HomeMy WebLinkAboutPinkwater - 220 Champlin Pl Nq our UnigU Mariella Ostroski, Chairperson �� �1: 4 Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair 2 rewncF f m 54375 Route 25 Fabiola Santana S®UYHPLD PO Box 1179 Allan Wexler z ;R;; z Southold,NY 11971 Tara Cubie �o ' �OUi �° Telephone: (631)765-1802 Jeri Woodhouse 1% Kim E. Fuentes, Coordinator A9Fs�RVAT�o�' ao email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov southoldhpcc@southoldtownny,,aov Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission June 23, 2022 RESOLUTION #06.23.2022.03 Certificate of Appropriateness RE: 220 CHAMPLIN PLACE, GREENPORT,NY, SCTM# 1000-35-3-30 Owner: SUSAN PINKWATER RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 220 Chaplin Place, Greenport,NY is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks; and WHEREAS, as set forth in Chapter 170 of the Town Code(Landmarks Preservation Code) of the Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted Architectural Plans depicting proposed alterations to an existing single family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the scope of work involves the installation of windows(Anderson A Series) and new fireplace as shown on Architectural Plans prepared by Brett Kehl,Architect, last revised May 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, the applicant met with the Commission during a public hearing on June 23, 2022,where the applicant submitted a final drawing of scope of work and outlined the project for the Commission. NOW BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposed work meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A)of the Southold Town Code; and BE IT)FURTHER RESOLVED,that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commission; and Page 2 Historic Preservation Commission PINKWATER BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, subject to approvals by all involved agencies. MOVER: Commissioner Cubie SECONDER: Commissioner Woodhouse AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, Wexler, Cubie and Woodhouse. (6-0) RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commission. n, ;1 ---t Signed: t Kim E. Fuentes,Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission Date: June 23,2022 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESS I� N APPLICATION APR 2022 TOWN OF SOIITH HISTORICPRESE p �Z OWNERS NAME SQSn� C�� KvJA i�z!L ___ +l s10 ADDRESS AM 220 (-NAM# !-1l,,X PLAC-E— F PKEEN iF'og:—, 1, l lg yy PROPERTY ADDRESS SRMP AS A IS OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE �► i__�ES l( 1�( _r _S�oL , CR ,T' XF H ce.� PHONE, (Si- 43S-- ` oS,4 E-MAIL TAX MAP NO, 1boco-34-03-30. DATE ACQUIRED STATUS: LOCAL LANDMARK X IN LANDMARK DISTRICT. • NATIONAL HISTORIC REGISTER PROPERTY ZONE 'R-4cRE S EXISTING USE P,-�h K�S. PROPOSED USE PROPOSED WORK: REPAIR ADDITION RENOVATION NEW WINDOM.-X, NEW DOORS: REPLACE SIDING REPLACE ROOFING NEW FENCE.., NEW SIGN: APPROVALS REQUIRED: ZBA TOWN TRUSTEES PLANNING BOARD SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES / CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE �i2F f �-��>r �A�� i0� / A 4r-�, Fill PLA-cE /}AA 1T1 a�a iNAS -RIE+.1 N o,V�r Y 1-10 ,moi ci c v n�F I understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval has been given by the Building Department if a Building Permit is required. If no permit is required (such as replacing facade materials or new fence), written approval must be received from the Histod Preservation Commission. OWNERS SIGNATURE FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: March 24, 2022 TO: Brett Kehl (Pinkwater) 265 Jasmine Lane Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated February 17, 2022: For permit: to legalize an "as built" addition to an existing single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 675 Champlin Place, Greenport,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 34 Block 3 Lot 30 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The construction is not permitted pursuant to Section 170 of the Southold Town Code and is subject to Historic Preservation Commission approval. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Landmarks pur'Uniq� AIV ��n9 e yP SOUTIIOLD ,. uwvenc Town of Southold T l? 13 2D Historic Preservation Commis Standard Q&A for Historic District an pRFq�q°o��o Landmarked Properties Welcome to the Historic Preservation Commission. Our goal is to help you achieve your objectives with preservation of the exterior remaining true to its original design, assuring that the continuum and continuity essential to a historic district or property is maintained. There is a process to achieving the best outcome. • All applicants are encouraged to have a Pre-Submission Conference whereby the application and renderings are reviewed, questions are asked, and recommendations made that will guide the applicant to a successful outcome. • If things are very straight forward and clear, a recommendation to go to a Public Hearing will be scheduled. • If it is necessary to better understand the project, a Site Visit may be suggested. This is a special accommodation, whereby one.Commissioner or more will visit your property and have eyes on the ground able to assess your plans within the context of its location. • The Commissioners will report back to the Commission, share their newfound knowledge and recommend either another Pre-Submission Conference or a Public Hearing. The Administrative Assistant to the HPC will contact the Applicant and make scheduling appointments. • If there is a Public Hearing, where the Commissioners believe a Site Visit is necessary, the Public Hearing will remain open until it may be resumed at a subsequent date. • Decisions are made because of research and negotiation that lead to a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness. If the motion is not made, further work needs to be done to accomplish a mutual goal. • In the case of the granting of a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic Preservation Commission shall be empowered to impose reasonable conditions upon the applicant to ensure that the activity is conducted in a manner which is consistent with the spirit and intent of Chapter 170 of the Town Code. Incomplete or partial applications are not recommended. They lead to incorrect thinking and a lack of continuity. 2021-08-24 The HPC is required to have an architect on the Commission. This is the greatest benefit to an applicant. Their knowledge, perspective and experience often lead to the best outcomes that the applicant can have. Please consider this mandate as your best investment. In anticipation of your meeting with the HPC, listed below ar D s ou may wish to be prepared to address: �] 1. When was your house first built? I SG(O TOWN OF SOUT}{OLD MSTORICPRESERVATtoNc SSZ 2. Do you know your building is within the Historic District? l i ri-,yj c� ?.i- -K- IT is A - s-raft,c, tSoJsE 3. Are you familiar with Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code (Landmark Preservation) which applies to this application? 4. How is the design for your project sympathetic to the surrounding neighborhood? rl4iz-- /YC19"a4J4600 6s A MrfTupr OF S; yL0Z-S of:- 140,k,-S 5. How do your plans and elevations show adherence to the historic district mandates in Chapter T k Not=s C N-Atyyg— 114 AAP AG,F— oP- T4E- FAScADsE 170? 6. Have you supplied images of neighboring residences? }as 7. How does this renovation illustrate compatibility in terms of scale and massing with neighboring structures? MM*.-%.- ►0 sqF 8. What is the square footage of the original building? 9. What is the square footage of the renovated building. 2093SP 10.What is the height of the original building? 3 cAR sF°Fs° ®�� O 11.What is the height of the proposed alteration, addition or new building? 12.What are the materials you are using for windows/doors, foundation walls, trim and siding? 13.Do these materials match, "in kind", those of the original structure? YES '"ZAPS v>- A cnr�413nu, i-. �"o�o��.A-T�O.J ► S o a.!L�( �.�P�;�la � �/ r1� � �V;,�z I..l 2021-08-24S c rJ rie c W� A SSI Ltd � D rr sl : rvzcr C�QArZ Spar T Building Department Application AUTHORIZATION APR 2Q72 (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) ID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION I, 5Vs'Ct n 1�1 cf �� residing at ZZ tJ ClG,tR(.l-1 ��L (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) ,/k /U do hereby authorize t��- lr(, L (Agent) to apply on my behalf to the Southold Building Department. (Owner's Signature) (Date) 'Us G n (Priv Owner's Name) WINDOW SCHEDULE � MANUFACTURER SERIES STYLE MODEL ROUGH OPENING WINDOW DIMENSION GRILLE CONRCURATION 6 coi OR EXTERIOR OR I F+LM7,1SCaTES ,uc ANDERSEN A SERIES DBL HUNG ADH2850 2-8'x 5'-0" 2-7rx 4'-11�" �' FULL DIVIDED LIGHT WHITE MITE WHITE PERMANENT EXTERIOR SPoa�WNNYrh11971 E� > PERMANENT INTERIOR WITH SPACER Thw dmminyo and pddoaUms Indudiny 1M Idaaa,d,%dnd armgwnmb mpaemto0 thy, tho p'apaty at 12 D69CN MOOA7E5,lLl:No Vat UawfM OOpt�dbdaMd t0 OthA R and h=ct1m �Ilh arty a Vml^at other trait far Md h thq ha`w beat Pad oltlwut orlttm mmAt FEY: 05-30-72 EXISTING -CEDAR BEVEL SIDING —7��N(; WINDOW XI N EXISTING NOT FOR WIN 0CEDAH HEVEL SIDING NINDOW CONSTRUCTION M USE UNLESS CERTIFIED BY A J"X4" CORNERPROFESSIONAL BOARDSTFIF ENGINEER CEDAR SHINGLE j'X4' EXTERIOR PINKWATER RESIDENCE 220 PLIN PCE J"X4" EXTERIOR GREE NPORT,NYY,,11944 CASING 2" HISTORIC SILL EW EW f—I II PLAN ADH2850 ADH2850j AS NOTED 5^ EYIUODZE16f3WffESQDODEEIL6"ffE E�Rdi�l�9t6 AFDaiBFA EDIIDBOS BIE W fBRoERll�fnHfff EIA ENLBA'AL OAii6 pD 01B696I0 E 71flDt90®EI!•IBD NC rt 0®WBE91A►58taR0 UF311YYF01iDE BOEfAE 'fel FBD dmID16 A101/Al��t401 0118{14 DB WYDO'NCBI�/d R1tOl A l�t116 {, ^'' ± i'FBHUFT'11 2072 SOUTHEAST CORNER s Im OF HOUSE ELEVATION ����w �01 Ampfmw of 5wt��Dot a�tlM del m 6dA�Ib mlhVlmtfOl d� dN�&ra,Tom SCALE- 114"= 1'-0" wu� a=Mkn CD*V4 gem a,.de,ph tD am*uc m V. KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES ac ro.MM ftm(631433-volt So"IhohNNYOt um EAd da%WPpftzt Existing Existing Continuous 8"x8° Beam " " ab"`"°°"°"` "�"4b rows,daipn aia armo.n.�a np°°F° Around Perimeter of House �M"Ad b ASSGgAY6,tic.No na<tn..°r Ad a tl~y ha i b.D � U wtZZ'irfttw e L edar Shingle Roof Living 4 X30-22 o y Hurricane Strapping s a Top of Window to Match R-19 Insulation Room Sheetrock .— o Top of Windows on South N= � �° CDX Sheathing 2x4 Wall Constructed inside Existing Wall Existing 2" Wall :y 20 Wall Constructed inside Existing Continuous 8'z8°Beam R-15 Insulation R-15 Insulation Down Entire Wall Living (2)2x6 Hdr. Cedar Siding 2" Raised Floor �° CDX Sheathing Mendota Propane Mendota Propane 2x4 Wall Constructed inside Room FV36 Natural Gas WORK NOM& Fireplace FV36 Natural Gas _ R-15 Insulation to be Installed as Hurricane Strapping Fireplace Per Manufactures Match Existing Floor Joists NOTFOR Specs. R-19 Insulation Windows are to be install 2x Box Beam OUSE UNLESS Centered Between the 2x6 ACQ Sill CERTIFIED BY Fireplace Opening and the PROFESSIONAL Front Wall of the House and 8° CMU ENGINEER Matched on Opposite Side of 2 o� oE Fireplace g o (Verify with Owner) a=o, �; 16"x 8" Conc. Ftg.- Min 3'-0" Below Final Grade PINKWATER RESIDENCE 220 FLOOR PLAN CROSS SECTION A C-ENIPO N PLACE GRENPORT,NY,11944 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1F-0" PLAN f` AS NOTED EXISTING STRUCTURE NEW STRUCTURE t1�s><■�m mn ttvttttmts u c m x talmtmu a su omtc as auaY a .oaems.o E a>twtttsaaE ratan trz a nuvmmasysFet■twnla■t�a2um■■ea �®neroa�eaoaamteau - � -Yt0■a�611+®AtEtlIJQ FEBRU M 11 2022 1MAW OP . WINDOW SCHEDULE 'M MANUFACTURER SERIES STYLE MODEL# ROUGH OPENING WINDOW DIMENSION GRILLE CONFlGURATION 6 EXTERIOR 01M COLOR Hd r.COLOR ©CWWEm ME MR ate PROMCD umm vfnetx oamstr%A mtar moot rtvetam�mE x�ruffs xo oFsas sue qtr ff FIN UK Al-01 ANDERSEN A SERIES DBL HUNG ADH2850 2-8"x 5'-0" 2-7rx 4'-11j" J" FULL DIVIDED LIGHT WHITE WHITE MITE FUNS=WL Mo oaatns,uan�va&MMR Yacstm�ca KWM PIAMS 6 U�E1o1191F1Y W BE 911tR nll BIIFII flAff ff PUB�IAtiE PERMANENT EXTERIOR Acuptmor11=tarpd=TAaft aF4otoaudWansa Ea PERMANENT INTERIOR a W Fo* p °°"`'DOL m'"m Svft�aaw NTH SPACERagi33es"`' d �� dh � �� s i �t • r• . 5 j s � � 0 ---_ -.____ ., .:...... �. . 4 _ �� -•-� ,, _ n�" �.. t �' � '. � ,: ��� s i.- ' 3 ._ Y,. .� `, ! '-; �,. �; '� � �,�� $e� S '"""� �� ��� � �, o � Q�� PPR 1� ���� �oWNo��Uo�o oMM�ss\oN Es N\S.�Da\G PP off !ll oil i{iF -: Al f -i t � �Y S+Ps r\ L� D SpV�Np�o \pN N�SSpN FP LAPR 12202? ID O . OWN OFQ � �Lo(m1�C -1 HISQOPRESERRT MISSION U N \ (1 )(\/d 3 1 vg--► -rtm� J �j,Ts w tTt► fo- L,TE G Fir—I��'. Coit 20 Ft� ,2 � '�-bs �, CI:t) 1 rte} .cwt: P FE � ECEIVE APR 12 202? ID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD sa Am yplq. . 6 ...' i!,•. t. M SSION c- a Lt '-, rt d F 4 1 �.sT IA- F.tov,�i(0 �y t� N p ►1�� C�,s i)EIJ 4�-V:L) o � (-L9 =PR21922 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION I Sod ly E t-,� Si A,1� t oP- p4� OP08W � APR 12 2022 HISTORIC P WN OF SOUTHOLD RESERVATION COMMISSION } Wb APR 2 2022 HISTORICT RESERVgTOION OLD COMMISSION i YY,: Sr' y' �v p Po`>;-rF > t � OF -t,�A P�j ZE HISTORTO yL � :; I I ,;i�l� ► il(�ifllllil��l HI�(��I��' �. 1 T: F_ I :TOW::] HIST � i rJ:, t} i f A. 'h-' �s.�•c''lv�,.:a� .rte���.•,,E OPP c i APR 2 2022 HISTORIC O ESEOFSOflTHOLD RVAT10N COMMISSION : ry x f IF �I■�� 'F F- 1 � F C;JrS( L� APR 12 2021 HISTORITow N OF SO(IT . RESERVgr101V COMMISSION t , 97� �1r-rF -T4- E- APR 12 2022 HISTO TOWN OF sour RIC PRESERVATIO HOLD N COMMISSION W !$ nl 4 rt'I AMEiii ANI . Fn � h w S L V 1 \� APR 12 2022 HIS70RIC gESERSOUTHOLD ATION COMMISSION - 7r x4 a 4- � i f L� APR 12 2022 HISTO TOWN OFSOLlTIIOLD RIC TESERVATI N COMMISSION CIRCA 1688 • O +�a, LANDMARK 0 � esti� QPM Eg�PJP�� Fuentes, Kim From: ssbn654@optonline.net Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 9:05 AM To: Fuentes, Kim Subject: Pinkwater, 220 Champlin Place, Greenport Attachments: Pinkwater House 06-01-22 #1.pdf, Pinkwater House 06-01-22 #2.pdf Kim, Attached is the Pdf of the revised plans as per the Historic Preservation Commission's request. I will brink down the 3 hard copies today. Thank you for your help. Brett Kehl Kehl Design Assoc. LLC. 265 Jasmine Lane Southold, NY 11971 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Ki Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022:8:36 AM To: 'ssbn654@loptonline.net' _ Subject: HPC Pinkwater Submittal plans Hi Brett, The HPC further discussed your proposal yesterday and asked that I pass on their recommendation: Using the list of window providers, find a window design that matches the Anderson A Series that may have a shorter delivery lead time. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation ommission 631-765-1809 imf ,',' out oldto ny. Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, IVY 11971 From: ssbn654@optonline.net<ssbn654@o tonline.net> Sent: Friday,April 15, 2022 8:48 PM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Pinkwater Submittal plans Kim, Sorry for the delay in getting these pa1pers to you. These are for the Pinkwater Residence, 220 Champlin Place, Greenport Thank You for your help i Brett Kehl Kehl Design Assoc. LLC. 265 Jasmine Lane Southold, IVY 11971 631-433-9084 ssbn654@optonline.net ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Thank You B nett ------Original Message------ From: kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us To: ssbn654@optonline.net Sent:Wednesday, April 13, 2022 8:40 AM Subject: HPC-Susan Pinkwater-675 (AKA 220) Champlin Place, Greenport Hi Brett, We received your application for the above property. See attached letter and Q & A. Please complete the Q & A and return same. The next meeting of the HPC is April 28. I can request to put you on that agenda for a pre-submission conference once we receive the completed Q & A, if you are available. Otherwise, the following meeting is May 26, 2022. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim�ac southoldtownny.gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail.P.O. Box 1179 Southold, IVY 11971 2 Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Wednesday,April 6, 2022 10:59 AM To: 'spinkwater@gmail.com' Subject: HPC Susan Pinkwater- 675 Chaplin Place, Greenport Attachments: HPC STANDARD Q&A2021 cover letter W_Q&A.pdf, HPC App. as of August 2021.pdf Hi Susan, Please see attached HPC application and Q & A. The next meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission is April 28 at 3:00 PM. Once we receive requested information, including photos of the as built improvements, I can schedule a pre-submission conference for you to meet with the Commission. Thank you. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kimrooutholdtownny.gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, IVY 11971 r . l II 1 l Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Thursday,April 14, 2022 11:41 AM To: 'ssbn654@optonline.net' Subject: HPC - Susan Pinkwater- 675 (AKA 220) Champlin Place, Greenport- Presubmission conference of April 28, 2022 at 3:00 PM Hi Brett, I forwarded the above subject application to the commission members, and they have asked that you submit 3 inch scale drawings and catalog details for the windows. The commission has also requested that you appear in person for a pre-submission conference on April 28, 2022 at 3:00 PM in the Town Hall Meeting Room. Let me know if you have any questions. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim&southoldtotivnnw.gvv Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, AT 11971 From:ssbn654@optonline.net<ssbn654@opto.nline.net> Sent:Wednesday,April 13, 2022 11:23 AM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Re: HPC-Susan Pinkwater-675 (AKA 220)Champlin Place, Greenport Kim Please put me on the schedule for the 28th of april. I will bring you the papers immediately. i Fuentes, Kim From: Mariella Ostroski <mostroski2@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 12:38 PM To: Anne Surchin;Allan Wexler; Fabriola Santana;Tara Cubie; Burke,John; Fuentes, Kim Subject: Champlin PI. Greenport Attachments: IMG_1820 jpg; ATT00001.txt; IMG_1821 jpg;ATT00002.txt ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. _t 51, Fudn$es,Rim From: ssbn654@optonline.net Sent: Sunday, May 8, 202212:53 PM To: Fuentes, Kim Subject: Re: HPC Pinkwater Submittal plans Attachments: Pinkwater Window Detail 05-08-22.pdf Kim, I am writing to you and the Historic Review Board in response to the email I received. I have called multiple dealers and they have told me that the windows you want installed in the house have a lead time of approximately 6 months. I have used all of the windows on the list you provided on various projects, but there are some I have had problems with over the years. I can not recommend some of the windows due to these concerns. Not only is the delivery time an issue, but the cost of windows in this economy has increased considerably. This increase will cause a financial hardship on my client. My client wants to do everything possible to maintain the look of the house for the time period. We would like to propose a compromise in the window series and go to the 400 Series Tilt Wash Unit by Andersen, with interior and exterior applied grilles with the spacer bar between the glass. The exterior of the window will be trimmed out with 5/4"x 4" exterior casing with a historic sill to replicate the existing units on the front of the house. We will also attempt, if possible, to pack out the casing so it will be at the same projection off the house as the window or greater. This will give the window and the casing a cohesive look for this time period. (see attached PDF) We have seen that these windows, Andersen 400 series tilt wash units, have been used in other homes that are on the Southold Town's Historic Preservation list. We will insure that they will be installed and trimmed out as the other houses that met the standards of the board. Sincerely Brett D. Kehl Kehl Design Assoc. LLC 265 Jasmine Lane Southold, NY 11971 631-433-9084 ssbn654@optonline.net i ------Original Message------ From: kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us To: ssbn654@optonline.net Sent: Friday,April 29, 2022 8:36 AM Subject: HPC Pinkwater Submittal plans Hi Brett, The HPC further discussed your proposal yesterday and asked that I pass on their recommendation: Using the list of window providers, find a window design that matches the Anderson A Series that may have a shorter delivery lead time. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim a southoldtownny.gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: ssbn654@optonline.net<ssbn654@optonline.net> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 8:48 PM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Pinkwater Submittal plans Kim, Sorry for the delay in getting these papers to you. These are for the Pinkwater Residence, 220 Champlin Place, Greenport Thank You for your help Brett Kehl Kehl Design Assoc. LLC. 2 265 Jasmine Lane Southold, NY 11971 631-433-9084 ssbn654(a.optonline.net ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 3 'G PIN, �`I Y 0 F r r AfIl P OF JCI-IN C' 1 SFGTION U) f•-f LL- No. 337 FILED OC E C}Gf z 23N 0 2 o0 LL Ir cl= 0w TOWN OF SQUTH Q \, SUr - OLK COUNTY, N S< C � TAX No. 1000-- 3 30 SCALE } ,._20r MAY 28 , 2015 AREA C)7 J 0,`(AL1 `�f ef, _ (�'ry`•, < <<4 X51 c`, 1".0 12 u, 4 - N 1";" t l- f. � 3 ' �-�, • � - - ''' Y,�c, .,� fes,. .� r-J �Vin-' 1 �'•� �.= . '-�1 F 't -'''• t'4 t r CJ. r'✓ t`, /✓ .i ` \SS 1 Yy y�-y'. rl% ,I. «J Y i �``.. _ �; t --...- ..:,�,..Y:.. � '4 ...'..vim•_ �! ",..� V ,T J -! ` '� �\ '` { t ..-Y`•1 f. .. 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OWNER(S) OF RECORD: SUSAN PINKWATER: SCTM # 1000-34-3-30 SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: 675 (aka 220) CHAMPLIN PLACE, GREENPORT , NY r.� Alterations to a single family dwelling. TIME & DATE OF HEARING: 3:40 pm - TH U RS DAY, J U N E 23, 2022 SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COM MISSION:(631 )765-1809 pur Uniq% Mariella Ostroski, Chairperson �� . nwn d ro Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin Vice Chair ® SOUTHOLD r ® 54375 Route 25 LLFWA11K PO Box 1179 vn��it Fabiola Santana z _=r ; z Southold NY 11971 Allan WexlerNo ` IND Telephone: (631)765-1809 Tara Cubie email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov Jeri Woodhouse A��azp T101 G� Sautholdll 3�C�lLt5outholdtownny.LOy Kim E. Fuentes, Coordinator LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission sets a public hearing regarding the application of SUSAN PINKWATER,request for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7 (b) of the Southold Town Code, concerning alterations to a single family dwelling at a registered landmark property located at 675 (aka 220) Champlin Place, Greenport,NY. SCTM# 1000-34-3-30, on Thursday,June 23,2022, at 3:40 PM in the Southold Town Hall Meeting Room, 53095 Main Road, Southold,NY 11971. Zoom Webinar Public access is available via the Town Website www.southoldtownny.gov calendar link. Dated: May 26, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MARIELLA OSTROSKI, CHAIRPERSON Contact: Tele: 631-765-1809 or email: kimf@southoldtownny.gov 040497 11-18-00 11-22-02 10-02-05 3 3 N 09-30-05 N.1. 074)&5 07-0&W 08-21-14 0413-18 `tel YZ 3q- 3 �N s�. N ,°P•�c1 .� J ' ( ;b Y•8 19.4 3 17.4A r a COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 00 3 a, 47A(C) 11 0. 9 �` � � `3ti'' /,�,, s� Q\' 1A� .� � gyp• � '` ON ki 1� 7 a ��•► a ran 1s` .` 9° .,�, n 9 r � : �.tF` `�/ 6 i 4 { v� , S• ,a 65,E -N 2 a 1 J �� 01 10 41 - Y P t 22 3.8A(C) cP s e 1 , s g �it yn'i Qa �C� Q� S.Q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD crL (UNDERWATER LAND) {6 q4 Ars t \ �a SA 3r 5, so cR Ty 40 A roSOTIHOLO p'1`` `° 6 SA T Nb P a �G X04• o AFL\�G ��i• - N 3".382 N 349,382 N326.&%M E2,450,34B.26 L P„P.A•r Rwure aw4wrm La No. �� s•a LhA —�� sem orry��.. --IIOI-- ,br.N OWM cre --"-- uaess T1�Pw1se.AU I—Rnes NOTICE ,t�Om,.� K TOWN OF SECTION NO °^ °�oP,„�o3RCS �� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C E D soun(o(n E o-xc1�r<mmm oxner 35 susnlem ebe4eW.N.. 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Article Number(transfer from service iabe� ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery,, ,Restricted Delivery i LI Insured Mail i°: S i i ':' /� i ' 2� .� G; ° b Insurea Mail.Restrioted Deliieryi k (/ '• :.i;JD° 666 51 (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt , ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. e RA ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X r 77ov H t so that we can return the card to you. re ee ■ Attach this card to the back.of the mailpiece, B ecalved by(Printe ame C. Da"O ry ' or on the front if space permits. 0 a 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery add ss different f o i 1? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery addre w: ❑ SaY 6b, NY 052 II I IIIIII IIII III I II I III III I I IIII III II I I II III 3. 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Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express& II IIIIII IIII III I II I III III I I II II I I I III II IIII ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered Ma!lTM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted Certified Maii& Delivery 9590 9402 7243 1284 6968 80 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery [:I Signature Signature Conflrmatlon ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation i i [I Collect on,Qejivery,Restricted iJellva i Restricted Delivery 2. Article Wribei;(transfe'fjbfV!sbrV1Pe'1a6e1) , o Ins�r is Mail,;i 1 = s @ 1':i'. i t 4 i �`� `• p Insured PAail Restricted Delivery /PA Fnrm 3811.JuIV 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt , Y 3 y � rp.. "\ .�' a �,_ }.. _, r.� -fie^".;• �,l; r 1 +�.L _ Ow ..� ., �•:, ,-I',f, 47, - po- Is loop ot 3 ,, � ti 4 � � � �r'."'kms -,� r" "`a"• f",:� see ,,� s *}l�:�z�3 .n": 4,, *�. ".ti /;t• � 1 _.- age •�" •4 , "Me. art 5 \ ,� �� i \Y��� \ +C y . a �,.. Nw .,k „eat t�M►_.t �..T. > S � �. 21. Wit tk t{ _ fi Y , G TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of: MAILINGS (Name of Applicant/Owner) ('7S(Ar-A..H2O) C1nRnxlo PLP(c.F-,G�, j eat NY SCTM No. 1000- (Address of Property) (Section,Block&Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 1, ( ) Owner, ( )C)Agent -t?>g&r 1�,, 1-<E k4 L- residing at ZGS -TmPg1 ntE I-Ar,& SOU i Hot.p 14Y New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: tk On the 7 day of Tui tE- , 2022, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in SOUT t-1ag-s ,New York,by CERTIFIED.MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll Verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. ature) Sworn to before me this day o209 Kim E.Fuentes ' Notary Public,State of New York ®uallfled In Suffolk County LIC, #01FU4811709 otary Public) I Coniminaion Sx Ires April 30 PLEASE list on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper,the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. All original USPS receipts and mailing confirmations to be submitted to the HPC Office along with this form completed, signed and notarized. From: Kreshon, CatL .-ane cathy.kreshon@town.south,,--,Lny.us Subject: mailing address's requested Date: Jun 3, 2022 at 12:25:03 PM To: Ssbn654@optonline.net 34.-3-16 Heaney John R 511 Bailey Ave Greenport, NY 11944 34.-3-17 I Klinqe Rory Rand Carol 512 Sterlinq PI ;Greenport, NY 11944 34.-3-28.2 TM DN F Revoc Trust 575 Champlin PI PC Box 452 Greenport, NY 11944 34.-3-29 Berson David 508 Sterlinq PI Greenport, NY 11944 34.-3-31 McGlinchey Christopher 735 Champlin PI Greenport, NY 11944 34.-3-36.1 Foote Nano/ L PC Box 156 Mattituck, NY 11952 34.-3-53.2 TYohiq Michael D 217 Champlin PI Greenport, NY 11944 Cathy Kreshon i, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of POSTING 'SUSArI PINY-- Pake . (Name of Applicants) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, -9!tg-cr- 'L , residing at 2(cS _TNSiM i N[X LANE ,S00TNioc-6 ,New York,being duly sworn, depose and say that: I am the ( ) Owner or(A Agent for owner of the subject property On the *IV day of TU t,4 E , 20 Z;2�I personally placed the Town's Official Poster on subject property located at: 6r7s CAS 22o) 11gLt 4 The poster shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition,the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing of -TvAges ,11 TUNE (Owner/Agent (gnature) Sworn to b ore me this Day of�� ( _ ,20 ZZ i (NWary Public) Kim E.Fuentes Notary Public,State of New York Qualified in Suffolk County LIC.#01 FU4811709 Commission Expires April 30