HomeMy WebLinkAboutWICKHAM, J PORD~i~ TO REMEDY (owner or authorized agent of owner) (address of owner' or authorized agen~ of owner') PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a v]oiatJon of: Zoning Ordinance .......................................... !) Other AppJicabJe Laws, Ordinances or ReguJations ......... (.~, ,/.,~,~.~,2:',~(~._,.~.../.-:..,.(6cz~Y".,x.-c.x.~Z,; /('State charac~r of violation) ~.z~ .~'~Z.: ~. ~ ~: ~~ .~: ~:~ z.~. '~ . ~...~Z~ ................ ~<~ ~ .... o'> ~~....:.~~.xZZ¢~xx.~ ..... ~..xZZ .... 7~Z ......~....~~.~.... ..... : (State section or paragraph o{ applic~Je law, ordinance or regulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the ~aw and to remedy the condmons above mentioned forthwith in or be~ore the ~:~:R~. .... d~:(~ .... ::,.: ............ The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at ..: .... ~.~,.~.~:cZ;fr..C~..County of Suffo:k, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply may constitute an offense punishable by fine or im the applicable provisions of law both. / / / / /- ~i~.d[ng Inspector O~.DE~. TO ~E~.AEDY (owner or authorized agent of owner) (oddress of owner or ~uthorized a~ent of o~ner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a vioJa'tion of: Zoning Ordinance .......................................... at premises hereinafter described in that PZZZi~ (state character of in violation of ~ec~$on 200 - (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the !aw and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith in or before the 1 O'cff ~-'[a'l day of ........................................................ 19 ........ The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION rbfers are situated Bo~-~l.~-d..l~..~L--..Cr~e~ .... ~:.~;iR .... C ..... Z~ ........ County of Suffolk, New ~ork. Wickhm Fc~ilure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Building [nspector BE]ARD ElF trlWN ;~RUSTEES Ti:3WN nF S[3UTHI3LD ~ L! FFI:3 LK P- E} U N T¥ NEW yrl R K; September 18, 1972 Mr. J. P. Wickham Airway Drive Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: 11952 The Board reviewed your application for a wetland permit at their recent meeting. In order to consider your application, we must have a pilot plan and detailed description of the.proposed project. A copy of the instructions for filing a wetland application is enclosed Please supply whatever additional~ data that is pertinent. Very truly~ yours~ Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Town Trustees ALBERTW. RIC~HMI]ND TnWN ~ LIER K REEII~TRAR OF VfTAL STATISTICG E~OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 September il, 1972 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Town Clerks Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith is application No. 10 for a wetland permit submitted by J. P. Wickham, Executor of C. H. Wickham Estate. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and ~bmit said report to the Southold Town Board within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No. /~ Identity of Applicant Address of Applicant Date of Application 9/11/72 J.P. Wickham Execu%or of £.H.Wickham Es%ate Airway Drive, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEP~MIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by written permission from the owner of the property if not the same as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property, the names and locations Of owners of adjoining properties, and a 'detailed description of proposed project. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached to the Permit Application.) C. No operations shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a surveyland topographical map certified by a registered lan~ survey or Professional Engi~e~. control of survey shall b~ based~upon an approved local coordinate system. The vertical contrgl fOr elevation and soundings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked Or suspended by a governmental agency, G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This ~ filing fee includeS one inspection,~there is a $5.00 fee for each~' additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for a permit, may waiue in whole or in part, the provisions of Article II, Section 210, subdivisions (d) and (g) where it finds that the nature~of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper considertion of a permit application. I. Upon approval of this application the Tow~ Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for inspec0 tion at any time, upon request. "P~ge 2. Examined Approved Disapproved Conditions, 19 if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southotd, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to J.P. Wickham--Sxecu%o= of C.H. Wickham 5state Location of property for which permit wanted Bungalow Lams 5xtention Mattituck--east side of Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location Airway Drive,Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Cree~, Bay or Harbor fronting property Oeep H~le C~eek Size of proposed work: Length 175' Width Averagm 75' Height Above High Water 2' Depth Below Low Water 1' Yards to be Excavated N~NE Yards to be Filled 300 Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property EST. 175' Depth at Low Tide Average Rise in Tide Page 3. Is this for private or business use? Area Zoning residsn~ual private Manner in which material will be removed or deposited truck Intended use of property_ private building Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. ~gnatur% of Applicant Sworn to before me this 11~h day of September: ~9 72 J ~. ~otar~ ~/c J~%.~T L. JAZOM~K NOTARY ~ J~. ~,, S+a',~ ~F ;'~,~w Yor~ 5u~¢4~ Ooun~'y No. 52~7077310 / Commiss~o~ Expires March 30, 1