HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-02/01/2022 PH 1 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2 -------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 3 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 4 -------------------------------------------------- 5 6 Southold, New York 7 February 1 , 2022 4 : 30 P . M . 8 9 10 11 B E F 0 R E : 12 13 SCOTT A . RUSSELL, SUPERVISOR 14 LOUISA EVANS , JUSTICE 15 JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN 16 GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN 17 SARAH NAPPA, COUNCILWOMAN 18 BRIAN MEALY, COUNCILMAN 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : I ask 2 anybody who would like to address the Town 3 Board on any particular agenda item? 4 MR . HARRIS : Good afternoon . Item 5 134 , the Highway CHIPS fund . Could you 6 elaborate? It sounds -- is the Town losing 7 a significant amount of money from the State 8 for -- towards CHIPS ? 9 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Actually, 10 I think we ' re getting quite a bit . I need 11 an agenda . 12 MR . HARRIS : I am seeing 13 appropriations of a total of $ 139, 324 but I 14 am looking at decrease revenues and decrease 15 appropriations , and to me, that outweighs 16 the increase in appropriations . I am kind 17 of confused on the way that I am reading it . 18 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : I don ' t 19 know why it reads that way either . I don ' t 20 know . Dan or Christy has not discussed that 21 with me and it came through their office . I 22 can tell you, the money for this year, the 23 CHIPS , would -- not what we anticipated 24 receiving from CHIPS , but an additional 200 25 for the 20o we didn ' t get last year . So if 3 1 would have gotten more rather than less for 2 CHIPS . But they didn ' t discuss with me why 3 that us on there . 4 MR . HARRIS : Thank you . 5 ( Continuation with the agenda 6 items . ) 7 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Hi Doug? 8 MR . COOPER : Good evening, Ladies and 9 Gentlemen . I would like to reiterate his 10 comments about the Highway Department . Good 11 management and good employees . We ' re doing a 12 good job . So they all deserve a pat on the 13 back . As you may remember the ( inaudible ) 14 Committee for the Town and we would like to 15 invite the new Board members to come next 16 Wednesday or another Wednesday, whatever is 17 good, to go over some of the AG issues . One 18 of the things , Chapter 70 , we ' re looking to 19 changes in the Chapter 70 law and 20 modernizing it because things have changed a 21 lot with agriculture since that was first 22 enacted . Hopefully you will have a Code 23 Committee meeting somewhat soon . And I think 24 that is it . Thank you . 25 UNKNOWN FEMALE : Supervisor Russell , 4 1 I have one person with their hand raised on 2 Zoom. Tom, you now have permission to 3 speak . You can un-mute yourself . 4 MR . STEVENSON : Hello . 5 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Hi , Tom . 6 MR . STEVENSON : How are ya? Tom 7 Stevenson from Orient, farmer . Along with 8 Doug, I am on the AG Committee . I am the 9 Chair for the Town . At this point, I wanted 10 to echo his invitation to the new Town Board 11 members , Greg, Brian . We generally meet 12 twice a month . Sometimes once a month, but 13 we ' re hoping and willing to come get you up 14 to speed on what we have been working on . 15 The -- oh, I want to echo Pete Harris . 16 Great job with the snow . Really there were 17 nightmares but not in Southold . Great job . 18 Really unsafe but you guys did a great job . 19 I just wanted to say a couple of things 20 about the AG Committee . A bunch of long 21 time members on there that have volunteered 22 thousands of hours of time for this Town . 23 Trying to keep agriculture going . Been 24 reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and we ' re 25 moving towards -- a lot of what was in the 5 1 Comprehensive Plan is what we are already 2 doing . There is a few things in there that 3 maybe we are not doing . And we want to work 4 on more outreach to the Town and to farmers 5 and homeowners , you know, about ( inaudible ) 6 use . You know, the right way to do things . 7 We have been working for years on 8 modernizing Chapter 70 , which is 9 Agricultural Lands Preservation . About a 10 year ago, we brought it to the Town Board, 11 we ' re hoping to see a little movement there . 12 We ' re not going -- we ' re advising the Town 13 on what we think is in the best interest of 14 agriculture moving forward and the Town . We 15 have taken a deep dive into development 16 rights easements and -- you know, we have 17 not moved as maybe far forward as we could 18 with land preservation . Hopefully we ' re 19 moving modernizing that easement, you know, 20 they ' re 20 pages long . So they ' re not that 21 fun to read but if you go to the Town ' s 22 Laserfiche Planning, not Planning -- Land 23 Preservation . You can go and see all the 24 easements through history of this Town . If 25 you really have nothing to do . I tend to 6 1 read through them. A little crazy . Scott, 2 I printed something up from 1956, the 3 ( inaudible ) of coding of the Zoning for this 4 Town for our last meeting . It ' s just -- I 5 love that history . A lot has changed since 6 1956 when Zoning came to this town . Let me 7 tell you . Some things -- 8 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : There was 9 a Zoning Board of 7 people and it was said 10 to indicate -- didn ' t realize how long I 11 have been here, since I work with 6 of those 12 7 people . 13 MR . STEVENSON : It ' s amazing . The 14 history . I just love it . I eat it up . 15 Let ' s see, not to keep you any longer . The 16 big house legislation, I was not able to 17 join the discussion or listen in this 18 morning because I was doing something with 19 the school Board . But we do have AG worker 20 housing that -- we will have to get a 21 definition on the books . We just want to 22 make sure that farms are not going to get 23 caught up in the mic-mansion debate . As 24 housing becomes imperative for her farms , we 25 really need to -- we just want to look out 7 1 for the farmer, you know, that we can 2 provide farmer housing as possible . Aqua 3 culture and kelp, you know, we have been 4 active in promoting the county . That has 5 been renewed . Big changes , kelp is going to 6 be allowed on those leases . And one thing 7 that we want to work with you know, other 8 departments in the Town, the Trustees , is to 9 see if there is any ability to get kelp, 10 aqua culture in off-season in Town waters . 11 Some of the other Town ' s like Islip and 12 Brookhaven allow farming in their waters . 13 In Southold, we want to see if there would 14 be some way to allow that because you know, 15 oyster growers in the winter, it ' s dangerous 16 to be out in the waters . And it would be 17 official if they can bring some harvest in 18 Town creeks and hold them over as they sell 19 them. And also kelp production in the 20 off-season . Kelp grows real well in the 21 winter . And we think it might be a win-win, 22 to not bother anyone with navigation and 23 maybe help the farmer . Just a thought . So 24 our next AG meeting is next Wednesday, 25 February 9th at 7 : 00 p .m . in the room that 8 1 you ' re sitting in . And a month from then, 2 March 9th would be our next meeting . We ' re 3 not going to meet during that February 4 break . The last thing -- well , let me end 5 it there . It has been a long day for 6 everyone . Appreciate you letting me speak . 7 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Thank you . 8 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Thank you . 9 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Tom, this is 10 Brian . Thank you for the invitation to Greg 11 and I for the AG Committee and I will also 12 thank you for your service on the School 13 Board . You are right where you should be, 14 and thank you . I appreciate you, 15 Mr . Cooper . I a big fan of the grounds that 16 enforces greatly as a Town councilman 17 member . And you were one of my mentors and 18 I appreciate that you came to speak and to 19 invite us . So thank you very much . 20 MR . STEVENSON : Thank you . 21 MR . COOPER : Thank you, Tom. Just 22 one other thing too, it ' s not just the new 23 Board members . Any of you wishes to come to 24 the AG Committee meeting, we would love to 25 have you . And also the Comprehensive Plan, 9 1 I have read over it a couple of times and I 2 think it ' s very good . I think your Planning 3 Director and team did a very good -- very 4 nice job . And thank you . 5 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Thank you . 6 Is there anybody else that would like to 7 speak? 8 (No Response ) . 9 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Thank you . 10 11 (Meeting Concluded at 5 : 17 p .m. ) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 2 3 4 I , JESSICA DILALLO, a Court Reporter 5 and Notary Public, for and within the State 6 of New York, do hereby certify: 7 THAT the above and foregoing contains a 8 true and correct transcription of the 9 meeting held on February 1 , 2022 , 10 via videoconference, and were transcribed by 11 me. 12 I further certify that I am not 13 related to any of the parties to this 14 action by blood or by marriage and that I 15 am in no way interested in the outcome of 16 this matter. 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 18 hereunto set my hand this 15th day of 19 February, 2022 . 20 21 22 J ssica DiLallo 23 24 25