HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORTH, WILLIAM L 19~2, between TOWN OF $OU~HOL~D~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York~ by a majority of its duly elected Trustees a~d by virtue of Chapter 61~ of the Laws of the State of New York, passed in 1893, and pursuant to a written resolution adopted by a majorit~ of the Board of Trustees of said Towm of Southold~ at a meeting held pursuan~ to notice duly given to all the members thareof, on the~~day of ~ ~ 19~ party of the first part~ and WILLI~2~ L. WORTH~ party of the second part, WITNES~ETH, the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of ~/O~ ~ ~ duly paid to the p~ty of the first part, before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby duly acknowledged, has granted and does hereby grant unto the said party of the second part~ his heirs and assigns forever~ permission to dredge in front of and adjacent to premises of William L~ Worth fronting on Goldsmith, s Inlet, Peconic~ to a depth of five feet and a width of twenty feet, and to deposit said fill on the southerly side of premises of William L~ Worth upon that portion now occupied~ by a twenty foot lagoon~ it being the intention of the parties hereto that the said William L~ Worth shall have the right and privilege to dredge in front of his property fronting on Goldsmith~'s Inlet as aforesaid ~nd to fill in the aforesaid lagoon~ Subject, however, to the public right of navigation and sub- ject to the ri~ht of the public to pass and repass along that portion of the ~each between low and high water mark~ On conditior~ however~ that the party of th~ second part will~old the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless~.aud free from any and all damagss and claims arisLug under or b~ virtue of said dredging~ IN WITNESS YYHEREOF~ the said Tc~m of Southold~ party of the first part~ has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town~ caused its corporate seal to b~ h~re~to ~fix~d~ ~d th~ss presents to bo subscribed by a majority of said Board of Trustees the day and y~ar above ~~~ L~) STATE OF t~W YOR2~, 00UNTY OF S.~F OLK~ ~ ' of Greenport~ N.Y,~ LYLE F~ TUT~LL~ personally c~e ~ON~ DEA~, of Ori~nt~ N~Y~ ALVAH B. GOLDSI~TH, of $outhold~ N.Y. ~ JO~ ~McNULTY~ of La~el, N.Y~ ~d FRAI~ DAWSON, of New Suffolk~ N.Y~ ~ all ersonallv ~own to me, who being by mo duly sworn, se~v~rally ~folk ~d Stat~ of New Yorx~ and w~re me~?r~ ~f the Bo~d ~ Truste~s of said To~ of SoUthold ~ cons~'~suoem a major~oy cz the sam~ that they ~ew th~ corporate seal of said Town of Southold~ that the s~al ~fixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate of Trustees s~al) that it ~as affixed thers~to by order of th.e board ~of said To%~n o~ $out~ld and that each on~ si~ued his name t~reto :as a Truste~ and by like ord~r~ ~ a Suffolk County, Eot ry Public, :l Foun~er~ L~nc~inG, $ouE'hol~, ~.on~ gsl~nc~, N.Y. Telephone $outh©gd 3729 March 20~ i948 Mr, E~mmor_s Dean Greeroort New York Dear Mr. Dean: I am ~nclosing a copy of ~'letter wi~ich was handed to me this week oy 1.~.~r~~q~t~ T~his letter ~as 'signed by the di'~idua!~ ~mose nmme~~ ~Pear on the copy, I am sub~tting this letter for your information to the end that definite action may be teJ~en at our next meeting. You are hereby notified that there ~iI be a meeti~g of the Southold To~m Trustees at the To~;~m Clerk~s Office at ! on Sa~.rday~ ~arch 27th for the purpose of f -~ ' cons_aermng this and other matters ~£aich may come before the meetiz~. Very truly yours~ AB~/dem A, B. Goldsmith Encl. i See%held ~ ~fO rk ~ Rus scl D~ Tuthi!l H~i E. Tuti~il~ Beneficiary Vesta Dellmer ~' Philip W. Tut!xtii ~ Gent !e;aen: - Pursuant to the advice of f!,ifredT?~ker~ 8ueerintendant oldie !qarine ~istrict~ ~'~Y.State~ and after consultation with. the NN~ ~ioar{]~ - herewith make a~o'elication for a lease of ,creek bottom in front of my ~rovervy on the Oolds~ith ln'!et Cre~k ~'~. -- V ~oYember 20~ 1944 Mr, Fred Tabor Or i~ nt Long Island Dear !~m. Tabor: A meeting of th~ Town Trustess has bsen catlsd for Saturday, November ~5%h, 1944 at P.2{. at %he Town Clerk~s Office in Sou~ho~d~ ~e pu, i~o s of the m~etin~ Is to consider tbs applic~.tion of !~r. Courtland '~orth for the t~ase of I~ under water at Gold~ith Iniet~ Pe~oni~ Inspection of th~ propsrty will be ~.d~ follo%~Ing the meeting at the Town Clerk's Offic~ ~ Co~iatly yo~s ~ Alv~ B. Gotd~Ith IN THE MATTER OF TPI~ APPLICATION OF : TO Ti-~ TOWN TRUSTEES OF TY~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: THE U~TDERSiGNED DOES i-~'~P~BY REQUEST From the Southotd Town Trustees (a) permission to dredge ~ (b) permission to erect a dock (c) a grant of land under water