HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-08/14/1986 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER. CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS. JR. SERGE DOYEN..IR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board o£Appeals HAIN RrlAD- STATE RI3AD 25 5nUthl3lD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 1516) 765-1809 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, 'AUGUST '1'6-~_~ 1 986 A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held on THURSDAY,_.. AUGUST 14, 1986 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at the Southold Town Hall,-Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Present were: G~rard P. Goehringer, Chairman; Serge Doyen, Jr.~ Robert J~ Douglass; Charles Grigonis, Jr.; and Joseph H. Sawicki, constituting the five members of the Board. Also present were: Linda Kowalski, Board Secretary, and approximately 35 persons in the audience at the beginning of the meeting at 7:30~ The attendance increased to about 60 persons towards the latter part of the hearings. Chairman Goehringer opened the meeting and proceeded with the first matter on the agenda, as follows. (The verbatim transcri~pts for all of the hearings have been prepared'Under separate cover, the originals of which are simultane~ herewith fil~d with the office of the Town Clerk for reference.) 7:35 p.m. Public Hearing was held and concluded in the Matter of GEORGE AND PAT BROWN. Deck addition to dwelling ~ith insufficient and ~rther reduction of existing sideyard. 150 Briarwood Lane, C~tchogue. R. Kunst appeared as agent. (No objections were submitted during the hearing.) Following the hearing, an unanimous vote was received to concluded the hearing, pending deliberations and decision at a later time. Southold Town Board of Appeals (Public Hearings, continued:) -2- August 14~ 1986 Regular Meeting 7:40 p.m. Appeal No. 3477. Public Hearing was held in the Matter of WILLIAM AND KATHERINE HEINS. Anthony Tohill, Esq. spoke in behalf of the applicants, who were also present. (No opposition was received. See verbatim transcript). Following receipt of verbal testimony, motion was made by Chairman Goeh- ringer, seconded by Member Sawicki, to recess.Appeal No. 3477 until the Chairman has had an opportunity to meet with the Planning Board concerning the g~eral layout (coordination was not completed and no input has been received ~rom the Planning Board). This resolution was duly adopted~by unanimous vote. (See resolution on ~ scheduling this matter for public hearing for September ll, 1986, subject to Chairman's meeting with Planning Board before advertising deadline.) 7:52 p.m. Appeal No. 3520 THOMAS SHALVEY. Public Hear- ing was held and concluded.~ (Nb.o~alLobjections were submitted during the hearing). Variance for approval of insufficient area, width and depth of two parcels in this proposed set-off division. S/s Case Road, Cutchogue. Henry Raynor appeared in behalf of the applicant. The Chairman asked Mr. Raynor to submit a list of other parcels which have become merged ~ithin this block. (See verbatim transcript for statements.) 7:58 p.m. Appeal No. 3532 - ARTHUR AND BERNADETTE BURNS. Tennis Court in front yard. 3525 Private Road #13, Mattituck. Anthony Tohill, Esq. appeared in behalf off,he applicants. No objection~s were submitted during the hearing. ?he public hearing was held-and concluded. (See verbatim transcript for statements.) 8:05 p.m. Appeal No. 3433 GAIL DESSIMOZ AND MICHAEL RACT. The public hearing was held and concluded. (See verbatim transcript for statements.) The Chairman asked the applicants to give sketch of trees and shrubs in the area of Charles Simmons right-of-way. Abigail Wickham, Esq. spoke in behalf of an adjoining property owner, Charles Simmons. Following testimony, motion was made to concluded the hearing by Chaimman G.~ehringer, seconded by Member Douglass, and duly carried. Southold Town Board of Appeals -3- (Public Hearings, continued:) August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting 8:20 p.m. Appeal No. 3530 - RAYMOND T. GOODWIN. Public Hearing was held and concluded. (See verbatim transcript for statements.) ~b~gai.1 Wickham, Esq. appeared and spoke in behalf of the ·applicant. The Board asked that the kitchen and deck additlions be staked for another inspection. No objections were vo~c6d~]during the hearing. Following testimony, the Chairman moved to conclude the hearing, pending re-inspection, deliberations and decision at a later date. The Chairman's motion was seconded by Member Grigonis, and unani- mously carried. 8:28 p.m. Appeal No~'3533 -'JOHN'AND'JEANNE BRE.DEMEYER. Public Hearing wa.~ held ..... Abigail Wickham_~-~-~. appeared in~be'h'a~lf of the applicants. (See verbatim transcript prepa?ed under separate cover and filed with the Town Clerk's Office~ fQ.r reference.) Motion was made by Mr. Goehringer, seconded 'by Mr. Dougl.ass,.and.unanimously carried, to .recess the public heari'ng unti'l''September 1'1~'.]~86~... This resolution was duly adopted. ~ . 8:40 p.m. Appeal No.'3539 MICHAEL HERBERT. Public Hearing was held and conclude~. Patricia Moore _.appeared'in _~ehalf of the applicant. No objections.were Voiced durigg the hearing Follow- ing testimony, mo~tion was made by Mr, Goehringer, seconded ~by Mr. Grigonis., and d~ly c~rried, to conclude the hearing, ·pending deliberations and d~..~ision at a later time. This resolution was duly adopted. 8:50 p.m. Appeal No. 3442 - JOHN J. NEWMAN. Public Hearing was held and concluded. (See verbatim transcript.) No objections were voiced during the hearing. Abigail Wickham, Esq. appeared in behalf of the applicant together with Tony Litsch, Builder. Following testimony, ~tion was made by Mr. Geehringer, seconded by Mr. Sawicki, and dely carried, to conclude the hearing pending deliberations and deci~sion at a later time. This resolution was duly adopted. So~uthold Town Board of Appeals (Public Hearings, continued:) -4- August ~4, 1986 Regular Meeting 9:00 p.m. Appeal No. 3535 - NORTH FORK FRIENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL. Public Hearing was~held and concluded. No objections were voiced during the hearing. Mr. William Mcgunnigle appeared 6nd spoke in behalf of the application. Following testimony, motion was made 'by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Sawicki, to conclude the hearing, pending deliberations and decision later. This resolution was duly adopted by unanimous vote. Motion was made by Mr. Sawicki, seconded by Mr. Goehringer, at this point in time, to recess for three minute~_~ This resolution was unanimously adopted. 9:18 p.m. Motion was made by Mr. Sawicki, seconded by Mr. Goehringer, and duly carried, to RECO.NVENE. This resolution was duly adopted. 9:20 p.m. Appeal No. 3478. BECKY JOHNSTON. PUblic Hearing was held and concluded. Michael Ha~ll.,__~sq. appeare~ in behalf of the applicants. .Philip Cardinale, _E~q. a~pea~ed in behalf of the Bokina Family., Mr. Hall indicated th~at t.~is was a request only for tempor.ary 280-a i..n_order to weatherize the structure for protection against bad weather condition's, and not for occupancy or further construction. (See other statements prepared in the verbatim transcript.) Following testimony, motion was made by Mr. Goehrin§en, seconded by .Mr. Douglas_s, to conclude the hearing. This resolution was unanimously adopted. 9:55 p.m. Appeal No. 3513 STEPHEN SH~LOWITZ. PQb1~ Hearing was reconvgn~d (~rom .~uly 17,~.._1986~--a.s agreed. Charles Cuddy, Esq. of Esseks, H~fter.~ Cuddy & Ang.el, appeared in behalf of the applicant. Lawrence Storm, Esq. of Twom~y, Latham, Shea & Kelley, appeared in behalf of P~pes~Co~ Assoc~iation Residents. Following lengthy testimony, motion was made by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Douglass, to recess the public he,ring ~ntil September 11; 19~6, in O~d~r to allow time_for ~~~ and hi~ attg~n~-~-o ~ons'ide~ ~ddre~i.~_g '~e~..el'imin~i'on of one unit for~'r~duction in the amount of relief bein~ requested. This resolution was unanimously adopted. Ti.. 10:.35 p.m. The board proceeded with deliberations and. decision in the Matter of Appeal No. 3535 - NOR~H~FORK F~IENDS OF KENYON TUTHIL[ for a special fundraising event in cQnj~on with fireworks d~spl~ay at 895 N. Bayview Road, Southold. (continued on next Page) ~ So~thold Town Board of Appeals -5- August 14~ 1986 Regular Meetin~ PENDING DECISION: Appeal No. 3535: Application of NORT~ FORK FRIENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 for permission to use premises for a special fund-raising event in conjunction with fire- works display, at premises of .W.F. and T.A. LaMorte, 895 North Bayview Road, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-70-13-20 (20.1 to 20.21, inclusive). Following deliberations, the board took the following action: WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on August 14, 1986 in the Matter of the Application of N.F. FRIENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL under Appeal No. 3535; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard, and their testimony was recorded; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WNEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: By this application, appellant requests a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance under the ~novisions of Article III, Section 100-30 for permission to hold a private "one-day special fund-raising event" to be held on private prop~r'ty known and referred to as 895 N~rth Bayview Road, Hamlet of Southold, with a maximum attend- ance of 400 persons. The event is conducted by volunt66rs~ and will be supervised by 50 volunteer police officers as well as other local supervlsi_on. There will be no minors under the age of twenty-one years of age. Access and egress to the event will be via a paved, two-way driveway off the east side of North Bayview Road. On-site parking is to be directed and supervised for 200 cars adjacent to an open field, for a total area of 43,200 sq. ft. A tent will be erected near the ~arkiDg area of a size approximately 100' by 75'. A minimum of six portable toilet facilities will be provided. A certificate of insurance #172 was issued July 15, 1986 by the Lexington Insurance Company for August 29, i986, or rain date of August 30, 1986. Sou~thotd Town Board of Appeals -6- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting (Appeal No. 3535 - N.F.F. OF KENYON TUTHILL, decision, continued:) By action taken by the Southold Town Board on July 1986, a Public Display of Fireworks Permit was issued by the Town Clerk dated Jul~ 18, .1986, to be held as conditionally noted therein. It is al.so noted for the record that presently u~der review and consideration by the Town of Southold is a local law for public assemblies, and a'public hearing and final action is expected in the near futu~. In considering this appeal, the board finds and determines: (a) that the use proposed is not inconsistent with the general purposes of the intent of zoning; (b) the circumstances are unique; (c) the temporary use applied for will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; (d) the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of this district or adjacent use districts; (e) the safety~, health~ welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the town will not be adversely affected by this temporary use; (f) the interests of justice will best be served by allowing the variance~ for the date requested. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Gr~gonis, seconded by Mr. Sawicki, it was RESOLVED, that a Variance for permission to hold private fund-raising event for August 29, 1.986, or rain date of August 30, 1986, in the Matter of the Application of NORTH'FORK FRIENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL be and hereby iS'APPROVED AS'APPL~ED. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen~ Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly.~adopted. Southold Town Board of Appeals -7- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting PENDING: Appeal No. 3458 - NORTH ROAD ASSOCIATES. Pending Variance for approval of insufficient area in this proposed minor subdivision al~ong ROW off the north side of the Main Road, Orient. This application was filed on January 21, 1986 with the Board of Appeals, and subsequently, a report_was submitted as requested ~y the Z.B.A. from~the.Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District~ Inpu~iwas received from the Planning Board, 'and the following action was taken bY them on May 5, 1986: '" (1) Recommend this proposal be clustered the alleviate the need for a variance. _.[See. Town Attorney letter dated April 21,.1986 outlining Section 100-136E Q~ the Zon'ing Code as to r.equ.~rements for a Cluster Development.] (2) Parcel sold to N~rth Road Associate's from Droskoski' seems to have been merged to other contiguous property owned by Droskoski, which should be clarified before proceeding. The proposal submitted for consider'ation by the' Z.B.A. i"'ndicates a homeo~6er~'rs a§~ociation is not being prQposed, as required by Section 100-136E, which prompted this variance request 6rider Section 100~31. A public hearing was held by the Z.B.A. on May 22, 1986, at which time a recess was [~que~sted by the applicant's agent, John DeReeder. On June 25, 1986, a written reqgest~was received from~John DeReeder requesting the Z.B.A. withdraw the application pending in order to pursue a different route. NOW, THEREFORE~ on motion ~by Mr. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, that the application in the Matter of-'NORTH ROAD ASSOCIATES under Appeal No. 3458, BE'AND HEREBY IS WITH- DRAWN WITH~U-~P~REJUDICE as requested. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Grigonis, Douglass and Sawicki. Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, This resolution was duly adopted. PENDING DECISION: Appeal No. 3523 STEVE KALAIJIAN. · WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on July 17, 1986 in the Matter of the Application of'STEVE KA[AIJIAN under No. 3523; and WHERE/~S~'~tbei~board members have personally vi-ewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard, and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documenta- ~ Sou~hold Town Board of Appeals -8- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting (Appeal No. 3523 - KALAIJIAN, decision, continued:) tion submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1. The premises in question is a described parcel of land containing an acreage of 3.9486 and average lot width of 170 feet, and is more particularly described on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 112, Block 01, Lot 018. 2. The subject premises is unimproved and is at the present time subject to a pending conditional 280-a decision rendered by this Board concerning this private right-of-way under Appeal No. 3218 dated November 15, 1984 (J. Wanat). 3. By this application, appellant requests approval of the proposed insufficient area of Parcel #2 in this two-lot division/set-off of land of 62,070 sq. ft. Proposed Parcel ~1 would be 109,932.92 sq. ft. The depth of both proposed lots are 396~72 and 658.28 feet, respectively. 4. The topographical contours of the premises varies as shown on plat prepared by Bernhard H. Henn January 24, 1986 from 210 feet along the right-of-way to 255 and 260 feet within the building areas to the top of bluff. The area of unbuildable land below the bluff area has not been furnished, although when sealed on the January 24, 1986 plat, it appears to be an area of approximately 54,000 sq. ft. 5. It is the opinion of the board that the variance requested is 23,850± sq. ft., or 30% of a variance from the requirements, which is not the minimal which can be obtained under the circumstances. In considering this appeal, the board also finds and determines: (a) that the practical difficulties claimed are not sufficient to warrant a grant- ing of the relief, as~requested; (b) the circumstances are not unique; (c) the relief requested is not the minimal necessary; (d) there is another method for appellant to pursue; (e) that in view of the manner in which the difficulty arose and in consideration of all the above factors, the interests of justice will best be served by denying the variance, without prejudice. Accordingly, on motion by Member Douglass, seconded by Member Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, that the relief requested under Appeal No. 3523 in the Matter of the Application of STEVE KALAIJIAN BE AND HEREBY IS DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, AS APPLIED. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, Grigonis, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. S~uthold Town Board of Appeals -9- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting APPEAL NO. 3511 KAPELL REAL ESTATE INC. and LIMPET CORP. Correspondence was received August ll, 1986 from David E. Kapell requesting the Zoning Board proceed with a public hearing simul- taneously with the pending application under Article VI with the Suffolk County Health Department. The Board of Appeals Mr. Kapell in May 1986 advising him that our file is i~ncomplete without Article PI approval/waiver~ Mr. Kapell submitted a copy of an August 5, 1986 letter from'James I. Monsell, Super- intendent of Public Utilities of the Village Of Greenport, indicating that ~the ". 'request of Fanny Rodriquez for water and sewer service on"a lot on B~own Street by Way of an easement from Linnett Street was._studied 'by "the "Utili]%y Committee on May 28, 1986 and recommended a favorable actign.-..." It was the cons6nsus of th~ Board after revieWfng Mr. Kapell's August 8, 1986 letter not to proceed with a public hearing until such time .~s action is tak~'~ ]by the Suffolk County Health Depart- ment under Article VI in accor.dance with the policy and rules, without exception. The Boamd]Secretary was authorized and directed to send a letter to Mr. Kapell advising him of th6 board's, unchanged position. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. by Mr. Sawi~,~ it was On motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded RESOLVED, to approve the Minutes of the J~U..l:y. ~7~ 1'986 Regular Me6ting. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs~ Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was d~ly adopted~ INFDRMAL ~NTERDEPARTMENTAL~CONFERENCE: A date of August 27,~19~6 at l:O0 p~m. ~_as confirmed for the Chairman and any other ZBA members to meet with one or more members of the Town Board and Planning Board concerning several pend~6g~applications. Southold Town Board of AppealS -10- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting NEW APPLICATION: Appeal No. 3545 - PATRICK AND BLAISE STIG- LIANI. Fil. ed August 6, 1986. Variance for approval of insufficient area of two proposed parcels in this pending set-off division of land located along the north side of Bayview Road, Southold~ 1000-78-7-43. Total lot area: one acre. Proposed: 2l~288 sq. ft. and 22,616 sq. ft., improved and vacant, respectively. Attorney for the Applicants: Alfred J. Skidmore, Esq. On motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, that the following matter be held in abeyance pending~receipt of action~_by the Suffolk County Health Depart- ment in accordance w~th the poli'cy and rules of Article 6; and input by the Plan'hing Board_un. de[~t~e Subdivis~'~on Regulations: Appeal No. 3545 - PATRICK AND'BLAISE' STIGLIANI. Vote 6~ t'he Board: Ayes: Mess'rs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki., T~'resolution was duly adopted. UPDATE: Appeal No. 3462 HERBERT MANDEL by Abigail Wickham, Esq. Variances· ~a)~lot~'~a~in~ ~nsuffic~e'n-t lot area; (b) lots having insufficient lot depth, (c) Lot having insufficient lot width, (d) Lot 3 as proposed with structure having an insufficient frontyard setback~ (e) Lots 2 and 3 as proposed each will contain structures that do not meet principal-use requirement for a single- family dwelling, (f) existing barns on Lots 2 and 3 as proposed, wilt. have i~nsufficient setbacks from proposed front property line (and boundary line, dividing Lots 2 and 3 run6ing north and south). 9355 Main Road.., East Marion; 1000-31-3-11.25. Containing 2.918 acres. Correspondence ~ece~ved August 14, 1986 and July 23, 1986, were reviewed by the Board members as to the status with the County Health Department and preparation of final maps. It was the consensus of the Board %bat the file is incomplete without action by the Suffolk County Department Health as required by the rules and policy established under Article 6, without exception. The Boa?d Secretary was authorized and directed to send the above response to the_ applicant's attorney. Southold Town Board of Appeals -ll- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting NEW APPLICATION: Appeal No. 3546 - GREGORY FOLLARI Variance from Condition No. 2 of Z.B.A. Decision rendered July 31, 1986 under Appeal No~ 3502 in order to be permitted to remove mound of dirt along bluff of Long Island Sound forlbetter waterview. The Board Secretary advised the~Board that she spoke with Dennis Cole, Analyst for the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, who indicated that alteration of bluff areas are definitely within their jurisdiction, and will require a formal application to them. It was the consensus of the board to hold this matter temporarily in abeyance pen~ing formal application by Mr. Follari to the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and submission of D..E.C. action to this board before scheduling this variance application for a public hearing. ~ARTTIME OFFICE ASSZSTANCE: The Chairman suggested that MaryAn--~-~-Cybe'¥s~ be' permi"~o increase her hours in the office from 17½ to 25 hours during the Week of August 25th (while the Board Secretary is using vacation time). The board members were in ag~eement~ CALENDAR OF HEARINGS: On motion by Mr~ Douglass~ secondeO by Mr. Goehrin~er~ it was RESOLVED, that the Board Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to advertise the following matters for public hearings to be held at the nex~._~gular Meeting of this Board, to wit: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE~]]I~ 1986: 7:35 p.m. Appeal No. ~40 - MA~K AND LORRAINE LaROSA. Variance to construct deck addition at rear of dwell.~ng within 75 'feet of ordinary highwater mark along "Horton Creek." 7:40 p.m. Appeal No. 35~i- RIAL REALTY CORP. Variances for approval of in.sufficient lot width of three proposed par- cels in this pending minor subdivision, _N/s-~regon ~oad, Cutchogue. 7:50 p.m. Appeal No. 3533 - JOHN BREDEMEYER~ (Recessed from tonight). New dwelling with ~-~fficient setback from ordinary highwater mark along Orient H~rbor. 7:55 p.m. Appeal No. 3477 - WILLIAM'AND'KATHERINE HEINS. (Recessed from tonight). Insufficient area, width "~n~' depth of two proposed parcels. N/s Main Road, Orient. 8:00 p.m. Appeal No. 3544 JAMES F. WARWICK. Variance to lift condition of prior ZBA Appeal No. 1729 rendered on Southold Town Board of Appeals -12- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting (calendar for 9/11/86, continued:) March 8, 1973 in order to allow new dwelling. Avenue, Peconic. South Side of Fasbender 8:10 p.m. Appeal No 3534 ROBERT WADDINGTON. Addition with insufficient rear and side yards. 13175 Main Road, Mattituck B-1 Zone District. 8~20 p.m. Appeal No~ 3550~'JOSEPH'AND LINDA SCHOENSTEIN. Variances to Articles:' (a)Vis 100~60 to expand nonconforming use of welding'~busine~, .... (b) XI,'lOO-~ll'9~'~(B)t6 construct new build.~ng.~nd expand nonconfQrming _~elding business use ~ithin 75 feet from wetlands are~? S/s. Mai.~ Ro~ad, Greenport. 8:35 p.m. Appeal No. 3538 ''jEFFREY~BETTANCOURT. Variance for pool with fence enclosure and gazebo within 100 feet from top of.bluff along L.I._.Sound. 24~0 Grandview A~enue, Orient. 8:4~ p.m. Appeal No.'3513 '~TEPHEN'SHILOWITZ (Recessed from tonight). Condo. minium construction within~75 feet of bulkhead and tidal water. W/s Sixth Street, Greenport. Vote of the Boar~d: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. UPDATE: Appeal No. 3478~ CHURCH OF THE OPEN DDOR/CATAPANO. Project ~lohg SZs Main Road,~.W/s B~yview Road, E/s South Harbor Road. Lot #3, pending Minor Subdivision of Salvatore Catapano. The board awaits Planning Board input concerning the site plan elements under review 'by them at this time. E~VIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: On motion 'by Mr~ Douglass, seconded by ~.'Goehrfnger~ 'it was RESOLVED, to declare the following Negative Environmental Declarations on each of the following matters determining each project not to have an adverse effect upon the environment for the reasons indicated below and ~..~ accordance with the N','Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)~Sec.tion 617, 6 NYCRR, and Chapter 44~.of~.the Code of the Town of Southold: S~uthold Town Board of Appeals -13- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATI~ ENVIRONMENTAL DECLAPJkTION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3535 PROJECT NAFLE: NORTH FORK'FRIENDS'OF KENYON TUTHILL This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant adverse effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice tha~ this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: [ ] Type II [X] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Variance to use premises for special fundraising event in conjunction with fireworks display as permitted by the Southo]d Town Board. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of SOuthold, County"°f Suffolk, more particularly known as: 895 North Bayview Road, S0uth0]d. REASON(S) SUPPORTING THIS DETEt{MINATION: (1) ~ Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted %~hich indicates that no significant adverse effects to the envirorument are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) This is an application concerning use of premises and is not direCtly related..~o new construction, Fireworks display permit is hot under the authority of this bgard~ S,outhold Town Board of Appeals -14- environmental Declarations, Co'ntinu~ed;) August 14, 1986 Regular M~ting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Si~nificancm APPEAL NO.: 3536 PROJECT NAME: GEORGE AND PAT BROWN This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y..S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant adverse effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: k ] Type II [ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Construct deck addition to dwelling with reduction 6f existing nonconformihg sideyard LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: 150 Briarwood Lane, Cutchggue, NY 136-1-3 REASONIS) SUPPORTING TtIIS DETERMINATION: (1) ~n Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is a setback variance regulated as pro- vided in Section 617.13 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR. ~outh0ld Town Board of'Appeals -15- ~nvironmental Declarations, 'Co'ntinued;) August 14, 1986 Regular M~eting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3532 PROJECT NAME: ARTHUR AND BERNADETTE BURNS This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~ effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: [ ] Type II ~] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Cons~tru~t accessory ~ennis court in the front yard. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: 3525 Private Road %13, Mat~ituck, NY 1000-105-1-4 REASON(S) SUPPORTING TIIIS DETERMINATION: (1) A'n Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submit%ed which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) Construction proposed is landward of existing structures. 'S0uth0ld Town Board of Appeals -16- ~nvironmental Declarations, 'Co'ntinued;) August 14, 1986 Regular. Mede.ting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3433 ~ PROJECT NAI~E: GAIL DESSIMOZ AND MICHAEL RACZ This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or .similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: [ ] Type II [X] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Variance'for necessary improvements over private R-O-W known as Hallock La~e LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, more particularly known as: Private Road ~10 N/s of Sound Ave., Mattituck,NY 1000-112-1-7 & 8 and to Parcel No. 1000-112-1-4 REASON(S) SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is not directly related to new build- ing construction 'S0uth01d Town Board of Appeals -17- 0~nvironmental Decla'ratlo'ns, C'o'ntinued; ) August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 353.0 PROJECT NAME: RAYMOND 'T. GOODWIN This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44,4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~ effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: IX] Type II [ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION:Construct kitchen addition with insufficient W/s setback and total sidey~rds; ~2) construct kitchen and deck additions with insufficient setbacks from highwater mark LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of $outhold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: 4450 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laqrel, NY 126-4-22.2 REASON(S) SUPPORTING TIIIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted'which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is a setback variance regulated as provided in Section 617.13 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR. ~0uth01d Town Board of'Appeals -18- ~nvironmental De'clara'tions, Continued;) August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 35_39L "'~ PROJECT NAME: .. M~kE%~ _}~E;R~ERT This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: [ ] Type II ~ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: ~Sta~zskb ,~, '~ ~'Bed and B~eakfast" use, renting not more than three rooms, and provided for not more than six casual, transien t ~oome~s LOCATIONOFPROJEOT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: 795 Pike Street, Mattituck, NY 1000-140-2-23 REASON(S) SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted'which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur ~hould this project be ~mple- ' mented as planned; (2) Is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands or other critical environmental area. [31 This -is an application concerning use of the premises and is not directly related to new construction. .. 'S0uth0ld Town Board of Appeals -19- ~nvironmental Decla'rations, Co'ntinued;) August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Not~ce of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3478 PROJECT NAME: BECKY 'JOHNSTON This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant adverse-effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or .similAr project. TYPE OF ACTION: [ ] Type II [X] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: 01l Allow'Building Iuspector to issue permit'to weathr±ze existing structure before'ifinal 280-a access approval and (20 --J approval of access over private right-of-way LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: Bridge Lane Extension and Oregon Rd. Cutch@gue, NY 1000-73-2-1 ' ' ' REASON(S) SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is not directly ~ela'ted to new building construction. (3) Is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands or other environmental areas. 'S0uth01d Town Board of Appeals -20- ~nvironmental Declarations, Continued; ) August 14, 1986 Regular'Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3442 PROJECT NAME: JO:HN JYNE~CA'N .... This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing . regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~ effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: [~ Type II [ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION:Construct additions Within 75" of h~gh- water/bulkhead LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: 430 Sailors Needle Rd., Mattituck NY 1000-144-5-29.1 and 30 ' ' REASON(S) SUPPORTING TIIIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitb~d'which indicates that no siqnificant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur ~hould this project be imple- ' mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is a setback variance regulated as provided in Section 617.13 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR. (3) The relief requested is an-area lot line'vari~nce'~hich does not require further processing under "TypeII" Actions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. ~0uth01d Town Board of Appeals -21- ~nvironmental De'clarations, 'C'ontinued;) August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance APPEAL NO.: 3520 PROJECT NAME: This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y..S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant advers~ effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: ~X] Type II [ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Insuffi6ient area, width and depth'of two' parcels in this propsed set-off division. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of, Suffolk, more particularly known as: Case Rd., Cutchogue, NY 116r2-15 and 16 REASON(S) SUPPORTING TIIIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted ~ich indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- mented as planned; (2) The relief requested is not directly related to new building construction. (3) The relief requested is an area lot line variance which does not require further processing under "Type II" Actions of the SEQRA. Southold Town Board of Appeals -22- August 14, 1986 Regular Meeting (Environmental Declarations, continued:) Vote of the Board: Ayes: Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, This resolution was d~!y adopted. UPDATE: Appeal No. 3543 ' PETER AND BARBARA HERZ. St was th~'c'°~sensus of the board kO hold this matter in abeyance pending receipt of ~ction after review by the Town Trustees~ UPDATE: Appeal No.'3538 ''JEFFREY'BETTA~N~COURT~ N/s Grand- View Aven~e, Or.~ent~ '~Z~r~itte~_re~o~.~e~s~expected before the n6x% advertisi'ng deadline. UPDATE: Appeal No.~3537 - ROBERT AND SUSAN D"URSO~ Breezy Path, Southold. ~.~was the consensus of the board to hold this matter .~n abeyance pending receip~ of N·.Y.S~ Department of Environmental Conservation a~diTownnTrustees action (after formal ap~pli_~ation by the applicants). MASTER PLAN PROPOSALS: Copies of the Master Plan proposals were distributed ~to each board member. There being no other business properly coming before the board at this t.~me, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Linda F. Kowalski~ Secretary Approved - Gerard ~6e._ 'ringer, ~Chairman $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF GEORGE AND PAT BROWN THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 7:35 p.m. Appeal No. 3536 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of GEORGE AND PAT BROWN. Variance to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Schedule, for per- mission to construct deck addition to dwelling with Zeduction of existing nonconforming sideYard. 150 Briarwood Lane, Cutchogue. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have a copy of a portion of map of survey indicating the proposed addition and the proposed deck which I will talk about in a second. The lot area is approxi- mately 14 thousand 609 square feet. It should be noted for the record that the house faces a right-of-way and is off of Harbor Lane in CutChogue. However, there is so much to the rear of the property. I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. Is there somebody that would like to be heard? You are Mr. Kunst?~ MR. KUNST: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could you use the mike? you a couple of questions. How big is the deck? I have to ask MR. KUNST: It's 9 by 12. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: 9 by 12. Ok. The patio~, upon visual in- spection when I was down there, is a ground level patio? MR. KUNST: Yes sir. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. And this is an elevated deck to be built adjacent to the ground level patio. We very rarely (and let me be honest with you) grant applications to a reduction of two feet. Is there some specific reason other that the appli- cation which of course does address the issue, that you would like to say? MR. KUNST: Well, originally the original plans had a patio; a swing patio just continuing out. After the building permit... After I put in for the building permit they requested that we try for this variance just for the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Brown, w0u]d like to have it one level out of the dining area. That's basically the only reason they want it raised like that. Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing of George and Pat Brown Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So in effect, what you're saying to me is it's 11 feet to the property line. It's 9 feet wide and 12 feet long. Alright. We'll see what develops through the hearin~ and we'll definitely discuss it before we make a decision. We'll take everything into consideration. Ok? MR. KUNST: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to speak on behalf of the application? Anybody like to speak against the application? Any questions from Board members? If there are no further questions, I make a motion~to close the zoning hearing reserving the decision until later. Ail in favor - aye. Transcribed from (by Linda Kowa]ski). recorded cassette tapes Nad~ia Mo. ore ~t the hearing ~_OUTHOLD TO~N. BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF WILLIAM AND KATHERINE HEINS THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 7:40 p.m. Appeal No. 3477 - Public Hearing Commenced in the Matter of WILLIAM AND KATHERING HEINS. Variance for approv- al for insu-ficient area, width and depth of two parcels in this proposed set-off division. (Recessed from May 22, 1986). The Chairman read the legal notice and application for record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The next hearing is a recessed hearing. We have William and Katherine Heins. It has been recessed from May 22, 1986 and we'll ask Mr. Tohill if he'd like to ad- dress this Board. MR. TOHILL. Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Board. At this time you should have the supplementary survey of their entire plot showing the different division line 20 feet further west from the earlier proposed division lines and also showing the same cottage and the setbacks; side yard setback and rear yard setback for the pre-existing same cottage. It also shows, as you requested, the location of the various fruit trees that are there on the property and I think that's all you asked for in supplement of the original record that was established in May. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Could I just ask you a couple of ques- tions on the survey? Maybe you could come up here so I don't have to yell. The existing dot which is a dotted line on the sur- vey is 18 thousand 984 square feet. Is that correct? That's what we... MR. TOHILL: That is correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Now you've widened it out in more of a pie. I'm referring to a pie as the dotted line, so it looks like a pie. 21 thousand 09~. Now, have you gone any farther than that? MR. TOHILL: You mean to widen it bigger? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Any farther than that phase? MR. TOHILL: No. I think that that set, the side yard setback to the cottage in the back is going to be the tail that wags the dog on that. That's going to become a problem. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Now is that cottage that we're talking about presently used? Is it inhabited? It's rented. MR. TOHILL: Right. It's used on a seasonal basis. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It is heated? Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing of William and Katherine Heins Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. TOHILL~ It's not heated at all. been. It's a one-room cottage. No, Not now or ever has CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. You see, I had assumed that when I had seen that 27 thousand 742 square feet. I had assumed that you had gone farther with the line to bring it over closer to make the suggestion that the Planning Board had that the lot is somewhat more evenly distributed. MR. TOHILL: I don't know that you're going to be able to do more than what you've got there. The frontage is now 133 on one and 106 on the other. It's possible to draw the line com- ing down past the cottage and then angle it to the west. Again, I'm not sure what anybody is achieving. To be hones% with you, my intention as an attorney, if I were ever to convey either of those two parcels, is that I would tie up both sides of whatever li~e it is probably 20 feet in either direction with effectively scenic easement prohibiting the property owner who buys from Heins (if that should ever occur) touching a single tree other than to replace it or to install another. Because otherwise~ the level of privacy there is going to suffer. I think on a private negative easement basis by a covenant that runs with the deed and can even be part of the deed, I think that they're going to solve the problem of keeping that space exactly the way it is on their own. Changing the boundary line is another way of doing it. But if that happens, then it will simply widen the scenic easement or negative easement area probably from 20 feet on either side of the line to 40 feet on one side to 20 feet on the other. The intention is to leave it exactly as it is. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Let me tell you what my problem is. The problem is that we are having a joint meeting with the Plan- ning Board and you know that they have asked for that particular condition. MR. TOHILL: True. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. I'm going to try and have a joint meeting with ~e Planning Board around the 27th of the month. If I close the hearing, then I can't make any further recom- mendations concerning this. So I don't know that I should deny this. I think possibly what we should do is recess this until the next regular scheduled meeting just as a formality. MR. TOHILL: Do what you were going to say. You're gun shy. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No I'm not gun shy. My point and ques- tion is; what good does it do you if the Planning Board does not go along? Page 3 - August 14, 1986 ~ubliC Hearing of William Kathering Heins Southold To~n Board of Appeals MR. TOHILL: I agree on that point. What I was going to say is I can waive at the application the time limitation on mak- ing a decision. And candidly, there would be times when I think you would extort that from me in order to give you el- bow room to permit you to make intelligent decisions on other than a vacuum of fact and this is one of those situations. So if you want the waiver, it's there. It's on the record now and I have no problems with that~ If they want the line furtheri~to the west, it can be moved further to the west. where it starts to become . If that area of the property literally, 20 feet to the east of the solid line over to the broken line and then 20 feet to the west to an imaginary line is not there of the solid line, it's never going to be dis- turbed unless you work within it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I understand. MR. TOHILL: I can do and I will do... CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: at all? Did you explain that to the Planning Board MR. TOHILL: Could I explain that? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Did you. MR. TOHILL: No. We were never candidly, we were given an op- portunity to know that they were going to go out and inspect it and they gave us a decision and they gave the right decision. They can't approve this because it's not consistent with the ordinance. But they did give an interesting concluding line. And that is; if you think there's a problem in terms of prac- tical difficulty or hardship here and think that there is, then even up the lines. But I don't know that they meant that literal- ly. I really don't know. It would be six of one and a half a dozen of the other. To even up the lines one one hand or im- pose a scenic easement restriction on the other. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. I've seen the easements written and I can understand and appreciate what you're saying. My ques- tion is that I'm just afraid that I'm making the entire thing steadfast by closing the hearing at this particular point. MR. TOHILL: I would prefer, and I think you would prefer, not to close it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's correct. MR. TOHILL: That's ok with me. Page 4 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing of William and Katherine Heins Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. MR. TOHILL: I'd rather you did it where you did it where you didn't~ have to write it into additional Calenders on a formal basis because that's a lot of extra work for you and the young lady to your immediate right. If you do it where I waive any obligation to make a decision within the statuary period, then you're not mandated to place it on a formal calendar. Decision would simply follow the course of time. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No that's true. The only problem with that is though, it does preclude any input from anybody else that may want to place, a surrounding property owner or what- ever the case may be. And that's the Town Attorney's opinion on the~issue. And that's where we run into a problem. MR. TOHILL: And as for them, candidly, this is the second time it's on. They should be prudent to further comment. And there- fore the record will be closed except at the option or the in- stance of the Board who than can supplement the record as they wish. So that the Board controls the whole thing. And if I consent to'that, that's completely legitimate. It's done all the time. You'do it when I'm on that side of the table. CHAI~4AN GOEHRINGER: I think what we're going to do is just recess the hearing on an indefinite... MS. KOWALSKI: It's not really necessary. CHAIRMAIN GOEHRINGER: I know it's not really necessary but I don't want to get yelled out. So on an indefinite~basis. I will say is this; that we will... I know that the H~ins want to build on this property,.assuming that we can arrive at some rather quick decision. As a matter of formality, we will of course let you know. There's a copy of the agenda that we are going to have in the formality part of the hearing concluded at a certain specific date. MR.' TOHILL: You wanted to see the text of ~he negative ease- ment or the scenic easement in conjunction with the Planning Board. Let me know to who, and I will be happy to send it out. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. I had seen them from relatives and where they preclude the property owner from taking down any trees unless of course they, by their own dispose really. They die. That's the only reason why. MR. TOHILL: Removing dead trees could be the only way to re- move, the only other activity that could occur on the land without a supplement. Page 5 -August 14, 1986 Public Hearing of William and Katherine Heins Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And that requires another tree to be placed in its specific spot, Alright. And the reason why I say that is because of the possiblity that they may not give us an opinion that night. They may spend a couple of days thinking about it and there may be a little time in between. I am aware of the fact they want to construct this house. I know that the builders are sitting in the back of the room and I have not avoided his telephone calls. I assure you. It's just that I have not been around that much at night. I have had some special tasks that my family is requiring me to do and I don't get home until 9:30/10:90 at night and it's no'i time to call anybody back, But I am aware of the fact that they want to construct and they want to do it as quickly as pos- sible. I know that Fall is starting to roll around, before you know it it will be Thanksgiving. And so we will do the best we can to take care of this. MR. TOHILL: Thank you. CHAI~4AN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this application? Anybody like to speak against the application? Questions from Board Members? Hearing no fur- ther questions, I'll make a motion recessing the hearing to an indefinite date subject to a meeting with the Planning Board. Ail in favor - aye. IF~n$cribed from tapes recorded electronically (by Linda Kowalski, Board Clerk), Na, di a- MQore_ _~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER~OF THOMAS SHALVEY THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 7:52 p.m. Appeal No. 3520 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of THOMAS SHALVEY. Variance for approval of insuffi- cient area, width and depth of two parcels in this proposed set-off division. S/s Case Road, Cutchogue. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER. I have a copy of a portion of map of survey dated May[127~ 1986 indicating the house parcel of 18 thousand 750 square feet and parcel number two of 15 thousand square feet. And I'm going to add to the record that it is an area where the parcels are in an area of approximately of third to one half acre. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area.~ Would somebody like to be heard? Mr. Raynor. How are you. MR. RAYNOR: Good evening Mr. Chairman of the Board. My name is Henry Raynor. I am agent for Mr. and Mrs. Shalvey. On the proposal before you the lots in question were purchased single and separately over a period of greater than one year. I'm sure in your correspondence replies to the Planning Board, recognizes this correspondence letter of June 23rd. The Suf- folk County Department of Health Services also recognizes these as two separate and distinct parcels. The variance re- quest said that the approximate size and configurations of the existing parcels in the neighborhood and conform to that par- ticular area. I would like to submit additional copies with all the information backing up the statement tonight.and with respect to the request approval upon this variance° I can an- swer any questions of the Board. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MR. RAYNOR: I've also got a stamped approval permission of the article 6 from the health services. I'll give you the original. MS. KOWALSKI: I'll take a copy and give you that back. MR. RAYNOR: Ok. Fine. Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mr. Raynor, we have been asking people in this area to kind of sypnopsize the area without a tremendous amount of work. Although one gentleman did spend about 3 hours in the Assessors's Office, we're not specifically asking for that. How many of the lots in the area are in ,single and sepa- rate ~ownership? In other words, the original subdivision lots. Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing of Thomas Shalvey Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER (Continued) I'm not asking that question tonight but (you know) maybe in the next couple of days or a week or so you could supply us with some sort of information. MR. RAYNOR: I believe that you will find that upon the origi- nal transfer from the Case family that by the far, the vast majority of those lots that have been conveyed single and sepa- rately, have gone out of what is now the estate and have gone into single and separate ownership. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: scribed situation? Was this a subdivision or was it a de- MR. RAYNOR: It was a described situation. I'm not particularly sure how.° I presume it was left over from the estate of Frank H. Case. Most of these were transferred during the late 50's ahd~he early 60's. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You think you could give us a count just by physically looking at it~sometime in the near future2 As I say, we have no intentions of making a decision within the next week or two. MR. RAYNOR: If I'm to understand you, you would request a list- ing in the surrounding neighborhood of all these held single and separately ? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. RAYNOR: Sure. I would be happy to oblige you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What we do then is we compare it to what we have and we can then make an appropriate decision. MR. RAYNOR: Tax Map. The only source I would have would be the County CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. That's fine. As I said, one person speCifically did not understand one night and he spent an exten- sive amount in the Assessor's Office. And we of course appre- ciated it because it helped us understand the whole situation a little bit better. MR. RAYNOR: I'd be more than happy to oblige for them. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you very much. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this application? Anybody against this application? Questions from Board. lmembers. Hearing no further questions. I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until later. (Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronically by L inda Kowalski, ZBA Clerk.) ~~oor_~_~.~~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF ARTHUR AND BERNADETTE BURNS THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 7:58 p.m. Appeal No. 3532 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of ARTHUR an~ BERNADETTE BURNS. Variance to construct accessory tennis court in the front yard. 3525 Private Road, ~13, Mattituck~ The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: lhere is a mad dated May 23, 1986, showing a one-family dwelling not_indicating a bluff line to the rear of that which is considered front yard area a brick patio around an in the ground swimming pool and farther down the, into the front yard area, a proposed tennis court of 60 by 120, approximately 30 feet from~.the west propertyiline. And a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and the surrounding properties in the area. Is there somebody that would like to be heard? MR. TOHILL: I've had a lot of trouble with this application. Normally .i~d prepare at least a half an hour presentation presented a mile a minute at you and leave you all confused and puzzled and basically unable to respond. On this one I am absolutely unable to say anything because in my opinion, but for the ordinance, this would be a permitted use. The parcel is 5% acres (as~ you can see) which is three times the 2 acre requirement here in this town. The tennis court is a regulation size tennis court. It's on the north side not an east west access. So it's where it's supposed to be. The 30 foot side yard setback is 150% of the largest requirement of any other municipality in the five eastern towns and all the villages in the five eastern towns. The Sound front topography prohibits the location anywhere else on the property. The tennis court is located where it is proposed to be between a horse ranch which would be its immediate western neighbor and a storage building that you approved here some recent months ago (for Spencer Fischer) as the immediate eastern neighbor. A large abuttment type of storage building. That's the two neighbors on either side of the tennis court. I~'s located (obviously) therefore, to be away from every residence. It is away from every residence. It's also located so as to avoid any unnecessary clearance of trees. There wouldn't be any clearance of trees in that particular location that there would be anywhere else on the parcel. That is basically the presentation. I assume that maybe you have questions but I'm not accustomed to this one. I don't understand why the town doesn't just go ahead and take a leap into the dark and ap- prove these things as part of the ordinance. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't know that either sir. But I have to somewhat agree with you except that I find the sur- vey as incomplete. Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-Arthur and Bernadette Burns Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. TOHILL: The survey? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. And it's incomplete because it does not tell us how far this proposed tennis court is from the south property line. So even if we wanted to grant it, we could not tell you because... Assuming the shed leaves us in some hurri- cane in the near future and you didn't build a tennis court, then we would have no idea where this proposed accessory use would be placed. MR. TOHILL: Yes. Where the baptism should be etched in the con- crete. Ok. I will supplement the record by scolding Howie Young tomorrow morning~and I'll have a letter to Linda in the mail. His field records would have to show, the field notes included, would have to show that dimension. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Now have you applied for a fence also? MR. TOHILL: For the pool? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: For the tennis court? MR. TOHILL: On the occasion of applying for a building permit, that would happen for the pool, there has been in the c.o. is in the process. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Unfortunately it precipitates another application because most tennis courts require more than a six foot fence. MR. TOHILLo We have this candidaly, this is, a tennis ball would not get far on this property~ The horses would probably retrieve it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well then let me say it this way. The build- ing inspector (in his wisdom) considers this to be a front yard area. Then quite believably, you're only allowed a four foot fence. MR. TOHILL: I think we may get away with it~or even less. don't want a lot of fencing. They CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. What type of lighting? Let's go into the lighting area then. MR. TOHILL: Is there any? None at all. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Because the most recent one we had was~ the gentleman wanted 35 foot towering lights. MR. TOHILL: Without the shoe box lights. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So this is a very simple countrified tennis court. Page 3 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-Arthur and Bernadette Burns Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. TOHILL: For the family. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: For the family, right. Ok. We thank you very much and as long as you give us that information, I'll close the hearing pending the acceptance of that sir. Would anybody else like to speak in favor of this application? Would anybody like to speak against the application? Questions from Board mem- bers? Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until latero Thank you for coming in. Ail in favor - aye. (Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronically by Linda Kowalski, ZBA Clerk, during the meeting.) Nadia ,~MoQne ..... SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF GAIL DESSIMOZ AND MICHAEL RACZ THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 8:05 p.m. Appeal No. 3433 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of GAIL DESSIMOZ AND MICHAEL RACZ. Variance for neces- sary improvements over private R-O-W known as Hallock Lane. (Private Road #10), Mattituck. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have a copy of the survey indicating the property dated July 7, 1966 and produced by Roderick Van Towl, P.C. indicating this long right-of-way which leads from Sound Avenue to the parcel~which is presently on the Long Island Sound. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicat- ing this and surrounding properties in the area. Is there some- body who would like to be heard? Just state your name for the record% MR. RACZ: I'm Michael Racz. Even though you stated this so quickly, I think I understood most of it. That basically is our position. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What confused me was that I've seen this application before. Of course we had only addressed the one is- sue on this,application which I believe the last time was the elongation of the building. So I thought I might have been read- ing the old application~for ai.~moment and that's the reason why I was somewhat confused and there was some shuffling. MR. RACZ: We modified the plans to strictly renovate the property based on that. So now their"question is what do they need to do that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. We have to address the conditions that the Town Engineer has placed on the specific enhancement of this right-of-way. Is there anything that you would like to address concerning those? Have you received a copy of his? MR. RACZ: Yes I did. Mr. Harmon, our neihgbor, has made a modi- fication to the road where he has cut a channel which would pre- vent~ a lot of those puddles which were there at the time of the inspection. So the road has already been substantially improved~ as far as that's concerned. In addition I don't know if you had mentioned that it hadn't posed any type of hazard. The fire de- partment and the police department have both been able to trans- verse the road without any difficulty and we are the only people that would be doing anything at that time. It's a competitive situation as far as the road is concerned., There's no way that he can change his watering routine because he has to have his irrigation come to the edge of the road. So it's going to water Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing - Gail Dessimoz and Michael Racz Sou~hold Town Board of Appeals MR. RACZ (continued): his side of the potato field and it's also going to water the road. So that's going to be a reoccuring situation. We can live with it. It doesn't bother us but it's quite a bit bet- ter. cHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: If you remember when I had met you up there last (couple of years, I guess it was) January; at the time. I had observed you were in a 4-whell drive vehicle. Is that correct? MR. RACZ: Possibly. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Because I was in my 4-wheel drive vehicle at that time and of course the road .... It was passable with a 4-whell drive vehicle at that particular time. That's what we are specifically concerned with; that 12 months of the year vehi- cles can get up. MR. RACZ: Well our neighbor on the right hand side has a standard 1-wheel drive no posy traction Volvo station wagon and he's never gotten stuck and the people on the left have standard vehicles. I just... That was a good excuse to get a 4-wheel drive vehicle. It hasn't really been necessary. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. And there isn't anything in the engi- neers report that you would like to address as being somewhat pro- hibiting in your opinion? Something that we might have to address? MR. RACZ: The prohibited aspect of it is that the cost of construc- tion of the specification made would exceed the value of what we plan to do by a factor of maybe 5 not even 3 as I had mentioned. We just basically want to make that shack safe and fix holes in the roof and make it look decent because we have to look at it all the time. It's right in our front yard so to speak and what he is basically asking us to do is make this basically just a thoroughfare as far as an accessible So that's a hardship. I did say that we were unable to use this house (our c.o. which the shed does have) because of it's condi- tion. So in a sense, what we had planned on using when we pur- chased the place, we're not able to fulfill because we haven't been able to use that for any, not even storage because water gets. in. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Did you, and I somewhat have mixed emotions about asking you this question. But have you approached your other property owners and indicated to them that they prObably have no right to enter into a building permit with the Town of Southold without having this particular approval also and maybe they would consider sharing in some of the cost. MR. RACZ: Of repairing the road? Page 3 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing - Gaii Dessimoz and Michael Racz Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. RACZ: Well I hadn't thought of that because I don't know of anybody doing any construction. I had spoken to the farmer and the neighbor next door and they said they were willing to put in some effort into the road but I doubt they're ever going to bring it up to this particular standards of resurfacing and making it entirely a different type of road. Because of the fact that the farmer's irrigation is just going to make the same condition oc- cur over and over again. And we don't have any objection to his doing this. It doesn't make any difference to us - if there's water there we just go through puddles. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You are aware of the conditions that we re- quire the gentleman just to your east to construct a road. I'm talking about the conditions that we imposed upon him and then he had to construct a road based on those particular... I believe the road is the next one,~to the east of you. My mind escapes me as to who the... Pardon me. MR. RACZ: The Lenz property? On the Lenz? CHAIRMAN GOEHRiNGER: I believe that was the... about an extensive renovation here. So we're talking MR. RACZ: Exactly. That's my point. That road was in reasonable condition. But yes it's an extensive renovation but they're talk- ing about building an entire house not just renovating a shack. There's a major difference. CHAIk~AN GOEHRINGER: Ok. We'll definitely look at the area of the conditions and see what we can do in any case, to help you out but it is a very lengthy right-of-way. There's no question about it. MR. RACZ: It certainly is. I really feel that it is safe and it is transversib!e. We have had police come where there was a blackout in the town and they got up and down the road within five minutes. They resoonded to a false alarm but they did re- spond and the fire department came and medical enforcements when there was a chain fire, just a brush fire. It wasn't an active fire and they got there. We haven't had any problems getting up and down the road all the time we've been there. Even in the snow storms. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Alright. Thank you very much for coming in. Nice speaking to you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this application~ Anybody like to speak against the application? Yes. Page 4 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing - Gail Dessimoz and Michael Racz Southold Town Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM: My name is Abigail Wickham. I'm not really speak- ing against the application. I'd just like to make a comment. I represent Charles Simmons who owns the neighboring farm to the east and on whose property a portion of this right-of-way, the easterly portion, is located. He would just like to ask that during any widening of the roadway if you require that, that the line of 'shrubbery and trees to the west of his house which has been there for many years, be avoided as much as possible and that any widening along that area extend to the west as much as possible along the phone poles. I didn't get a chance to speak to the gentleman about it before the meeting but I would hope that he wouldn't have any objection. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Can I just ..... (TAPE ENDED) CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: .... extremely helpful to have the specific area. I believe concerning a sign, staked. Possibly Mr. Simmons can flag those particular areas of concern. MS. WICKHAM: so. I have a survey that shows the trees and bushes al- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You do. You'll give us a copy. indicate those to us~in coloration or whatever? Would you MS. WICKHAM: We have a blow up of that area done specifically for a Planning Board matter and I think that's what you're looking for. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Are they actually sitting within the right-of way or are they, to your knowledge? MS. WICKHAM: These are right on the, I would say within 2 feet of the edge of the right-of-way. SO it is possible if you went over to the eastern edge of the right-of-way you could wipe them out and they have been there a long time and they do provide shelter for the house in terms of wind protection and shade. But the road way, I be- lieve could be improved to a width of 15 feet without taking them down. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. I thank you very much. Is there any- thing else you would like to say concerning what Ms. Wickham said? Wait. You're going to have to use the microphone. We're taking this down. I'm sorry. MR. RACZ: I just saying we're hoping we don't have to touch the bushes at all. But certainly if anybody that is required to do it, we don't have any objection. But if Mr. Harmon would move them a few feet to the left. Not at all. Page 5 - August 14, 1986 PUblic Hearing - Gail Dessimoz and Michael Racz Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. I thank you. Alright. Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until later. Ail in favor - aye (Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronical'ly 'by Linda Kowalski, ZBA Clerk, du~ing the meeting~) Nadia ~Moqre SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTEROFRAYMOND' T.~:GOODWIN THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 8:20 p.m. Appeal No. 3530 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of RAYMOND T. GOODWIN. Variances: (1) to construct kitchen addition with insufficient W/s setback and insuffi- cient total sideyards; (2) to construCt kitchen and deck ad- ditions with insufficient setbacks from highwater mark. 4450 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: On behalf of Raymond Goodwin we have a parcel of property in question which is approximately 28,124 square feet with a proposed addition of, on the westerly side of approximately 14 by 24 and a concrete patio which is some- what irregular in size. And a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. The most recent date on the map is May 16, 1986 by Young and Young. Is there someone that would like to be heard on this application? MS. WICKHAM: Yes. I'm Gail Wickham. I represent the appli- cant. As to the deck, it's merely an attempt to improve over an existing patio and there is a structure in that location~ now that will be razed by the means of a wooden deck, As to the addition, uhfortunately in that neighborhood, the~ are not much in the way of side yards now in most places. This probably will produce a side yard greater than many of the houses have now including the neighbors. The purpose of the addition is to create a kitchen with a small area in the back for a stairway to the basement that will give them enough' room to go through the existing door to the side. If you have any questions, the Goodwin~ are here and either I or they can an- swer them. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: When I was down there I did knock on their door and there was no one home and I observed somebody out in the boat so I did not actually go around the front of the house which I really didn't have to do anyway because I could view the exist- ing patio from the west side. I had trouble understanding without having the specific addition staked. The west~[rly, property.tine~'ap- pears to be on quite an angle and I had trouble visualizing 12.7 feet. I would ask you if it not be a problem that they possibly stake the addition so that we can understand exactly where the addition is going to be on that side of the house. ~age 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-Raymond T. Goodwin Southold Town Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM: I can do that. There is a, if you noticed, a wire fence that does run along the property~and I think there's a hedge there too. CHAiR~N GOEHRINGER: Yes, built into the fence. MS. WICKHAM: So that would give you a good idea of the line and it's that corner that would be in the closest proximity. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The reason I ask you that question is; as you know, we have to allow access (in this particular case) to the rear yard area. Ok? And we usually determine the access to be the width of a machine that might be required to get in there to work on the bulkhead or whatever the case might be. And at the time I went down there, I did not bring a tape with me and I was not really confident of the fact that they knew that I was there. That's why I did not want to start bringing tapes out and so on and so forth. I believe I did have one in the truck but I found it a little difficult to see the 12.7 feet. So if they would just stake it and let us go back there. We can still close the hearing. There's not a problem there. But I just want to be able to see that if you wouldn't mind. MS. WICKHAM: That's not a problem. I think probably from the looks of the survey, there would be at least a 12 foot clearance. And my my recollection is that it's fairly level there. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. It's not bad. MS. WICKHAM: At least around the house. Ok. We can do that. CHAI~{AN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Would you put .... MS. WICKHAM: Just the addition? You don't want the deck? CHAIRMA~ GOEHRINGER: Yes. Well the deck is there. Could you just give us a call either to go in through yourself to tell us that you've staked it and then several of us will be down. We may not all be down at one time but we'll be down intermittan~y and we will definitely try and knock on the door and tell you that we are there. We thank you very much. Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this ap- plication. Anyone like to speak against the application. Ques- tions from Board members? I just want to ask you this. This is a one-story structure; this addition? MS. WICKHAM: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Alright. Hearing no further questions, I make a motion closing the hearing and reserving the decision un- til later. Ail in favor - aye. (Transcribed from tapes recorded electronically at the meeting by Linda Kowalski, ZBA Clerk.) N~[~(~'~~d~Y'~r~kN~k~q'~%--~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF JOHN AND JEANNE BREDEMEYER THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 8:28 p.m. Appeal No. 3533 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of JOHN AND JEANNE BREDEMEYER. Variance to locate new dwelling within 75' of ordinary highwater mark. W/s Bay Ave- Nue, Orient. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: On behalf of John and Jeanne Bredemeyer I have a copy of survey indicating a parcel dated most recent- ly May 12, 1986, of somewhat rectangular size. It appears it is approximately 74 feet to the ordinary high water mark on the north side 102.44 feet on Bay Avenue, 52 feet on the south side and 110 feet along the bulkhead which faces somewhat due west. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. Is there somebody that would like to be heard? MS. WICKHA~4: My name is Gail Wickham and I represent the Bredemeyers. They have owned this property for many years. This is the first opportunity they've had to build on it. And unfor- tunately there have been probably every:~3regula~o~yckh~get~hat could have been made has been made in the interim that they have owned the property. The lot is just very small but it appears to be the last buildabte in the area. My client did sketch out and I'd like to give you a copy of a rough diagram that he's made of the surrounding properties along the waterfront showing that most of the houses are located in this type of a position relative to the Bay. In fact, the Health Department was, in making their ap- proval, did note that the wells and cesspool for this property were further from the Bay than any other property with the possi- ble exception of this farm's next door. Their weltl is also right on the front edge of the property. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them for you. CHAIRMAN GEOHRINGER: What is the width of the proposed dwelling? MS. WICKHAM: The depth is... CHAIRMAN GEOHRINGER: I'm sorry. I know that it really is depth. I keep referring to it as width. MS. WICKHAM: The depth is 22 feet. CHAIRMAN GEOHRINGER: Ok. And the length. MS. WICKHAM: 57. That includes the garage. page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-John and Jeanne Bredemeyer Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That includes the garage. MS. WICKHAM: Right. Which is approximately 22 by 22~and that is a building of 1254 square feet. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. And that's a two-story structure? MS. WICKHAM: A salt box. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: A salt box. MS..~ WICKHAM: Yes. It's a modest size lot. They've designed it because the lot is. small and they didn't want it to stick up like a sore thumb. I've seen a rendition of it in this... It's a New England salt box. I think it will look very nice in the neighbor- hood. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have a problem with closing this hearing Ms. Wickham. And I have it because we don't ordinarily deal with applications in this particular manner; this size configuration. And we have only recently granted (within the last year and a half) a building (I won't even call it a dwelling) on a piece of property similar to this. And it took us a tremendous amount of time looking at the specific piece of property and understanding the bulkheading situation, the elevation situation and the over- all way that a house can and most feasibly will be constructed on a piece of property-of this nature. With your client's indulgence, I'm going to ask the Board tonight not to close this hearing. We want to look at the one that we did grant and we want to go back at the same time and look at this specific piece and possibly have the continuation of the hearing at the next regular scheduled meet- ing. MS. WICKHAM: Was that other parcel on the water? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. MS. WICKHAM: Unfortunately they just don't have anywhere to go as far as the back yard. I can tell you (and you may remember from your inspection) that that is an old concrete bulkhead. It has been there for many many years. Mr. Bredemeyer tells me that when we had these most recent terrential rains, there was no prob- lem on that lot. There were on in fact, his property which is to the east of that on the other side of Bay Avenue and many of the other areas. It's probably actually higher than some of the Orient property. I have house plans if that would help you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, definitely. MS. WICKHAM: What they are planning to do around the cesspool area is to put up shallow, not shallow but low retaining walls to help bring them up a little bit and retain their fill. 'And also around Page 3 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-John and Jeanne Bredemeyer Southold Town Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM (continued): the the foundation area (as we told the trustees who granted a permit) the slopes would not exceed one foot and three feet. So that the runoff (any runoff) would not take soil with it. If there is anything else you want to see, we can certainly help you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We'll take a copy (definitely) of the plans with us and within the next couple of weeks we'll go over there and take a look at this-again, together. MS. WiCKHAM: The trustees did not suggest or not suggest, they --~ required that the driveway and parking area be porous construction so that there would not be a runoff problem and that we take such matters to prevent runoff. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There are no open decks extending out toward the water or toward the road on this second story? MS. WICKHAM: No. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. We thank you and if you'll supply us with plans, we'll recess this until... MS. WICKHAM: We haven't done a grading elevation yet i can see. Take a look at that. And after your next inspection, Mr. Brede- meyer is generally down there and maybe he can go over these a little bit better. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of the application? Anybody like to speak against the application? Questions from the Board members? Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion recessing this hearing until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Ail in favor - aye. (Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronically at the meeting by Linda Kowalski~ ZBA Clerk.) Nadia. Moore ~SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF MICHAEL HERBERT THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 8:40 p.m. Appeal No. 3539 - Public Hearing cormmenced in the Matter of MICHAEL HERBERT. Special Exception to establish "Bed and Breakfast" use, renting of not more than three rooms, and provided for not more than six casual, transient roomers. 796 Pike Street, Mattituck. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: App]Jcat~0R for Special Exception Use, the application reads as .f~ollowm: Special Exception to es- tablish "Bed and BreakfaSt'' use, renting of not more than 3 rooms, and provided for not more than six casual, transient roomers. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. I have a sketch of the survey which was done by Briarcliff land- scaping on 7/30/86 indicating the house and the property and a~ floor plan of the house. Would somebody like to be heard? Can I ask someone to close those back doors if you wouldn't mind? Thank you. MS. MOORE: As the application states, Mr. Herbert comes be- fore you for a special exception bed and breakfast use which is now permitted by Local Law ~5 just adopted this year. The special exception requires the Board to act on some reasonable basis in adopting the general purposes of the resolution. That is the standard that you have in here. As we requested in our application, Mr. Herbert seeks your approval to rent 3 rooms on the second floor of his residence. He will accomodate no more than 6 guests and that's what we have applied for. We hope that this will be considered a model bed and breakfast application and set guidelines for further bed and breakfast applications. We'd like you to consider certain things. First, is the location. We are in the heart of the residential, we are not in the heart of the residential neighborhood. We're on the fringe of commercial center. Adjacent zones to the east/west and .to the south are B1 and sea light and industrial is on the north. We are within in walking distance of the Mattituck business area and we're con- veniently located for both shopping and for bus and railroad transportation. Pike Street, as the application states, is con- venient and travel through streets from Love Lane on the west and Wickham Avenue on the east. Also we hope that you will consider the support of the community. Neighbors were/invit~d~i~du~ing:~the early Spring and they were impressed by the care which was taken by Mr. Herbert to restore this old home. Mr. Herbert has been open with the neighbors as to his intentions and has encouraged them to interact and show their interest. I have here 6 letters from both adjacent property owners, f~om'ithe property owners across the street and to the property owners adjacent to the ad- jacent property owners. So in all, we have 6 letters which state ~age 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-Michael Herbert Southold Town Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM (continued): that they are in favor of this application and there was no arm twisting there. They were favoring it all along. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MS. WICKHAM: The neighbors, recognize that he has improved the quality of the neighborhood by restoring this home. And since the bed and breakfast enterprise depends on the quality of the accomodations, there are nO threats that the house will deterio, ate once we hope that you will give us the approval that we re- quest. We hope you will consider the design of the interior of the home.when you have bed and breakfast applications before you. We ask that or invite you that if you would like to inspect the inside of Mr. Herbert's home as well as the outside to see that it is the proper layout and design for bed and breakfast estab- lishment. He's very proud of the care he took to make this a comfortable and safe accomodation for his guests. We ask that you'note that on the diagram that was presented to you the layout of the house. There are two stairs which provide safe exits in case of an emergency. One in the front of the house and one in the rear. So there is adequate exits. The living quarters are very large and spacious and there's an abundance of parking,~ As you note on the diagram, there are five spaces which are 10 by 20 in the back of the house, a garage which provides another parking space. And diagonally across from the home is the Mattituck munici- pal parking lot~ if there were any reason to have any more than those spaces. We recognize that the bed a~d breakfast use is a new use and will require careful consideration by this Board but we would request that and ask .that you make a prompt decision be- cause the bed and breakfast establishment is a seasonal enterprise and he's anxious to begin. Any questions you have? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: As YOu know, we did turn down an application prior to this and I personally said at a public hearing before the Town Board that I was not opposed to this particular application but did not have a vehicle to grant it at that particular time. Mr. Herbert might find several of us knocking at his door in the next few weeks. Myself will be one of them and we may tour the house and we may just tour the grounds°but I will definitely be over~,and we will make every attempt to give you an expeditous. decision. MS. WICKHAM: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this application? Anybody lik~ to speak against this application? Questions from Board members? Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion to close this hearing reserving decision until later~ (Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronically at the meeting by Linda Kowalski, ZBA Clerk.) Nadia Moo~e SOUTHOLD'TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF JOHN J. NEWMAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 8:50 p.m. Appeal No. 3442 - Public Hearing commenced in the' Matter of JOHN J. NEWMAN. Variance to construct additions within 75' of highwater/bulkhead at James Creek. 430 Sailors Needle Road, Mattituck. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Upon application of the applicant for a variance to construct additions within 75' of highwater/bulk- head at James Creek. I have a copy of survey produced by Roderick Van Towl, P.C. last date; May (excuse me) August 5, 1986 was the latest date~which indicates the house, pool, cabana, garage, light- house, etc. And a shaded in area of the proposed addition on what t would consider to be the east and west sides of the house. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrOunding properties in the area. Is there somebody who would like to be heard? MS. WICKHAM: Gentlemen, my name is Gail Wickham and I represent Mr. Newman who is proposing actually what is a very small addition in relation to the extent of the buildings now on the property. I have for you tonight because it might help you, some photographs ~ that were taken of the property that show the extent of the pro- posed addition on the one side and the covered deck on the other side of the existing patio. The photographs are numbered and I'm not giving you a sequential numbers because he took a lot of photo- graphs and I don't think you'll need them all. Number one; is taken from the south and it shows the exisitng fence and patio and the metal frame of what is a covered canapy that they put over the patio as well as the stakes which you can see which will mark the end of the covered deck and those stakes are within the bounds of the fence that's been there. So that's not really going to intrude any more than the existing, what's there existin~ now. I also have some in photograph number three; the same view but a little bit further away which will show that the impact overall is going to be insignificant in terms of the rest of the yards surrounding it. And I also have a photograph showing the line along.the concrete bulkhead on the east side which indicates prettY good vegetation has been built up there and there's also a lot of lawn in the interim. Also what's Shown in this photograph number 8 is taken on the west side. That shOws the butkheading, the plantings and the stakes marking the line of the proposed addition. As you may be aware, there are covenants in Salt Lake Village that prohibit any two-story buildings. So the structure will be no more than a story and a half high° So it will not be a towering type of manifest. The hardship is that this proper- ty is on a peninsula and there is virtually no way to go that's not ~Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing- John J. Newman Southold aTDwn Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM (continued): within 75' feet of the boundary line but they are fully bu!kheaded and we don't anticipate, according to the waiver by the trustees and the D.E.C. permit that there is going to be any kind of environ- mental detriment to this property. If you have any questions, I'll see if I can answer them for you~ CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Were you required to go to the town trustees with this application? MS. WICKHAM: Yes. We stated that on the waiver. On two occasions, there are two plans. We got a waiver on the first plan. Mr. Newman did that directly and then a second waiver with respect to the deck. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There was a question as to lot coverage. The question that was. There was basically two questions but I under- stand one has been taken care of concerning the addition of the pool decking area to the-house. That specific situation I understand has been taken care of. However, it has been brought to our attention that the pool and the decking area around the pool had not been cal- culated within the lot coverage figure that we have before us. MS. WICKHAM: What is the last date of your map that you have there? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have .... This is the most... MS. WICKHAM: We've been through this with the Building Department so many times in the interim. I believe it has been taken care of. CHAiRMA~ GOEHRINGER: Ok. I didn't even look at the last map. apologize because we just got this one. I MS. WICKHAM: problem. Four feet I think off the building to eliminate the CHAIRMAN GOEHRiNGER: So we are exceeding the lot coverage by 2.4 percent. Ok. So that takes care of whatever the question was con- cerning one of the neighbors that was questioning the excessive lot coverage. Ok. And they are welcome to come in and look at this specific new map so that they can understand where the excesses are. Ok. We've taken care of that. MS. WICKHAM: On-that issue I do want to point out that the Build- ing Department informed us that the deck around the pool, because of the elevation and the length of the grade, need not necessarily be taken into account initially. We went through that with Mr. H~nde~ma~ quite extensively. So a great portion of that lot cover- age is in that deck which is very low to the ground and does not stick up in an obtrusive fashion. Page 3 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-John J. Newman Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Are~there any tie backs from the existing bulkhead that would be penetrated by the proposed construction. MR. LYNCH: No. MS. WICKHAM: This is the builder, Mr. Lynch and he's been on . this project from the very beginning. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I know. I've ridden by the house many times by boat and I have seen all of the permit numbers on the one side of the house. In fact, I have never seen so many per- mits on one job in my life. i MR. LYNCH: You're right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What type of overall (unfinished statement)-- MS. WICKHAM: Mr. Lynch said the deadmen wi]] not be a pr0b]em~ CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What type of penetration would exist con- cerning the new construction or the new proposed construction to the overall ground cover? Will it cause any leeching into the water at all? Are you going to do it with a crane? Are you going to do it with a backhoe? What are you going to do when you go and place the cement? MS. WICKHAM: ¥0u'retalking about footings and... CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Footings and so on and so forth. MR. LYNCH: Well at the moment, pilings are contemplated supporting it because ~he present structure has settled in the ground and we've pilings that was c0ntemp~.ated so it won't be a straing. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So you intend to use pilings instead of a regular cement foundation. MS. WICKHAM: Yes. That's been reviewed with the D.E.C. als0. MR. LYNCH: The original addition that we're going to knock down was put on approximately 20 years ago. So before the new work, we don't want that happening again. So it's proposed to put it on pilings. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There was one other question I had but it's escaped me at this particular time. We'll continue with the hear- ing to see if there's anything else. Page 4 - August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-John J. Newman Southold Town Board of Appeals MS. WICKHAM: He just wanted to indicate that they have permis- sion to do that. MR. LYNCH: We've already driven pilings on the job already. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm aware of that. We're just... You have to realize that I'm verbalizing concerns that people have expressed to me-concerning this particular job. We do have a letter in the file from people within the area that have specific concerns about this job. So what I'm doing is very simply asking questions that after reading the letters, they have concerns about and that I have concerns about after reading their letters. Therefore, I am in uni- son with them to a certain degree and we're very simply asking spe- cific questions to try to get an answer~ to those particular areas. I'm extremely familiar with the property. I knew the Griffiths for many years. I've boated in James Creek for many years and hopefully we'll be able to for many years to come. Let me continue with the hearing and see what else develops and I'll see if I can remember that other question that I had. I thank you very much for coming in. Is there anybody else who would like to speak in favor of this application? Anybody like to speak against the application? Any questions from Board members. Bob, do you have any concerns con- cerning this particular job? MR. DOUGkA$$: No. I've been up there. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You've been up there. MR. DOUG[A$S:That's because I work right next to them. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ok. Alright. I guess that about wraps it up. We thank you for coming in and I'll close the hearing. MR. LYNCH: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion to close the hearing reserving the decision until later. Ail in favor - aye. Transcribed from cassette tapes recorded electronically at the meeting by Linda Kowalski, Z~A Clerk. Nadia MQore SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF N.F. FRIENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING 9:00 p.m. Appeal No. 3535 - Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of N.F. FR'IENDS OF KENYON TUTHILL. Variance to use premises for a special fundraising event in conjunction with ireworks displ'aly~ 895 N~ Bayview Roads SouthQldo ~The Chairman -re~d the legal notice and application for the record. ~ CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have a copy of a portion of map of a greaten portion of the LaMorte Property indicating in yellow the existing driveway areas and the areas of parking, and the fireworks staging area for the event. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. Is there somebody that would like to be heard? BILL McGUNNIGLE- Good evening. My name is Bill McGunnigle and I represent the North Fork Friends of Ken Tuthill. I have you a~cover 16tter co~vering the event as you clearly explained. All we're doing is we are having a party, a fireworks display, a dance, to raise money for Ken and his Family. I brought my cover letter with me and I'd just like to know if there are any questions-maybe I could answer them for you. CHAIRMAN: Would you like to read the cover letter maybe into the record? MR. McGUNNIGLE: Yes, please. Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Attention Mrs. Kowalski. The North Fork Friends of Kenyon Tuthill have submitted a variance permit to hold a fundraising event on August 29, 1986 from 7 to 11 p.m. Grucci Fireworks will be displayed at the event and proper procedures for holding the fireworks display according to law shall be strictly upheld. The event will be held on the property of William LaMorte, North Bayview Road and Pine Neck Road, S6uthold~ New York. We have heretofore delivered a survey of said premises to your office. We're going to have 400 people attend this event w~h will also consist of dancing, music, alcoholic beverages~ hors d'oeuvres. The Tolendal Inn and Half Shell Republic, formerly known as the Coach Stoppe, will cater this event with professional bartenders Page 2 August 14, 1986 Public Hearing-N.F. Friends Ken Tuthill Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. McGUNNIGLE (continued): in attendance. Parking will be provided for 200 cars, in-a 270 by 180 ft. plot adjacent to an open field, for a total of 43,200 sq. ft., which will provide parking for 200 vehicles, 10 by 20 per car--see survey supplied for diagram of parking area. Parking will be directed by volunteers. A tent will be erected near the parking area. The size of the same will be approximately 100 by 75 feet and a dance floor will be placed beneath the same. Portable toilet facilities will be provided for a total of six. Access and egress to the event will be via paved two-way driveway located on Pine Neck Road, as well as an asphalt two-way driveway on North Bayview Road--see attached surves? The event will _be supervised by 50 volunteer police officers and by on-du, ty police officers as well. There will be no minor under 21 yea~s of age in attendance. Appropriate insurance for the fireworks display insuring Southold Town, the property owner, as well as the Grucci Family has been arranged. I have my copies of the insurance, and I also have the fireworks permit. CHAIRMAN: Do you have ~opies for us? MR. McGUNNIGLE: Yes. CHAIRMAN: Wonderful. Can we have them. (Mr. McGunnigle gave copies of the insurance policy and showed the fireworks permit,, which the Secretary said is on file withlthe office.) Thank you very much, Sir. Is there anybody else that would like to speak in favor of the event? Against the event? (None) Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until later. Thank you very much for coming in. Respectfully submitted, Linda F. Kowals~ki, Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF BECKY JOHNSTON-APPEAL NO. 3478 THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 9:20 p.m. Public Hearing commenced in the Matter of Becky Johnston. Variances for: (1) Building Inspector to issue building permit allowing existing structure to be weatherized only, prior to final 280-a approval, and (2) necessary improvements over private right- of-way extending from the north end of Bridge Lane Extension, and Oregon Road, Cutchogue, New York. The Chairman read the legal notice and application for the record. Present in behalf of the application were the applicant, Becky Johnston, and her attorney, Michael J. Hall, Esq. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have a copy of a survey dated December 26, 1984 by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. indicating this particular property and the access to it; and I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. For the record and for the public, we upheld this particular application in abeyance pending court action. We have at the request of the attorney for the applicant held this hearing in order to work out some sort of an agreement to allow her to winterize her house for the purposes of winterizing it. And that is the reason for the timeliness of the actual receipt of the application. Mr. Hall would you like to be heard? ' MICHAEL J. HALL, ESQ.: Thank you, yes. Before I start my presenta- tion, which I have to make, I just want to qualify it a little bit. If I'm a little harsh tonight, it's because Becky Johnston's situation over the past six months has gone from bad to worse to ridiculous. At this present time, the courts have taken a step to resolve it. It's not finally resolved, but I need immediate action from the board so it doesn't get still worse. Ok. As the board may or may not be aware, my client, Becky JohnsTon, purchased the house which is the subject of tonight's application from Fay Parr in February of 1985. A year and a half ago, for the sm of $195,000. Since that time, my client has been paying mortgage payments of $1,941.00 and has of course paid the taxes on the house which were approximately $1,500.0'0 a year. When she purchased the house, she received a Certificate of Occupancy #Z13247 dated March 6, 1985, for nonconforming premises containing quote "seasonal one-story wood-framed dwelling with platform and steps to beach" end quote. I state this because it's important tonight that the board recognizes we are dealing.with a preexisting dwelling and not with the erection of a building, Which is the only relevant language Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing-Appeal Ne. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. HALL (continued): in Section 280-a of the Town Law. I say that because my research very recently leads me to believe that the board might not even have jurisdiction, and that's the bi-g wrench in the works. It's also important that the board recognizes that there has been uninterrupted access to this property and to the house thereon since at least 1944. Ail right. We think it goes back to the 20's but we don't know. CHAIRMAN: You would have to give us sworn testimony. MR. HALL: need be. I have an affidavit in my file from Becky Johnston if In about December of 1985, my client applied for a building permit to do substantial renovations to the house that was there, and that although the building plans were approved, the building permit was denied solely on the basis of 280~a approval of ingress and egress. Admittedly my client commenced work based on my opinion that 280-a approval was' pro forma and would be simple to obtain, and that Becky Johnston would just need 280-a approval for a C.O. for the renovation. In February 1986, I submitted the 280-a application to this board. The plot thickened when in March of 1986 the Bokina family, who owns the right-of-way over which we need access to get to the house, when the Bokina family erected fences at two points along the access road to the property. It' was' also at this time that the building department asked of my client to stop work on the house. Work immediately stopped, and the house has not been worked on for six months since that date. At this time, at the time the work was stopped, the roof was merely covered with plywood and were the sides of the house, and there was also scaffolding erected and there's many openings where there should be windows and doors. I have pictures here which I am going to present to the board which were taken three weeks ago, which is the presemt state of the house, which is exactly the same state the house was in back in March of this year. It's important that the board sees that there is not only open windows all over the house, but there is also completely open walls that .are exposed to the.'weather. The reason here we are asking for quick action is because every time when these Pag~ 3 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing-Appeal No. 3478 SouthoId Town Board of Appeals MR. HALL (continued): thunderstorms happen, the place is taking five steps backwards. It's really getting bad. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. MR. HALL: Correction. Those photogr'aphs were taken by Becky Johnston early April. They do reflect the present state of the house. Nothing has been changed. None of the scaffolding has been taken down. Nobody has been up there except Becky Johnston to take those photographs. I wanted the board to know that for two reasons. It's a serious deterioration problem. There's also a hazard for children. On June 25, 1986, Supreme Court Judge Thomas N. Stark issued a temporary restraining order enjoining and restraining Jenny Bokina for agents, servants and employees from blocking ingress and egress from my client's property. However, the property is still in the same dangerous and vulnerable state it was left in in March, pending the issuance of a building permit, and continues not only to deteriorate from the weat'her, but' also to be an attractive and hazardous site for vandals, and ~t also cost my client in excess of $2,000.00 a mont'h. It's costing that much just to sit there. The purpose of tonight's application is to ask this board to grant relief from 280-a of the Town L~w so that the Building Inspector can issue a permit to at least weatherize this structure. As I stated earlier, I have my own doubts given the fact that we're dealing here with a 40~year old house and not with new construction on vacant land, as to whether 280,a applies. The law clearly states as follows and I'm quoting from Section 280-a. I know you're probably very familiar with it. "No building permit for the erection of any building shall be issued .... The law does not apply to existing structures and does not state for example, that no form~- applies to improvements or renovations or extensions. It appli'es to construction on land. I went through all the Supreme Court cases that follow Section 280-a, and in no case do they apply it to anything but new construction. I think it's relevant because there are vacant lots on a similar right-of-way That may very well have to come before you guys from scratch because they're starting with a vacant parcel. Here we have an old house Pag6 4 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. HALL (continued): that's been access for many, many years. If the board determines tonight that it does have jurisdiction, then it also has juris- diction and I also quote from 280'a, "make any-reasonable exception and issue the permit subject to conditions that will protect any future street or highway layout .... " I'f the board is hesitant to.act based on the ongoing court case, regarding the location or even the 'existence of the right-of-way, I can only state that for the present the Supreme Court has given my client unobstructed access, and that even if at a future date the Supreme Court determines that there is no access, then the issuance of a permit is irrelevant any way rand construction would stop in spite of any action by this board or the building depart- ment. In other words, if you issue a permit, and she goes in there and puts a roof on and siding, based on the temporary restraining order~ and if the Supreme Court and in its infinite wisdom a year from now or five years from now says, "Sorry we don't think there's a right-of-way," you guys haven't done any- thing wrong. You had the provisional relief from 280-a based on the present court order. Finally, I ask t'he board to come to an immediate decision on this question either by not taking jurisdiction and therefore giving the building department authority to issue a building permit, or by granting conditional exception from Section 280-a, pending both the final resolution of the right-of-way issued and completion of the right-of-way in accordance with the report by Engineer Davis dated AUgust 7., 1986. My client has a real, serious hardship here and I therefore request immediate action. CHAIRMAN: Before you sit down, I think we addressed this issue when you came before us requesting this hearing. We are not granting any special permit. MR. HALL: I know that. CHAIRMAN: What we in effect have in our file is a Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector indicating that your client needs 280-a. All we would very simply do, possibly, is grant conditional improvements to what we purport to have in front of us, which is a traveled road--a portion of it-- Page 5 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston-Appeal No. 3478 SouthoId Town Board of Appeals MR. HALL: That's all I'm asking. CHAIRMAN: --Of which a portion of which is not traveled, ok? We're not indicating that there is a right-of-way-- MR. HALL: I know that. CHAIRMAN: We're not indicating that a right-of-way exists. We're not even saying that the right-of-way when the doors are open on the barn can be gotten~rough, Ok? MR. HALL: I understand that too. CHAIRMAN: So please remember. We're not granting a special permit MR. HALL: I understand that. But you do have the power to say, "Mr. Building Inspector, Mr. Lessard or whoever~, you may issue a building permit and you can issue a conditional, to weatherize, maybe roofing, siding and windows, as you can see it needs a lot of work, or you can issue an unconditional permit with conditions suppose, such as, building-no occupancy-until the final right- of-way issue is resolved, and the 280-a is brought up to the inspector's and to the board's approval. I understand that. Thank you. My client, Becky Johnston, would like to make a brief statement. CHAIRMAN: Sure. BECKY JOHNSTON: Because of the distressing nature of this whole issue to me, I've written a brief statement which I would like to read to the board. I'm here tonight to ask your help in getting my house completed. Because of the right-of-way dispute, the building on the house stopped on March 17th. Since that time, the house has remained in serious disrepair. As you can see from the pictures, the house has no front door or a garage or outside siding or shingles on the roof. This is meant the house has been opened to the elements as well as vandalism. My builder has not been back to the house since March 17th. So I don't as yet have an estimate from him as to the water and wind damage to the house, but' I suspect because of the several very bad'storms that we.'ve had that the damage has been considerable. FUrther costs which are substantial to me are due to the fact that as the house presently exists, I cannot use it myself, rent it, or refinance it. In summary, the and monetary costs are rapidly. Page 6 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals BECKY JOHNSTON (continued): escalating as the house remains in its present condition. Emo- tionally, I am exhausted and'.drained by this on-going nightmare. While the right-of-way issue is being resolved in the courts, I hope you will grant me a building permit so that construction can be resumed and the house protected. Thank you. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. MR. HALL: Mr. Chairman, can I say one more thing for the record? YoU said you would need some testimony as to the age of the house. At the very least, the preexisting C.O. tells you as a matter of record that the house was existing since before 1957. CHAIRMAN: I knew the house was there, ok, but I don't think you can 3ust make a statement like that without being backed up with some sort of-- I wasn't criticizing your statement. Ail right, hearing the side in favor of this application, we'll anybody else in the audience if they would like to speak in favor of it? (No one) AnYone to speak against it? Mr. 'Cardinale. PHIL CARDINALE, ESQ.: My name is Phil Cardinale, and I represent the Bokinas in regard to this matter. I think you have in front of you the VanTuyl survey? CHAIRMAN: Yes, I do. MR. CARDINALE: Ok. To begin with--Mi.chael's arguments. We have great sympathy with Becky Johnston's plight and her plight is basically a result of disingenuousness on the part of the seller to her--the Parrs. She bought the property as indicated in the VanTuyl map. There existed a mapped record right-of-way 16 feet going north, and then changing to 20 feet that ends unfortunately-- you'll see it at the middle of that 20" right-of-way there--ends unfortunately at a corner two or three hundred feet from her lot. The Parrs apparently--there's no dispute about this--they did in fact travel obviously since they had a house, from the 16' area into their own lot. They did so on oral permission from the Bokina family, presumably because they didn't want to clear the 2.0' right-of-way to the north, Which is incidentally covered as per your inspector's report, trees, and pretty well grown-up trees too. So, in fact as is evidenced in affidavits of the Bokinas in the Supreme Court action--in fact they have requested the Parrs at various times a formal e~sement over the southerly Pag~ 7 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CARDINALE (continued): portion of the Bokina property, south of the 20' right-of-way and the Bokinas have declined it. Incidentally as recently as 1979 I think your board had it before them as a matter of fact. The raeburn-Murphy property directly to the west of this property, the Parr, now Johnston, property, had sought through their attorney, Mr. Stankevich, to have the Bokinas deed over an easement continuing the 20' right-of-way, which was unused to the Murphy and Raeburn's to get them To the end of their properties. They declined again to sign anything, noting that an oral permission was sufficient for many years, and that's all they are willing to give. The result of that was that this 20' right-of-way on the map here was created for access to the Murphy-Raeburn property. Now, we have no problem with whatever improvements the board dee ms appropriate to the 16' right-of-way and the 20' right-of-way. Until it reaches that point where it ends. Which is in the case of Mrs. Johnston at the point where it takes that hard left into the newly created 20' right-of-way for access to the Raeburn-Murphy piece. Whatever happens there-- CHAIRMAN: Will you show me where? MR. CARDINALE came up to the dias~ That;s where the Johnston right-of-way ends. That's where everybody's right-o~cwa.y ends. It's where the record r~ght-of-wa~ ends~-eve~ybo'dy agrees to that. The 20~ right-of,way was crea~ed b~_ Raeburn and Murphy because they knew they didn't have access to the end Of their properties. If they were going to split the lot, they had to have access to the second lot. At that time, they asked him and were refused a formal easement. I have some papers in my file prepared by Stankevich presented on behalf of Raeburn and Murphy to the Bokina family, and which they declined to sign. They have had similar discussion with the Parr family and had declined to sign a formal easement. What I'm saying is, up to this point, where either the Johnston right-of-way or the Murphy-Raeburn right-of-way ends, the Bokinas and I have no problem with whatever the board deter- mines as necessary to insure th6.~safe~y of the public as far as improvement. They have no problem with that at all~ What Page 8 August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CARDINALE (continued): we do have a problem is the board approving access from the point where the right~6f-way ends to the home. Because to do that, the board would have to approve access and would have to dictate conditions as to improvement of property, which is not the property of the applicant. It's the p~gperty of the Boki. nas~ and it ~s unencumbered by any record r_~.ght.-o~r..w'ay.. The j%st of the Supreme Court action is that everybody agrees to what I"m sayings and everybody agrees that the Non%h end of the right~.of-.Way sho~d be cleared whebe that 20~ is covered 'by ..foliage and it should be brought down to that point. The problem is w"hen you get to the point that I just pointed out-to .you~ the only w6y that-'Becky Johnston is going to get to her ~.roper'ty is to establish a prescriptive easement, that is open, adverse and hostile use of that right-of-way for a statutory period, or to establish that ~he has a right over the Raeburn~Murphy property by the continuation of their 20' right-of-way The Order that was elud'ed to by Mike is not the (so OCl~ude) of anyth~.ng. It is a temporary restraining order which is what is called an ex parte order. It's an order that is issued without both sides being there. It was simply that Judge Stark was handed a request to issue a temporary restraining order based upon the problem that exists pending a preliminary injunc- tion here. We are in the process now, in fact we expect a decision hopefully in the next week or so to the issue of whether a preliminary injunction would be issued pending the open resolution of the matter~ The-fact is that we have ~ndicated in our return papers that~we are anxious to resolve the matter now, that we do not want to run around and argue about preliminary injunctions and temporary re~%raining orders, and we're ready to t'ry the issue~ If they can establish a prescriptive easement over the last 300 feet which they're asking you, now, to tell them h6w to do to keep you happy, as long as you end it at the point the right-of,way ends. If you give them perml-s~sion to improve the rest of it, you're giving them permission to improve Bokina property., which they hope to use for a farm. CHAIRMAN: Can I just say something? MR. CARDINALE: Yes. Pag~ 9 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CHAIRMAN: I know this is difficult to understand, and I'm going to try to explain. We in no way would ever ask anybody to place a right-of,way or an improvement, set of improvements over anything that didn't~ that we didn't think they had legally the right to do. The point in question is here, all we are doing is setting conditions based upon an engineering rep~ort, ok. And that engineering report we can either take verbatim, we can modify, we can critique~ we can caveat~ re'can cut out, we can eHjoin~.~we can doing anything we want with it, all right2 Assuming we can Ii. ye with the way_we change itc_ And that's what we have to deal with. Based upQ~ those condi, tions, i-'f~ th'ese people choose to do that, ok~ we have no control over it~. All they b?ought before uss is an application to say to us~ grant us a 2807a, based upgn certain conditions~ Wh~t W~.I] Zgu consider the minimum condi- tions for a temporary 280~a~__or a specific amount of time, all right. Now that time may be a 100 years. They may not go any farther with this house~._ok. But we are not suggesting %hat they even do these conditions. All we're doing is addressing what the conditions may be if they want to do the conditions~ MR. CARDINALE: Yes. '~ have no-- if you look at the Davis report, I ~on't~ have..~ahy._ problem with the repprt~. The right-of-way'ends though, what are we going to do at the point that it ends? It's not going to do any good to tell Miss Johnston that she can improve the right-of-way to the point that it ends. Because, I guess, the board could actually do that, and I don't think we'd have any big problems. I could encourage you because we would like to get the right-of:way in its right place and stabilized. The problem is, even if you give them 280~a access to that point, she's not going to get to her house. She cannot get to her house. I suppose the board could give--approve the 280-a access up to the point the record right-of=way exists on your maps~ As improved by' Davis~ And then her only other access would be by way of whatever the Supreme Court does. Our only concern is that whatever the board does, it not take any action in regard to the property beyond the point that I circled on there because that propenty we anticipate will eventually be Bokina property unencumbered by the right~of-way~ CHAIRMAN: So you don't want us to address any improvements after that area that you construe to be, or that you actually know to a certain degree is the Bokina property? MR. CARDINALE: That's correct. Page 10-August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston-Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CHAIRMAN: Well how about if we delineated that in a decisions and said specifically that we feel the improvements are Xs Y and Z to that point, and then from that point they would be As B and C if the applicant so chooses to deal with that? Would you have any objection to that? MR, CARDINALE: If the applicant established a right over that area. No, because largely we're saying the same thing We're agreeing that we want the right~of-Way~,-~the 20~ nort-her'ly ri~g~t~of~way~ Which as you can see from th~ ma~_~]is not pre.sentl.~_.~.~n_~se~.~ We'want it ~leared~ We_.~ant it st~.bilized~We want it used. ~-'~'~nd we want it brought to the point where the record ri~'h~-o~way ends~ Because i.t's not in dispute that that record r.ight=of=way exists. What the di]spute is is beyond that, So I think=-the other irony of that is, aside from Michael~-s argument that you may not have jurisdiction of the word erection which ! find interesting legally but ~ot pgrticularly practically because you're supposed to be as I under- _$tand it tQ~m..ake certain that as the building permi~ is issued~ the fire. truck has to get in there or that kind of thing is possible~ The ~roblem with the p~.oposal that we just made is that if ~.~u'do that~ i~ you tell hen that she has to fix the ri~ht-ofSway _at point ~$ _.per yQ~r specifications to get a building permit_~ and you end it there,., you're gQing to have a problem bringing in a fire truck beyond that point because it's not improved. So that, I don't know if' you would want to do that, I don't care from my standpoint at that point. It's a decision the board will have to make. As long as the ~i. Oh~of~w'ay that we maintain is not a right=of-way is not impr~oved~ M~ only other observation on that is if yo.u do do that, if you do say .you must improve it up to that point and no further~ and then at that point the Supreme Court controls your access to your property,... I would be concerned about the issuance, and I don't want to sound harsh because Michael didn~t~ because the actually the Whole problem would not exist on the hardship issue. You have jurisdiction; now ~ou can address the issue~ Is there a h~rdship. Is there a practical difficulty, 'My only final observation because it's late and everybQdy wants to _go home anyway is' this, ~hat if there is a hardshi~ and in all honesty and I~m sympathetic to Mrs. Johnston because I think she_ was a victim of disingenuousness'or fraud in the predecessor who sold it to hen~ If there is, if there is that problem and you end that right-of-way at that point that we're talking about, and give her a building permit,__the practical difficulty--the unnecessary hardship is self-created is my point~ In other words, if she didn't start building without a permit, she wouldn't be in the position she is in now. Page ll - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing - Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CHAIRMAN: That's what I didn't want you to say. I'm not giving this lady--I'd love to give it to her but I couldn't-- because I'm not a building inspector, we're not building inspectors, ok. All we are doing is setting conditions down that if they so choose to do those conditions, that possibly the building inspector will be forced, sort of speak, or will have to give them a building permit based upon our conditions. MR. CARDINALE: Ok. MR. CHAIRMAN- So I again=-~ MR. CARDINALE: And ~ctual-ly the practical difficulties ~sn't eluded to in the statute anyway. MR. CHAIRMAN: That's correct~ MR. CARDINALE: CHAIRMAN: Ok. Ok. ThatJs all I wanted to say~ MR~ HALL: I just want to clarify it because I don't want to wait four more months before you guy_~ say, "Ok', you can go in and weatherize the house~~' CHAIRMAN: You think we wait four months? MR. HALL: WeJre asking for it tonight. I'm asking for an excepti~on from 280~a for now to use the farm road. The Supreme Court has said, "you can go back and forth on the farm road~" Does the board understand that? CHAIRMAN: In other words, what you are saying to me is, you don't want any improvements to the existing road as it exists right now. You just want to be able to use it do get in there. MR~ 'HALL; That's right~ And we want to be in there tomorrow~ That's all we want~ CHAIRMAN: Can I ask you a question how you can ride over a farm? These gentlemen own a farm. MR. HALL: There's a road there. Page 12 August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Appeal No~ 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN: That is not the right-of-way in question. in question is 16 feet~ The right-of-way MR. HALL: But the Supreme Court has said to Becky Johnston in the temporary restraining order, "You have unobstructed access over that farm road, over the existing farm road." CHAIRMAN: But there is no road there~ sir~ MR. HALL: There is a road there~ MEMBER SAWICKI' Farm. road. Dirt road~ MR. HALL: It's a dirt road~. MEMBER SAWICKI: Head land is what farmers call itu CHAIRMAN: The access from Oregon Road to the top before you make the turn, ok, I assume is not the _part of the original Baxter right= of-way. It is the piece to the east~ which is the t6 ft~ which is tilled. It has vegetation on it. MR. HALL.: When were you there (to Mrs. Johnston)? MRS. JOHNSTON: Today. MR. HALL: She was there today. You can drive up to her house. CHAIRMAN: That is the Baxter right-of-way. MR. HALL: No. MR. CARDINALE: Yes, that's correct. Maybe I can clarify this. I was just there too. The 16' that you drive down to get to the point where you turn east, is in fact the Baxter right-of-way, which, incidentally everybody has been using. A lot of people wi th rights there. CHAIRMAN: But that is not the right-of-way in this question, and this is not the right-of-way to her house. MR. CARDINALE: That's right. ~Pag~ 13 - August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston'He.arin. g -.Appeal No~ 3478 Southold Town Board Q..f Appeals MR. CARD~NA[E: The right-of-way that she's talking about is the One that the barn is on and part of the Bokina house and is fully tilled. And then, once we get to the point where it turns, we get this problem. And I would indicate that if you take a look at the farm road as you turn east, isn't even really a road. What it is is a little piece, it's a dirt-strip that moves every season almost to let Mr. Bokina get his tractor turned around at the end of his field~ So it"s really~it"~s really not a right~.of~w'ay, and I'encourage the board to do whatever he can~p, stabilize the_actual record righ~- of-way. I have no-di'f¥iculty'with stabilizing that farm road. I think it's a waste of effort and it"isn't the proper thing to do because it's not the right-of-way. MR. HALL: There is still a misunderstanding here. We don't want to stabilize the present farm road. 'We want to get in there immediately, tomorrow, or next week, to put a roof on the house and to put siding on the house so that it doesn't continue to deteriorate. I believe the board has the authority to accept 280-a and let her dr~ive on whatever existing bad road there is to get Charlie DeVoe in there to close up the house~ Ok. That's the exception I'm asking for tonight~ I hope that's understood. She doesn't want to do _.any improvements-- CHAIRMAN: It's understood fine, perfectly, except that you have to understand that all we're doing is s~.tting conditions_, ok? And if you choose to use somebodz~els6~s right-of-w'ay, I don't care, ok? But you are in effect usiQg somebo'dy else's right-of-way. MR. HALL: You're talking north-south? CHAIRMAN: ~'North-south. Right~ right~of-~'ay. __ You are using somebody else's MR. HALL: That's no problem though~ CHAIRMAN: Now if you can sell that to the Building Inspector, that's fi ne wi th me. __ MR. HALL: Ok. CHAIRMAN: All right, but I'm not rendering any decision tonight anyway. All right? Page 14 August 14, 1986 Becky Johnston Hearing Appeal No. 3478 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR~HALL: Ok. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anything else, Mr. Cardinale? MR. CARDINALE: NO, thank you. CHAIRMAN: Ok~ We thank everybody for coming in on this hearing. Let me just ask the board, are we Rrepared to close this hearing, or is there any lega'l 'opi.nion 'that you gentlemen Want? MEMBER SAWICKI-~ NO~P- I think we ca~ cl-'ose-~t~ MEMBER DOUGLASS: I would close it. CHAIRMAN: Ok. Hearing no further .comments, I'l.1 make a motion closing-the hearing and res'erving 'decision until later~ MEMBER DOUGLASS: Seconded. On motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr~ Douglass, it was RESOLVED, to close the heari'ng and reserve.decis~-on until later in the Matter of the Application Of BECKY'JOHNSTON under Appeal No. 3478~ - Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This'resolution was dul~_adopted. MR. CARDINALE: Mr. Chairman? In regard--it's just a note to check your engineer's report~ He talks about stabilizing 15 feet of the 16-ft. right-of-way. From a point 200' north and then thereafter~ But he also observes that the barn is four ft'] into that right-of,way and the house 2½, so I would expect that if you do accept that report, it would be stabilized in such a fashion that you would take that into account, otherwise you're going throu.gh the barn and house~ Thank you. CHAIRMAN: Did you ever measure the door on the barn to see if the door was oRen to get past the-- MR. CARDINALE: Even without being open, it's four feet~ CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Thank you very much. Respectfully submitted, ~_inda F. Kowalski Board Secretary SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS MATTER OF STEPHEN SHILOWITZ-APPEAL NO. 3513 THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1986 9:55 p.m. Public Hearing was reconvened in the Matter of Stephen Shilowitz. Variance to construct condominiums within 75 feet of bulkhead and tidal water. West side of Sixth Street, Greenoort. "M-Light Multiple Residence" Zoning District. The previous hearing on this application was held July 17, 1986. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The attorneys are here and oresent? May I have your name, Sir, for the record? Yes. LAWRENCE STORM~ ESQ,: My name is Lawrence Storm from the Firm of Twomey, Latham, Shea and Kelley. CHAIRMAN: Usually we allow the applicant to start the hearing. Or the agent for the applicant. And then we'll get to you shortly, Sir. Mr. Angel? Mr. Cuddy rather. I apologize. CHARLES CUDDY, ESQ.: My name is Charles Cuddy. I represent Mr. Shilowitz from the Firm of Esseks, Hefter~ Cuddy & Angel of Riverhead. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board, it's my understanding that tonight we appear, as I understand is for the third time. Apparently I'm the new face in the crowd pretty much because Mr. Shilowitz has been to this Town Hall as well as the Village of Greenport Hall numerous times, ultimately, they may name this '~Shilowitz corner" in this room for him. He hopes that tonight it will be his last occasion here. I understandw and I ask the Chairman and the Members of the Board to correct me if I'm wrong--that the purpose of this hearing is to allow the opponents some time, and I understood it was ten minutes--to voice through their attorney opposition to the application that we have presented on two occasions, and various evidence to Mr. Angel of my firm. I have some things that I would like to give the board with reference to requests that I think had previously been made, and I just want to retrorse part of the record. I have one, an affidavit from Mr. Shilowitz with reference to to soil bearing capacity. I think this was requested previously atso. as to the Floodplain Elevation. I'll deliver that at the Page 2 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CUDDY (continued): same time as I deliver the other one. I also have a letter from the Village of Greenport Superintendent of Utilities with refer- ence to the availability of public water to the site. I have, depending upon what Mr. Storm wishes to discuss, some other matters which I reserve the right to But in evidence because I'm not sure what his position is~ Is my understanding correct that this is basically what we're here for? If I could put those things in the record. CHAIRMAN: Fine. MR. CUDDY: This is the affidavit. (The original Affidavit notarized August 14f 1986 and signed by Mr. Shilowitz was sub- mitted for the record.) That's the one from Mr. Monsell. (The original letter dated August 6, 1986 from the Superintendent of Utilities indicating that they are ready, willing and able to serve the public water and public sewage supply needs for this project was submitted for the record.) CHAIRMAN: Ok. Mr. Storm? LAWRENCE STORM, ESQ.: Thank you. I represent the Cove Circle Association, individual land owners, property owners, who are member.s of that association, of all property immediately adja- cent to the west and the north of Mr. Shilowitz' property. We here to discuss the 75-ft. setback requirement from the ordinary highwater mark Of the tidal waters. We oppose any variance from the requirement as to tidal waters located to the west and to the south of the property. I will be offer- ing into evidence an affidavit by Mr. Laurence Penny, who is the Director of Natural Resources and Director of Environmental Protection for the Town of East Hampton, who sets forth clearly and explicitly that this variance, if granted, represents a problem and danger and have detrimental impact on the adjoining property owners, and represents a threat to the general welfare, health, safety of the community, especially my clients. The project or property--total property is approximately 98,000 sq. ft. of which approximately 27,000 sq. ft. in the Town of Southold is underwater. I just wish to bring to the board's attention that when this application~ as it worked it's way through the process was before the Village and the Town Planning Boards for site plan approvals, which I believe in the early part of 1982. Certain documents were ~resented, certain site plans were presented which set forth the dimensions of the property. I believe the board has before it the site Hage 3 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. STORM (continued): plan dated, I think it's July 1, 1982. It shows on it that the property includes an area underwater directly south and somewhat to ~e east and west of the basin. An important fact that property did not become Mr. Shilowitz' until March of 1983. The significance of that in part has to do with the question of density, which I appreciate itWs not mentioned in the inspector's report-Building Inspector's report; however, I think it's important to note that were:~it not for the inclusion of that underwater land that this proposed density, which I believe in the Town is 5-1/2 acres would not be complied with. There are approximately 56,000 sq. ft. of this parcel in the Town of Southold. Approximately 10,000 sq. ft., give or take, is land underwater in this particular grant from the State which occurred in March of 1983, so in any event he would not satisfy the density requirements of one 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit. CHAIRMAN: Can I just say something at this point? MR. STORM: Sure. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Storm, as to the situation of the density, ok, we cannot specifically address that issue in this particular application. If you as the agent or attorney for the Cove Association so feel that they want to question the certifica- tion of this particular applicant, when he applies for a building permit, as to the period of time as you just mentioned in the purchase of this particular piece of property or the properties that adjoin this to make it one piece, or as to any other situation that might affect this, to the length and period of time that the permits have been out there, you know, and nothing has been constructed and so on and so forth, you must address it at the time that he actually applies for the building permit before the Building Inspector. We cannot deal with density at this particular time. It's just out of our role of aspect at this point. MR. STORM: Mr. Chairman, I accept that. CHAIRMAN: Ok. MR. STORM: Returning to the 75-ft. setback requirement, as a matter of law, in order for the applicant to be entitled to such a variance, he.has to make an offer of proof. He has to Page 4 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. STORM (continued): make an offer of proof of practical hardship. The case law in this status was indicated in Town v. Kern. He's got to show by dollars and cents proof that he will suffer practical hardship. In order to do that he has to show that under no such circum- stances whereby he would be in compliance with the zoning reauirements, he will be unable to have/make reasonable use of his property. Again in a dollars and cents ~oint of view. He has introduced absolutely no evidence whatsoever on the record indicating the present value of this property as per the zone. None. I submit to you therefore that as a matter of law, this board need go no further and should deny the application in total. Let us assume, however, that by some manner, shape or form, and assuming for the sake of argument that he has shown economic hardship--which I don't accept, but let us assume that. In order for this board then to deny this application, it has to make a finding based upon a public health, safety and welfare. Mr. Penny's affidavit, and if I may, his oral testimony will indicate that in fact there are, among others, the following dangers to the public health, safety and welfare: This project, which will increase the elevation of the property any where from perhaps four to seven feet, depending on where on the property you're standing and subject to what in fact the elevations are, will represent certain flood hazard dangers to property to the north, the east and to the west. Storm surges coming along the deck from the south would hit this property and because of ~he manner in which it's built uD, will either be diverted to the right or to the left, thereby increasing the flood hazards. I submit to this board that that's in direct Contradiction to Chapter 46 of the Town Code and represents a threat and danger to the public health, welfare, and safety. In addition to the flood hazard itself, there is the additional potential problem from over-wash. The applicant is going to bringing, in a large amount of fill--some of which will be dredged~ some of which will be coming from elsewhere. It's unclear at the present time where that will be coming from. The elevation of this property will be higher than the elevation of the surrounding properties. As I'm sure the board is. aware, having done --being familiar with the site-- this is a site that~frequently floods. You get a heavy rain, winter storms--this area is always flooded. So is the Page 5 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. STORM (continued): community beach parcel on my client's property. There will be over wash. Some of the material brought in will in fact be deposited on properties not theirs. There will also be a potential problem of runoff. If you look at the site plan and the proposed drawings, there are steep slopes. There will be runof.f from there into Pipes Cove and thereby into the Bay. This is an area the water, which is served by and for the taking of shellfish. There is a danger. There is a risk. There is a potential harm that this runoff will adversely affect the shellfish and the ability to maintain the state certification in that body of water. This board has also brought up in prior hearings the question of emergency access. Looking at the site plan, in those buildings immediately to the south and to the west, it's impossible for an emergency vehicle to get around to some of those units. In the event, hopefully which will never occur, but in the event there was a problem that residents in or occupants of those units were unable of their own mobility to exit themselves and vehicles were prevented to get into those buildings from a upland or landward side, we could have a very, very serious problem. I suggest to this board that by maintaining the 75-ft. setback~ that all of these problems could be addressed and avoided. I would also bring to this board's attention its own prior history. Upon information and belief, this board has had before it since March of 1985, six applications for a variance from this section on the Bay-side of the Town, one of which had to do, I believe, with a Pond, specifically on the Bay itself. I~ each of those occasions, the board chose to limit the amount of the variance, which as I recall, the greatest variance allowed was within 24 ft. of the wetland, for a pool. For an accessory structure, and only in the instance where there was a retaining wall between the pool and the wetland. I believe in two other instances, there were again accessory structures, again for pools. There the;board imposed a 35-ft. setback requirement. In the single instance where new dwellings were an issue, the board insisted upon a 50-ft. variance. I would suggest to the board that in this case, in this instance, to allow a setback of --and the site plan and the testimony is somewhat at odds--was at five feet or am seven feet, or something inbetween, represents in the neighborhood of a 90~ Pag~ 6 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. STORM (continued): variance. In effect, rendering this provision a nullity. In effect, repealing it. I would suggest to the board that that represents a complete derogation of the intent, the purpose, of this provision. At this time~ if I may, I would like to submit to the board and a,~copy for opposing counsel, a memorandum of law on these points. Also the affidavit of Mr. Penny. I would like at this time if I may introduce Mr. Larry Penny if the board will permit, to give oral testimony{ he. has examined the files in this regard; he has been on the site on numerous occasions; and I think his testimony will be helpful to make a complete record for the board. CHAIRMAN: As long as he addresses the issue. You're going to make-- MR. CUDDY: Before you make a ruling, I would like to object to that. I know Mr. Penny. I admire Mr. Penny. He is a fine man and does an excellent job for the Town of East Hampton. I understood and my client understood, and my partner understood that we were here tonight To hear from the opposition through their attorney who was not avail- able at the last hearing. We've put into evidence various things. He's offering into evidence. I did not intend and I did not prepare To present additional evidence. I prepared myself to present a rebuttal if necessary to what was there. I think it's unfair to the applicant who has been here three times to now introduce testimony on a third occasion which is set forth solely for the purpose of us presenting oral argument through attorneys. So I seriously object to Mr. Penny testifying at this time. CHAIRMAN: I have--I somewhat concur with what you're saying because I did specifically place a restriction on the prior hearing that only the attorneys would be allowed to speak. Now you do have a-- you said you have an affi- MR. STORM: I have an affidavit. CHAIRMAN: Which basically includes everything that this gentleman would have to say? MR. STORM: Substantially yes, but I believe that his oral testimony would include additional information 'based upon his site visit, maybe two hours ago. Pag~ 7 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CUDDY: I think if they have an affidavit, counsel has testified at an enormous length about things I would suppose that he must have personal knowledge--having taken that testimony, plus Mr. 'Penny's affidavit, I would think there would be sufficient evidence from opposition for the board to have. What he is doing now is calling witnesses that you indicated wouldn't be called. CHAIRMAN: I'm going to have to discuss this with the board. I will do it in an open forum, but I will not do it here. If anybody choses to be in that open forum. Only because this is not an area that's condusive to a round-table discussion. MR. STORM: If I may-- the purpose of the testimony is to give the board as complete factual background as we possibly can. The record is open. We would like the opportunity as I said to give the board has much information as we can. This is a project with grave implica- tions. We are all aware of the public controversy and public concern about these kinds of developments up and down our coastline. Mr. Penny has been studying the area. He's knowledgeable about the situation surrounding the Bay. And Ithtnk that his oral testimony could certainly be helpful and we're offering it to the board. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Cuddy. MR. CUDDY: If that was accepted, then I should be able to bring somebody in to rebut Mr. Penny. And I think that's unfortunate because that simply would allow us zo go to another hearing. It was my understanding that the intent of this meeting was to be the 'final meeting. I have no objec~0n to your putting in evidence some basis of the statements hhat have been made. He has an affidavit-- that's fine. The affidavit would be in evidence. But I think to have him testify az this time is not only late in time but I think it's improper based upon the rules set by the board. And I'm willing to abide by those rules. I would expect counsel also to abide by them. CHAIRMAN: All right, I think what we'll do is we will caucus for about three minutes in the Building Department--if anybody chooses to go over there, they are very welcome to, and we'll have a round table discussion on this, which we normally do. This is open to the public. We are not closing it. If any members of the press or any specific group would like To sit in on it, they are very, very welcome to. I have had discussions of this nature and situ- ations which require decisions, one of which was I beIieve at the last meeting, and two of the members had trouble hearing me, and I have no intentions of doing that again this time. So, I'm going to ask for a three minute recess to go over to the Building Department Page 8 - August 14~ 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CHAIRMAN (continued)~ to discuss that. MR. STORM: If I may--I would just like to address one other point. And then subject to your ruling, I'll be finished for the evening. I'd like to just correct the record before made in the past con- cerning what has and has not been done in situations a~ the Village of Greenport. I would like to bring to this board's attention that the site plan approval by the Village Planning Board has expired. I't has under the provisions of the code, and this is not discretionary, if the construction had not begun within two years of that approval, th the board shall revoke the back to them. I'd also Ii that the fact, again in ke the public officials on th environmental issues--that plating removing from thei Waterfront Condominiums. Shilowitz for any number o act diligently upon his ap approvals in 1982. The fa e language of the ordinance states that approval. The applicant has to go ke to bring to the board's attention eping with the increasing sensitivity e North Fork are developing towards the Village Board has --in now contem- r zoning ordinance the ability to have Now I respect the fact that Mr. f extremely valid reasons, failed to plication after he got the initial ct remains that he did not apply for a building permit until--of these units--until I believe it was May of 1986. He didn't ap until I believe in Septemb --counsel has expressed so there's some kind of--it w permits, and then having t to--stop him in his tracks that we all take in life. not allow his site plan ap we would not be here today CHAIRMAN: Yes. MR. STORM: I'm sorry. Pe to heart the position of o notice, lack of preparatio demand for oral testimony. CHAIRMAN: So in lieu of a MR. STORM: The affidavit ply for any permits for bulkheading 0r of 1984. He has expressed some-- ne disquiet--unease--arguing, that ill be unjust, having gotten all those he law changed, brought the board now I would suggest that it's a risk But had he acted in a diligent fashion, ,royal in the Village To lapse, that Thank you. rhaps we can shortcircuit i't. I take )posing counsel about the lack of 1--I will waive the right of my 11 testimony, you will submit-- · nd my memorandum of law. ~ Pag~ 9 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Cuddy, do you want time to answer this memo? If it so addresses any issue that you feel. MR. CUDDY: Let me just check one moment with my client. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Cuddy: MR. CUDDY: The answer is yes, I would like to have that time particularly since my partner, Mr. Angel, has done most of the work for Mr. Shilowitz, and won't be back until this weekend. So I would like a week's time certainly to take a look at it. CHAIRMAN: tonight? Is there anything else that you have to submit to us MR. CUDDY: Yes. I would like to have some rebuttal. some things to submit to the board. I do have CHAIRMAN: Ok. Do you want to start with the rebuttal then and we'll go into the submission. MR. CUDDY: Yes. Initially I woUld like to say to get to. the heart of the very last matter that was raised, and that's the Greenport Village. I'm really not sure what we're doing with Greenport Village here, but we've gotten virtually everything that I could imagine he said--being said. We're here on a setback variance application. But the Greenport Village Attorney John Munzel ruled on precisely the question that Mr. Storm raised, and said that unless affirmative steps were taken, there was no problem with the site plan approval, and in fact, subse- quent to that Time, a building permit was issued. So not only is it relevant, but it's wrong. I :think a lot of the testimony, and I call it testimony because I think what was being given, is incorrect. A lot of it is immaterial. A lot of it has very little to do with what's before the board tonight. What's before the board, I thinl has pointed it out on several occasi¢ practical hardship, 'and I disagree w practical difficulty. There is not you. It's a question of difficulty. with practical difficulties. In eric is an affidavit which goes on for pa~ the way, if that does have some bearJ : my partner-friend, Mr. Angel, ~ns, is a question not of ~ry much on that term--it's hardship question before And the standards that go ence before you I understand les showing the hardship, by .rig, economically, that had been incurred by Mr.. Shilowitz. It foes into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's on the record here. More importantly, Page l0 - August t4, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. CUDDY (continued): and I think that this the heart of the whole matter--Mr. 'Shilowitz has been here, and that's why I started out saying about being in the corner--for five years. He has been before the Army Corps. He's been before the D.E.C. He has been before the Health Depart- ment. He has been before the County Planning Commission. He has been before the Village Board~ the Village Trustees, and the Village Planning Board, in the Village of Greenport. He's been here in 1982 before the Planning Board. He has been before the Town Board. He got a change. As far as I'm concerned, he upzoned his property from industrial to the M-Light Multiple Dwellings that it is today. At no time has he been undiligent--to take a term that was used a few minutes ago--he spent five years going before eight different bodies. He has a building permit today in the Village of Greenport. He would very much like to get a building permit from the Town of Southold. ~I think there are times when facts compel a board to grant a variance. Is it a substantial variance? Yes, it's a substantial variance. Is it going to happen again? No, because you?re never going to have an application like this before this board. This is unique. This is a man who has spent five years to get to this position. The Town changed the law. That does happen, but there are times when a Zoning Board is set up to do exactly the type of thing that we're asking you to do, and that is to relieve us from what would be to me an unconscienable situation. And that is to spend the money that he spent to go before the boards to get all of those approvals and then have it pulled out from under you. And that's, I think ~s what is being suggested. I would think that this board is the board to do the right thing, to give some justice to Mr. Shilowitz at this point who has pursued this matter diligently, who has gone before the boards as indicated, to think that these are facts that mandate very much that he gets the relief that he requested. I have two things-that I would like to have put in evidence before the board. One, is a memorandum which I have for counsel also, having to do with a question of environmental law. There were some statements made by Mr. 'Angel who backed them up by this memorandum as to lead agency, as to the determinations that were made. I would point out that much of the testimony given by Mr. Storm had to do with things that are outside the cognizance of this board. I think the environmental concern was a concern that the board had, but I also point out, 'and I'm going to offer this in evidence too, that the significance of this particular act, that is the setback request, is a Class II Type of Action, which is a nonsignificant action; and that's exactly what the code of the State of New York says. So I'll offer into evidence two Pag~ ll - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southotd Town Board of Appeals MR. CUDDY (continued): things: a copy of the General Regulations of the Code of the State of New York and the Memorandum. And I would ask the board to grant the relief requested. (Mr. Cuddy submitted copy of page 260.12c, Section 617.13, Chapter IV -General Regulations of NYS concerning Type II SEQRA actions, and original Memorandum dated August 7, 1986 with Exhibits A - M, inclusive, for the record.) MR. STORM: I'd like to submit to the board Mr. Penny.'s affidavit, also a Memorandum of Law, in addition a copy of t'he provision of the Village Code indicating,-I quote "Site Plan Approval shall be revoked in the event that the construction contemplated by such plan is not completed within two years of initial site plan approval by the Planning Board and construction must be commenced within six months of initial site plan approval." Also, if I may, do you have the copy of the building permit that has been issued by the Village? CHAIRMAN: That is not particularly appropriate in this hearing, ok? I do want to answer one thing that you were referring to, Mr. Cuddy. And that is, this board has investigated this site an innumerable amount of times. We find this a very, very difficult site to understand, ok. At one point we had no bulkhead, or a decaying bulkhead. Now we have a portion of a new bulkhead. This is not to say in any way that Mr. Shilowitz has not yielded or given us everything that we have asked for to date and there may be other things. I was down there tonight, in fact some of the property owners had seen me probably my fourth return to this particular piece of property. I am still ultimately confused. I will put it right on the record. It does not bother me one bit. In the placement of the structures. The elevation factor that .might exist or may exist or will exist, possibly in half of the property. The stakes that were driven. The pilings that were driven. The height of those pilings. And so on and so forth. So I look at this particular application as a very, very significant application, not only to the property owners themselves but to myself in the agonization, and I don't know what my fellow board members have to go through, to deal with in this specific granting of what I would construe to be a substantial setback variance. I still think that I have to modify certain things that were originally stated that I somewhat agreed to on the beginning of this hearing, and that is it's true that we had recessed this hearing to allow Mr. 'Storm to speak, but at the same time after looking at the property, I think we really have to ask you To ask Mr. Angel to address the fact of the possibility of eliminating possibly one of these units in the town side, whi. ch may in some avail free up some of this setback. And for that particular reason, I .can't truthfuIly close this hearing, all right. We spoke among ourselves tonight and I think we're all asking the same particular issue. And I think that has to be addressed before we can formally make a real genuine decision here. Ail right? So I'm going to ask that this hearing be held over to Page 12 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN (continued): the next meeting, and I'm going to ask Mr. Angel to address that and I'm going to ask Mr. Storm to rebut it or whatever he chooses to do about it. But we are going to limit it again to a specific amount of time, and we are hopefully going to be able to close this on September llth which is really not that far away. And I'm sorry that I have to do that for the applicant, but at the same time we are representing the entire town in total here. Mr. Storm, we have to ask you for a list of all the people that you are representing. MR. STORM: Those names appear on the memorandum of law. CHAIRMAN: Ok. Fine. Thank you very much. And you are going to submit a rebuttal from what we have received tonight and you will be free to give us any sort of rebuttal at that particular time also. Mr. Cuddy. MR. CUDDY: If it would be Of help to the 'board, 'I'm sure that my client and any of the people that have worked with him would be happy to arrange a meeting with the board at that site to go over really yard by yard various elevations, and various things that the board is concerned about. I've been to the site. I'm aware of things at the site. I think that they can be shown if people are there so that the board could have some education from. the people that are involved in it. And I think Mr. Shilowitz would be happy to do that. CHAIRMAN: I think that's what we're going to have to ask for. We've done it before. And the only problem ~s that we can't have any more than two board members or else it's construed to be a meeting. MR. CUDDY: We could arrange it on two occasions. problem with that. We have no CHAIRMAN: We will be in contact with you and at the same time we may drop a note in the mail to this gentleman, to Mr. Storm, indicating that we"re going over there--whatever the case might be. But we will be in contact with you. MR. CUDDY: Thank you. CHAIRMAN: Some time prior to the next meeting, but hopefully after the humdrum after the next week or so--you know the summer is rapping up and so on and so forth, because we have ~-Pag~ 13 - August 14, 1986 Matter of S. Shilowitz-Appeal No. 3513 Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN (continued): people going on vacation and so on and so forth. thing you would like to say, Mr. Storm? Is there any- MR. STORM: No, not at this time. CHAIRMAN: Ok. Is there anybody in the audience that ~reLnot here at the last hearing that they would like to say? Anybody on the applicant's side? No. Ok. I'll make a motion recessing the hearing until the next Regular Meeting of September 11, 1986. On motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Sawicki, it was RESOLVED, to recess the hearing in the Matter of Appeal No. 3513 of STEPHEN SHILOWITZ until the next Regular Meeting of this Board, to wit: September Il, 1986. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. 'Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. Respectfully submitted, Board Secretary