HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/2022 Historic Preservation Commission our Unig4 AN 2fom,bdrz,- `flm 90 LD r + N , FamCed ^' Q A 00 9FSERVAT100 Regular Meeting Minutes TOWN HALL MEETING ROOM (Via ZOOM Webinar) THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2022 at 3:00 PM Work Session: 3:00 P.M. Pre submission Conferences: 3:02 PM 1. Pinkwater, Susan - Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170- 7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property, 675 (aka 220) Champlin Place, Greenport. Proposed additions and alterations to an Existing Single Family Dwelling. SCTM No. 1000-34-3-30. • Brett Kehl, Representative, and Susan Pinkwater, Owner, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Kehl described the revision of the elevations that will include window replacement with double hung Anderson A Series. Cedar siding and roof shingles have been replaced. • Commission Surchin described the distinctions between the two Anderson Series:A and 400 and explained why Series A is preferred for traditional homes. • The applicant's representative will promptly submit revised elevations and the Commission members described the setting of a public hearing. A Motion was made to set a public hearing for June 23, 2022 by Commissioner Surchin and seconded by Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). 2. Flavin, Laura— Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of Town Code at a registered landmark property, 50705 Main Road, Southold. Proposed additions and alterations to an Existing Single Family Dwelling. SCTM No. 1000-70-1-7.1 • Anthony Portillo, Representative, appeared before the Commission and announced that pursuant to the Commissions prior suggestion that the existing historic windows are not repairable. • The representative provided specifications of the replacement wood windows that were originally approved, explained that the sills and casings are intact, and that the installation of vinyl windows was an oversight on his part. • A 1986 photograph of the house was provided by the Chairperson. • The applicant's representative will promptly provide revised elevations details, indicating the window models, sash, jamb dimensions, and schedule, by amending prior submitted plans, and the Commission members described the setting of a public hearing. A Motion was made to set a public hearing for June 23, 2022 by Commissioner Woodhouse and seconded by Commissioner Cubie. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission May 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Called to Order: 3:48 pm Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Wexler, Commissioner Cubie, and Commissioner Woodhouse. Also present: Coordinator, Kim E. Fuentes, Town Attorney John Burke, Deputy Town Attorney Damon Hagan Quorum present: Pledge of Allegiance: Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve April 28, 2022 meeting minutes by Commissioner Surchin, seconded by Commissioner Wexler,AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, and Santana, Cubie and Woodhouse. (6-0). Motion approved. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None Old Business: (3:39P.M.) . 1. Murphy Home Plaque—Chairperson Ostroski has been in contact with the prior. commissioner, Joe McCarthy on a weekly basis, is in possession of the plaque, and either Mr. McCarthy or the Chairperson will return the plaque to Peg Murphy. 2. Updates on Asch property award in progress. No Updates.Anne Surchin will again contact the property owner. 3. Tentative appearance of this Commission to the June Town Board Work Session has been postponed. The Commission discussed presenting to the Town Board proposals to the Town Code regarding fences and waterways, etc. Once proposals are complete, a meeting with the Town Board at their work session will be scheduled. 4. Potential Awards Incentives: No update 5. HPC Handbook. Revision currently in the process. It was recommended by the Deputy Town Attorney that if a quorum meets, a public notice of a Special Meeting on the Town's website is required. Changes to the Certificate of Appropriateness to be included in handbook. Handbook should be consistent to revised Town Code Chapter 170. 6. Printout of the HPC Timeline: Researched by Chairperson and discussed. Inconsistencies have been discussed in the past.. 7.' Chairperson Ostroski asked for Commissioner Woodhouse's contribution (bio). 8. The Board discussed historical preservation sites, not present on the official list that may require historical designation. The properties of Tillingham and Hanlon were discussed. The Deputy Town Attorney will research any prior resolutions and follow up. Deputy Town Attorney instructed the Commission that a prototype for adopting properties onto list is codified in Chapter.170. Chairperson Ostroski asked the Town Attorney for draft 2 Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission May 26, 2022 template for adopting properties. The Hanlon property was already approved by this Commission. Approved adopted properties do not match current public list. 9. There was a discussion about the Chief Building Inspector, Mike Verity's recommendations for Certificate of Compliance.Additionally, it was questioned whether enforcement as outlined in handbook may work efficiently based on prior applications. 10. Commissioner Cubie with provide a citation for the Model Code. 11. The coordinator will email to the Commissioners a copy of Chapter 170 in Word Format, so they may consider and draft edits and corrections. Once edited, the Commission will request that the Town Board codify. Meeting Adjourned: ,5:05 P.M. Motion to exit the public meeting and enter into Executive Session was made by Commissioner Cubie, seconded by, Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse. Motion approved. (5-0) Next HPC work session and regular meeting, with Zoom access, scheduled for June 23, 2022 in the Town Hall in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 3:00 PM. Three public hearings will be held. 3