HomeMy WebLinkAboutBedell North Fork, LLC 2022-536 � S
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Office of the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
. Southold, New York 11971-0959
Telephone : 631-765-1939
Facsimile: 631-765-6639
To: Mr. Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk
From: Melissa Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Date: June 21, 2022
Subject: Special Events —Bedell North Fork @ Corey Creek (CCV4a-b
With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original application with
committee comments and resolution of Town Board approval of event.
If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you.
Special Events Committee
Application Summary and Recommendation
Application name: Bef(d M01(WFolk, LLC
LP5q 70J'Ylrl k4t, SUS- 1d Id
n llq?J
Application number: OO V q o-- b
Date of Event: Q 10 4 q Ia4 IaOaa-
Timer f5pm 11 PM
Date Received by Town Clerk: I t5 law
Date Received by Committee: (0 15/aoa a-
Nature of Event (S): W td 11 U41
Committee Comments Received by:
Benes-ry u i ria v evMelissa Spiro
–'--�rri —
Leslie Weisman Missy Mirabelli
Chief Flatley k August Ruckdeschel- County--Jude
Heather Lanza James Easton
Mike Verity Claire Glew
> ftfDuffV-SohnItAt \C Kevin Webster
Committee Recommendation's:
Approve as applied
Approve with Additional conditions: S?-<,
Hold Public Hearing
Special Event No:-
Resolution No: _0aaa- 53(� Date: to 191 laosaa
f r
h Vy F
r 5
JUN 15 2022
l � �
Southold'Town Clerk
Town Attorney's®ff a =.Y
T �4rn-"�C-brie Cha tee�� . �¢ iib ie� ferfai<aarcicii#.a>•t = : etR�l'�ve�l>�.��.
Applications for a Special Event Permit are subject to an inter-departmental coordinated review by the
Southold Town Board,Town Attorney, Town Assessors,Larxd Preservation,Building,Planning,Zoning
Board of Appeals and Police.Departments,and the Suffolk County Path .
Ana�tacahon teri< $150.00 per application.,Up to six (6)multiple events of the same type, occurring over
a period of three months,may be permitted on one(1)application for a fee of$150.00. However,specific
details of each event must be included with this application.
Aid anrtitca ran artttr_I_ esu_�bmiti d �t least 6Q jbusp egs cl s $iefc►re the even ..A 'cant
ire en + �r� e' to siil� tf. +caftan a ar
a..sili . .
X c n" / tc�d a lrcaato that ' not subttitted 0"
t ma h re'et ' , se aC the=1 awn,eve
a aivrobtew must be submitted inwriting to the Townlerk. The Town Clerk wtll forward ali apphca�ivn5;to the Special Events Cotnrnittee for processing;
The Committee will obtain comments on all applications from relevant Town, County and/or State
agencies and will forward completed applications to the Town Board with a recommendation as to
whether to grant or deny the application.
The Town reserves the right to request additional information from an applicant to address issues r 1
to the health, safety,and welfare of the community.
Fa ated
ii'en is a errara"t
All Special Events,per Southold Town Code Article 1, Section 205-2(Definitions)must obtain a permit.
Occasional events on private residential properties hosted by the owner thereof that are by invitation such
as family gatherings, weddings, graduations, parties or not for-profit fundraisers do not require permits.
"r a <.a veri e o e
r tGe; :
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`Phis a 1"e r is deeara co e e c a l ae foliowan re i.e _etrts "a e,srs mr d tr'the To=ia,
easel tate sti ara adn o .tl5ak '
b checWit" ff^ lae oxes an s aai elft
M�A completed_atinlleatian form;signed by the owner an
Property owner's signature/approval will be rejected, d the event manager. Applications without
V' t" Cs`the application being submitted at least 60 days y before the event[ ] Yes j ]No
ff Yes, Fee of �Q,, (� has been submitted
If No,Fee of$ has been submitted
Updated 8/7/2018
V The applicant/owner of the property where the special event is proposed to take place must provide a
certifcate•of insurance;not less than 2 million dollars naming the Town of ouihold.as an additional:
FarkrnglEvent-Flan: consisting of a sun�e site plan and/or aerial view Y.s ]? iw of the subject property that -.
includes the locations of on-site parking, sanitary facilities, and tents or other temporary structure(s).
(See application form for details)
ElEvents for three hundred (300) or more people require submission.and approval of a jmffio control
plan acceptable to the Town of Southold AND a qualified traffic controller must be provided at the
event..(See application form for:details)
Signature of Proparty.Owner on the-application authorizing Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town
of Southold to enter the subject premises during the hours of the event to ensure compliance with any
and all special event permit conditions.
My signature below affirms that i have submitted all the information required above in connection
with my application.
f252 , . `
I3 rted Srgrraturc.
Activities associated with outdoor public events are strictly prohibited from taking place on land
press!ved'fhtocrglr,the sale of rleyelopotent rigjja;1o. the Ta:vri:of SauthoJd,.dnd can only take place on
laud ptesetvetl"tlalpuglt themale dfdevelopnrJeid rights to the,Coru0 ofSrrffolk with a permit issued by
tlre �irffolk�Carrrtt�aFnrirtlariilt~anaiiiitt¢i„ '
If food is to be served, it crust be catered and prepared off-site by food vendors who hold a permit to
operate issued by the Suffolk County Bureau of Public Health Food Protection Unit.
Updated 8/7/2018
l?iease orovide.lt,LL•of the informatcon requested Iieloiy'Incoiri tete appricatioris VWIZ,]L IV®'[ be
Special Event Permit#. Applicant(s)ttarnt �
'Date of Submission (,0115 /ZZName of Event t rt CA111-CA
SCTM#'s 1000-Section —15 Block- Lot(s);
Dates of Each Event: 1 z f Z t{ ' Z 2
If Multiple Dates are requested,applicant must give all information for all dates.
Nature of Event:
(Please:nttdac- a detailed description of EACH event to this application)
Time Period(Hours)of Event: From 5 to,...
Town Services requested: ( )Yes (�No If yes,Describe Police Dept._Highway Dept.
Describe Services
Maximum Number of Persons Attending At One Time: I DO Numbcr of cars expected
Is a Tent or other tempotary structure being used?j ]Yes[ ]No If yes provide size(s)
Will food be served?[VYes [ ]No If yes provide number and name(s)of food vendor(s)
Updated 8M2018
Suffolk County permit#(s)'
Will other vendors be on the premises during the event?[ yes [ ]No If yes how many? Describe
Type of vendor(s)
Property Owner(name/address : r m cls i(
) Ip
to t(Vti1 nuc N
Contact Person and Contact Tel.# }
Gym est ,(
e-mail address �Q' '` {�',�_g(1 ( u�.t'k
Event Location:Street-Hamlet Address:45
Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to
Have any of the deve'loptient rights been,sold to the Town of.'Southold No and/or Suffolk
County Agricultural$rogrkm? [ ]yes [ ]No if ves to either'or both also irid'cate on the
attached»lari_tli boundarnes of:the-rese?ved area t pn:ivhich`:the event will't enlace:
EVER C T" IA CE YS 300 06t lt%1 EOPLE >1'OU MUSTA Sf} '�. '
TitAtr'Fict-ONT O Pl AN={see next 9494 _ ...
A;1'ark nir/Event Plari:may be-a survc ,sit6 Dlan and/or a6 hil vietiv{for examlile_Coogle,Earfhl of:
t_Ite�ubiecupronery iNJj CATEO_1V E-PtANA-L L'nf'thefolloivinginformation.
A parking/event plan showing:
(1) The size of the property and its Iocation in relation to abutting streets or highways.
(2) The size and location of any existing building(s)or structure(s)that will be in operation
during the course of the event and any proposed building,structure,or signs to be erected
temporarily for the event.
(3) The location of the stage or tents, if any.
(4) The designated areas of use for spectators,exhibitors,vendors,employees and
(5) Location of all entries and exits.
(6) The Iocation of all fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment.
(7) - The location of all temporary utilities to be installed for the event, if any.
(8) The layout of any parking area for automobiles and other vehicles and the means of
ingress and egress for such parking areas. The parking spaces must allow for 300 sq. ft.
per car.
(9) A tra�C conttol,plan for vehicles entering and'leaving.-the site;.fOr-tlie,:prbpoted event.
(10) Platt for.:the itsc cif hve.outdoor-tnuste,laudspeakers arid'otlrter sottnds;whicli will be used,
ifany and the type and'location of'speakers,and other audio equipment
(11) A description of emergency access and facilities related to the event.
(12) Provisions to dispose of any garbage, trash,rubbish or other refuse.
(13) Location and description of any additional lighting to be utilized in conjunction with the
Updated 8/7/2018
(14) Location of sanitary facilities on site. n
Traffic CortrorIlan
Events_for three hundred(300)outhbre people also�raquire submission and approval of a traffic control
plan,acceptable to thc•Town ofSauthold,AND 3,avalified='traffic ciinhatlermusC b p Quid' Please
attached a`-written dese'ription,and/dr_no atc on the:parkiiig eveiit:plan the fo(lowing;.I)''Vfho will be
conducting traffic,�).Wliere,they will be,stationed on site;3)How they will direct the entrance,
cirGulaCiiin,parlatg,and exiting®f cars cn site,aitd`4)Contact information for use by Southold Town
1?oIice.. -
:OtifilF{2"as 4rG11��TLFR,�; i
I ant the Owner of the Property where this event is to be held and I agree to comply with the laws,
t rFles,regulations corxdrfona,arrdrequirements of the Code of the'Townof Sortt{roltf,irtclltctrtrg but
tint lifni ithe conclrtrdns listed below;as well as all pgjo applicable agenG3r:r utes and xegujat grrs
pertaining to the aetrvrtcesunder this event Furthermore,I hereby swear or afrin that the
fr far'rngtiort catrtnitred Herein and aftachmenis hereio are true and rorrket10 the best of rsi}i knon!letlge,. 3
and agree to proti devrotice".'to the Tdivir:iniruediately should there be drry-material chang'iegarrling, r
to, flus ttpplieaficri:.,
Furthermore,I hereby authorize Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town of Southold to enter the
property during the hours of the permitted special event to make any and all-irr ecd6frs necessary in
;conneWNI with this Special Event.
Print name of Owner Signature of Owner
2d Person/Representative name of S.lgnaty cifAu{ rtzsd I'ersti l2epresentative,
PL RMTSSTCDN T4"1 REt„1 LYRA i�i`ED;SI IB Il'CTTO 1441?F6L,LC3 t'ttllttG C 0M,ftIt}NIS:
1. By acceptance of this permit, applicant agrees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to be on
the premises or at another site, and to provide parking assistants and any additional traffic controls
necessary for this event Paring is•stiictiy nmt,i6ited cin A2 'Tiip° Caiinty or Mate ltna(1 or$i is of
2. Traffic coritrgl-at events-for,three fiutidred(3ba};:or more:people shall be provided by a qualified traffic
controller-in accordance with ft-attached;appr6 ed'tr"affic.confi!ol P4
3. One 'oi premises sign not larger than,six (6);square;feet in size may lie drsplai'-d not longer than
thirty (30)'days before this event.-and removed'immediately after the event- Drrectianal parkln ,signs
shall be adequately displayed.
4. Applicant lii&mnif cs and:holds,han iless the T6WA of Southold from all claims,damages; expenses,
suits.and losses includrng;burnot limited to attorney's#ees arising activities under thf.s pernitit:
5. Tent,proposals.must receive permit approv I
cemfrom the Southold Town Building Inspector before
plaent;on the property"and must meet all.fire.and safety codes.
valid:only fol,thc-time,date, place and use specified above 4hd'for the designated
event Each additional day:will require;a sepaiate.permit application,,fee, and,related documents for
f review,.etG;-&i l�s�(�0 basilicas days`l�rtrn•tri tt,n�isheclnlcil'cvent.
7. Adequate temporary sanitary facilities must be pf.oVided;by applicant for this event and applicant
agrees to remove the temporary facilities from the prenvsb$' thin 48 hours after the day of tltc>event.
Updated 817/20I8
8. On-site food preparation is NOT permitted, although food may be catered subject to all Suffolk
County Department of Health regulations.
9. Nilactiyit ess associated with-this event including-but not linmited to Barking -ingress/e ressfaeces.
Ientfsl.or-temporary structure(s)._oor:terriporarv;sanitary facilif 4s shall.be eonducfed on Town of•goufholdt
Puhase-of`Deyelo' mentRighttland_ '
10.NO activiiies associated with,tliis':event iiucltidina but not limited to`narking ngressfegress/access
tent " r. m ora' s t ort ra . a uta, fa 'I+i" shall'be.c nducte Suff rk C hly
tp_&c. ase of Devel4p.�e t iglus 611d, w�l out, 'a permit issued by t}ie Suffotic purity' RiJIDJan i
Committee. __ ,
11.Issuance of this permit does not authorize in any manner the occupancy of any building exceeding the
legal limitations under the fire code or other codes which would prohibit such increased occupancy. s
12. Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles,to all public assembly areas, all buildings,all work
areas and any additional area where emergencies may occur. Two emergency-fire exits and exit paths
from the building(s) on the property, to a public way or remote safe area, shall remain open and
unobstructed at all times.
13. Owner assures Rill compliance with all fire,safety,building,and other Town laws.
14. Music,when outdoors,is required to stop at the time specified in the permit.Placement of the
speakers must be in a location that affords the greatest protection from noise intrusion upon adjacent
15. Owner will allow access to Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town of Southold during the
hours of the special event to make any and all inspections necessary in connection with this
Special Event
APPROVED Town of Southold
Resolution Number: Date Issued: ,
Updated 8/7/2018
1.Property size is 2.2 acres.Approx.200ft,from
Rt.25/Main Road.
, 2.
Existing structure=61'x 38'
' Tent=40'x 60'
Cook Tent=20'x 20'
3.See aerial diagram
g 4.See aerial diagram r
x r
5,Open space, multiple exits,See diagram for
6.Two(2)located In tent, (3)located inside
existing structure.Five(5)fire extinguishers,total:
at 7.No temporary utilities will be installed
8.See diagram, parking area and ingresstegress
outlined In red.Par irig
' k. areaIs 75'x 210'and can
y accommodate 52 vehicles(300 sq.ft. per vehicle). '
9. Parking attendants stationed at Rt.25
" °. :N*•" entrance, driveway/parking entrance, additional in
' parking area
M 10. Speakers and music equipment located in
tent,see diagram. Equipment requires use of
2 x 20amp breakers.
11. Emergency access will be available from Rt.
25 entrance, ingresslegress defined,and use of
driveway that wraps around the building.
12.Garbage,glassyand cardboard receptacles
are located on the west side of the existing
7 1 +
13.No additional lighting will be utilized In
Y; 7 conjunction with the event.
ztr [ �; 14.Sanitary facilities are located inside the
existing structure.There will also be a trailer
t i
bathroom unit on the lawn.
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Additional Information for Corey Creeks Application
Saturday September 10th
Nature of Event: Wedding
Event Hours: 51?M-11 PM
Catering:Christopher Micheal PT0006206
Parking: The clients will be busing the majority of their guest from the Riverehad hotels to Corey
Creek. There will be a maximum of fifty cars, all to be parked on the property. The buses
themselves will not remain on-site.
Saturday September 24th
Nature of Event: Wedding
Event Hours: 5pm-11 pm
Catering: Irish Coffee Pub PT0000930
Parking:The clients will be busing the majority of their guest from the Riverhead hotels to Corey
Creek. There will be a maximum of fifty cars, all to be parked on the property. The buses
themselves will not remain on-site.
Town of Southold.
P:O Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
* * * RECEIPT* * *
Date: 06/1.5/22 Receipt#: 301259
Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal
1 Event Fee -- 9.10,2022 $150.00
Total Paid: $150.00
Payment Type 4 Amount Paid By
Credit Card-Ref# $150.00 Bedell, Cellars
Southold Town.Clerk's Office
53095 Main:Road, PO Box 1179
Southold, 'NY 11971
r ,
Name: Bedell, Cellars
36225 Main Road
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Clerk ID: DENISN internal ID:9.10.2022
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Spiro, Melissa
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 2:44 PM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Bedell Cellars (Corey Creek) is not subject to a Town Easement.
Part of the property is subject to County PDR.
The County has reviewed and signed off on the other requests, so I'm assuming they will review this one too.
Melissa Spiro
From: Mirabelli, Melissa
Sent:Wednesday,June 15, 20221:33 PM
To;Spiro, Melissa <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.ny.us>; Easton,James<jamese@southoldtownny.gov>;Webster,
Kevin<kevin.webster@town.southold.ny.us>; Glew,Claire<Claire.Glees@town.southold.ny.us>; Killean,Jade
<Jade.KiIlea n@suffolkcountyny.gov>;Amakawa,Andrew<Andrew.Amakawa@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Cc: Ruckdeschel,August<August.Ruckdeschel@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send me any and all questions/comments .Thank you
Afelissa M. Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Glew, Claire
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 2:39 PM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
There are no exemptions on this parcel.
Assistant to Assessor
Town of Southold
Board of Assessors
(631)765-1937 Phone
(631)765-1356 Fax
From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent:Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:33 PM
To:Spiro, Melissa <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.ny.us>; Easton,James<jamese@southoldtownny.gov>;Webster,
Kevin<kevin.webster@town.southold.ny.us>; Glew, Claire<Claire.Glew@town.southold.ny.us>; Killean,Jade
<Jade.Killean @suffolkcountyny.gov>;Amakawa,Andrew<Andrew.Amakawa@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Cc: Ruckdeschel,August<August.Ruckdeschel@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send me any and all questions/comments .Thank you
Melissa IVf. irabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Flatley, Martin
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 2:12 PM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
I have no objections to these events being approved.
Martin Flatley, Chief of Police
Town of Southold Police Department
41405 State Route 25
Peconic, N.Y. 11958
Tel: 631-765-3115
The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s)and
may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,retransmission, conversion to hard copy.copying,reproduction,circulation,publication,
dissemination or other use of,or taking of any action, or omission to take action,in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than
the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. if you have received this communication in error,please(i)notify us immediately by telephone at
631.765.2600, (ii)return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U.S.Postal Service, and(iii)delete the message and any
material attached thereto from any computer,disk drive,diskette,or other storage device or media.
From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent:Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:31 PM
To:Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather
<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>;Weisman, Leslie<lesliew@town.southold.ny.us>; Burke,John
<joh n bu @so utholdtown ny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send any and all comments to me please and thank you
Melissa M Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
Fax (631)765-6639
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission.and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:43 PM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa;Verity, Mike; Flatley, Martin;Weisman, Leslie; Burke,John
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Looks Ok to me.
From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:31 PM
To:Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather
<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>;Weisman, Leslie<lesliew@town.southold.ny.us>; Burke,John
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send any and all comments to me please and thank you
-?- .n
.Melissa M. i .irabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
Fax (631)765-6639
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Easton,James
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 1:54 PM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
I have no objection to this event taking place.
Thank you,
James Easton
Fire Marshal
(V) 631-765-1802
PRIVELEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by privilege. If you are not the
intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution,or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message.
From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:33 PM
To:Spiro, Melissa<Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.ny.us>; Easton,James<jamese@southoldtownny.gov>;Webster,
Kevin<kevin.webster@town.southold.ny.us>; Glew, Claire<Claire.Glew@town.southold.ny.us>; Killean,Jade
<Jade.Killean@suffolkcountyny.gov>;Amakawa,Andrew<And rew.Ama kawa @ suffol kco untyny.gov>
Cc: Ruckdeschel,August<August.Ruckdeschel@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send me any and all questions/comments .Thank you
Melissa III Afirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Leslie Weisman <lesliekweisman@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 3:23 PM
To: Lanza, Heather
Cc: Mirabelli, Melissa;Verity, Mike; Flatley, Martin;Weisman, Leslie; Burke,John
Subject: Re: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Same as usual. Leslie
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 15, 2022, at 1:42 PM, Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southoId.ny.us>wrote:
Looks Ok to me.
From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent: Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:31 PM
To:Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>;
Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>;Weisman, Leslie
<lesliew@town.southold.ny.us>; Burke,John<johnbu@southoldtownny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Please send any and all comments to me please and thank you
Melissa M.Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Killean,Jade <Jade.Killean@suffolkcountyny.gov>
Sent: Thursday,June 16, 2022 10:31 AM
To: Mirabelli, Melissa
Cc: Ruckdeschel,August;Amakawa, Andrew
Subject: RE: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
Hi Missy,
The proposed Corey Creek Wedding Special Events do not appear to have an impact on the adjacent County PDR
property(on SCTM lot# 1000-075.00-06.00-009.007). Therefore,we do not have an objection to this Special Event as
long as the adjacent County PDR property is not being used for parking, improvements and activities associated with this
,jade XilCean
Suffolk County
Dept.of Economic Development&Planning
Division of Planning&Environment
100 Veterans Memorial Highway,211 Floor
Hauppauge,NY 11788
631-853-6044 Tel
f3 1.1
p r a c t i c e G R E E N
Save a tree.Read;don't print,emai(s.
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notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message.
X Vaccination = Freedom from COVID-19
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From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent:Wednesday,June 15, 2022 1:33 PM
To:Spiro, Melissa <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.ny.us>; Easton,James<jamese@southoldtownny.gov>;
Webster, Kevin<kevin.webster@town.southold.ny.us>; Glew, Claire<Claire.Glew@town.southold.ny.us>;
<Andrew.Amakawa @suffolkcountyny.gov>
Cc: Ruckdeschel, August<August.Ruckdeschel @suffolkcountyny.gov>
Subject: Corey Creek Weddings Special Event
ATTENTION: This email came from an_external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown
senders or unexpected emails.
Please send me any and all questions/comments .Thank you
Melissa M.Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 ( Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
Fax (631)765-6639
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
Mirabelli, Melissa
From: Mirabelli, Melissa
Sent: Thursday,June 16, 2022 4:36 PM
To: Rudder, Lynda; Noncarrow, Denis
Subject: Bedell North Fork (Corey Creek Wedding) CCV4a-b reso to be added
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Bedell North Fork, LLC to hold
Special Event 2022-_ at Corey Creek,45470 Main Road,Southold, New York as applied for in Application CCV4a-b for
Weddings: September 10 and September 24, 2022 from 5PM-11PM
These events are approved with the following conditions:
1. All parking of vehicles for this event must be as shown on the plan submitted with the special event
2. No parking for this event is permitted on land where development rights have been sold to the Town.
Provided they adhere to ALL conditions on the application, permit and to the Town of Southold Policy for Special Events
and subject to the applicant's compliance with all executive orders of the State of New York. This permit is subject to
revocation if the applicant fails to comply with any of the conditions of the approval or is unable to properly control
traffic flow into and out of the event.
Melissa Al Mirabelli
Secretary to the Town Attorney
Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 Route 25 (Main RD)
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Office (631) 765-1939
This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
believe that you have received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply
transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
JUNE 21,2022:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Bedell North Fork,
LLC to hold Special Event 2022-37 at Corey Creek,45470 Main Road,Southold, New York as applied for
in Application CCV4a-b for Weddings: September 10 and September 24, 2022 from 5PM-11PM
These events are approved with the following conditions:
1. All parking of vehicles for this event must be as shown on the plan submitted with the special
event application.
2. No parking for this event is permitted on land where development rights have been sold to the
Provided they adhere to ALL conditions on the application, permit and to the Town of Southold Policy
for Special Events and subject to the applicant's compliance with all executive orders of the State of New
York. This permit is subject to revocation if the applicant fails to comply with any of the conditions of
the approval or is unable to properly control traffic flow into and out of the event.
Denis Noncarrow
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Brian O. Mealy, Councilman
SECONDER:Sarah E. Nappa, Councilwoman
AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell
. r ,
JUN 1 5
Southold'down Clerk
own ode Chanter 205 "Public Entertai ment and �'nPrial Events"
Applications for a Special Event Permit are subject to an inter-departmental coordinated review by the
Southold Town Board, Town Attorney, Town Assessors,Land Preservation,Building, Planning,Zoning
Board of Appeals and Police Departments,and the Suffolk County Planning Commission.
g g
Anulication fee
: $150.00 per application.,Up to six (6) multiple events of the same type, occurringover
a period of three months, may be permitted on one 1 application for a fee of$I50.00. Hp
owever, specific
details of each event must be included with this application.
11 a lications must be submitted t east 60 b siness da s before the event. A Lica
are en_ caged to submit an** is
lications as early a nnc�i le
Anv cn��tnlete_� lication t at is not bmitted 0
event ma be re'ected or suior
'est t a late rocessin fee of 250.00 b s t e Officre of the Town Cle'k
unless a waiver is obtained. Requesting an expedited review must be submitted in writing to the Town
Clerk. The Town Clerk will forward all applications to the Special Events Committee for processing.
The Committee will obtain comments on all applications from relevant Town, Countyand/or
agencies and will forward completed applications to the Town Board with a recomm ndat' State
whether to grant or deny the application. ion as to
The Town reserves the right to request additional information from an applicant to address issues related
to the health,safety,and welfare of the community.
When is a PerMi n
All Special Events,per Southold Town Code Article I,Section 205-2 (Definitions)must obtain a permit.
Occasional events on private residential properties hosted by the owner thereof that are by invitation such
as family gatherings, weddings, graduations, parties or not-for-profit fundraisers do not require permits.
Any use of residential property for profit s11c
as a venue for w e drill s or 170 a
This application i deemed complete o ce a the followin re 're ents re submitted t
VJerk: Plea a indicate su mission of the oto b ch kin off he xe a d si pin el w own
A completed annlication form signed b the
Y owner and the event manager. Applications without
property owner's signature/approval will be rejected.
LEEIs the application being submitted at least 60 days before the event[ ] Yes [ ]No
5/Yes, Fee of$ has been
If No,Fee of$ has been submitted
Updated 8/7/2018
D/The applicant/owner of the property where the special event is proposed to'take place mustp rovide a
certificate of Insurance not less than 2 million dollars naming the Town of Southold as an additional
Parking/Event Plan: consisting of a survey, site plan and/or aerial view of the subjectro ert that
Includes the locations of on-site parking, sanitary facilities, and tents or other temporary structure(s).
(See application form for details)
ElEvents for three hundred (300) or more people require submission and approval of a traffic control
ilia acceptable to the Town of Southold AND a qualified traffic controller must be provided at the
event. (See application form for details)
Signature of Property Owner on the application authorizing Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town
of Southold to enter the subject premises during the hours of the event to ensure compliance with any
and all special event permit conditions.
My signature below affirms that I have submitted all the information required above in connection
with my application.
DYted I Srg»ature
Activities associated with outdoor public events are strictly prohibited from takiirg place on laird
preserved through the sale of development rights to the Town of Southold, and can only take place on
land preserved through the sale of development rights to the County of Suffolk with a permit issued by
the Suffolk County Farmland Committee.
If food is to be served, it must be catered and prepared off-site by food vendors ivho hold a permit to
operate issued by the Suffolk County Bureau of Public Health Food Protection Unit.
Updated 8/7/2018
Please provide ALL of the information requested below Incomplete applications WILL NOT be
Special Event Permit# Applicant(s)name:_R- ell kor--h PU A
Date of Submission (0 IJ5 I Z?—Name of Event Cat K W 9&&f n
SCTM#'s 1000-Section Block- Lot(s)
Dates of Each Event: u '2 ' q:j Z 2
If Multiple Dates are requested,applicant must give all infonnation for all dates.
Nature of Event: W t M i n
(Please attach a detailed description of EACH event to this application)
Time Period(Hours) of Event: From 5 PM to 11 em
Town Services requested: ( )Yes (yrNo If yes, Describe Police Dept._Highway Dept.
Describe Set-vices
Maximum Number of Persons Attending At One Time:100 Number of cars expected 10
Is a Tent or other temporary structure being used? [ ] Yes [ ]No If yes provide size(s)
R I CG'tA.Q &et Ca
Will food be served?[ Yes [ ]No If yes provide number and name(s)of food vendors) Phu
Updated 8/7/2018
Suffolk County permit#(s)
Will other vendors be on the premises during the event?[V<Yes [ ]No If yes how many? Describe
Type of vendor(s)
Property Owner(name/address): T'. re- %-2 lir 3[. Z Z,� Il153-1
hnpm us i c
Contact Person and Contact Tel.# �� "� 3 J l 1
e-mail address 401fY1C�P �fl,
Event Location:Street-Hamlet Address: YNo W Q
1 lyG11 t� �` SCTM
Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to: A-"Q 4 Z Z ® �
(Auk e
Have any of the development rights been sold to the Town of Southold[ ] Yes [ ]No and/or Suffolk
County Agricultural Program? [ ] Yes [ ] No if yes to either or both also indicate on the
attached plan the boundaries of the reserved area upon which the event will take place
TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (see next page)
A Parking/Event Plan may be a survey site plan and/or aerial view (for example Google Earthy of
the subject )roper t 7.INDICATE ON THE PLANA L of the following information
A parking/event plan showing:
(1) The size of the property and its location in relation to abutting streets or highways.
(2) The size and location of any existing building(s)or structure(s)that will be in operation
during the course of the event and any proposed building,structure,or signs to be erected
temporarily for the event.
(3) The location of the stage or tents, if any.
(4) The designated areas of use for spectators, exhibitors,vendors, employees and
(5) Location of all entries and exits.
(6) The location of all fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment.
(7) The location of all temporary utilities to be installed for the event, if any.
(8) The layout of any parking area for automobiles and other vehicles and the means of
ingress and egress for such parking areas. The parking spaces must allow for 300 sq. ft.
per car.
(9) A traffic control plan for vehicles entering and leaving the site for the proposed event.
(10) Plan for the use of live outdoor music, loudspeakers and other sounds which will be used,
if any,and the type and location of speakers and other audio equipment.
(]1) A description of emergency access and facilities related to the event.
(12) Provisions to dispose of any garbage, trash,rubbish or other refuse.
(13) Location and description of any additional lighting to be utilized in conjunction with the
Updated 8/7/2018
(I4) Location of sanitary facilities on site.
Traffic Control Plan
Events for three hundred(300)or more people also require submission and approval of a traffic control
plait,acceptable to the Town of Southold,AND a auali ted traffic controller must be provided Please
attached a written description and/or notate on the parking event plan the following: 1)Who will be
conducting traffic,2)Where they will be stationed on site,3)How they will direct the entrance,
circulation,parking,and exiting of cars on site,and 4)Contact information for use by Southold Town
I am-the Owner of the Property where this event is to be held and I agree to comply with the laws,
rules,regulations,conditions,and requiresrents of the Code of the Town of Southold,including but
not limited to the conditions listed below,as well as all other applicable agency rules and regulations
pertaining to the activities under this event. Furthermore,I hereby swear or affirm that the
information contained hereinand attachments hereto are true and correct to the best.of my knowledge,
and agree,to provide notice to the Town immediately should there be any material changes regarding
to this application.
Furthermore,I hereby authorize Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town of Southold to enter the
property during the hours of the permitted special event to make any and all in ections necessary in
connectionwith this Special Event.
Print name of Owner Signature of Owner
Print.name of lorized Person/Representative Signatr of Aut rized Perso epresentative
1. By acceptance of this permit, applicant agrees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to be on
the premises or at another site, and to provide parking- assistants and any additional traffic controls
necessary for this event. Parking is strictly prohibited on ANY TownCounty or State Roads or Rights of
2. Traffic control at events for three hundred(300)or more people shall be provided by a qualified traffic
controller in,accordance with the attached,approved traffic control plan.
3. One "on-premises" sign not larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer than
thirty (30) days before this event, and removed immediately after the event. Directional parking signs
shall be adequately displayed.
4. Applicant indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of Southold from all claims, damages, expenses,
suits and losses including but not limited to attorney's fees arising from activities under this permit.
5. Tent proposals must receive permit approval from the Southold Town Building Inspector before
placement on the property and must meet all fire and safety codes.
6. This permit is valid only for the time, date, place and use specified above, and for the designated
event. Each additional day will require a separate permit application, fee, and related documents for
review,etc.at least 60 business days prior to the scbeduled event.
7. Adequate temporary sanitary facilities must be provided by applicant for this event and applicant
agrees to remove the teinporary facilities from the premises within 48 hours after the day of the event.
Updated 8/7/2018
8. On-site food preparation is NOT permitted, although food may be catered subject to all Suffolk
County Department of Health regulations.
9. NO activities associated with this event including but not limited to parking, ingress/egress/access,
tent(s) or temporary struct„re(s). or temporary sanitary facilities. shall be conducted on Town of Southold
Purchase of Development Rights land.
10. NO activities associated with this event including but not limited to-par kingingress/egress/access,
tent(s) or temporary structure(s), or temporary sanitary facilities, shall be conducted on Suffolk County
Purchase of Development Rights land without a permit issued by the Suffolk County Fannland
11. Issuance of this pernlit does not authorize in any manner the occupancy of any building exceeding the
legal limitations under the fire code or other codes which would prohibit such increased occupancy.
12. Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles, to all public assembly areas, all buildings, all work
areas and any additional area where emergencies may occur. Two emergency-fire exits and exit paths
from the building(s) on the property, to a public way or remote safe area, shall remain open and
unobstructed at all times.
13. Owner assures fiill compliance with all fire,safety,building,and other Town laws.
14. Music,when outdoors, is required to stop at the time specified in the permit. Placement of the
speakers must be in a location that affords the greatest protection from noise intrusion upon adjacent
15. Owner will allow access to Code Enforcement Personnel of the Town of Southold during the
hours of the special event to make any and all inspections necessary in connection with this
Special Event.
APPROVED Town of Southold
Resolution Number: Date Issued:
Updated 8/7/2018
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Additional Information for Corey Creeks Application
Saturday September 10th
Nature of Event: Wedding
Event Hours: 50M-11 PM
Catering:Christopher Micheal PT0006206
Parking: The clients will be busing the majority of their guest from the Riverehad hotels to Corey
Creek. There will be a maximum of fifty cars, all to be parked on the property. The buses
themselves will not remain on-site.
Saturday September 24th
Nature of Event: Wedding
Event Hours: 5pm-11 pm
Catering: Irish Coffee Pub PT0000930
Parking: The clients will be busing the majority of their guest from the Riverhead hotels to Corey
Creek. There will be a maximum of fifty cars, all to be parked on the property. The buses
themselves will not remain on-site.
Town of Southold
P.O Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
* * * RECEIPT * * *
Date: 06/15/22 Receipt#: 301259
Quantity Transactions _ Reference. Subtotal
1 Event Fee 9.10.2022 $150.00
Total Paid: $150.00
Payment Type Amount Paid By
Credit Card-Ref# $150.00 Bedell, Cellars
Southold Town Clerk's Office
53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Name: Bedell, Cellars
36225 Main Road
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Clerk ID: DENISN Internal ID:9.10.2022