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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z1130.7.......... Date ...... NPKOe ber..19.............. 19&?. THIS CERTIFIES that the building ................................................ Location of Property .10.1.25 .............. RAtii. JR.Q40............. .... lsattituck House No. Street Ha,,;/et- County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ..14 ......Block ..01 ........... Lot ..426........... . Subdivision .... g ..........................Filed Map No. .%...... Lot No. X............ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . Ss.p teai.b.er .......... 19 .71 pursuant to which Building Permit No. . 55.14. Z............. dated .. S.eptenber............... 19 .7.1 , was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ......... .... a.re.tail..store............................................................. The certificate is issued to ........ ALA.N . GARP TNALE .................................. (owner,%ssectarte "�- of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval .... P/ a .................................. UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO............ 34-4 71.4.52 ............................ ........................................ Building Inspector Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No.Z561+7....... Date ..............Nov..... 1.1..., 19.13 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at Main. RQad. & .?%c.tQry..ATo Street Map No... xxx ...... Block No. .xx....... Lot No.. xx... Mattituck ... N...X....... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ......... Sept • • • • 20• • , 19.71. pursuant to which Building Permit No. 5531+71.. dated ........... $BPt...?9... , 19.71., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .Retail. store...(liquor..store)...................................... Owner The certificate is issued to .Miattituek .Shopping.eenteslne..(.Thos..Cassella..Pros) (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval See .genl .approval .Grants. & AAP UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. N.1.2,5640 ..... FAY. 7. 1.973 .................. HOUSE NUMBER ..1013.5 ...... Street ....Main .Road ........................... ................................................................................ . ...... .......... Building Inspector FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy Mattitvok shopping Center rA.j2 Storey No;51 5d►....... . Date ............... ... 21 ... , 19.73 . THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at ..X/S. Main. Road. &.8/0 . ftOW AV* Map No. z=........ Block No. ... x=... Lot No.X=.. • Xattituck.. -N oY.« ........ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ........... Sept.. 20 . , 197'1.. pursuant to which Building Permit No. .. 5534Z dated ............ SePt.... 2% 19 7.1 . , was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is j444.09;*.. Ten et .!'...................................... . The certificate is issued to . Ikt #Aqk , F,34;0L, Inq .. !XQ . ,M.tUt'g 00PPIA Center Inc ( owner, lessee or tenant) Owner of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval P INN. !-t Verbal. iia .Jewell. 3.1.45 P.Me UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No.. J1. 88&2.. M Y- 8,s. .1973 ... (main -"r- 1010- do -outlets) HOUSE NUMBER..)®245 .....Street.. Mein. Ra"...(.A p. With. Satallte • Store s ............................................................................ Building Inspector MA NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS U35019THE BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 1—mg 85 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 Date October 17, 1996 4pplication No. on file i 426848/86 N 774888 THIS CERTIFIES THAT only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named on the above application number in the premises of Alun Cardinale, Haute 25 & Factory Avia», gattituck, N.Y. (Super Marlot) in the following location; ❑ Basement �] l.t FL ❑ 2nd Fl. - Section Block Lot was examined an September 11, 1986 and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FIXTURE RECEPTACLES SWITCHES FIXTURES RANGES ICOOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS INCANDESCENT . FLUORESCENT I *VW AMT. I K. W. AMT. K. W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K. W. AMT. M. P. OUTLETS 30 25 4 30 DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT TIME CLOCKS BELL UNIT TRANS. HEATERS MULTWUTLET SYSTEMS FEET DIMMERS AMT. WATTS AMT. K. W. OIL H. P. GAS H. P. AMT. NO. A. W. G. AMT. AMR AMT. - AMPS. AML M. P. SERVICE DISCONNECT NO. S E R V 1 C E AMT. AMP. TYPE AMMUR ww. . l,e'"7W l p 3W 3,I 3W 3,I IW �' PER CC. OFC CORD. NO. of HI -LEG OF Wim. No: OF NEUTRALS OF NEUTRAL VIMK ArrARAIuD: Motarai s 1-Mp, 3-.%W Panelboarde t 2-34c].r. 225=ps, 1-3ctir. 600m1pal, 1-19cir. 100se4s, 1 30©ir. 100aws Mliters--Rbd.ranental BUSS Corp. 1.383-33 34th. Aver ue, Box 837 Flushing, N.Y 11354 ids tertificelM roust TAc. 165E MANOANK Per N `�- not, .be altered in any manner; return to the office of, the Board if incorrect. Insped Man CQPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE Al wFtK. July 31, 1986 Mr. Robert Moore, Manager A & P Supermarket Main Road Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Dear Mr. Moore: After alterations to the store, the store was inspected and found to be in violation of the fire codes by not having proper exits marked by exit signs and by not having proper emergency egress lighting. An incident last year where power was lost while the store was open required outside lights to be used to allow the public to exit the premises. Another inspection found the mentioned conditions uncorrected. During an inspection on July 21, 1986, the following items were found to need immediate correction. These were noted on a Notice of Noncompliance, a copy of which was left at the store. 1. The back exits were blocked and barricaded by materials stored. The east exit opened into a fenced in area which contained garbage and LPG tanks. All exits are to be maintained in an unlocked and useable fashion any time the store is open. No lock or material may be used to impede the egress through an indicated exit and there shall be no provision or lock to stop egress through the exit at any time. 2. Illuminated exit signs will be placed at every exit and be positioned so as to be obvious to occupants looking for an exit. If necessary an illuminated "To Exit" sign shall be used where the exit is not readily apparent. 3. Emergency lighting will be provided in sufficient quantities so as to illuminate the exit paths, to all exits, in case of a power interruption. A&P 1 ^ Correction on the above items is to you have any questions or the work the above office by August 7, 1986. Yours truly, Robert Fisher Fire Inspector A&P 2 begin immediately. If is completed, please call FORM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N° 5534 Z Dote...........................SApt....... 2.9........ 19.7.1... -A AS li l,Q,��A ,XS Permission is hereby granted to: t �t4)4 ...;MA?� ...; ...................... 1, ..... �ijy..., �cA.u�eeiv••N.... M....pp�............... las,••rha.s�....Z.I.,..4.Y..................... to.-Bu,114--iew..bis>'SEI.8Zri...btiF:.'�C. ......... ►dcP...... rift..sstAlLU...stOraIII-10-0032tAr..mol...................................................... at premises located at FAC.tox ..t Y.v.. .. P4 .... Y4.*itA. pursuant to application dated .......................... �F,�......... x. ......... 1 19...71., and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $..1.0 x........ ... .......... ... . Building Inspect.... FORM NO. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Department Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Instructions A. This application must be filled in typewriter OR ink, and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspec- tor with the following; for new buildings or new use: ro lines, streets, and unusual 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property Y natural or topographic features. 2. Final approval of Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage disposal—(S-9 form or equal). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Commercial buildings, Industrial buildings, Multiple Residences and similar buildings and installa- tions, a certificate of Code compliance from the Architect or Engineer responsible for the building. 5. Submit Planning Board approval of completed site plan requirements where applicable. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 1957), Non -conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of peoperty showing all property lines, streets, buildings and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Sworn statement of owner or previous owner as to use, occupancy and condition of buildings. 3. Date of any housing code or safety inspection of buildings or premises, or other pertinent informa- tion required to prepare a certificate. C. Fees: 1. Certificate of occupancy $5.00 2. Certificate of occupancy on pre-existing dwelling or land use $5.00 3. Copy of certificate of occupancy $1.00 � Date ....../"/ ...... ..!... `. New Building Old or Pre-existing Building ............ Vacant Land ............. (D1,�QS A-DMA—T(– ITUc�<...... Location of Property . . .................... Street ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Hamlet ... House No. Owner or Owners of Property ... J)./ Iv ALC Al -A/\/ ........ `...... County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... I.Y.. :..... Block ....... !....... Lot ............ . Subdivision........................g.........Map No. ............. Lot No...... ....... Permit No. .S y 3 I. Date of Permit .l./�J.!�..Applicant.................................. Health Dept. Approval .............. ........Labor Dept. Approval .... ................. . .N "1 L1 ...Plannin Board Approval ......W ............... . Underwriters Approval ................... 9 pp ✓ Request for Temporary Certifica a .....................Final Certificate ....................... Fee Submitted $ ........ ................... . Construction on above described building and permit meets all ap 'cable codes and regulations. Applicant .s -t r ..................... Rev. 10-10.78 aoq 3� CMZ THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 85 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 - nate Ro venbe r 71F 191`� Application No. on file 651205 N t� C /t E\ (F THIS. CERTIFIES. THAT G u only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named an the above application number in the premises of Mattituck Plaza, Ynctory Ave. & Rt.25, Mattituck, L.I. in the following location; ❑ Basement ❑ )(st FI. ❑ 2nd Fl. store # 2 Section Block Lot was examined on kiovenb er 1 , 1973 and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FIXTURE ECE►TACLES SWITCHES FIXTURES I RANGES ICOOKING DECKS I OVENS IDISHWASHERS EXHAUST FANS INCANDEXENT1 FLUORESCENT v AMT. K. W. AMi. K. W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K. W. MT. H. P. OUTLETS 1.1 1 10 2 h 7 1 1 F DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PTj TIME CLOCKS I REu, I UNIT TRANS. HEATERS MULTI -OUTLET NO. OF FEET SYSTEMS DIMMERS OIL H. P. GAS H. P. AMT. NO. A. W. G. AMT. AMP. AMT. -AMPS. AMT. M. P. AMT. WATTS SERVICE DISCONNECT NO OF S E R V I C E AMT. AMP. TYPE METER EOUIP. 1 F tW 1 ,e 3W 3 A 3W 3 A .W NO. OF CC GOND. A. W. G. NO. OF HIAEG A W. G. NO. OF NEUTRALS A. W. G. PERS OF CC. GOND. OF HI-IEG OF NEUTRAL 1 200 Cr x 1 ,t/o 1 II/o 1 /o OTHER APPARATUS: Water heaber: i-1.5kN i-30 kw Electric Furnace 1- 11) A.C. Unit Panelboard/s: 1-16cir. 150amps. Carney Ulee.Const.Corp., � AW 112 Franklin Place, �IOorimere, L.I. 115'13 GENERAL MANAGM ii THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. A4{ .z51 Sd jkcrat7 C.0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD " y0 G&91 Z y> Q,; t; BUILDING DEPARTMENT VO Z 'N6 Nvri� fF73 Aep, TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE �ra SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ....�a�.......�.Z. 19.21 4Z�y*%53-344 r--� Application No. ......ss3S Approved..........1..........a`....4........,�.Pemit ✓�S3 SY i RNT.. NC %Z Disapproved a/c ...................................................... ............................................................................... .............. ...... .................... . ? . . ................... ............................... (Building Inspect R m APPLICATION FOR BUILDING REKNIT ? y � 140 Date ..... ............�,7.1 .......... 19:...... J o 0 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink aridsubmitted in duplicate to the Building�a, Inspector. _ c b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings, on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets orl�^I areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. ,.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy sha ave been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICAT N IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building�Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulat' , for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations. ?t'.... r WB ignature of p'ico i me, if a corporation) .....d.t,M 5�...................... (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. .I 3l i Lir...,......yy........................................A.....................................j................................g......�....�.............. Name of owner of premises ......... 1.1.1.vnw.�'...... tX .....r...WK..........bJ .r� �..F..�. z�-.�rGs.Ay:.E ti ...... If pplicant is a corporate, signature of duly thorized officer. `" i' '�4 ill—, ...........:. /ifs.... , (Name and title of car r t off' er) 1. Location of land on whi h pro osed work will a ong. Map No .:..... .......... Lot 'No........................ Street and Numbe4.y...1rr..... -.. .... .:._ " :. .. i. ...................... Municipolity 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use"arid bCcuponcy of proposed construction: a. Fxisiting use and occupancy ...........J' IK/Rl!. ....... ..^............................... ........................................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ...... r.�....... ... .!Y............................................................. 4 • � y 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New' Building ..... „ Addition .................. Alteration .................. Repair ...................Removal .................. Demolition.................. Other Work (Describe) ....................................... . 4. Estimated Cost .....41AI A..!Ma............................. Fee ..................... ......................................... ............................ (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ............................Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ Ifgarage, number of cars.............................................................................................................................................. 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ........................... Rear,.....I.......................... Depth .................... Height........................ Number of Stories................................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear ............................ Depth................................. Height ............................Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ..........4. 4..a .................... Rear... ��................ Depth /.� .............. r Height ...14P.1e.14 Number of Stories ...........o.VLs . 9. Size of lot: Front .... 6`��$...... Rear ...... �.�....... Depth ....v ................ 10. Date of Purchase ........ Q`�/. .��(%/................Name of Former Owner l�.Q%t�.�.�. fly.��4/G% .k 11. Zone or use district in -W )ch premises are situated..................................................................................................... t'; A ... . 12.' Does proposed construction( violate any zoning ?1w, ordinance or regulation. . .... .. 13. Name of Owner of remises ./,./* .............. . p lrl�i � Address...... Phone No. 7� 03.7/1 Name of Architect ...�r.�:.. ..F,r..� ............ Address ........................................... Phone No..........:d........ Name of Contractor .....Address ..............`.............................. Phone No. ........ °.......... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set -back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. 11 � ow 3 �t rm7 "t >I STATE OF NEW COUNTY OF .... above named. He is the ..... of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to this application; that all statements contained irL t thor the work will be performed in the mohrter set fc Sworn to before me this ofol.la .... day of...... �..... Notary Public, BECH.' lNll�/ ELIZABETH PNN NEVI NOate 01 1 TARY 52 1131 25850 tSuff Ik Term Expires March 30, qo =�' 1 sr $0 �Sv ti ,being daly sworn, depo§es and, says that he is the applicant / . ,jT--,.................................................. ............... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) ,fm or''hove performed the said work and to make and file opplicotiori arvitrue to the best of his knowledge and belief; and in 'the applitvation filed therewith. q/1, /7 -a v &t,22' tl-T v� ye 0771,�5Q O W �y 97y o -e27 A#p 4 7 its - 9 590 % D- C, 0 (�- 5 039 TtiA;V'vZ 5a 585 6i-AnVT q/1, /7 -a v &t,22' tl-T v� ye 0771,�5Q O W To Ae \ �4 103 /4�'�� 3 io a to liQvo !p 3g— �.:. ' ,es r� 1fps F t r a TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWNHALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 August 26, 1986 Mr. Steven King East End Sports A & P Shopping Center Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. King: Thank you for the cooperation during the fire inspection of East End Sports the latter part of July 1986. The occupancy load of your store is 9. The enclosed certificate is to be posted in a conspicuous location in the public area of the store. During the inspection the following were noted and should be corrected -as soon as possible. 1. There shall be an illuminated "To Exit" sign over the door into the back room. There may be an "Employee Only" sign on the door. 2. There shall be an illuminated Exit sign over both exit doors. The back door shall be equipped with emergency egress hardware that will not impede exit at any time. Solid bars, bolts, locks, or any hardware that stops egress through the door at any time is illegal and not allowed. 3. All exit lights must be illuminated any time that the store is open to the public. 4. There shall be a minimum of one (1) set of emergency exit lighting positioned so as to illuminate the exit paths in case of a power interruption. 5. Fire extinguishers shall be provided in proper number and type. These shall be mounted in an accessible position and clearly marked. These extinguishers shall be inspected monthly by a designated employee and yearly by an approved extinguisher supply company. 6. Storage of materials must be maintained in proper amounts and stored in a neat and orderly fashion so as not to impede progress to the rear exit. eastend.a&p -1- I A TEL. 765-1802 7. When heating is necessary, the use of unvented heaters is prohibited and should not be used in the building. This is of course to protect your business, your customers, and all other stores in the building. If you have any questions or the required modifications are completed, please contact me at the above office. Y jr- St e6r u�l y, j� VV�t Robert her Fire Inspector enc. Fire Extinguisher standards Occupance Certificate cc. Mr. Alan Cardinale eastend.a&p -2- SATE: MUS % 19—M Known TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fire Safety Standards For Areas of Public Assembly This Is To Certify That The Place of Assembly 61b spo z M Name of Place of Assembly Conducted as A�TA I i. v f " / _4 Located at CERTIFICATE Place of Assembly - Cabaret - Lounge, Discotheque a X,wz- Address City, Town, Village OCCUPANCY (Allowed Capacity) County TOTAL ,g Is in compliance with the requirements of Executive Law, Section 399 - C, New York State Uniform Fire Pre- vention and Building Code, and the ordinances of the Town of Southold Wi l7ble thereto an es ajopted thereunder. / J If A W A Signature of Building Inspector Title This Noicemust be posted by main entrance at all times. 4 r' -d ./y, , A16. 4W f o i a 5r - THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS PM BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 85 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 5 Date March 17, 1980. Application No. on file 062953 N 471452 71 A�F2 1�R `+G THIS CERTIFIES THAT - only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named on the above application number in the premises of ftWit* Cantu Rt. il,pMattit)xk, L.I. East End Sporting Goods, Mattituck in thefollowing location; ElBasement7C 1st Fl. El2ndFl. Section Black Lot was examined omMal , 13, 1980 and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FIXTURE KEPTACLES SWITCHES FIXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISHWASHERS EXHAUST FANS INCANDESCENT -FLUORESCENT I yAfal I AMT. I K. W. j AMT. I K. W.. T. I K.W. AMT. K.W. T. H. P. OUTLETS 21 6 1 3 18 1 F DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT TIME CLOCKS BELL TRANS. UNIT HEATERS MULTI -OUTLET DIMMERS SYSTEMS AMT. WATTS NO. OF FEET AMi. K. W. OIL H. P. GAS H. P. AMT. NO. A. W. G. AMT. AMP. AMT. AMPS. AMT. H. P. SERVICE DISCONNECT NO.OF S E R V 1 C E AMT. AMP. TYPE METER EQUIP. 1 A 2W 1 A 3W 3 A 3W 3 A AW NO. OF CC. CCMID. A. W. G. NO. OF HLLEG A' M'',G NO. OF NEUTRALS PER B OF CC. GOND. OF HIAEG OF NEUfRAI 1 200 ow x 1 3/0 1 3/0 OTHER APPARATUS: Panalboard/sil-10cir. 200amp. Motor/sl2-F,1-5bp 1-3.OXW Elea. Funwe Heelco Else. Co. 9 Wast Iyiae St. Melville, N.Y. 118611 Ur -.2519 GEEERAI N 11 Per This certificate must not be altered in any manners return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by thel denfiols COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. BL OG P.YASC' O.t/E K 1 AG 10 la ' ni✓AS TYVG �(' j '>� J�LA.cJT/CJQ ¢ Gww" rS e® I i�f�q'SG' gtlC Ph495L` Tis'o IIIIII (TmTIAL. 5/T� 361, 2Ga0 , 369, 2Gb W1j_D1.crJc7 .4K'eA T -I 66,ZZ4 79,844 �rz�a5s a 5r,qorIAVG m 97, 36b. 17, 300 R9,eX/.UG fb�'CI9. x 19A, 8 5I 19(p, B51 iVQ of cges e _ .. -. .... _ . .. v. _W ._. ..__.,_._., .........-..u.-Y..�.��_........�..».....-.C...,...rx x_.Jr...........,�.�.. 367 IL:397 iS/0T,4 'S: /. mlrAaeB � �..nurnva..uea e.�+aid au as /Z ate• a.7rr.µer.1: 2 H7RX/.ua fvRaa rGx4aEL ac. 394 �f fGaYe esYEKY .no ¢ oI' R'CYF!/ ?AA.05 ARlaw (IB4e as f oo q 76`.6 O/rAv/crq i�G gRG'R� BL OG P.YASC' O.t/E K 1 AG 10 la ' ni✓AS TYVG �(' j '>� J�LA.cJT/CJQ ¢ Gww" rS e® pdpRGS'3G0� ,• r I ,wosr orvicB 3GR v/k6 NRG.V 7-77 ' \ �R.1 85' d :e•.o'u r/rc/a Fff'tR 171......4 1111111 SII �Hls I I I I I I I 11 pdpRGS'3G0� ,• r I ,wosr orvicB 3GR v/k6 NRG.V 7-77 ' \ �R.1 85' d :e•.o'u r/rc/a Fff'tR 171......4 1111111 SII �Hls I I I I I I lholo V.4 D 04 bra♦a G.ueuorrws W% \ IIIIII 1 la T -I .per (y.R�.��Ip �I�' I I i; I I i I � v. YrT. "•l"r 4 - ii»:r :�y Y. if ._ ,._ -:. .,. .. .. ... ... .... . .. e _ .. -. .... _ . .. v. _W ._. ..__.,_._., .........-..u.-Y..�.��_........�..».....-.C...,...rx x_.Jr...........,�.�.. ... `- r. _ rv.u.,,...n...x.iYvr.-..w..r.r..�....,...,•�.r.,. �.x....w,.wr.-. wc,-r.....�....s.,swa^.c..s..ai...�.+..-�r.�.«�.....-,,,..u.� ..0 .. .r.. v,. r:.a..ous..wk,i4.� � 1 1 I I I I � I 1 r AS, 45%�?Pt ^h Y c/r^Is7�rGY 4 Ww"3/L a AWA 6 16 _51: f 14{ lholo V.4 D 04 bra♦a G.ueuorrws W% \ .per (y.R�.��Ip �I�' yy +,�iRR.1++.:A�..au i..."-a'.."-'..�...r1�' .._.♦ `..r.Wr- rvA �"w.� ..:wl#`T'i�ati.�Cw-Gi,.\.�.,. .-... w ......... ... ... -..,.s a...,ta a . w a . � . � v. YrT. "•l"r 4 - ii»:r :�y Y. if ._ ,._ -:. .,. .. .. ... ... .... . .. e _ .. -. .... _ . .. v. _W ._. ..__.,_._., .........-..u.-Y..�.��_........�..».....-.C...,...rx x_.Jr...........,�.�.. ... r. _ rv.u.,,...n...x.iYvr.-..w..r.r..�....,...,•�.r.,. �.x....w,.wr.-. wc,-r.....�....s.,swa^.c..s..ai...�.+..-�r.�.«�.....-,,,..u.� ..0 .. .r.. v,. r:.a..ous..wk,i4.� � g 4 ° ro -� i,F3b i d� 1 §�� N:1F/i%i�il►. '`•`..- �-: 4A1J Ei P i� RtF ��I �GGYX160.L. �'�90, QI Omp-nC TANK Ir p' io e ��i�A� E� ��� #�"` x� _� _ �, P - Cpa�+hr3,._— -- --�• --- -._ �- � - �t�ro � I R IT: �TotL:" _ Hft-r;Zft— 4 T i" % Fitt CAf IT - 41 } 1 �. •' f,Q1 �•� , je r} s jy w— i =-�- .r ' L1Mot), c;ALLaAj ! a . - i wcvMnYta tui cn.. � � I ?? Sion A6E 7s.-+meg ,i, . 3 ' ` " inti •^--� t , a �- 3 . ZZ' P2t,cAIT Go,,r _ T� g4,e W E! r r I a r .. V.- sU4PolX m"ntFa T OF 88►LTs T'h ,,-ti � - e proposed arrangements for sewage disposal and water euppl7 $ , 40Virt: - C. �. ¢ wkMF e•,..e, / for eAOom eero�rr.E in the Tom lags ot!W) dv .* 13i \ G{Y.e.tiQ.. �n.noi 7 M42ie.,L •`� — - - psis approved on the the o date in the with plane and er. ✓ � 1 - .� .r ap- plication on file in the office of the Suffolk County Departmea4 T A, 2-- J S�-( ST C Pv N of Health. t._ #, `� �`' - __—'--'--'-- --------------- --- — Consent Is hereby given for the filing of these plane on which gy. r i, " ^ •' ODAIL`/ S MPTIG O IST this endoreement appears in the office of rt2RINF. CONrC, UILDING UNI -T I�JGa='( :G.oVE�L V -TAPOOLO- - This approval does not include structural features and is granted 7p ___ --- ._.—_ .—._.___._ __ l" - X� ( - `--`- -'- -"-" `-- on condition that the proposed facilities are installed is ooa- i I o "� , . .3i4. fk�n " Y.� _ "{ • .• foxmity with t -hese plane.3,1X8' �T RES IOso oulwea 7on.LtACM14a S\ i.f or General - i -a -a- .- rlaQrH,s� + 'L P 2200 ,1,;° Y�a�ac,� 13 s r>0NJa ° QIN4 a_c°a`cN�r2�a5``\�oe)L�C7 � a� STo►2GS `3600 24.&Ao, RiwaS �I r>" PLraN PLuMPalnl� IN �,LT�. _ G4Ll Ot.1 _ rrfi 4 %KA t 71• 4me so sa Ta rt+ 8.4e�u►acn KjA, -r, T UC r- SHapPiNG GENTe rI. 2TE 015. NIRTTITUCK, iJ•`(, 0 5 C= PANTS — y MASSIMO FRANCIS_YEZZI, ARCHITECI 114-10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILIS, N. Y. 11375 SCALE ►s a° - -- - - — .� XYB Xp. � � f11E[T ----- �e.2 . s tN'CS t�AtKB►e� MIt ... _ G4Ll Ot.1 _ 4 %KA t 71• 4me so sa Ta rt+ 8.4e�u►acn KjA, -r, T UC r- SHapPiNG GENTe rI. 2TE 015. NIRTTITUCK, iJ•`(, 5 C= PANTS — 2400 MASSIMO FRANCIS_YEZZI, ARCHITECI 114-10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILIS, N. Y. 11375 SCALE ►s a° - -- - - — .� XYB Xp. � � f11E[T ----- �e.2 . s tN'CS t�AtKB►e� MIt ... '—' — 2c 384•}a. s t 3 r e j r 1 r -0� r I ! I � 1 0! 0 - 1 t 1 t 1 0! �) d i+ I 1 i ! r t _ � I —___�1T'-'��"�T�T'(,Tl'!TiT1l1IlT7ITi1il?"i1TTT(TT"fTTTTiI"T!1'1TI'r-1T*Ti—T-rtrt-rsctr'rTi��-irrrr•r�+-rr�-.�r-r.-.+.--.-.-'-i-.,..-......-._�..--_--_-- 24' ', 1'-0• 24_0„ �---- Z ry2'o — II 4 24-o„ �i 4r _--Z 4, o„ Iro'-4" �3.g'�2:o�6:0�� l 22'•0" 9 �I e j r 1 -0� ! I � 0! 0 - Iro'-4" �3.g'�2:o�6:0�� l 22'•0" 9 �I f=ucx7C2-, r/L_ b N 7S7 �G2aN iS� , afD nRcH�r FR^ncs &T Nlt,-TT!TUCK S+Io(`PIrIC. < F-NT�Y_ ��•�I, z -m- -z5 k- L I L44.Y, . MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT I14,16 -QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11393 y^4Ae ' a r' 1 j r 1 -0� ! I � 0! 0 - t I Of 0! �) d f=ucx7C2-, r/L_ b N 7S7 �G2aN iS� , afD nRcH�r FR^ncs &T Nlt,-TT!TUCK S+Io(`PIrIC. < F-NT�Y_ ��•�I, z -m- -z5 k- L I L44.Y, . MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT I14,16 -QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11393 y^4Ae ' a r' i 1 j r 1 i I I K v'� 4 Q?a r, . s g„ % � r r5- , v'� 4 Q?a r, . s ;,rrjcr�T 1 ,347 s �rF 1 w Ve N �4' k7' 54° C' s,el.�sr- as ru,a.l �-ira e► - �•' . (tb.`) •N�� -_orrd►ss T. n , IVW x It-ibf+YLr01 -Aa '» '�L•.V' c�r.rc� c✓fc _ib._�..... ", ... -.: i..,...x..,..v-z--si+n _ T. Cr $� i 3 6.9� ` ... �. _ '(��.5 �(,� Eo.S s __ iil.5 �-.-..� _ � It I uC3b4d /$ rlb>.4) 1 ,, � � IF O I ,1 � l6 ♦ rob.b) � � � - � - �„� 37 AV v1 � Z.5• »t3�v I )� I 9(5 � � � � r. _ . fg: _ Y T H G L. 'T F- rz- 1 + 0 ��� � C34.o) • srt vim' . ,,.� y :-.'_ a 1�Y y (3'S Cd I _ Seen orris 4 TNRu 10 I'C33. ('�:� ' vZ � � � flZb• ____ __ .� i (9f �) a 13 TAF+r r4 ,O •fit 7 _ � ---�+xrn}__----- • (3=.5, (82.4) � �o at31.a • .,f,. I - �' - -- - � -._ l ., � G lt`�Tc . y 31.5 �N't 1--1 ♦ s."` }f71W (eGW �71CM�'t§ ASA`, w ¢ (aa ) 7�_�� r _ 4 P 4 to y91G - �, <,.✓ "a_ (2x.47 E� 1) qh �'� - � .. ,fir:• f� ..�.� �,✓ � 7.N-• -� _-I �-^l d. j ,�-�'.q *120,1) 1 � (°l9•!,� _ s ,,`,¢�y`'t�yj � i I Nf l � � 1 i ,,�� ..�..-. ✓ �, � �..— -""' s � s� q /��h9 Li -� - 'r � � pF`('d tif _ _ _ ,— tl�'`�'� X2.2 _��Jk.: 4i2b.�1 LED CZ44 FAY h n� e 1.� ��� 2 c e�,n• s ?!Or S< ` I ,i' Ii 1 "/� 4 ,y �a1.o •- �- ., _ .(22.' vK"`e��^ fi r(YG.G) R j. y 'ti' 4n0 trtl! �' y'-' 1 .i2PJ �-. !.8 �� 1' ppvn„7: 4 0yi•F ..,,nr`� ,� _ Atir -J 112.0 Cp ��I v 19_o y.�"?�.. i ��y'J x .I _- 2 _ .� �-- t� .5 l , � �. NTs 2tAA1 / •� �". a-a,�`a N f375 _�• �.' _ _ 30.4 T.fZB•� 52.b . _ / (ZSR-�4Y,s. { ' • w - 2 . , ;. U �r--Rhu`t..r aa.v3fo-' '.(23.r1 C2 ` 1-�" r 140F,�• oS. `� � , r �- - ms'=s � �p 0, 1� � � � � al.1t% •,,�. ^-eft �'120.�i4� pa, t+ +r 1"R`�2-y �� 142 c, �`� fi 13k .4ft" Ai' ✓,ar : k,�d_ r `i,'w"•.+G`'ayrt"�"i"►.p- s� ,moi . t Cei ,�'i: a ,y/yr��'/fir 5.irJry.,,•c j�./� �,'r. d' � r i - ,-; JR,F , ,�%.. 6"`'l.'� ,.c � 1-'" � P,*'r�w" �����cerr•(A' 6+"^ /' .' 'fi AF +��'a.p tv Q C) N 4iA t tic.. -', J `V'PF`C' ✓+'` .v,/' 1t i'aw-s f'I 5� . 'a l� y. . a� _ `. t " �;. 'c ���'AiS ,�. "; �f _ 5L4{i ,.+ti�_�_.-."' •. r ( r r1 u+.t F�,x ',i7k�.'. 15 • a T0T4� P6c<N-rr .!-� 3'�i� �n`R ^rs�'- vT!a r..�.5 lal-O X ,Lr'- G" �'IX •�yq- . ..k; : � Fri"z+•F 3 _'7t i c +; X g„ % � r r5- , d ;,rrjcr�T 1 ,347 s �rF 1 w Ve N �4' k7' 54° C' s,el.�sr- as ru,a.l �-ira e► - �•' . (tb.`) •N�� -_orrd►ss T. n , IVW x It-ibf+YLr01 -Aa '» '�L•.V' c�r.rc� c✓fc _ib._�..... ", ... -.: i..,...x..,..v-z--si+n _ T. Cr $� i 3 6.9� ` ... �. _ '(��.5 �(,� Eo.S s __ iil.5 �-.-..� _ � It I uC3b4d /$ rlb>.4) 1 ,, � � IF O I ,1 � l6 ♦ rob.b) � � � - � - �„� 37 AV v1 � Z.5• »t3�v I )� I 9(5 � � � � r. _ . fg: _ Y T H G L. 'T F- rz- 1 + 0 ��� � C34.o) • srt vim' . ,,.� y :-.'_ a 1�Y y (3'S Cd I _ Seen orris 4 TNRu 10 I'C33. ('�:� ' vZ � � � flZb• ____ __ .� i (9f �) a 13 TAF+r r4 ,O •fit 7 _ � ---�+xrn}__----- • (3=.5, (82.4) � �o at31.a • .,f,. I - �' - -- - � -._ l ., � G lt`�Tc . y 31.5 �N't 1--1 ♦ s."` }f71W (eGW �71CM�'t§ ASA`, w ¢ (aa ) 7�_�� r _ 4 P 4 to y91G - �, <,.✓ "a_ (2x.47 E� 1) qh �'� - � .. ,fir:• f� ..�.� �,✓ � 7.N-• -� _-I �-^l d. j ,�-�'.q *120,1) 1 � (°l9•!,� _ s ,,`,¢�y`'t�yj � i I Nf l � � 1 i ,,�� ..�..-. ✓ �, � �..— -""' s � s� q /��h9 Li -� - 'r � � pF`('d tif _ _ _ ,— tl�'`�'� X2.2 _��Jk.: 4i2b.�1 LED CZ44 FAY h n� e 1.� ��� 2 c e�,n• s ?!Or S< ` I ,i' Ii 1 "/� 4 ,y �a1.o •- �- ., _ .(22.' vK"`e��^ fi r(YG.G) R j. y 'ti' 4n0 trtl! �' y'-' 1 .i2PJ �-. !.8 �� 1' ppvn„7: 4 0yi•F ..,,nr`� ,� _ Atir -J 112.0 Cp ��I v 19_o y.�"?�.. i ��y'J x .I _- 2 _ .� �-- t� .5 l , � �. NTs 2tAA1 / •� �". a-a,�`a N f375 _�• �.' _ _ 30.4 T.fZB•� 52.b . _ / (ZSR-�4Y,s. { ' • w - 2 . , ;. U �r--Rhu`t..r aa.v3fo-' '.(23.r1 C2 ` 1-�" r 140F,�• oS. `� � , r �- - ms'=s � �p 0, 1� � � � � al.1t% •,,�. ^-eft �'120.�i4� pa, t+ +r 1"R`�2-y �� 142 c, �`� fi 13k .4ft" Ai' ✓,ar : k,�d_ r `i,'w"•.+G`'ayrt"�"i"►.p- s� ,moi . t Cei ,�'i: a ,y/yr��'/fir 5.irJry.,,•c j�./� �,'r. d' � r i - ,-; JR,F , ,�%.. 6"`'l.'� ,.c � 1-'" � P,*'r�w" �����cerr•(A' 6+"^ /' .' 'fi AF +��'a.p tv Q C) N 4iA t tic.. -', J `V'PF`C' ✓+'` .v,/' 1t i'aw-s f'I 5� . 'a l� y. . a� _ `. t " �;. 'c ���'AiS ,�. "; �f _ 5L4{i ,.+ti�_�_.-."' •. r ( r r1 u+.t F�,x ',i7k�.'. 15 • a T0T4� P6c<N-rr .!-� 3'�i� �n`R ^rs�'- vT!a r..�.5 lal-O X ,Lr'- G" �'IX •�yq- . ..k; : � Fri"z+•F 3 _'7t i c +; X • r I �tASHrnr. i I THE 'c -HEW SECTION \ —, it {r/I �,�• i • /i+ TO 12 P� W&LL FSCTETWC16 �UTRIG Gba, 12..r 21 — �— - WALL f til I .-ovT n,,ccc a5 }t"xaf• AW.WV awls —r i�F- _ � � W6I.D 8K/c10E 70 -ietT"S WAU. - As _ � fj21C.k.. S�cI1oN 7HR CANOPY i` 7 x-� STEEL- TLIM _'dtA.CET' PAI ICED i -- M 6D 1 v M <.12AY-Mplt{CT-i 0 ._ —15 D FUT 8•• WO 4ou oMN FCC J. Wf+aD•'�21� tsa.� .. � � \.. 2 XG" I ISH7 1" W$W>• OM FHlS �'�601.40MM 1K l.. t R �%H II. .zALOM. FLAI.HfrlGr - By �'��" op ¢ate7 _ - , ,COP 154da161NC, A. ZPW'D Zz4s4e 9rcu.D�cG,�`....._ JV&4M BaFgRAI% HON4 Ga.ILINCr- IZouT¢Iww 7�8 waDD BL mmejtay Aa V-iq)> g}dPF _ .. • . 1MNt1'f-$sCL6p$1'WYgF1.,.: hLvM alp io�1'�' W�LiXD'jbLOLuMN' I A � Tu»a Mtacx�.T i I ------- ?444 41. PIPSt-eAos INOIC&I*p i ' t W i � • I i I 1 � Jo 4'6t1yFK-•SGse, �cotiu•5 „�Z4v61. + • •.'p '��.' V"SLA.. "ITAGT'FILL p 6 , . t��IY"GONG; =1, a _T t. 4S UIC RT r_ S • MASSIM; 114.10 QUIZ' DATE i r AaPtoAA tiny AAp"6-T SFket4l.�a 4+� jssuT T¢ c W4wfaEPRo�L(X. \� l2 • ��•pWWpop 'CQ•o.G.. - �.. - LyHahZ•Nnap. �j -- C+upM Avs�1,AR]- - \ � �x e' wevE toTVU+tK u ----- - - --- - - ---- �uu > F*K —._ CRIL -.— _ - - -- ------ I I i I laJL• �(17,V.,,To <roLt9 YE.6?1NG, ON LMdDI .CEI.7 En2j64 r-PIChL] �iu.Fl.-d.�l.'-+N1L7G'NMfo�O• — �` (ZEING. GONC. �L¢.. G LL d .0' -- -- - C 2 0,5 z .�E E -CTAS-" i r AaPtoAA tiny AAp"6-T SFket4l.�a 4+� jssuT T¢ c W4wfaEPRo�L(X. \� l2 • ��•pWWpop 'CQ•o.G.. - �.. - LyHahZ•Nnap. �j -- C+upM Avs�1,AR]- - \ � �x e' wevE toTVU+tK u ----- - - --- - - ---- �uu > F*K —._ CRIL -.— _ - - -- ------ I I i I laJL• �(17,V.,,To <roLt9 YE.6?1NG, ON LMdDI .CEI.7 En2j64 r-PIChL] �iu.Fl.-d.�l.'-+N1L7G'NMfo�O• — �` (ZEING. GONC. �L¢.. G LL d .0' -- -- - C 2 0,5 z .�E E -CTAS-" I �I �F I .WC r -- Q� RF,NF CoNC ren.. 6r(�-Mcs4 �J - CROSS faECMC7t4 AJA n P - �reS k'':D. FORFST HILLS, — - I :OH NO _--J—�f SHFFI NO I pnTE � f i i 1 i I ! �t f 9 k' I �I �F I .WC r -- Q� RF,NF CoNC ren.. 6r(�-Mcs4 �J - CROSS faECMC7t4 AJA n P - �reS k'':D. FORFST HILLS, — - I :OH NO _--J—�f SHFFI NO I pnTE � I Ie ao i � �,g.o• 25r -pa 2U.4" I 41 t2`'3Fsn to w zo o; aF 40 1 i I 6c i I I 1 I i lv ufi` 50 f I N p, J V O dl OPEN i V -44-- - I IV- eve-41h 0eve- IlMx tt � ' 14.�NF 46 IL , !7 'clv ��yy FKa'�C 1-L%F7"7, i4 -to' 144QLI -- 1-021-_—iauF21.=-14�F21-1QtFl__ Lo-Y1'�_21+3g 1.A�E_.i# r2 � qc! e I m ato �a 11.90 'S I J Z -- -? =– .0 N � a � 1 I I I t I I I I -LoW 1 lo.vsy2! CANT I t.wF ((,%M -so Lqww 21 1 S' -Ci,• 15 �c' - --- _ --l5-ls---- to\\F ILI t 0 12µF -7 0.I7AP 7.762- -_ -L7.\ - -T-.1g !o\vcE' 121 Ito VP IZI—.I-I"\ - rzI 21\ .0t jJ011c.s2^ 2I \*' Co'Z 9 l—mm, m c" T :Co"\F I go M 21 \tF l C06 !�rom 6 p r 11 T �{ A 44144 1' I I Lo Q' i i ib r ;! 4i1414—}+µ--- 'i 21 SSI I I I I I21 w: 55 I I I 2-1 V.�S5 I I }! I f I >"La7-&;:-TE'a N W 0 L I4 .. 1 2v.F40 1'2 ip 14 I ISA14 12vr 2l NI � I2.�zl 24 4" I Z\NF Z-7 Of I 0 7 2 , ROOF �R AM NCN (A 4 P)¢\.F t . ---13'S r4 ize� to .r iz�s rSU (`-2M42KE (3UILDWG NT y _ 12F51�F d j2Fst ;a MATT ITUr-k'- t-+OPPING CrNTtrL I2w�27 ll'- l2vF21 N IyyF2"i t�. \%P Z7 N 12 +F 27 (LTE 25, MATTITUC-K. N•Y. ' MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT I' 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 QO .d r te,rj iceLT4" ^ ii" - '_- _I .�" JO! Na. — — SHEET NJ. ' I 2 2U - ar+.. e�� l ray 61 C) Josic - — o! � N ,r W -m I 1 p r 11 T �{ A 44144 1' I I Lo Q' i i ib r ;! 4i1414—}+µ--- 'i 21 SSI I I I I I21 w: 55 I I I 2-1 V.�S5 I I }! I f I >"La7-&;:-TE'a N W 0 L I4 .. 1 2v.F40 1'2 ip 14 I ISA14 12vr 2l NI � I2.�zl 24 4" I Z\NF Z-7 Of I 0 7 2 , ROOF �R AM NCN (A 4 P)¢\.F t . ---13'S r4 ize� to .r iz�s rSU (`-2M42KE (3UILDWG NT y _ 12F51�F d j2Fst ;a MATT ITUr-k'- t-+OPPING CrNTtrL I2w�27 ll'- l2vF21 N IyyF2"i t�. \%P Z7 N 12 +F 27 (LTE 25, MATTITUC-K. N•Y. ' MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT I' 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 QO .d r te,rj iceLT4" ^ ii" - '_- _I .�" JO! Na. — — SHEET NJ. ' I 2 2U - ar+.. e�� l ray 61 C) Josic - — al II 1 J J I � S N 42=4° 14 Fb 24E 141b 22 H 14 J '( 14� 7 �f— J J 4 � S N ' I F- � i i � I I • ��•7-yyI I 1' t�t7 � I I •ee I i �.z �l- 9 M dl .1 o tl O 8 t�' o • dt � � 1 14e� 17^7- 1 1455,2. wa i4�cl{ i21��F GZ IN•tiF #YS itv��5, 14 J '1 14 J _I j e z4 `oc C' i I I I I I I --J4 J - -�-24'0 e z4 - uN. Ii14+1 et, �► I �T LST _ I i I 5' 9 A -f 4 e_ i%ti-- - - --- 14 Pb i7, 2 t4 -J-7- 14 J -7 s� a e u I I Aa I µii ILI �•z. 1 c 56 II 14¢`1,7,2 --u_ 14» 171 2- 1-4,J 14J 7 4--J -- C z4"a c �° Z4" ----_ -- _9—.— -- -. ¢c , Qa IF. --- -------- — —-- --- 3` N 1 'VI 'p -9tI -n � I I. — --i-- 7 I I r 12. MF 40 12Z*F j4V!:)z2.... - - - _ �-- 12 --� 1'E1rJ (� 1 2 X51 — - -`► � �N N I - r2 NF 277 r2,�,F2'7-2vF2"1 J 0 N �t 0 1-4 u 61 ROOr FRAMING PL41,.1 2F_TAtl- STORES �IATrlTuc.Ic- SHc)?MNC, c�rcTtr QTE ZS, M&T-T UC.L-- • N `f. MASStMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECI 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, ^!. Y. 11375 SCALP �g"v 1' dy JOS N0. SHEET NO 14 GATE 22 Y v � - — _ — I � � J. I� a_t 1 _ —4 • � I r • 9 d i ELEVATJCN = \TTG�Tt) u9lT 1E -z�.-r. G(L/aNT PsutLr3naG f�B) AT MA,- TITvcK S11c, ptn1G _C:.FN.7I . tTm-- 25 , MATTIT„r'"_;.3,_.t. mol- - - - MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZly ARCH+TECTj 114-10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILL'S, N. Y. 11375 a 61101-71 G4G i .... G c 11 tk7rrp i rolz wjpv�Alu 40 r6f "14 1 m r" 4 gc LAP e-4PA. 10 im 3 -coproa Moor Jd *W L rub IL L as ;7 t�l A-4; W- lt4 4 114' 1V- 4 mea —T—F J� ti A LnA=elz WALT-+, 74 4'Am F'. w sjs�-14cq- -mmw- 4107" 4 -', --7 4VAT&� sig sicTVAeepVrm ASG 40POLA \\4+417--- E5AI481:? &4AJAEL 4 t 4 El L -r u —77 PIPS 44ST>214L 0 c c rwo, WIAUTOAAT16 -vjqv4h ;2-f=-• 4, C?- T-= L r--", �,-7 t C) 4" VOL AT l^4,-r-TlTUC -W- 'WOPPU-46 COCUIL P -Ts z5 , m &.-m 7u c r- , 1- , 1. MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT 114-10 QUEENS BLVD, FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 SCALE "o No SHUT N0. -- ' I ?f 4:r, OATEb/2v/'7/ I I I ---- ------ - 148'"4'"r 129=o'" 44-4- " bob 4„ 22:p� 4,_QY V!o'•p" 4��Ib° 10" 8 811T r ' 1 SE2vICI-° .- . I -- I., TYPIctot SMg-ST'oY3.G$ aL TOoILET F - _.—_ I 2. CGQA MIG T1l.i �+�=• STO12r- G" SA,,.,•CeVm 1j A4! AIE TE O t l •3r mecu VENT 4ociM/WM7rrLCA•oj, 1 i 00 'fill 1 I d516N � O ' eS"C'-' �� JTi1GE C1 �Jcsost�> 6 Tg __- 8" , a i X11 � T H E 4 _s Tsr _ I Ilk Zko , I Lig 2'cJ0 e4 •1 Y --- . 1 1 I � -..� 1F 1 1 w (', U cxlT Ln t sI�NS i i � 1 ' • o , � o, ; o, o�, r( fif aj I _ _ A .. • i i f T . _- _ I !Y it 1 ----- --- ---_ - - -_ 05 SO NC byiT "- L0-oR PUN - UN1T ME 1Z�7 IL '�Towc, 4 Ti+EATP-r— F r� AT MATTITUCrr sRoPPiNcs CowTwt .MATDTUGK., N ."50 {° MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITEC C or 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 1137' OHM No. I' ?.FIE 1 l 1� 6'y JO/ N4 .- w - ��/j J �1 --[' oes MAN' ice.\ C./ Y 1 -..� 1F 1 1 w (', U cxlT Ln t sI�NS i i � 1 ' • o , � o, ; o, o�, r( fif aj I _ _ A .. • i i f T . _- _ I !Y it 1 ----- --- ---_ - - -_ 05 SO NC byiT "- L0-oR PUN - UN1T ME 1Z�7 IL '�Towc, 4 Ti+EATP-r— F r� AT MATTITUCrr sRoPPiNcs CowTwt .MATDTUGK., N ."50 {° MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITEC C or 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 1137' OHM No. I' ?.FIE 1 l 1� 6'y JO/ N4 .- w - ��/j J I j D\VG r.1� .1Z I I S e� ►912 N j1 I � '1 p 11 ! i� I II a► P t STOQ.r-- lw—I:EV,&TONS E° "R° FRwfy CEJ �Yj� 11 Fe� MA-rTtruele- sNopplma e�uTsxL r (LTMIc ,MATTITJcK�.i..}(.`�. P MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT OF NE'H 1O 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 SCALE i �.-o, MY Ia. 2 IIIiLT N0. I DATE d / L 1 v'r D\VG r.1� .1Z I I S e� ►912 N j1 I � '1 p 11 ! i� I II a► P t STOQ.r-- lw—I:EV,&TONS E° "R° FRwfy CEJ �Yj� -RZTAtL ST02CS Fe� MA-rTtruele- sNopplma e�uTsxL r (LTMIc ,MATTITJcK�.i..}(.`�. P MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT OF NE'H 1O 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 SCALE i �.-o, MY Ia. 2 IIIiLT N0. I DATE d / L 1 v'r 0 H 7 IL- ?I 2 a Q I�oTr—�s _ 1, &L.L. MkT Doorti 7� -IG A.L AMFIQ I'2 HiL 2k-TeD, (ur-!t_t`SS t-4cTE-0,r-02• IFIL S17.F- 2, Tot�t.T .1=xHawS"� S<1�A.1,6 �rz WITH 404M Pct ipv*TuYLP. ' �I 3. Tote -W -T• eoorvtS 'Z -o 4A.VF- C�YL.AMrc �I�B �t.t70t2. tU ftk Coo &N-WT4,04 CovE $hSt, WDLLs �t GM1L-1N6S Tong.PAtm-c�o 4 �V.� GYtran�i5 E3urc (�rNG. Tor SP 2I W V-LGvLL , A /2- �hS - FLcao2- PLar�-t UWT s >:Z>✓T� 1 L SintLES j AT m i%- TtTucX- ';' WvPtwa Cam 7rt t- 12TE 'LS mxT-nTuc — ; L. MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y. 11375 JOY N0. •IRET N0. 9GLE.�k 1•D , . 1— 5rr.s= X4"`6---�1..ovv �rt..s� 4 5'41• " V -._._-.---- - — -- - ------ - - - - - . _ 19 -0, " " _ 5I� N roc ?qa � � -- - - - -- _I MAN cork. g4a3 — SS• .¢" -- lit 6td' � o" - -- 4° 40_ Iota••10 $• k ------'t 7 ---t r--1-1 T—t HR01t .ta N,oM4tN 10 D4� I I I �i � JLU- ` - i E UNLOADING :, n �J N 6 Ft7. 4KIT T� 1W SIC.to j SE -2.V 1 GFI 1 I � � �' 101-OII --•_ 1 -I .l ifi I r ---------'--- I --- ----------- - ----- W u1 tXIT LT t SIG" © � EXIT LT. L SIGN 'v T I T I t ii I t i l Sd �IQ i I I I m I• � I I II i G 171 ' I Q �-- I 0j i go Iq L-�L)L-L�LjLiL�L1L-�L-�L 4A�Me rooe cLos (� ._:smrT -LT. b wram M -K T t --r. Q Sls+lu i - 1 :9 OttIGKpIF-L2(5'4pIG4L� � 11, I Wo" I � (2►'iaw� - 18'•0" fif+- 1-6 to-" 9.0» Tom" a tion 44 4 PP f -)(I -T 000QS Ate S -$1'X j-oy VAL. SVPZ-RNAA, Q.K T 3UILtPlNa ti 4 - MAII-rrTCJtK 51461PP046 dt"-t`lt{sA -rs Z.5 ATrITucr- .-L-._1.r .: MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT 114-10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS. N. Y. 11376 ,ALK , " I�°° "° 224Co lmw rtI r a 3 G 4 o� • ' ,-: { :4 � 2t� Z � 25'-� ` !Q" l8' B" ja" 25=0 � I � - 9 --_.-.- 16 I j 'A" bF 504 to 401 i I ! I I + i .2 I i �I I 3Q`4% 41 {-L I i r 1 I �, 11 1 ! r t 1 � U 111 * e t v r , Y F T771n q.o a i I C.O I. 12 a J I y �� ib r _ 5 I � . •1 � p-C.LQe � ! I ¢ 1 1 I w:' V ' ' I � 9 1: - -- - - 25'?J 4:.; o Ate• _ �{•r _ 7$.sG�:' r0`JWDATigN PLAN `STORES 47-N> QTRF FZ mT 4i 1. STOLtES Tµte 4 TIZE MATTtTUGk S 00PPINa GfsmTv'-#L. (LTTE. 2.5, MA -tTLK k—, tJ• `(, — MASSIM0 FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHIT-.1 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. FOREST HILLS, N. Y, 1137- lip 137- JWeEi N9.•1---� - - - --- ----- ----- - �--_�— _._ ---. _-----r-�'` _ '�' ,,.�., 75=Cr^_ _ IS -U^- _ 15•C. � f5.(♦• >S-k+!4n° - /G c y Ij O _- .. _ 1 _ _ ____.._ _ ' iiC` _ s -- y y . -- - - - - - -- I ni -.-- L +•t es OvSo.o IAFyow .Q 1 0 20' fl.• =o" I44"dl 15.6__j TL' I s 0 N 40I I I 4 Ie I l F� y . f f 6b so _1 Mi _ ( - i I 6 Sao B 30.0 _ 1 1 6 f' 30.0 a I i 0• j l i I i I ' i _ V FS* ------------- fT.T r I 830.0 g 30.0 6F-3o.o i I 15 30.0 'my- 30,0 L/f� 1 f ,� � ji 0 •I I � , „f iii I, �• � I � i I Ifj r f -- ! F Ar9o.o ( b 10 .0 b 30o EF 30.0 -�- ,{ bFlgo.o lul —_ `0 1 • a I 152'0" j 1 PSD ARC, rh t I • I 1 I' C '�i N., g330 1 1 ' of N - --- i— -- I r,.F z8.a n :2s Ma -I riTuxc�x., G N `( a. �,o� �� 2�,,A� MASSfMO FRANCIS .YElli, ARCHITECT'' 2Do ?s�'o 23-� QUEENS BLV 114-10 UEEN D FOREST ILLS, N. Y 11376, H , SHIET N —_ SC.tGE 8sa I' 2246 � I •1' el .•s i r •• .1 � .1 • •' , .1:\. J 'nom � .•'. •.. ,p pa f i ` 1 . I O r � n ! I I I • LSI � Al t IBF 3••e c IT a I I ' J { i I a d � I 6F �o'o • I I i BF io,o I I I ---_-- I t7' 2Z•b i 22' o .. ..�. `1 1 0" 11.0 2g:v " H' 1 - BF ________—_..__ -•1 7 • - N 44=0^ I 1 - ..223_ I 0 0 I:=00"rataTtT:*1 (2LTAl 5Ta1 rs 5. - �MJ�TT.rTt1C.K. S!#ap{� 1NG GEu�1-. MASSIMO FRANCIS YEZZI, ARCHITECT 114.10 QUEENS BLVD. ,¢FOREST HILLS, N. Y, 11375 SME- -o-_ _'n -o f�L`#(Lz seen r+o »f.