HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1706 GF ALL DCCi~ A~iD BU~XqEAES :.~L'ST DiSPlAY ViSiBLE PEFE.~IT ',~,~'-'"~-~,y~' ~i~{~ ~'- "~Tt~. .'-~Yr~"~ ~ ~r~~ · ~...' ~t% , ;'-;- --.--.~< ..._- --. -...~_- -. ............ .~,-, ~... ~.-~.~'~ ~ :~'..~"V' ~' 'ti ' '~ =~ ~" ,~ ..... .... ~.~.-,. SOU ~mOt,. N~V,/ YO~K -. ' C~- 'G NO N A :,'.g).} ~tq P~MI7 NO... ~.Z.9.~ ................. " DAI=: ...q~.~....~.~..L) ~:~.:~:~: IC~l,=m r~ John Winte'rs ' ' Pursuanf fo fhe provk~ons of Chaplet 615 fhe Sfafe of New York, 1893; and Cha~fer 404 cf fhe Laws of fhe Sfefe af New York 19B2 and fhe '" ; Soumold Town Ordinance en- fifled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER ~ATERIALS. F~O~ LANDS UND=,, TOWN WATERS; and Resoiuflcn of The Board ado~fad afa m~eflng held on ...Q.c.~. ..... ~., ! 83 .... . ,- 9 ........... and ;n cons,~erancn of fhe sum of $ ....... ..................................... : ...... ~o.h~....~i~S.~r~ ........................................................................ ~-':'. of ......................................................... N. Y. Terms and Ccndff~ans ]isled on fhe reverse side hereof, of SoumaL Town Trusfees aufnor[zes and permffs fhe · Appli. cation approved to secure a permit number for a dock and bulkhead in Deep Hole Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. all in accordance wlfh ihe defaiIed specificaHons as presenfed in fhe app::cat~an. 't~'~ r- '~,,,~ . ~ ~;d.'- -..~.~,~ I _.S ...... Or, The sa,a ~oard of lruste.s here- ~y causes irs Corpor=,e Seal ,o ~e amxe~, an~ ~Hese presanfs fo f ~- ~t. ~ ~ .... ~'f~~ ............................... '~~~ .......................... ~'~,.' ~..~ ~....x .,,py¢ 3,cx-~ · .;. -. .... ~ ...~. =---I ~ , ; ' I;~"?'~;~ .... - ;~-' :~ ~i<'~' ~;~' ~~'-' ~""~,~'~ ~ ~ ........................................ : ..................... ~ ~]~"~ ~:' ~"~:'3~, ;if2, ~'~ ~.~ r ' ~'~l ~- ~ ~F .......... *-~--~---~-.-~.-~~-~,& '.,~ ~ '~*~ · ~'¢::'.' ~ ~h',, . . ~~ // // z~.tee~ '.,~..,. ' . ~:~ '~ ' ~.." .~ - ~'.a~,~L_...'~_%_r. .... ~, -..-.:~ · --.,-,/.,.. -.- .-~c,. , -~--,, ~.-.~-...--.~s ~L.,"-'~.-¢,Z, ~,%_ .-x7~~~'-~-.~.,.¢...~: ~-a~ ~;~-~~7-~,~ ......... a-~'.~ K'~.' ,~., .... ?,. v~.. ?,~ . ~., ...., ~ ~ .... +,~..,-. s~...~=~... ~ r '.-~ ~- '~:--. · ~', . ...... > . ~ -~-..-:¢~. --'.. ' .s-~i. -~.~-1~ ....... ~-.. · -.~.~ ..... ~zi~ . ~,,'~ TERMS and CONDITIONS John Winters l'se 43 Central Park~Ave., Yonkers / Mattituck r~id~ng at N.Y., aa part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does vmdersrzaad and prmcribe to ~: fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently diso!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2. ~Har ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o/d ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ a~g ~y or adon ~rfo~d p~t to ~s ~% ~d ~e ~d Pe~ defend any ~d ~I su~ ~u ~t~ b7 ~d pa~, and ~e ~d wi& respect ~erero, to ~ mmpl~e ~d~ioa of ~= ~=d of T~e~ of 3. That th~ Pern~r h v~d for a period of ~R whk5 ~ co~de~ ro E~ sufficient dine r~qulred to complete the work L~volved, but should ckc~anc~ warrar~ :equ=r for an exremion may be m~de to the Bc~zd at a later dar~. 4. That dss Perm.ir should be retained indefinitely, or as long as rim said Permit'me wishm to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidm'ace to anyone concerned that auth- 'otizafion was originally obtained. 5. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-com=Hance with the provisions of the originar~g appHcado=, nay be canse for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 6. That there wHI be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the 'work herein authorized. 7. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water ma.rks. 8.. That H future operations of the Town of ~%mthold require the' removal and/or ~Iterafion~ in the location of the work herMn authorized, or Lf, in the oplmion of the Board of Trustee% the work shall cause un~easonable obstrucaon to free navigation, the said Permlttee will be required, upon. due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expee..ses to the Town of Sout,holcl 9. That the said Board will be notified by the Permirtee ox the co-mFietion of the work math- oriz-°d, (See tear off sheet.) 10. That the Permlttee will obtain all other permits and consents that my be required sup- plementai to this permit which may b~ subj.-cz ~o revoke upon failure-to obt-~;, same. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t November 9, 1983 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. John M. Winters 4 Central Park Avenue Yonkers, New York 10705 Dear Mr. Winters: I received your check in the amount of $10.00 today. Upon my checking the files, I found that you have already made:~a~. payment of $15.00 which was for the following: $5.00 $5.00 $5.o0 Application fee for dock - G.F. Application fee for bulkhead - G.F. Application fee for mooring This was on receipt number 1884, dated September 6, 1983. On October 20, 1983 you paid $5.00 additional, for your first year's mooring fees. This was on receipt number 1984. I thank you for your promptness, but I would not want you to be charged twice for these applications. I have enclosed a photo copy of your receipts, of which you should have the origional and permits for each. Very Truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Clerk to Trustees Attachments BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 24, 1983 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. John Winters 43 Central Park Ave. Yonkers, New York 10705 Dear Mr. Winters: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees I~f er~i~ Clerk to Trustees Attachment 'AND t~U_KH~.ADS MUST V[$tBL5 PERMFi' [',iUMBEr%$ ALL I489 INGS AND STAKES , ,'IUST gISPLAY VISIBLE hIOORING NU:¢.BERS BOA,RD OF TOVTN TRUSTEES Town o,f Southold 5Iain Road Southold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PEP~IIT To: ............ J~hr~..W~t!te r s 1. Your application, dated 9/6/83 ........................................................................ has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on October 11, 1983 and resulting in the action, as indicated below: Application approved. Application denied. Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to seGure a permit for a dock and bulkhead in Deep Hole Creek. - A PER~ZZT FEE 3. I~: ','cur coo[[~cr[0n [~ ~DrQVed ~Qve, ;~-g%~'rn/¢-~-~:~ ' to t~ orc*r of the Boar~ -, ....... is now due. end should be made payable . , .~ ' u ur ~ournold lawn /rusrees ' · ~ ,he.Scne~ut OE R res s s- · . . Thms fee ~s computed below crn~Ni .... If the Perm,t Fe* is ;~:~ , pp. y~n~ ant add~zonai. ~e~ w~ ~ -- e ~ ~,u ~n person ro the becr~r~ .... ~.u_ ~_~ ~ -. ~ - ./'%v.w ~ ~ecessaz .... ~ ~, ~,~u aapri, I ne Fermlr will be cbi'cincble at the some time. J~ the 'fee is paid by mail, the permit will be m~iled in reply. Comgu~ation o~ Permit Fee: Total Fee for this application BOARD OF TO"~'N TRUSTEES Town Of Southol3 Bl.~in Southotd, New York 11971 ALL DOCKs AND BULKHEADS MUST' App~ ~ . ~ ~-!uATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOC1K~ %1{ !CH docks, 6. 4. Armor iss~'a~e- .-~ of a Pe_,._=,~-{ ~ work mush be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area ,Mc~ fram the Clerk of this Board. eec by using a/X WITH!N A CIRCLE indicate cs c[csefv as possiNe the location of this dcc~c. On the reverse side of this mop, p. rovide a ~C,mLc DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Wat~'~ Mark,' the shape cna size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which ~re needed to hold e flooring deck or tie-u~ n beat. Give ell cimensions necessary to determ ne the area~,~ the ~X~:';D~ O~SHO~ fram rne O. H. W. M.Z~ ad3~cen~ ~o~e~Z o~ne~s h~ve. sootily Ioca~ion and length to scale. V'lill any porrfon cf this construction extend offshore int3 Town Waters beyond cn line or bounc=w ~orme~ by other similar structures along the ar~a's shoreline? ~or NO. I~ ;t sees extend beyond this so-celled dock line indicate by how far, approximate 7. Provide the followmg documents: (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plons and ~l, et~ands A~eAicat ~on il this ccns~rucZich=require 'th~ Filling of any land offshore of the Ord]na~ High Y/cter tAcrk or the Dredging of arw rectorial Ercm Town Lends under water? ~or NO. If Form Al4 (App~cat,cn for gredginq/F[Jjinq) must be completed and artcched as part of:this cpplic=ticn. ~ " - 9. In requesting cpprova[ of this application, [ submit that: the information presented herein is true and correct rD the best cf my know, ledge and belief; I am the person accountable for thc performance of the work in accordance with the Diana and :necificstio,ns attached; i hove read er am fcm,iiar with the provisions of any Sou:haiti Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and~_~x:._:¢ bv the %~rrns and Canditicns o¢ th~ Permit, when and ~f issued to me. " :". 'A/2 ~,~'k '2/82 ~.- ' "~(~ DISPLAY V~$~BL5 P-F, RMiT NUMBERS BOAiID OF TOWN TEUSTI';E$ Tm~'n Of Somhcdd $outhohl. New York 12971 Main l~.oa d APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD. DIKE, Oii JETTY ~/ ' 1. Does this project involve the use of WE'TLAND.5 as defined ir: the Southotd Town Wetlands Ordrnonce? YES or NO. If it does, you must file through the Town Clerk's Office. 2. Is the prcsosed work. entirely within the boundaries of your own property as substantiated Dy your Deed or Survey? YES or NO. if it is, a Permit is NOT required from this Board, bur the Town Building Inspect.,r should b~ contacted for full details. ................................. )~.y.;.~ .............. , ' .......................... 7/"-'-..--~-~ .... '¢/ ............... :.z: ....... ~.~.- ................................ : ........................ :... ,-.~...~~ - L~' ,~:~¢ · ,~ ~ 1¢ ~~ ':':;-':~ .............. .~/, ................... "~"' :'..-~.~.-..~.. :..~....~......4.,~~. ~ ...~ ....... ~ .... :--._ .... ..-..:... ___ .-..:..,.. :: .... ..~..../~&.¢...~<.?.~..<' 6. After issuance of Permit,work must be completed within one year. / ~ 7. Secure the' correct Area Map from the Clerk of this Board and by usinga/LJ*'P'GE · X WITt-~IN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate os closely as possible the location of this pro.mot On the reverse side, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark as well as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include all dirn,.:nsi:ns for porticnSownersWhich, extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Adjacent prcoerty, 8. Provide the following documents: (al A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the prcr~erty involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Specifications. (c) Short Environmental Assessment Form. 9. Does this project extend into Town Vv'oters beyond on imagJna¢/ tine or boL, ndory termed b7 existing works cf o similar nature along this otto's shoreline? YES or NO. If it does, state the opprox,mote disrcnce beyond ............. ft. I0 V/ill this constrdction require Iht Filling of an>, land offshore of the Ora;nary High V/star Mark or the Dredging at any material from Town Lands under wctc'r~ YEScr NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must b~ completed and attached as part of this appliccrion. 11. In reauesting c~praYal of this application, I submit that: the infonnati~;n presen[erJ herein ~s true and correct to the best of my knowledge and behef; I am the person accountable for :he performance of the work in accordance wi;h the plans an~ so.cciFica'.ions attached; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of an,,. Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; cna iurther, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms end Conditions of the Permit, when :nd if Jostled re me. 12. TO EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOC.A/T~ON,~FOR INSPEC, TION, INDICATE A/3 Rev. 2/82 . ~::~--~--~'.i~41.~....'¢~..~-..-r....~...wzm.~ .......... ! Lake