HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-07/05/2022 PH 1
Southold, New York
July 5 , 2022
7 : 00 P . M .
B E F 0 R E :
July 5, 2022 2
like to invite anybody who would like to
comment on any of the agenda items ,
please feel free?
MR . LLOYD WITHERS : Are you going
to be voting on the Cutchogue Woods ?
speak to that as to if we will be voting
or not .
MR . LLOYD WITHERS : I would like to
make a comment?
MR . JOHN BURKE : Can you tell us
your name , please?
MR . LLOYD WITHERS : My name is
Lloyd Withers .
we ' re going to do, we ' re still in Public
Hearing . So with that pending
application -- what we ' re going to do is
do the regular agenda items . And when
we go back in the Public Hearing, then
we will invite you up to speak about the
Woods or any item regarding the Public
Hearing .
July 5, 2022 3
anybody else like to comment on any of
the agenda items?
(No Response ) .
(Meeting Resumed . )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
we ' re going to do, is we ' re going to
resume our Public Hearing on what is an
application as Cutchogue Woods
Affordable Housing proposal in
Cutchogue . So I am going to invite
anybody that would like to address this
with the Town Board to please feel free .
Withers in Cutchogue . And Affordable
Housing is not affordable . It ' s a
business . And it is evident as far away
as my second home, Houston, that the
North Fork is under a lot of pressure
for growth . And it ' s a very -- 23
square miles of relatively pristine
environment that was created over a
period of time . Substantive effort of
the population here and the Town . I
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would like to emphasize that when
( inaudible ) Affordable Housing solved
the local problem in general . They go
for any tax rebate , grant or any other
source of funding because it ' s a profit
oriented enterprise . And that can
create an absent of local focus . There
was an establishment in Mattituck where
they created housing for local
environment, but it was locally funded .
That seemed to have worked very well .
And I know people who have lived there .
But Affordable Housing on the very
necessity that it is a business . It
generally is not local . And if they
take a grant from the State or from the
Federal Government , the State does not
allow that to be local . And the Federal
Government will not allow that either .
I noticed also in looking through, and
trying to track the pressure to develop
the North Fork for 23 square miles , it
seems to be a tremendous amount of
pressure going on in this regard . But
the Town Board in 2018 also identified a
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critical resource that was used for the
North Fork . And in it ' s report, the
Board and I think a report was in there
about criticality of that aquifer . Now
a recent proposal of Suffolk County
Water Association says we ' re going to
take a pipeline from Flanders to Laurel ,
and bypass part of the aquifer . That is
not ( inaudible ) when you think an
aquifer exist for a proposal of water
running through it . It exists and keeps
out the saltwater erosion from both
sides of the island . Some steps should
be taken to defer the pressure of this
vote for a period of time . The
proposals that I have seen and referred
to, have indicated that there are areas
that are -- have been open for legal
interpretation . And made the Town
liable right to build . There are
factors in your own definition, building
rights are being open by legal pressure .
And I am not certain that you have the
tools to handle the pressure of what is
ahead of you . As I research this , I
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noticed one of our ( inaudible ) award of
Man of the Year in 2018 , indicated that
we may need to start to apply a "not on
my backyard" connotation . This is a
pristine 23 square mile piece of earth .
And the developments that I have seen,
development rights from -- vineyards in
upwards of 60 . And pressure for
Affordable Housing and other factors
from Riverhead, all the way out to
Greenport . Increasing density . The
precious set of resources . I am not
sure it ' s going to wind up well . And
there is no other place to get some .
And if you recall , you know, a lot of
people -- we had environmentalists for
years persuading us to make small
changes . Farmers burning their fields
so that the water run-off would not
increase the algae . We had numerous
changes in agricultural irrigation . If
people went through the tenth degree to
keep this as it has been, it was a
unique combination of agricultural and
state resources . Businesses , I mean
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banks , agricultural farmers . The state
with Cornell and other people who work
with their extension centers here , to
make this a better area for farming and
even the extension of wine industry
here . I recall Al Krupski explain part
of this to a group of us , that this was
not enforced . This was a combination
where people had to work together .
People had to -- bankers had to
understand that they had to fund
agricultural equipment . That would
allow people to process new crops . We
can fight climate change . This is not
small . And a lot of it was done to
preserve what we had . And an effort
even as small , 5 . 66 acres to do
Affordable Housing, that is simply a
mega structure . You would have to
provide an infrastructure for it . Thank
you .
else like to address the Town Board on
this? Robert?
MR . ROBERT DUNN : Robert Dunn,
July 5, 2022 8
Peconic . I wrote something to hand in .
You all can throw it away . I didn ' t
know I would get a chance to talk today .
Almost 1000 of the people are here to
discuss this . I will start off that we
need public housing . We need Affordable
Housing . We need this , but not here .
And I have heard that over and over and
over and over again . Seems to me that
-- and then there is also the discussion
about who is going to be able to live
there . We can easily make it so that we
can control it . And when I say, "we "
the Town . It ' s the Town of Southold ' s
position to do that . So if people who
are doing it , try and go somewhere else .
And then it comes with restrictions .
The bottom line on this , at the end of
the process , there will be 24 new homes
-- new apartments added to the Town ' s
roll , which you are the numbers , Scott .
Cumulative rents for everybody around
here . And some of the people who are
now in competition with ( inaudible ) will
be able to go here . So in terms of
July 5, 2022 9
overall costs to the people of Southold .
I heard a number of comments along the
way . I couldn ' t stay last meeting .
That is why I didn ' t talk last meeting,
but I heard all the comments . I heard
comments about what kind of fuel they ' re
going to be burning . The heat pumps ,
they don ' t burn fuel . So there is no
burning fuel . The septic system, by
nature , I have one of those too . I have
to be on an A system, which is better
than 990 of the septic systems in this
Town . So everybody up there and
everybody down here . Just much, much
cleaner . I heard one comment from an
elected official that kind of disgusted
me . When I hear people say more rental
housing ( inaudible ) . No , we don ' t get
to decide who is going to live here . We
have to go to Riverhead? I mean, where
do you stop? Everybody can live here .
And we need to do our best as a Town to
make that possible . This proposal I
think is as good as it ' s going to get .
And as far as that living there, there
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is nobody ' s backyard there . The closet
backyard is several hundred feet away .
So this is a perfect place for that kind
of thing . You are not going to find 5
acres in any one of the hamlets to do
this . Then there was one last comment
-- really kind of bothered me . Rental
housing makes poor people poor . I grew
up in rental housing, I am far from
poor . Rental housing -- affordable
renting housing keeps poor people from
homeless . Thank you .
have someone on Zoom?
BOARD ROOM : Craig, you have
permission to talk?
Craig Catalanotto . I am from the Hamlet
of Speonk . I normally don ' t attend
Public Hearing ' s outside of Southampton
Town, but I just wanted to offer my
perspective regarding Georgica Green . I
work with Georgica Green here on
Affordable Workforce Housing complex a
few years ago . And you know, my
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community shared the same concerns
regarding the overcrowding, traffic,
noise, etcetera . And what we got with
working with Georgica Green was a
wonderful apartment complex . We have 38
new residents . They ' re using our
restaurants . They have become
integrated into our community . I was
the CAC West Share for the Hamlet of
Southampton Town . And a couple of the
tenants over at Speonk Commons actually
joined our CAC . So many of the fears
that were had never actually came to
fruition . And Georgica Green really did
a marvelous job with the complex . It ' s
beautiful . Any concerns that we have
had after it was built, you know, some
lighting issues , they attended to those
immediately . I cannot say enough good
things about how they worked with our
community . And you know, ultimately the
complex over here is a benefit to my
community by a lot . And I hope that
your community will consider it as well .
Because I think once it ' s built, you
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will come to learn that it ' s a wonderful
thing . It ' s good to keep some of our
local folks local . You need keep our
workforce here as well . So thank you
for your time .
would like to address the Town Board on
this particular Public Hearing?
MR . DAVE STEELE : Dave Steele .
This isn ' t my backyard . I farm all
around . The Town Board bought all the
development rights around there .
Preserved land . Have railroad tracks
running on the south boundary project .
You got a highway on the north side . No
gas . No bus service . I am for
Affordable Housing . I just don ' t think
it belongs there . I have spoken to a
few of you guys and girls about some of
the concerns . So that is all I have to
say .
would like to address the Town Board?
MR . ROBERT DUNN : Before I lose it
again . Next year going to be 76 . So
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it ' s hard . I don ' t know have many of
you have driven over to the Hamptons in
the morning . You take a ride to the
Hamptons at -- anywhere from 6 : 00 to
9 : 00 in the morning, any day in Spring
or Summer, you are in Manhattan traffic .
Because anybody who wants to work in the
Hamptons has to drive from Patchogue or
Islip or anywhere else to the west . All
the pickup trucks and vans . If that ' s
the future in what we want here, and a
bunch of wealthily houses , and they are
coming . Mr . Farrell put up his sign .
He doesn ' t build cheep houses . He ' s got
an office here . We are going to see
that as part of our future . So anybody
who is going to work here is going to
have from elsewhere . We are all going
to be standing in traffic constantly .
Thank you .
MS . GAIL WICKHAN : Good evening,
Gail Wickham, Cutchogue . I would like
to -- like to respond to the letter that
VHB wrote on June 16, 2022 , which
reviewed and analyzed the Planning
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Board ' s comments and the recommendations
against the proposed change of zone .
The letter is repeated with
conclusionary statements . There is no
specific substance . It really basically
advances positions in the nature of the
VHB ' s interpretation of the
Comprehensive Plan . It doesn ' t mention
the inconsistencies between the project
and the Comprehensive Plan . It ignores
the clear language of the Zoning Code
and the concerns and recommendations of
the stakeholders , which was the
essential part in developing the
Comprehensive Plan, as well as , all of
the other planning and input that went
into it . It was a Town wide effort .
Not just geographically but involving
all levels of citizens and government .
It was an effort that resulted in the
Comprehensive Plan concluding the Halo
and hamlet density concepts to have
denser development in those areas and
leaving the outline areas for much lower
density . The VBH ( sic) letter
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completely ignores these central zoning
concepts that you ' re charged with
reviewing in any application . They
attempt to argue that because -- and
this is -- because there is a Town wide
need for Affordable Housing, which we
all agree on . There is no question
about that . It can be put anywhere in
the Town . And that is where I think we
have to be very careful with precedents
setting and basically leaving this whole
issue wide open . That is not what the
Comprehensive Plan says . VBH letter
also ( inaudible ) farming analysis and
preservation analysis to try and
shoehorn these arguments , somehow in
support of its conclusion . When you
look at the Comprehensive Plan a little
bit here . A little bit there . And you
do that and out the plan goes . That is
not good planning . It can ' t justify its
plan of action . Every project has to be
reviewed on its facts and the
application and relevant standards .
That is the essence . Without doing
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that, there is clearly an arbitrary
( inaudible ) and rationale result . I
want to mention that the Town ' s
involving zoning classifications
throughput the years since the 50 ' s .
Where they basically did distribute
density from the Hamlet centers and out .
High density and residential was allowed
in the hamlets . R40 Zones were sought
slightly outside of that . That in an
already densely neighborhoods . And the
AC R2 -- R80 zoning was applied to the
outline acreage for farming and less
density . That is the concept . The
scattered ( inaudible ) and somewhat
commercial parcels that the applicant
showed in their maps when presented this
project that are somewhere in this area,
resulted from zoning that was imposed
decades ago with a codified preexisting
usage . And I don ' t think they can rely
on that . It ' s a farming area . And this
parcel can ' t claim historical result
because the whole point of preexisting
zoning is not ( inaudible ) . Further,
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when you legislate to allow the
insertion of a floating district, which
is this is , you have to consider
characteristics of the existing
district . And that is very important .
I want to specifically go through some
of the points in the VHB letter . They
divided it into topics . Topic 1 ,
project is not as they state consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan . The
project ignores the standards by
proposing high density residential
development in this location . The need
for Affordable Housing is not the issue
here . They need is evident . It ' s the
density . Disregard the issues magnified
density in a farming low density area,
magnified traffic on and off a high
speed roadway with no specific
transportation . Greatly magnified
Nitrogen and other -- runoff
containments over the runoff of the
water table . And a lot distance from
the firehouse . Should there be a fire
in an attached housing development in
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woodland . VHB does acknowledge that the
Comprehensive Plan calls for Affordable
Housing in " appropriate areas . " And
then it ignores why this is not an
appropriate area . VHB letter correctly
points out that the plan recommends
Affordable Housing in all hamlets . And
that should include Cutchogue, but it
doesn ' t follow that it can be anywhere
in the Hamlet . The Town recently denied
the Depot Lane project, which I think is
in a suitable location, which now, as I
understand it, awaiting hearing on
resubmission . How can the Route 48
location be better than Depot Lane,
which is closer to the road and other
factories ? Quality diversity and
housing is needed . It doesn ' t ignore
concepts in the zoning and Comprehensive
Plan . Topic 2 , the VHB letter plays
around with the language of the
Comprehensive Plan, "Necessary
requirements . " It attempts to argue ,
and what I found very confusing that
they are not necessary . And somehow
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translates the Comprehensive Plan to say
that the entire housing sector concept
overrules the requirements for
individual concepts . How can they argue
that the characteristics of an
individual project do not apply?
Acknowledging that the "necessary
requirements , " are " local
considerations " in the housing sector .
They seem to be saying that you can pick
and chose individuals projects and put
them anywhere . That is a very dangerous
precedent . It is clearly misreading the
Comprehensive Plan and zoning core
concepts . The point of the
Comprehensive Plan language is that you
add up the individual requirements to
get to the local considerations . Topic
2 conclusion that the projects ability
to address Affordable Housing, means it
can go anywhere . Completely unsupported
by the Comprehensive Plan . In Topic 3 ,
the VHB letter tends to downplay the
importance of a critical environmental
areas and special groundwater protection
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designations on this property, which
would be a serious jeopardy by
construction . They also seem to argue,
although it ' s hard to follow that
because farming historically deposited
chemicals in the groundwater, it ' s
somehow now okay to dump high density in
this as well . Likewise, their argument
that this parcel was not labeled as a
preservation target, obviously because
it was too small to preserve, somehow
leads to an argument that it is
appropriate for high density housing .
Government doesn ' t necessarily pursue
small parcels for open space because
they aren ' t big enough to make parks or
preserves . They ' re suitable for below
density residential . They don ' t just
get thrown into the high density pool ,
which is what they are asking for here .
That whole argument is what I would call
a red herring on a good day . Further, I
note that the -- I know that the VHB
letter reports that the Phase I PSA
shows that the project does lay over
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clean water . So unfortunately
pharmacological chemicals have not been
a huge impact or found their way out .
Topic 4 , the need for Town wide
Affordable Housing does not -- as they
again attempt to argue, create a Town
wide location for anywhere in the Town .
It ' s intensionally misreading the
Comprehensive Plan . I am unclear with
what authority and unidentified Town
representative speaking at an
unidentified Suffolk County Planning
Commission meeting on the location of
Affordable Housing that we cannot rely
on that . Contrary to the Hamlet centers
in the VHB letter, it is evident that
there is undeveloped land in and around
those centers , including Cutchogue . So
because Hamlet property is asserted to
be more expensive there is no need to
follow the Comprehensive Plan . Even if
true, that has always true . And the
Comprehensive Plan was made with those
economic impacts in place . And it was
not a factor that the plan address .
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Further, the merits cited in Topic 4
include large property over 5 acres .
This is a parcel of under 6 acres for 24
homes proposed . When I first spoke to
the developer on this , he was very
anxious to send me a map that showed how
beautifully they had incorporated, I
think it was 28 parcels into a 2 acre
parcel . They just don ' t get it . The
second merit was adequate parking and
sewage disposal . Sewage we mentioned
before . Parking for 48 cars and they
also mention taxi visits , have to enter
a very, very high speed roadway . And
for westbound traffic, u-turns and
crossing over two lanes , pull into the
median and turn around in an
intersection, has to be very carefully
considered . And I am sure that was a
Planning Board concern . They ignore
that the route has no public
transportation . Far from service and
retail establishments . Any of which
must be accessed by residential country
lanes . Buses would also have to
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navigate this -- this high speed
turnaround situation for disabled
residents that might be able to qualify
for their services . The access is not
good . The experience of this group,
which I do respect , should have led
before they walked into this project ,
the conclusion that they have to find
the right property . Not just take what
they find, and hundreds of thousands and
try and get it through . Your job is to
make sure that they follow the code
requirements . Topic 5 , transportation
and infrastructure . In reference to the
S92 bus , ignores that it only runs on
the Main Road in this area . A bike path
would be nice, but those of us that have
been on that highway with the speed of
the cars and broken glass , might be
cautious . They recite the imaginative
initiative plan of minimal ridership on
the buses . To justify people who need
buses just won ' t be served here . I
think that is a terrible statement . Use
of personal vehicles and taxis will only
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increase traffic to a low density area .
They mentioned that the winery across
the street is limited to 39 parking
spaces . No taxi service . And they only
have periodic usage during their
business hours . Not a continual
residential -- 24 hour continual
residential usage . Topic 5 , ecology
ignores 4 acres of old growth trees .
Many of which would be protected by the
Planning Board restrictions on
subdivision . Those of you who have been
on Planning Board subdivisions , they
very much know it ' s hard to clear trees
and other buffers and other things .
Further, there is no date on the back
study that was quoted . So apparently it
wasn ' t recent . Topic 6, traffic is
discussed above and has the same flaws .
Lastly, I want to specifically address
the emphasis on the VHB letter,
agricultural . Obviously this parcel is
not in an AG District because it ' s not
farmed . That argument however is
irrelevant, for this project
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considerations , although it ' s repeated
often by VHB . What is important are the
large number of properties which
immediately join the subject property or
are in the immediate vicinity of it .
All which are in the AG District,
consist of many acres of active farmland
and have acres of identified farming .
They are identified on the Suffolk
County AG District lists . And I won ' t
read off all 13 of them, but they will
be in the letter that I am going to
submit . And in addition, Suffolk County
Water parcel is there and the town
development rights on ( inaudible ) Lane
recently sold . And those are just the
farms within the Alvahs Lane to Elijahs
Lane block . Doesn ' t include east of
Alvahs Lane, west of Elijahs Lane or
those on Oregon Road . I also note that
there is no evidence or substantiation
for the proof from those statements in
the letter . I ask you to please, follow
the dictates and the Guidelines of your
code and Comprehensive Plan . Point this
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applicant in the proper direction of
finding a suitable location while you
work on finding appropriate and
effective Affordable Housing solutions
locations . Thank you . And I will
e-mail this letter to Mr . Noncarrow .
would like to address the Town Board on
this particular Public Hearing?
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : Supervisor and
Members of the Board . Thank you again
for giving us the opportunity again
tonight . My name is Lou Bekofsky . I
was here at the last meeting . I am the
Director of Environmental Planning at
VHB with offices in Hauppauge . I think
it ' s good timing because at the last
meeting, we heard a lot of support for
the project but we also heard a few
different concerns from members of the
community . Mostly regarding water
quality and preservation and in general ,
the projects location . In response to
those concerns , we have a couple of
additional points that we wanted you to
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hear for consideration . First , let ' s
take on water quality and the special
groundwater protection . This project is
not prohibited to this location . It ' s
not prohibited . SGPA ' s are found all
over Long Island, as we demonstrated at
the last hearing . And there is
development within the SGPA ' s . Not
uncommon . Primary concern for the
Southold GPA --
one thing . I probably let the prior
speaker go on a little bit too long . So
we ' re going to take the testimony but I
don ' t know that we ' re really interested
in kind of going through everything that
we already went through . In fairness to
you, I am going to give you the time
that you need, because I did give the
previous speakers the time that they
need . I don ' t want to sit there and let
them speak and --
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : We appreciate
that . I will be as quick as I can be .
Okay . Again, the Southold SGPA as we
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said previously, historically, the water
quality issues related to the use of
agricultural or the previous
agricultural uses on the site . In other
words , we are not going to worsen those
uses because we ' re not proposing an
agricultural use here . Additionally, it
was mentioned earlier by somebody in the
public that we would have to use the
most modern technology available if
we ' re going to get an IA septic system,
which we would, and that is designed to
protect the groundwater resources . And
we will absolutely meet all the minimum
standards of the Suffolk County
Department of Health Services , Suffolk
County Sanitary Code, protective
groundwater and water quality . We do
have other members of the project here
who will be happy to answer any
questions on the water resources .
Second, regarding preservation of the
site, which you heard a lot of testimony
about that, I think it ' s important to
note that the decision before you is not
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between preservation and Affordable
Housing . It ' s single family homes and
Affordable Housing . Only the later
addresses what you describe as the
( inaudible ) . With that said, the
project does consider preservation . We
serve up to 500 of the site . At the
last meeting, and we heard it again
tonight some of the concern of the
quality of the wooded in the area . It
was suggested that there may be some
rare species of trees on the site . So
after the last meeting on July lst, we
sent a certified VHB ecologist out to
the site to look at the potential for
rare and protected ecological resources .
And we did an assessment , which we do
have here . And I am happy to submit for
the record after my testimony . An
assessment included a couple of key
things . One , there is no significant
natural communities or other rare
habitats on the site . There is no
endangered New York State threatened
concern or other rare species listed on
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the site or any surrounding properties
in any relevant DEC database . The site
is an example of the coastal forest
ecological community, which is
considered very common in communities on
Long Island, including Southold and
Riverhead in particular . Again, I have
a copy here . If it ' s okay with you, I
will just submit this . So based on our
site visit and the review of the DEC ' s
databases , our certified ecologist
concluded that removal of portions of
the site would not result in any
significant adverse impacts . Getting
back to the open space and farmland
preservation issue , I would reiterate a
few things we did say in our prior
testimony very quickly . In the many
decades of open face and farmland
preservation programs , this parcel has
never been used for agricultural
purposes . It has never been included on
any list on open space or farmland
preservation . Suffolk County gave the
parcel a 21 out of a 100 , as far as its
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value for open space . And the Town ' s
community open preservation project, the
CPPD, which was updated in 2016 wasn ' t
eligible for site preservation . And
this is because it didn ' t meet the
criteria outlined in the CPPD . And it
wasn ' t identified by the Town Planners
or the community stakeholders in 1998 or
when it was updated in 2016 . I think
it ' s important to list some of those
criteria that was considered and why
it ' s not on there . One the size of the
parcel that you heard . The 1998 list
started looking at 10 acre parcels , but
then it went to under 10 acres . The
consistency and objectives of the
planning initiative undertaken by the
Town would consider . It list the number
of different things . Social ,
recreation, economics . Our parcel was
never considered to be important for any
of those reasons as far as maintaining
community character . And the last point
kind of anoints to the project location
specifically outside the hamlet center .
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We did provide some new maps for you
guys , which I think would make this
testimony a little more understandable
and we would like you to entertain that .
If not --
put it up .
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : While we ' re
doing that, I will continue speaking in
the effort of time . You know, we heard
it today . We heard it throughout the
opposition that was here -- a few
members that were opposed at the last
hearing . Affordable Housing, but not
this specific location . We heard that
per the Town Code in particular,
Affordable Housing must be located in a
Hamlet center or Halo zone . So we went
back and looked at Section 280-26 of the
code . That list a number of locations
that may be desirable for Affordable
Housing and it does include land and
Hamlet zones , walking distance and
shops , etcetera, public transportation
or land that is next to centers of
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business ; however, what was not
mentioned was the last bullet in that
code . It doesn ' t say that it must only
use those locations because you have the
foresight to understand that might be
limited . The code language states that
Affordable Housing can be in other
locations where the product has been
shown to meet a demonstrable need . That
is a direct quote from Section 280-26 of
the Town Code . Other locations where
the product has been shown to meet a
demonstrable need . Clearly, Affordable
Housing is a nee as has been articulated
in the Comprehensive Plan and certainly
by the members of the public who spoke
at the last hearing and today . And I
think it was also important that are no
Affordable Housing units available right
now in Cutchogue . 0 acres of HD zone
property . So this idea -- and I
mentioned this at the last hearing . The
idea of limiting Affordable Housing only
to the Hamlet center and Halo Zone isn ' t
feasible to address Affordable Housing
July 5, 2022 34
in any near turn . It ' s a great exercise
and I applaud you for doing it , but
reality is , if you want to address this
crisis that you have identified, we
cannot be limited to only parcels within
the Hamlet . I want to just walk you
through . We did this analysis over the
last week or so . This is just an outline
of your Hamlet zone in blue and your
Halo zone in yellow . So there are 144
parcels in a Hamlet center and Halo zone
combined . We estimated that about 3 . 6
acres or so would be required to support
a product just like our size . With the
infrastructure and the actual housing
and building themselves . We go to the
next slide . I am sorry, you can leave
this . It ' s hard to see here, but 137 of
the 140 parcels or 97 % are not large
enough to support a project of this
size . At least 7 parcels to consider
within the Hamlet zone . 2 of the 7
parcels right here , are already
preserved or planned to be preserved .
Already in the CPPD . At least 5 remain .
July 5, 2022 35
Of those --
doesn ' t mean it ' s actively being
preserved .
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : One is actively
preserved and one plans to be preserved .
So of those 5 remaining parcels that are
out there , those plan to be preserved
out , one is a single family home and not
likely going to turn over to Affordable
Housing in the near term . One is an
established agricultural use, which is
towards the bottom of the screen . And
two are community facilities . Right .
So one is a school and one is a church .
So that leaves one parcel in the Hamlet
enter or Halo zone . That has the size
needed and not established to be
preserved . So again, this idea that
Affordable Housing can only be in the
Hamlet zone and Halo zones is not
supported by the code . You left that
option to other sites that show a
demonstrable need . And the reality is ,
there is not enough properties to
July 5, 2022 36
effectively meet that need that is here .
For all these opinions , we think that
denying a change of zone simply because
it ' s not located in a Hamlet center or
Halo zone would just be limited your
ability to kind of meet this crisis . So
I am going to ask David Gallo --
just get some clarification? We
actually pending projects in Cutchogue
that have already approached us that
will hold 48 units . So there are other
parcels out there that would support it .
one . It hasn ' t come before the Town
Board yet .
out there . I would agree it ' s hard to
find all of your options within the
Hamlet zone .
mind if I just ask you a question? So
we heard the applicant make the point a
few times that choice is not between
preservation and this housing because it
July 5, 2022 37
will be -- you know, either mega
mansions or Affordable Housing . But
during the last hearing we heard
Legislature Krupski suggest that the
County was willing to preserve this . In
fact, had made an offer to the applicant
previously to preserve it . Is that not
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : I can ' t speak to
those conversations .
said the choice was not between the
preservation and this . So is it or not?
MR . DAVE GALLO : Hello . David
Gallo . President of Georgica Green
Ventures , 50 Jericho Quadrangle . So
when Lou had made that remark, he was
referring to site plan . So when we ' re
talking about preservation, what we have
done here , 500 -- we ' re actually up to
54 . We want to be up to a certain
number here . Where we can actually
preserve much of this site, while still
have the Affordable Housing that
currently is built here . That was
July 5, 2022 38
the --
be clear, he did say the choice is not
between preservation and Affordable
Housing and it ' s between residential
housing or Affordable Housing --
MR . DAVE GALLO : We have to define
preservation . What we said is , right,
we would love to provide through a
covenant and restriction that back
portion does remain preserved . Right .
So you know, we heard a lot . We focused
on a lot after the hearing . This is the
outcome of it . So we heard a lot about
preservation and how can we do that . So
we looked at the particular site plan
and said, how do we make sure that the
site does remain mostly intake? And
what we ' re saying is , we think we can
get 50o there . Maybe 54 % untouched .
And we ' re willing to do a C&R to make
sure that never happens . And in
addition to that, what we also heard
from the public was , hey, we got to keep
things just the way they are . How do we
July 5, 2022 39
do that? And Allison, can you go to the
next slide? So that is what ' s there
right now, right . Go to the next slide .
That would be the entrance . You drive
by, it will be very similar . We don ' t
need to open everything up . We don ' t
need a sign . So two of the major things
we heard was , how do we make sure that
this entire site is not cleared? Great .
We as the applicant are willing to sign
a C&R of 500 open space . How do we make
sure that everybody that drives by today
or 100 years from now will continue to
see the same thing that we ' re seeing?
And we ' re saying, we ' re going to make an
access road . If there were two homes
built there, it would still need that .
So all we ' re saying is , this will look
very similar to what it does right now .
And I do feel like , we do listen to the
public . We do listen to the Board . We
listen to the supervisor and the
surrounding community and issues that we
think we can address and still bring the
Affordable Housing . So I am here to
July 5, 2022 40
answer any questions . Thank you .
times the comment was made that the
parcel isn ' t eligible for preservation .
All the properties are eligible for
preservation . I am not sure --
MR . DAVE GALLO : So I think -- the
County -- he can probably answer
preservation better than I can . But I
know there is a process by which the
County looks at all the particular sites
and there is a public process . And you
can go on right now and it ' s very
transparent . This particular site
scores a 21 out of 100 . Right . So it
goes through every reason . I believe
there is a committee, that would
objectively look at, does this site on
our county system score high? And the
site doesn ' t . So that means that the
County can ' t do . The Town can .
imagine the Town spends a great deal of
preservation than the County does .
MR . DAVE GALLO : Understood .
July 5, 2022 41
Legislator Krupski offer to preserve
this parcel ? It seemed like he
suggested that?
think your question before about the
choice between preservation or
Affordable Housing, it ' s -- it ' s not
that choice because it ' s privately
owned . So you know, you ' re trying to
say that it ' s a choice between -- a
choice between protecting it, but that ' s
not necessarily the case because it ' s
privately owned . Not something --
saying it ' s --
saying that it ' s more than anything --
the point has been made continually and
I felt honestly it was pretty
compelling . You know, it ' s going to be
developed no matter what . But it seems
like we got new information during the
last hearing . And I am just trying to
July 5, 2022 42
get to the bottom of that . Has an offer
been made to preserve this ?
MR . DAVE GALLO : It was at -- it
was in his office . It was informal
suggestion that an offer could be made .
Like I said, there is a process from
what I understand . I have never been a
land owner that has gone through the
county program, but I know there is a
scoring . There is a committee . Perhaps
he said -- you know, I would like to see
this kept as open space or preserved .
But I don ' t want to speak for him . Nor
did I think that particular conversation
was necessarily, you know, here is a
million dollars . There was no dollar
amount .
not spoken to him about it either . As
we were talking about this point about
what the choice is , I guess , I want to
understand what the choice is .
our choice . That is what I am trying to
say .
July 5, 2022 43
couple of more people from online who
are trying to --
same time , you are telling us we have
two choices , high density housing or
residential housing . And in fact , that
is not true either . Because you ' re
right, it ' s not our choice . I mean, you
know, I am just saying, all options are
on the table . There is nothing that is
precluded because it is eligible for
preservation . And to get into the
Town ' s Preservation Fund, it would
literally take about three weeks .
only if the owner agrees .
saying eligible . Eligible . They said
it ' s not eligible . I said it ' s
eligible .
MS . RONA SMITH : I think it ' s a
viable question you are asking . So I
will answer it as best as I can . If our
investigations tell us that there is no
July 5, 2022 44
where in Cutchogue that we can build
this , in a Hamlet or in a Halo zone, and
we have ownership of this piece of
property, does it not suggest that if it
were preserved, that 24 units of
Affordable Housing would not be built?
There is a bottom line here .
relates to this parcel . Absolutely .
MS . RONA SMITH : Preservation is an
asset in certain situations . It ' s a
really great thing that we do, but here
we have something for a very specific
thing has been planned to go in this
specific place . We ' re not finding ant
scientifically environmental reasons why
this would do any harm in this site .
And to preserve it would mean to back
off 24 hours because there isn ' t any
place that I can find to build it . And
you know, the thought of building
something in the middle of Cutchogue , I
don ' t know, after 10 , 12 years of
Harvest Pointe and people being up in
arms about the traffic . The thought of
July 5, 2022 45
putting something like this in the
middle of Cutchogue, even if the
property did exist where we could build
it, would certainly make a lot of people
unhappy all over again . So this was a
desire to find a property that would not
impinge on anything . And it doesn ' t .
The special groundwater protection area,
as Lou has said, was essentially 30
years ago in 1993 , was developed to
protect the aquifer from runoff from
pesticides . It was looking at curbing
agricultural processes that were harming
our water . The water that we will use
will not be well . We ' re digging . We ' re
tapping into Suffolk County Water
Authority pipeline that runs under Route
48 . We are trying to be very light on
the environment . The reason is David
--David is more diplomat that I am. I
think I have to address issues directly
but we have sat down with our architects
and site planners and looked at what we
could . At the present time , on this
site, three buildings that were shown to
July 5, 2022 46
be two-story ' s , total 22 , 000 square feet
of built space . And that means it ' s
less than 100 of a 246, 000 square foot
parcel . This will sit very lightly . We
are going our very, very best to honor
the land and honor Southold . And the
reason David showed you the picture that
we took of the way Route 48 looks now in
front of this property and the way it
would look with a 33 foot driveway, is
almost indistinguishable . It ' s not
exposed to the road . This will not
interrupt the ecologic look of the area .
I understand people wanting to preserve
agriculture . So do I . I am an
environmentalist at heart . That is the
way I lean . We are trying to make these
housing units as net- zero as possible .
We are trying to move this at a
direction forward . So that Southold can
be a leader in doing things in the best
possible way with the best possible
practices . And so that is why I felt I
had to address this issue of
preservation because it sort like
July 5, 2022 47
consider it preservation or built this ,
and I mean, it ' s apple and oranges .
Preserving this means not building this .
That is the conundrum . People have to
lose somewhere . People tell me the
rental in Southold is moving towards
zero . More and more people are
benefitting from Air BNB ' s . Some are
rentals . So they don ' t put their
property for rent on a year long basis .
And people are living somewhere . So
they ' re living in unsafe accommodations .
They are living, 4-5 families in a
house, with each family has one room of
a house, with one kitchen and one
bathroom. These things are in a jar
here, but they will help out in some
way . We shouldn ' t warehouse people
because of their incomes . They have to
treat all the people who want to live
and work in Southold as members of the
community with potential to be volunteer
fireman, with potential to join Town
communities . That is what made this
community so enticing to me . The magnet
July 5, 2022 48
is the diversity that we have . Economic
diversity, first and foremost . You
know, we don ' t know how much money
someone has . You don ' t look for status
signals generally . You ' re looking a
person in the eye and you ' re judging
them based on who they are and what they
do and what they can do . And let ' s
think about that . That is the character
of Southold . The character in Southold
is in the way that we conduct ourselves .
And I hope we can continue that . This
is just one of the ways to accentuate
that . So I had to get a chance to
speak .
had a couple of questions in regards to
the groundwater protection because my
understanding is that was fundamentally
changed not that long ago, after the
Suffolk County data collection developed
a new distinction that went over to
septic systems . And even more
critically with Suffolk County Water
Authority, the draw down on the
July 5, 2022 49
groundwater .
MR . DAVID WUGMAN : Good evening,
Mr . Supervisor . My name is David
Wugman . I am the Senior Environmental
Manager for VHB . So with regards to the
special groundwater protection area,
there is only one ( inaudible ) plan that
has been adapted for that . And that was
the Long Island Regional Planning Board
in 1992 . And so those recommendations
and findings still remain in effect and
still remain in the Comprehensive Plan
for these SGPA ' s including Southold .
like a 9E study and I think 2020 . I
think it started in 2020 . That would
have shifted the groundwater protection
strategies to Suffolk and drawdown --
MR . DAVID WUGMAN : So I think if I
understand the question . There have
been studies that have been particularly
undertaken by the Suffolk County
Department of Health Services . They ' re
the agency that is primarily in charge
of protecting of water resources . And
July 5, 2022 50
the way that they do that is through
regulations through the Suffolk County
code . There are multiple chapters . The
' 19 Article VI , first and foremost has
to do with water supply . And we use the
sanitary systems . And Article VII also
has to do with the protection of
drinking water . And Article IX was
recently adopted, having to do with the
use of innovative alternative wastewater
treatment systems . There are relevant
provisions of that . And I think you
have heard from the applicant as well as
myself and Mr . Bekofsky, that such a
system would be implemented here . And
what is great about those systems is
that they have active treatment that are
incorporated . So one of the members
mentioned earlier, it ' s a major leap
forward in that regard as compared to
traditional onsite systems . And so I
think that --
That shows that there was a ( inaudible )
in how you evaluate the groundwater . In
July 5, 2022 51
other words , they moved away from the
focus of agriculture and put it on
residential development and drawdown on
the water table . It just shows
everybody through groundwater
protection, about agricultures . Yeah,
it wasn ' t the 1970 ' s . It wasn ' t any more
and it hasn ' t been in a long, long time .
Again, that has been collected in the
new distinction that has been made, that
is , all the sources of Nitrogen . That
the thinking in the groundwater
management are shifted way beyond
agriculture at this point . It has moved
into a new direction . No regulations
come from either . No plan to switch .
MR . DAVID WUGMAN : Those are our
recommendations that are there . It
wasn ' t that we didn ' t consider
discharges from residential development
into the future . Those are acknowledged
in the plan and they talk about
different programs that can be used .
TDR programs and this sort of thing .
And certainly the Town has been
July 5, 2022 52
thoughtful about implementing all the
different programs related to that over
the several decades , which is why I
guess in a way, to be able to consider
residential waste . I think most
important there is that they do have
regulations in place that are modern,
that are current . And this project
would exceed all of those requirements .
been shifted quite a bit since the
1970 ' s . TDR ' s , which is something that
was mentioned two weeks ago , I wanted to
address that too, but I will wait to
hear what else people have to say .
MR . DAVID WUGMAN : Yeah . Okay .
There is a gentleman, Matt Schneider,
who is a member that can further address
the groundwater protection .
Supervisor, Members of the Board . My
name is Matt Schneider . I am from
Robinson & Muller or R&M Engineering, 50
Hunt Street, Huntington . We are the
July 5, 2022 53
wastewater consultants for GGV Team. I
have a Bachelor ' s Degree in Engineering .
A Master ' s Degree in Environmental and
Waste Management . I am a licensed
professional engineer in the State of
New York . I have 20 years of experience
designing sewage disposal systems . So I
can tell you these IA systems are
designed by code . Article IX Code
requires a minimum of 70% removal of
efficiency . Which is 19 milligrams per
liter . What we have seen as many of
these systems get as low as even 10 to
12 . So we can see roughly 80% removal
of efficiency by the removal of the IA
systems . Now that being said, I have
designed three projects for Georgica
Green Ventures and -- that are already
constructed and operating . And all
three of them have water usage that is
significantly lower than the Suffolk
County standards require , which we
design everything to Suffolk County
standards . We see typically -- I have
data that can support it , 40% at the
July 5, 2022 54
most of the design standard is what we
see as the average amount of water usage
from these types of projects . So we ' re
talking about a much, much lower amount
of Nitrogen going into the ground than
what is actually allowed by code .
Everything about this project will be
designed with, is going to exceed the
standard significantly . The amount of
Nitrogen going into the ground is much
less than what you might expect . So I
just want to make that very clear .
Relative to the subject of protection of
groundwater, the main constituent of
concern, as I mentioned, Nitrogen, it ' s
-- frankly speaking, it ' s a blip on the
radar . It --
I just wanted to make it clear that the
ongoing statements about the groundwater
protection area being about farming
simply isn ' t true . It hasn ' t been for
years .
MR . MATT SCHNEIDER : Well , the one
thing that I can say, according to the
July 5, 2022 55
USPCA, the number one source of Nitrogen
and groundwater in the United States is
agriculture . There is over 300 million
people in this country flushing toilets .
And it ' s still agriculture . Still the
number one source of Nitrogen in our
groundwater in this country .
( Inaudible ) and it might be from a
National perspective .
MR . MATT SCHNEIDER : Thank you for
your time .
you .
MS . KATIE CASEY : Hi . Thank you so
much . Sorry about my technical
difficulties earlier . Good evening,
Supervisor and Town Board members . At
the last Southold Town Board Meeting,
discussion regarding this application to
develop Affordable Community Rental
Housing in Cutchogue . A comment by the
member of the public caught my attention
that I believe warrants a fact base
response . That comment suggested that
July 5, 2022 56
Affordable rentals would increase crime
in the area . I requested from the East
Hampton Town Police Department all
records from the past 2 years related to
police reports filed for alleged
criminal activity on East Hampton
Housing Authority properties . I
received back two reports . Both of
which detailed incidents wherein
residents of Housing Authority
properties were victims of crime . One,
Petty Larceny . The other, schemed to
defraud in the Second Degree . I have
knowledge of one other police action
conducted by the Suffolk County Drug
Task Force in the past two years
involving drugs and an unlicensed
firearm on the Housing Authority
property . In that instance , the alleged
perpetrator had already been under
surveillance when they moved into the
Housing Authority managed apartment, but
had not yet been convicted of a crime .
That tenant was promptly removed from
the apartment with cooperation from
July 5, 2022 57
their family . As a side , that tenant
was born and raised in East Hampton . In
two years , only one crime was allegedly
comitted by an East Hampton Housing
Authority resident . Residents of
Affordable Housing should not be
disparaged based on their economic
circumstances . I hope you find this
information helpful in your local
deliberations . And I am at your
disposal should you want additional
information . I am the Executive
Director of the East Hampton Housing
Authority, 316 Accabonac Road, East
Hampton . And I thank you for your time .
you . Who else would like to address the
Town Board on this particular --
another person on Zoom. Allison --
BOARD ROOM : That is our Allison
who is doing the presentation for you .
be succinct because I have pages of
July 5, 2022 58
questions that I want to ask --
MS . GAIL WICKHAN : This will be
quick . And it has to do with the Hamlet
of Cutchogue . And I do think that the
Comprehensive Plan as I mentioned is
gradual . And as you move out from the
Hamlet , the density lowers . That
doesn ' t seem to be imposing a strict
line on the Halo . As long as you are
within that vicinity of those services
and the transportation and everything
else . So yes , maybe there is a limited
factor in the very center . But
certainly, if you are somewhere on Main
Road, the vicinity of the Halo or upward
of the lanes , I don ' t think that is the
position . And I just want to make that
clear .
Halo ' s get thrown around pretty loosely
here . And they are not a requirement
but they ' re a strong recommendation .
Just so everybody understands that .
There is a lot of the public that
understands about Halo . No , there is no
July 5, 2022 59
requirement to put it in the Halo but
it ' s strongly recommended .
applicant points out that it doesn ' t
need to be in there .
wanted to make sure everybody understood
that .
my thought on that , is I agree looking
somewhere near the Halo but when we want
to talk about sprawl , you know, that is
where it would happen . It would be
right outside of the Halo as opposed to
a parcel to be built farther away .
Creating sprawl would be to look outside
of the Halo and start building that way .
Doesn ' t necessarily seem like the best
option either .
have to be honest, to an extent, we ' re
asked to be working with cross purposes .
The public has been very supportive of
purchasing hundreds of acres of land and
around that immediate area . We have
July 5, 2022 60
some that we ' re closing on soon . And
yet , we ' re asked to support a very high
density -- the highest density that
Southold Town offers to the zoning . So
we ' re being asked to work for cross
purposes . So just so you understand the
difficulty in trying to weigh all that
stuff .
that in a way create a trait?
for what?
Everything is preserved in that area .
We have already preserved all of the
parcels in that area . That you know, to
this point, you know, very few parcels
available in Cutchogue . I for one am
not looking to create sprawl just
outside of the Halo . Just a thought .
how I internalized the whole overall
discussion . And Councilwoman Nappa has
brought up we do need a conversation
about what Affordable Housing or
July 5, 2022 61
obtainable looks like . And I am just
glad to know that it ' s not just one
answer . That we can ' t have our great
CPF and preserving land . And you can
have housing within the Halo . And you
can have a project that dreaming that
somebody can have the American Dream and
rent a Hamlet like Cutchogue when there
is no where else to go . So I see it ,
why can ' t you have all those different
options , as are view of how we view
housing in Southold . So I want every
option . Like you said, we should be
preserving land . And I don ' t think one
works against the other . That just
takes every tool that you have , a
hammer, to obtain Affordable Housing
when you use a more refined tool . You
know, that gives you more options . And
I think we need every tool . And I feel
like we ' re developing our plan by going
through these iterations of what ' s
appropriate and what is a little bit out
of the Halo . I understand the Halo . We
even had conversations about extending
July 5, 2022 62
the Halo zone . So it ' s hard to see it
all together but I can see the pieces
all coming together . And we have to
have the conversation . To continue to
weigh each project for its merits . The
ones that are well managed . The ones
that can back up what they say and do .
And I believe that , projects are coming
forward that they can backup what
they ' re saying . And I think we have
scrutinize as much as we can scrutinize
and have the answer that we ' re going to
make density that it ' s -- you know, not
here .
just point out, I think there has to
come a time when we have to close out
the Public Hearing and enter debate as a
Town Board .
raise a point that you had some
questions and I would like to hear
those . And see how they are addressed .
questions . I don ' t know that they ' re
July 5, 2022 63
pertinent to the conversation in the
decision making . There were issues that
were raised and my nature is to say,
wait a second . You said we never
created a TDR program . I am not --
there is a reason we didn ' t do that .
There was a little bit -- you know, to
put that into a recommendation or to put
that into a fine line , the Town never
created a TDR program . We didn ' t need
to . It says it right here . There is no
need to get into it .
have anything that you wanted to sort of
address with them?
particular application? The things that
got raised, no . I guess from an academic
perspective, I wanted to reference the
TDR program and things like that . At
the end of the day, it ' s really not
affecting my decision making . I doubt
anyone else ' s for that matter .
MS . GAIL WICKHAN : I would like to
respond to that last conversation . You
July 5, 2022 64
can ' t just put it anywhere . What I am
talking about is a gradual expansion of
the Halo zone . And I would just like to
hand up this letter .
just ask one question . You said this
was not eligible or wasn ' t targeted for
preservation, but isn ' t there some
circumstances in the South that declare
that a scenic bi-way . And some parcels
that are not targeted for preservation
simply because wanting a place that
would achieve the fundamental goals that
they ' re trying to achieve . Sometimes
the zoning in place is what works .
Sometimes it ' s not so true . I mean,
that would have to be something to
consider .
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : So when we ' re
referencing the word "eligible " , we are
taking it out of the CPPD . Listed
eligible parcels and the history and
that is what we were referencing .
understand .
July 5, 2022 65
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : That it was
deemed by a number of people .
understand . I was part of a Board that
created that .
MR . LOU BEKOFSKY : Understood .
MR . MATT SCHNEIDER : I think that
is what we mean when we say it ' s
indicated eligible . That when you pull
up the map and identify several
properties that have been preserved, it
shows several properties that have been
identified and flagged for preservation .
And then it identifies in the legend,
parcels as being ineligible . That map,
I believe , was presented in one of the
slides here . So just a matter of
information for the Board ' s
consideration . One of the several ways
in which the subject property we ' re
talking about today can be distinguished
from -- that are present throughout the
Hamlet because so many acres have been
identified through the decades of open
space and planning and farmland
July 5, 2022 66
preservation . The parcel is a unique
opportunity in many ways because it
hasn ' t been targeted for preservation --
that language, it hasn ' t been targeted,
not preferred . But to say it ' s
ineligible in simply not true .
MR . MATT SCHNEIDER : Again, that ' s
just --
it . I get it .
MR . MATT SCHNEIDER : Thank you .
else like to address the Town Board on
this particular? Anybody on Zoom land?
BOARD ROOM : Nope . Nobody ' s hands
are raised .
make a motion to close the hearing .
July 5, 2022 67
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MR . MARK SOLOMON : Mark Solomon, I
live in Breeze Point Condominiums ,
Shipyard Lane . I came tonight expecting
a vote . Why is it being tabled? Is
there a reason for that? Is something
else being considered? Based on the
past conversations in the past few
weeks , it was said that new proposal
didn ' t meet either the current zoning or
the projected zoning . So what is the
issue now?
a conversation at the Work Session today
and we ' re --
MR . MARK SOLOMON : I was at the
Work Session and I was told it was not
going to be discussed in the Work
Session .
we ' re not ready to discuss that tonight .
We decided that we ' re not ready to vote
July 5, 2022 68
on that tonight . So --
there are members who want to take a
step back and see options . Some of us
don ' t agree with that . Some of us agree
we should move forward with what is on
the table . What I can tell you, of all
the discussions we have had, none of it
was in consideration of the presentation
to the Town Board . That had no bearing
on any of the decision making .
MR . MARK SOLOMON : Was there a time
table for your vote?
hoping 5 minutes from now .
weeks .
weeks .
MR . MARK SOLOMON : Another two
weeks . Thank you very much .
anybody else like to address the Town
Board on any issue?
MS . ANNE MURRAY : So I don ' t know .
July 5, 2022 69
I was not at the Work Session this
morning . What is the postpone of the
House size vote? Can somebody explain
still deliberating . We ' re still talking
about all the comments that we got from
the Public Hearing and we ' re not ready
to vote on that .
the feedback that we got from the Public
Hearing, we ' re discussing a change that
is potentially significant enough that
MS . ANNE MURRAY : Can you tell me
what that change is?
in Public Session . It ' s the --
MS . ANNE MURRAY : I was not able to
here everything that was said on Zoom.
There were problems with the
microphones .
section regarding the Pyramid Law .
July 5, 2022 70
a couple of issues . First, one is
simply address the effective date . That
would not require a new Public Hearing
because that is such a de minimus .
MS . ANNE MURRAY : That is minor .
there are other discussions with the
Town Board about the sky plane and if
that ' s touched, that would require a
whole new Public Hearing . So that is
where we are at and having that
discussion now .
MS . ANNE MURRAY : Do you have an
idea on when that would be completed?
imagine in two weeks . We will have a
definitive answer . Michael Verity will
be coming in . And like I said, there
were some issues of what would be
resolved . And I would expect that in
two weeks we would have a few draft
depending on what the outcome was .
MS . ANNE MURRAY : Right . If there
is anything that we, from the Civics ,
can do to help you out with that, we
July 5, 2022 71
have the architects and everything that
worked on that . Just let us know .
you .
BOARD ROOM : Jordan, you have
permission to speak .
MR . JORDAN : Hi . Thank you for
letting me speak . I read in Suffolk
Times today about an e-mail blast about
the investigation into the police
retirement party and its coverup finally
being complete . Is that the case and
what are the next steps ?
all , I am not going to reference the
term " cover up . " Those are your words
and not the words of any individual .
Actually the Town Board specifically
investigated today . We found some of
the facts very troubling . And we have
been instructed by counsel to move
forward with everything in place . And
to consider whatever may not require
disciplinary procedures .
MR . JORDAN : Can you say that again
July 5, 2022 72
in plain English? That was a lot of
fancy words there . So what is the next
instructed our labor counsel to take any
and all steps necessary to put a process
in place . So we can evaluate whether
disciplinary action is needed or not .
MR . JORDAN : And so why can ' t you
guys decide, hey, we need to fire the
police? It ' s like outrageous what he
allowed his members to do and we can ' t
trust his judgement?
there is this sticky little thing called
due process , I suppose .
MR . JORDAN : Due process that takes
two years to do an investigation that
should take a couple of weeks ? That ' s
due process ?
have professional insight needed -- as
to how long an investigation should
take . I am disappointed as long as it
did --
July 5, 2022 73
MR . JORDAN : Two years . You don ' t
need to be professional or not
professional . It ' s an outrageous amount
of time .
suggestion that we ' re only taking two
weeks is something you or me or neither
qualified to make --
MR . JORDAN : -- you got the four
neighbors who complained . You have the
cellphone --
question -- I am sorry, I thought you
wanted an answer when you asked the
MR . JORDAN : I would like an
answer, what is the next step that you
guys are going to do to be --
step, we have directed labor counsel to
put any and all processes so that we can
decide whether disciplinary actions are
required .
MR . JORDAN : And can you explain
what that means ? If the guy come back
July 5, 2022 74
to you and says we can fire him --
MR . JORDAN : You can slap him on
the wrist , you can rub his belly .
discuss it beyond what I just did
because they are matters of personnel .
And they are --
MR . JORDAN : And it ' s also matter
of civic understanding . These police
may have had a party and may have lied
about it at a time when people couldn ' t
go to funerals . And it took two years
to look into that . Seems pretty
important . These police we need to
trusts to hold guns , to arrest people .
To basically serve as our defense . We
need to be able to trust them? How do
we do that? What is the step for the
community to be able to have that trust?
taking all the steps necessary to bring
that to a resolution . And we will
pursue disciplinary procedures on any
July 5, 2022 75
one or any time that we determine that
discipline was required .
MR . JORDAN : Of course you are
going to -- you could have done that two
years ago . Of course you ' re going to
take what is appropriate . But the
question is when are you going to do it
and what are the --
MR . JORDAN : Clearly, you are not
doing everything possible to do it, if
it took two years .
disappointed with the length of the
investigation too . I will tell you --
MR . JORDAN : What are the next
steps ? Forget about what has happened
in the past . What are the next steps?
already issued my statement . I am not
going --
MR . JORDAN : You said in due time .
The last time you said that , it took two
years .
July 5, 2022 76
respond beyond what I said . Personnel
MR . JORDAN : Like --
the report today and we took action
today, as far as we can --
MR . JORDAN : When do we get to find
out about it? The guy who holds guns --
is a due process . There is a process
through this and we took the steps
immediately --
MR . JORDAN : The last due process
took two years . We all agreed it was a
ridiculous amount of time . That wasn ' t
due process . So what is due process
to go through the process and certain
things take time by statute . And we
hope to have something in the next few
weeks , but we have no idea how long that
is going to take and we have no
definitive answer we can give you, other
July 5, 2022 77
than, we have taken this very seriously
and we took the next steps immediately
today as soon as we got the report .
MR . JORDAN : I guess a question,
how do you let something happen for -- I
think drag on for two years ? Two years .
Twenty-four months . Seven hundred or
whatever days . How are you taking
something seriously to allow something
to go on for that long? It ' s awfully
quiet up there . Any other supervisors
want to talk? It ' s not just Scott who
is to blame here .
you .
MR . JORDAN : You deserve -- not
you . You are not doing this just
because you ' re an evil person . There
are clearly pressures being put on
everybody . So what do the other
supervisors think about this?
am going to speak on behalf of the Board
and say everybody gave you the best
answer as they can under these
July 5, 2022 78
circumstances because they --
MR . JORDAN : Scott, it seems like
you ' re the only one talking on behalf of
the Board . You are the Supervisor
obviously . But there are five members
on the Board . A couple of whom have
great ambitions for them . What do
people think about this ?
MR . JOHN BURKE : The Board is
unable to comment on an open
investigation . There -- the matter
is --
MR . JORDAN : Why?
MR . JOHN BURKE : Why? Because of
contractual obligations with the police
department .
MR . JORDAN : What about with an
MR . JOHN BURKE : There are no
contractual obligations --
MR . JORDAN : I am taking this very
seriously . It has taken two years . So
how do we make sure that this keeps
going? As Scott --
MR . JOHN BURKE : I am referencing
July 5, 2022 79
the ability of the Town Board to comment
on this . Limited by the fact that there
is an active investigation . And their
ability to comment on that is limited by
the fact of the issues with the police
department . And there is an active
investigation . The matter has been
referred to labor counsel . Counsel will
now review this investigation . If labor
counsel determines that there are
disciplinary actions to be taken, then
it will come to the Board and we will
then to review and whether or not
authorize those disciplinary issues .
MR . JORDAN : But how long will this
labor counsel take? Will it be another
two years ?
going to wrap this conversation up right
now . I understand that you ' re
disappointed in regards to the fact that
it took two years . I am disappointed .
I believe the entire Town Board is
disappointed . Even beyond disappointed .
It didn ' t need to take that long but it
July 5, 2022 80
did . Now we ' re going to ensure that
we ' re going to work as expeditious to
avoid that type of delay moving forward .
MR . JORDAN : Up till --
will address my -- I will say --
MR . JORDAN : Say --
just say on my perspective, two Board
members were not here when we hired that
investigator, but I was . And you know
-- I did some due diligence on my part
and brought an investigator to the table
for the Board to chose from . There were
other investigators that we looked at
and interviewed . And ultimately the
Board decided to go with a different
investigator . You know, I did vote no
on hiring this particular person . I had
concerns back then . And obviously now e
can see that there were reasons for
that, that it has taken this long . And I
agree with you . We discussed it .
Outraged at the length of time that this
investigation has taken . And would like
July 5, 2022 81
to know, that myself and other Board
members were following within these past
two years . And there were -- it ' s not
like we just let it go and never
followed up again . We were trying to
follow-up . We ' re asking for answers .
It ' s not an excuse by any means because
it is excusable that it has taken this
long . And I completely agree with you
and I understand your frustration . I
can assure you, as soon as we were able
to get written -- we did put sort of a
hard deadline . That enough is enough .
We need the report now . And we did
receive it today and have already
started to take steps .
MR . JORDAN : You guys clearly have
the ability to move quick . The Chief
filed a report that everybody realized
it was malarky and he gave it to the
investigator . I get it . You did this
fast . But how do we get it to move a
little quicker?
completely agree . Now that we have the
July 5, 2022 82
investigation that has been concluded,
now you have my -- I will commit to you
that I am not going to let this
languish . That I will stay on this and
that we will have more information for
ourselves and for the public in the next
month, weeks -- weeks to month .
MR . JORDAN : Great . In terms of
report itself, I understand that other
are privacy issues involving labor
contract . But can you release the
report without names so we can see the
findings that -- that the investigator
defer to John on this , but I would
probably say not during the
investigation on this .
MR . JOHN BURKE : Not during the
course of the investigation .
MR . JORDAN : Even without names ?
MR . JOHN BURKE : Even without
names .
MR . JORDAN : That ' s what the
corrupt politicians always say . "Hey,
July 5, 2022 83
it ' s an open investigation . " But I
don ' t understand why you can ' t redact it
without names? We ' re not doing privacy
issues here . It ' s not labor issues .
What happened? Did people call the 911 ?
Were the 911 calls reported? That kind
of stuff doesn ' t need names and there is
no kind of privacy, labor issues here .
That is our community being told two
years after this has happened, trust the
police . The guys who carry guns to do
the right thing .
MR . JOHN BURKE : We are unable to
produce this report during an open
investigation .
MR . JORDAN : Even with the names
MR . JOHN BURKE : Even with the
names redacted . Especially in a case
where police force that is this small ,
that it would not be difficult to
determine who the parties are .
MR . JORDAN : Which may be part of
the problem.
MR . JOHN BURKE : Sorry?
July 5, 2022 84
MR . JORDAN : Which might be part of
the problem.
MR . JOHN BURKE : Precisely the
problem, because that would prevent us
from taking any appropriate action --
MR . JORDAN : But not to small that
people felt uncomfortable for following
the rules .
answered . I gave you an answer . The
Town Attorney gave you an answer and
Sarah gave you answer . We answered .
That is the best we can offer at this
time . We are here . We understand you .
We ' re not interested in letting it
happen again . Okay?
committed to moving forward .
started .
that clear to our counsel today .
MR . ERIC MCCLURE : Good evening .
That will teach me to defer . Thank you
Supervisor Russell and members of Board .
July 5, 2022 85
My name is Eric McClure . I am a
resident of Browser Woods . You all
might recognize my name because I
emailed all of you this afternoon when
the music started at Strong ' s Water Club
and ten hours later when the music was
still going on . I was going to come to
the Board to raise the issue but
unfortunately with COVID, and I wasn ' t
sure if I had it or not . I wish I had .
This just in a decade or so , Strong ' s
Water Club, we had something like 20-30
hours of amplified music . A good
portion being DJ music . Even with our
windows closed, air conditioning
running, we could not keep from hearing
the thumping base . And talking about
coming back on, I think we had our first
meeting with Supervisor Russell 8 or 9
years ago and my neighbor Avery Watson,
which I am sure you all know . And in
2019, we repeatedly begged the Town to
do something about the opposition of
Strong ' s into a residential
neighborhood . They are a couple of 100
July 5, 2022 86
feet across a body of water, which
amplifies the sound . The code is
clearly inadequate within the code in
terms of the sound . I drove by bike out
to Bailey Beach Road and Green Road and
you can hear it from there . I can
almost guarantee it was within code for
noise . And it ' s just become impossible .
We couldn ' t open the windows . We
couldn ' t use the yard . I have
recordings on my phone of the noise
coming . And I think some of it was
coming from Strong ' s at night . You
can ' t get anybody on the phone because
personnel leave at 5 : 00 . And there
seems to be no rules for Strong ' s Water
Club . There is a house boat is playing
the radio until 11 : 45 or 12 : 00 at night .
I know Audrey has known Jeff for 30
years . She texts him frequently . We
will turn the speakers around . We will
do this . It never changes . It never
gets better . If we had a family reunion
this weekend or hosted a nephews
wedding, they would be exchanging their
July 5, 2022 87
vows with the Village people drowning
with the music playing hours upon hours .
I am sorry to take up your time . I know
it has been a long night . I am going to
keep coming back to the meetings until
we figure out how to get this addressed
because it ' s really unattainable . I
invite you, if you are willing to share
your phone number, I would call you and
tell you to come on over and have a
listen and tell me if you think this is
acceptable in a residential neighborhood
and you will not .
give Jeff a call and have a conversation
with him and see if we can make things a
little better . I will do that .
MR . ERIC MCCLURE : Thank you . It
needs to be a lot better .
you know, Eric, I have known you for
years . I am always happy to take your
e-mail and things . I am not responding
at this point because I can ' t . I have
to recuse myself .
July 5, 2022 88
MR . ERIC MCCLURE : I know . You
live over there .
did plan on, after receiving your
e-mail , plan and go on board to discuss
it . If you want to send a letter, Code
Enforcement . Something like that .
MR . ERIC MCCLURE : I appreciate
that . We kind of gave up on calling the
police a long time ago . Because they
would say, well , we will go over there
and ask them to turn them down . At this
point . I appreciate everybody ' s
efforts . And look forward to continuing
this conversation with you and hopefully
finding something that makes it more
livable . Thank you .
Fireworks ?
MR . GEORGE LAMOGA: I knew you knew
it . I am George LaMoga . I am in
Mattituck . Well , can I -- I only have 5
of them. Just very quickly . I am going
to be short and quick . This is bad . I
called at least twice . Sometimes I am
July 5, 2022 89
not home, but it ' s the fireworks . I
happen to go Convention and all I am
suggesting is , maybe we can do something
different . I live right on the sound .
And the group for the east end was going
to try and save the clover that are down
there nesting . And it looked good on
Thursday . It looked good on Friday . It
was quiet . But Sunday is started even
more and yesterday was horrible . I
closed the windows . I called the
police . And what -- It ' s not the
visual . It ' s the noise . I happen to
have one of the neighbors make a very
good suggestion . I don ' t know if you
know, but they are doing away with the
firework noise . Have you seen that?
Many, many more . I hear there is going
to be something proposed by the State to
eliminate fireworks as well . So I am
here primarily because of the noise and
what went on, but it ' s Denis ' fault .
that all the time .
MR . GEORGE LAMOGA: And why it ' s
July 5, 2022 90
Denis ' fault , I listened to the radio
and this morning we are having breakfast
and Denis goes on and says , folks , we
got laws . Be nice to everybody out
there . Well , I have been proposing
several times . Why don ' t we do that
with the fireworks . I am not dead set
against fireworks . My kids , My grand
kids all love it . I love when people
get permits . I know it ' s going to go
from 9 : 30 to 10 : 30 . The ones yesterday
went until 1 : 00 in the morning . What
happens when one neighbor does it , the
other neighbor says , I got better . And
they do it . Another one says , I got
better . So it goes on and on and they
try and out do each other . What I
asking, let ' s limit the noise . My dogs
will be happy . My wife will definitely
be happy . And I think everybody will be
happy . So I don ' t think there is any
problems with issuing a permit . We know
where it ' s going to be and how long . But
maybe consider suggesting to cut the
noise . Ironically, I worked in Ukraine .
July 5, 2022 91
And in Ukraine were every nights . They
had fireworks galore . 2014 changed
everything . Out with all fireworks .
The people I worked with there are here .
Now they were in one country and now in
a third country . What happened the
other day in Chicago, we all should be
worried . We thought it was fireworks .
It wasn ' t fireworks was it? It was
guns . Thank you very much for your
work . I wouldn ' t want to go through
this what you guys have to go through .
I hope you can resolve it for the
future .
you very much . Anybody else?
a motion to adjourn .
July 5, 2022 92
(Whereupon, the meeting concluded
at this time . )
July 5, 2022 93
I , JESSICA DILALLO, a Court Reporter
and Notary Public, for and within the State
of New York, do hereby certify :
THAT the above and foregoing contains a
true and correct transcription of the
Meeting held on July 5 , 2022 , via
videoconference , and were transcribed by me .
I further certify that I am not
related to any of the parties to this
action by blood or by marriage and that I
am in no way interested in the outcome of
this matter .
hereunto set my hand this 31st day of
July, 2022 .
J ssica DiLallo