HomeMy WebLinkAboutDgheim, Cynthia Glenn Goldsmith,President \O COGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski o ,?o P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • ��� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �h Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: IZ 1'2-J'Z Completed in field by: Martin Finnegan, Esq. on behalf of GIUSEPPE GIATRAKIS & CYNTHIA DGHEIM request a Letter of Non-Jurisdiction for the proposed exterior work to the existing dwelling; and to stake out any freshwater wetlands found on the property. Located: 58670 County Road 48, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-44-4-4 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland A, Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: x Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: S C D iM Sohtr O� ` cn C"- 0,16v► i o Present Were: G. Goldsmith N. Krupski E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly E. Peeples ���r ;+�. • - �'� � .� l �� •� �`� ,�%,' �` X13,. - � • • tit •�ra 1 0 \, � � - �w�!... � . . 1 _ ice✓ � r1: ' � k.�..; �3 'Giuseppe Giatra kis&Cynthia Dgheirn 670 CR 48,Greenport • 1 •�� ♦•TM#: 1000-44-4-4 - - AfF T ` ^rIt t.•f �� .,..� �► •,`fie`.-,,;; .V: I{: .. `1' - �, ��. w 1 ,�' ` ` • ���. moi• } N \ .� !.t � , . •{ _ �.�. ' AV ;, 1• .fA!T 3 IM .`1111 .S r •{ i� Y A:' � Ryf��ii ♦ _ ♦ _ . wc .. �G�+• " ..�. i I, AY ;.:,�W ! ..`moi'?% 9 : 02 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 3:01 PM To: 'Martin Finnegan'; DiSalvo, Diane Cc: Annalise Schweitzer Subject: RE: Code Violation Martin, Last night the Board reviewed your email and the letter with attached aerial from Cole Environmental Consulting dated August 31, 2022. The Board determined that the Cole Environmental Consulting determination does not align with the Board of Trustees current determination of the freshwater wetlands that may be located on or near said property. The Board asked that I advise you that at this time,they will not issue a Letter of Non-Jurisdiction nor will they speak to the Building Dept. but will schedule a site inspection most likely on November 9th for this Board to inspect for freshwater wetlands. Sincerely, .14akf 6tr4ee Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765.1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny.gov From: Martin Finnegan <mfinnegan@northfork.law> Sent:Tuesday,September 6, 2022 12:25 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us>; DiSalvo, Diane<diane.disalvo@town.southold.ny.us> Cc:Annalise Schweitzer<aschweitzer@northfork.law> Subject: [SPAM] -Code Violation Liz and Diane, We had a pre-submission conference with the Trustees a few weeks ago and they asked that we have the wetlands flagged. There was a clearing violation issued to my clients but they also were doing work on the perimeter of the house that does not require a building permit. As you can see from the attached,the house is outside the Trustees jurisdiction. Can you please pass this on to Glenn or Nick and ask if they will notify the building department that my client can proceed with the masonry work on the property. We are having the wetland boundary placed on the survey and once that is done, I can follow up on the clearing issue. Thanks. Regards, Martin MARTIN D.FINNEGAN,ESQ. F'INNEGAN LAW P.C. 13250 Main Road P.O. Box 1452 1 � t Environmental Consulting Wetland Project Management 425 Montauk Highway East Quogue, NY 11942 (631)369-9445 www.ColeEnvironmentalServices.com August 31,2022 Town of Southold , ( Board of Trustees D U 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ffP •• 720M Attn:Southold Trustees Re:Joe Giatrakis boairSo al To" 58670 CR 48 d ofThlsten Greenport, NY 11944 SCTM N0: 1000-044.00-04.00-004.000 We flagged the wetlands at the above referenced address today and from our on-site inspectiowit appears that the proposed work is greater than 100 feet away from the freshwater wetlands. Should you need anything further, please let me know. Sincerely, 6 r4 6 Chris Cole Cole Environmental Services, Inc. 58670 cr 48 southold x Q Show search results for 58670 >��. t.'. �� e � V /"� .' ` � "'!> e:rte, ! •�/ CL CDCO 3 - -Mel A 14, IM t4� - '' �• .r °� -.. ,L ... � ., .. d •' 1, mss, tT - - r- , y r . Town Hall Annex Glenn Goldsmith,rr`esisdent A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly,, �A • ��� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples � �a Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Datefrime: f2,7-, Completed in field by: G e Martin Finnegan, Esq. on behalf of CYNTHIA M. DGHEIM & GIUSEPPE GIATRAKIS requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the as-built clearing, proposed at- grade patio, and other proposed projects on the property. Located: 58670 County Road 48, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-44-4-4 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No NotApplicable Info needed/Modifications/Con itions/Etc.: a--P �w 1a 1� v ads_ Present Were: C G. Goldsmith X N. Krupski X E. Sepenoski _ L. Gillooly _C_E. Peeples �p� SO Town Hall Annex W4,y;. "Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road _ a ,`: i='`. P.O. Box 1179 t Q Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STOP WORK ORDER TO: Elizabeth Commander 1750 Laurelwood Drive Laurel, New York 11948 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO SUSPEND ALL WORK AT: 58670 CR 48, Greenport, New York 11944 TAX MAP NUMBER: 1000-44-4-4 Pursuant to Section 275-5 and 144-8 of the Town of Southold Code, you are hereby notified to immediately suspend all work until this order has been rescinded. BASIS OF STOP WORK ORDER: Construction without first obtaining a Building Permit and clearing of wetlands without a Southold Town Trustee wetlands permit. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WORK MAY BE RESUMED: When the Southold Town Trustees have issued a wetlands permit and the Building Dept. has issued a building permit. FAILURE TO REMEDY THE CONDITIONS AFORESAID AND TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW MAY CONSTITUTE AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE BY FINE, IMPRISONMENT OR BOTH. DATE: June 13, 2022 04-1�16LCLI' Arthur P. Bloom Ordinance Inspector IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ISSUING AGENCY. �0 4 S JOSHUA R. WICKS P . L . S NORTH LOAD (C. ) SURVEYED BY:J.R.W. DRAWN BY:J.R.W. JOB NO.:JRW22-o43 0 P.O. BOX 593 200.00 Center Moriches, N.Y. 11934 N 59025,05„ � JoshuaR�Picks®gmail.com coNC. CURE UC/Vo #631-405-8108 C5��25 GRAPHIC SCALE EDGE OF PAVEMENT CONC.WALK ° 1 2 __ �—on —w —off —ox o —on —o —on —on on_ (30) (60) (90) OR-OK OH E epr 50 ayoff \. . ........ _ _ �� _ ` (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1�/ ® r I -..........� PIPE_._._._._._..— .\. f,'539'f............. i 5UPVEY PPOPEPTY � 1 1 Ak%AMOMOQU�, OWN 0�50U11�0�12 PORCH /,��° i O 5UFFOV COUNTY NSW YO?K O oco2 STY. 35.9' Suffolk Countq -rax Map No,; i 13.7'i, FR. RES. i C\2 I m#58670 N l 00�'���,���0�,������,coo X10.5'1 j PATS 0512021 UP12AS12 5SMY; 5/912022 STEPS 1r a SCALA; i"=30' v16 ti I I � GUARANTEED TO: CYNTHIA DGHEIM & GIUSEPPE GIATRAKRIS I + I\ FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENTLEY ABSTRACT INC. 27.7 BA—FA-1276 2o.o'X1D.o' w CONC. FOUNDATION = w C co W /WOODED_ / i co LO / AREA V z co o' 1 vl LOT AREA O 1 41,425.82 S.F. co 0.95 ACRE(S) SET 1 _ _ � _ o WALL n pF R. O — P.O.L 11 E TAX LOT 3.1 21 4. 26 ' JUL 2 9 2022 W S 59025W" Southold-rows ��FysF�O. 051 S����io� hoard of Trustees L AND CHECKED BY: •' (1) UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUB—DIVISION 2, OF NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. (2) ONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'S ORIGINAL WORK AND OPINION. (3) CERTIFICATIONS ON THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY MAP W SIGNIFY THAT THE MAP WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. THE CERTIFICATION IS LIMITED TO PERSONS FOR WHOM THE BOUNDARY SURVEY MAP IS PREPARED, TO THE TITLE COMPANY, TO THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, AND TO THE LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED ON THIS F— BOUNDARY SURVEY MAP. (4) THE CERTIFICATIONS HEREIN ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. (5) THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS KNOWN AND OFTEN MUST BE ESTIMATED. IF ANY UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS EXIST OR ARE SHOWN, THE IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS SURVEY. (6) THE OFFSET (OR DIMENSIONS) SHOWN HEREON 0 FROM THE STRUCTURES TO THE PROPERTY LINES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES, RETAINING WALLS, POOLS, PATIOS PLANTING AREAS, ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS, AND ANY OTHER TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. (7) PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS WERE NOT SET AS PART OF THIS SURVEY. (8) THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITH A TRIMBLE S8 ROBOTIC Z TOTAL STATION. (9) THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. J' FINNEGAN LAW, P.C. 13250 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1452 MATTITUCK,NEW YORK 11952 (631) 315-6070 MARTIN D. FINNEGAN, ESQ. MFINNEGAN@NOKTHFORK.LAW By Hand rE E p UM E July 28, 2022 USouthold Town Trustees L 2 9 2022 Attn: Diane DiSalvo 54375 Main Road Southold Town Post Office Box 1179 Board of Trustees Southold, NY 11971 Re: Pre-Submission Conference Giuseppe Giatrakis and Cynthia M. Dgheim Premises: 58670 County Road 48, Greenport, NY 11944 SCTM 1000-044.00-04.00-004.000 Dear Diane: Enclosed please find an attorney escrow check in the amount of$50.00 for scheduling a pre-submission conference regarding the above-referenced premises. Attached for your reference is the signed conference request from Giuseppe Giatrakis and Cynthia M. Dgheim. We will forward a digital copy of the survey for your records. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very t my yo rs, Martin Finnegan MDF/as Encl. i Giuseppe Giatrakis and Cynthia M. Dgheim PD Box 422 Greenport,IVY-11944 Via Electronic Mail D � � � � # E , Glenn Goldsmith,President JUL 2 9 2022 Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Annex Southold Town Board of Trustees 54375 Main Road Southold,NY i 1971 Re: 58670 County Road 48, Greenport,NY 11944 SCTM 1000-044.00-04.00-004.000 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: We are the owners of the referenced parcel in Southold. In accordance with Section 275-8(A)of-the Town Code, we are requesting a pre-submission conference with the Trustees to discuss how to resolve the stop work order issued for a patio at grade and wetland clearing at the subject premises. We are requesting input from the Trustees so that any issues of concern can be addressed. We have asked our attorney, Martin Finnegan, to attend. A copy of-the survey of the parcel is attached. We will submit the$50 fee to your office under separate cover. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, useppe Gi rakis Cynthia M. Dgheim 1 Ik Cc: Martin D. Finnegan,Esq. Revsons WIN 0�1�88 0},600 mnm naw, o,.,soe N ON0 5O / 1rG I CO—OFMFF / I 1 I ,6M N� 1+6'p0 Oe ' FOR GCL NO I SEE SEG NO. e /. MS01-8.1 71 1 1 yo,G r 01 13 � I j couNn at y •'f ye of suFFcuc '� Tsu I j. r:��, � COUNTY OF SNFFOUf I • 1 � I ,•,a e' NG�t � I ��n��.c•^ '�A 4D�. eat ° 43 - • ` O Y .•rte. �„a�a``:�'� 9 r * IMTCN OrvE e r T SEE SEC NO- 2,) •n 'O O ut 5 C En.� n.� —�— •. ( ” --o'-- __�__ NOT,CE COUNTYOFSUFFOLK © E s sOuiNpp SECTION NO G ,., r.N,FNeKeK,c+.*�eN..Ne°n Real Property Tax Service Agency r •°•' counM1rabrPower�e,ry Yt180t m H w N r...i. n r txt Nnle txu '^ o.e�r --•-- n.+u.--..-- E�' M Kt NO 1600 --- P PROPERTY MNP