HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-08/02/2022 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road DENIS NONCARROW P.O. Box 1179 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA FINAL SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD August 2, 2022 9:00 AM POLICY: At the beginning of scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. ONLINE ACCESS: The Tentative Agenda is generally available the Friday before the meeting. The video of the meeting is usually available to watch live during the meeting. Minutes with adopted resolutions are available 1-2 days after the meeting. A full copy of the minutes, agenda and meeting video can be viewed by going to the official Town of Southold website: www.southoldtownny.gov <http://www.southoldtownny.gov> and following either of the following: (1) Move pointer over “Government” on the Town website home page. You will find the title “Town Supervisor/Town Board”. Under this title you will see “Southold Town Board Meetings and Agendas”. or (2) Go to “How Do I”, in the right upper corner of the Town website home page, Choose “Access”, then “Southold Town Board Meetings and Agendas. Go to the date of the meeting and click on "Minutes Packet" this is the full copy of the resolutions. (Scroll to bottom of page for KEY to symbols). You can view the live video of the meeting by clicking on the camera symbol. All of this information is available 24/7. If you would like help navigating the site, please feel free to call my office 631-765-1800. Due to the expiration of the New York State Governor’s Executive Orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in-person access to the Public will now be permitted. The meeting will still be accessible via Zoom and streamed live on the Town’s website. The meeting can be viewed live by going to the Town’s website at www.southoldtownny.gov <http://www.southtownny.gov> home page. Click on the “Government” tab, once the drop down menu appears, under “Town Supervisor/Town Board”, click on “Southold Town Board Minutes and Agendas” which takes the user to the Town of Southold Meeting Portal page. Once on the Meeting Portal page, click on the date of the meeting you wish to view and then click on “Video”. A recording of the meeting will also air on Channel 22 and will be posted on the Town’s website Instructions and link to attend the meeting will be available on the Town’s website or by calling the Town Clerk’s office at (631)765-1800. A telephone number will also be provided to allow members of the public to attend via telephone. Written comments and/or questions may also be submitted via email to the Town Clerk at denisn@southoldtownny.gov <mailto:denisn@southoldtownny.gov>and Lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us <mailto:Lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> . Said comments and/or questions will be considered at the public hearing provided that they are submitted no later than 12:00 P.M. (Prevailing Time) on the day of the public hearing. Pursuant to the requirements of the Executive Order of the Governor of the State of New York, a transcript will be prepared of the public hearing, and a copy shall be filed with the Town Clerk and placed upon the Town's website. Please check the meeting Agenda posted on the Town’s website (www.southoldtownny.gov) for further instructions or for any changes to the instructions to access the public hearing, and for updated information. I. Call to Order 9:00 AM Meeting called to order on August 2, 2022 at Meeting Hall, 53095 Route 25, Southold, NY. Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Councilwoman Sarah E. Nappa    Councilman Greg Doroski    Councilman Brian O. Mealy    Councilwoman Jill Doherty    Justice Louisa P. Evans    Supervisor Scott A. Russell    II. Public Portion III. Communications IV. Discussion V. Resolutions 2022-642 CATEGORY: Enact Local Law DEPARTMENT: Town Clerk Enact LL Chapter 17, CPF WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, th on the 19 day of July, 2022, a Local Law entitled “A Local Law Amending Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) in Relation to Creating a Community Housing Fund to be Funded by a 0.5% Supplemental Real Estate Transfer Tax” and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now therefor be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ENACTS the proposed Local Law “Amending Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) in Relation to Creating a Community Housing Fund to be Funded by a 0.5% Supplemental Real Estate Transfer Tax” reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. ____ OF 2022 A LOCAL LAW amending Town Code Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) in relation to creating a Community Housing Fund to be funded by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Section 1. Legislative Intent. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds that an adequate supply of housing opportunities for all residents of the Town of Southold is critical to the future and sustainability of the Town. The adverse impact resulting from the lack of housing opportunities is severe. Local employers have difficulty hiring and retaining employees because of housing costs and availability. Local volunteer emergency services agencies experience difficulty in recruitment and retention. Long-time residents are forced to leave the area. Traffic congestion is intensified by the importation of labor from areas with lower housing costs. Finally, the lack of housing opportunities is resulting in residents being forced to live in substandard, illegal conditions. The unique demographics and economics in the Town of Southold and a lack of affordable dwelling units are contributing to this housing shortage. The combination of the Town of Southold's attractiveness, proximity to the dense population of the New York metropolitan region and to that region's extraordinary wealth, makes the Town of Southold a prime location for seasonal and luxury homes. While this combination of extraordinary attractiveness, population density, and wealth has created a strong local economy for the Town, it has resulted in a housing crisis for local families. The demand for seasonal homes has driven up housing costs for primary residences for local families. The unique demographics and economics in the Town of Southold that have historically contributed to the housing shortage have only been exacerbated by the COVID- 19 pandemic. The pandemic has resulted in a flight of residents from urban areas such as New York City to the Town of Southold. The demand for housing in the Town is currently at an all-time high. This increased demand has further driven up housing costs and has reduced the supply of housing units available for the local workforce. The increased demand for affordable housing opportunities resulting from the pandemic makes the need for increased community housing more acute. In summary, the demand of land for luxury and seasonal homes and seasonal rentals has left a short supply of housing opportunities for middle income and working class local residents. The pandemic has only exacerbated this problem. The Town of Southold requires a balanced housing policy where there exists a variety of housing types and opportunities across the region's economic spectrum. It is the public purpose of this local law to implement the authority given to the Town of Southold to establish a dedicated fund to provide needed housing opportunities as authorized by Chapter 445 of the Laws of 2021 entitled "AN ACT to amend the town law and the tax law, in relation to authorizing towns in the Peconic Bay region to establish community housing funds to be funded by a supplemental real estate transfer tax." Said fund would be financed by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax, which would be in addition to the existing 2% real estate transfer tax for the Community Preservation Fund. The supplemental real estate transfer tax is subject to a mandatory referendum. Section 2. Amendment. The title of Chapter 17 of the Southold Town Code is hereby amended from "Community Preservation Fund" to "Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund" as follows: Chapter 17. Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund Section 3. Amendment. Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund) of the Southold Town Code is amended by adding to Article I entitled "Southold Community Preservation Fund" to read as follows: Section 17-4. Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: COMMUNITY HOUSING A primary residential property for an eligible individual that does not exceed one hundred fifty percent of the purchase price limits established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low interest rate loan program in non-target categories for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property. BOARD The advisory board created pursuant to section 17-45 of this article. FUND The community housing fund established pursuant to section 17-51 of this article. FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYER An eligible individual who has not owned a primary residential property and is not married to a person who has owned a residential property during the three-year period prior to his or her purchase of the primary residential property. and who does not own a vacation or investment home. PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Any one or two family house. townhouse. or condominium. ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL A household with an income that does not exceed one hundred percent of the income limits as established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low interest rate loan program in non-target categories for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property. Section 4. Amendment. Section 17-21 (Imposition of tax; use of tax; applicability) of Article IV (Two Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax) of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund) of the Southold Town Code is amended by striking the words ‘Two Percent’ from the title, re-lettering the existing paragraph as paragraph A and adding a new paragraph B to read as follows: Section 17-21. Imposition of tax; use of tax; applicability. A,_ There is hereby imposed in the Town of Southold a tax on each conveyance of real property or interest therein where the consideration exceeds $500, the rate of such tax to be 2% of the consideration for such conveyance. Revenues from such tax shall be deposited in the Southold Community Preservation Fund established by Article of this chapter and may be used solely for the purposes of said fund. Such tax shall apply to any conveyance occurring on or after March 1, 1999, but shall not apply to conveyances made on or after such date pursuant to binding written contracts entered into prior to such date, provided that the date of execution of such contract is confirmed by independent evidence such as the recording of the contract, payment of a deposit or other facts and circumstances as determined by the County Treasurer. B. In addition to the tax imposed by paragraph A of this section, there is hereby imposed on each conveyance of real property or interest . therein where the consideration exceeds five hundred dollars, at the rate of 0.5% of the consideration for such conveyance. Revenues from such supplemental tax shall be deposited in the Town Community Housing Fund established by Article VII of this chapter and may be used solely for the purposes of such fund. Such tax shall apply to any conveyance occurring on or after April 1, 2023, but shall not apply to conveyances made on or after such date pursuant to binding written contracts entered into prior to such date, provided that the date of execution of such contract is confirmed by independent evidence such as the recording of the contract, payment of a deposit or other facts and circumstances as determined by the County Treasurer. Any tax imposed pursuant to this subdivision shall be administered and collected in a like manner as the tax imposed by paragraph A of this section. § 17-25. Additional exemptions. A. There shall be allowed an exemption of $200,000 150,000 on the consideration of the conveyance of improved real property or an interest therein. Section 5. Amendment. Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund) of the Southold Town Code is amended by adding a new Article VI entitled "Establishment of Community Housing Fund" to read as follows: Article VI. Establishment of Community Housing Fund Section 17-47. Fund Established. A. The Town of Southold Community Housing Fund is hereby established pursuant to the provisions of Section 64-k (2) of the State Town Law. B. Deposits into the fund shall include (i) all revenues from the supplemental real estate transfer tax authorized by subdivision two of section fourteen hundred forty-nine-bb of the tax law. (ii) all proceeds from any indebtedness or obligations issued pursuant to the local finance law for community housing opportunity purposes as authorized in subdivision three of Section 64-k of the Town Law. (iii) any proceeds received by the Town from the sale or rental of community housing produced from revenues of the fund; and (iv) the repayment of any loans issued from proceeds of the fund. C. Deposits into the fund may also include (i) general fund balances or surpluses. (ii) any gifts of interests in land or funds: and (iii) any state or federal grants received by the Town for providing affordable homes. Section 17-48. Purposes of the Fund. Purposes of the fund. The proceeds of the fund established pursuant to subdivision two of this section shall be utilized for the following purposes: A. The provision of financial assistance to first-time homebuyers who are residents of the Town for the purchase of a first home. Such financial assistance may be in the form of a grant or a loan. 1. Financial assistance may be provided for the purchase of a first home to a first time homebuyer who is a resident of the Town or who is employed in the Town. A, resident of the Town shall include a person who is currently a resident of the Town or a non-resident who has been a resident within the past five years. 2. Such financial assistance shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the purchase price of the home. 3. If such financial assistance is in the form of a loan. such loan shall be repayable to the Town pursuant to the terms agreed to between the recipient and the Town. provided that any loan shall be fully repaid by the recipient upon the resale of the home. 4. For the purposes of calculating Town tax liability for such property, only, the dollar amount of any financial assistance for the purchase of a first home made by the Town pursuant to this section shall be subtracted from the full equalized assessed value of such property. 5. All revenues received by the Town from the repayment of a loan shall be deposited in the fund. 6. A Town may provide financial assistance for community housing in conjunction with a public/private partnership for employer assisted housing. B. The actual production of community housing for sale to eligible individuals by the Town. C. The actual production of community housing for sale to eligible individuals in conjunction with a public/private partnership, where the private partner agrees to comply with the profit guidelines of the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and the provisions of this section. D. The actual production and maintenance of community housing for rental to eligible individuals either by the Town or the Town Housing Authority; or in conjunction with a public/private partnership, where the private partner agrees to comply with the profit guidelines of the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and the provisions of this section. E. The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of conversion to community housing for sale or rental to eligible individuals. F. The acquisition of interests in real property in existing housing units, which will result in the production of community housing for sale or rental to eligible individuals. G. The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations who are authorized by the United States department of housing and urban development to provide such services. Section 17-49. Management of the Fund. Interest accrued by monies deposited into the fund shall be credited to the fund. In no event shall monies deposited into the fund be transferred to any other account. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the financing in whole or in part. pursuant to the state local finance law, of any purpose authorized pursuant to this section. Monies from the fund may be utilized to repay indebtedness or obligations incurred pursuant to the state local finance law consistent with effectuating the purposes of this article. Section 17-50. Eligible Expenses. For the purposes of this article. eligible expenses relating to the production of community housing and the rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures under the fund shall include but not be limited to land acquisition, planning. engineering, construction costs, and other hard and soft costs directly related to the construction. rehabilitation. purchase or rental of housing pursuant to this section. All revenues received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans shall be deposited in the fund. Section 17-51. Advisory Board. An advisory board is hereby created to review and make recommendations regarding the Town's community housing plan required by Section 17-52 of this article. Such board shall consist of not less than seven nor more than fifteen legal residents of the Town who shall serve without compensation. No member of the Town Board shall serve on the advisory board. The board shall include a representative of: (a) the construction industry: (b) the real estate industry; (c) the banking industry; (d) three representatives of local housing advocacy or human services organizations: and (e) at least one resident from a participating village. The advisory board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Town Board. Section 17-52. Community Housing Plan. A. Before· the Town Board may expend any funds pursuant to this section. The Town Board shall first adopt a Town Community Housing Plan which establishes an implementation plan for the provision of community housing opportunities by the fund. Said plan shall be adopted by local law. Such plan shall adhere to the following smart growth principles: (1) Public investment. To account for and minimize social. economic, and environmental costs of new development. including infrastructure costs such as transportation, sewers, and wastewater treatment, water, schools, recreation, and loss of open space and agricultural land. (2) Development. To encourage development in areas where transportation, water, and sewage infrastructure are available or practical. (3) Conservation. To protect, preserve, and enhance the state's resources. Including agricultural land, forests, surface waters, groundwater, recreation and open space, scenic areas, and significant historic and archeological sites. (4) Coordination. To promote coordination of state and local government decisions and cooperation among communities to work toward the most efficient, planned and cost-effective delivery of government services by, among other means, facilitating cooperative agreements among adjacent communities, and to coordinate planning to ensure compatibility of one's community development with development of neighboring communities. (5) Community design. To strengthen communities through development and redevelopment strategies that include integration of all income and age groups, mixed land uses, and compact development, traditional neighborhood development, planned unit development, open space districts, downtown revitalization, brownfield redevelopment, enhanced beauty in public spaces, and diverse and community housing in close proximity to places of employment, recreation, and commercial development. (6) Transportation. To provide transportation choices, including increasing public transit and alternative modes of transportation, in order to reduce automobile dependency, traffic congestion, and automobile pollution. (7) Consistency. To ensure predictability in building and land use codes. (8) Community collaboration. To provide for and encourage local governments to develop, through a collaborative community based effort, smart growth plans that include long term land use and permit predictability and coordination, efficient decision making and planning implementation. B. Such plan may include the establishment of a map or maps that delineate the housing implementation recommendations proposed by the Town. Such plan shall be updated at least once every five years. The Town housing plan shall be an element of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Such plan shall ensure that all community housing created pursuant to this section remains affordable. Subsequent purchasers of such community housing shall have at the time of purchase, pursuant to the definition "eligible individual", an income that does not exceed one hundred percent of the income limits as established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low interest rate loan program in non-target categories for Suffolk County. Such plan shall provide for the equitable distribution of community housing opportunities among all the communities of the Town. The plan shall ensure that no community has an undue concentration of community housing opportunities that would substantially alter the character of the community. In determining equitable distribution of community housing opportunities, existing community housing opportunities in a community shall be considered. Section 17-53. Village Participation. A. The participation of any Village in the production of community housing authorized by this section shall be at the option of the Village. In order to participate, a Village shall pass a resolution opting into the program and shall submit said resolution to the Town Board. B. Where a Village opts to participate pursuant to this section, an intergovernmental agreement shall be executed pursuant to Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law or other applicable legal authority, in order to establish the rights and responsibilities of each local government regarding community housing opportunities. C. Regardless of whether a Village participates in the program authorized by this article, properties in the Village shall be subject to the supplemental real estate transfer tax authorized by subdivision two of section fourteen hundred forty-nine-bb of the tax law and section 17-21 B of this chapter. Section 6. Local Law Subject to Mandatory Referendum. Pursuant to §1449-bb of the New York Tax Law and §23 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, this Local Law is subject to approval by the electors of the Town of Southold at a mandatory referendum to be held at the November 8, 2022 general election. Section 7. Ballot Proposition. The following proposition shall be placed before the electors of the Town of Southold at the November 8, 2022, general election: SHALL A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE TO FUND AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TOWN BY ESTABLISHING A HALF-PERCENT (0.5%) TAX PAID BY THE PURCHASER ON THE TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN, WITH THE REVENUES DEPOSITED IN THE SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND TO ADDRESS AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN THE TOWN, BE APPROVED? Section 8. Authority. This proposed local law is enacted pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law §10, as well as §23, Town Law §64-K and Tax Law §1449-bb. Section 9. Severability. If any. section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase, or prov1s1on of this law shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, any judgment made thereby shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part or provision so adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional. Section 10. Effective Date. This local law shall take effect upon the approval by an affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold voting on the proposition provided for in section 7 of this local law. · AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the following Notice of Adoption: NOTICE OF ADOPTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that after public hearings were held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on August 2 , 2022, both in-person, at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd, Southold, New York, and via videoconferencing, the Town Board, at their meeting of Aug. 2, 2022, adopted LOCAL LAW NO. __ of 2022, as follows: "A LOCAL LAW amending Town Code Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) in relation to creating a Community Housing Fund to be funded by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax." Summary of Proposed Law Recognizing that the adverse impacts resulting from the housing shortage in the Town are severe, and housing opportunities for all residents is critical to the future and sustainability of the Town, the purpose of this local law is to create a Community Housing Fund to be funded by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax. Pursuant to §1449-bb of the New York Tax Law and §23 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, this local law is subject to approval by the electors of the Town of Southold at a mandatory referendum to be held at the November 8, 2022 general election. Copies of the local law, are on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  Vote Record - Resolution RES-2022-642 Adopted  Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Adopted as Amended  Sarah E. Nappa     Defeated   Tabled Greg Doroski     Withdrawn  Brian O. Mealy     Supervisor's Appt  Jill Doherty     Tax Receiver's Appt  Rescinded  Louisa P. Evans     Town Clerk's Appt  Scott A. Russell      Supt Hgwys Appt  No Action  Lost 2022-643 CATEGORY: Legal DEPARTMENT: Town Clerk Authorize to Send to Board of Elections WHEREAS, on August 2, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, by Resolution No. ____ of 2022, adopted a local law amending Town Code Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) in. relation to creating a Community Housing Fund to be funded by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax; and WHEREAS, said local law is subject to a mandatory referendum at the general election to be held on November 8, 2022; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to send a certified copy of Resolution No. ______ of 2022, and the following ballot proposition and abstract, together with the Spanish translation, to the Suffolk County Board of Elections, Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank, New York, for inclusion on the ballot at the November 8, 2022, general election: PROPOSITION NO. For Submission to the Electors of the Town of Southold At the next general election to be held on November 8, 2022 SHALL A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE TO FUND AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TOWN BY ESTABLISHING A HALFPERCENT (0.5%) TAX PAID BY THE PURCHASER ON THE TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN, WITH THE REVENUES DEPOSITED IN THE SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND TO ADDRESS AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN THE TOWN, BE APPROVED? ABSTRACT OF PROPOSITION The adverse impact resulting from the lack of housing opportunities in the Town is severe. Local employers have difficulty hiring and retaining employees because of housing costs and availability. Local volunteer emergency services agencies experience difficulty in recruitment and retention. Long-time residents are forced to leave the area. Traffic congestion is intensified by the importation of labor from areas with lower housing costs. The lack of housing opportunities is resulting in residents. being forced i:o live in substandard, illegal conditions. The unique demographics and economics in the Town of Southold that have historically contributed to the housing shortage have only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In summary, the demand of land for luxury and seasonal homes and seasonal rentals has left a short supply of housing opportunities for middle income and working class local residents. The Town of Southold requires a balanced housing policy where there exists a variety of housing types and opportunities across the region's economic spectrum. An adequate supply of housing opportunities for all residents is critical to the future and sustainability of the Town. Thus, the purpose of this local law is to implement the authority given to the Town of Southold to establish a dedicated fund to provide needed housing opportunities, as authorized by Chapter 445 of the Laws of 2021 entitled "AN ACT to amend the town law and the tax law, in relation to authorizing towns in the Peconic Bay region to establish community housing funds to be funded by a supplemental real estate transfer tax." Said fund would be financed by a 0.5% supplemental real estate transfer tax, which would be in addition to the existing 2% real estate transfer tax for the Community Preservation Fund. Pursuant to §1449-bb of the New York Tax Law and §23 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the supplemental real estate transfer tax is subject to a mandatory referendum, at the November 8, 2022 general election. Financial Impact None  Vote Record - Resolution RES-2022-643 Adopted   Adopted as Amended Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent  Defeated Sarah E. Nappa     Tabled  Withdrawn  Greg Doroski     Supervisor's Appt  Brian O. Mealy     Tax Receiver's Appt  Jill Doherty     Rescinded   Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P. Evans      Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A. Russell      No Action Lost  VI. Public Hearings 1. PH 8/2 9:00 Am - Chapter 17