HomeMy WebLinkAbout765Stro~son ~oad Cutchogue~, New York ~765 April 29, 1965 Page 4 DENIED permission to divide property with insufficient frontage on property. E/S Strohson Road, Cutchog~e, New York. ,VIES, GREENPORT, N. Y" FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1965 L~EGAL NOTIOE ! 8:15 P~VI. (E.D.S.T.), Upon ap- NOTICE OF }IEA!~INC~ !plication of Ar~d and ~y P~a~t ~ Sec~n 267 of the~~tchell' Inc.~, ~ain ~, Orient, New Y~k, for a va~nce ~ ac- Town Law a~ ~e pro~s of',cor~nce with the Zo~ Ordin- the a~nded B~D~ Zone ~- ~ ance, Article IV, ~tion ~0, Sub- di~ce of ~ Town of Sou~old, ~ section 16, ~d Article IV, ~tion Suffolk County, New York, public~ ~ h~gs will ~ held by the Zon- ~ ~eesso~ building ~ the front lng B~d of A~s of ~e~oWn~v~rd a aa Loc t'n o n ~ v' of S~t~old, at ~e Town ~fice ~i~ R~d ~uthold, New York, lYork, b~d~ ~o~th by Wilc~ on April 29, 1965, on the foll~ ~ ~velo~ent Co~., e~t by G. ~ppeals: ~:30 P.~. (E.D.S.T.), U~n ~-~bv ~u~h Yo~. .pli~ion .of Silver Sa~ Motel, ~ ~Any ~n d~sir~g ~ ~ ~eard Silvermere ~, Gr~n~rt, New~on ~he ~ve ~tio~ ~ld York, for a s~cial exception in ~c~dance wi~h ~e ~ning ~- di~n~, Article III, ~t~n 300, N~ Y~rk, ,bounded north by North ~oad (C. R. 2~A,, east by~ C. Geiger, south by Long Island Railroad, west by K. D. Case. 7:40 pjM. (E.D.S~T.), Upon .s~p- I plication of ttarold Simonson, Strolason l~ad, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance w~th the Zoning Ordinance, Arti- cle III, Section 303, ~and Artcle X, !Section 1000A, for permission to ' divide property: Location of prop- erty: east side Strelason Road, Cutm~h~gue, New York, bounded North by I-L Renwood, east by Creek, south by Seaman-Mans- f~eld, and west by Strohson Road. 8:0{) P.M. (E.D~S.~r.), Upon ap- plication of A. Reilly & Sons, Inc., Aiattit~lck, New York, a/c Robert Ogilvie, Matt~t~ck, New York, for ~ variance in accordance with the Z,oning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect an ,addition with insuffi- cient .front yard set bs~k. Loca- tion of property: south side pri- vate road, off the east side of Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York, ,bounded north by Fox R011ow Road, east ,by Kenneth Ramsa~uer, south by Mattituck Creek, west by i Jul~a~n Cargill. _--- ~::.~.~.:'~.~ .......... being duly Sworn, ~ter aad Publisher of the SUFFOLK ~hed at Greenport, in said county; ich the annexed is a printed copy, said Suffolk Times once in each ............. ~[~ ~. ......................... week~ ........ 19.~..~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK _,'-~"~ ~ APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOW:N OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Strohson Road Harold Simonson · ....~ ............ of ............................................................................ 1; (~;~') ................................................. Name of Appellor~t Street and Number Peconic .~...e..~.....~...o.~ ........ HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECtSION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON ..................................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Harold Simons on ' Name of Applicant for of '~$~ohson Road ~~:~ew York ........ : ........................................... .......... ....................... Street and Number ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (x)-:.':Permi~ t'o~ ~vide' property ~i k;:~ TM '~' ' ~ 1.' LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ..... Street Use District on Zoning Map Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi~n'ance.) A~t. III Sec ~0~ & Art. X Sec 1000A 3, TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) ;. A-VARIANCE 1~o the,Zoning Ordinance or Zoning. Mgp,-.~ ~ '.; .... : . -: ' ' A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New ~o_,r~Tow_n;L, aw Chap 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (ho~ not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ~ ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance .is requested for.~.the.[e,aso, r.t.th.a~t....I,,~is~h..t~ conve,y the so.uthe~rtlY 85 feet of my .LO~; =O my Gaugn~err,, ~t-~arion J~, ~yzmans~i who p±aus., o build a residence thereon ~'orm ZBI (Cant hue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- ~con/ HARDSHIP because although my lot has a frontage of 223 feet, I not feel that I can convey out more than 85 feet due to the fact that I have a number of fruit trees which I should like to retain and they are much too large for transplanting. 2. The hardshipcreatedis UNIQUE andisnotshared by all p~pe~ies ali~ in the immediate vicinity ofthis property andin this use district be~use this is the only property which would be affected. The other properties on the east side of Strohson Road are single lots and I own the acreage opposite on the West side of Strohson Road. 3. The Variance would obse~e the spirit of the O~inance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT b~ause the lot immediately south of this property owned by Mr. Seaman only has a frontage of 80 feet. The square'footage however of this lot is ~ell over the zon.~g requirements. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF Suffolk ) SS Signature Sworn to this ................... ..]:.~...~...h.. ................. day of ............. .~..]~,.~.~..]: .............................. 1965 I 1