HomeMy WebLinkAbout5708-zFORM NO, 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No...~.73~ ..... Date .............. &~;tS~..2..., 19.~¢~. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .. l~t~i~t~ .~'tlaa. (no .nit~)Street Map No. I%Z.~s~; .... Block No.. '3~ ...... Lot No. ~ .... l~$el~et, ll .Ist&r¥~ ....II.~., conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ......... P-eD .....3'", 19.73. pursuant to which Building Permit No. ~.. dated ........... l~eb .....?..., 19.~t., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . Pr~rat;e. ~ne..f. lt~t~, .d~e.~l. ir~i ....................................... The certificate is issued to . .k~l~'~an. ¢~rbieTe ...... (~ner ......................... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval l~e~6tt.~[ ........................... UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No..~O1~[ ........................................ HOUS[:~ NUMBER.. 111~1~O ...... Street ................................................. ! Building Inspector FOR~ NO. ~ TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 5708 Z Permission is hereby granted to: .... & ,,~,,Ga~,...A~C..Adiq, all..gel,bSez, e ..... at premises located at ........ ~l~...,,~....~l.~tlg...~& ........ '~l'~l~ll~llt'~'"~l'2~l..~l~NIb~l~ll ............ ................................ {~tw~. {14 ..~t.. ~'t~..~-~.¥~.-~z~v..{~,4 ....... l~'~t ~ ..... pursuant' to application dated ..................... : ........ ~11~ ...... .,~ ............ , 19..~1~., and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $..1~ ......... NO. ! 'rO~VN OF soUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE $OUTHOLD, N. Y. Approved ~ '~ 19 c( Permit No. Disapproved a/c .............................................................................................. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ....~.ebruar¥..4~ ............................... , 19.2..2. ...... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and gwmg a detaded descnphon of layout of property must be drawn an the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations. (Signature cf applicant, or name, if a corporation) (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ~en.~ral contr, ac.tor. ................................................................ Nome of owner of premises ....... ..~.d..r...i..a...n....Q.Q.r...b..J,.~.~'.~.....: .................................................................................................. If applj, cciflt is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. {/ (Name and ~tle'of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No.: ...Bl~oCk...3.8 .................. Lot No.: .....3....~....6. ........ Street and Number Park Area Fishers Island~ New York Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupan:', ......~e,.~.i~l~e ....................................... .. 3. Nature of work (check which aoplicable) New Building ....... Repair .................. Remava~ .................. Demolition .................. Other Work (Describe) ........................................ 4. Estimated Cost ....... $63.~D. OD...OD. ............................Fee .........~.?..D.Q ...... . ..... (to be paid on fi!lng this application) $. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ........ ]. .................. Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................. 6. If business, commercial or mixed occuJ~,a, ncy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Fr~'nt. ....... ~ ............... Rear ....... ;J~ .................... Depth ...... ~ .......... Height ....:1~ ............... Number of Stories ....... ~. ...... . .......... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front 36 . .. 36 24 ................................. Rear ............................ Depth ........................ Height ....~.$. ........... Number of Stories 9. Size at: lot: Front ....... ,~2~. .............Rear ....2~.Q ........................ Depth ..... ~.c). .................... ]0. Date of Purchase ...... .g~Q.~.lgl ................................. Nome of Farmer Owner ......,~...~.~...o..~......~g.,~.~. ......................... ! ]. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ............ ~P-,~.i~.eD.t~;J,~, .............................................................. )2. Does proposed construct;on ~iol~te any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ....... ~. ...................... 13. Name of Owe. er of premises ~,~r; .~.9..~..~...~.f~/;'.~...~ Address ~.~.~...~..e..l...~.x...C..onn,. ...... Phone No..6...6..8...-..7...3..]:...5.. Name of Architect .~.QrZL.~.~'.g,~.~g~'.e~.,...,TJ3.q.~Address CD.I'I.q.Q~.~..~.~$s, ........ Phone No..6..4...3..-.?...8..6...0.. Name of Contractor ~,~...~.~,~,.~...C}.~..rL,....C..9..~..~..r..,..Address ~.~..~.~..~..~..s....~..s.~..a..n.~.,.N......y...phane No. ~.8...8..'T.?..2..3...]'.. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly end distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. See Attached STATE OF NEW YORK, ! c c COUNTY OF ................................ $~'~' .............. ~.....J.O]:l~..Ga,~.~,~ .~T~ ...................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing application) above named. He is the ................... C~C~:I~I::~.ct, ID,I: .............................................................................................................. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that' the work will be perforr~ed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Swam to before me this // _ ........ do of. i ......... ' , hlotar7 Public, .~..~.....~..~..~'~'"';' ~'~oture of ap'~"~li~'~}'' .......................... No. 52-9509r85 PLAN CONVENTIONS AND SYMBOLS DECAUSEOUR BUILDINGS ARE ASSEMBLED WITH STANDARD PARTS, USING A REPETITIVE CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM, EACH SET OK WORKING DRAWINGS IS ACCOMPANIED BY A BOOK OF STANDARD DETAILS. THE APPLICABLE DETAILS FOR THE SECTION, ELEVATION, AND FRAMING DRAWINGS ARE INDICATED BY SYMBOLS ON THE DRAWINGS, AS DESCRIBED UNDER DETAILS BELOW. DETAIL DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WILL ALSO BE FOUND IN THE DETAIL BOOK. GRID: ALL DRAWING SHEETS HAVE A I"XI" REFERENCE GRID, REPRESENTING 4-0" AT ¼" SCALE, IN PLANS AND ELEVATIONS IT IS USED TO SHOW 4'-R" PANEL POSITIONS AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF THESE TO OTHER ELEMENTS LAYOUTt ALL ELEMENTS ON THE PLANS ARE CAREFULLY LOCATED TO SHOW RELATIONSHIP TO THE h'-O" ~RID WALLS. PARTITIONS, POSTS, BEAMS, ETC THAT FACE ON THE GRID OR ARE CENTERED ON THE GRID MAY NOT BE OTHERWISE DIMENSIONED IT IS ASSUMED THAT THEY WILL BE LOCATED BY REFEREHCE TO THE q'-O" GRID WHEN RELATIONSHIP TO GRID LINE IS NOT CLEAR, ELEMENTS APE LOCATED BY DIMENSIONS. DIMENSIONS: ALL DIMENSIONS ON DRAWINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN THREE DIGIT GROUPS SEPARATED BY DASHES. THESE REPRESENT FEET. 'INCNES, AND SIXTEENTHS. THUS 14-7-12 REPRESENTS 14 FEET, 7 AND 12/16 INCHES, OR 14' 7-3/4". 5'7o FARMHOUSE ALTERNATE D~MENSIONING STAIRS BE'FA I,L,S AN ARROW, THUS, IS A DIMENSION TO THE FACE OF AN ELEMENT. THE FACE REFERENCED IS ALWAYS THE KEY FACE USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE. WALLS AND PARTITIONS USE STUD FACE. SLABS AND FLOOR DECKS USE CONCRETE OR PLYWOOD SUB-FLOOR SURFACE. A LARGE ARROW )S USED FOR MAJOR LAYOUT OR OVERALL DIMENSIONS. CIRCLE, THUS, IS A DIMENSION TO THE CENTER LINE OF AN ELEMENT THIS ARROW INDICATES STAIR RUN, AND THE FOLLOWING LETTERS 0 w OPEN U - UP C = CLOSED D = DOWN DESCRIBE STAIR, INDICATES ITEM 3 ON PAqE 9 OF THE SET OF DRAWINGS. INDICATES ITEH 3 ON PAGE A-9 OF THE DETAIL BOOK. WHEN PAGE NUMBER IS PRECEDED BY A LETTER, REFERENCE IS TO THE DETAIL BOOK. SECTIONS: ,WINDOW O~$1GNATI(~NB WINDOWS ARE DESIGNATED BY A BOX WITH THE FOLLOWING NUMBER OR LETTER DESIGNATIONS: ] i II H1GH CASEMENT 4 m 4' HIGH CASEMENT A - AWNING (ONE SIZE ONLY) FG = FIXED GLASS SL - SLIDING GLASS DOOR WINDOW WIDTH, EITHER NOMINAL 2' OR 4', CAN BE DETERMINED FROM REFERENCE TO THE GRID. IN ELEVATION WINDOWS ARE DESIGNATED BY SHADING. OPERABLE SASH AND DIRECTION OK SWING ABE BY BROKEN LINES, INDICATED CLOSETS DOOR DESIGNATIONS ~-~ 30[ [~ INTERIOR DOORS ARE DESIGNATED BY A SIMPLE LINE INDICATING SWING AND A NUHBER AND LETTER AS fOLLOWS. NUMBER INDICATES WIDTH OF DOOR-FIRST DIGIT IS FEET, SECOND DIGIT IS INCHES. LETTER INDICATES SWING ( OR hINGE SIDE AS YOU FACE DOOR SWINGING AWAY) FOR OTHER THAN SWING DOORS NUMBER IS FOLLOWED BY: SL = SLIDING DOOR SL IN EXTERIOR WALL INDICATES SLIDING GLASS DOOR. BF = BIFOLD DOOR {NOT STANDARD) EXTERIOR DOORS ARE DESIGNATED BY A LINE AND ARC INDICATING SWING, AND A NUMBER AND LETTER COMBINATION SAME AS INTERIOR DOORS. NOTE:ALL DOORS, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, ARE 6~6'' HIGH (~) LINEN CLOSET. SEE DEPTH OF ALL C[OSETS UNLESS ABBREVIATIONS )USED W'TH BEAMS: CLOSETS ARE INDENTIFIED BY A LETTER IN A CIRCLE STANDARD COAT OR CLOTHES CLOSE~ DETAILS-ARE SHOWN ON SHEET F6. DETAIL SHEET F6. DIMENSIONED ON THE DRAWINGS IS 2~1" CLEAR, FACE TO FACE OF STUD, M = MILLED TO SMALLER DIMENSION THAN STANDARD. NOE = NOTCHEO ONE END TO RECE]VE 2X4 PLATE. NDE = NOTCHED BOTH ENDS TO RECEIVE 2X4 PLATE. OB = OVERHANG BEAM RB : RIDGE BEAM RESIDENCE FOR MR. & MRS. FISHER'S IS, L~ND, N,Y. ADRIAN CORBIERE 1 2 8., 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 FOUNDATION PLAN LOWER LEVEL PLAN UPPER LEVEL PLAN FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT & RIGHT ELEVATIONS SECTION A-A SECTION B-B KITCHEN ELEVATION UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ROOF FRAMING PLAN SHEATHING PLAN 11/9/71WF ~2/3/71WF ALT FH ,;3.2 SIMILAR t6-o-o 21+-0 Et_ OF SLAB AS PER BUILDEI 2 -O-O 2'X2' EL (-) 11-10-O 36-o-o ]2-0-0 F.I (-) 1-1-14 6-2-O 4-0-O I TINGS,-~j fi1~47 - 10 J SIMILAR {~IMILAR C PJXWL SPAC:E ~t O-D-O TOP OF SUB, FLOOR 12-0-0 11-10-O O, 6-0 -0 PRELIMINARY N6T TD BE IJSED FOR CONSTRUCTION RESIDENCE FOR MR, L$ MRS. FISHER'S ISLAND, N.Y. ADRIAN CORB IERE FOUNDATION PLAN ,~"=1 '-0' 11/9/71 12/3/71 WF ~l=o WF FH 32 ALT. (MOD) 1 NOTE: STAIRS TO BASEMENT BY BUILDER IL._ .~6-0-0 24-0-0 C / ~OL 60 BF FAMILY ROOM NOTE; STAIR CASE ?) 20L ~_. L__~.'_. ~ _2°R 26R BEDROOM 26R O0 SL SL n n I 26L 12-0-0 BEDROOM ¢2, SL ' t o, ? FOR. HR. 'F~ MRS. ADRIAN CORB1ERE LOWER LEVEL FLOOR'PLAN ¼":l '-o" 11/~/71WF ~.~ 121317! WE FH 32 ALT (MOD) ~** NOTE~ BUILT~-IN SHELVES BY BLDR 'BENCH BY BLDR~? P,ANTRY 2~-n-O 2OL ,~.~? K ITC HE N ;OLID RAIL (BY BLDR) HE IGliT HALF WALL 3_6 -.o_- 0 LI~VING AREA F~RE PLACE BY BLDR ~ DECK ~.? 4 26L IV~ TE R BEDROOM i SE I ENCE FOR HR. F,. MRS, ADRIAN CORBIERE FLOOR PLAN 11/9/71WF ~ 12/3/71WF FH 32 ALT (MOD) RESIDENCE FOR MR. ~, MRS. ADRIAN FISHER'S ISLAND, N.Y. CORBIERE FRONT ELEVATION 11/9/71WF 12/3/71WF FH 32 ALT (MOD) 4 SKYL I G~{T RESIDENCE FOR MR. & MRS. ADRIAN CORBIERE FISHER'S ISLAND, N.Y. !~EAR ELEVATION ¼'~= 1 ' -0" 11/9/71WF 12/3/71WF FH 32 ALT (MOD) LEF1 ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION RESIDENCE FOR MR. I: MRS. ADRIAN FISHER'S ISLAND, N.Y. CORBIERE LEFT r RtGHT ELEVATIONS 11/9/71 WF ~-:,~ 12/3/71 WF FH 32 ALT (HOD) 6 12 6 -~X14 RD #6 /235# ASPHALT SHINGLES · ,15¢,' ASPHALT FELT ~"' .~'½" PLYSCORD SHEATHING '' '~' 2X8 RAFTERS ¢ 16" O/C / 6-12-C .~-~ 4X4 POST (BEYOND) HDR '~/2×10 HDR 2XlO JIOISTS ~, 16" O/C · ' 4XIO BM NOTE: FLOOR TO BE CUT FOR STAIR OPENING BY iBU ILDER 4-O-O 12-0-0 ,,,' STAIR DETAILS ShE G-3,4,5 12-O-O ~BL 2X6 SILL SLAB El. BY BUILDER STAIRS TO BASEMENT &Y BLDR. 2X8 SILL DBL 2X6 CRAWL SPACE SECTION A-A ½"=i '-o" -T T 2X8 DECK JOISTS ¢ 16" O/C DECK DETAILS SEE B-4 PRELIMINARY H6T TI} DE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION 11/9771 WF !~:cO FH 32 ALT (MOD) ~: ~3/71 WF 7