HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOHLBERG, JOHN JOHN H. WOHLBERG P.O. BOX 1607 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 September t6, i986o Town Of Southold~ Board Of Trustees, ~ain Road~ Southold, N~ Y. 11971 Gentlemen: On August 18~ 1986 i sent you a cop~ of letter i sent to the Suffolk County Department Of Public ~or~s complaining of the County Bulkhead on our property and Jockey Creek, which was installed when the Jockey Creek ~ridge was built in 1935. I am happy to advise you that Suffolk County has patched up the bulkhead so the soil does not wash into Jockey Cree~. This w~s done on ~onday September 15~ ~any thanks for the assistance you ha~e given me in th~s matter° A Copy o~ my letter to the Suffolk County Department of Public ~orks acknowledging these reRairs is attached~ Very truly yours~i ~ ,, _ JOHN H. WOHLBERG P.O. BOX 1607 2750 Oaklawn Ave. SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK 11971 ('516') 765-1934 September 16, 19~bo ~r, ,~iiilaUJ Lifort, ~uffomK County Department Of rubiic Yapnan~ ~venue, Yaphanm, ~- Y. 11900 Dear Mr. Lif~rt: Many thanks for repairino the bulkhead which is on our property boarding the Jockey Creek Bridge. I am sure these repairs will stop the soil from washing into Jockey Greek for several years. I do hope that no further deterioration ta~es place for some time. ho~,~rer wt~n a bulkhead over 50 years old anythzn~ c~n ~ive away at any time. You mion~ recall I sent a ±etter to the Suffolk County Department Of ~ubtic ~orKs on A~gust 16, 196b indication 2 holes had developed in your bulkhead which was installed when t~e Jockey Creek Bridge was built in 1935. Again many thanks for the prompt repairs. Very truly flours,/ .~ /. GO: board Of' Trustees, ~ / I'own ~f ~outholG, N. Y. HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI/JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES /~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road tj 7 P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 19, 1986 John H. Wohlberg P.O. Box 1607 Southold, NY. 11971 Dear Mr. Wohlberg: Thankyou for your letter of ~ugust 18, 1986. Please be advised your letter has been placed on the August 28th, Board of Trustees Agenda under Communications No. 17. We will advise you after that meeting of any action to be taken by the Trustees. We appreciate you concern. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees. HPS:ao JOHN h. WOHLBERG P.O. BOX 1607 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 August 18~ 1986o Town Of Southold~ Board Of Trustees~ Main Road, Southold~ N. ~. 11971 Gentlemen= Attached is a copy of a letter I have sent to the Department Of Public Works of Suffolk County. Before they started to rebuild the Jockey Creek ~ridge I checked with them to see if they would not replace the a~acent bulkhead, They indicated that this would not be possible sinee they would be doing this on private property, When I spoke to the m last week on the telephone they gave me the same answer and also indicated that they do not need any bulkheading except directly under t~e bridge. This new bridge is so constructed that all o£ the bulkheading for the old bridge is not now needed. The County put in the bulkheading and is now abandoming it letting the ~ow'n and the property owners be res~onable for what they created. They are not even offering to restore the area to its original condition~ or to a satis£actory replacemnt condition. I definately feel the bulkhead±rig should be replaced so we do not have t~e land washing into the creek causing it to fill in~ which in turn would just create a swamp~ As it is now the Jockey Creek is silting in from the highway drainage from ~he Main Ro~d~ Oaklawn Ave° and possibly kckerley Pond Road. JOHN H. WOHLBERG P.O. BOX 1607 2750 Oak:lawn lye. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 August IS, 1986. Suf£olk County Department Of Public Works, Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank, ~. ~. 11980 Gentlemen: We ere the owners of the property at the above address which is adjacent to t~e north west corner of the Jockey Creek Bridge. ~en the bridge was built in 1~35 bulkheading wqs placed under the bridge and on all ~ sides of the bridge on Jeckey Creek. When you just rebuilt the bridge you replaced the bulkheading just under the bridge. There are at present 2 holes in the ground, down to the water, at the woo~en bulkhead which borders our property. I have filled in these holes a~d other holes which have developed from time to time. The cause of the holes developing in the lawn is caused by the soil running out through the bul~head into Jockey Creek. There is a possibility the Trustees of the Town Of $outhold could charge me with filling in, or dumping,in, JocKey Creek as a result of this situation which is not o~ our doing, but is forecd upon us oy the County of Suffolk building a bulkhead. Also, even though our property is private property some person could enter upon it go ~o the edge of the bulkhead and step into or fall into one o~ these holes. As a result of this accident we wou~d be$ and ~u~folx County would be subject to a lawsuit. Yet t4is accident was not caused by any fault of ours. Even if we were not found at ~ault in a lawsuit it would still be sostly to us from a time and legal expense. These holes in the bulkhead are caused by normal wear and tear over the last 51 years. Until you can replace the bulkhead I would like to request that you patch up the holes an~ seams where the soil leaches out into Jockey Greek then ail of will be Kept out of trouble. / , JOHN h. WOHLBERG P.O, BOX 1607 SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 November 22, 1988o Town o£ $outnoid~ ~oard o£ Town Trustees~ P, O~ ~ox 725, Soutnold, ~o Z~ ±1971 Gentlemen: Un Oc~o0er 24 t sen~ you a copy of my letter to the Suffolk County Departmen~ o~ Pu01ic ~or~s regarding t~e le~ing of fill through the County 0ul~Jaea~ a~ my property a~oining the Jo~c~ey Greek Sridge~ The County ~as very prompt zn acz~owledging my letter. They cazied on the 27tn and came ou~ when ~ne tide was low on ~he ist of ~ovemoer~ Tne~ repairea ~ on ~ovember 15~. This bul~ne~d was ins~azlem in 1935 when the old bridge was 0uiito Ao~ever age ms s~artino ~o take mrs toll on ire The Oounty has agai~ inaicated %o me ~nat tney do no~ feel they will oe a01e to replace this 0ul~nead after ~ ks no longer repairable. This is aue to the fact t:~at the Pull,beam is consimered o~ our property an~ they cannot put a Oui~neam on private property~ ~hich they did in 1935. i informed t~em~ ac ~ne tmme o£ discussion that i had no interest or ~esire ~o z'eplace the 0ui~nead in order %o protect the bridge. Very tz'uiy yo~urs~ [ ~ JOHN H, WOHLBERG P.O. BOX 1607 21750 Oak£awn P. ve ~ , SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 October 24, 1988. Town Of .Southold, Boar6 Of Town Trustees, ~. O. Box 72b, Gentlemen: Enclose~ is a copy of a lettez' i sent to t~e Suffold County Department 0£ Public '~orks. i £elO you might~interested in this item as it involves Jockey Creek~ ~¢~ers uz~der your durisdiction. ~--~. Very,,truly yours, JOHN H. WOHLBERG ' P.O. BOX 1607 2'?~0 Oakiawn Ave · SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1934 October 6uffol~ Goun~y Department Of Fublic bridse Division~ Yaphank ~ve. ~ Yaphank, i~. Y. 119~0 Gentlemen: Our proper~y is on the north wes~ side of the Jockey Creek Bridge, which was rebuilt p years ago. ~here ~zie old County wooaen bulkhead butts 0he new concrete bulkhead of ~ne bridge the fill is '~ashing or leaking through the joint. This is caused, i presume, by -t~e deterioration of the wooden butkhead~ which probably[]instaiiea whe~i the ol~ bridge was built in 1935. I have t=ied bo ~ii~ ia ~ne hole which mevetoped but ~he unroubh or washes out Zn a ~rery short time. ~'ery truly youths, ,