HomeMy WebLinkAboutWINTER HARBOR FISHERIESFRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 July 13, 1988 Frederick W. Meeker Attorney at Law P. O. Box 41 Hampton Bays, New York 11946 Re: Winter Harbor Fisheries Dear Mr. Meeker: We are in receipt of your letter of June 28, 1988 regarding the Winter Harbor Fisheries. Please be advised that no permit is required from the Town Trustee office. Permits will be required from the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Army Corps of Engineers. Attached for your information are the addresses of these agencies. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office directly by calling (516) 765-1932. Very truly yours~ Frank. A. / KCjawski, Jr. President_~ Board of Town Trustees FAK:ip Attachment cc: Bldg. Dept. FileT°Wn~rk's office PROmTOR IN A 2rl VESEY STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. IOFI{]? Tel: (212) 619-62[]2 fax: (21~) s71-o9n3 FREDERICK W. MEeKER ATTORNEY AT LAW June 28, 1988 P.O. BOX 41 HAMPTnN BAYS, N.Y. 11946 (516) ?2B-1D?l Department of Environmental Conservation Bldg o 40 S .U.N.Y. Stony Brook~ N.Y. 11794 Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall Southold ~ N.Y. Re: Winter Harbor FiSherieS Gentlemen I represent a prospective purchaser of the captioned concern, a ShellfiSh processor located at Sterling Avenue in Greenport. Negotiations are currently underway between the preSent owner and my client to lease and operate the plant and harvest clams from the bay bottom in the area of Gardiner's Bay. I would be obliged if you would advise me of the following: 1. What State and/or Town permits are neceSsary for my client to take over and operate the business? 2. The costs involved in obtaining any Such necesSary permits. 3. The procedure for doing So and the time frame involved between application and approval. I would alSo be grateful if you could send to me applications for any readily apparent permits that might be required of your agency and advise if any additional permits are required from any other agencies~ Such as the County, and whether my client could use U.S. documented vesselS for clamming owned and/or registered out-of State. ~¢e~y Yours, Meek er PERMITS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED NO PERSON SHALL PLACE ANY SPILES, STAKES, BUOYS, PIERS, DOCKS, BULKHEADS OR OTHER OBJECTS IN OR ON ANY TOWN REGULATED WETLANDS, TOWN WATERS OR PUBLIC LANDS UNDER OR ADJACENT TO TOWN WATERS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NOR SHALL ANY PERSON REMOVE ANY SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A PERMIT THEREFORE FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Board of Town Trustees Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-1932 ALL OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES THAT MAY HAVE JURISDICTION-AND MAY REQUIRE A PERMIT FOR ANY ACTIVITY MENTIONED ABOVE ARE LISTED BELOW AND MAY BE APPLIED TO SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE TOWN APPLICATION ARE AS FOLLOWS: COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 162 Washington Ave. Albany, New York 12231 (518) 474-3642 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL'CONSERVATION S.U.N.Y. - Bldg. 40, Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 (516) 751-7900 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS New York District 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 (212) 264-9054 PLEASE RETURN TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR A DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AS SOME PROJECTS REQUIRE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPROVAL OR PERMITS FROM THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE IN ADDITION TO THE TRUSTEES AS DIRECTED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. THANK YOU. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THIS OFFICE AT (516) 765-1932 US Army Corps of Engineers New York District 26 Feciera, Plaza TOWN OF SOUTHO ,, New York. N.Y. 10278 , , A,~: Regulatory Branch Public Notice In replying refer to: Public Notice No, t4428-91-0338-L2 Published: 1 AUG 91 Expires: 31 AUG 91 To Whom It May Concern: The New York District, Corps of Engineers has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. APPLICANT: Winter Harbor Fisheries, Inc. Sterling Avenue Greenport~ New York 11944 ACTIVITY: Disposal of crushed clam shell material in open waters WATERWAY: Gardiners Bay, Block Island Sound, or Long Island Sound LOCATION: Southold, Suffolk County, New York A detailed description and plans of the applicant's activity are enclosed to assist in your review. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact, including cumulative impacts, of the activity on the public interest° That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources° The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the activity must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments° Ail factors which may be relevant to the activity will be considered including.the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economlcs~ aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands~ cultural values, land use~ navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation~ water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needsr safety~ food production and, in general~ the needs and welfare of the people. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decisions comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity° ALL COMMENTS REGA~DI~ THE PERM~ ~~~i~'~ ?~REPARED I~N ~-R-f~TI--N-~ ~ MAILED TO REACH THIS~ ~~~E~PtRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICEL otherwise, it will be 0resumed that there ar~ no objections to the activity~ Any person may request, in writing, before this public notice expires~ that a public hearing be held to collect information necessary to consider this application~ Requests for public hearings shall state~ with particularity, the reasons why a public hearing should be held~ It should be noted that information submitted by mail is considered just as carefully in the permit decision process and bears the same weight as that furnished at a public hearing~ Pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U~S~C~ 1531) and based upon a review of the latest published version of the threatened and endangered species listing, a preliminary determination is that the activity under consideration will not affect those species listed or their critical habitat~ Based upon a review of the latest published version of the Nationa~ Register of Historic Places~ there are no known sites eligible for~ or included in~ the Register within the permit area~ Presently unknown archaeological, scientific, prehistorical or historical data may be lost by work accomplished under the required permit° Reviews of activities pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act will include application of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, UoS~ Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act and the applicant will obtain a water quality certificate or waiver from the appropriate state agency in accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act prior to a permit decision. Pursuant to Section 307(c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended [16 U.S.C. !456(c)], for activities under consideration that are located within the coastal zone of a state which has a federally approved coastal zone management program~ the applicant has certified in the per~it application that the activity complies with, and will be conducted mn a manner that is consistent with, the approved state coastal zone management program~ By this public notice, we are requesting the state's concurrence with, objection to~ or waiver of the applicant's certification. No permit decision will be made until one of these actions occur~ For activities within the coastal zone of New York State, the applicant's certification and accompanying information is available from the Consistency Coordinator~ New York State Department of State, Divzsion of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, Coastal Zone Management Program, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231~ Telephone (518) 474~3642~ Comments regarding the applicant's certification should be so addressed~ In addition to any required water quality certificate and coastal zone management program concurrence~ the applicant has obtained or requested the following authorizations for the activity under consideration: Protection of Waters Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. It is requested tha~ you communicate the foregoing information concerning the activity to any persons known by you to be interested and who did no~ receive a copy of this notice. If you have any questions concerning this application~ you may contact this office at (212) 264-6730 and ask for Mro Roberto Barbosa. FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: Enclosures 1o Work Description 2. Project Drawings Seebode v ~ ~ ~ief~ Regulatory Branch CENAN-OP-RE APPLICATION NUMBER 91-0338-L2 PUBLIC NOTICE NUMBER 14428-91-0338-L2 WORK DESCRIPTION The applicants Winter Harbor Fisheriess Inc~ has requested Department of the Army authorization to dispose of material in open waters in Gardiners Bay~ Block Island Sound, or the Long Island Sound~ at Southolds Suffolk County~ New York~ The applicant proposes to dispose of approximately 10s000 cubic yards of crushed clam shells from fish processing facilities over a period of one year in into Gardiners Bay as preferred locations with the ~ong Island Sound and the Block Island Sound as alternate locations mn that particular order. The applicant also proposes to transport the crushed clam shells twice to three times a week on a self contained barge vessel and disposed of in deeps fast moving waters 86 feet deep or deeper~ The stated purpose for the projec% is to provide alternative method to landfilling when disposing of the clam shelts~ LOCATION OF~ GENERAL LOCATION MAP FOR ALL 3 SITES WINTER HARBOR FISHERIES INC. STERLING AVENUE GREENPORT, NY % Alternate III= Alternate (Perferred Location Of Disposal) = DISPIPSAL LOCATIONS I=Locabion #1 II= Alter. #2 III=Alter. ~3 Proposed Disposal of Crushed Clam Shells In: Gardiners Bay and Block Island Sound Adjacent to: Southold County of: Suffolk Application By: Winter Harbor Fisheries Sheet ! of_ 4 Date: 3/19/91 I~Z:_31_~LAT©R¥ AFFAIR-3 P,~'L:'~ON ~U~LD~NC, 4, a STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW '[O1 Ne~ York State Depaflment of Environmental Conse~ation F~d~ P!~z~,~V~v /oz~z Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner RE: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environ- mental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: Your agency's interest in acting as lead agency; 'Nx Your agency's jurisdiction in the action described below; and Issues of concern which your agency believes should be evaluated. Enclosed is a copy of the permit application and a completed Part i of the ~ Environmental Assessment Form to assist you in responding, -?. Project Name' Project Location: ~czt-d~cr3' ~o~ ? L.~-~q ~T,_</ccld'..~'o~/t~ DEC Project. Number: DEC Permits:' SEqR Classification: [~ Type I ix/<] Unlisted DEC Contact Person: DEC PosStSon: DEC has no Objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but reserves the right to comment on this.action.if a positive determination of significance is made. -2- [] DEC has no objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but~,we have the following concerns regarding this project (see "comments" bei'ow). [ ] DEC wishes to assume l'ead agency status for this action. [] The proposed action has been identified by DEC as occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to a ~rit~cal environmental area (CEA) that was designated by ,~u'~<~((2_.o~d~ _ ..'~'~r~...q~'~ . It is the position of this Department that your agency, if it ha~J a juris- diction over the action, should assume the lead agency role based on the existence of the CEA and the fact that the anticipated impacts are primarily of local significance. [ ] Other. (See comments below) Comments (Optional): Response: Please respond to this request within 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received within 30 days, we will assume that you have no objection to DEC or another agency assuming the role of lead agency, and have no comments to offer regarding the proposed action at this time. If neither your agency nor any other involved agency, including DEC, has indicated a will- ingness to ~erve as lead agency within 30 days of this letter: [] We will petition the Commissioner of DEC to designate a lead agency 'for this action. [] We will petition the Commissioner of'DEC tO desig?a~e your agency as lead, presuming you have jurisdiction. -- . : -T ~ ' Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. ' . - Sincerely, - Enclosures cc: (see distribution list) 95,19-2 11-83~ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF' ~_'N~¢[R(}N,MENTAL CONSERVATION :'P~.ICAT,O,q rOB P~RM,T Re~ctions on back before completing this application. Please type or print clearly in ink. Use ext, ibits to prov{de all data and e×planations for which space on tMs fo~r~ ~s inadequate, [] ARTICLE 15, TITLE 3 (CONTROL OF AQUATIC INSECTS, wE~D5~,, 'Ci~:UNDE$IRABLE FISH) [~ ARTICLE 15, TITLE .S (PROTECTION OF WATERS) [] For the construction, reconstruction, or repair of a DAM or other impoundment structure. [~ For the disturbance of a STREAM BED or excavation in or fill of navigable waters. [] ARTICLE 15, TITLE 15 [] WATER SL.~PLY [] LONG ISLAND WELL [] ARTICLE 24 (FRESHWATER WETLANDS) [] Permit [] Letter of Permission [] ARTICLE 225 (Tidal Wetlands) NAME OF APPLICANT: ~% H~_~or Fisheries_~__tnc. 2. APPLICANT IS A/AN [] Individ~:: [] Partnersh:~ [] Ass~iation ~(Corporation [] Municipality ~ Governmental Agency 3. NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL SIGNING APPLICATION ] PHONE Winter Harbor ~isher~es, Inc., Mark Middleton, Pres.I (516) 477-1170 Sterling Avenue POST OFFICE STATE Greenport ' NY 4. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER (if not applicator) PHONE ZIP CODE 11944 STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE POST. OFFICE STATE iZIP CODE PROJECT LOCATION: a) City or Village East of Southotd TOWn Southotd ' County Suffolk NAME OF STREAM OR OTHER WATER BODY: If appropriate; if un-named, show on m~ g--See Item I. Gardiners Bay Alternate Sites it. Long Island Sound III.. Block Island Sound 6. WILL PROJECT UTILIZE STATE- OWNED LAND? [] Yes [] No b) Specific projecl site or area is ?arked on U.S.G.S. or equivalent map, attached aS Exhibit Number page 1 o'f 4 DATE: I0. FEE OF [] Public [] Commercial ASAP 5 year permit re . $ I 5 0 -- 0'01 Enclosed PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Feet of rip, rap new channel; cubic yards 'of material to be removed.' draining, dredging, filling, and location of disposal sites; type of structure ID be installed; height of dam: size-of impoundent; capacities of propsed water sources;.extent of distribution system; etc. AS an 'al te rnative to i and- filling, applicant proposes th transport and dispose of I0,000 yards '(over a period of one year) of crushed natural Ocean Sea-Clam ~heils from their facility located on Sterling Avenue in Greenport to ' ~' - ~ocaczon shown on attached NOAA chart. -(See attached detailed explanation). 12, THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS. APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH ARE THE RESFKDNSIBILITY OF OTHERS: [] Dam []FilIExcaYath'" [] Stream Oislur[:iance [] SPOE~NPOES ~ Waler Supply ~ El. Well, ~ Freshwater Wetla~ ~ Y~a] Wet~s. 13. NAME AND ADDRESS OF ~FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF L~ALI~ WHERE PRO~ WOR~ ARE L~ATED: 14. IS ANY ~RTi~ OF THE A~IVI~ FOR ~tCH A PERMIT 15 ~HT NOW 8~UN OR COMPLIED? ~ Yes ~' No I[ YES, explain in addenda; giving rea~ns and dat~, a~ ~ existing work on dra~n~ or map. ' ]5. CERTIFICATION: I hereby' aEirm that ur,der penaJlty of periuw that information provided on ~his,~oi'{'~ and ail attachments submitted herewith is true to the ~:~st o~' my knowled'ge and belief: False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pcarsuanl to Section 2t0.45 of the-Penal Law. As a condition, to the issuance c~r a permit, the appJ~ant accepts rfUtI responsibility for all damage, direct orlindirect, of wchalever nalure, and by whomever suffered, arising out of the- projecl described herein and a~rees to indemnify-and save harmless the State from suits, a_.._~ons, damag~,:,s and¢/co¢,¢ of/every name and description resulting from said project. DATE' '/ ' / ""-~G'" ' '" J ( SIGNA~'E}R'~ harvest approximately 3500 bushels of Ocean & Sea Clams daily when harvesting is possible. Of this 3500 bushels, approximately 70 yards of crushed clam shells are generated daily: 70 yards x 200 harvesting days = 14,000± yards. Out of the 14,000± yards 30% or 4200± yards of crushed clam shells are sold or provided to landscapers to be used as ground cover, leaving 9800± to 10,000± yards per year to be landfilled. This application for a permit to dispose of the crushed shells in deep fast moving water is an alternative to landfilling. The Applicant proposes to transport the crushed clam shells twice to three times a week on a self contained barge vessel. Therefore each load would contain 104± yards to 69± yards totalling 208± yards per week. The Applicant has provided two alternative sites in addition to the proposed site should a reviewing agency prefer one over the other for some reason. Attached are copies of the NOAA chart (scale: nautical miles), indicating one site for dispoal with two alternate sites. Site I is the preferable area of disposal to the applicant since this area would eliminate having the barge navigate through "Plum Gut" which is heavily travelled, to get to Site II or travel a further distance from its ~'facility to get to Site III, however the applicant .is agreeable to any one of the three sites the agency,s prefer. As shown on the NOAA chart, within this 1 3/4+ mile radius, the average depth of water is 86± feet and tidal action is .rapid~ It should be noted that clam shells over time decomposes .and mixes with the sand, therefore there will be no ."build up" of shells on 'the bottom. ', ~ '~ f,,~ Atta'Ched is a letter from Emerson Hasbrouck,. Cooperative. Extension Agent Marine .... Program. of the Cornell CoOperatives' Extension in Riverhead. in summary, in Mr. Hasbrouch,s opinion~ the proposed project will not have a detrimental effect o-n ~ater quality and, in fact, could have ~ ho~o~, 14-16-2 (2/87)--7c SEQR ?~:-pose: The iu;[ EAF is designed to heJp applicants and agencies determine, ]n a.n orderly manner, whethe~ a pxoject o~ ~cfion may be significant The cuestion of whether a~ action may be s~gnff~cant ~s'not a~ways easy to a~swe~. Frequent- [% the~e are aspects of a pro~ect that are subjective o~ unmeasureab]e, it is also understood that those who determNe s:,gn~fkznce may have [~tt]e or no formal know]edge of the env;ronment or may be technically expert in ana]ys~s. ',n addition, many who have know]edge h'~ one partku[ar area m~v not be aware of the broader concerns affectNg The fu¢~ EAF ;s ~teaded to provide a method whereby appNcants'and ~genc]es can be assured that the determMat~on .aroces~. has ueen oroerh/, comprehensive in nature, ye~ fiex~e to allow ~ntroduction of '*~,,,o,m~,o,, to ~,~ a" ~: * x~* p¢oject or actbn. Full EAF Compemer;(s: The fui~ EAF ~s comprised Of three parts: P~r( ~:'Prov~des objective d~ta and information about a given project a~d frs ske. By identifying basic pro]ec~ data it assists a rewewer i~ the analysis that takes p~ace m Parts 2 a~d 3. M ,~¢~ ~ ~ ~ c' "- '~- "~"~ , - " ~ ' ,:,~ a,¢~,~ ~ ~ '"~':' ~ Pa~:~ 2: F6Cuses oa ue,~., ~, g u,e range o'~ poss=b~e ~mpacts that may occa¢ wo~-'z p'¢o~ect o¢ sct[o~, t gu]dance as to whether aa impact ~s ~ke~v to be consMered small ~o moderate or whether k ~s a large ~mp~ct The form a~so Me,dries whether an bT, pact can be tab,gated d~ reduce. Pzd 3: ~f any impact ~n Part 2 fs Meadfied as poteatfaHyqarge, then Part 3 is used to evak:ate whether or not impact ~s actuaNy ~mportant n ~,tu,ae and ~mportance of e~ch ~m'pact, ~t ~s reasanabh/pa~em':~nea b,/the icad .... '~ ~ v that: A. ~ne p,o;e~ v,'][[ not resuit m any large and m~ortant impact(s) and, tnere'rore. ~s o;~e whkh w~;~ ~o~ L~ g. Although ~he project couid have a s]gnificant ~zz ~ . ' c~ ~ec~ on the environment, there w~H e;?ect for th~s Ua;~stK~ Action because the m]dgadon measures aesc; oeu ~n PART 3 .nave ~.en requh'ed, LQ C. The aro~ect may '~ in ~na~ may have a resch~ one or more large and important ]rapacts ~; ~ ' Nc. oa,-,~ Declaration is onN/vaNd for t. MNsted Actions Name o~ Act~o~ / Name of Lead Agency Title of Responsib[e Officer PA~T 1--PR©JECT ]NFOR~AT~©N Prepare~ ~y P~oieC~ 5~e,~so,~ NOTICE: This document is designed to ass[st ]n determining whether the action propOsed may have a signh:]cant effect on ~he environment, Please complete the entire {o~m, Par{s A through E. Answers to these questions w[[] be considered as part of the appNca~on fo~ approve] and may be s~b}ect to further ver]fkat[oa and pubNc review. Prc, v]~e any add[dona[ information you believe wi[[ be needed to complete Pa~ts 2 and 3. ~t ~s expecte~ that cems[et~on of [he f~]] EAF w[[] be dependent on ]nfo~mat[on currently avai]aNe and wi[[ not involve new stude5, research or Mvest~gadon. if ~nformadon requiring such adddonal work is unavailable, so ]r~dkate and spec[fy ead~ Mstance. NAME OF: AC~ .... ~ LOCATION OF ACTION ADDRESS C}iV!PO NAME OF' OWNER ~ ( ADDRESS CiTY/PO T STAT~ j ZIP CODE Phys~za~ settfng of overa!] pro~ect, both developed and undevdoped areas. 1. Present [and use: ~Orban ~' ~ *" ' ' L~Forest gAgrku]ture 2. Tote[ acreage of pro}oct area: ::~.- APPROXhMAT~ ACREAGE Meadow or ~rusb~and {Non-a~rku[turM} Forested Agrku',turaf []ncludes orchards, crophad, pasture, etc.) Wetlazd (Freshwater or dalai as per Ardcfe~ 24, 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or Roads. bd[dhgs ant other paved surfaces Other (lndkate type) 3. What is - ' ' - ' sod type(s) on project site? a Soil dramaDe: ~WeH drained % of site ~Pooriy drained % of PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acEes aCreS acres acres acres acres' acres acres acres E]Moaerate ¥ well drained , a,w ao~,cu;,ura, ~¢n~ ~s ,nvolve;¢ ~ow m~ny ~,.res of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYC Land Ciassificetion System? ~.,~, acres. (See ! NYCRR 370). '-"~ ' ~Yes xEd'~ 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on pro~e.~ stye? o oep,n to (m te.~'t) .5. Appro.×imate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: E]0-10% % E]1'0-15% % [Z]15% or greater __. % · ,~ project substantt.[h/ ~o,mguous to, or.co.2~;n a ~u,'[dm¢., site, or d~stnct, hsted on t~qe State or the NationM Registers of Hbtoric Pieces? OYes .-~o /. is prolect subs~,'¥bJh/~.ondg~o~.,s to ~ s:t~hSted on t~e Reg~s:~er of Na~acr,,a] Natural Landmarks? QYes EJNo 8 Wh~t is the depth o~ the water robie? ~ (M feet) 9, is site located over a primary, pdnc oal, or sole source aquifff? ~Yes ~N0 12. Are ~nerednV" ' un]qk~ory%(.:, unusual ]~d forms on the project site? 0.e., trots, curies, o~ne¢ geoioeica~ zormattcnsj ~";'es ~?4~u Describe 13. s u,~ ~ro~a~ s,~e ;..,~.~nd, used .y rna comn~m~% o ~a;~'hbornood~s~n 'o'nea snac~ 14. Doe~ the p,e~ent s~e include scemc v~ews ~nown ~o be ~mpo~tant ~o the --, ~- d 15. Streams w~tmn or conti~uous to pr%oct area: a. Name of S~ream a~a' name of River ;o ¥,4,~c~'k ~' ' '~t is ~ributaW b. I8, Is the site tocated in an as~muiturai.~tnct · ce d ~a. ~ursuant, to Agriculture and Markets LC.W, ......... A,~,u~¢ 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ~Yes ~'No ,,,o,c,~, a mens:ohs and scale of project t,~[, in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by pro~ect sPbnsor . ~ acres. b. Project acreage to be deve:oped: /~/~, _ acres in[tiailv; acres u~timate!y. c. PrO~ect acreage to remain undeveloped ~~._ acres. d. Le~=m of project, [n mr!es: (lf appropriate) e. ~t cae pro!ect ~s an expansion, red,cate percent of expaps[on proposed ~~ f Number of off-street naqdn~ spaces exi¢in~ ~/~' ....... ,~,.¢~4 ~. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hSur ~ (upon comp~ed0n of h. ]'f res;den(~ai: Number and type of h0Usk~8 Units: O:~e Fam;]~ TWo Famhy i. Dimensions (in feet) of ~argest proposed structure ~-- height; widk~ff~ length. ~. Linear feet of frontage a~ong a pub~it thoroughfare project wili occupy is? Co~dominiurn~ ~ 2. Ho.w much natural matedai (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be remo,ved/from the s~te? ,3. W:,I[ disturbed areas be reclaimed? OYes []No ~/A a. ]f yes, fei' what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~Yes ~NO c. W]H uoper suoso ~ be .... '~ ' . , ' ' s~o~pu~o for reclamation? ~Yes ~No 4. How manv acres of ~ '; ~ - vege,auon (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? ~ acres. 5. Wui any matureflomst (over 100 years old) or other ocai~-~mpor,am vegetation be removed by tMs project? 6. ~f single phase project: Anhc~pated period of construction ~' months, (mc~uumg demo ,r on). 7. !f multi-pha~sed: a. Tota] number of phases anticipated b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. Approximate completion date of finn[ phase tons/cubic yards (number). __ oun'loi ~ 070. month year, (incIuding mon'(,, year. u,,.~,.,e i functiona!ty depenoen( on subseduent phases? ~Yes ~No 8. x/.¥ii~ blasting occur during construction? ~Yes ~o 9. Number of ~obs generated: during construction ~. _; after project is complete O. Number of ~obs eliminated by &,s pro~ect 1I. W~[ pro~ect reqube re~ocation of any pro~ects or facilities? ~Yes o ,~ explain 12. ~s surface liquid waste a~sposa~ invoIved? ~Yes o a. if yes, indicate type of waste r tsewaae, mdusma~, ~¢,.) and amount , , , ,~.t,,;~ effluent w~]~ be d~scharged b. Name of wa~er aoay (nfo 13. ;s subsurface Hqu[d waste disposal Mvo~ved~ ~Yes ~o Type 14. 'W[[~ surface area of an ex[stMg water body Mcrease or decrease by proposa[Z 15. ~s ore,oct or am/ port,on of ' ;~" ' p~o;.~c~ ~oc~teu ,, a !00 year flood p]aM? ~Yes 16. '¢¢i~] the pro,octs..¢,,~, ¢ ..... ¢,~'~ solid waste? OYes a. ~f yes, what ~s the amoumt pe~ month toss ./~, an e,,~un~ solid waste fac~Hty be usea. ~Yes UJNo c. ~f yes, g~ve name ~; ~ocadon ]andtM? e. ~ Yes explain 17. Will the proiect involve the disposal of so,:a waste? ~Yes a. ~f yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? [~Yes ~No E]Yes ~ No years, 18. Will proiect use neroic~ues or pesticides? ~Yes /- 1.9. Will proiect routinely ~* '~ ..... ~.~ ocuce odors than one hour per day? ~Yes k~o , th~o~e 20. Wii[ project produce --~' ~ ~en~ ope, a~ n~ nobe exceeding the ~oca] arab obe ~eveis? ~Yes 21. W~[[ project result in an ~ncrease [n energy use~ ~Yes ~No ; yes , indicate type(s) 22. 23. 24. Does .,.," ~, ': ~ ~ o~.~ct involve Lbcat, State or Federal funa,ng,. if Yes, expiain ./ tf water suppl',,, is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ___~i.,~" gallons/minute. Total anticipated water usage per day __~/(~,~z_ ga!ions/day. OYes z'~4 .... 4 25. ApprovMs Required: C ~¥, 'Town, \/il[,tg.~ Board L~Yes Ci[y, Town, Village PJann n8 Board ~Yes ~o City. Town ZoilJn~ Board ~Yes C~y, County ~Je~,~lh Department [3Yes ~o O.he' ..ocaI Aaenc es :Yes Ocher Rog]oriel Agenc[es s ~o State Agencies ~s ~No ~e,,,. les ~%Yes [3 N o Does proposed action ' ~ ~ .. tnvu~v~ a planning or zoning decision? [5Yes If ~.s, indicate decision requ:red: [3zonina amendment L-Jzoning variance [~special use permit Type Daf~e ~subdivision [3site plan [Z]new/revision of master pian ~resource management plan []other Yvi . t is the zo, ing What is the maximum potentia] development of the si~e if developed as permitted by the present zoning? Wh:,,t is the proposea zoning ot the slte? /~.z~,'. nat the maximum development of the s~te if devebped as permitted by the proposed zon~ng~ po~en~ ~ , 6. is the" ~ ~ eco-nmenaed uses in adopted ~ocat land use p~ans? [-2Yes ,uropo.,e6 action cons[stent with the r ' 7. What are the predominant iand use[s) and zoning classifications within a 'A mile radius of proposed action? : x o 8. !s the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses 'within a ~A mile? ~Yes L~Noz~/-~(~'~ 9. if the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many ~ots am proposed? ~~ ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? I0. v,,',, proposed action require am/authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water o~s~r,c~o?" *: ~ ~Yes 11.Will the proposed action cre~ demand for any communit,/ provided services (recreation, education, ~ei ce, fire protection)e L~Yes ~No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? E.]Yes L~No 12. Vv'i~ the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantlY above present leve]s~ ~Ye5 ~o a. if yes, is the existing road network adequate to handie the additional traffic? ~Yes [3No D. nfon a o:a Deta:s Attach any ada~t[onaI information as may be needed to clarify your project. If them am or may be any adverse assoc,o~:u w~th your proposa}, please discuss such impacts and ~he measuxes which you propose to mitigate or avo[~ them, certify that the informat:on.mro~ided .b .... i, m ....... k~ ko.~- ~¢ ~. ~ ~ .4 · '-/' 'l~' ~l ~/8 '~-'~'~ ~"~ ~' '"Y xnow euge. / l ~s assess~enL 5 LOCATION OF: GENERAL LOCATION MAP FOR ALL 3 SITES WINTER HARBOR FISHERIES INC. STEPJ~ING AVENUE GREENPORT, NY 0~1~?  =tI Alternate III= Alternate Perferred Location Of Disposal) ! I i ! s GARDI N ~B.A Y % 'C 0 NAPEAGUE BAY Proposed Disposal of Crushed Clam Shells In'~ Gardiners Bay and Block Island Sound = DISPOSAL Ad3acent to: Southold LOCA~I'ONS' County of: Suffolk I=Locabion #1 Application By: Winter II= Al~er. #2 Harbor Fisheries III=Alter . ~3 Sheet 1_ of_4Date: 3/19/91 3~ 3& 2O 37 38 6O 37 33 / 33 26 / 30 / 33 35 37 33 1 36 3& 35 37 ~9 98 25 *-~S 50 35 35 ~ G 38 90 ~N 80 t00 Source= Suffolk County Hagstrc 82 ~ 68 ~/ 5s sc // 8 40 31 37 67 c95 ~-- 96 73 82 ~% 95 7o 58 .7O 39 ~ 37 ~ 35 3& / 30 28 29 29 29 D4A'(:£,~. /t~E.4 52 34. 37 z, 2 ~..7 ( 25 $ / / 28- 25 27 28 28 26 ~ 29 27 28 26 Proposed Disposal of ~ crushed Clam Shells % ~_a In: Gardiners Bay and SOURCE: NOAA, BLOCK ISLAND SOUND AND GARDINERS BAY ,~//~ Adjacent DATED: 3/3/90 P"/~' "' County of: suffolk ..... :_ _-T~- Winter By: ..... ._ AFF~Ca--On N~ut;c~t M;l~ Harbor ~ishertes Y~s sheet 2 of 4 _ Date: 3/19,- 27~-.-. 25 25 28 23 ~ 2~ 22 23 29 ~3 25 28 2216 25 28{ 2~ 2'2 2O 2.(,. ~7 26 ~lock Island 12& 149 144 I32 ~=~ 129 ~~'*'' ~ '", 166 07' t.,I,.,..t..~ OZl~ '- I I &( , . [~6 i~e ~ -- ~ _ ~ '~ [ Source: Suffolk County Eagstrom 9 ~ 147 .1~6 ~ ~ I t86 /" 6~ 129 ~mo~ " 0 --~ 135 121 138 117 I07 139 ~36 137 I 1139 145 [ I IOI 99 113 lOg lob 115 77 c 119 %8 69 $3 S3~' 53 27 23 Propo'sed Disposal of Crushed Clam Shells 25 __ 4 In: Gardiners Bay and SOURCE: NCAA, BLOCK ISLAND SOUND AND GARDINERS BAY I Slock Island Sound --- DATED: 3 / 3 / 9 0 adjacent to: Southold · ', . ~ - ~ . ~. 'e',,~. :'s County of: Suffolk ~ N~,MIJC~! M;I~ Application By: Winte:r · ~ Harbor Fi sheries Yardi ~~ 77 '77 7. 90 ..t2 ~ ~~/~.! 69 ' a'-:-.. ,-, ,/,., -" ~-' .---,...~-~,;~;~'-::----_:'~ \ -' .----~'~ ~.. ~ z_'~ '::~._.l~/~ ~,,~ . ~X~ ,~,, .. ~ ' J~ a I 272 / ~.. ~ I~ ~92~ .. =~ "~ 263 310 I / ~ /~[11~- ~ ~%~ .... r,; t ~ / I .... / ~q40 123 ~ ,r % . ' ~ ~l' ~4 297 ,- 261 ~ 242 255 37 &7 ~0 73 75 $7 "'- I01 91 SOURCE: //' Project Sit, o l! I Iii 4 l 293 Source: Suffolk County Hagstrom 27~ 2~61 235 260 I 219 26,~250 ~ ~L 2~6 ~ 223 206 97 69 7& ,~- ! ?0 \ 81 NOAA, BLOCK ISLAND SOUND AND GARDINERS BAY DATED: 3/3/90 g 3 95 ~8 & SP'"*'* 90 88 93 10497 95 98'x~ 211 271 108 102 117 107 105 ~ ~ OI 104 116 2~"~ 102 129 210 32'1 126 213 '""~284 t29 339 x~ ~%~) 69 27 127 257 210 219 86 265  197 192 '-. I9& N-uticll Miles 170 "' 93 99 93 17 In: Gardiners Bay and Block Island Sound Adjacent to: Southold County of: Suffolk Application By: Winter Harbor Fisheries ' Sheet ~of ~ Date: 3119/ Yardi SP 133 ~24 1o? 7 Pro'sad Disposal of 1,9 crushed Clam Shells . - 2~6 SOURC~: 95 98 ~ 74 C 117 98 ~ 79 ~ 93 102 103 107 ~ 99 ~ I0~ 129 %% 3 257 70 5~ ~l ~ro~sed Pis~sal of ~ 2t9 57 ~ ,E ~ In z Gardiners Bay and ~ ~2 ?~'25~ Block Island Sound ~ " Adjacent ~7o County of~ Suffolk N~ut;cal M;t~ Application By: Winter ~ ~ ~ ~ Harbor Fisheries