLID WD.BLKING AT YANUF.BY WAYNE DALTON GARAGE DOORS OR EOWI.(NOTE WE TO wow INTERMEDIATE WALL HEIGHTS AND ONE LAYER OF518TYPE'X' OF DOOR-REQUIRED FRAME SIZE SHALL BE 6'MIN.)TRACK&BRACKETS SHEETROCK FINISH ON BBA SIDE THIS IS TO INCLUDE THE FOUNDATION NOTES TO BE HFAW-DUTY.PROVIDE SDE MOUNT GARAGE DOOR OPENER.SMART ENTIRE GARAGE CEILING(1)LAYER OF 5f8- U 8•TYPE W SHEETROCK 1. SEE FIRST FLOOR PN FOR TYPE AND LOCATION OF SHEEtR WALL GARAGE DOOR OPENER W/BACKUP BATTERY-MWUF.BY GENIE SIGNATURE NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION 2x4 WD.STUDS @ 16' HOLO DOWNS. SERIES-ULTRA D.C.W/112 SHEETROCK FINISH ON BOTH SIDES.SEE PLANS F1EVAlION 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND LNSPECT THE POINT OF THE FOR VARIATION IN WALL THICKNESS. EL:411.]6' CONTACTAT FOUNDATION SUPPORTING COLUMNS AND GIRDERS FOR CRACKS OR OTHER DEFICIENCIES AND ADVISE ENGINEER OF `. '. NEW B•CMU BLOCK FOUNDATION WALLANYISSUE. 3. THE BOTTOM SURFACE OF STEPPED FOOTINGS SHALL NOT W� INTERIOR DOOR E%CEEDASLOPEGREATERTHANIO%ASPERREQUIRWEWSOF 2 I V '1 ISSUE d0.T.1.5 IIFJ� L1VIJ YpF'�"'� 4. BOTTOMOFALLEXTERIORFOOTINGSSHALLBE PLACEDATLEAST DA COMMENT INTERIOR POCKET DOOR 12'BELOW THE UNDISTURBED GROUND SURFACE AS PER 403.1A. 6110 PROGRESS PRINT S. CONTRACTORSHALL VERIFY THE DEPTH AT UNEXCAVATED AREAS 1/14 REVISED PER COMMENT SD/CM COMBINATION SMOKE B CARBON ANDANYFOUNDATION AND FOOTING SUPPORTING ANY NEW O MONOXIDE DETECTOR STRUCTURE AND VERIFY IF THE THICKNESS AS SPECIFIED AND INDICATES LOCATION OF POST LOADING ABOVE ALL DGRAEPTRIO rrHSPFOOTGISATTHERE FOOnUIRED DEPTH(MIN.3'BELOW { AS /�/� POSTS SHALL BE FASTENED TOGETHER 11111'DIA. AND%YABISPREADTSHAPED FOOTINGS NOTIFY THE OWNER �I III_ - 5 2022 O J J AND ENGMEER OF CONDTITONS. AUG LL LAG BOLTS@ 24.O.C. 6. WHERE A SLAB ON GRADE IS SUPPORTED ION BACKFILL.THE FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED IN LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING S'TOAT LEAST 95%OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY PERASTMD-15578 FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE LIMITED TO WELL GRADED SAND OR SAND AND GRAVEL PROJ TND. 21.950-00 MIXTURE WITH LEGS THAN 10-15%FINES PASSING THE NUMBER 200 STAVE AND A MAXIMUM GRAVEL SIZE OF W Southold Town DATE: 05-08-21 7. PROVIDE PERIMETER RIDGED INSULATION FOR ALL FOUNDATION (EXCEPTGARAGE)-SEEDETAIL Board of Trustees DRAW BY: KJS B. PROVIDER!'TIRKEXPANSIONJOIW-PRE-MOULOEDFILLERW/ CHECKED BY: JOINTSEALANTWHERE SLAB MEETS THE FOUNDATION WALL SCALE: AS SHOWN PROPOSED PILE FOUNDATION PLAN 9. ALL NEW CONCRETE FOOTINGS TO BE POURED CONCRETE WffHA MINIMUM OF 3500 PSI.FOOTINGS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON NOTE FOR CONTRACTOR SCALE 1/4'c 1'_0° UNDISWRBEDVIRGWSOILWITHAMINNUMOFT' BELOWTHE ALTRADESAREREOUIREOTOREVIEW.REFERTOAIOBEFA UARWRHTHE ENTIREDRAWNGSETANDPROJECTMANUAL ��--0 AVERAGE GRADE PACKAGE PRIOR TO SEGIWNO ANY WORK ANY DISCREPANCIES DUE TOA UCN OF CROSSTRADE COaROWAnON WIND THE ENRRE DOCUMENT SET WILL BE REPAIRED.REDUCED OR RNNSTALLED ATTHAT CONTRACTOR'S SOLE EXPENSE W WALL AND DOOR LEGEND: FIRST FLOOR PLAN NOTES: BATHROOM FINISH NOTES: 1. TYPICAL NEWSHEARWALL CORNER HOLDOWNS SHALL BE BY NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION 214 WD STUDS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE NO.HDU4 WITH AN ALLOWANCE LOAD" 1. IN BATHROOMS USE 7/16•THK CEMENT BD.ONWALLSADJACENTTO 16.D.C.W/1R SHEETROCK FINISH ON BOTHSIDES. 7,870 LOS/EA(OR EQUAL).SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR LOCATION OF SHOWERS AND TUBS A I7 THK MOISTURE RESISTANT GYP.BD.ON SEE PLANS FOR VARIATION IN WALL THICKNESS. HOLDOWHS. REMAINDER OF WALLS&CLG. SHEIARWALLLOCATION 2, PR OVIDECONTINUOUSWOODHEADERACROSSOPEMNGSTO WINDOWNOTES: CMAgrou SHEAR WALL AT OPENINGS WITHIN Y4)'OF WALL SEE PLANS 8 NEWS'POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL SEE GENER WINDOW/DOOR SCHEDULES FOR HEADER SIZE B LOCATIONS. NOTES B DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL WFORMATION 1. ALLGLAZING INSTALLED IN HA7ARDOUS LOCATIONS AS DEFINED IN ••x NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTTUON(ONE-HOUR FIRE 3. TYPICAL STEEL COLUMNS OF REQUIRED)SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED SECT.R308A OF MY STATE BLDG.CODE SHALL BE W COMPLIANCE W/ $� RATED)2x4 WD.STUDS CO 16'O.C.W/2'SOLID W0. IN GENERAL NOTES STEEL NOTES.VERIFY EXAM LOCATION S SECTION R308 GLAZING. SUN GAT INTERMEDIATE WALL HEIGHTS AND ONE ALL FO TI COLUMN IN THE FIELD.SEE FOUNDATION PLAN FOR LAYER OF BIB TYPE 7C SNEETROCK FINISHONEA.SIDE ALL FODTINGS�S. WWDOWS TOSS VHIGH ALUE RFORMANCE.SKYTYPE,NF RC CERTIFIED WITH V'FACTOR VALUE OF.35 OR LESS.SKYLIGHTS TO BE HIGH NEWEKTERIOR WALL 4. PROVIDE FULL DEPTH SOLID WD.BLOCKING UNDERALL WOOD PERFORMANCE LOW-E TYPE,NFRC CERTIFIED WITH UFACTOR OF,45 RSHATARAH 2x6 WD,STUD 416.O.C.W/2 IN THICK SOLID WD.BI-1(AT POSTS ENSURING TRANSFER OF LOADS TO FOUNDATION B OR LESS. [ONSULTB:GETGLNEFI2S.P.C. INTERMEDIATE WALL HEIGHT PER SHEAR WALL DETAIL). FOOTINGS. R-19 BATT.WSULATION&1R DRYWALL FINISH ON INTERIOR 2 ALL GLAZING AND ASSEMBLIES SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION M09 6500 JEJ'DCHO TURNPIKE SIDE.PROVIDESMIN.PLYWD SHEATHING,TYVEK BUILDING E. DOUBLE WOOD JOIST UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS A UNDER OF THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. SUITE IW WRAPBWALLFINISKSEEMATERIALSPO BATHTUBS-SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ADOMONAL FRAMING PROW DE SAFETY GLAZING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS(PARTIAL LIST, SYOSSET.NY 11791 REOUIREMENTS- SEECODEFORAODITIONALLOCATIONS); TEL'(516)731-4687 INTERIOR DOOR GLAZWG WITHIN BATHTUBS,STEAMROOMS,SHOWERS.AND 8. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT SHORING OF NEW WALLS 9 FLOORS OR ALL UNITS LESS THEN IB•A.F.F. FAX.(516)796-2744 BEFORE ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING OPENINGS ANDIOR WALL RUDOIPMLIRSCE-PGCOY REMOVALS.DO NOT MOVE SHORING FURTHER FROM THE FLOOR L NEWWWDOWLOCATIONSSHALLBEFRAMEDW/JACKBKWGSTUDS RU DOLPH S.SHATARAH,PM �=INTERIORPOCKETOOOR REMOVAL THAN ACTUAL HEIGHT(DEPTH)OFTHE FLOORJOIST. ANDNEWHEADER AS INDICATED W LOCATIONS SHOWN ON M'WA'.RS<£- DRAWINGS ALL OTHER WINDOWS ARE CONSIDERED REPLACEMENT W SD/CM COMBINATION SMOKE&CARBON 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL FUR NISH&INSTALL 6/8'FIRE RATED GYPSUM WINDOWS,CUSTOM SIZED TO FIT WITHIN EXISTING OPENINGS. 0 MONOXIDE DETECTOR BOARD ON EACH SIDE OF 2 x B STUDS(U.L DESIGN P U30D)ATALL WBEAND CEIUE6RANJG HOUSE FROM REMAWMG INDICATESLOATIONOFPOSTLOADING LL WHERE PLICABL POS SBEFASTENEDTOGETHERWI)S'DW LAC BOLTS®z4•o.c. -+ I PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL WRLL HDSGGHR \ / CLADDE :, '- 106 1 TO MATCH RESIDENCE h BLIJE5TONE COUNTERTOP W/5 BURNER BMLT W PROPANE GAS GRDL 116'-7�" THESE PLANS NE AN WTRIIIQR OF SER) AM ARE THE PROPERIT OF M BONER NRNCDENT WLL BE PROI R LSA I'OJTLIN Of SELIp 72m] 23'-11" 21'-O" 36'-2" 16-3" Of THE�W'you���� 21 2FF 1X 1W 1V tU PROPOSE '""FOR PERSONA UNLESS TREY UPPER LEVEL MASTER ®CI( ARE/CRA HOER WISDOM OF A BEDROOM BALCONY V GA 2'-9" 4'-9" 4'-9" 4'-9" 6'-11" -10� 3-1D4" 4'-9" 4'-9" 3• 1 - o PROPOSED COMPOSITE 7-e' — — — UQ16ED PRO IN AN FAY. IF Y N3FA ANY DEM N AIR WAY, FAIN SPIRAL STAIR TO GRADE z WEE STAIR A NANUTAI. F (DDXMC FIR FNA) OASLED M—NAGTE9— IBM lt/BMA' ER M Ci AN DOWN m CRAM OF B,ALGDITT DECK ABO.t BAi®R B L*711, S LAND O D!4®R SHNL AETW MB SEAL NC A MOIRE Bf.E 0, Br &7 SONRIE SP WE ai SA21 atElwDll AIC A sro6x 06QZmmM ai TIE:A073WE 1 S1VL BE IBRD. I e i6'-�^ ��-1�^ 16'-1D" '-10' I 51-6" - [N 1 1L 1K 1J 11 �i 10'-4" lY I .�1� 3,_1�. 4'_9. 3,_7�. 1,-1�2_0^ In i••\. PRIVACY SCREEN WAIL 1S ' g'iR 4=7 a" 10 4�^ 1P 4'_�^ 1N 241 PROPOSED MASTER BALCONY SD/Ly I (�n -7�- "� PRIMACY SCREEN t<SHADE VAu 51.8'AZG s10N0 nt(EU-.21.7{1) PROPOSED 1G BD OXWU.xEWTfT OTHER 1 (191.7 SF.) MASTEIi�GEoau M �� Ea EKED TO ID Uk O 1201 I FAINLY�iT°Y OB M FASTF}dO TD f094L (WOOD FN.FIR) 11m I •� EGOD PAINO. -I N (8-:.21.05) (WOOD PK RR) p i0 IlF1 tV 21'-5" PROPOSED 1- (O G 1D ROOM 3'-S'WIDE DEC K STAIR Sc e (WOOD FIN RR.) 4 HANDRAR TO GRADE. m o N 6'-4" °n z PROPOSE 7// OOIE 00 ?,m Q 2,-9„2LL 3- `o El ❑ u w o 4'-O” I 1FN.FUA WOOD FRAMED STAR O U w Q4 56'-11 ) DO 4-5 1 1'- 4'-r KE TAA GATE W/SEF ¢o IJ :I ® "o B �(��a CLBSDIG HARDWARE W N o O 11' 10" Of''-5 I 6'-2" Spey ON P,OP0.5N LJ• V a m w O V N z 0 O o " PROPOSE (ELEVATOR) (WOE FlR RR) f p¢m>,_PROPOSED ¢ () i0 MSTR BATH 1 I �� LOSFT ° y Z W .I (TUE ) m I (WOOD R11 RR) (8.: 7195) FID19 LU maox 1,I) (pOOp FM FIR) cr¢O y FQ- O 10 (EL:M75) SD/�Y 12--0-1 �I O=0 UP I V °N 1F W Z Z z O o ppgp Z �� ti U 1 PROJECT: OEG z 2'-(1"2'-0" 1 '-9" 2'-0" 4'-0. -1" -10' C::1 OWOOC FN-FUR.) a 1C 1E REVISIONS 22'-6 1A in PROPOSE N DATE REVISIONS 3'-6" 9'-4" 4'-1" 9'-4" 4'-0" PoWD�E _ UP 7M8122EDPFRSURVEYO ElEYAlO1W_J�_ (TEF IFW1I-] FU) O7 ®BHT NOM REVISEDPERCOMMENTS FL.18,48' (WOOD FDL FUR) OPEN TO BELOW 1D >_ I- 5P x e AM S[IKG SD. AID(VflBEA(LH2IE. Y TOFASTENED 014R WITFFRPRROOFIC MEMBRANE PFUA WINDOWS DOORS NBYNUY (\p^J_/ 1gy��1�/'/p �1�L���'' aAa mUOR W14R v `T &=� D COMMENT ISSUE I 1 PROGRESS FRONT EIEYATCN ZREVISED PER COMMENT EL•111.38' AUG - 5 2022 PRO ECT No. 21-350-00 Southold Town DA 05-08.21 Board of Trustees DPAIVN BY: KJS , CHECKED BY:PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: AS SHOWN SCALE 11/4'=1'-0' NOTEFORCONTRACTOR: ,,,((( ALL TRADES ARE REQUIRED TD REVIEW,REFER TO AND BE FAM&IAR WITH THE ENTIRE DRAWING SET AND PROJECT MANUAL /\ PACKAGE PRIOR TOBEGINNING ANY WORKANY DISCREPANCIES DUE TOALACK OFCROSSTRADECOORDINATION MATHTHE //-j`J ENTIRE DOCUMENT SET WILL BE REPAIRED.REPLACED OR RZANSTALLED AT THAT CONTRACTORS SOLE EXPENSE • WALL AND DOOR LEGEND: SECOND FLOOR&ATTIC LEVEL PLAN NOTES: BATHROOM FINISH NOTES: 1, TYPICAL NEWSHEARWALLCORNER HOLDOWNSSMALL BEBY LIGHT&VENTILATION SCHEDULE NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION W WD.STUDS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE NO.HDU4 WITH AN ALLOWANCE LOAD- 1. IN BATHROOMS USE 7/16'THK CEMENT BD.ON WALLS ADJACENT TO 16'O.C.W/12 SHEETROCK FINISH ON BOTH SIDES. 7,870 LBS f (OR EQUAL).SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR LOCATION OF SHOWERS AND TUBS fl 1?THK MOISTURE RESISTANT GYP.BD.ON SEE PLANS FOR VARIATION IN WALL THICKNESS. HOEDOWNS. REMAINDER OF WALLSflCLG. COMPLIANCE AS PER SECTION R303.1 OF THE BUILDING CODE OF N.Y.STATE j2232Z SHEAR WALL LOCATION 2 PR VIDE SHEAR WAL AT/OPENIGSUOUS OWITHIN 3'-0'OD HEADER rF WALL SEEOSS IPLANSfl NGS TO WINDOW NOTES: MIN.REQUIRED ACTUAL ( 1 1 WINDOWIDDOR SCHEDULES FOR HEADER SIZE 8 LOCATIONS. B-POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL 1. ALL GLAZING INSTALLED IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS DEFINW HABITABLE ROOMS ROOM AREA LIGHT(8%) VENT(4%) LIGHT VENT REMARKS BEE GENERALNOTESfl DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL 3. TYPICAL STEEL COLUMNS OF REQUIRED) BE AS SPECIFIED SECTIONR3013.4 MOB OF NY STATE BWG.CODE SHALL BEW COMPLIANCE Wf W GENERAL NOTES STEEL NOTES.VERIFVEXACTLOCA'RONfl sEcnoN R3DB GLA7INO. MASTER BEDROOM 331.8 SF 26.5 SF 13.3 SF 169.2 SF 56.4 SF CONFORMS INFORMATION HEIGHT OF COW MN IN THE FIELD.SEE FOUNDATION PLAN FOR ALL FOOTING SAES. 2. WINDOWS TO BE HIGH PERFORMANCE LOW�TYPE,NFRC CERTIFIED NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION(ONE-HOUR FIRE WITH'U'FACTOR VALUE OF.35 OR LESS.SKYLIGHTS TO BE HIGH PROP.BEDROOM#1 154.2 SF 12.3 SF 6.2 SF 75.8 SF 15.8 SF CONFORMS RATED)24 WD.STUDS C IVD.C.W/2'SOUD WD. 4. PROVIDE FULL DEPTH SOLID WLOW{TYPE.BLOCKING UNDER ALL WOOD PERFORMANCE LOWTYPE.NFRC CERTIFIED WITH V FACTOR OF RSHATARAH BLKINGATINTERMEDIATE WALLHEIGHTSANOONE POSTS ENSURING TRANSFER OF LOADS TO FOUNDATION B A50RLESS LAYER OF 5/8 TYPE 0C SHEETROCK FINISH ON EA SIDE FOOTINGS. PROP.BEDROOM#2 230.4 SF 18.4 SF 9.2 SF 112.8SF 15.8 SF CONFORMS [ONSIILTWG ENGW'FFFR,P.C. 3. ALLGLCEINGANDASSEMBLIES SHALLCOMPLYWITHSECTIONRT08 6500.RTOCHO NITS IW NEW EXTERIOR WALL S. DOUBLERS.SEE GENERAST L NOTES FOR ADLTIONALONSflUNDER OF THE OVIDE SAFETY GT.BUILDING THE FOLLOWING INGYREAS(PAR ATINTESTUD EDIATE AD.C.W/2 IN THICK SOLID LLHEIGHT(APRSHEAD.OLKAL BATH REQUIRBB.SEEGENERALNOTESFORADDITIONALFRAMING PROVIOESAFETYGLAZINOLLOCAMLLOWINGAREAS(PARTIALLIST, PROP.GUEST 230.4 SF 16.4$F 9.2$F 163.2 SF 30.6 SF CONFORMS sYo516L31-468 AT WTE.R-19BTWALLHEIGHT(ASPERYWALL WALL REQUIREMENTS. SEECOOEFINGWITNBANALTHOUBS,ST); TEL ONINTERIOR IDEPROIADEWNfl PLYWDSALLFINISHTHING • GLAZING WRHW BATHTUBS,A.F.F.AMROOM9,5MOWERS,AG AX- (516)796-4687 TYVEK UWIN WPROVIOE3/CO ALLFI SHEATHING, 8. BEFORENI-ARSUFFICIENTSHOF EXITINEW OWALLSB FLOORSWALL ALL UNITS LESS THEN IB'AFF. MATERIAL SP NGWRAPfl STUCCO WALL FINISH.SEE BEFOVALS.D NOT E SHORING AND/OR WALL FAX 518 786-27H MATERIAL SPECS. REMOVAL 71HA NOT MOVE SXORWEPTH)O THE ORJOIS. 0. NEWWWHEADECAIS INDICATED IN LOCATIONS CATIO S JAOKN KING STUDS RUDGPHORST£-PC,COM REMOVAL 7HAN ACTUAL HEIGHT(DEPTH)OF THE FLOORJOIST. AND DRAWINGS ALL OTHER ARE CONSID REDSHOWNRE LA RUOaPH S.SHATARAH,P.E. DRAWINGS.ALL OTHER WINDOWS ARE CONSIDERED REPLACEMENT NWR.RSCE-PGCOY 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISHfl INSTALL 6R'FIRE RATED GYPSUM WINDOWS,CUSTOM SIZED TO FIT WITHIN EXISTING OPENINGS. INTERIOR DOOR BOARD ON EACH SIDE OF 2,B STUDS ILL-DESIGN#U309)AT ALL ILINPUETING MOUSE FROM REMAINING HOUSE WHERE WHEREAPASU INTERIOR POCKET DOOR /�a`� _ ?i i�I SDICM COMBINATION SMOKE 6 CARBON O MONOXIDE DETECTOR INDICATESLOCAITCH OF POST LOADING ABOVE ALLPOS Ora. ❑ LAG BOLTS BE FASTENED TOGETHER Wf�'010. LAG BOLTS�24'O.C. 6 21'-0" 1T-1}" 21'-D}" ls'-s^ 5'-6" V-c" IN=PMNS ARE w WIRMDU OF SA1'IDE fun NS TIE PROPERTY a 2Z 2X 2W 2V 2U 2S 2R 2Q 2P 20 23. 2K O TLE ■L BE -1PROSIODAEOL 01 3'-10q" 4'-9° 4'-9" 3'-101^ -10� -11" 4'-1a" 4-_g" 4'-11" 2'-1a" 2'-7" 4'-g" 3'-9° 4'-4j" 3', 2'-19' '-101 3'-10j" 4'-g^ 3-10�" 11'-10}2'-0" R B A VOLITION a SECIDN 72OU a FO IB.R YOR(STATE NI.Y)VIW W EGL NTT PER D lNOSS THEY ARE lED GODi 0F8'DIGN a A LC3® PDIN IN0KY Ey. F 10 AL7TA N7T DEI N NK INT. fm I. DIN a.mi V6n u Sa AK - DeB N.1FRD, llE KTP4N D CHEER SKNL NiA 16 SB1L Nn A NI0G11DN•ALTER➢Cf.f000ND E )8S SCLOGB ND WE a SCI 21-i AVIDLNIDi 00 A SFEOs10 IKSG✓pipl 1`N BALCONY a 11E N1DMInN 51NLL BE NOTED, •I I3 101.x¢IaBO'h (253.5 SF OH AaBWE in L eo -I 21 E-n9EDR io- 2 RBVACr SC_RDI t SHOE HOKI OPEN TO BELOW ® 2H ru'yy6E sODO (OM M RPL) m.TYR)¢.KLYVTr ODOR ROP05ED m TIP.)Icr,,.��lr PROPPOOISED LNRED�A1ti "r'�' FASTENED TO IVDA. I Po ) • ►Doo P6In. RKFLL(WOOD FIR RR.) f7K FIR) 4 AREA OF MASTER ° Yo BEDROOM. SEE A3-1 54/1 0 o vl FOR LAYOUT V RX1P ALccts so��rl 0 Z rD LADDER BOUNDED TO SCE VAIN ro �J SD�Mr.-a © ❑ ❑ U' 3 m J ACCESS�Oi XA1CN ABO E. ® Z'v 15'-7" ® 11 Q N o v d w w CL H N j IL ON •i '03° 4'-0^ - 7'-7j"-M1 4'-7j" - Zo o o -n -rn FIEVATOR W 2'x ��� �m z W dox-r 15'-7" 1T-01" 4'_0• 4'-1{75 12-1PROPOSED (L''of LL F N FOYER O150�M iv O=O CL ��) 3'-0" 14'-10" < 13'-Ci 9-�6^ VDN 2G 3 Z 3 O W'" PROPOSEDPRO OSLO -Z r'QON 1 U � I . OTODo FIR) PROJECT: NAME u 2'-0" 4'-0" _14' (Ntoo Fix FTA.) a 2A 2B 2D 2C o PROPOSED AFF "12 2F REVISIONS o WEIF( - #DATE REVISIONS 10'-9" 1O FIN.RA.) j� PR_p PROPOSED M I 728/Yt EDPERSURVEYO I V-0" 12t2 1 8/0222 REVISEDPERCOMOVENT8 � Ono➢Fx FIR.) r7fffff 2E PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1 SCALE 1/4'=1'-O" cisTum m n7u YERlAM �irA(i K1EEis Y QUER 1WFRPROOFHO MF1BiANE PELA IONOGi 4 DOORS AUIINII CUA CaLR WIRE pp{yp/(J/ F''i��C E �:/ E v °� kTE ISCOMMENT 021 PROGRESS PRIM 1422 SED PER COMMENT SUE ,AUG - 5 2022 P JECT No. 21-350-00 Southold Town o E: 05-06-21 Board of Trustees 2FIkWN BY: KJS CHECKED BY: SCALE: AS SHOWN NOTE FOR CONTRACTOR: ALLTRADES AREREQUIREDTO REVIEW,REFERTOANDBEFMIIUARWITHTHEENRREDRA WSETA PRWEGTMMLUAL PACKAGE MDR TO BEGINNING ANYWORK ANY DISCREPANCIES DUE TOALACK OF CROSS IE COORDINATION WffHTHE -L ENTIREDDCUMENTSETWILLBEREPAIRED.REPLACEDORREWSTMLEDATTHATCOMMCTOR5SOLEpo SE ROOF LEGEND: AINLESS STL VIBRATION ISOLATOR TO STL STRUCTURAL COORDINATE FINAL ROOF EQUIPMENT ANGLE.BOLTED TO COND.UNIT.TYP. J.OF ENINGTOBESEALEDW/ PRE-ENGINE 1111-ADHEAREDSINGLEPLYEPDM STAND DIMS,MEMBER MAX.WT-55W E RESISTANT SILICONE ALLUMINUM ROOFTOP ROOFNG MEMBRANE SYSTEM OVER 0/4' SAES WITH UNRUK BEAM LANT FOAM EQUIPMENT STAND BUILDING CODE.MECHANICAL: ) , , PLYWOOD SHEATHING MANUFACTURER QUARE TUBING 1.Sx1.S 6061-T6 ALUM. UM COPPER COPING CAP,FLASHING SYSTEM.PROVIDEW BIRO SCREEN 6X WIND RESISTANCE. RESISTANT POLYMERIHDPE/CPVCR9UBBER SEPERATION ON FRIGERANT LINES FROM MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT•APPLIANCES AND SUPPORTS THAT ARE DISSIMILAR METALS,TYP,ALL SHEETS,TYP. GOOSENECK FOR CHASENDENSING UNITS WOOD OR MASONRY EXPO SED TO WIND SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO RESIST VENTILATION PLINTHS W/CANT STR+P, THE WIND PRESSURES DETERMINED INACCORDANCE WTTHTHE KEYNOTE: t9Dxo.+4•aLUM.PosT OUBLE CRIPPLE WALL CURB W/2X4 STUDS®fY O.C.,CURB B'W. VERT,FLASHING,COPING BLINDING CODE,BUILDING. W/5'%SxTL'ALUM.BASE CLAD WISlB'PLYWD.,PROVIDE FULL HT.BLOCKING UNDER STAND EFRIGEPANT SUPPORT TOP,SEE STRUCTURAL O PERIMETER CM AND TAUNTER FLASHING PLATE(4 PER UNIT) FOOT LAG BOLTS,TYP. 20 GA SHEEP METAL DWGS,FOR ADDTITONAL E%CEPTION:EXPOSED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR APPLIANCES (4)r-LAGBOLTSPER POS WDIAM.LAG SCREWSX3'LONG®8'O.C.,TYP. IS ANCHORS,BRACING, FASTENED TO A ROOF W COMPLIANCE WITH CODE USING RATED O DOWNSPOUT LOCATION WITH NUT AND WASHER FASTENWG,TYPICAL STANDS,PLATFORMS,CURBS,SLABS,WALLS,OR OTHER MEANS ARE RSHATARAH NOTE DEEMED TO COMPLY WITH WIND RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS OF 2020 CDNSULIB:GENGWTFAS.P.0 3O CRICKET SIMPSON LUS36 HANGER, 1, ALLFASTENERS EXPOSED TO WEATHER TO BE STAINLESS BUILDINGCODE,AS AMENDED.FURTHER SUPPORT OR ENCLOSURE OF 6500.FRICHO TURNPIKE EACH END,TYP. STEEL SUCH MECH.EQUIP.OR APPLIANCES IS NOT REQUIRED BY STATE OR 9117E IW O THRU FLASHING 2. PROVIDE W RESISTANT POLYMER/HDPEICPVCIRUBBER LOCAL OFFICIAL HAVING AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE BUILDING CODE. SYOSSET.NY 11791 SEPEPATION OF DISSIMILAR METALS,TYP. PROVIDE SEALANT UNDER WOOD TRUSS,COORDINA TEL:(576)731-1687 OS PERIMETER MTL ROOF DRIP EDGE TRUSS LOCATION WR}i CURB. 3. VERIFYGAUGERHILKNESS,SGEOFALLECUIPMENT K EACH CONNECTION,TYPICAL VIBRATION ISOUTON. FAX(516)796-2744 STAND COMPONENTS,MEMBERS W/MANUFACTURER WHERE VIBRATION ISOLATION OF EQUIPMENT 8 APPLIANCES IS RFAX HORSCE-PCCOM EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE SYSTEM•MANUFACTUREDBY 4. MECH.EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MIN.+e'CLEAR OF FINAL FIN. EMPLOYED,AN APPROVED MEANS OF SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT RUDOLPH S SHATARAH,P.EGEMFLEX'(0.08 THICK)ORAPPROVED EQUAL. WOOD TRUSS,COORDINA ROOF SURFACE GED DETAIL THIS SHALL BE USED TO ACCOMPLISH THE SUPPORTS RESTRAINT. WWW,RSLE-Pr ADHEARED WITH BOND OVERLAP SEAMS AS REQUIRED BY MANUR TRUSS LOCATION WITH CURB. 6 BLOCKING®8.O.C. SHEET NOTE:SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS.FOR ATTATCHMENT OF PLINTHS TO ROOF DECK TYP. O COPPIRFLASHING SHALL NOT EI IERS OBE CONTACT WITH BELOW PLINTH PERIMETER, EDGE ILIARMETALS.ALL FASTENERS TO BE COPPER CAPA NP. EDGE FLASHIGN TO BE 4'MIN PROVIDE STEP FLASHING WITH CAP B COUNTERAT CHIMNEYAND '�.�G•% O ROOF JUNCTIONS AND WHERE TYPICALLY REQUIRED. ROOFTOP EQUIP. CONNECTION 3 PIPING THRU ROOF DECK DETAIL 4 CU MOUNTING DETAIL O PERIMETERCOPPERAPRONFLASHWG SCALE N.T.S. SCALE N.T.S. SCALE N.T.S. IIS4 PWC NS AN MSTMREIR OF SEIMCE AND AIS IIF PROPERTY of RAI Of BALCONY B[EKIM NRBCOW WILL BE RAI BELOW I+OSIMArtm T 5 A YKIATI N OF SDMi 72OU OF TIF MIN YORX SDUE DAMON UW FOR NW POWK U DUS WEY ARE AGUE OIDLP DIWTDN OF A UCTRED PRN.SSDNV- OCIMM 10 NM W Bill N JAN WAY. F ANY 0.D. M ffNIC M STN Di Ni BGRELR B NTDIEQ LIE NTmw DOM SH LL NFD(16 SFA AM A WTNDN INTEND Of,FWDND BY I6 SCOME AND DOE OF SUCH NIEPCON AND A SPFCNC OESCi81gi a THE AUDWIDN SHALL BE NNM 1• O.D. \, ORD. ��, CHIYTffY MECJWOGL EQUIPMENT SEE CWMNEY DETAIL SHT.XX SEE CHIMNEY DETAIL SHT.X% SCREEN WNL ROOF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT W/ROOF WHALE ROOF ACCESS LADDER MOUNTED TO EXTERIOR WALL N ¢O Oj 3m Z ROOF HATCH ACCESSED z�' J WADE CLOSET O LLO U w IL H ROOF DRAINS PIPED TO LLA y o DOWNSPOUTS BEHIND RAN O n F O SCREEN PIPED TO PROPOSED STORM DRA"I S15TEY.7YP. Z O O❑ RD. O W Z F Q m M� W w I=o=o � F2:z O z wmoon Z� PROJECT: DRAWING z NAME REVISIONS #DATE REVISIONS FR \�(J ISSUE ll°I°I iii��� ATE COMMENT 10/11 PROGRESS PRINT 1 4r2 VISEDPERCOMMENT AUG - 5 2022 P JECT ND. 21-350-00 Southold Town D E: osoa-21 1 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN Board of Trustees WN BY. KJS CHECKED BY: SCALE 4'=1'- SCALE: AS SHOWN NOTE FOR 10- - ES DNTMCTOR:ALLTRADES ARE REOUIRED TO RENEW.REFER TO AND BE FAMILIAR WITH THE ENTIRE DRAWING SET AND PROJECT—`L PACKAGE PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK ANY DISCREPANCIES DUE TO A LACK OF CROSS-TRADE COORDINATION WITH THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT SET WILL BE REPAIRED.REPLACED OR—hISTALLEO ATTNAT CONTRACTORS SOLE EXPENSE. • WALL AND DOOR LEGEND: NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION 2x4 M.STUDS @ 16.D.C.W/12 SHEETROCK FINISH ON BOTH SIDES. B' " SEE PLANS FOR VARIATION IN WALL THICKNESS. 15 14 13 g2gWZ SHEAR WALL LOCATION NEWS-POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL SEE GENERAL ' '•'�"' NOTES 6 DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6'-0" 3- " _ NEW INTERIOR DRYWALL PARTITION(ONE-HOUR FIRE WITS F DOT.W.255 RT' RATED)2X0 WD,STUDS®16'44 W/T SOLID ND, CFA TREATED TTP.MILK BAKING INTERMEDIATE WALL HEIGHTS AND ONE LAYER OF SB TYPE'X'SHEETROCK FINISH ON EA SIDE N L 10'tlA TRNDI RSHATARAH NEW E.STUOR WALL LRE A OPEN M GE80 I I—ANE Of ROOF AWE CTNSULTINGERGL\IFAS.P.C. 2X6 WD.STUD WALL O.C.GHT(ATHICK SOLID WD,BLEAT DECf ABM 6500 JEAICNO TURNPIKE INTERMEDIATE WALL HEIGHT IAS PER SHEAR WALL DETAIL). F%6111C� II PROPOSEDPROVIDE NEW 36 M. SUITE 1W R-10 BATT.INSULATON 812 DRYWALL FlNISH ON IMERIOR UN06TIIRBED FRADE SIDE PROVIDE 3/d W.PLYWD SHEATHING.TYVEK BUILDING OPEN MR GAZEBO I ACCO HAN E WT H SYO516) NY 11791 4687 WRAPB WALL FINISH.SEE MATERIAL SPECS, PROPOSED ST IIP� I GAZEBO STOP" � e ® ACCORDANCE WITH ORCNYS TE:(516)771-4687 1 8311.78 @ R7p13. ) INTERIOR DOOR THE DuSlING NATURAL ED MADE (114®)I _I 'p (BIDDING i1fl66J�) I RUDOPHOR�Cfg PC�COY (PROP.127A SF.) RIlOO PH S.SHATARAH,P.E. INTERIOR POCKET DOOR UP BR]VOE D EE SFDIGN UP PRDf6SED WYPOSRE WWWRSCE-PC.COY SD/CM COMBINATION SMOKE 6 CARBON UNE OF PE OFLIDlG TDfOR TBD. _ O MONOXIDE DETECTOR UNE IED�° Z POS SSLOGTON IENEDT LOADINOABOVE ALL POSTS SHALL BE FASTENED TOGETHER W/V D W - —V TVI JO' ��/' �;^ `& 4• LAO BOLTS 1gf 24'D.G. I —� ,I �% -- -- ' '• , I... _ .c� 1X6 SCFE EN GA PMR T1b I ON E1WMSTORAGE. \ `•, `� E SIL J 5•_D- PROFOSFD COINOSITE N TO WLR[ SWR t UWDISIIU DDEx fi NATURAL IDm6110✓ffD GRADE HESE RAItti ARE AN NGIR11W OF SERINE M AIG NE TIE PROPEDY OF �®L ff P IT M NER m"SSBCRDW 7am 2W w IM MN FORK UUM MT —OF RAM ARE ICING LAGER DREDDDN OF A CAMILK ARM UCDW PRORS901PL DCMM W ALTER ANT DEN N AW EAI'. E ANF OEII ffING M SGV. a' M 1H4IS1BUO PROPOSED RA®CATIMLK DG11E}R G AUDED,M M1DiN0 [W1EDt 9R1L AiFY IFS SEAR AIG A 12 RAU(V,Y SR"Ail AID roar D3W EPoY ROOFlNC MEMBRANE I I OF�MEAllEPAAND�SHAD.BE DISDWWN SYSTEM 2XB TREATED CEILING J06TS O 16'O.C. PROP.T.O.GAZEBO _ EL +9'-7°(+26.33) o 1X10 A7EK FASCIA BOARD I M PRE CAR GIRDERS(2)3X12 TREATED I o TD18ER5 THUR BOLTED TO TOP OF NOTCHED PBL.(2)r GALVANIZED BOLTS&HARDWARE(1YP.) PROPOSED OPEN AIR GAZEBO 112La o (DECKING RN.FUR.) °J I I I ¢o Q 'J 3m x 6'COINOSITE DECKING. I I Z COLOR:T.B.D.P ED RAISED 10 11 12 I TWALK 1 I (EEL 16.6.68) 2XB TREATED DECK JOISTSO 16'O.C. PRw17— _ OP.FlRST FLOOR 6'_0j" 6•-2{5" I6'_2�" VW Q_a"vii O EL +0'-0'(+16.75) .. =a 1x10 Azo FASCIA BOARD — — — — — I —( p w z 5, W POE GP pRDETiS(2)3X12 1RFATED lO®ERR THUR BOLTED TO 70P OF W m< NORHED POE(2)�'CN.VARQED 11� .I I I y� ¢¢Our O BOLTS&HARDWARE(IVP.) & Z F Z i 0 LLJ 3x8 DIAGONAL BRACES TO BE TNRU Z m N C)U BOLTED TO PILES W/r HOT DIPPED CALV.BUf1E!MEAD DOLTS(IVP. PROJECT: DRAWING NAME 12 PROPOSED OPEN AIR GAZEBO FOUNDATION r„1PROPOSED OPEN AIR GAZEBO DECK LEVEL REVISIONS FOUNDATION PILES-12'BNTS X ' SCALE 1/4'=1'-43" SCALE 1/4'=1'-0" #DATE1 REVISIONS 3OFT.SVP.2.5 PCF CG TREATED TVP. U.O.N. 7=2EVISEDPERSURVEYOF 8/0222 REVISEDPERCOM.¢NIS IX.GRADE EIEV. UNDISTURBED DL ' GRADE PROFILE L-+&D' E EEK EX GRADE ETV. L UND6NRBED EX EL-4SAY 77 GRADE PROR IX.GRADE ELEV. ISSUE l�J n NG pN0%I((nle /f COMMENT EL-43.0' E A 1{77�� L A�T D �H7(/ 1 PROGRESS PRINT i'- Ilid EVISED PER COMMF ;�UG 5 2022 PROJ CT No. 21-150-00 DATE: 05-08-21 RA PROPOSED OPEN Southold G) Town DBY: KJS S AIR GAZEBO SECTION Board of Trustees cHEc Dev: SCALE 1/2°=1'-O° AS SHOWN NOTE FOR CONTRACTOR: ,I ALLTRADES ARE REQUIRED TO REVIEW.REFER TOAND BE FAMILIMR WITH THE ENTIRE DMWING SET AND PROJECT PACKAGE PILORTO BEGINNING ANYWORK ARI'DISCREPANCIES DUE TO A LACK OF CR-TRADE COORDINATION WRHTHE f/ply ENTRE DOCUMENT SETWRL BE REPMREO.M-EDMR VAU.ED ATTHAT CONTRACTOR'S SOLE EXPEKSE. y .CAM SINC B0.MDRR)1EOXk8GLLr SCREEN TALL FOR FAS7EIED 0 A7EK YFRTIGL FIA6Et5 2P O.C. ) CONTINUOUS ROOF TOP couPMER OVER TATEraImaFLND MOISRNE / / 1 IN m" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — sD7 YEHI RSHATARAH CONSULTENG LNGLN=PC SCREEN IIIAU.FOR y'.HY Ami SdNG®.(N0R¢)HELIANCIILY .. — — — 6500 JERICHO TURNPIKE TOP Ed�1¢M FASTENED TO AZIOK OVER WATERPROOFING�µE 2{• SYOSSET,NY 11791 SUITE 1W TEL. (516)731-4687 '' FAX:(516)796-2744 RUDDPHORSCE-PC.CW L� ( y�SRy) RUDOLPH S SHATARAH,RE OYFA WDOO FRAIE WIbl15CTMR Sfd AEwOC�F0041 ma-GVDR w"'m 7 ® ® wNW.RSCE-PC.COY PRIVILY SI'REM t SHADE WALL BEYOND. / _IE (T}J — — — — — dal w •— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I'• L: ,L.• : IM i lei P- THESE wv5 ARE AN F6TRUI I OF SERYCE AND ARE THE PROP11"IF TIE DOM OWNING 00 WILL BE RECESSED HID LAMING GR.A9E' ( ♦ PREISOXTm . .. fL+la.fiB' O 5 A VIOLATION OF SECT N 71092 OF THE Nm YORK SLOE EO CAM W EEA AM PdSOHE HRAE4 THEY - - - - ARE FCIFC IOFR DPFLTDN OF A STO THOW-WIIN 9CPEL1(EE SISTEMI F�DP UREPL UI21®PROFL41gY1 DOM 70 OVER W000 TRINE COISIUCTNI.STO ALMR ANY ITEM N ANY W. FW ABMT FN6N EDIT-COLOR WE '' ORAE FWr9M 6 ALIDRp, THE ALTERING IEM IiYAKi THE SFIi 0' AN NOTATION'AMD Of.FIIORD IT EL+11.0 --....A HIS 901YOURE AM WE OF 90 GRADE FJ:+1{.1' ����•4 CDNPUANT �, .. OF THEN ANDTER SPEGALL BE NDTM 16@•FTD00 IS EU-+11,W .' d -m ylgpO THE NIER1110N SHALL ff HOIro. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — WING'a1AE STAR ACRYLIC FRANIE COAT - LO .5787 taFNsr�1CTrHL �yNt � o 'AnMFc FITAOI EDIT-COLOR WNIE•� 1 . — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — EQ. i E0. RECESSED UP 1XRIIEIC — OS9[D UNE NC.GTFs FIEVAIdR GRADUATING dIESIOHE— RECESSED— —iDN CNHUIR IIOOfRI NL{OOIY FILWE —FF]N COWllM SFNi SSfEL FED11(RADE OF CIDGE OF PA4EMFM. ENTRY STEP STORM. IP LIGHTING 1GW FLOOD VCNIS WHCVEROPAQUE 9kD GARAGE DOOR. 1a1a•RDOD mas 10 REAR SY TEU F DECK AND FOOL(REM YARD) PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION PRNACY SCREEN SHADE 1w1 SEW 0 Y y ¢o OY m we Z z v1 Q r ag > W — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — W w W 5j'.r AZEK swRT�.( .) vFNr V<m w W HEdAHLKAL RAS24V O ro M w O O p YFROGIL WAIRS 24.O.C.Nfli z¢ 2 WATERPROOFING MOIBPAN: Q Y 2 Q Q y z 7 W U) S O W¢ N LSTOTHERW-PMyI$TEyI PRNAIX SCREEN 1 sHAOE H1L yte• cc¢JO LL~ 4 2F ?G ACRYLIC wO FRw mKI- Na S 8 O Td irP)AZEX SIDING NrN�LY F s TO z I=-z z IS ACRNO FDNmt t09-COLDR WHEfE—A 10bM.WOOD PWG W 0 0 0 (� / zW000 2 PROJECT: DRAWING ua•`F Nn"1' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REVISIONS T4 T5 ® d rO1�Dx MFTE ALUIONw N D2ATTEE REVISIONS REVISED 91OW2 REV6EDPFR WhOVENTS - - - - - - - - -- -- - - RAILINGS ro BE SOIIUISS SIL POST 1 S AND TOPRILL W/GALYANZED STL 1E 1F HTM.CAaNG. T.D.W. CL•+18.25' - - - - - - l➢ ISSUE GRADEIDAIA I COMMENT FL 11116' T,O,w,_ _ 1K8 SCR@N PNm ro N10 PROGRESS PRINT EL t14.1'. ENCLOSE FOOL DOUG'". 1Y7REVISFD PER COMMENT A U G - 5 2022 — — — — — � EEu�� — — — I'�— , — — — — — — — Southold Town PROJ TNo. 27.950-00 ENDO SHP SYSTEM 165R•ROOD VENTS I I I I I 'pG" Board of Trustees DATE: 05-08-21 BY: KJS CHECKED BY: 2 PROPOSED RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: ASSHOWN SCALE 1/4°_1'-0° RmEPORCORTRAOTOR: �—O PACMGEESARE RE—INNTO REVIEW.REFER TOANOBE Ct.S DU WITH TMEENTIREOSS-TRA BETANDPROJECT MANUAL PACHtAGE PRIOR TO DEGLVNINO ALLY WORK ANY DIaCREPANCIE6OUE TO A LACK OF CROSS-TRADE COORDINATION WRN THE ENTIRE DOCUMEM GET WILL BE flEPAIREO.REPLACED Oft REINSTALLED ATTHAT CONTMCTOR5 GORE EXPENSE, ) 1 1 1 RSHATARAH WNSULT IMG ENGN'FPRS.P.G 6500 JERICHO TURNPIKE SUITE TW SYOSSET.NY 11791 TE (516)731-4607 FAX:(516)796-2744 RUDOIPHORSCE-PCCOM RUDOLPH S SHATARAH,RE WWW.RSCE-PCCOM Mc4 xEV.1 THESE PWS AH AN I61mm OF SFRA[E AND NE M P1!(PEW OF THE DENIM IFRING ENE KIL BE PWS(aDFD D 6 A YOLAIDN E4 SECIDII 77092 OF THE IEW YM SINE EIUWION W EOR NEE PMA MISS THEY IRE ACRD UNDER DFJrM OF A LICENSED PRWISSOWL DI2FD1 7D ALTER ANF ITEM H ANY MY. F ANY DEET BEAM THE SEAL 6 AN DASIDT 6 km=THE ALTEIRIG DICKER SHAM AIM H6 SEAL AND A NOLIRON ALEDED BT'.FWOIED BE NS SE NCU E AM DVE OF SLOT N.TFRRON AND A SPE F C OE9IRIR! OF THE NIFR.VDN SAL BE NO0. SFO THERM-RNN SCREEN(OF SYSTEM) OVER WOOD FR CD CONSTRUCTION.SHE ACRYLIC FINISHFCOAT-COLOR WHITEIE U PROP.FIAT ROOF EL•+21'-2-(+37.83) 51•.c A2IX sEDEc BD.(HOPI¢) - - - - - - MECHANICALLY FASTENED To AZEK VERTICIL HAILERS 24.O.C.OVER \ WATERPROOFING MEIABRANE PRIVACY SCREEN h SHADE WALL ---�� 5)•X6•AID( SENO IED.CA LY FASTENED T OIHER B0.TYP.) ' MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO 1DbA WOOD PROP.SECOND FLOOR ,1, RUNG. EL•+11'-D'(+27.75) - - - - - - - - — PEUA W HDCAV 6 DOORS ALUWNUM Z CLAD.COLOR:WHITE PROP.MASTEtt FLOOR T.owRAILDIGS To BE BaNLE6s rn Pasr AND EL:+5'-4'(+22.08) — — — — — , TOPRAIL W/GALVANIZED SE.HORCZ CABLING. ~Q . r > EL•+18.25' 0 W PROP.FlRSr FLOOR 1X6 SCREEN PAx¢TO TIE UNE ALONG APPROXIMATE EL+O'-0'(+16.75) — — — — - ENCLOSE CAZEEE sTDRADE HIGH WATER MARK AS LOCATED ¢o lLl [APPROX.LOCAIEN OF GRADEIXPR ROAD. EL-+11.36 b.W UN06NReED IX CHADE PROFDE .+14 E7C GRADE ELEV. w e �_ LL� N PROP. GARAGE LEVEL GRADUATING BLUE570N ENRYSTEPEL-9'-0'(+7.38) SYSTEM. E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r o = W u, FEW COYPUANT EX.GRADE ELEV. IX GRALEV DE EEEV. EX.CRADE EIEV. EX GRADE EIEV. IX.CRAVE E . 16•x8'FLOOD VDETS ¢-+8.0 ¢-+9.0' ¢_+9.D ¢-+8.0' ¢-+7.0 (.) Z O O Q EK GRADE F1EV. Q-T 2 aQ Q ¢-+ao Nz,m W WSON°aa S0=0> PROPOSED RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 3 D Z m SCALE 11W=1'-O• Z�m 1-0 I PROJECT: DRAWING AME REVISIONS #DATE REVISIONS /2872EVISED PER SURVEYOR BIOTR2 PEIM1SEDPER C/JAR.IENTS 2 \`p! I{�- ISSUE 11viT TIL`—E 1tT7il IIr�— AT COMMENT 102 PROGRESS PRINT 114/2 vis PERCOMMENr A U G - 5 2022 PROJE T No. 21-350-00 Southold Town DATE: 05-08-21 Board of Trustees DRAW BY: Kis D BY: SCALE: AS SHOWN NOTE FOR CONRM BEG A �—O/ ALLTRADESAREREOUI—TO RENEW.REFERTOANOBEFAMBIARWRHTHEENTIREDM NGSETANDMWECTMNIUAL PACKAGED UMETOBE MMB ANYWORK.ANYDISCREPANCIESDUETDATACKOFCROSS M'S COOROIN SE WTITIaE ENTRE DOCUMEM GET WILL BE REPN0.ED.REPLACED OR RHNSTALLEO-07744-07 CONIRAGTOR'S SONE EXPENSE CRIAgroup STO MRN-RAIN SMIN(E0 .. ST'SIEIQ OVER wLOo FRANCE ' mrmRuerinN. Sm ADRtUC . FNmi COQ-CONDR WMIE SORB VDIT.. -mm" COPOC - - - - - R SHATARAH CDNSM MG ENGMEENS.PC. 6500"CHO TURNPIKE 'SCREEN Epi RODE SUITE 1W M.(516 T,NY 4687 11791 7EL•(516)731-1687 FAX(516)796-2744 2D 511' urx FWB"mWRUDOfPHORSCE-PGCOM RUDOLPH S.SHATARAH,RE PRIM SCREW R SHADE t5Y151U' VOKIM WA7 NARERS OFING 2N 24'O.C.E OVER NWW.RSCE-PC.COM AII]!SEDC PLL(NORIZ.%EVERT ORER BA iYPJ YECHYOOWLT rASFTNEO To / - IDTW 11000 P11HL /l<fA' -�' RAANGS TO BE STAINLESS SR POST AND TDPRAA W/GALVANIZED SRNom CAXm— d PDU WFIOM'M DOORS.IEAIeAW aAo.caax WWE 1Y T.O.W. THU PWS ARE AN PISTM19R OF .. EL♦1825' SEAMS AND NEM PMNRIY OF . M EIIIWEDI.BERRIE"REEL BE PF�IIFR . .. 0 5 A MOUTON OF SI:RN 7108] — — —— DFM TRW PCkORX SINE ESS DEN THEY W FON ANY PERI CEM THEY • NE/CIBC PROFESSORIAL OGDLTW 7 A ATEA ANY NNMF!WAY, i ANY ('RADE. Rod DURING M SELL Q AN OpApE DcamnOM I L AFTED,M FTER HIS L AND A E:+11.0 Fl:1111.06' WMIpN IETIM Ur FCUM D BT .�o�IS [EDESI DORY PORM,b W/CRANIAING NS SWWNIRE AIT WE OF 41L11 USE 71 BIJUIESEDNE Tree'EEFP PF1dIEIEN I 1 IDuA.DDD I I I I I I I 1 fO1" SET ON POURED fEliO�'D WI ,E ON OF THE NO A NSNAII K NWMMN ?M WFD A SPECIFIC SIWL EE WIDE 1!'d'FIOOD Vd15 I I DOSTEP MIDI. COMPACTED -� I I m"G° FODaG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRA E PROPOM DMNEWAr EL•1]J6' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 21.11 111 PROPOSED LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE 1/4'-1'-O' RNLNFS TO BE STAMM SIL POST FOR o AND TOflYA W/GALVANIZED SIs<REEN rul SIL SCREEN TDP ll RHT N. MFR.CABLING. 0 Y y Q o St•.G AII1!sIDN0 W.(10447.)WEDPMCNLY °•Yj N FASTENED m AgN VTROCAL NAAFRS 21.O.0 3 m —OVSR wTOWRWNC IRNBIWNE W a Z SMO 111ME D .COfD� �NUMEAN PWALY SCREEN d SNAIE WNL 5)•d• W 0 AZIX SSMG BD(HDRM)MAW OTHER Q BD TTP.)YECIWMNLY DslFtiD m SURD!WNL FOR lOTNA WOOD F o ROOF TDP EWPYEmw-NT J Uomo� W Zo�oo 2J 2K 2L O O ® 2R O yU O ® O O ® ® ® ® p w i F adox Ll m �� W ki) OWC w o a Ha- O C=OT D z z z a.lt ., — ® EEI ® ® ® O------ W moon Z�NH-U (� PROJECT: DRAWING G REVISIONS N DATE REVISIONS 11 1J 1K 1L 1N 1N 10 1P 10 1R 1T tU 1V 1W 1% , S10 THERM-RAN SCREDI(EF SST% ' CM WOOD FRANCE tSraMuclDH STD ALrifLC FW6T1 CMT-COLOR WME GRADE j- - - - - _ - - - - �2— ISSUE AND ToRwma.W/ RAMICS m EE STAMM M iY°2'DEEP P�FItIE/R t FLOOD VDOS �� L� � � V �TEO HEENT GAYA®SA1 1 1 1 CORI,GRAM FOOPNG 1 1 1 1 1 1 �10 wD I I 021 P ESS PRINT f1M VIS ER COMMEM TM W00 PEWS �— — — — 4-4-- ' '— — — — — 1 —w I — — 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUG 11-15 2022 PRO CT No. 21350-00 DAT 05-08-21 Southold Town DRAWN BY: KJS PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION Board of Trustees CHECKED BY: 2 SCALE 1/4'=-V-O' S IS SHOWN NOTE FOR CONTRACTOR: JA ,1 ALI TRAOESARENEOUIRED TOREVIM.REFMTOMDBEFAMNJARWR EENRREDR NOSETANDPROJECTMANUAI /I PACNAOEPRIORTOBEGINNINO-ORK.-ISCREPANCIES DUE TOALACK OF Ci105STRA0EC00RDItuRON VGTH THE -/�I' ENTIREDOCUMENTSETN BEREPARED.REPLACEDORREINSTALLEDATTHATCONTRACTORSSOLEEXPENSE •�'��•'l�.�' /�"yam.,'`.p",....>....�-- './..,.r. �.¢•-�•^^- Y -� ? .�� . � ��ii `-te=a►-� � , - • ,V rr ' R :. Mew' -• 1 .y. . y •t 1 I.' Y . 4^_.""'• r• � r..� 1. T �+, .2J����� ♦ a'i„� '.�-. 'mow:-i+.}.`• � �« �it� i` •� ..-•.lir` r f 5 r�11 . e _ j� Art , .N p 1. 7 { - :..---._...-.�+.Y.,'�dr � �.. .. �"y�"L - . .. a•�ti i_ �, � -r s ` �. Fes` - - y ����.++� • _.� - k-".' - + * "' r ti Rte•v • — for, }. � • r a,j�' , r..- r �.. tit,"� -' � .�. ir... t '`a,�. r� .� . `�r"t 1 j(',� �x -i _, r�r• n: 'h .�f��, r .�1. • -` rj. l . .:.'C i ,;Mr t rrj�•- �r �- r ►� :.ti - .r S r, �'�+rt F. +•x _ 'ii. -� _ rs"` w' �'j .r Mme.h r �' ��. •. 1a- jy,� �ih,s .9- r'pry: .••,., .�,/. . `w�.1 �� .;.. !. �'. i i'�y�• , ��..� ti; t I,'l..1+ *'',t 'y#,,.�.i� !r' C ,.,..1. •�" a, yl -ice•_" Y S I ` r r*, • -VIC• .y- . •� ,ri rei."r �-•"'mow.' ..- � ,� - .-+'"_ „ 7r^}' �`._ � ��J Jj � '^~� •7."'•� -.�. � r .y .•r .. r .'� +-;+� _� �' _ - � .. � Sze cif K" 1 ewe A. �•„�. +{� �/- �. v-' , „�, ; i- •. y l '"`.�.�.• !�' _ " .. '�:� ,- •yam,. ±; .� r� "k Ilk 41 ir •� f� ,fir '. ',�� � 4.,nM.+w:.r•�--�--K',, - - - �+�+�-'�'�"'e"H .w,.3 ".. -..,: � •,.r-.'.-...�.--ate ,•a— ---•.+.«L - � � _ � , ,.,0,14 .. ,�. � _•:' . .. .: w` _ •ter•y-..�....,�-" .,,^., �. v- - - _' 'els . - �' 1•. - r l r ,-"' - �♦ _ .fes T �._ s 1 ,. .. 1 _ �. ��. _ _{•fie. �% �.., —wow J 'µ. _ •.�+ . int-_ v e � -�./_,• T r'�f4 -14 TAbf V. 7�—."^� .• ,�*!* f: ,._ _ ; - -,.," � > .. � - ,+ — *. , 'rte t _ �. .,y''.A�•._ .fyj,,d�...f 1 �+�` ..a .. � "' �` � 'Y ..t�rrw ,.1. ♦ -- � �. r --. a- r-'- - - � r �'� g.� Y. _" • nom• N '�•y_�+ � _ ..'�.y.r r�` }. a - y:a 17 '414 �F fC \ ,t• .• w �•�, yM�• "moi' s v • f(� - .�„�t • ,�_, � t � 'r. r• �i •,1..• ` .,k•. :.y k syr' '�, �r1 1 f. Yr. ,• �� ,+'�. � _ � � � •.�, r'_�, � r �� yam,.. .+�; i { . r-- y tea• �Wr_ ! NgpEE2pDw.pS0 r- .,,,�Za arcs:$I �•, v ts, r „'I1 ••,:;:a s f'% � ! 3 '$"xs D, J- 2 r.,,. +• >;2,i+a• Y, :z :} � st 4 ..rye > `° qo w Ma asy°J Q �g,�� r,+�"_�° �y r � ,n r%� '"". ♦ ° aha r 1L1L tk �2 �t] 2♦pCy..... � �0�2 y � �r�&:� � 4`� IS.ONeI ,�, �/ �� wit%�� ,� ,� ` s�•e � ,;; any.4 /� J. � Jr t �•Rr e w 12 di .r Z". Yf '•'� - . Y tyr°""' J�>`a b f f a �„ A A rhe r� 4p,, -•,, a♦a r. �� b�!d� .a. �� i.: .�J .0 �'��r �. .,�o ��x". ` r "'Yq ,�1 ra r ♦�t SMd �. moi. f .. :t'..n � '. 4 rf.� r� � Z`1 � ,D� +r he / �' •i.�\ a .. � o s 's +ah r.4a�2J .... ,♦ :'`� �! Vii.. �"/ �a,gyp �?•,!`y'�'J� ..i GQ. , �,,v/ � ,+ 'a.��.�+'.� a' �"^ �,A g 212 '.,, a♦J ...?�. --- n � a R•'� vk JAY .�< �" ,t �i 4 P� r�n� © ',r .'t ��..�` `� tt r ��dl R'�Ja a�; e� '. � 4�J d{J/�ia •.M a�� J� R' �f� >., ,..i t al "a` S,' `'\ R>/ � .9, z1.r `•1e.�.4 ♦h '.� L" 'y a A ; - .•.�• '� s' S $ ,t � `>, as .1r b.,� ��..,�'v � t' � R. � sourlwln ��'�.•'.r, � ,.. rFp r -- � � u ry R� a��• �.... � �. ^�� J �_ ...tet.''9by �� ze �'.% csvrlo.cpnapxw �\� as I --_ h w��. .p'. at 'p,./�Sr p+� a � 'Qyp � � zz.2n '•,a 4c a4 •., " S' r .'a +' -{ f•' Y�J.tea . ..,: � 4 0 n, N A•' R.1t 4 4�i�5, y a�' SOuiHoio 1t�o .ly N + F Sy N � .w e,&f !'+ p ♦ `J ;>�ah n � � �y�. feo�lto�\ J� .r f+` � .� e `�ja-' a '', iti ,q,JrJ 61 :3 r��e > � w'>' .a' ra s ♦I ns J • Y `� t J�. 2' F &wo of n' ;1 d ', r2aa° V 4f \a?'Y� ,e ' 23 ....._ z a i s' b'�' a 2dJ y p,♦pif �'4.A. r '.,,ta y.� �,�..a���tb S� � n >a. pnr �' 'p' � 'a � ..„��. �`...3s zrg: •:.� �n _ � Q9 ��a7 v .�r�.�,r't„�a� � 3, t� >;-s � ANT a y +me .., ...� t...�._. -- — N CE E SC” E V COUNTY OF SUFFOLK z D 11D Real Prop I c \g y rw�ewrte..ra ron sue oP r e�r,��2 o.� rrry _ •�°�•• •' m v e u •MIIe1V'WWnBr I9iASW fYTE p +"•�r. —_ �.._... v -.•tui $ PFK IWfR1r iM 49tnCE.GBLv. ��-- �NVLY ur 4� 19�FQj John G.Stein,Chairperson Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179 i Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., August 10, 2022 the following recommendation was made: Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Shannon Wright, it was RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of MKS REALTY, LLC to construct a new two-story frame house and garage (2,445 sf. footprint), raised deck (1,474 sf.), in-ground pool (522 sf.), gazebo with storage below (100 sf.) front entry stairs (663 sf.), stone blend driveway (4,095 sf.), public water service connection, new sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.51 by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys (IAOWTS), and new stormwater control structures for roof run-off and driveway run-off. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM#54-4-20 Inspected by: John Stein, Caroline Burghardt, Carol Brown, John Chandler, Maggie Merrill, Shannon Wright The CAC does Not Support the application. The proposed setbacks are too close to the wetland boundary, within the primary and secondary dune, and within a flood zone. This is an environmentally sensitive area and any development of this property would deplete the natural habitat. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone (631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile (631) 727-0144 Riverhead, New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG,Land Surveyor THOMAS C.WOLPERT, Professional Engineer DOUGLAS ADAMS Professional Engineer/Geologist ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect August 4, 2022 Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single Family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC 1925 North Sea Drive at Southold, T/0 Southold, NY AUG - 5 2022 (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Southold Town Board of Trustees Dear Ms. Cantrell: Enclosed is one (1) full size set and three (3) reduced copies of the CMA Group Architectural Drawings A1-0 through A4-1 (10 sheets) last dated August 2, 2022, for your use. Very truly yours,, saafsrul fo aBog unnol PIOWOS Thomas C. Wolpert zzoz - n n w TCW/cw Encl. 3A030 3 Q Planning Engineering Land Surveying YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone (631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile (631) 727-0144 Riverhead, New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG,Land Surveyor - THOMAS C.WOLPERT,Professional Engineer (� DOUGLAS ADAMS,Professional Engineer/Geologist D E C E 0 V E ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect AIiG - 2 2022 Jul July 28, 2022 Southold Town Board of Trustees Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single Family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC 1925 North Sea Drive at Southold, T/0 Southold, NY (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Ms. Cantrell: Enclosed is one (1) full size set of the CMA Group Architectural Drawings A1-0 through A4-1 (10 sheets) last dated January 14, 2022, for your use. Very truly yours, 6101 of Thomas C. Wolpert i TCW/cw Encl. Planning Engineering Land Surveying Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Tom Wolpert <TCW@youngengineering.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 8:49 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: FW: MKS Realty, LLC; SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Attachments: 1925 N Sea Drive - Construction Set.pdf Good Morning Elizabeth, See below clarification from the Architect and attached Revised Plans, for your review. Please advise if any additional information is needed from us. Also, please note that we are scheduled to stake all proposed structures today. Thank you for your assistance. Tom Tom Wolpert Young&Young 400 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 631.727.2303 tcw@youngengineering.com From:AJ Doucet [mailto:adoucet@cmagroupinc.comj Sent:Tuesday,August 02, 2022 9:01 PM To:Tom Wolpert<TCW@youngenginee ring.com> Subject: MKS Realty, LLC; SCTM#1000-54-4-20 Tom, I'm responding to Elizabeth Cantrell Comments for clarification; • On pg. A3-0 the pile foundation plan depicts a proposed exterior shower,two rooms for a proposed bath, and a mechanical room. On pg.A3-1 the first floor plans,the same is shown. Given this it alludes to the same to be constructed at ground level and at first floor level. This must be clarified and if what appears is not correct the plans should be updated removing one of the two or the project description needs to be updated to explain the proposed. Agreed, because the Master Bedroom Suite Level is much like a Mezzanine Level between the First and Second Floor Levels,we've taken your advice and relocated The master Level on Sheet A3-1 and removed the Exterior Bath and Changing room from A3-1 entirely as it is already depicted on Sheet A3-0 for clarity. 1 • What are the dimensions of each of the two balconies on the second floor? The Balconies on Sheet A3-2 have been provided with the additional information you requested Bedroom Balcony and Railing System-21-10'x 11'-9" (253.5 s.f.) Master Bedroom-Mezzanine Level-Balcony and Railing System 10'-4"x 20'-2" (191.7 s.f.) • There appears to be a patio with stairs to ground off of the first floor and also on the second floor above, please submit dimensions for both patios and width of stairs to ground. If there is only one patio/stair then the plans should be revised to not show the structure on the level it is not being proposed on. The Raised Deck Areas(Patio)on Sheet A3-1 have been provided with the additional information you requested.The stairs were removed as well. • The 1,474sq.ft. of raised deck, is that for the first floor and is it all connected/wrap around or are there separate decking areas. If separate decking areas, each deck/patio must be mentioned and with dimensions. Yes,these are separate deck areas and they have been calculated separately and noted separately in the zoning calculations on Sheet A-1-1 for clarity. • Does the 1,474sq.ft.of raised deck include the catwalk out to the gazebo? If not please submit the dimensions of the catwalk to the gazebo section. Each Deck area is calculated separately now and additional dimensions are noted. • The plans do not depict a storage area under the gazebo,there is an enclosure against the proposed dwelling. Your latest project description states the timber gazebo will be raised with storage below. Please explain or update the project plans if storage is missing. Also what is the size of the storage area? The Gazebo does have storage below.Additional description and dimensions have now been provided.See Sheet A3-4 0 How many feet off ground level is the catwalk/gazebo being proposed. The elevation of the Catwalk varies in height due to the existing undisturbed topography. but ranges between 7.5 ft. and 10.0 ft. above the natural grade. • Is the gazebo open to the sky or is it a roofed over gazebo? The Gazebo is open on all (4)sides and roofed over(Flat Roof.See Sheet A3-4) • What is the width of the proposed stairs to ground off gazebo? The width of the stair and railing is 3'-6"wide and has been noted on the drawings. Anthony Doucet(AJ) CMAgroup 631.675.6214 office 631.675.0364 fax 516.426.1274 mobile www.CMAgroupInc.com 2 aL . YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone (631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile (631) 727-0144 Riverhead, New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG,Land Surveyor THOMAS C.WOLPERT,Professional Engineer DOUGLAS ADAMS,Professional Engineer/Geologist ROBERT C. TAST,Architect ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect June 3, 2022 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road �It P.O. Box 1179 D V Southold, New York 11971-0959 SUN 9. 9 2fl RE: Single Family Residence Southold Town MKS REALTY, LLC I Board of Trustees 1925 North Sea Drive at Southold, T/0 Southold, NY (20-00153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 } Dear Members of the Board: Enclosed are the following items: 1. application fee — MKS Realty, LLC check no. 316 payable to `Town of Southold' in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Application, 2. one (1) original & three (3) copies— Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Permit Application, 3. one (1) original & three (3) copies— Revised Project Description dated June 3, 2022, 4. four (4) copies — CMA Group Architectural Drawings Al-0 through A4-1 (10 sheets) last dated January 14, 2022, and 5. four (4) prints - Building Permit Survey (Sheets 1-2 of 2) last dated April 27, 2022 amended to address the technical comments indicated in the Southold Trustees Office correspondence dated December 22, 2021. Planning Engineering Land Surveying i C E 1 D JUN _ 9 2022Revised June 3, 2022 November 12, 2021 Southold Town Board of Trustees ATTACHMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPLICATION prepared for MKS Realty, LLC at Southold, T/0 Southold, New York Proiect Description The project consists of constructing a new 2 story frame house & garage (2,445 sf footprint), raised'deck (1,474 sf), in-ground pool (522 sf), gazebo with storage below (100 sf), front entry.stairs (663 sf), stone blend driveway (4,095.sf), public water service connection; new sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gal. wastewater treatment unit and six (6)-8.5'L by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys (IAOWTS), and new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff. Lot.Coverage Proposed Structure Area Percent Coverage Frame House & Garage 2,445 sf 4.2 Raised Deck 1,474 sf 2.5 Pool 522 sf 0.9 YO Storage Shed 100 sf 0.2 Front Entry Stairs 663 sf 1.1 Driveway 4,095 sf 6.9 Total 9,299 sf 15.8 Page 2 of 2 June 3, 2022 Please note that: 1. the proposed boulders by the front porch represent an aesthetic feature of the architecture plan and do not serve any structural purpose, 2. no retaining walls are proposed, 3. an in-ground pool with wrap around steps is proposed, 4. a patio around the pool is proposed, 5. a timber catwalk from the pool to the gazebo is proposed, 6. the timber gazebo will be raised with storage below, 7. a first floor (9' by 17') structure second story above with balcony and spiral stairway just west of the dwelling is proposed, 8. mechanical equipment ie. A.C. unit will be located above the second story structure described in #7 above, 9. no generator or outdoor shower is proposed, 10. no curbing along the stone blend driveway is proposed, 11. approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades, 12. the limits of proposed fill are shown on the plans, 13. the plans have been amended to indicate six (6) storm water tributary areas, proposed drainage structures, and drainage calculations. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact US. Very truly yours, ///Ar/XW c, � ® E C E 014 C Thomas C. Wolpert JUN - 9 2022 TCW/cw Southold Town Encl. Board of Trustees cc. MKS Realty, LLC Attn: Mr. Antonios Vournou + encl. + 1 print ��gUFFOt�.c ��O oGy John O.Stein,Chairperson co y Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary d P.O.Box 1179 • `F Southold,NY 11971 y'tlpl �.a0� Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., July 6, 2022 the following recommendation was made: MKS REALTY, LLC to construct a new two-story frame house and garage (2,445 sf. footprint), raised deck (1,474 sf.), in-ground pool (522 sf.), gazebo with storage below (1.00 sf.) front entry stairs (663 sf.), stone blend driveway (4,095 sf.), public water service connection, new sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5'1_ by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys (IAOWTS), and new stormwater control structures for roof run-off and driveway run-off. Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM#54-4-20 Inspected by: John Stein, Caroline Burghardt, Carol Brown, John Chandler, Maggie Merrill, Inga Van Eysden The project was not staked, therefore no recommendation could be made at this time. The CAC requests the project be staked with labeled flags and the opportunity to submit a thori ugh review and recommendation at a future meeting. 0 John G.Stein,Chairperson Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren(Standish,Secretary $ P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 y'�Ol �►aO� Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., January 12, 2 1 22 the following recommendation was made: Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of MKS REALTY, LLC to construct a new two-story frame house and garage, together with associated site improvements including a pool, deck, shed, electric service, public water service, sewage disposal system, and stone blend driveway. Located: 1925 North Sea Dr., Southold. SCTM#54-4-20 Insp i cted by: John Stein, Carol Brown The CAC does Not Support the application. There is a concern with the proposed project being located within a primary dune and FEMA flood zone, and the swimming pool should be located on the landward side of the dwelling. Votel of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 12:42 PM To: 'Tom Wolpert' Subject: MKS Realty LLC; SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 Tom, Regarding you application for MKS Realty, LLC,this application is considered incomplete by Trustee President, Glenn Goldsmith and will not be added to the January 19, 2022 public hearing date. At this time,the following is required: 1. $250.00 application fee for a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Application 2. Coastal Erosion Hazard Area application document. 3. Project description is incomplete. Proposed boulders by front porch? Please submit details. All retaining walls need material, length,width, height. The pool says it is proposed to be in-ground but it appears to have wrap around steps? Please explain/modify. Patio around pool. Walkway to shed and the shed. Will the shed be at grade or raised? What is the area to the west off of the dwelling that states 2nd story above/storage? Please add 2nd story balcony with stairs dimensions. Any a/c units,generator areas, outdoor shower need to be part of the description. Will the driveway have curbing? Please add if yes. There is approx.400 cubic yards of fill being added from what is being excavated? Please be specific in details in the written description as well as on the plans as to where this is coming from and where it is being graded out. 4. Roof/Impervious structure Runoff containment is not depicted on the plans, please update the plans to be in compliance with Chapter 236 of the Town Code. 5. The site plans submitted are incomplete. The site plans require dimensions and what it is (i.e. patio, dwelling, pool,etc.)for every structure proposed which was not included. 6. Plealse submit four(4)finalized stamped full sets of building/construction plans for the file. 7. Please submit four(4) complete stamped sets of side view elevations from the street through to the proposed shed area. Sincerely, Senior Officl Assistant Town of Soythold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765.1892 f) Email: elizaliethc@southoldtownny.gov 1 , 1 V}} MISS Realty LLC 7 7 P/ieadowbrook Road Syosset,NY 11791 516-924-2877 The Town of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Hatt Annex �, ,g —, b4375 Main Rd. J E- '' !P.O.Box 1179 I 1 Southold,NY 11971 DEC 1 0 2021 December 10,2021 Southold lovvn Rngrcl of Trustees To whom it may concern: This correspondence is to confirm that Antonios Vournou is a member of MKS Realty LLC and is authorized to sign on its behalf. Warm Regards, Anton" i Vournou MEMBER avournou@earestoration.com Glenn Goldsmith,President Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino @ Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 coUiV1V,' BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This Section For Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application c/ Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit Amendment/Transfer/Extension NOV 1 8 2021 Received Application: 11►�$2� Received Fee: $ ZSO,DD Completed Application: III 2*zl Soul Incomplete: _ Board'of SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Negative Dec. Positive Dec. Lead Agency Determination Date: Coordination:(date sent): —� MW Consistency Assessment Form Sent: � AC Referral Sent:. Date of Inspection: ' Receipt of CAC Report: Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: i l Resolution: Owner(s)Legal Name of Property (as shown on Deed): L G Mailing Address: `7.7 M eadowlbroc,& Koacf SyosSe , IVY' 11 -791 Phone Number: E71 6, 9 21 — -70 30 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 54- — - Property Location: t ct2 5 N'yrrr(f) Seca Dn v'(:f:. 5cakn o(c1' , 1 q 7 I\10+fh Sick or N(orH--) Sea Dnlve, opprole , /,-7y�5 1 ecasf 6-F k_enn�, T�oacf (If necessary, provide LILCO Pole#, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT(If applicable): Yount 4- Yo un a A ftf, : l)o w o s C WO I P er{ , R. E-, Mailing Address: 400 O SfrTcrn cf'�� �'✓�. l�t'V � l (`)o f' Phone Number: G <— 27—Z Email: _�CvU La QOY09 e/? i n fif at25Ccm s Board of Trustees Appl, tion GENERAL, DATA Land Area(in square feet): 5n Area Zoning: R e s i d enf l a l Previous use of property: Va corn I- Intended use of property: S7(n c,(� EcPryZ i�� ��5fc�7 c� Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes r/ No If"Yes",please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? . �/ Yes No If"Yes", be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes t/ No If"Yes", please provide copy of decision. Will this project require any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes ✓ No Does the structure (s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? Yes No A//A Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date V' No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? V/ No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Con`!�frucf 4 ncfcV Z s'fory �v�m e r Mous-G d- c�Gprzec�� ,�-ocreffn�r Wi� —l� ass©ctcrf�ct�/ Siff �ry�pryr����e�� Servac'r, 5-ev✓Q�e-ctrs2o�( i5�stern r and Sfoa)elolend JdycU✓ce�4. y Board of Trustees Appl_ Ltion WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATI®N DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: 7-hh-e s?cerp o se- o)ir -{h e pro i e� /-5 �o con sf-Uc� C? /) f1, / --o Z 5Nr�4 jq-am-e Aot--e r(a fed 5i(e- Area of wetlands on lot: square feet Percent coverage of lot: b'® ( % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: A feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No ✓ Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? lfD 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled? +00 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 60 feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Le Ss -than 5 u7 Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: A n e- r-a 1.'ctfo� W(11 lOe _used lo remove- and de-posrf mc7ferfcd wqj6r'g fG►n. cp("(�o 03, 0 fi'on s. Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): There- w[([ be no e-rFfc+ on We-flGncks and fi'da/ Wafers oc Ae- To wn J a s c re s c{4 07,!f-' -th 4ropos-ed orc hon5 , November 12, 2021 ATTACHMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPLICATION prepared for MKS Realty, LLC, at Southold, T/O Southold, New York Project Description The project consists of constructing a new 2 story frame house & garage (1,873 sf footprint), front porch (389 sf) and stairs (137 sf), rear deck (1,218 sf) and stairs (31 sf), side deck (166 sf) and stairs (28 sf), covered deck (522 sf), in ground pool (335 sf), stone blend driveway (2,341 sf), public water service connection, new sanitary system, ie. one (1) 500 gal. wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5'L by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys (IAOWTS), and new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff. Lot Coverage Proposed Structure Area Percent Coverage 2 Story Frame House 1,873 sf 3.2 % Front Porch 398 sf 0.7 % Storage Room 136 sf 0.2 % In Ground Pool 335 sf 0.6 % Covered Deck 522 sf 0.9 % Side Deck 166 sf 0.3 % Rear Decks 1,218 sf 2.1 % Structure (Storage Shed) 100 sf 0.1 % Total 4,748 sf 8.1 % Board of Trustees Applica;~ )n- COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Coll s-6r e � n�r.V 2 S�prV-�rcrm� A oc rSe a u rag-e-- wife, %m g�royewet-?Is /r7 duaPi o�� �oo/ c��ck G�a�wal� lcrn�fll�s �i�s, . GIa-�eloo ,r,�rff�.:s-�or��_.�oelor�v Sfo�cG�(�n� driyewer�;. , . Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? � ^No _,Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? _ No _ �/ _. .Yes If Yes,how much material will be excavated?. 491V - (pubic yards) How much material will be filled? %1�. (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited:,, A n., f-X a ct Vc,.�r Cin S f"ctir efi o a �/Le- �t-oflos�� �` p roVcf-M* --n— . . Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or neighboring properties reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation the project as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attachments if necessary) _A ra (4i ng, -Fee)c,,- will !e- c©n (;vHh Cl-ectriag:-, Grrzadir�g aa►d Qrout)d elr�furh�/Ye� i i s will 6X- Mam��jr),fcP ur)h�j con sh'u 0n aefi'V%Ftrs k)cQbl-e 6---ern eoen�2l-cl -cd 40 F-ropfnrf�x ore-1 Qlr)(Cori AU Fryg2 ed C�C1 sf-rZ.r�fion�c7�yi-Frr -H/ien r �} 61 Z20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions fonfomnletiag Part l -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part l-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: M K 5 Q-ecI if LLC Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 192-G7 /v0ri-h Sea Drives Socio/-o lv' e Ncr4A side. o•F Nodi Sec( Dr(Ve— approx. !i7 r�` easf of trenn)Ls poRdp Brief Description of Proposed Action: COnsfrt.rc-- cr new L sfror/ -Fang-e- 's-e d- Jca�Gscf:.. - 0 gef )I&(- Wr( ') -fin-if- a ssoC_I a fed Site_ ire p r-0 vervlen t7--, I n 0(uCt(n5 Poo/) deck) shed/ elft-h--c servrC_-e pt"Wo/tc- Wat-er ) S-ev✓e-?Se- �rs�nc�scz� sYs{�uv� crs�d _5 nnebl-end dri vewa y. Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: M K S R2cclf LL-C., E-Mail ctvoc t rnota G ear-es or `c n corn Address: -7-7 M brook Road S� o s se City/PO: State: Zip Code: S oss c4- NeVt` Yo'* r!•7 9/ 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO .YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that ❑ ❑ may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. if no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: NYS:DEG—Volo( We-1-lc>nd Rerngik ot- Left--,- or' No JE,,rrsdl, °-67n F]SC�H5— Wa•fcr sup I-,- •f se UR9� TICSoy � i p r * 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 1 ,5 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0. !A acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 1---35 _acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑Urban El Rural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial ❑Commercial Mesidential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Aquatic ❑Other(specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES I N/A a. A permitted use under the zoning regulations? ❑ ® ❑ b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? © ❑ 6. is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? ❑ 0 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: _ El 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES o ❑ b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? n ❑ c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? L©J 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: 0 C�7 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: Th e project rncludrz consfru Qn cr a new s aria is oar( S s m t8,aw s , 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? R] El- b. b. Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? Z E 13.a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ❑ b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? Fv_� El If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: Q"Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland ❑Urban ['Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, ❑ a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties. NO YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ❑NO OYES Sform Wder wlll 19, olireefed -{o 00-5ite. 4rainc;p -eckc-h i c, pools and dr y We(1-,, Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction'or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO ' YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: ❑ 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AHn ., 7-Aomct5 C. Wal pe-d-) P,f, Applicant/sponso name: YOUAQ ,�/Y�U(lG L Date: NOV; Signature: ��i,!2' G2//I /(/ /l�l1L� Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the.following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? ❑ 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? ❑ L__I I Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the a establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? ET 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or ❑ affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate ❑ reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: ❑ ❑ a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, ❑ architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, ❑ waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occu11 occur 10. W ill the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? ❑ Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Town of Southold-Board of Trustees Name of Lead Agency Date President Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT Page 4 of 4 Board of Trustees Appl . ._ Ltion AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, I"i KS R1°alf �I LLC_ AVh-) ; Ar4onlro.5 Vournou owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- 64- 04--,270 in the town of .Soufh ®1 cQ ,New York, hereby authorizes . younG V�- YouA!a A Hn : l holy,a s C, Wo l pe-d- , P, C, to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s) from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property. Prope y wner's Signature Property Owner's Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 06US-?/_ , 20 otary Public MANOLI KALAMOTOUSAKIS NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 02KA6213500 Quallfled in Queens County oy Commisslon Expires November 09,20�� t Board of Trustees Apply ,A� tion AFFIDAVIT 4 n-fon(o s V o urn ou . BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HVSHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. X - Signature of Property Owner Signature of Property Owner Anfonio5 Vournou SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS . 5+.L, DAY OF. oc'.-�'�, , 20 C Notary Public MANOLI'KALAMOTOUSAKIS NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 02KA6213500 Qualified In Queens County MY Commission Explres November 09,20af APPLICANUAGENUREPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE,FORM -"- e Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits cooflicis ofihtcrcst on the phit of town officers and P-rnpjg=s.Thepurpse of this fbrm'is to provide information which can Write town of 99kible conflibts of interest and allow i0o,take whatever action J$! YOURNAME: MKS Rea tf�4 , LA-C, 14#h ,, An�1-)iO-s Wurf)ou (Last name,first name,jpiddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicatetheother person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other',name the activity.) Do you ipersonally,(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have,a feldtionship with any officer-or employee of the Town of;Sbuthold? "Relaflon'sbip"includes by'blood,fijarriagc,;or business interest".Business interest"means it business, including a partnership,in which the't6wri'officer.or employee has even a-parlial own erAip of(oi emp cpilJorati6n in which the town officer or employee owns more than 55,91 oftfia shares. YES NO t-11 If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person on employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): the owner of-greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of ihe.ppplicont (when the applicant is a corporation); the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity the applicant is not a corporation); an off cer,director,partnei,or employee of the applicant;or the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this dayof 04AOr 20 21 §ignature X -10— PrintName- 'ja� r,joyoumou Form TS I 9-IFALXI 1Board of Trustees Applicat. PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS APPLICATION NAME & SCTM#: NAME: ADDRESS: L/ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , residing at , being duly'sworn, deposes and says that on the day of , 20 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office located at , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAILIRETURN RECEIPT. Signature Sworn to before me this Day of , 20 Notary Public YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone (631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile (631) 727-0144 Riverhead, New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG, Land Surveyor THOMAS C. WOLPERT,Professional Engineer DOUGLAS ADAMS, Professional EngineerlGeolgSist ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect (� D EC E019E August 15, 2022 AUG 1 5 2022 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Town Hall Annex Board of Trustees 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single Family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC 1925 North,,Sea Drive at Southold, T/O Southold, NY (20-0153) SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-20 Dear Members of the Board: Enclosed is the original signed & notarized Proof of Mailing of Notice Form, together with the original Certified Mail Receipts, for your use. Very truly yours, Thomas C. Wolpert TCW/cw Encl. Planning Engineering Land Surveying Board of Trustees Application PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS M t<'5 F�eor t(1-1 L-L.G APPLICATION NAME & SCTM#: /00 0— NAME: --NAME: ADDRESS: Rofieref- C-,-. (-3oaN6Ge 14, 16, 3rd AVet)uc!f- 2 Loc.t'rs �ilQsip 25 C��Perrs Lcp� � R�vo��G,(� ��sf Levitfor�n J MY 6, Sore n-e V lof-fi E3 / --3--37 N)"' l l ? 7l O JDse�h Bc crr� � cano -2120 I/• 5ecr 1)rtVe: NY -71 STATE OF NEW • ORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Thoma-' C, PE, , residing at f ( c 10( being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of A(a L,,uf, 2022 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office located at R i lr` �7Ccr� /'�J��VI xorlh that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT. Sworn to before me this Signature Day of —. 20 Q� �'1 O/M Ct S e. G�'ol��, ,�c= •� (� ELIZABETH A.FALLON NOWY Public'state of New Yarn Notar ublic ND.D21A5069367 y COMMI�fanJ F�p es*V tuber'7)i,flM Postal CERTIFIED o RECEIPT Ln . nty CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT . , _nc 11 4 .. • -191&1111 Ln Awn nj Howl _ u -r 1 1)ivy ' Lavit.t06i�t +�Y' i 7� m Certified Melt Fee ac: $4 O S , MM CartFwad MfalI IF . 1`•-a c �¢.l El! - �•� r-1 Extra ervIc,s&FaaS(clieckboK addf :art` 0 $ f.Q` ❑Return R..01(6-. $ _,, _datoJ v r-1 ra 3tr' ,..� ices&Fe fcr-.ack acs, odd ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ t ,IJ I, _ Q F— Q Fe[um Receipt(hardcopy) $ ❑Certified Mall ResMded Delivery $ •� ;;1 0 Fr' �"'l ❑Return Receipt C3 - Here r p Pt(electronic) S f 1. ) - p ❑Adult Signature Required S -, '• ❑Certltled Mall Restricted Delivery $ r ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery§ C3 ❑Adult Signature Required U C3 PostRg C3 []Adult Signature Rinlricted Delivery S - r-.1 $ $l i,$4 O Postage US1'" 20 4 � Total Postage and Fels r•� S $1-1•L co Total POStage and 322 C3ru p Sento Lia C3 Siieera:td t a. w a - «. r ----.»-_—---�. _. ru 1 C�l _«__ >'�: Postalzan k1 CERTIFIED o RECEIPT U.S. Postal r_ Domestic Mail OnlyCERTIFIEDMAIL@ RECEIPT ..nEr • rq CoSou lt[r•+ A . 0 Certified Mail Fee$4.1111 f ti :: ! MSoU �f19 1 1 �, +1 cerrtrea Mall Fee ra raServices&Fees(chUr*jX�,W ❑ V r p S❑ Raturn ..1 C ❑Return Rocerpi 0Wcom L7 pReturn Receipt Servicosees 6:bo kboyador ❑CerPgd heRlos.nwadDelivery Poslrnerk tvmRecol€t9-dcopy) $ ❑AdvtSlgatuaqurad Hal tum R W(Wecroay DAWSgnalura D�Z � md Mall RadDlivey $ P`ost�m akp 8 $ e1v°y pQAdltSinaGm Requirdp PSfage r' p S 6 T $ $1_1.,8,4 0AduttsrgnatwoRestrictedDelivery$ �O TatalPasra88andp Poslege Fens jIv /•7( $1;.$4 $3.419 cos " Tetal Postage and Fees /f I22 prq met pt}I(o, r �ox «.mow.. p Sent To > _.._ ----------- ru f�eine r r rrr•r• �' 7/ ..� r r r r�r•r. - - - - SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY rnmnl,-fA itemm,'i-.9-and 3-Also complete A. Signoture AA— I— El Addressee B. F;eceived by(Printed Name) C.Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1 Article Addressed to: D. :s delivery addreqs 1? llq7( fled Mail L3 Express Mail E3 Registered 13 Return Receipt for Merchandise 13 Insured Mail 1:1 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 13 Yes 2. Article�im^� mai ?020 1810 0001 1034 1689 ----- 3811,February Glenn Goldsmith,PresidentS ieca uFFQI� Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ►�t1 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski v ` ' P.O. Box 1179 rrn a Liz Gillooly +gyp + Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples y4j 6� Telephone 631 765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of MKS REALTY, LLC COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL THE POSTING HAS REMAINED INPLA CRFOR AT LEAST SEVEN DA YS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE- COMPLETE THIS FORM ON EIGTH DAY OR LATER I, n om'?:5 L" fir" yl aerl- /dba " u/1 400 1?-scane � �nu� KIueri els- /QY being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the bfh day of A4c.P,5u s f , 2022-, 1 personally posted the property known as 19 :2-,5 Norte Sea -Z)riV-Cn- so�rfL»l cP A ICY by placing the Board of Trustees official noticing poster where it can easily be seen from the street, and that I have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for a full seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesday,August 17,2022. Dated: (signature) Sworn to before me this k4 day of-Acujv-20 83 cLIL41:+ETH A.FAt_l.GN notary Public,State of New York No.oirA5069367 Qualffied in Suffolk County commission Expires November 5,7W Not Public ' i • 4 � �; ._ . . ` - .� 4; 1.ate!' �` k�Pr�. •� �.v��y.' Glx :� ��f .I, - � . .° l -.-- , ` -.•�',y S I'}`�" a �Ip r! `",r S � i P' � P ' rr N`�. .r s�ti�ir';�����r .Y s � •���,� �' rr.'y } r # ,� y. •� qj i P , ! r •s .rr.rf -. .-..j..E.dTM_eh....-r-'S��•rwv. 1 t 1 Glenn Goldsmith,President r�F S0Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ,�®� ®�� 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly e� Elizabeth Peeples Telephone(631) 765-1892' � Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS PROPOSED PROJECT TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 AT OR ABOUT 5:30P.M. IN THE TOWN HALL MEETING HALL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR: Young & Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC LOCATED: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold; SCTM# 1000-54-4-20 For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a two- story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21 '10"x11'9" (253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed 10'4"x20'2" (191 .7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground; a 1 ,218.8aq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed 10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from x-7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a 127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed 1 ,200 gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and six (6) 8.5' long by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys; public water service connection; new storm water control structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately 690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the second- story structure. NUTILL---- UF HLARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: MKS REALTY, LLC SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: Please see attached Project Description Page posted with this Notice. TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING : Wednesday, August 17, 2022 — at or about 5:30P.M. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available online at www.southoldtownny.gov and/or in the Trustee Office until to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631) 765-1892 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions,that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Townof Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including:Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering,the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action Will be< evaluated as to i. ..... bn' � - ........., its. si : ficant: beneficial and::advefse-effects upon the coastal area(which includes 61, of Southold:I'owri)` 3.: If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. .Thus, each answer must.W ex lamed in.defa' listim p both Sld{Dportin_g and nob- 0 porting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,if shall not be.uhdertakeri. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 10 0 a -. 64- 10 4- _ 2D PROJECT NAME_ MKS 9�,ecr(fii , LLC J The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of TrusteesZ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate'response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit, approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: Co n sfru c-F a new 2 s rk/- -�,,am h ous� d- 5ara9� -{-o a�fG�er w i-I-G, -I`h-e Ct ss®e i a t�c� Si l-e I'mfg Qyved�l�f5 -in eludiylc, wool , dectc , 5hed , el-ecfnc sP�-yLc� , 'u6lrc- waher SerVicz .Bergh e- M , once Stene blend dre'Vewo Location of action: 19 2 f\lorHq Sea D r('V e, of So&A01 c./ Site acreage: I o 39-30 acres or ge) ?-36 s-C Present land use: Vol can f Present zoning classification: Desi d enfi a I 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: N KS beef(f�i , LLn+On(0s V9urnou (b) Mailingaddress: `77 NeadoWbroofs �ocd Syoss�f- , NY I 1 -791 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ;) 91& -- '�2( — 7r-3 C) (d) Application number,if any: N/ Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes 0 No❑ If yes, which state or federal agency? NYS D EC — T j do( W e-f lance Fermi- or- L-e-ffer- vi No ,Tur sdicfion C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, snakes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LV RW Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Z Yes .0 No ❑ Not Applicable -f of)5 c A cf ct n ecu 2 Sfory -Film e- f)Oct 5e v- gcarr a c �oGettner eyi�fi �l�l� CtsSoc i cr l-ecP sit i mRr'oyewlenf5 i nclucl'rn� moa/ �(e V s/i�o0 eleclS�s� ood sNne blcr\d c@riUecyav, Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ®. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable - Th e— Pro,2 ospcP h ouses - 9 araq-c— VV at oma' t-ec�u i r--ed *1010d ei-e_✓C?h0n , Per >=CF`?A- , an ct l_a nd wayd Of il,e -{-i'c(ce( Wef(ao�� bounc�ce , Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria 2 Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. 0 ❑ ❑ es No Not Applicable q-eFvlict 1 J Attach additional sheets ifnecessary - Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LNW Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑. Yes ❑No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. El Yes ❑ No R1 Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LVW Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. nn 0 WE] No❑ Not Applicable R'e-F?,-40 t olfcy I R-e-sPonSt� , Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III--Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes 0 No ❑ Not Applicable ' k'e0-4- 4o Po I ect,. I 1�fe2p2n s,:f_ . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary 1 Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages-65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Not Applicable PREPARED BY _2 ornys C, WOlD E. TITLE DATE 11--12-21 , YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone(631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile(631) 727-0144 Riverhead,New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG,Land Surveyor THOMAS C.WOLPERT,Professional Engineer DOUGLAS ADAMS,Professional Engineer/Geologist ROBERT C. TAST,Architect D E G E � V E ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect November 12, 2021 NOV 1 8 2021 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Single Family Residence MKS REALTY, LLC 1925 North Sea Drive at Southold, T/O Southold, NY (20-00153) 1 SCTM No.: 1000-54-0-20 Dear Members of the Board: Enclosed are the following items: 1. application fee — MKS Realty, LLC check no. 1156 payable to `Town of Southold' in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00), 2. one (1) original & three (3) copies—Wetland ,Permit Application and Attachment dated November 12, 2021, 3. one (1) original & three (3) copies—Short Environmental Assessment Form, 4. one (1) original & three (3) copies—Authorization Form, 5. one (1) .original & three (3) copies—Affidavit, 6. one (1) original & three (3) copies—Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form, 7. one (1) original & three (3) copies — LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, 8. three (3) color copies— Photograph Nos. 1-8, and Planning Engineering Land Surveying Page 2of2 November 12, 2021 9. three (3) prints— Building Permit Survey (Sheets 1-2 of 2) last dated November 12, 2021 depicting the existing conditions and proposed improvements. We understand that submission of these documents enables you to complete your review of this application. If you have any questions or require any additional information, .please contact us. Very truly yours, Thomas C. Wolpert TCW/cw Encl. cc. MKS Realty, LLC Attn: Mr. Antonios Vournou + encl. + 1 print