HomeMy WebLinkAboutWILSBERG, HAROLD & ERNESTTO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TO~[ OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY~ NEW YORK I, M~&RY A. SMITH~ residing at State Hospital, Central Islip, Suffolk County, New York, being the owner of property on the shore of Matt±tuck Creek at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ said premises being generally bounded on the North by lands of Ernest Eo Wilsberg and Harold W. Wilsberg, on the East by Mattituck Creek, on the South by lands of Morrison~ and on the West by Brower Road, do hereby consent to the ¢on~eyanc by the Board of Trustees of the To~¢~ of Southotd to Ernest Eo Wils. berg and Harold'W° Wilsberg of the interest of the Board of Trustees in the lands lying between the premises of the said Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold W. Wi!sberg and the present high water mark of Mattituck Creek (being filled land formerly lands under the waters of Mattituck Creek) said lands being more fully described as follows: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk~ New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point where the boundary line between land now or formerly of Edelmann and land now or formerly of Ernest E. Wiisberg and Harold W. Wi!sberg intersected ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as foun~ in 195~, said point being South it degrees 17 minutes 20 seconas East 60 feet, more or less, along said boundary line from the intersection of the southerly line of Brower Road with the southwesterly line of Grand Avenue~ from said point of beginning running along the direct extension southerly of said boundary line, South 11 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 129 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek~ thence south- westerly along said high water mark of Mattituck Creek~ !I0 feet, more or less$ thence along the direct extension southerly of the boundary line between said land now or formerly of Ernest Eo Wilsberg and Harold W. W±isberg and land now or for- meriy of Smith, North 21 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West 140 feet, more or less, to said high water mark as found in 19505 thence northeasterly along said high water mark as found in 1950, 125 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning° ~g~ ~. Smith STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SL~FOLK) On this [~ day of May~ Nineteen Hundred and Sixty, before ~e~ the subscriber~ personally appeared MARY A~ oMITH to me personally kno~,m and known to me to be the same person des~ cribed in and who executed the within Instrument~ and she acknow- ledged to me that she executed the same° Notary ~b!ic ~ ...... -2- TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES O? THE TO%~ OF SOUTHOLD~ SUFFOLK COUNTY~ ~W YORK I~ }~kRY EDEI2¥IANN~ residing at Hattituck~ in the To}m of Scut} oid~ Suffolk County~ New York~ being the owner of property on the shore of Mattituck Creek at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York~ said premises being generally bounded on the North by Grand Avenue~ on the East by Hattituck Creek~ on the South by lands of Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold ~[. l~itsberg~ and on the West by Brower Road~ do hereby consent to the conveyance by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold to Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold ~o Wiisberg of the interest of the Board of Trustees in the lands lying between the premises of the said Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold Wo Wilsberg and the present high water mark of Mattituck Creek (being filled land formerly lands under the waters of Mattituck Creek)said lands being more fully described as follows: ALL that certain iot~ piece or parcel of land situate~ lying and being at I~ttituck~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk~ New York~ bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point where the boundary line between land now or formerly of Edelmann and land now or formerly of Ernest E. Wi!sberg and Harold W. Wilsberg intersected ordinary high water mark of Matt~tuck Creek as found in 1950~ said point being South ii degrees ±7 minutes 20 seconds East 60 feet~ more or iess~ along said boundary line from the intersection of the southerly line of Brower Road with the southwesterly line of Grand Avenue~ from said point of beginning r'~nning along the direct extension southerly of said boundary line~ South 1i degrees 17 minUtes 20 seconds East 129 feet~ more or iess~ to ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek; thence south~ westerly along said high water mark of Mattituek Creek~ ti0 feet~ more or less~ thence along the direct extension southerly of the boundary line between said land now or formerly of Ernest E, Wi!sberg and Harold ~. Wilsberg and land now or for- merly of Smith~ North 21 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West lgO feet~ more or less~ to said high water mark as found in 1950~ thence northeasterly along said high water mark as found in !950~ 125 feet~ more or less~ to the point of beginning° Mar~' He Imann STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLKi : On this ~ day of N~y~ Nineteen Hundred and Sixty~ before me~ the subscriber~ personally appeared MA~%Y EDEI/~L~NN to me personally knovm and known to me to be the same person des- cribed in and who executed the within instr~ent~ and she acknow- ledged to me that she executed the same° -2- June 3~ 1960 Southold Town Board of Trustees Southold ~ N,Y, Gentlemen: I enclose herewith consent of Mary Edelmann~ consent of Mary A~ Smith and a proposed deed from the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. Will yo~ please take this up at your next regular meeting, EF T/j r Encl~ Yo~.rs very truly~ Ernest E. Wi!sberg $outhold June 6O ~nest Wi!sberg~ and Harold Witsberg M~at~ituck~ L ~ I ~ June 27 ~ ' 6 @ Quit Claim Deed to property on Mattltuck C~eek ~ 10 O0