HomeMy WebLinkAboutAustin, Christopher Glenn Goldsmith,President �;4 SpFFO( OG Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President Y� < 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski co ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y N Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �Ol �a, Telephone(631)765-1892 ` Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report r 6 Date/Time: 9/9/22 Completed in field by: r- (-",61 J,;: CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss a proposed demolition of existing dwelling; construct a new two-story dwelling with three car garage; seaward side raised swimming pool with wrap-around deck area; replace and raise the existing bulkheading; remove existing and construct a dock in new location; and modify the existing 10' wide non-turf buffer area. Located: 2200 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-4-5.1 Typ of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ✓Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: 1WSe-VS5e.) Present Were: /-G. G,,PIdsmith N. Kr4pski v/ E. Sepenoski ✓ L. Gillooly ✓ E. Peeples 8 , n July 29,2022 EV E Christopher Austin D PO Box 15 AVO - 1 2022 Laurel, NY 11948 (631)466-0124 Southold Town Board of Trustees Town of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Board of Trustees: I am writing to you to schedule a Pre-Submission site visit for future work to be performed at 2200 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, NY 11952. 1 hereby grant you permission to come onto the property and go over with myself in person the rough plans and ideas for us to improve the property. Our goal is to remove the existing single-family home and build a new 2 story single family home with attached 3 car garage, pool,and deck area. In addition to constructing the new house we would like to replace the existing bulkhead and dock. For the bulkhead we would like to increase the height to further protect from flooding. Also, per the attached plans we are looking to remove the current pier, ramp&float,and replace with a new pier,ramp,float,and piles(rough idea attached). Attached for your review is a 2022 survey of the property,UPDATED architectural site plan showing the proposed new single-family home,and hydro surrey plan showing the proposed bulkhead,pier, ramp, float& piles.On the updated site plan we have shown the pier line. Look forward to meeting with you in person at the property. Please reach out and let me know what date and time works best to get together. I can be reached on my cell phone at(631)466-0124. Sincerely Christopher Austin CERTIFIED TO."CHRISTOPHERAU377N SURVEY OF ELIZABELIZABETHAUSTW FIRST AMERCT IIEAN TINSURANCE COMPANY MO ANSTANLEYPRIVATESANK DESCRIBED PROPERTY JOB NO..°'r-' SITUATE AT MAPNO.: �r<Of NEW y REVISIONS h�E��� w'"�o°�� MATTITUCK UPDATE&RECERTIFYy f * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ADD TOPO 1/21/22 SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK REV.WETLAND LABEL ht S.C.T.M.DIST:1000 SEC.:123 BLK.:04 LOT:5.1 FLAGGERS NAME 2/28/22 PLOT ADJOINING DWELLING LOCATION3 7/21122 I 050538 O 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LA ND SCALE 1..20' DATE.ARPIL 15,2016 JEFFREY W.HADERER L.S. LOT AREA:20,620 SOFT=.4734 ACRE NYS LIC.NO.:050538 ELEVATIONS HEREON REFER TO NAVD 1988 DIGITAL RELEASE o�E sed S� E PA OF EWEPICO S n �sB2�� ' ELEC EL9.0' co21 1 O N W SUF OLK AVENUE n 9 r E Its, �`�G V• I 1 v�w� GS VQ � } 1 tq E 0 •� , w L /off / ISF� 15� °ttNE�.Nv mw g� 3.5' s ~�� 07 ICE QD J Q 0 OJ N m ♦ 11. 1 1 I 1 � ` o 2FRAMEv ; 1 1 I F [) WE LIN 1 I r I / N 140 Oi I SD` tnt wF• �`�. l� P PI E E VE ED EL2.6' , N�EY VICES s 1, t E 119.eou A , aME�,TP a�P� .TS�°� E �jK ` AUG Southold Town Board of Trustees A16- Hydrographic Map � , L 200 `�`���� w " E Surveyed:ed: 20 April 2022 ° SC De �s Situate: Mattituck S '' T 1OOp H°% Or; s Town: Southold � `r .`� ,�ed"``1.'/ N` `,� 23..4,5 , �a F"II 40 Suffolk County, NY .�/ �, _ P Crrevse4 Datum: MLW ,� 1���- 4 ,x- 30' MtiW �/ e,d�..►�-ted. vR� � s3 `�6 S`�;.J, 7 2 ��0 . -j 4 `�'8U sic c. y sy �� ? ,`-4�9 �cy ;; `66 p S 3 31 ? Q ), `6 .9„ 4.9 '4$1 ?9 ��0 1 5,4 X36 ��ff. -1.6 1 .8 S•,® X82 �? X6 4 s 4 Icir 1 ., -?© 1 5 —84 �6 '68 3` 68' ��S `x`36Yo- ��_` '�24 �� v -65 6 3 43` f ?•? •6 0 • ,2 -y D 9 42 AUG - '?6 r ,j7 �3 �> .9 8 6 Q -S.o S.OoidTown oeLo \�6 `�4 Board of Tntstees 6 •4 , o o slti ROBERT H. FOX FAoode � 8, 8, NYS PLS # 50197 Fbb Creek P. 0. BOX 366 9 AQUEBOGUE, NY 11931 i %1,'9099 p jo•ip✓hf G.1lsors•1}ob`,Iaxurwxlls'00 51 M rrom 2041-,,9200 PWIPr Dpro CERTIFIED TO CHRISTOPHER SURVEY OF EWABETAUSTIN FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY MORGAN STANLEY PRIVATE BANK DESCRIBED PROPERTY JOB N0.2016 133 MAP No. F NEW SI TUA TE A T FILE : .��Oy REVISIONS h �P?�� W HgO�O�� MATTITUCK UPDATE&RECERTIFY A * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ADD TOPO 1/21/22 ' o SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK REV WETLAND LABEL S.C.TM.DIST:1000 SEC.:123 BLK:04 LOT:5.1 FLAGGERS NAME 2/29/22 PLOT ADJOINING DWELLING LOCATION 7/22/22 f�� 050538 �� 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 '14pt SCALE 1'-20' DATE:ARPIL 15,2016 JEFFREY W HADERER L.S. LOTAREA:20,620 SO.FT.=.4734 ACRE NYS LIC.NO.:050536 ELEVATIONS HEREON REFER TO NA VD 1988 DIGITAL RELEA E I V E DEEP Southold Town ELg.TI o:s Board of Trustees EWE�VFA�'/T n/n \\agE c 11W n .00 ------ EIEC A ___- IV N EL9� — H------------ -meg — 4. �\$ w � � 1 � Pr 2155. I / 1 '� jO�, O NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE m 1 r e 2 FP EAG ems.°T 1)Y1E ZBQ WALL �I• '_ I m gym\ fN IgE 30- •1.T a mei CL o Q SIX z k _--- 1 WY ,'4-- - 11 St 35 I Z STORY FRAME I t 1 I�Q I g' DWE 1440NG � -� A / #21 0� III I 7/ m m II I 7 1 � la II /i t�e� EL•��' tn% I 1 EL g e A y S i, tt9 REEK ENtASEAjjf 51 ' TS59�� •E �J ENVIP�M cHEOE � Glenn uoidsmith,President � OSyFFOI��IV Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President a c 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski �" nom, P.O. Box 1179 Liz Gillooly ®y p�� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples Telephone�� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: Completed in field by: � . C6 �a�, r►-, CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN requests a Pre-Submission site visit for future work to demo and build new two-story dwelling with garage, pool and deck, and to replace existing bulkhead and dock. Located: 2200 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM#: 1000-123-4-5.1 Type/,6f area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Feat 1;06_ Cynci� 716 Looms koose. Present Were: ✓ G. Goldsmith /N. Kr ski ✓ E. Sepenoski V L. Gillooly Peeples �,�, �!- •� �f� •sem 1`, ;� .��` ;L' .,��;`.� ..t� y � + i�l,T' 1 \ ! i' Yw 131 , loss t-• 1; - x r,. jr 4b 644* Christopher Austin '-'P 2200 Deep Hole Drive,Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-123-4-S.1 W. IS +• t,. la�i tit ��k MF• i!L' e•r1 �.. 40 Ar Lm� Mi IP 7 / 6/2022 10 : 30 s Christopher Austin 2200 Deep Hole Drive,Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-123-4-5.1 7/6/22 '_ IEEE- LL _ i ti ..>.-'••--ter _ _ -a ��7e+- .' oY�cA;�'. _ .. .:..: -K��'•,. -.;, ._,... ...ice-�. -,. � � _:...' •G 4'• -. _ -� ,` P - June 29,2022 E C E , tl E D Christopher Austin Fu% 3 2022 PO Box 15 Laurel, NY 11948 SaMIdTown (631)466-0124 ��ofT�stees Town of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Board of Trustees: I am writing to you to schedule a Pre-Submission site visit for future work to be performed at 2200 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, NY 11952. 1 hereby grant you permission to come onto the property and go over with myself in person the rough plans and ideas for us to improve the property. Our goal is to remove the existing single-family home and build a'new 2 story single family home with attached 3 car garage, pool,and deck area. In addition to constructing the new house we would like to replace the existing bulkhead and dock. For the bulkhead we would like to increase the height to further protect from flooding. Also, per the attached plans we are looking to remove the current pier, ramp&float,and replace with a new pier, ramp,float,and piles(rough idea attached). Attached for your review is a 2022 survey of the property,architectural site plan showing the proposed new single-family home,and hydro survey plan showing the proposed bulkhead, pier, ramp,float& piles. We are a local family born and raised in Laurel,currently living in Mattituck,looking to build a forever home for ourselves and 2 baby girls. Look forward to meeting with you in person at the property. Please reach out and let me know what date and time works best to get together. I can be reached on my cell phone at(631)466-0124. sincerely, 4�//Z/4L Christopher Austin CERTIFIED T0ELLMCHRISTOPHER AUSTIN w�w���®� ELPABETHAUSTIN SURVEY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE WS URANCE COMPANY MORGANSTANLEYPMVATEBAW DESCRIBED PROPERTY JOB No.zols-133 Of NE �'17'uA�E fi TFILED. �Q� l W•N yOP REVISIONS 4�� Ali^ MATTITUCK UPDATE&RECERTIFY * Pi I ^, * TOWNOFSOUTHOLD ADD TOPO1/21122Q SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK REV.WETLAND LABEL S.C.T.M.DIST.:1000 SEC.:123 BLK:04 LOT:51 FLA GGERS NAME 2/28/22 �\1 1 050538��1a� 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LANDS"' SCALE 1'=20' DATE.ARPIL 15,2016 JEFFREY W.HADERER L.S. LOT AREA:20,620 SQ.FT.=.4734 ACRE NYS LIC.NO.:050538 ELEVATIONS HEREON REFER TO NA VD 1988 nvwRmcs !ate DIGITAL RELEASE L� pR� WpFs ead"� H� ��� B`aKpppON EP � Lax "p,, R ,rot Dom' V1� LE ED°E OFPAYEfAHT " �2.00, WALL _-._-0.p0'11_ _ FIE ,\\° 0. IW 9µ1tl� -y 1 9� 2155.38' g 1 0 NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE I m LL 11 , a' 'm e�a? SLATE 4� Im > 1 •� +5E ca 3 / 1 3 ra *4 30;� R1.T / Z 1 Go a0N z / 3' r pp• � t6X26 = W sSfEQ °RN q�Yf 1 -:rw 2L °� UN "" 0 2022 N��o d 1 15 r 57.4' 1 Southold Town %I 1 Board of Trusteeg s ¢ o MLU uiv 3�� 11 0 ass a 1 .$ 0 1 -- 1 ° 35 p OA d Bit E-3 Aso 001, sos;0 P E 1 � 0 60 E05 Ww+ g0U g otEYR\j1rfs '.�t� ^E 119 a SLE ENVIHONMENt �o�.. :01-01 _ 1 q SITE PLAN OF PROPERTY FSA c1 MA SITUATE X30 cl I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD / ° ' 5� O0. O/ RENSIW9 0E 5C R I P T 10N SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORKO T O S.C. TAX No. 1000-123-04-5.1 L s ��a ,rL\ 41,8200 p SCALE 1"=20' A� TOTAL LOT AREA= 200,734 eq.11. • � >�� THIS SITE HAS BEEN PREPARED A r'\ USING THE INFORMATION FROM THE SURVEY OF JEFFERY W. HADERER, LAND SURVEYOR FROM JEFFERY W. >�• 1. lA HADERER L.S.. DATED FEBRUARY t t PROPO \\ �� 28, 2022 r STONE TO RDsYAY \ PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS LOT COVERAOS OESCRIITONQ0' u4 x Noun laa w•n. e.l: �� NO CI,RACE k 4ECN Ro04 )eL q.Ir, xei A POOL !b y,IL 1.6Y O I I + \I W PORCNES/oECNS ase.�.n. alY ��0• ' ��� � • ® I, TOTAL C IAT 52E 30.820 SF J+�'„S. / / • I \ �_� 0 z > CY�ae.L txt'S��►� w w \ . 0 O=Z Ale F- 0 H 100 \ � k s d j a \ 1 [� Q \ I > N m y✓ �� o Tii (I Lin o a lkall�! s s9. i ccCharles M.Thomas �7 R3a o rl m a r c h i t e c t Po RR BR AEM RT 1190(NI(717-7M OF L _ 3 /y ^ / O�\ �� c /// ^O SITE PLAN cl 19 f� SITE PLAN v�•OYrb av N]mNnrY R6v]na6. 4.k nc anus[,pgvn a al um,w IIo un Ns 1.0 usF ro,9wle[,csrxctm m tt w4�u �o p ECEIVE `�'- -- N 3 0 2022 t, 1 MyW SovthofdTOM lbard GrTmstm \0 - _ _ _ _ �/•-•fir •1.31, 4 \06 7 6 \s6 3 0 S : \6 3 j 66 63.4 •3 8 ' s \s •a S 8 \6s6,X.�gi.. _. S '3 i!, S�`:�1. _ \`3 1 z2 •6! ; c \6 8,1P 7 S 6, S \4'4- Deed �6 \j�4 \� 4 \67 . �, e .� \D \o •s Hydrographic Map 2 N Surveyed: 20 April 2022 SCTCC dee WE Situate: Mattituck ' ` 1000 ��o% Priv s Town: Southold 3, e Suffolk County, NY Datum: MLW `Q Sterne -Q9 ----- V ,°.3 W00d Y �`1 -0.6 MC� 4 �. 5 JUN 3 0 204 ,i 8 \1 '0 \°'3 X22 \''9 °•6 -01 �? ° --� 3 3 �1c -611 6 -4•) ,36 �325�� ,?? b �` EXTENDED O 108' X 4' CATWALK _ e' X24 8 /j v PROPERTY LINE .9 O \63 'S.4 'S 4.S -369 6 E° - 15' SETBACK LINE X68 8? -� ,6.2 4 ', 4 • J,� 'S _ ETBACK LINE \84 \,6 `6a X660 "6, 3 \43 �? 3' X 20' RAMP �3 ? `6S 6' X 20' FLOAT \� --- � ` p� �� p 64 �S X4,4 1 I. 99 ,,� \,SS \S? \4? � 6 \>> `,3 \,69 \68 �S0 dee \�6 4 �>1 -'.3 h'o/c, 8 -21 � .9 -2: PIER LINE ROBERT H. FOX F%od �� -60 '80 NYS PLS # 50197 Fb Cree 9 -( 0 '8? P. 0. BOX 366 b '�9 AQUEBOGUE, NY 11931 5/2/2022 503.33PM O:Wser5\5ob\Docvment5\00 5LM from 201-1\2200 DpHIDr bpro oPn-ae ,oa n RmaD SEE 9EC 60 t,3 BEE B.Iq.116 lEE IEC.ND t+6 6tx-00 06,60, WiLM UNE Obxt0+ � � W _>?.__ __--�--_ _-----.�—_-- —� , __ --_�_--___.-. Ebro � _ °m w Eo6 u no Qy 4t T os,am sEE�rra i% ca � 4 s B oz+-0a 'I 'a •• ^gyp O w• +] tY x '\! Eo6 von 10 6EE SEC •6` p tww a y to ,u CF1 t soutt+orn 6 a 7, p o M • II aow is O .p.tN ,l+ A T bOftl 'loop / 1° tt1 �r t5 P to A � Fj ��• •� B j. .) as , ,} S p �, • �V' t• p p+V i•, � ♦ ♦ / BI / a4t 13 A , a • O i t+� a V, • P P � / , o 'a 4O•� „OS a n 1 ol, M' y 7 r ' COUNTYOFSUFFOLK © E a Baualloan BEcnaraa Real Property Tax Sern,,cesoAgenq P a,Ma ]'ROPERIV MM